Village Beat - Issue 20, July 2014

Page 1

JUNE – JULY 2014




The Village Market World Cup Festival



New Villagers:







Village Beat

June - July 2014


JAMBO In the market for World Cup thrills


Five minutes with… Nairobi Sport House


New Villager Adèle Dejak’s new collection



9 Cover picture courtesy of: Bobby Pall Photography

Published by:


PO Box 100-00621, The Village Market Tel: +254 (0)20 712 2488/90 Fax: +254 (0)20 712 2477 Email: Editorial Co-ordinator: Ann Gitari Sales & Advertising: Damar Padwa, Maureen Gichiri, Vanessa Odera Marketing Manager: Dominic Mbugua Contributors: Amondi Buyu, Damar Padwa, Elixir Health, Kamal Kaur, Reema Doshi Photography: Big Four Photographers Print: Modern Lithographic Kenya Ltd Distribution: The Village Market Designed by:

Land & Marine Publications Ltd Email:

The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor, or any other organisation associated with this publication. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions. ©2014 The Village Market

Village News

New Villager Between the Lines


New Villager Et Vous

11 Still Here Istanbul Vogue 12 Profiler Molly Atieno

15 Bookworm


16 Lifestyle World Cup fever, the word on street

18 Feature Why we’re all going nuts about Brazil 20 World cup Groups 2014 21 Feature Women in football?

22 Kaya Spa Zap the ‘peri pain’


24 Village Scene 26 Well Being Keep ‘free radicals’ at bay – with ancient remedies 28 Escape Mara Siria Tented Camp 29 Tyre tips

30 Village diary 31 A-Z of Village Market


32 Essential contacts




In the market for World Cup thrills


t seems like just the other day when the excitement of the World Cup reverberated through Africa. Now it’s Brazil’s turn to revel in the energy of the moment as millions of

fans across the world support their favourite team. The Village Market, in conjunction with the Embassy of Brazil, Coca Cola, Safaricom and other partners presents The Village World Cup Festival at the shopping complex, featuring super viewing fan parks with life-sized screens. Between games you can catch up on live enter-

tainment, try your luck with the goal kick or the ‘foosball’ competition, get rewarded with fun giveaways or just relax and enjoy the VIP hang-out on the third level during the final match. Feast on special menus at the Food Court or enjoy a football inspired art exhibition. The Village Market is THE place to be this World Cup season. And while we focus on football, let us ponder on luck for a minute. Do we really believe in luck as it applies to us or do we often feel unlucky? It’s not uncommon to hear someone taking part in a raffle say: “I never have any luck in these things.” If we don’t believe in luck then why do we so often wish others luck? Does luck sometimes bring us what we wish for, or is it our hard work that gets us there? Reading our Profile this month, one cannot help but conclude that Molly Atieno’s life is a mixture of luck, humour and hard work. Perhaps that is the life of every individual; the only difference is whether we acknowledge it. In our Lifestyle segment, Isha Saini wonders about the role of women in the otherwise male-dominated sport of football. Amondi Buyu takes us to Tribe’s Kaya Spa and offers a light-hearted look at menopause; while Reema Doshi gives important Tyre Tips on wheel balancing. In the new wing of The Village Market we visit new residents Adèle Dejak, Et Vous and Between the Lines. While Still Here, check out the World Cup team jerseys at Istanbul Vogue and spend 5 Minutes With Nairobi Sports House. And if you’re looking to get away, feel free to Escape with Phoenix Safaris and enjoy the wildebeest migration at the Masai Mara. It doesn’t hurt to wish your favourite team the best of luck in the World Cup. But as Emily Dickinson said: ‘Luck is not chance, it’s toil; fortune’s expensive smile is earned.’ Always,


Ann Gitari


Village News we hAVe MOVed! The Village Market is a hotbed of new openings, from a refurbished Food Court to designer hotels and from expanding big retail to stylish shops. Find out about the hottest openings in town. If it’s new and newsworthy, it’s here. Underlining the ethos that ‘It’s All Here’, we have just completed the expansion of Nakumatt, which is expected to widen the variety of offerings at the hypermarket. Once renovations to the lower floor are completed, the outlet will introduce new furniture and home furnishings. And don’t forget to check out the additional 150 parking spaces in the rooftop area, joined to the rest of the new retail outlets by a state-ofthe-art elevator and escalator.

New PhAse grOuNd BreAkiNg Built over two decades ago, The Village Market was one of the first shopping malls in Nairobi. It started out with 10 shops and has continued to expand to meet the growing demand for accommodation and retail space on the northern side of the city. The Village Market has recently embarked on an exciting KES 5 billion project embracing new retail outlets, luxury product stores, restaurants and a hotel aimed at business tourists. This project includes 75 retail outlets; a 187-room hotel (due to open in

mid 2016) with conference facilities for 500 delegates; a car park with 600 spaces; and recreation facilities. The Village Market brand is building scale for the benefit of our customers.

For up-to-date news and information, join us online: Facebook: Village Market · Twitter: @VillageMarket

thANk-yOu, eggsPlOrers During Easter weekend the mall was bustling and full of life. We want to say a big thank-you to all the families who took part in the Easter Egg Hunt. About 65 children followed clues during the special hunt, which featured sweet treats in the eggs. Participants were able to get their pictures taken with the Easter Bunny. Children were also entertained by a magician and had fun with face painting and dancing


with a clown. There were also opportunities to win fabulous prizes. We had fine weather and a great turn-out for a splendid event.

MAAsAi MArket hAs relOcAted The Maasai open-air market, held every Friday, has been moved from the upper car park to a spacious parking lot just behind the complex. Customers can access the market though Gate 5 to buy colourful African artefacts curios, paintings, drawings, clothes and fabrics with East African prints, jewellery and wood carvings, many hand-made in Kenya by local artisans. The market typically runs from 8 am to 6 pm. Happy shopping!


Five minutes with...

retAil therAPy FOr wOrld cuP FeVer Five minutes with Nairobi Sport House


he spirit of Brazil is alive

whistles and other merchandise. A

ball, boxing and martial arts, cricket,

and well at Nairobi sports

visit to Nairobi Sports House also gives

darts, fishing, football, golf, handball,

House, the largest sports

football fans the opportunity to buy

hockey, netball, rugby, squash,

utilities store in East Africa, which

an example of the official match ball of

swimming, tennis and table tennis as

has focused its latest marketing

the 2014 FIFA World Cup, also known

well as volleyball.

campaign on the World Cup.

as the brazuca.

Nairobi Sports House has four

Among the brands available at Nairobi Sports are Body Sculp-

equipment from over 40 recognised


brands worldwide. Customers can

Brand marketing manager Nadimah

choose from a range that includes

Azim is confident that football fans

exercise equipment, leisure and sports-

will enjoy a thrilling shopping experi-

can rest assured that their sporting

wear, uniforms and field equipment.

ence at the World Cup-themed outlet.

needs will be fully catered for.

outlets that stock high-end sports

Also available are sports accessories

togetherness this World Cup season,”

equipment for extreme sport, guards

says Nadimah. “We are eager to see

and supports, gym equipment, promo-

strangers come together around one

tional merchandise and team jerseys.

common event to support their teams and make friends.”

Sports House is stocking the very

The store also sells jerseys and

best in high-end World Cup team

gear for a wide range of other sports

jerseys as well as flags, caps, clappers,

including athletics, badminton, basket-


Reebok, Spalding. Speedo, Stiga, Wilson and Worcestershire. At Nairobi Sports House, customers

“Nairobi Sports House is fostering

such as lanyards and water bottles,

This World Cup season, Nairobi

ture, Dunlop, Connate, Jorex, Puma,

Nairobi Sport House Level 2, Opposite Safaricom Customer Care Tel: +254 (20) 7120458

New Villager

Between the Lines

eNJOy sOMe gOOd Old-FAshiONed BOOk BrOwsiNg

A PAssiON FOr BOOks Westlands Sundries was launched in 1971 by Saeed Mohammed, who was deeply passionate about books and sought a way to share his passion with others. It was the first store to import books into Kenya by air in order to improve delivery efficiency. Westlands Sundries began with one shop but expanded over time. The Village Market branch


opened in 2000, by which time

hose who love a good read

according to the type of books in each

the company had outlets at

can now indulge their passion

section. The children’s section is like an

several locations in Nairobi.

at The Village Market, where

enchanted forest with grass, while the

Westlands sundries has opened its

comic section features a hand-drawn

latest bookshop, Between The Lines.

Superman sign. This helps create a

Located on the first floor of the Market’s newly built section, the new

lively and refreshing atmosphere. With the rise of online booksellers,

store focuses mainly on English-

independent bookshops have been

language publications. They range

under a lot of pressure. Despite the

from novels, travel guides and chil-

digital age catching up with the book

dren’s books to arts and crafts,

industry, however, Between The Lines

cookery, ‘mind, body and spirit’ and

is proof that independent stores can

new age books.

still play a key role in influencing our


reading culture. There are plenty of book lovers who still prefer the thrill of buying a new book and thumbing

In addition, Between The Lines is

through its pages – a pleasure that

officially the first bookshop in Kenya

cannot be enjoyed when dealing with

to cater to the niche market of comic


books and graphic novels. The bookshop has generated a lot

Between The Lines promises knowledgeable service, a welcoming

interest owing to the unique nature of

environment for adults and children

its interior. It was designed and built

and, of course, specially selected new

by Exdimension, a firm specialising in

books. The company is committed to

turnkey projects. As you enter, there are

making it easier for people to find their

various distinct sections with matching

favourite publications. Its tagline is

graphic designs on the floor and ceiling

‘Always fun between covers’.

Between the Lines

1st Floor opposite Nakumatt Open Daily 9 am to 7 pm


New Villager

Adèle Dejak’s new collection

Don’t just look good – look dynamic brass to make layered shapes.

This capsule collection works with


the signature materials of recycled

he latest collection from

and substance and invites its clients to

brass and Ankole cow horn, focusing

one of East Africa’s leading

unapologetically ‘own their style’.

on conical and triangular shapes for

fashion designers is now

available to see and buy at the Adèle Dejak shop in The Village Market.

Swaady collection

the pieces. The aim of the Swaady AD LUX collection is to showcase the African luxury movement as it draws

As part of the evolution of the Adèle

on a rich African heritage to create

fashion accessories for the modern,

Dejak brand, this year sees the launch

products that celebrate beauty and

sophisticated woman inspired by

of the AD LUX range of products and

design in Africa and to welcome the

African shapes, textures and traditional

the Swaady collection is the first of this

African Renaissance.

techniques. These leading-edge pieces

range. Swaady is a collection of pieces

sit perfectly between artefact and high

that show a new dynamic side to the

Salvatore Ferragamo, Abury Berlin,

fashion statement designs.

Adèle Dejak brand.

Milan Fashion Week Vogue Talents and

Adèle Dejak has created handmade

Her collections show an acute

Still working with recycled metals,

appreciation for African-made fabrics

the collection showcases the work of

such as Kuba cloth and kitenge (wax

new artisans working for the brand as

print); a dedication to using recycled

the designer presents a series of clean

materials such as rice and cement

and sharp metal chokers, bracelets

sacks, brass, aluminium and glass; and

and other accessories.

a commitment to exceptional quality,

Adèle Dejak has reworked her classic

using only the best materials and

horn pieces with artisans in Uganda

employing some of the most talented

and Kenya, introducing a new way to

artisans in the East African region.

use horn fusing together light and dark

The Adèle Dejak brand unites style


horn and juxtaposing aluminium and

The brand has collaborated with

Samsung/MBFWA for Amaze Africa. All Adèle Dejak pieces are made by hand in Kiambu, Nairobi.

Adèle Dejak

Find Adèle Dejak on the second level, new wing

New Villager

Et Vous

Put some ‘Vous’ in your style


t Vous (‘And You’ in French)

up-to-the-minute clothing that can be

was established in May 2012

worn by women of all ages, shapes

with the aim of creating

and sizes.

a beautiful yet unintimidating desirable clothing that women


could enjoy and feel good in.

The store’s well trained staff are

environment full of unique and

The store has a self-declared mission

fashion-savvy, friendly and dedicated

to ‘inspire confidence, contentment

to providing excellent customer service.

and self-assurance in an atmosphere of

The business was founded on offering

beauty and style’. With a combination

customers the latest in high quality

of fashion clothing, exclusive footwear

boutique fashion at the best prices

and handbags, Et Vous has created

while aiming to build a lasting relation-

a space where customers can spend

ship. Its outlook is: ‘We love what we do

time, enjoy the ambience, look at and

and look forward to serving our clients

try on the merchandise, and return

for a long time to come’.

again and again. Much care has gone into the items

Et Vous is home to fashion lovers with an excellent sense of trends and a

chosen by Et Vous. The result is a

unique taste for personality, ideas and

collection of beautiful, trendy, classic,


Et Vous

2nd Level, New Wing


Still Here

Istanbul Vogue

The ‘go to’ store for sporting chic


stanbul Vogue is the boutique

That’s why the boutique makes a

the perfect look for a game out with

of choice when you’re

point of being up to date with the

the boys.

looking for the perfect sports

sportswear and merchandise that

fashion accessory on the go. Here, customers will find a range

everyone is looking for.

jerseys for both local and interna-


tional teams and clubs. Also available

During this World Cup season,

are team-branded scarves, gloves,

Istanbul Vogue is the ‘go to’ store

keyrings and much more.

for your preferred team jersey, with

of the best soccer and rugby team

Istanbul Vogue knows its

jerseys available for customers of all

customers are passionate about the

ages and sizes. Pair your jersey with a

sports they follow, the teams they

fashionable pair of jeans, also avail-

support and the players they admire.

able at Istanbul Vogue, and you have

Get your best shopping experience and sports couture at Istanbul Vogue.

Istanbul Vogue

3rd Level, Next to Tamambo Bar & Grill Tel: +254 720 216925/ 0722 817717/ 0733 817717


Molly Atieno

Versatile go-getter who loves a challenge


n August 2004 Molly Atieno Olale strolled into The Village Market. Having been jobless for

quite a while, she should have been looking for a job – but she wasn’t. Instead, what had brought her to East Africa’s largest shopping and recreation destination was a big sale. One of the shops was having a closing down sale and a competition. Molly, who lived nearby, had heard about it. Although she didn’t have enough money to shop at the sale, she simply wanted one chance to try the scratch-and-win competition that was running alongside the sale. “There was quite a long queue of shoppers all the way from the main gate to the supermarket,” recalls Molly. “So I thought it wise to use one of the back gates.”

Queue She did have better luck through the gates at the back. She found a shorter queue there and immediately joined it. To her dismay, the queue seemed to be moving much more slowly than she had hoped and she began to wonder if at all she was in the right queue. “This is the queue for people looking for a job at The Village Market,” said the man in front of her. There and then, Molly weighed her options between the possibility of winning a random item in a supermarket competition and getting a job. She took the latter option and stayed put. Only problem was, she hadn’t carried her certificates. She wasn’t


Profiler even sure what positions were open

and handle the difficult customer care

or what job she should apply for. But


nothing was going to remove her from that queue. At exactly 12.55 pm it was

Combining her experience in security with some PR training, Molly moved to the Recreation Department.

announced that the Management

While working there, she also trained in

would interview only the next three

first aid and disaster management and

people in the queue. Molly was the

even went on a lifeguard course at her

third – another stroke of luck. When

own expense.

her turn came, she told the panel of

But that was far from a setback. If

interviewers the truth. How she had

anything, these investments in herself

come shopping but found herself in

allowed Molly to do more than her job

the jobs queue; how she wasn’t sure

description. For instance, she could

what jobs were available but she was

teach children to swim on weekdays

willing to try her hand at anything.

and go back to her security and

A day later, she was working in the

customer care role at weekends.

Market’s Housekeeping Department.


Fast forward to August 2013 and The Village Market Management was closing down the recreation area. At this time, Molly was on annual leave

Her hard work and dedication made

and uncertain about the future. The

Molly popular with colleagues and her

Human Resources Department was

supervisors. Her distinct, authoritative

carrying out ‘exit interviews’ to see

voice made everyone stop and notice

how best to fit former Recreation staff

her. She also had a natural flair for

into other departments.

solving problems and offering solu-

Molly could easily have opted to go

tions to customers and colleagues

back to Security, but she was looking

alike. It was soon evident that she was

for something more challenging. So,

destined for more than housekeeping.

when interviewed by former assistant

In August 2006 the Security

complex manager Betty Musyoki, she

Department was looking to recruit

pointed out that Betty didn’t have

some female officers. Armed with

an assistant – a role Molly would be

her security training from before

interested in taking. While her bold

she joined The Village Market,

proposal was being considered, Molly

Molly applied for the position and

went home to complete her annual

got the job.

leave, only to be recalled to work as

“Working in the Security Department made me more attentive to detail,” recalls Molly. “In Housekeeping,

a supervisor in the recently formed Parking Department.

with everyone. In Security, you learn


to see everyone as a suspect. You are

Away from work, 40-year-old Molly is

called upon to be strict and courteous

just as active. She likes to swim, dance,

at the same time.”

listen to music and read. She has been

I could afford to be nice and friendly

With her firm approach to issues

married for 17 years and is a mother of

and her authoritative gait, Molly soon

four children, one of whom she adopted.

earned herself the title of the No

Molly is also a student at Egerton

Nonsense Lady.

University, where she is pursuing degree

As August 2008 approached, another department wanted her on their team. “The Recreation area was getting

“Molly soon earned herself the title of the No Nonsense Lady.”

courses in IT and Gender, Women and Poverty Development. Molly has a passion to empower the girl child and she currently serves as a

busy and all sorts of issues would

secretary in a registered women’s group

arise every weekend,” says Molly. “The

in the country. This self-driven go-getter

Water Park required someone with my

is just getting started and her rise to the

skills to screen and search customers

very top will be worth watching.


Off the Shelf



Author: James Copnall Price: KES 3,000

Author: Arjan van Dijk and Jos van Beurden Price: KES 7,050

What happened after Africa’s biggest country split in two? When South Sudan ran up its flag in July 2011, two new nations came into being. In South Sudan a former rebel movement faces colossal challenges in building a new country. At independence it was one of the least developed places on earth after decades of conflict and neglect. The rump state, Sudan, has been debilitated by devastating civil wars, including in Darfur, and lost a significant part of its territory and most of its oil wealth. In the years after separation, the two Sudans dealt with crippling economic challenges, struggled with new and old rebellions and fought each other along their disputed border. Benefiting from unsurpassed access to politicians, rebels, thinkers and events, Copnall draws a compelling portrait of two misunderstood countries. ‘A Poisonous Thorn in Our Hearts’ argues that the two Sudans remain deeply interdependent despite their separation. It also diagnoses the political failings that threaten the future of both countries. The author puts the turmoil of the years after separation into a broader context, reflecting the voices, hopes and experiences of Sudanese and South Sudanese people from all walks of life. James Copnall was the BBC’s Sudan correspondent from 2009 to 2012, covering South Sudan’s independence, the Darfur war, rebellions and clashes between the Sudans. He has reported from over 20 African countries.

THE SON Author: Jo Nesbo Price: KES 1,950

Sonny is a model prisoner. He listens to the confessions of the other inmates and absolves them of their sins. But then one prisoner’s confession changes everything. He knows something about Sonny’s disgraced father. He needs to break out of prison and make those responsible pay for their crimes.

A fascinating and mysterious country. A mosaic of wonderful people and magnificent landscapes where Christianity and Islam peacefully meet in the cradle of coffee and khat.

AFRICA’S PEACEMAKERS: Nobel Peace Laureates of African Descent Author: Adekeye Adebajo Price: KES 7,900

As Africa and its people commemorate 50 years of post-independence PanAfricanism, this unique and sometimes provocative collection of biographical essays offers a profound insight into the 13 prominent individuals of African descent who have won the Nobel Peace Prize since 1950. From the American president of African descent, Barack Obama, whose father was Kenyan and whose career was inspired by the likes of Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Albert Luthuli; to influential peacemakers such as Ralph Bunche, Anwar Sadat, Kofi Annan, and F.W. de Klerk; as well as Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee, Wangari Maathai and Mohamed ElBaradei, who have been variously involved in women’s rights, environmental protection and nuclear disarmament: ‘Africa’s Peacemakers’ reveals how this remarkable collection of individuals has changed the world, for better or worse.

Books available at:

Westlands Sundries Level 1, Opposite Steers Tel: +254 20 7122437 Email:


World Cup fever Brazil






on Netherlands on

ia ia

n n



the word on the street Cameroon






the mall. There will be games and mini events for kids, fans and even ladies. I would encourage people to come and be part of this event.






fan. I like the way they play Brazil Croatia Mexico Cameroon Position played: Striker / freestyle and

football tricks Remarks: I am excited because this will Côte d'Ivoire Japan








Team: England


Reason: I love the way they play

Team: Argentina

Teams: Ghana and Portugal

Position played: Winger

Chile Australia Reason: Because of Messi

Reason: Because I Uruguay am sure Costa Rica

England Italy Favourite player: Wayne Rooney


Favourite player: van Bronckhorst

Ghana will reach the semi-finals

Remarks: I am excited to take my Dad

Côte d'Ivoire I can’t Japan play because I am Remarks:

Position played: StrikerChile Spain Netherlands

to the games and also buy an England

Name: Greece


Côte d'Ivoire





football Italy

Position played: Midfielder




GreeceBecause Côte d'Ivoire Japan Reason: they are

Position played: Winger


Brazil Croatia Mexico Position played: Defender

the champio ns will be.

Favourite player: Not sure yet Spain Netherlands Chile



Uruguay Costa Rica England Favourite player: Bastian Cameroon Australia

Remarks: My girls have made me love


Remarks: I would advise Germany to have confidence and attack more. Name:

Brazil just like them. Uruguay

Nigeria Reason: Mainly because Kenyans did


not qualify to represent Africa Position played: Hockey centre

Costa Rica








Ambrose Akello

Team: Germany

Reason: I like the quality of

Team: I will decide after the

their games

Greece d'Ivoire first round ofCôte the game,Japan but it

Position played: Midfielder




football again and I am supporting

Teams: South Africa and


Reason: I like to watch their

Remarks: I am excited to know who England


Teams: Germany and Ghana games

hosting the World Cup

Costa Rica

Côte d'Ivoire

Team: Brazil

Favourite player: Gareth Bale




a musician and that intrigues me.

Reason: They play the best


jersey. Columbia

Remarks: I like him because he is also

Team: Germany



Favourite player: Asamoah Gyan.

afraid of getting hurt.

Costa Rica



Team: Brazil

Reason: I have always been a




be the first World Cup with my wife.

The fans Brazil

Mexico safety Cameroon ensure to all the customers of

Favourite player: Neymar



extra measures on security matters to

Favourite player: Cristiano Ronaldo

has to be African

Favourite player: Cristiano Ronaldo

Remarks: I watch World Cup and

Reason: Because I want to support the

Remarks: I would advise Germany

English Premier League Brazil because Croatia I find Mexico country Cameroonwith the most potential to be

to have patience whilst playing the

them classy.



the champions Position played: Goalkeeper Columbia Greece Côte d'Ivoire



Remarks: Village Market will ensure Uruguay

Costa Rica



Teams: USA, Iran and Uruguay

the football fans have an experience

Reason: Because no one else

of a lifetime during the World Cup



Team: Nigeria

Reason: I have supported them

season. In partnership with the

for a long time

Australia Embassy and Coke we have Brazilian

Position played: Substitute

Remarks: I was drawn to football by

set the atmosphere of the mall with

Favourite player: Cristiano Ronaldo

my family. Now I am hooked,

Uruguayscreens, Costa Rica England Italyfood to large decorations and

Remarks: I would tell Nigeria to give it

although I find it a task to watch.

all things Brazilian. We have also taken

their best shot.

is supporting them and they may win Spain Netherlands Favourite player: Steven Gerrard





Côte d'Ivoire











my team, Italy, wins the World Cup I will

Reason: They play better

Reason: I love their jerseys

give out free pizza pieces for two hours

Brazil Croatia Mexico Côte d'Ivoireplayed: Japan Striker Position


Position played: Striker

and I will also have special Brazilian

Favourite player: Jack Wilshere

drinks for the World Cup period.

Favourite player: Theo Walcott

Remarks: I am excited to wear the

Remarks: I would advise all the

headgear and blow the vuvuzela

competitors to up their game. Name: Costa Rica

Spain England


Veronica Brazil

Team: Brazil


Netherlands Italy





the World Cup and have made special

Favourite player: Aaron Ramsey (my

Remarks: I am excited to bet with

World shots forMexico the different Brazil CupCroatia Cameroon

son was named after him)

people on the games.

teams taking part.















Remarks: In order to win, Brazil Japan

Uruguay Costa Rica games are hosting the

Croatia Italy

Position played:Columbia Striker



Mexico Côte d'Ivoire

Cameroon Japan

Favourite player: Didier Drogba Columbia Greece Côte d'Ivoire Japan Spain

Uruguay Rica Cup Festival, Chile which will beCosta a great Netherlands Australia




Damar Padwa


Brazil Uruguay

Croatia Costa Rica

Costa Rica England Team: Germany

Remarks: This time I plan to watch Côte d'Ivoire


Mexico England

in order.


Costa Rica



Cameroon Italy


Messiah Antonio

Team: Portugal

Reason: I love everything


Reason: homeJapan country Greece It is Côtemy d'Ivoire

German and I feel this is their

Position played: Striker

Greeceto redeem Côte d'Ivoire themselves Japan chance

Favourite player: Cristiano Ronaldo Côte d'Ivoire

Favourite player: Thierry Henry Spain


(started off as a crush)




Maureen Uruguay

Team: France Columbia


Costa Rica Team: Italy

Costa Rica Greece

England Côte d'Ivoire

Reason: I have hope they


Faustino Trufelli


Team: Italy

Reason: It’s my home country Favourite player: Francesco Totti England


Costa Rica




The non-fans James

Remarks: Zzzzz…I will be asleep. Name:


about ‘Wild at Heart’.

Remarks: I would ask them to give it Japan

Theo Walcott

Uruguay Rica the ‘goal kick challenge’ atCosta The

staff to enjoy the games in a relaxed

Italy Favourite player: Eto’o

Favourite player: Didier Drogba and

played football I am excited to try

my restaurant for my customers and

Remarks: I wish you were asking me

their all.

Remarks: Although I have never

Remarks: I plan to have a big screen in

Position played: I play volleyball

will win

Village Market.



Favourite player: Neymar


Reason: I like their games

thought (laughs).

Greece Côte d'Ivoire Reason: I support theJapan team

Italy Position played: Uruguay Costa Rica Tennis England




because it’s my home country

should sign me up. Name:

of the World Cup, but it’s too silly a England


Remarks: If Portugal want to win they Japan

Remarks: Wish I could get a tattoo

Costa Rica

cook-out with friends while watching.



Italy Remarks: Italy should put their house


Position played: Goalkeeper Columbia Greece

the games Greece differently by having a Japan Columbia Côte d'Ivoire Japan

Team: Italy

Reason: I like their games

Favourite player: Yaya Touré

manage The Village Market World



Suleiman Juma



Spain Netherlands Chile Australia Favourite player: Andrés Iniesta.

Team: Italy

Remarks: I am excited to stage-




because of the flair of their game


should master their defenders.

have talent and Brazil because they

Sharad Ranpara



Reason: I support the team

Reason: They are the hosts

Position played: Winger


Australia Spain

Team: Spain

Reason: Ghana because they Columbia Greece Côte d'Ivoire Mexico


Team: Brazil

Brazil Croatia Mexico Favourite player: Ronaldo



Isanda Spain


Teams: Ghana and Brazil

Brazil England



Brazil Croatia Mexico Position played: Cricket

Remarks: I can’t wait for the start of




Favourite player: Eto’o


I still play football with my son.



Position played: Midfielder


Brazilian colours and wear the jersey. Columbia Greece Côte d'Ivoire Japan


Reason: I support the team because of their beautiful women Favourite player: Neymar


Remarks: I am excited to paint on the


Bobby Aroura

and they stand out





Team: Cameroon

Reason: They have potential


Brazil Croatia Mexico Position played: Winger



Team: Brazil



Reason: I just love the team

and the country


played at odd hours of the night. But if

Team: Ghana




Teams: Brazil and France



Remarks: Ask me about politics. Name:


Remarks: I don’t like it but I will watch a little.


Italy Remarks: I’m not so excited about the


World Cup because the games will be

Remarks: I would rather listen to music.


Football • Futbol • Fodbold • Voetbal • Futebol • Fotbal • Fussball • Phutabola • Fotboll • Kandanda • Soccer

The Village Market World Cup Festival

Why we’re all going nuts about Brazil


hatever you call it, football is a passion.

shopping complex, a one-month extravaganza featuring

It feels, it hurts, it exasperates and it

super-viewing ‘fan parks’ with life-sized screens where

knows no boundaries, age or colour. It

you can cheer on your favourite team, catch up on live

hopes, it despairs, it bonds, it loves – it just does! It’s that season again for lovers of the beautiful game

kick and the foosball competition and win a fun giveaway.

and even for those who don’t care that much. You simply

Or you can just relax, enjoy the VIP hang-out on the

can’t ignore this global phenomenon; it appeals to all and

Third Level and check out the special menus at the Food

sundry. From billionaires in Monaco to goatherds in the

Court. We guarantee you the options are endless.

Afghan mountains to loyal regulars at The Village Market


entertainment between games, try your luck at the goal

The World Cup Festival also features an exhibition

Food Court, football is the ultimate unifier. For five solid

by Brazilian photographers entitled ‘Brazilian Life’ and

weeks, billions of fans around the world will speak, hear

a show by local artists inspired by the World Cup as

and celebrate everything football. Are you one of them?

well as a fabulous fashion show featuring a celebrated

The Village Market and The Embassy of Brazil

Kenyan designer. To complete the experience, there are

are presenting The Village World Cup Festival at the

interactive gaming challenges for children, young people


wOrld cuP FUN FActs One of the funniest moments in World Cup history occurred in 1938 when the Italian centre forward Giuseppe Meazza went to take a penalty against Brazil in the semi-finals and his shorts fell down. Meazza picked up his shorts and scored, beating the goalkeeper who was still laughing. The 2010 World Cup in south Africa was the first to be held in Africa. India withdrew from the 1950 World Cup when they realised that, according to FIFA regulations, players were not allowed to play barefoot. scotland has qualified for the World Cup eight times and is the only country to have been eliminated from the tournament in the first round on eight occasions.

and the young at heart. So it’s clearly a family affair. Our roving camera may spot you during the half-time fan screen time, so be sure to wear your best smile.

Music And that’s not all. For those who cannot make it to Brazil, we bring Brazil to The Village Market with music from the varied and culturally rich regions of the host nation together with open-air movies and inspired dances. So tell a friend to tell a friend it is ‘Ola Brazil!’ at The Village Market. Written by Damar Padwa and Esther Masaa.

For more information

For more information Check press and posters. For more details email: Call: 020-7122488-90 Facebook: Village Market

When Brazil won the World Cup for the third time in 1970 they were entitled to keep the trophy permanently. But it was stolen in 1983. The World Cup was first televised in 1954 and is the most widely watched sporting event in the world. The fastest-ever goal in a World Cup tournament was scored by Turkey’s Hakan sükür just 11 seconds into a game against south Korea in 2002. The record for most defeats in the World Cup finals is held by Mexico with 20 losses. In 18 World Cup tournaments, the continents of south America and Europe have won nine titles each. No other continent has produced a world champion. The only two players to have scored in four consecutive finals tournaments (in 1958, 1962, 1966 and 1970) are Pele of Brazil and Uwe seeler of West Germany.

In 1994 Cameroon striker Roger Milla, then 42, became the oldest goal scorer and the oldest player in World Cup history. The first World Cup hat-trick match was scored by Bert Patenaude of the United states in a match against Paraguay in 1930. Northern Ireland striker and midfield player Norman Whiteside was the youngest man to play in the World Cup – in 1982 aged 17 years, one month and 10 days. In 1986 FIFA prohibited shirt-swapping because they did not want players to bare their chests on the field. Current World Cup hosts Brazil are the only national side to have appeared in every finals tournament, having appeared in the last 19 and won five of them. sir Viv Richards is the only man to have played both football and cricket at World Cup level. The record number of World Cup career goals is 15 by Brazilian forward Ronaldo. German footballer Lothar Matthaus has made a record 25 appearances in World Cup matches. Oliver Kahn is the only goalkeeper in World Cup history to win the Golden Ball trophy for best player. Zinedine Zidane was the dirtiest player ever to lace up a pair of boots, picking up four yellow cards and two reds in his World Cup journey. Hungary scored 27 goals in the 1954 World Cup but lost 2-3 to West Germany. In the quarter finals of the 1958 World Cup, none of the losing teams scored a single goal.

SOURCES: www.2014-worldcupfootball. com/2014/03/fifa-world-cuptrivia.html


World Cup Groups Brazil








C么te d'Ivoire







Costa Rica


Bosnia and Herzegovina










United States




South Korea




Women in football? It all began in 1914… By Isha Saini, Interior Design Consultant


on swiftness and technical ability.

loved sport on the planet, dare I ask:

sleaze and scandal, could there be

is it a battle of national teams or a

better role models than our male foot-

battle of the sexes in this case?

ballers? The truth is that not enough

s Brazil hosts the 20th

Women play the game because they

FIFA World Cup and the

love it. They don’t do it for the money

various footballing nations

or prominence.

go forth to do battle in the most

Almost a century ago football was

In a sporting world saturated with

money or funding goes to women’s

dominated by women. This may be

football teams. Incidentally, only

hard to believe, but it was during the

two per cent of mainstream sports

First World War when so many male

coverage is of women’s sports.

footballers went off to fight. Women

Purely male

to the world arena as the men’s event.

hold but also to take on the task of financially supporting their families

On balance, however, women are to

the role of women in the world of sport.

which men had done. And they also

be blamed, too. Most women do not

Time will tell how this may evolve.

pursued games such as football that

believe in sport or take it to the next

To this end, I personally have a few

the men had previously played.

level. They never think of making

female friends who are probably more

a career out of it like men do. This

intrigued by football than some of

creates the assumption that they are

my male friends. There is definitely an

not as serious as men when it comes

increase in the desire to watch football

Women’s football teams then became

to sport, particularly football; or maybe

amongst women, but less in terms of

increasingly popular. Women wore

some women regard the game as

actually playing the sport.

short skirts while they played, making

purely male and do not want any social

As a parting shot, I can’t but help

their uniform much superior to the

stigma attached to it (although I’m not

thinking about the 2003 hit film ‘Bend

men’s. Perhaps this was the attraction

saying that there is one when it comes

It Like Beckham’, about a British-born

of the cheerleaders’ costume as the

to women and football).

Indian girl who at the age of 18 would

were obliged not only run the house-

Short skirts

There is a constant debate about

rather be playing football than helping

years went by. As the sport became

There is also the old-fashioned

increasingly popular, crowds would

presumption that women who write,

her mother with household chores.

gather to watch them, including other

play or even watch sport are less

Her parents have forbidden her to play


feminine than those who don’t. This

football because she’s a girl. Much to

begs the question, do we really live in a

her parents’ dismay, she joins her local

gender-balanced society?

women’s team only for it to reach the

Now football has become even more competitive. Women’s football

The five-time world champions

top of the league. Perhaps, for those

and is constantly being compared

will be hosting the most important

of you who can relate, you may have

with the men’s game. This is a

sporting event in the universe. Brazil

your own ‘Bend it like Beckham’ story

constant battle between men and

has always been known for its soccer

– or perhaps I should say ‘Bend it like

women footballers.

and the Brazilian people are some


is one of the most popular sports yet

It can be agreed that women’s

of the biggest football fans in the

football is generally slower and less

world. What will be interesting to see

By Isha Saini

aggressive then the men’s game;

is when the FIFA Women’s World cup

Interior Design Consultant

however, it places a lot more emphasis

becomes as glamorous and attractive



Zap the ‘peri pain’

– with green tea and magic hands By Amondi Buyu, Natural Wellness Practitioner, Kaya Spa, Tribe Hotel


y journey through perimenopause can only be described as a walk through

a torture chamber. I remember days when I would prep up for a staff meeting, hair adorned, jewellery in place, make-up on point, lip gloss shiny and spot-on heels; but just before leaving the house to take off to my destination I would feel a flash coming on from the very depths of my being. With adept speed I started to take off everything I had so carefully put together. My make-up would be falling apart and after a few minutes my ‘face’ would be sliding off its surface.


Kaya Spa up the metabolism to improve weight

Yes, I had hot flashes and night sweats, irregular periods and those

loss – and it makes a nice change from

god-awful headaches. But, without

regular tea or coffee. Now I am looking

question, the underlying and most

for a solution to the severe headaches.

compelling emotion was that I was

I am tired of taking too much dawa.

certain I was finally going nuts. So,

Surely somebody must have a solution

before I go any further, allow me to

to the endless headaches caused by

break down perimenopause for you.


Perimenopause means ‘around


menopause’ and refers to the time during which a woman’s body makes its natural transition to permanent

only to find myself freezing a few

The one other thing I have discov-

infertility (menopause). This is also

minutes later. This process disrupted

ered during this time is the luxury

called the menopausal transition. The

my sleep as it cycled over and over

of massage and body scrub. As the

whole thing can take between two and

through the night. I often found myself

body goes through changes such as

eight years. The average is four years.

feeling as if my body were too close

these, it’s important to shift the focus

Tubal ligation and smoking can accel-

to a bed of coals. The concentrated

from discomfort to self-love. For my

erate the menopausal transition by

and intense heat seemed to radiate

self-love sessions I like to indulge in a

two years. Once you’ve gone through

out of my very core, causing me great

full body scrub, cleansing and exfo-

12 consecutive months without a

discomfort. Over the past few months,

liating of dry skin. After the scrub I

menstrual period, you have officially

the heat during the hot flashes became

slather on a body masque, which then

reached menopause and the perimen-

uncomfortably intense, both during the

removes impurities from the body.

opause period is over.

day and at night.

This ritual finds me sitting in the Rasul

I also experienced irregular heavy

Chamber, which allows for steam and


periods and phantom periods. Some-

vichy showers. In view of all the stress

times my head would ache so much

that comes with the raging hormones,

It’s difficult to explain to others who

I thought it would burst; but after

I look forward to these moments. At

have not been through it what peri-

numerous tests, scans and even an eye

the end of my ritual I ask the thera-

menopause feels like. My anxiety and

check-up I realised that my pounding

pist, Wendy, to massage me using a

emotional turmoil drove me to write

headaches were caused by hormonal

blend of peppermint balm and lemon

about it. I am talking to anybody who

imbalance and perimenopause. I curse

massage oil. She has magic hands,

has experienced the symptoms and

the doctors I previously visited for

as I call them, which soothe all the

signs of perimenopause, which are long

sending me on a wild goose chase

tension and fatigue from my screaming

and varied. There is no typical peri-

and none of them guessing what the

muscles. Wendy uses an interesting

menopausal experience, although most

problem might be. Another symptom I

balance of Western-style massage and

women seem to have hot flashes, night

couldn’t understand was the crashing

Ayurvedic Technique. Her massage

sweats, irregular periods and mood

fatigue. There were days when I would

is heavenly, just what I need. I thank

swings. In fact, these four symptoms

get to work and not be able to muster

heaven for the facilities at the Kaya Spa

are usually what signals to women that

the energy to do anything; but I had

and the skilled therapists on its staff.

they are in perimenopause.

to serve an eight-hour shift so I did.

This spa is perfectly designed for the

The weight gain didn’t help. Lugging

emotionally distraught, overstreched

trouble sleeping as I would get hot,

around an extra 5 kg did not appeal to

and overworked superwoman.

sweat a little and remove the covers

me, especially because I am a regular

My symptoms consisted of having

at the gym. The good news is that I found a solution to the hot flashes. The other symptoms did not bother me half as much. My solution was Organo Gold Green Tea. One sachet makes five cups

Ka ya Spa & Studio

day. Believe it or not, two days into that

Tribe Hotel Tel: +254 20 7120171/ 7200656

and my hot flashes became a thing of


of tea, which I sipped throughout the

the past. Green tea also helps speed









Village Scene


Hamed Ehsani and Shamim Ehsani of The Village Market share a laugh with Tribe Hotel general manager Michael Flint during the official ground breaking ceremony to embark on the KES 5 billion expansion project. 2

The Italian Ambassador to Kenya, His Excellency Mauro Massoni, with the Village Market team at the Little Prince Golf Tournament Dinner at the Windsor Golf Hotel and Country Club.

6 3

The celebrated Lo Russo Family perform for guests at the Little Prince Golf Tournament Dinner at the Windsor Golf Hotel and Country Club. 4

Diana Opoti, Annabel Onyango, musician Stella Mwangi and Wacuka Thimba looking fashionable at the official opening of the Mille Collines menswear store. 5 Models pose for the camera during the official opening of the Mille Collines menswear store. 6

Model and fashion show organiser Dorothy Oliech (right) with a guest at the official opening of the Mille Collines menswear store


Well Being


keeP ‘Free rAdicAls’ At BAy – with ANcieNt reMedies


ntioxidants are molecules that help protect the body from harmful

generations in the hope of living longer. Over time, goji berries have been

compounds. Their powerful antioxidant properties help to boost the

used to treat a range of health

immune system. In traditional Chinese

free radicals. Free radicals cause

problems including diabetes, high

medicine, the goji is said to act on the

damage to cells, impairing the

blood pressure, fever and age-related

kidney and liver to help with lower

immune system and thus leading

eye problems. The berries are eaten

back pain, dizziness and eyesight.

to infections and diseases.

raw, cooked or dried (like raisins) and

Free radicals are formed through contact with pollution, exposure to some types of radiation and toxic chemicals, as well as metabolic processes of breaking down stored fat for energy. To prevent free radical damage, the body has a defence

Gojis are available in dried form and

used in herbal teas, juices or as an

make a great snack eaten either ‘as is’

ingredient in soups.

or added to muesli or oatmeal. They

Health benefits of goji berries

Goji berries are rich in nutrients and, in

can also be soaked for a couple of hours in enough water to cover them. The soak water can then be made into a delicious drink, or both water and berries can be added to smoothies.

system of antioxidants. It is therefore

contrast to other fruits, they contain

important to consume antioxidant

all the essential amino acids with the

nutrients to minimise the effects of

highest concentration of protein of

Chia seeds

free radicals.

any fruit.

Chia is an ancient grain cultivated by

In this article, we highlight two

They are also loaded with Vitamin

the Aztecs and Mayans in pre-Colum-

foods available at Elixir Health which

C, contain more carotenoids than any

bian times as a staple food. Since then

offer protection from free radicals.

other food, have 21 trace minerals and

chia seeds have been used in foods

Feel free to come in for a pack of these

are high in fibre. Boasting 15 times

and beverages and for medicinal

healthful foods at very fair prices.

the amount of iron found in spinach,

purposes. They come in either white or

as well as calcium, zinc, selenium and

dark-brown and black colour.

Goji berries The goji berry, also called the wolf-

many other important trace minerals,

and rejuvenating food. Whole seeds

berry is a nutritional powerhouse.

are very stable and can be stored for a

berry, is a bright orange-red berry that

This amazing little super-fruit

comes from a shrub native to China. In

also contains natural anti-inflamma-

Asia, people have eaten goji berries for

tory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal


Chia seeds are an energy-enhancing

there is no doubt that the humble goji

long time without going rancid. Chia seeds have a huge nutritional profile:


3. Brain and heart health

Chia seeds are highly digestible

Chia seeds are packed with Omega

because the shells are easily broken

3 fatty acids, with nearly 5 g in a 1 oz

down. They are tasteless so they do

serving. These fats are important for

not affect the flavour of any food they

brain health. Chia seeds have been

are added into. They can be sprinkled

shown to improve blood pressure

whole on salads or on toast; or milled

in diabetics and may also increase

and added to smoothies.

healthy cholesterol while lowering

Chia seeds can be stirred into water, lime juice or orange

bad cholesterol. All good news for the heart.

juice with honey or sweetener to

4. Strong teeth and bones

make a cold drink.

A tablespoon of chia seeds contains

They can be mixed

about 70 mg of calcium and 35 mg of

in water to form

magnesium – both useful for bone, oral

a gel that can be

health and preventing osteoporosis.

added to jam,

The seeds also contain phosphorus,

cereal, yoghurt,

which contributes to healthy bones

salad dressing and

and teeth and is used by the body to

to recipes such as

synthesise protein for cell and tissue growth and repair. 5. Protein source Chia seeds are a good source of protein (vegetable source) with no cholesterol. A 28 g portion of seeds contains 4.4 g of protein, nearly 10 per cent of the daily value. 6. Appetite control and weight

• Rich in essential fatty acids, protein, dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants • Good source of vegetarian protein with levels higher than most other grains • Good Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio of

management bread, pancakes, biscuits, muffins, etc

Chia seeds absorb many times their

to increase the food’s nutritive value.

weight in water to form a gel that

Health benefits of chia seeds

3:2 which helps balance the modern

1. regulates blood sugar

diet generally deficient in Omega 3

Chia is being studied as a potential

fatty acids.

natural treatment for Type 2 diabetes

• They contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, Vitamin C, iron and B vitamins niacin, thiamin and riboflavin. • Rich in fibre. Two tablespoons provide about 10 g of fibre, equivalent to 40 per cent of the minimum required for good health. • High levels of antioxidant

slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose. This helps keep the need for insulin low and helps regulate appetite.

because of its ability to slow down digestion. The gelatinous coating developed by chia seeds when exposed to liquids can prevent spikes in blood sugar levels. 2. Improves gastrointestinal health Just a 28 g or 1 oz serving of chia has 11 g of dietary fibre (about a third of the recommended daily intake for adults).

compounds (higher than in

Fibre helps prevent constipation and


reduces the risk of colon cancers.

Email or visit the Elixir Health Shop. The in-house qualified nutritionist is on hand to give you advice.

Elixir Health

Level 2, above Food Court Tel: +254 (0)20 712 0217 Cell: +254 735 174 687 Email:



Mara Siria Tented Camp

wOrld’s greAtest ANiMAl shOw hAs the ‘wOw’ FActOr


or many visitors, the Great

shore of the crocodile-infested Mara

Migration is probably the most

River. As they get ready to cross, the

spectacular natural event

herds grow ever more agitated. Croco-

they will ever witness, as millions of

diles patiently move into place, hoping

nomadic wildebeest, along with thou-

to have their fill, while other carnivores,

sands of antelope and zebra, migrate

mainly big cats, wait stealthily on the

between Kenya’s Masai Mara and the

other side for a meal opportunity. The

serengeti National Park in Tanzania.

atmosphere is filled with excitement.

The sheer breathtaking size of this

When their nerves are close to being

mass migration has earned it a place

overwhelmed, some wildebeest jump

among the wonders of the world.

into the river in a seemingly suicidal

A peak moment of this spectacle

act. This triggers an avalanche of

is when the herds of wildebeest,

mammals pouring down into the Mara

antelope and zebra gather on the

River, where they battle the current

For reservations and booking inquiries:

Mara Siria Tented Camp


and try to survive the crocodiles. The

reality, the migration neither starts nor

laws of nature are at their crudest and

finishes but is an endless sequence of

most powerful now as the prey comes

life and death resulting from the rains

face to face with the predator.

and the new-grown grass. The weather

Phenomenon The simplest way to explain this

Tel: +254 (20) 7122254

phenomenon is that, during a certain

period of the year – normally July to

is the defining factor in the Great Migration, and the fine details of herd movements are always different. It is an unpredictable and dynamic process in which no two years are the same. Book your perfect viewing spot at

October – millions of wildebeest gather

Mara Siria Tented Camp and experi-

and migrate to greener pastures. In

ence this great spectacle.

Tyre tips

Check your tyres are safe – from top to toe By Reema Doshi, PR & Marketing Manager, Kingsway Tyres Ltd


ehicles are designed with manufacturer’s settings for a reason. It is paramount to

check and adjust your wheel alignment on a regular basis – perhaps once a quarter or when need be. Not everyone is familiar with the terminology of wheel alignment. While you may not find it necessary to get acquainted with terms such as camber, caster and toe, it is helpful to understand the workings of these three major parameters. Proper wheel alignment is essential to maintaining vehicle and tyre longevity, while also ensuring that your car is both safe and comfortable.

Camber Camber is the angle (in degrees) of

of the steering. Positive and negative caster apply

looking down at your toes and angling them inwards or outwards. Correct

the wheel relative to the vertical of

mainly to racing cars; and unless

toe is paramount to even tread wear

the vehicle. If a wheel is perfectly

your vehicle is lifted or customised

and extended tyre life. Tyres will scrub

perpendicular to the surface, its

in some way that calls for an adjust-

against the surface of the road and

camber would be 0 degrees. Camber

ment, ‘street’ cars usually run on

cause uneven wear along the edges if

is described as negative when the top

factory-determined settings. Most

there is a toe-in or toe-out.

of the tyres begin to tilt inward. When

road vehicles have what is called cross-

the tops of the tyres begin to tilt away

caster. A cross-castered vehicle has

Tyrexpert to get your car aligned

from the vehicle it is called positive.

slightly different caster and camber,

correctly for optimum tyre perform-

One isn’t better than the other, but

causing it to drift to the nearside while

ance, safety and longer life.

varying camber angles have different

rolling. This is a safety feature so that

effects on your vehicle.

unmanned vehicles or drivers who

In our case, zero camber will result in more even tyre wear over time.


lose control of the steering will drift towards the side of the road instead of into oncoming traffic.

Caster is the angle that identifies the


forward or backward slope of a line

Perhaps the easiest concept to

that is drawn through the upper and

visualize is toe. Toe represents the

lower steering pivot points. It does not

angle derived from pointing the tyres

affect tyre wear, but caster does have

inwards (toe-in) or outwards (toe-out)

an influence on the directional control

from a top-down view – much like

Be sure to consult a Kingsway

Feel free to visit our branch at The Village Market for a quick tyre check- up. We’re always glad to be of service.

Kingswa y Tyres

1st Level, next to Tribe Hotel Tel: +254 (20) 7120171 Facebook: Kingswaytyres


Village Diary

VillAge diAry World Cup festival schedule 12 June

Look forward to the World Cup opening with our resident band as you await the live broadcast of The World Cup from Sa천 Paulo in Brazil at The Village Market Food Court and The Third Level. Free entry.

20 to 22 June Experience the Village Market Brazilian fair with an eclectic selection of bands, latino dancers and food offers at the Food Court. Free entry.

13 to 16 July Enjoy a wide range of entertainment by thrilling bands and renowned DJs as well as a themed fashion show at 7 pm in the run up to the game kick off. Free entry.

Brazilian Life

The Village Market Foosball Tourney

4 to 12 July, 11am to 5pm Up for a fun foosball challenge? Register for the Village Market Foosball Tourney as an individual or a team of four to represent any of the 32 countries in the World Cup at selected points in the Village Market. Preliminary knock-out stages for the last eight teams will take place at The Village Market Food Court with the final challenge taking place on 12 July. Great rewards for the Village Market foosball tourney finalists. Register from 31 May to 15 June. The tournament is open to persons aged 10 and over. Registration: KES 250.

Uganda Artists Exhibition

10 June to 1 August

17 to 29 July

Experience Brazil through the lenses of celebrated Brazilian photographers during the Brazilian Life exhibition at the complex. Free entry.

Ugandan artists showcase a thrilling art exhibition at the New Exhibition Hall. Free entry.

Art of Football

Eco Market Get local and beautiful items from the bimonthly Eco Market at the Food Court on Tuesdays and Wednesdays every first and last week of the month.

16 June to 1 August The brush strokes of inspired Kenyan artists presents the Art of football Exhibition depicting their interpretation of the World Cup phenomena at the New Exhibition Hall and the complex. Free entry.

The CEO Charity Football Cup 13 July, 2pm to 4pm

The CEO Charity Football Cup organised by The Village Market will be hosted at the German School on 21 June from 2 to 5 pm. Proceeds from the match will be donated to the German School Football Centre outreach programme, which benefits children from low income and vulnerable areas in Nairobi. Participation by RSVP to or call 020 712 2488-90 for more information.


For more information about any of the events contact The Village Market: Tel: +254 (0)20 712 2488-90 Email: Facebook Page: Village Market Twitter Handle: @VillageMarket Web:

A to Z

THE VILLAGE MARKET AT A GLANCE List of outlets: ARTS, CRAFTS & GIFTS Anselmo Kitengela Hot Glass Arabian Corner Artz Gallery Blue Rhino Handcraft Centre JIT Crafts The Cigar Shop Toy World Wishes

ESSENTIALS All Times News Stand Blue Lily Flower Shop Bose system Catermart Essential Communication Solutions* Nakumatt Nokia Shop Personal Systems Pets & Pots Power Innovations Ltd Prime Cuts Butchery Sugar Candy Technology House Westlands Sundries Zucchini Greengrocers

FASHION & ACCESSORIES Accessorize Adèle Dejak Athens Aromatic Perfume Bar

Barton Bata Bellisimo Bossini City Walk Coco Chic Et Vous Fabric Gallery Jaishiv Khazana JIT Gems Jooal Kazuri Beads Kikoy Company Kwanza Lavent Istanbul Lintons Made in Africa Mille Collines Moksh Nairobi Sports House Oltre One Way Patrick Mavros Salvatore Di Francesca Sandstorm Trevor Collection Woolworths

FINANCIAL SERVICES Barclays Prestige Centre Cenhi Ltd CFC Stanbic Bank Chase Bank Commercial Bank of Africa Co-op Bank ATM

Diamond Trust Bank Pesa Point ATM Eco-Bank ATM Equity ATM Imperial Bank Kenya Commercial Bank NIC Bank Standard Chartered ATM Village – Taipan Forex Bureau VSF International (K) Ltd

FOOD & RESTAURANTS Arlecchino Art Caffe Al Nakhal-Arabian Cuisine Dormans Coffee House German Point Jiko – Tribe Hotel Khazana Restaurant Orchid Restaurant Osteria Gigiri Planet Yoghurt Pomodoro Pizzeria Prime Cuts Deli Revive Juice Bar Ro-Ro Chinese Fast Food Ro-Ro Chinese Restaurant Sofra (Sea World) Seven Seafood & Grill Tamambo Bar & Grill Taste of Africa Thai Village Tiramisu


Palacina Interiors Past & Present Pinkopallino Gallery

HEALTH & BEAUTY Belladonna Pharmacy Dream Nails Elixir Health Grassroots Haute Perfumerie Jaff’s Optical M.A.C. Salon Malibu Salon Natalie Seacret Spa Taut Body Village Dental Clinic

OTHER SERVICES AA Driving School Bobby Pall Photography Bunson Travel Services DHL Global Forwarding Kenya Airways Sales Office Kenya Valuers Estate Agents Kingsway Tyre Centre Kiwi Shop KK Security Phoenix Safaris Post Office Safaricom Service Centre Samsung Airtel Service Centre Schofield & Associates Shifaz Vet Clinic Tintoria Drycleaners Village Photoshop Wynton House of Music


Village Market

essential contacts & INFORMATION All Times News Stand

Monday to Friday: 8am to 8pm Sunday: 10am to 8pm Tel: 0721 888222/ 0736 313345/ 0720 695114 Email:

Barclays Bank Prestige Centre

Monday to Saturday: 8.30am to 8.30pm Sunday: 10am to 4pm Tel: +254 20 7122741/ 7120042/ 7121963 Email:

Belladonna Pharmacy

Monday to Saturday: 8.30pm to 8.30pm Sunday & Public Holidays: 10am to 7.30pm Tel: +254 20 7122141 / 0735 122147 Email:

Bonus Card

Monday to Saturday: 8.00am to 5.00pm Sunday: 10am to 5pm Tel: +254 20 7122488/90 Email:

Bunson Travel (Carlson Wagonlit Kenya) Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5pm Sunday: 9.30am to 12 noon Tel: +254 20 7121235/7124757/7122080 Email:

Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA)

Monday to Friday: 9am to 4pm Saturday: 9am to 12 noon Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed Tel: +254 20 7120263/346 0710 602351

Chase Bank

Monday to Friday: 10am to 5pm Saturday: 10am to 2pm Sunday: 11am to 2pm Tel: +254 20 2774262/ 263


Monday to Friday: 9.30am to 6pm Saturday: 9.30am to 4.30pm Tel: +254 20 7124172

Diamond Trust Bank

Monday to Friday: 8am to 8pm Sundays & Public Holidays: 8am to 4pm Tel: +254 20 7122270/ 7122271/ 2357982 0 711 300003/ 0733 440074 Email:


Dormans Coffee Shop

Monday to Thursday: 8am to 6.30pm Friday & Saturday: 8.30am to 10pm Sundays & Public Holidays: 10pm to 7pm Tel: +254 20 2082379/ 0702 978945/ 0722 589521 Email:

Kenya Airways Sales & Ticketing Office

Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm Saturdays: 9am to 3pm Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed Tel: +254 20 7121072/ 7120241 +254 20 6422790-9 Email:

Kenya Commercial Bank

Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 6.30pm Saturday: 8.30am to 4.00pm Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed Tel: +254 20 7122012/ 7122003/ 7120483 Email:

Management & Security Office

Monday to Saturday: 8.00am to 5pm Sundays & Public Holidays: 10am to 5.30pm Tel: +254 20 7122488/90 Email:

Nakumatt Supermarket

Safaricom Customer Care Centre

Monday to Friday: 9am to 6am Saturday: 9am to 5pm Sundays & Public Holidays: 10am to 4pm Tel: +254 20 4272349/ 2372 Email:

Shifaz Veterinary Clinic Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm Saturday: 9am to 12noon Sunday: 10am to 11am Public Holidays: On appointment Tel: +254 7124166/ 0722 511761/ 0733 775064

Taipan Forex Bureau

Monday to Friday: 9.30am to 5.30pm Saturday: 10am to 2pm Sunday: 10am to 2pm Tel: +254 20 7122901/473

Technology House Kenya Ltd Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 5pm Sunday: 10am to 4pm Tel: +254 20 7122905/ 0722 510343 / 0734 510343/ 0710 888888 Email:

Tintoria Drycleaners

Monday to Sunday: 8.30am to 8pm Tel: +254 20 7122507/8/9 Email:

Monday to Saturday: 7am to 7pm Sunday: Closed Tel: +254 20 7122984 Email:

NIC Bank

Tribe Hotel

Monday to Friday: 9am to 4pm Saturday: 9am to 11.30pm Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed Tel: +254 20 2888791-4 0720 365036/ 0720 364993/0711 041791/2 Email:

Phoenix Safaris

Monday to Friday: 7.30pm to 6pm Saturday: 8.30am to 5pm Sundays & Public Holidays: 11am to 5pm Tel: +254 20 7122254/ 7121942 Email:

Post Office

Monday to Friday: 9am to 5.30pm Saturday: 9am to 12.30pm Tel: 0735 764673

Prime Cuts Butchery

Monday to Saturday: 9am to 6pm Sunday: 9am to 3pm Tel: +254 20 2199300/ 3513506-7 Email:

Reservations Desk Tel: +254 20 7200000 Email:

Village Dental Clinic

Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 12.30pm Tel: +254 20 7122460/ 0733 8365081/ 0722 154903 Email:

Village Market Taxi Service Available 24hrs daily Tel: 0717 207662

Zucchini Greengrocers Monday to Sunday: 9am to 7pm Tel: +254 20 7120403/ 0733 057063

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