Ea r t hs t y l e Au t u m n / Wi nter 2020
# in this together
Like every other business operating through this crisis, Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers has been forced to change the way we operate and, boy, have we taken to Zoom like ducks to water! Our “Members Virtual Beer Garden” has been well received and we have held open sessions, as well as targeted sessions for each category of membership. In these Zoom meetings it was fantastic to see members catch up with old friends and re-connect, or meet for the first time and create an opportunity to make new connections within the industry.
The Beer Garden quickly become an important tool allowing us to connect with Members and keep an ear on what the general feeling was like in the marketplace, adapting any strategies to suit. We even held our Special Resolution Meeting to pass the new Constitution on Zoom. Show of hands please!
Continuing with our new thirst for virtual events, on May 27th we will open the doors to The Virtual Landscape Show, an adaptation of our trade event that was planned for the same date.
"We greatly appreciate the digital opportunities being offered. It's such a great way for members to connect, promote their services and support one another – well done to you all!"
"I think it's a great initiative in adapting the way we do things and still keeping the industry connected." - Ashley Morling - Reece
- Emma Davies - Bucket Barrow
By moving the show from face-to-face to cyberspace and still connecting landscape professionals with great offers from our exhibitors, we are delivering the landscaping industry’s very own stimulus package! Make sure you log in on the day as there are great savings, discounts, and giveaways on offer.
#LIFEINLOCKDOWN And how have the LVHQ team been dealing with all the fun and games of Life In Lockdown at the moment? Vic - A few years back I bought a stack of old kimono fabric from a market in Japan with every intention of using it to make a quilt. After sitting in storage for years and years I finally started it! Megan – I’ve been on more dog walks and doing more steps than I have in years. The bonus was finding a tree full of feijoas that no-one else had ‘harvested’, so I not only rediscovered this fabulous fruit, but I also got back into baking. The extra steps are needed now more than ever!!
Colleen – I’ve been composting worms for years but with three of us working from home now the worms are thriving on the additional kitchen scraps. Jo – I’ve had more time for my study and to catch up on reading and Netflix.
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