FROM THE PRESIDENT | Andrew Grasby, Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers..................................................3
Our cover on this side of the Magazine features Landscaping Victoria Master Landscaper Member, Lisa Ellis Gardens, the recipient of the 2021 Residential Landscape of the Year Award, with their "Skyline" Melbourne Project. Read more about it on page 11.
MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE: The inspiration behind the show garden | Ian Firth, Warners Nurseries............ 4 THE LATEST: products that "wow" in your garden..................7 CONNECTING GARDENS TO LANDSCAPE: An extract from 'Soulscape" | Peter Shaw............................... 8 2021 INDUSTRY AWARD WINNER: Residential Landscape of the Year.......................................... 11 2021 INDUSTRY AWARD WINNER: Commercial Landscape of the Year....................................... 13 HOW TO IDENTIFY THE BEST OF THE BEST IN THE AUSTRALIAN AQUATICS INDUSTRY | Chris Samartzis, Master Pool Builders Association Australia........................... 14
Our "other" cover page, on the front of our Find a Professional Member section, is by Warrandale Industries, winners of the
A RECYCLING STORY FOR ALL GARDENERS Matt Ross, Greg Carrick and Adam Coyle............................. 16 SO YOU WANT TO BE A LANDSCAPER: Here's what you need to know................................................21
2021 Commercial Landscape of the Year Award with the "Arid Garden" at the Royal Botanic Gardens. More on this winner on page 13.
REVERSE FIND A PROFESSIONAL: The LVML Member Directory......... A
FROM THE PRESIDENT Andrew Grasby, President of Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers Welcome to the 2022 Edition of The Best! If the last two years have taught us anything, it is that while resilience in the face of adversity comes from within, bouncing back is so much easier if you can escape and enjoy the beauty that the surrounding landscape has to offer. They say a man’s home is his castle, but for many of us during the height of the pandemic in Melbourne, spending all day, every day confined to our homes, living and working within four walls, was more than we could handle. And while lockdowns are (hopefully) behind us, the divide between work and recreation remains blurred in the face of continuing work from home arrangements, or indeed choices. What we are now seeing is a growing need to unblur these lines; to define spaces again and create refuge from the demands of the workplace.
Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers members have seen a surge in demand for outdoor spaces that nurture wellbeing, create connection, and inspire creativity. Not to mention, add value to the family home. As an industry, we are overjoyed by this groundswell of appreciation for value of outdoor spaces – both on an emotional and financial level – but this heightened demand is not without its drawbacks. While homeowners are keen to invest in the garden haven of their dreams, and we are ready to build it, the realities of delivering these ambitions in a postCovid economy is challenging. While we celebrate the immense vision and talent that is showcased at Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, we are also battling with material shortages, price rises, and unprecedented resourcing constraints in the Australian job market.
That said, our passion and commitment is untarnished. We believe in the power of landscapes to improve the quality of life of Australians, and we know that a garden, no matter the size, can transform a home into a sanctuary for its owners. Our member landscape designers, builders, gardeners, and maintenance crews are poised to ensure that every landscape transformation is completed to the exemplary standard of professionalism and workmanship that you can expect from a Landscaping Victoria Master Landscaper – but we ask to you to be patient, as we navigate the complexities of our ‘new way of working’ in a post-pandemic world. I hope you enjoy this edition of The Best. We are delighted to be able to bring you this collection of inspired ideas by Landscaping Victoria Master Landscaper Members, to help make your dream garden a reality.
The Best is published once a year. For all advertising and editorial enquiries please contact the editor. Publisher: Editor: Design: Print:
Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers | w Megan Flower t 03 95667284 e Pufferfish Marketing | www. HMS Print Management |
The Best ©2022. The material contained in this publication is general comment and is not intended as advice on any particular matter. No reader should act on the basis of any article. Readers should consult professional advisors. All care is taken in the preparation of the publication but no responsibility is accepted by Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers for the accuracy of the published information.