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Many times, when the Latino community is mentioned in the national context, one thinks of a growing group, a young population, and its role in the future. While this is true, it is also true that this community has made important contributions to help build this country. This is especially relevant now that the city of Charlotte, North Carolina is seeking suggestions for naming a school after a Latino historical figure.
With more than 62 million inhabitants, the Latino community in the United States represents 19% of the population. This makes it the second largest racial or ethnic group in the country, behind Anglo-Saxons and ahead of African-Americans, according to the Census Bureau. It is also one of the fastest growing groups. By the year 2050, it is estimated that this population will reach close to 100 million people.
Although this group has a clear role in the future, it has also left a lasting mark on the history of the United States. Many of these figures have been forgotten over the years. For this reason, we will introduce a short list of some pioneers of the Latino community who made history in the 19th century and about whom very little is known.
Felipe Bazaar
This Chilean immigrant became a renowned US Navy sailor. He was presented the highest military award, the Medal of Honor, for his bravery in combat and for having distinguished himself in the battle of Fort Fisher during the Civil War.
After Confederate (Southern) troops seized Fort Fisher, a vital military outpost on the shores of Wilmington, North Carolina, Union General Ulysses S. Grant ordered an attack. Bazaar was aboard the ship USS Santiago de Cuba on January 12, 1865 when Union land and naval forces launched an assault on the unit.
Diego Barahona A.
Bazaar y cinco tripulantes realizaron una exitosa incursión en medio del fuego enemigo durante la batalla. Bazaar y sus compañeros recibieron la Medalla de Honor por sus acciones.
María Ruiz de Burton
Fue la primera mujer escritora mexicano-americana quien escribió en inglés dos libros: “Who Would Have Thought It?” (¿Quién lo hubiera pensado?) en 1872, y “The Squatter and the Don” (El invasor y el don) en 1885. También escribió una obra de teatro basada en Don Quijote de la Mancha en 1876.
El trabajo de Ruiz de Burton es considerado como precursor de la llamada “literatura chicana”, la cual ofrece el punto de vista de la población de origen mexicano que vive en Estados Unidos.
En su primer libro la escritora fue capaz de sintetizar los conflictos que sufre una latina en medio de los prejuicios de la época. Para que su segunda obra tuviese más acogida, tuvo que publicarla bajo un seudónimo: C. Loyal, una abreviación de “Ciudadano Leal”, una forma convencional de terminar las cartas oficiales en México en el siglo XIX. La novela fue todo un éxito.
Joseph Marion Hernández
Fue el primer latino en ocupar un escaño en el Congreso y el primer delegado para el Territorio de Florida, puesto que ocupó de septiembre de 1822 a marzo de 1823.
Marion Hernández fue el responsable de la construcción de una ruta entre San Agustín y el Fuerte Capron en Florida, mientras servía en el Ejército en 1837, esta ruta se extiende hasta Fort Brooke en Tampa.
Esta es solo una minúscula muestra de algunos latinos que forjaron de una u otra manera nuestro pasado, y tenemos la esperanza de que al desempolvar estos nombres de la historia, se puedan inspirar las nuevas generaciones para seguir transformando positivamente nuestro futuro.
During the battle, Bazaar and five crew members carried dispatches while under heavy enemy fire. Bazaar and the other crew members received the Medal of Honor for their actions.
María Ruiz de Burton
She was the first Mexican-American female writer to write books in English: “Who Would Have Thought It?” in 1872, and “The Squatter and the Don” in 1885. She also wrote a play based on Don Quixote de la Mancha in 1876.
Ruiz de Burton’s work is considered a precursor of “Chicano literature,” which offers the perspective of individuals with Mexican heritage who live in the United States.
In her first book, the writer was able to capture the conflicts that Latinas endured in the midst of the prejudices of that era. For her second work to become more popular, she had to publish it under a pseudonym: C. Loyal. This was an abbreviation for “Ciudadano Leal,” a traditional way of closing official letters in Mexico in the 19th century. The novel was a success.
Joseph Marion Hernández
He was the first Latino to hold a seat in Congress and the first delegate for the Florida Territory, a position he held from September 1822 to March 1823.
Marion Hernandez was responsible for building a route between St. Augustine and Fort Capron in Florida while serving in the Army in 1837. This route extends to Fort Brooke in Tampa. Here we have presented just a tiny sample of Latinos who forged our past in one way or another. We hope that by dusting off these names from history, new generations can be inspired to continue positively transforming our future.