2009-2010 La Pietra Passport

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Passport 2009 - 2010

Table of Contents 日本語

わたしのともだちのかぞく- My Friend’s Family Amanda Young 「かいものにいきましょう!」 - “Let’s Go Shopping!” Jasmin Chang 美保とボート- Sam and a Boat Samantha Nixon 下北沢でコンサート- Concert at Shimokitazawa Michelle Chen 渋谷と原宿で一二重買い物!- Shibuya and Harajuku Shopping Spree! Kirstie Maeshiro-­‐Takiguchi あまり伝説的じゃないヒーロー(英雄)の旅 - The Epic Journey of a Not So Epic Hero Jenna McCarter 私の日本語の愛:バークレーの旅 - My Love for Japanese: Adventures at Berkeley Chloe Honbo


La Película: Apocalypto -­‐ Apocalypto the Movie Brenda Light Comida: Molé -­‐ Food: Molé Kaelynn Miller-­‐Savoy Sonia Sotomayor -­‐ Sonia Sotomayor Karissa Provenza Entrevista con el Señor Wade -­‐ Interview with Mr. Wade Liliana Carbone Mis Vacaciones -­‐ My Vacation Alana Freitas Carolina Herrera -­‐ Carolina Herrera Anelani Haywood Juan Diego Florez -­‐ Juan Diego Florez Bianca Batten Música: Regueton -­‐ Music: Regueton Carmen Sharkey Maite Perroni -­‐ Maite Perroni Tiffany Gassmann

3 3 4 5 6 8 9 11

3 17 18 18 19 21 23 24 24 25


在小龍飯館 -­‐ Dinner at Small Dragon Restaurant Anela Wong 愛以後愛 -­‐ Love After Love Johanna Ward 尋找快樂 -­‐ Pursuit of Happyness Nikki Na 為你鍾情 -­‐ Walk the Line Nozomi Yamashita 購物狂的異想世界 -­‐ Confessions of a Shopaholic Shannon Lum

29 30 31 31 31

在迦納 -­‐ At Ghana Layla Fidel 流行樂之王!! -­‐ The King of Pop!! Kadie Kakumitsu and Tasi Reid 再見! -­‐ Goodbye Now! Hannah Apa 十二生肖 -­‐ The Zodiac Animals Jill Tomasa 我的朋友 -­‐ My Friend Natasha Staman and Ariana Ebesu “回家中...”-­‐ “On the Way Home...” Marina Sewell 美月要搬家了 -­‐ Mei Yue is Moving In Maryna Feldberg 我的同學們 -­‐ My Classmates Jaclyn Lee, Brittany Lieu, Michelle Pang, Shelby Say, Kristy Springman 字卡 -­‐ Flashcards Brittany Lieu, Natasha Staman, Michelle Peng, Tasi Reid

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Si j’étais Jeanne d’Arc Aujourd’hui -­‐ If I Were Joan of Arc Today Kiana Hieda Les Vacances de Mes Rêves -­‐ The Vacation of My Dreams Dominique Bittner Le Canada -­‐ Canada Alexandra Hastings La Planète de Comédie -­‐ The Laughing Planet Shayla Hixson Un Mauvais Rêve -­‐ A Bad Dream Allia Alliata Julie et Christophe -­‐ Julie and Christophe Sarah Aref Nicolas et Le Poisson -­‐ Nicolas and the Fish Shayla Hixson Nous Nous Reverrons Mon Amour -­‐ We’ll Meet Again My Love Keili Trahan La Déesse Dorée -­‐ The Golden Goddess Sonyah Seiden

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Passport Staff Head Editors

Chloe Honbo

Marissa Freeman


Nobuko Loncar

Michelle Chen

Cynthia Okuno


Luis Sanchez

Brenda Light


Hsuan-Fan Yen

Nikki Na

Malia Schlesser

Sarah Aref

Nozomi Yamashita


§ Special thanks to Mrs. Man! §

Kiana Hieda


わたしのともだちのかぞく -­ My Friend’s Family

わたしのともだちのかぞく My Friend’s Family Joy Ogasawara このしゃしんはともだちのかぞくとペットで、 かぞくは五人です。女の子は私のともだちで、 ちゅうがく三年生です。いち ばんすきなたべものはいちご ですから、あかがすきです。 せがひくいです。でもとても つよいです。しゅみはきかい たいそうとダンスです。おと うとさんはしょう学校六年生 で、サッカーのチームにいま す。だから、まいにちサッ カーのれんしゅうがありま す。ぎゅうにゅうがすきで す。でも、アップルジュース がきらいです。めがあまりよ くないですから、めがねをか けています。おとうさんのし ごとはいしゃで、まいあさで んしゃでしごとにいきます。 まいしゅうまつテニスをしま す。えいがが大すきで、いち ばんすきなえいがはスタート レックです。ともだちのおかあさんはかいけい しで、たいていいそがしいです。まいあさくる までしごとにいきます。でもきのうびょうき で、しごとをやすみまし た。きょうはげんきで す。おかあさんはちゃの ゆとかいものがすきで す。おばあさんはしごと をしていません。しゅみ はりょうりでじょうずで す。まいあさはやくおき ます。いつもいぬとねこ とあそびます。

This photograph is of my friend’s family in which there are five people. The girl in the photo is my friend. She is a freshman. Because her favorite food is strawberry, she likes the color red. She is a short, but very strong person. Her hobbies are gymnastics and dancing. Her little brother is a 6th grader, and he is on the soccer team, so he practices everyday. He likes milk, but hates apple juice. Because his eyes are rather bad he wears glasses. Her father is a physician, and every morning he rides the train to work. Every weekend he plays tennis. He loves movies. His favorite movie is Star Trek. My friend’s mother is an accountant and is often busy. Every morning she drives her car to work, but yesterday she was sick and took a day off from work. Today she is fine. Her mother likes tea ceremony clothes. Her grandmother doesn’t work, but her hobby is cooking, and she is good at it. She wakes up early every morning. She always plays with the cat and the dog.

Veloniqa Taniguchi


「かいものにいきましょう!」- “Let’s Go Shopping!”

「かいものにいきましょう!」 “Let’s Go Shopping!” Jasmin Chang き よ こ 「 さ ち か さ ん 、 げ ん き で す か 。 ア ラ    モアナにかいものにいきましょうか。」 さちか「ちょっと  ぐあいがわるいです。でも  かいものにいきましょう。なんじごろい   きましょうか。」 きよこ「さんじごろいきましょう。いまあめが  ふっています。だから、ははのくるまで   いきましょう。」 さちか「いいですねえ。」 モールで。 きよこ「いそがしいですねえ。」 さちか「そうですね。なにをかいますか。」 きよこ「わたしはこのコートをかいます。すず  しいです。だから、このコートがすきで   す。」 さちか「そうですか。コートはとてもきれいで  すねえ。たかいですか。」 きよこ「いいえ、やすいです。さちかさんは  なにをかいますか。」 さちか「わかりません。」 きよこ「このほんはどうですか。」 さちか「でも、うちにたくさんほんがありま  す。これはなんですか。」 てんいん「これはサングラスです。イタリーか  らきました。だからとてもたかいで す。」 さちか「そうですか。ゆうめいなデザインです  か。いくらですか。」 てんいん「はい、ゆうめいです。そしてひゃく    ドルにドルにじゅうごセントです。」 きよこ「サングラスをかいますか。」 さちか「いいえ、とてもたかいですよ。」 きよこ「じゃあ、くつはどうですか。」

Kiyoko: Sachika, how are you? Shall we go shopping at Ala Moana? Sachika: I’m feeling a little ill, but let's go shopping. Around what time should we go? Kiyoko: Let's go around 3 o’clock. It’s raining now so let's go in my mom’s car. Sachika: Sounds good. At the mallKiyoko: It’s busy, isn’t it? Sachika: Yeah, it is. What do you want to buy? Kiyoko: I will buy a coat. It’s cool out, so I like coats. Sachika: Is that so? Coats are very pretty. Are they expensive? Kiyoko: No, they’re cheap. Sachika, what are you going to buy? Sachika: I don’t know. Kiyoko: What about this book? Sachika: But I have many books at home… What is this? Salesperson: These are sunglasses. They’re from Italy, so they are very expensive.


美保とボート- Sam and a Boat

さちか「きれいですね。そして、すきなろで    す。かいます。」 きよこ「きっさてんでおそいひるごはんをた べませんか。」 さちか「はい、たべましょう。でも、なんじま  でモールにいますか。わたしはろくじは   んごろうちにかえりたいです。」 きよこ「じゃあ、うちでたべませんか。」 さちか「はい、はははりょうりがじょうずで  す。なにをたべたいですか。」 きよこ「さかながいいです。」 さちか「じゃあ、かえりましょう。きょうはと  てもたのしかったですね。」 きよこ「そうですね。」

Sachika: Oh, is that right, are they made by a famous designer? How much are the sunglasses? Salesperson: Yes, the designer is famous, and the sunglasses cost $100.25. Kiyoko: Will you buy the sunglasses? Sachika: No, they are too expensive. Kiyoko: Well, what about these shoes? Sachika: They’re pretty and I like the color. I’ll buy them. Kiyoko: Do you want to eat a late lunch at the café? Sachika: Yes, let's eat, but how late will we stay at the mall? I want to go home at around 6:30. Kiyoko: Okay then, do you want to eat at home? Sachika: Yeah, my mom is a good cook. What do you want to eat? Kiyoko: Fish sounds good. Sachika: Okay, let's go home. Today was really fun. Kiyoko: It really was.

Sachi Enseki-Tom

Nicole Morisugi

美保とボート Sam and a Boat Samantha Nixon 今年の夏休みに私は二週間カネオへのヨットク ラブのクラスにさんかしました。クラスは毎日 午後一時三十分から四時三十分まででした。 ヨットのタイプは「420s」で私たちはときどき レースにかちました。でも、ヨットはよくよこ にひっくりかえりました。たいてい私はジブの

This summer, I took a two-week sailing class. The class took place at the Kaneohe Yacht Club, from 1:30 to 4:30 every weekday. In the class, we learned how to sail, the parts of the boat, and we raced around the bay. Our boats were called 420s. I won some of the races, but I often lost from capsizing or turtling. I worked the jib of


下北沢でコンサート - Concert at Shimokitazawa

しごとをしました。セーリングはむずかしかっ たですから。一番けいけんがあるすいへいさん の名前はディレエンです。ディレエンさんは十 七才です。そうじゅうは楽しかったです。みん なはたくさんけいけんがあります。ともだちの キアナさんは二人しかいない女の子の一人でし た。キアナさんは私より二歳下であまりセーリ ングのけいけんがありません。私はたいてい ウィルくんとセーリングをしました。二回ヨッ トがこわれてしまいましたがウィルさんがなお せました。 ヨットは二回しかこわれませんでした。一回目 はトラペッツで、二回目はジブでした。セーリ ングは雨の日でも楽しいですよ!

the boat because it was too difficult to steer and work the sail at the same time. I let the more experienced person of our group steer. The most experienced sailor in the class was Dylan, who was 17 and had been sailing for many years. He was also the fastest to rig up his boat. Rigging the boat is pretty easy, as long as you know where everything goes. Many of the people I sailed with were very experienced. The only other girl in the class was named Kiana. She was two years younger than me and was very new to sailing. I usually sailed with Will, who was about 15. He knew exactly what to do in emergency situations. The boat only broke twice while were sailing. The first time was when the trapeze broke off. The second time was when the jib broke. Both times he knew how to fix it without having to go back to the dock. Sailing was really fun, and I can’t wait until I get to do it again.

Nikki Nguyen

Keahi Agena

下北沢でコンサート Concert at Shimokitazawa Michelle Chen 私は、毎年夏休みに日本の母の実家へ遊びに行 きます。そして、東京に住んでいるおばあさん の家に泊まります。東京は、毎日やる事がある ので、時間がたりないぐらいでした。日本に 行った時は、山手線でいろいろな所へ行きま す。昨年は、原宿や新宿、渋谷とか秋葉原に行 きました。私は、東京の電車に乗るのが大好き

Every summer, I always visit my mother’s side of the family in Japan. Last summer, I stayed at my grandmother’s house in Tokyo and went to various places like Harajuku, Nikko, Karuizawa, Minobu, and almost every stop on the Yamanote Line! Riding on the train is my favorite thing to do in Tokyo because I love seeing people’s fashion sense and style. They wear crazy clothing and have


下北沢でコンサート - Concert at Shimokitazawa

です。いろいろな街の人のファッションや、見 た事のないようなヘアスタイルを見て面白いと 思いました。とくに秋葉原へ行って、メイドや アニメのキャラクターの服を着ている人を見た 時は、おどろきました。ハワイとくらべると、 日本の男性は女性とおなじぐらいおしゃれだと 思いました。新宿で、大きな画面のテレビがビ ルの壁についているのを見た時は、ハイテクで モダンだと思いました。もう一つおどろいたの は、日本の電車はいつも時間どおり来る事で す。ハワイのバスは、あまり時間どおりに来ま せん。いつも十五 分ぐらいはおくれ ます。日本はとて も規則正しい国だ と思います。 日本で一番楽し かったのは、私の 従兄弟が 下北沢 でライブコンサー トをした事です。 彼女はかっこうよ くて、音楽の才能 が有ると思いま す。コンサートは地元の小さ いライブハウスでやりまし た。下北沢は、若い人に人気 の街です。ライブハウス、居 酒屋、アンティックショッ プ、小劇場などで有名な所で す。下北沢の街は、車が通れ ないほど細い道がたくさんあ るので、歩いてまわるのにとても楽しい所で す。私はたくさんの小さくて、かわいい洋服の お店を見つけました。とくに、とても欲しいサ マードレスがありましたが、あまりお金を持っ ていなかったので、買えませんでした。でも街 を歩いたり、お店を見て歩くだけでも十分楽し めました。下北沢の街を歩いた後、さいごに従 兄弟のバンドが出総するライブハウスに行きま した。私の従兄の名前はエリナで、バンドの名 前は「モノクルヲシイ」です。モノクルヲシイ の意味は「気がへんになりそうなぐらいすてき」 と言う意味です。エリナは、芸術てきな物が好

wacky hairstyles; even the men are very stylish. I love Japan because everything is so high-tech, modern, and punctual. The trains arrive on schedule and not a minute late, unlike Hawaii’s bus system that arrives 15 minutes late and leaves much later than scheduled. Tokyo is one of those cities that you can never get tired of. There is always something going on, and you will feel like there is not enough time in the world to experience everything! The highlight of my summer was seeing my awesome and talented cousin’s concert at Shimokitazawa. The concert was held at a small local coffee house/bar. Shimokitazawa is very popular among young people. Its main attraction is the nightlife with cafés, small restaurants, bars, vintage shops, theater halls, secondhand record shops, and amateur concerts. The town has many narrow alleys that are not accessible for vehicles, so it allows people to explore the town on foot to get the real sense of adventure. While walking through the town, I went to many small clothing shops. I wanted everything inside the stores. Unfortunately, I had already spent my money, and I could not buy that cute summer dress I wanted in Shimokitazawa. But just walking in the streets and window-shopping was a real joy in itself. After looking around the streets of Shimokitazawa, I finally went inside a live music house to hear my cousin’s band play. My cousin’s name is Erina, and her band’s name is Monokurowoshi, which means crazy and ludicrous in Japanese. Erina loves all art forms, especially music. She loves to sing and compose music, and she is the lead singer in the band. The band’s style of music is Japanese modern folk, rock, and alternative, which has a nice mellow vibe to it. The band consists of a cello, guitar, and drums, and


渋谷と原宿で一日中買い物! - Shibuya and Harajuku Shopping Spree!

きで、とくに音楽は大好きです。彼女は歌う事 や、作曲をしたり、詩を書いたりする事が好き で、バンドではリードボーカルをしています。 バンドの音楽のスタイルは、日本のモダン フォークとポップがまざった感じです。エリナ はタンバリンやアコーディオンを弾き、ボーカ ルもして、ほかのメンバーはチェロ、ギター、 ドラムを演奏します。エリナのバンドは、吉祥 寺や八王子などの東京のいろいろな場所で演奏 をしています。今は、あまり有名ではないアー ティストですが、将来有名に成るためにいっ しょうけんめい頑張っています。私は、彼女の 一番のファンだから、いつも応援しています。

Erina plays the tambourine and accordion, as well as being the lead vocal. Erina’s band plays all over in Tokyo, at venues such as Kichijoji and Hachioji. She is only an amateur artist, but with little baby steps, she plans to make it big in music industry sometime in the future! Not to mention I am her number one fan!

渋谷と原宿で一日中買い物! Shibuya and Harajuku Shopping Spree! Kirstie Maeshiro-Takiguchi This past summer my whole family went on a trip to Japan and Okinawa. We stayed in Shinagawa at a hotel called the Shinagawa Prince Hotel and took the train everywhere. On the first day, we went on a tour of the city and visited Tokyo Tower. The next day, while grandpa took my cousins to Tokyo Disneyland, my grandma and I went on a shopping spree in Harajuku and Shibuya. We left the hotel around 9:00 and took the Yamanotesen to Harajuku. We went to Takeshita dori, a popular street for shopping. The people who worked in stores in Harajuku wore Anime-like costumes. My favorite stores in Harajuku were Pet Paradise, Liz Lisa, and L. Chance. Pet Paradise sold cute outfits for dogs. My grandma and I both bought cute yukatas for our dogs, Harley and Momo. At Liz Lisa, I bought a skirt and a tea dress that I wore for my senior portraits. At L. Chance, I bought jewelry for myself and my friends. Before we left Harajuku, my grandma and I ate lunch at a pizza café. We took the Yamanotesen to Shibuya and went to a shopping center called Shibuya 109. Shibuya 109 is known as Japan’s center of

夏休みに家族と日本と沖縄に行きました。品川 プリンスというホテルに泊まって、電車に乗っ ていろいろな所へ行きました。一日目に市内観 光をして、東京タワーを現物しました。つぎの 日おじいさんはいとこを東京デズニーランドに つれて行って、私とおばあさんは原宿と渋谷で 買い物をしました。午前九時ごろホテルを出 て、山の手線で原宿に行きました。一番人気が ある竹下通りに行きました。原宿の小さい店で 仕事する人はアニメのキャラクターのような服 を着ていました。ペットパラダイスやリズリサ やエルチャンスという店が大好きでした。ペッ トパラダイスには犬のためにかわいい服がたく さんありました。私のハーリーとモモという犬 のために浴衣を買いました。リズリサで卒業写 真のためにスカートとドレスを買って、エル チャンスで友達にイアリングを買いました。原 宿に出る前にピッザカフェで昼ごはんを食べま した。山の手線で渋谷に行って、渋谷109と いうショッピングセンターでまた買い物をしま


あまり伝説的じゃないヒーロー(英雄)の旅 -­ The Epic Journey of a Not so Epic Hero

した。デコデンとミミリという店がとてもよ かったです。デコデン屋でけいたのためのキッ トとアクセサリーを買って、ミミリで白いジャ ケットとシャツを買いました。電車でホテルに かえる私の手は買い物ぶくろでいっぱいでし た。

fashion. My favorite stores in Shibuya 109 were a deko-den shop and a clothing store called Mimily. Deko-den is decoration for your phone. I bought supplies and kits to decorate my phone at the deko-den shop. At Mimily, I bought a white jacket and top. My hands were filled with bags as I sat on the train heading back to our hotel.

Isabel Jansen

Gabrielle Mark

あまり伝説的じゃないヒーロー(英雄)の旅 The Epic Journey of a Not So Epic Hero Jenna McCarter 昔、昔、ハイラルという国にリンクとタイとい う名前の兄弟がすんでいました。兄弟はすんで いる町から出たことがありませんが、夢があり ました。リンクは世界を探検してハイラル城に ゼルダ姫に会いに行きたかったです。でもタイ は家で寝たいだけでした。 ある朝、町長は兄弟にハイラルの城のゼルダ姫 にパッケージを持っていくように言いました。 怠慢な弟を家の外に出すいい考えだと思いリン クはとてもうれしかったです。 「一時間湖に行きましょう。」リンクは言いま した。家から一番遠い湖は十分くらいですか ら。 「じゃあ、どうしてそんなに物を持っています か。」

L o n g , long ago, in another country called Hyrule, there were two brothers named Link and Tie. They have never been out of their small town, but they had their own dreams they wished to accomplish. Link dreamed of exploring the world and wanted to visit the Hyrule Castle and meet Princess Zelda, but all Tie wanted to do was stay at home and sleep. One morning, the town mayor asked the brothers to go to Hyrule Castle to deliver a package to the Princess. Link was ecstatic, seeing it as a


あまり伝説的じゃないヒーロー(英雄)の旅 -­ The Epic Journey of a Not so Epic Hero

「ばけものがおそってくるかもしれないか ら。」 「真面目?」タイはびっくりして、言いまし た。 でも、湖に行く代わりに馬に乗った二人は島を 通過してハイラル城にむかいました。タイがな ぜまだ湖につかないのかを聞いた時リンクは迷 子になったと言いました。タイは何かへんだと 思いましたが、遠くに城を見た時もうもんくを 言うのはおそすぎました。リンクがゼルダ姫に 会っている間  タイは通りをさんぽしました。 町の中心で人が走っているので、タイは店で何 のセールがあるのか知り たいと思いました。その 時町の人が「ゼルダ姫が ゆうかいされた!」とさ けびました。 「なぜぼくに言いました か。ぼくは誘拐しなかっ た。」 「でもあなたは時のヒー ローでしょ?」 何か言いわけをかんがえ ました。「この緑のぼう しをかぶって、緑のシャ ツを着ているからぼくは 時のヒーローみたいです。でも時 のヒーローの手にはトライフォー スがあります。でもぼくは時の ヒーローじゃない。いつも  人は まちがえます。」 タイはリンクが町中を歩いてタイ をさがしている時、お姫さまをた すけに行かされました。リンクが タイの伝説の探求を知ったとき、 タイは時の寺院にいました。何時 間も前に行ったかもしれませんが、ほんとうに 店でセールがあるのか知りたかったです。 タイはかたなを持って寺に入りましたが、大き い蜘蛛とみにくい像じゃなくて、つぼとその中 にお金を見つけました。タイがうしろの部屋に 入った時、タイの後ろの戸は墜落して出口を封 じてしまいました。そしてかげの中から大きい 竜が口から火をはきながらおそってきました。

perfect opportunity to fulfill his dream and get his lazy brother out of the house. “We’re going to the lake for an hour,” Link told his brother, because the lake was only ten minutes away and that was the farthest Tie would go from their house. “Then why do we have all of this stuff?” “Because you never know when zombies will attack!” “You can’t be serious,” Tie replied, staring. However, instead of going to the lake, they rode on their horses straight past it and headed to Hyrule Castle. When Tie asked why they have not arrived at the lake yet, Link said that they must be lost. Tie knew something was wrong, but when he first saw the castle in the distance, it was too late to complain. When Link went up to meet the princess, Tie wandered around the streets, looking for something to do. In the town square, people were running about, making Tie wonder what kind of sale was going on. When he went to investigate, one of the townspeople ran up to him and exclaimed, “The Princess has been kidnapped!” “Why are you telling me this?” Tie replied, unfazed by the news. “I didn’t kidnap the Princess.” “But aren’t you the Legendary Hero of Time?” Tie paused, trying to come up with an excuse. “I may look like the Legendary Hero of Time because I am wearing this green hat and shirt, and even though only the Hero of Time has a Triforce on the back of his hand I am not him. It’s weird how people mix us up all the time.” Unfortunately for Tie and Link, they sent Tie off to rescue the princess while Link was left wondering where his brother went. By the time Link


私の日本語の愛:バークレーの旅 -­ My Love for Japanese: Adventures at Berkeley

「ヒーロー」というテレビ番組の終わりを知ら ないで死ぬと思った時、ゼルダ姫が現れて竜を 負かしました。 「ゼルダ姫、ぼくがあなたを助けるんじゃな かったんですか。」とタイは言いました。 「わたしたちがみんな時のヒーローにはなれな いわよ!」と ゼルダは言いました。

Crystal Tanaka

found out about Tie’s legendary quest, Tie was already at the Temple of Time. He would have been there hours ago, but he wanted to know if there really was a sale going on. Tie entered the temple with this sword held out in front of him, but instead of coming across giant spiders and haunted statues, all he saw were a few vases with some money. Tie reached the last room with no problem. When he entered the room, the door behind him crashed shut, sealing off his only exit. Out of the corner, a large dragon flew out from the shadows, throwing fire into the air. Just when Tie thought he was going to die without knowing how Heroes will end, Princess Zelda appeared from nowhere and defeated the dragon. “Princess?” Tie asked, staring in confusion. “I thought I was supposed to save you!” “We can’t all be the Hero of Time,” Zelda said simply.

私の日本語の愛:バークレーの旅 My Love for Japanese: Adventures at Berkeley Chloe Honbo To me, Japanese is more than a language. Japanese is a hobby. Japanese is a persistent insatiable craving. Japanese is a part of me, and without it, I will never be whole. Without Japanese, I don’t know what I would do. This love for Japanese started when I was in seventh grade, when I heard my first Japanese song, “Sakura Sake” by Arashi. I fell in love with Arashi, Johnny’s Entertainment, and later the whole chaotic world of Japanese pop culture. From then on, I was encouraged by my conscience to study Japanese as much as I could. I bought character books from Hakubundo, a local Japanese store, and started to learn the basics. Teaching myself hiragana and katakana was, admittedly, slightly boring, especially for a tenyear-old whose mind was only on video games and running around outside, enjoying the freedom of life without homework. However, when I began to get to the grammar portion of Japanese, my interest was piqued. With every new grammar point that my eyes scanned and my brain processed, I became more and more intrigued. Last summer, in June 2009, I decided to undertake my Japanese to a much more formal

私には日本語は言葉以上です。日本語は趣味で す。日本語はしつこくて飽くなき熱望です。日 本語は私の一部分だから、日本語がなければ、 私は不完全です。日本語がなければ、私はどう なるか分かりません。 中学一年生だった時、この日本語の愛は始まり ました。一番始めの日本語の歌は嵐の「サクラ 咲け」でした。嵐とジャニーズと全部のめちゃ くちゃな日本のポップ文化に恋をしました。そ の時から、日本語を好きなだけ勉強するため に、 の「はくぶんどう」という日本の店か ら、たくさん練習帳を買って、始めから習い始 めました。とくにビデオゲームをして、外で遊 んで、宿題がない時人生の自由を楽しむことだ け考える十歳の子供には、ひらがなとカタカナ を自分で習うのはちょっとつまらなかったと思 いました。それでも、日本語の文法を習い始め てから、興味を持つようになりました。一つづ つの日本語を習うと、興味がわいてきました。 2009年の夏休みの六月に、バークレーのカ リフォルニア大学で日本語を勉強することにし


私の日本語の愛:バークレーの旅 -­ My Love for Japanese: Adventures at Berkeley

ました。初心者の授業から始めました。でも、 七年以上日本語を取ったから、期待はずれでし たが、バークレーの外国語の学部は有名ですか ら、ゆっくり勉強する方がいいと思いました。 バークレーで始めの日に私はとても神経質でし た。私はバークレー大学二と三と四年生のクラ スで高校生の一人でした。(当然、生物学とか 化学とかコンピューター・サイエンスを専攻し ている学生の皆さんは天才です。ですけど、ク ラスメートは中国人と韓国人だとふざけて言い ました。)クラスの開始を待っている時、前に 座って東方神起のTシャツを着ている女の子に 気がつきました。心の中で笑いながら、外見上 は隣に座って、東方神起の中で一番好きな人は だれだか聞きました。その子はビックリしたけ ど、照れくさく笑っ て、答えて、私にその 質問を聞きました。私 にわからないように、 チャンちゃんというあ だ名のと友達になりま した。後でチャンちゃ んもオークランドの同 じ駅からバートで学校 に行くのを知って、そ の日から一緒にバーク レーに行きました。八 時七分にオークランド を出て、八時半に教室 に着いて、クラスが始ま る九時までおしゃべりて、十二時にクラスは終 わりました。私達は学期の始めから終わりまで 毎週、五日勉強しました。 授業の二週間目にセクションを均等に配るため に日本語1Aの三セックションをごちゃ混ぜに しました。最後にそれぞれのセクションには十 五人いました。残念だけどチャンちゃんと同じ セクションじゃありませんでした。クラスで 「何をするのが好きですか。」を練習している 時、新しい友達を見つけました。席が二つ離れ た所に座っている男の子は「アニメとビデオ ゲームをするのが好きです。」と答えた時、興 味がわいてきました。休み時間に、その男の子 にどんなアニメを見て、どんなビデオゲームを

Japanese learning experience, at University of California, Berkeley. I started in the beginner’s class, Japanese 1A (which was slightly disappointing because I had taken Japanese for more than seven years), but Berkeley is known for its advanced Foreign Language program, and I figured I should take things step by step, one at a time. On my first day at Berkeley, I was unbelievably nervous. I was the only high school student among rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors, most of whom attended Berkeley. (Naturally, they were all geniuses; most of them were majoring in Biology, Chemistry, or Computer Science – then again, most of my classmates were Chinese and Korean, as we all jokingly said in class.) As I was waiting for class to start, I noticed a girl sitting in front of me wearing a Dong Bang Shin Ki Tshirt. Inwardly, I laughed, and outwardly, I moved up to sit next to her and asked whom she liked most in the band. She looked shocked for a moment, but then laughed embarrassingly and answered my question, and she reciprocated it. Unknowingly, I had made my first friend, Vanessa (whom I dubbed “Chanchan”). Later, I discovered that we both took BART to school from the same station in Oakland, and from that day on, we both commuted to Berkeley together. We left Oakland at 8:07 in the morning, arrived at class at around 8:30, and talked until 9 when class started, and ended at noon. We did this everyday, five days a week, from the start to the end of the summer session. About a week in to class, the three sections of Japanese 1A were mixed and moved in order to even out the classes, to about fifteen people in each section. Chan-chan was, unfortunately, moved to a different section, but I found a new friend through a class exercise – what objects we liked and found interesting. When a guy sitting two seats away answered, “Anime and video games,” my interest was piqued. During


私の日本語の愛:バークレーの旅 -­ My Love for Japanese: Adventures at Berkeley

しているかと聞いたら、「キースくん」は無名 なのに人気がある「 天元突破グレンラガン」 と答えました。ますますキースくんと話しする ようになって、休み時間に一緒に勉強して、試 験の後で一緒にキャンパスの中を歩きました。 そのうちに他のセクションを取っているキース くんの友達の「せんぱい」と「エドくん」と 「しゅうじ」に会って、授業の後で一緒に昼ご 飯を食べました。他の友達の「ジェーくん」に も会って、J100を 取っているから、カ ジュアルに会話できま した。新しい友達と バークレーの生活を習 えました。キースくん とエドくんとせんぱい はコンピューター・サ イエンスと日本語を専 攻して、しゅうじは経 済学を専攻して、 ジェーくんは化学を専 攻していました。昼ご 飯の後で、キースくん とエドくんと私は帰っ て、せんぱいはアルバイ トに行って、しゅうじとジェーくんは次の クラスに行きました。 この過程は続いて、この前の日より楽し かったです。あの日、キースくんとエドく んは二時のコンピューター・サイエンセス 70Bのラボがあると言いました。コン ピューター・サイエンスにいつも興味が あって、それはバークレーのCSのクラスの 方を見るチャンスでした。学生はハンドアウト をもらって、クラスの終わりに大事なパズルの プロジェクトを完成しなければならないラボは 自分で勉強するクラスでした。キースくんとエ ドくんが相手で、私は二人の間に座って、画面 を見て、コードとJavaScriptをちょっと解読し てみたかったです。エドくんは日本語のAP試験 を受けて、キースくんはもう三年以上日本語を 取ったから、私達の三人は日本語の文法をあま り勉強しなくてもよかったです。ですから、プ

break, I asked him what he types of anime he watched and what video games he played, to which “Kiisu” answered, “Gurren Lagaan,” one of the more obscure, yet still popular anime. We talked more and ended up studying together during breaks and hanging out after tests. Eventually, I met his friends, “Senpai,” “Edo,” and “Shuuji” who were also taking the class in a different section, and we all ate lunch together right after class. I also met another one of their friends, “Jae-kun,” who was in J100, so I was able to casually converse with him in Japanese. As we all talked, I was able to find out more about them and life at Berkeley. Kiisu, Edo, and Senpai are all majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Japanese; Shuuji is majoring in Economics, and Jae-kun is majoring in Chemistry – Ecology. At the end of our lunch adventure, Kiisu, Edo, and I went home, Senpai went to his part-time job, while Shuuji and Jae-kun went to another class. This process continued, and each day was better than the last. One day, Kiisu and Edo said that they had a lab that started at 2, Computer Science 70B. Computer Science has always interested me, and this was a chance to see what a CS class at Berkeley was really like. The lab was independent; the students were given handouts and had a huge puzzle project to complete by the end of the session. Kiisu and Edo were partners, and I sat between them looking at their screens, trying to decipher code and JavaScript (I was slightly successful. Slightly.). The three of us didn’t really need to study for Japanese because Edo had


私の日本語の愛:バークレーの旅 -­ My Love for Japanese: Adventures at Berkeley

taken the Japanese AP exam and Kiisu had already taken over three years of Japanese, so we practiced speaking it when they weren’t working on their project. Eventually, the end of the session came. After ten weeks of class five days a week for three hours each day, we all celebrated with large sighs and congratulatory words. It was my last day at Berkeley, and possibly my last day seeing any of my friends ever again. At that thought, my eyes began to water, and the tears started to fall. I hugged almost everyone in the Japanese 1A class, mumbling thanks, smiling, and laughing through blurry vision and sniffles. Friends and classmates comforted me as they said that they would see me soon when I come to Berkeley next year (to which I responded, “if I get in.”) Their confidence in me was encouraging, tear jerking, and touching. At Berkeley, I not only learned more Japanese, but also made new friendships and had an overall amazing experience – possibly one of the best in my life.

ロジェクトをしない時、会話の練習をしまし た。 そのうちに学期の終わりが来ました。十週間毎 週五日の一日三時間のクラスの後で私達は安堵 にため息をついて、お祝いの言葉で祝しまし た。その日は私のバークレーで最後の日で、多 分もう一度友達に会える最後の日でした。それ を考えていると涙があふれました。日本語1A の授業の皆さんを抱きしめながら、笑顔であり がとうと言って、笑いました。友達とクラス メートは慰めてくれながら、来年バークレーに 来た時、きっと会えるよねと言いました(私は 「入れたら」と返事しました)。 バークレーはいい経験だから、大学に受け入れ られて、いかれるようになるのは最重要事項で す。バークレーで日本語をもっと習って、新し い友情を作って、人生でおそらく一番いい経験 でした。

終わり 14


La Película: Apocalypto -­ Apocalypto the Movie

La Película: Apocalypto Apocalypto the Movie Brenda Light Apocalypto es un película sobre los Mayas. En esta película, una tribu de los Mayas atacaron a otras tribus y los capturaron para sacrificios humanos. En esta tribu está el protaganista, Jaguar Paw. Cuando la tribu de cazadores violentos mató a muchas personas, Jaguar Paw escondió a su esposa y a su niño en un hoyo, y entonces ayudó a sus amigos que lucharon con los personas de la tribu violenta. Desafortunadamente, la tribu violenta capturó a Jaguar Paw y a sus amigos fuertes, dejando a la mujer y al niño de Jaguar Paw en el hoyo. La tribu violenta se llevó a los prisioneros a su villa para ser sacrificados, pero después de un e c l i p s e s o l a r, l o s sacrificios pararon. La tribu les dio la oportunidad de escapar, pero sólo si ellos podían dejar atrás a los guerreros. En este juego, Jaguar Paw mató al hijo de general, provocando que el general iniciara la persecución de Jaguar Paw para matarlo. El general y sus guerreros persiguieron a Jaguar Paw por el bosque cerca de su casa y allí, Jaguar Paw luchó y mató al general y a sus guerreros. Después de matarlos, Jaguar Paw rescató a su mujer y niño, pero en camino a su nueva casa, ellos vieron a los conquistadores que desembarcaban de sus barcos.

Apocalypto is a movie about the Mayans. In this movie, a Mayan tribe attacks other tribes and captures their strong men for human sacrifices. In one tribe is the protagonist, Jaguar Paw. When the violent tribe began to kill many people, Jaguar Paw hid his wife and son in a pit, and helped his friends who were fighting and struggling against the violent tribe. Unfortunately, the violent tribe captured Jaguar Paw and his friends, leaving his wife and child in the pit. Then the tribe took the captured men into their village to be used as human sacrifices but stopped after they received a sign, a solar eclipse, from God. The violent tribe then gave their hostages an opportunity to escape, but only if they could outrun their warriors. In this game, Jaguar Paw inadvertently killed the son of the general, causing the general to initiate a pursuit of Jaguar Paw. Angry, the general and his warriors pursued Jaguar Paw to the forest near his house where Jaguar Paw fought and killed the general and his warriors. After he killed them, Jaguar Paw rescued his wife and son, and together, they left to find a new home. On the way, they see European explorers disembarking from their ships.


Comida: Molé-­ Food: Molé | Sonia Sotomayor -­ Sonia Sotomayor

Comida: Molé Food: Molé Kaelynn Miller-Savoy El Mole es muy representativo de la comida mexicana. El origen está perdido en la leyenda en las cocinas de los conventos en Puebla. La palabra “mole” se asocia a muchos platos mexicanos. Su origen es Nahuatl y viene de la palabra molli o mulli. Su significado original se asocial a una salsa hecha después de moler chiles y añadir líquido. El pollo o el pavo es la carne tradicional pero el mole se sirve con variedad de carne como cerdo y cabra. Hay muchas clases diferentes de mole. Fuera de México, se asocial a una salsa conocida en español como mole poblano. El Mole se come en ocasiones como bodas, cumpleaños, baptismos, primeras comuniones, quinceañeras y otros grandes eventos. En el Día de los Muertos, el mole se ofrece a los muertos.

Mole is a very representative dish of Mexican food. The origin is lost in legend about the kitchens of convents of the colonial Puebla. The word “mole” refers to several Mexican dishes. It is of Nahuatl origin and comes from the word molli or mulli. Its original meaning refers to any sauce made after grinding chilies and adding liquid. Chicken and turkey are the traditional meats, but el mole is also served with a variety of meat such as pork or goat. There are now many different kinds of mole. Outside of Mexico, it often refers to a specific sauce which is known in Spanish as mole poblano. Mole is popularly eaten on festive occasions such as weddings, birthdays, baptisms, first communions, quinceañeras, or any other large event. During Día de los Muertos (Day of the Death) Mole is offered to dead loved ones.

Sonia Sotomayor

Sonia Sotomayor Karissa Provenza

Sonia Sotomayor nació en el Bronx, en la ciudad de Nueva York. Sus padres nacieron en Puerto Rico. Sin embargo, ambos se conocieron después de que ambos se fueron después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Su padre murió cuando ella tenía nueve años, y su madre la crió. Sotomayor se graduó y recibió un A.B. como una de las pocas Latinas de la Universidad de Princeton. Luego recibió su doctorado en Derecho dela Universidad de Yale en 1979. En 1991, el presidente George Bush

Sonia Sotomayor was born in Bronx, New York City on June, 25 1954. Both of her parents were born in Puerto Rico; however, they met after they both left Puerto Rico during World War II. Her father died when she was nine, and her mother raised her. Sotomayor received an A.B. from Princeton University, one of the few Latinas among the graduates. She then received her J.D. from Yale Law School I 1979. In 1991, President George Bush nominated Sotomayor to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New


Entrevista con el Señor Wade -­ Interview with Mr. Wade

nombró a Sotomayor a la Corte de Distrito de E.E.U.U. del distrito Sur de Nueva York. Ella se convirtió en la jueza más joven y la primera juez federal hispana en Nueva York, junto con otras 7 juezas en el distrito de 58 jueces. En 1997, Bill Clinton nominó a Sotomayor para un puesto en la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, hubo rumores que sólo fue nominada porque era hispana e iba a ser la primera en la Corte de Apelación. Sin embargo, en marzo de 1998 fue confirmada. Pasó 10 años en la Corte Distrital, trabajando en 3.000 casos. En Mayo de 2009, el Presidente Barack Obama nominó a Sotomayor a la Corte Suprema. Fue confirmada el mismo año.

York. She became the youngest judge and the first Hispanic federal judge in New York, and only one of 7 women in the district’s 58 judges. In 1997, Bill Clinton nominated Sotomayor to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. However, rumors spread that they were only nominating her because she was Hispanic and would be the first one on the U.S. Court of Appeals. Nonetheless, in March of 1998 she was confirmed. She spent 10 years on the district court, deciding to over 3,000 cases. In May 2009, President Barack Obama nominated Sotomayor for appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. Her nomination was confirmed by the United States Senate in August, 2009.

Entrevista con el Señor Wade Interview with Mr. Wade Liliana Carbone ¿Cuál fue su primera impresión de Hawai?

What was your first impression of La Pietra?

Mi primera impresión de Hawai fue que las estudiantes eran muy buenas. Las clases son pequeñas y dan más oportunidad para conocer y ayudar a los estudiantes. Con clases pequeñas es más fácil para las chicas pasar la clase. Y sin duda, es una escuela Hermosa.

My first impression of La Pietra was that the students spoke very well, and explained themselves quite clearly. I found that the classes are very small which give you the advantage of being able to be more one on one with the students. You get to know them much better. It is also harder for the students to fall behind. And, of course, the campus is gorgeous.

¿Por qué quiso ser maestro? ¿Por qué matemáticas?

Why did you want to become a teacher? Why Math?

Yo quise ser maestro porque yo pienso que es un trabajo importante porque te da la oportunidad de cambiar la vida de una e s t u d i a n t e . Yo q u i s e s e r m a e s t r o d e matemáticas porque pienso que hay muchas estudiantes a las que no les gusta. Quiero demostrarles que la matemática es como todas

I wanted to become a teacher because I feel it is a very important job. It allows you to possibly make a difference in a student’s life. And besides, I like explaining things.


Entrevista con el Señor Wade -­ Interview with Mr. Wade

las otras materias si prestas atención y eres determinada. Y me gusta explicar cosas.

I wanted to teach math because I know that many students dislike it. I wanted to show them that math is just like any other subject; it just requires focus and confidence. I wanted to show them how to use it in real life.

¿A qué Universidad asistió Ud. ? Yo fui a Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.

What College/ University did you attend?

¿De dónde es Ud.?

I went to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.

C r e c í e n Te x a s y Luisiana.

What do you like about about La Pietra?

¿Cómo son Texas y Luisiana? ¿ Y Hawai?

The students, my collegues and getting the chance to live in Hawaii.

Texas y Luisiana son estados muy húmedos. La gente es simpática, pero un poco conservativa. Hay mucho espacio, mientras que Hawai es muy pequeño y no hay espacio como allí.

Where are you from? I grew up in Louisiana and Texas. What are Louisiana and Texas like? Are they like Hawaii?

¿Le gusta vivir en Hawai?

They are both very humid places. The people there are friendly, but also conservative. There is much open space over there, but there is less here because it’s so small.

Lo amo. El clima es siempre perfecto, las personas son muy simpáticas. Es un lugar estupendo.

How do you like living in Hawaii?

¿Por qué se mudó Usted a Hawai?

I love it. The weather is incredible, there are a lot of nice people, and it is just beautiful outdoors. It’s paradise.

Porque quería probar algo diferente. Adoro actividades al aire libre y Hawai me parece perfecto.

Why did you move to Hawaii? Well, I wanted to try something different. I really love the outdoors so Hawaii seemed perfect.


Mis Vacaciones -­ My Vacations

Mis Vacaciones My Vacation Alana Freitas No he ido a muchos lugares en mi vida. He viajado a la Isla Grande, Maui, Kauai, Disneylandia, San Francisco y Seattle. He tenido buenas experiencias en cada viaje. Fui a la Isla Grande en el cuarto grado, cuando estuve aprendiendo acerca de la cultura hawaiana. Tuve que permanecer en un dormitorio con mis amigas y mi mamá y fue muy divertido. Fuimos de excursión a las playas y comimos comida deliciosa. Me fui de nuevo con mi familia y más tarde viajamos a Pu'uhonua O Honaunau, un lugar sagrado de culto y sacrificio. He viajado a Maui muchas veces en mi vida, ya que parte de mi familia vivía allí. Mi familia y yo visitamos todos los años y nos quedamos en su casa. Fuimos a Lavander Farms y The Surfing Goat Dairy. Me divertí mucho con mi primo, tía y tío. Hicimos mucha comida, nos quedamos hasta tarde viendo películas, recogimos fruta fresca, y fuimos de compras a Lahaina. Cuando fui a Kauai, fui con mi familia y alquilamos un apartamento. Era muy grande y estaba al lado de una piscina grande. A veces nos despertabamos temprano por la mañana y caminábamos y luego nadábamos. Cuando fui a Disneylandia, yo tenía unos seis años de edad. Fui con mis abuelos, padres y hermana. Compré un libro para

I have not gone to many places in my life. I have traveled to the Big Island, Maui, Kauai, Disneyland, San Francisco, and Seattle. I have had good experiences on each trip. I went to the Big Island in 4th grade when I was learning about the Hawaiian culture. I got to stay in a dorm with my friends and my mom, and it was a lot of fun. We went on hikes, went to beaches, and ate delicious food. I went again with my family later and we traveled to Pu’uonua o Hanounou, a sacred sacrificing and worshiping place. I have traveled to Maui many times in my life since part of my family used to live there. My family and I visited there every year and stayed at their house. We went to the Lavender Farms and The Surfing Goat Dairy. I had a lot of fun with my cousin, aunty and uncle. We made a lot of food, stayed up late watching movies, picked fresh fruit, and went shopping in Lahaina. When I went to Kauai, I went with my family and we rented an apartment house. It was a really big house next to a big pool. Sometimes we woke up early in the morning and went walking and swimming.


Mis Vacaciones -­ My Vacations

When I went to Disneyland, I was about six years old. I went with my grandparents, parents, and sister. I bought an autograph book and got autographs from all the Disney characters such as Cinderella, Simba, Pooh, and even Ariel the Mermaid. We also went to Legoland and saw a performance of a princess being rescued from a dragon. One of my most recent trips was to San Francisco. I went with my parents and sister. We went to Muir Woods, stayed at the Silver Cloud Inn, rode cable cars, visited the wax museum, and the Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory. It was really cold there so I had to wear a lot of clothes! We also went shopping a lot, which wasn’t my dad’s favorite thing to do. We went to the Aquarium of the Bay and Fisherman’s Wharf. We also visited the zoo and went to two museums: Ripley’s Believe It or Not and the Exploratorium. At the Exploratorium, my dad and I went into a dark tunnel where we had to use our senses to guide us out and down the slide. Of course we also went to the Golden Gate Bridge, the main attraction of San Francisco. My most recent trip was to Seattle, Washington. It was even colder there! We went walking around in Pike’s Place, which featured a cheese factory, many delicious delis, a special golden pig, and men throwing fish at each other. We also went to the aquarium and the first Starbucks. We went to the science museum, which included a butterfly house that you could walk through. Of course we went to other tourist attractions such as a sculpture park and the zoo but the coolest part of the trip was going to Bainbridge Island. We took a ferry there and saw the mountains on the island. When we reached the island, we had pizza and ice cream, and then walked around to the other shops. We also went kayaking in a river, which was a lot of fun. We saw many animals…even a deer! So even though I’ve only traveled to one country and three states, it’s the quality that counts… not the quantity.

autógrafos y conseguí autógrafos de todos los personajes de Disney como La Cenicienta, Simba, Pooh, e incluso Ariel la sirenita. También fuimos a Legoland y vi una actuación de una princesa que era rescatada de un dragón. Uno de mis viajes más recientes fue a San Francisco. Fui con mis padres y hermana. Fuimos a Muir Woods, nos quedamos en el mesón de Silver Cloud, paseamos en teleféricos, visitamos el museo de cera y la Fábrica de Chocolate Ghirardelli. Hacía mucho frío, así que tuve que usar bastante ropa! También fuimos de compras, una cosa que no era la favorita de mi papá. Fuimos al Acuario de la Bahía y Fisherman's Wharf. También visitamos el zoológico y fuimos a dos museos: Ripley's Believe It or Not, y el Exploratorium. En el Exploratorium, mi papá y yo entramos en un túnel oscuro y tuvimos que usar nuestros sentidos para guiarnos hacia fuera y hacia abajo de la diapositiva. Por supuesto, también fuimos al puente Golden Gate, el principal atractivo de San Francisco. Mi viaje más reciente fue a Seattle, Washington. Hacía más frío allí! Nos fuimos caminando en Pike Place, que tenía una fábrica de queso, muchas tiendas de cosas deliciosas, un cerdo de oro especial y hombres lanzándose peces. También fuimos al acuario y al primer Starbucks. Fuimos al museo de la ciencia, que incluía una casa de mariposas dónde se podía caminar. Por supuesto fuimos a otras atracciones turísticas como el parque de esculturas y el zoológico, pero la parte más chévere del viaje fue ir a Bainbridge Island. Tomamos un ferry de allí y vimos las montañas de la isla. Cuando llegamos a la isla, comimos pizza y helado y luego caminamos a otras tiendas. También fuimos en kayak por el río, algo que fue muy divertido. Vimos muchos animales .... Incluso un ciervo! Así que, aunque sólo he viajado en un país y tres estados, es la calidad lo que cuenta ... no la cantidad.


Carolina Herrera -­ Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera Carolina Herrera

Anelani Haywood Carolina Herrera nació en Caracas, Venezuela. Vive en Nueva York desde 1981. Durante los años 1970 y 1980, fue nombrada una de las mujeres mejor vestidas del mundo. Su imperio creció rápidamente y de forma constante y pasó a vestir a Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis en los últimos 12 años de su vida. Carolina Herrera está casada con Reinaldo Herrera Guevara, Marqués de Torre Casa, editor de la revista Vanity Fair, con quien tuvo dos hijas. Anteriormente estuvo casada con Guillermo Behrens Tello, con quien tuvo dos hijas. Carolina Herrera es una embajadora de buena voluntad y facilitadora de la I n s t i t u c i ó n Intergubernamental para la utilización de microalgas Spirulina contra la malnutrición, IIMSAM, y su programa de acción afirmativa, el derecho a la alimentación Campaña Iniciativa Contra la Desnutrición y Moda Unidas contra la malnutrición. IIMSAM trabaja para promover el uso de micro-alga Espirulina (Spirulina platensis) para combatir la malnutrición y sus graves impactos negativos, especialmente en los países en desarrollo y menos adelantados (PMA). Carolina Herrera es la ganadora del Premio de Excelencia del Centro Internacional de Nueva York.

Carolina Herrera was born in Caracas, Venezuela. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, she was named one of the best dressed women in the world. Based in New York City since 1981, her empire grew rapidly and steadily and she went on to dress Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis for the last 12 years of her life. Carolina Herrera is married to Reinaldo Herrera Guevara, Marqués de Torre Casa, an editor at Vanity Fair magazine, with whom she had two daughters. She was previously married to Guillermo Behrens Tello, with whom she also had two daughters. Carolina Herrera is a Goodwill Ambassador and Facilitator for the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina Against Malnutrition, IIMSAM, and its affirmative action program, The Right to Food Campaign Initiative Against Malnutrition and Fashion United Against Malnutrition. IIMSAM works to promote the use of micro-algae Spirulina (Spirulina Platensis) to counter malnutrition and its severe negative impacts especially in the Developing and Least Developed Countries (LDC). Herrera is a recipient of The International Center in New York's Award of Excellence.


Juan Comida: Diego M Florez olé-­ F-­ood: Juan MDolé iego Florez | Música: Regueton -­‐ Music Regueton

Juan Diego Florez Juan Diego Florez Bianca Batten Juan Diego Florez es un famoso cantante peruano de ópera. Mejor conocido por sus papeles en Operas de Canto de Bel, Florez es un tenor fuerte. El también ganó mucho reconocimiento como La Gran Cruz de la Orden del Sol del Perú en 2007. Nacido en Lima, Perú en 1973, él creció cantando con su guitarra en el bar local de su madre. El creció amando la música y consiguió una beca para al Instituto de Curtis en Filadelfia donde él estudió Opera de 1993 a 1996. El pasó a cantar para el Centro Lincoln, Carnegie Hall y La Opera Metropolitana de Nueva York. Juan Diego recibió una nominación al Grammy por mejor desempeño Clásico en 2009.

Juan Diego Florez is a famous Peruvian Opera singer. Best known for his roles in Bel Canto Operas, Florez is a strong tenor. He has also earned one of the most prestigious honors for opera singers in 2007, The Gran Cruz de la Orden del Sol del Perú. Born in Lima, Peru in 1973, he grew up singing with his guitar at his mother’s local pub. He grew up loving music and got a scholarship to the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, where he studied Opera from 1993 to 1996. He went on to sing at Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, The New York Metropolitan Opera. He won a Grammy nomination for Best Classical Performance in 2009.

Música: Regueton Music: Regueton Carmen Sharkey

Este es un tipo de música urbana que conocieron los chicos de LatinoAmerica en los 90. Se originó en Puerto Rico. El Reguetón se hizo popular en el 2004. Hasta ahora se ha extendido a América del Norte, Europa y Asia. El Reguetón contiene los estilos West-Indian reggae, dancehall, bomba, plena, salsa, merengue, latin pop, cumbia, bachata, hip-hop, R&B y electrónica. Este tipo de género ha tenido influencia del hip-hop y el dancehall jamaicano. Algunos ejemplos de artistas e intérpretes de Reguetón son Daddy Yankee y Tego Calderón. Algunas de las mejores canciones de Daddy Yankee son Gasolina y Lo que Pasó, Pasó. Las canciones más populares de Tego Calderón son Quitarte To y Pa’ Que Retocen.

Regueton is a type of urban music that became noticed by Latin American children in the 90’s. It had originated in Puerto Rico and became really popular in 2004. It has so far spread to North America, Europe and Asia. Regueton contains the styles of West-Indian reggae, dancehall, bomba, plena, salsa, merengue, latin pop, cumbia, bachata, hip-hop, R&B and electronic. It is combined with rapping or singing in Spanish. This type of genre has taken its influence from hip-hop and Jamaican dancehall. Some examples of Regueton performers are Daddy Yankee and Tego Calderon. Some of the top songs from Daddy Yankee are “Gasolina” and “Lo que Paso Paso.” Top songs from Tego Calderon are “Quitarte To” and “Pa’ que Retocen.”


Maite Perroni -­ Maite Perroni

Maite Perroni Maite Perroni Tiffany Gassman La actriz y cantante mexicana, Maite Perroni, nació el 9 de marzo de 1983. Ella es mejor conocida por protagonizar ens serie de televisión Cuidado con el Angel, Rebelde, y Mi Pecado. También fue miembro de la banda RDB. Nació en la ciudad de México y se crió en Guadalajara, su familia se mudó a menudo por el trabajo de su padre. Perroni tiene dos hermanos, Adolfo y Francisco. Ella estudió actuación en El Centro de Educación Artística de Televisa, Ella hizo su gran debut como actriz en la telenovela mexicana Rebelde, y luego fue parte de RBD y RBD La Familia.. La Familia no fue tanto como éxito como Rebelde. Después Perroni se convirtió en una estrella en Cuidado Con El Angel, que tuvo un enorme en México y Los Estados Unidos. Además de su carrera de actuación Perroni también fue parte de la famosa banda mundial RBD. La banda vendió más de quince millones de copias en todo el mundo y ha hecho muchas giras. Perroni se comprometió con Guido Laris, director musical de RDB. Sin embargo, la pareja se separó en agosto de 2008. Perroni ganó su primer premio en Los Premios TVyNovelas, poe "Mejor tema" y en marzo de 2009 ganó el premio "Mejor actriz joven" por Cuidado con el Angel. Perroni es una actriz y cantante de fama mundial, y todos podemos esperar grandes cosas en el futuro de esta joven estrella.

Mexican actress and singer Maite Perroni was born on March 9, 1983. She is best known for starring in the TV series Cuidado con el Angel, Rebelde, and Mi Pecado. She was also a member of the band RBD. Born in Mexico city and raised in Guadalajara, her family moved around a lot because of her father’s work. Perroni has two brothers, Adolfo and Francisco. She studied acting at Televisa's Centro DE Educación Artistica. She made her big debut as an actress in the Mexican soap opera Rebelde, and then moved onto RBD: La Familia. RBD: La Familia wasn’t as big of a hit as Rebelde was, so Perroni went on to star in Cuidado Con el Angel, which turned out to be a huge hit in Mexico and the United States. Besides her acting career, Perroni was also part of the world famous band RBD. They sold over fifteen million copies worldwide and have gone on many tours. Perroni was engaged to Guido Laris, the musical director of RBD. However, the couple split in August 2008. Perroni won her first award at the Premios TVyNovelas, for the “Best Theme Song” and in March 2009 won the “Best young Actress in a Leading Role” for Cuidado con el Angel. Perroni is a world renowned actress and singer, and we can all expect great things in the future from this young star.




在小龍飯館 -­ Dinner at Small Dragon Restaurant

在小龍飯館 Dinner at Small Dragon Restaurant Anela Wong 高小音搬去新加坡。他喜歡畫畫。也很愛動物。 他買很多隻狗. 現在他已經有四隻狗了。 大前年的一個晚上,我跟高文中和白音愛在一家 飯館。 服務生:歡迎你們來小龍飯館。我的名字是小 高。你們幾位?請坐。 請看菜單。 高文中:你今晚很美。 白音愛:謝謝。你也很美。 高小音:你的連衣裙很美。 白音愛:謝謝。你的連衣 裙也可愛。 服務生:你們想要吃點兒 什麼? 高文中:我們要吃龍蝦和 豆腐。晚上的龍蝦怎麼 樣? 服務生:很不錯! 高文中:好!就點龍蝦和 豆腐。 高小音:對不起。我要去廁所一下。 高文中:好。 白音愛:所以。。。你喜歡看書嗎? 高文中:我喜歡看書。你呢? 白音愛:我喜歡看的英文書叫三隻小 豬。 高文中:我也喜歡看英文書。因為英文書很有意 思。 白音愛:真酷。你想說什麼? 高文中:那談談你和我吧!我喜歡你。

Gao Xiao Ying moves to Singapore. She likes to draw and loves animals. She buys many dogs. Right now she has four dogs. Three years ago, she was at a restaurant with Gao Wen Zhong and Bai Ying Ai. Server: Welcome to Xiao Long restrant. My name is Xiao Gao. How many people? Sit down, please. Please look at the menu. Gao Wen Zhong: Today you look very pretty. Bai Yin Ai: Thank you. You also look pretty. Gao Wen Zhong: Thank you. Your dress is also cute. Server: What do you guys want to eat? Gao Wen Zhong: We would like to eat shrimp and tofu. How is tonight’s shrimp? Server: Very good! Gao Wen Zhong: That's great! Gao Xiao Ying: Sorry, I am going to go use the bathroom. Gao Wen Zhong: Okay. Bai Yin Ai: So… do you like reading books? Gao Wen Zhong: I like reading books. How about you? Bai Yin Ai: I like reading English books, The Three Little Pigs, for example. Gao Wen Zhong: I also like reading English books because they are interesting. Bai Yin Ai: That’s cool. Did you want to say something else? Gao Wen Zhong: Let’s talk about you and me. I like you.


愛以後愛 -­ Love After Love

愛以後愛 Love After Love Johanna Ward 李友真喜歡高小音。她覺得高小音又帥又酷。所 以,李友想要認識高小音的媽媽和爸爸。下星 期,李友要去高小音的家跟他的媽媽和爸爸吃晚 飯。 高小音的媽媽做菜做得真好。李友覺得高小音的 爸爸不太喜歡她。幾天後,李友問小音“你爸爸 是 不 是 不 喜 歡 我?”小音告訴李 友,“對不起,我爸 爸 是 不 太 喜 歡 你。”可是,李友不 懂為什麼小音的爸爸 就是不喜歡她。李友 不要高文中這個男朋 友了,因為高文中的 爸爸不喜歡她 。所 以,李友再也不跟高 小音做朋友了。 一年後,李友在飯館 遇見她的朋友。他的 名字叫小張。小張買 了一瓶礦泉水給李 友。他們一邊聊有關他們的家人和喜歡看的電 影,一邊喝水。 李友請小張去看新電影。小張 問“什麼時候可以跟我一起去看電影?”李友 說“明天是二月十四號。我可以跟你出去。 ”明 天,小張就要對李友說“我愛你”。

Li You really likes Gao Xiao Yin. She thinks he is very handsome and cool, so she wants to meet his mom and dad. Next week, she is going to Gao Xiao Yin’s house because they are going to eat dinner with his mom and dad. Gao Xiao Yin’s mom makes really good food. Li You thinks Gao Xiao Yin’s dad does not like her. A few days later, Li You asks Gao Xiao Yin, “Does your dad like me?” Gao Xiao Yin tells Li You, “Sorry, my dad does not like you.” She doesn’t know why his dad doesn’t like her. Li You doesn’t want a boyfriend whose dad doesn’t like her, so they are no longer friends. O n e Ye a r later, Li You bumps into her friend at a restaurant. His name is Zhang. Zhang bought her a bottle of mineral water. While they are drinking, they talk about their families and movies they both like. Li You invites Zhang to see a new movie. Zhang asks, “When can we see a movie?” She says, “Tomorrow, February 14, I can go out with you.” Tomorrow, he will tell her, “I love you.”


電影 -­ Movies

尋找快樂 Pursuit of Happyness Nikki Na Chris Gardner is poor and jobless, and his wife left him. There is no way to earn money to raise his son. They often sleep on the street and in homeless shelters in New York City. While living this lifestyle, Chris applies to be a stockbroker. Chris studies and take tests for six months while he takes care of his son. Can he get the job?

克里斯多佛。賈納沒有錢,也沒有 工作。他太太跟他分開了。他沒有 辦法賺錢繳他兒子的學費。他們常 常在紐約市的街上和流浪漢居所過夜。在這樣生 活下,克里斯多佛應徵投資公司的工作。克里斯 多佛一邊照顧他的兒子,一邊準備六個月的考 試。他能不能得到這份工作呢?

為你鍾情 Walk the Line Nozomi Yamashita 他在阿肯色州住,還是一個小男孩子 的時候,強尼卡許就下定決心,要成 為頂尖的歌手。他在德國服役時,買 了第一把吉他。強尼卡許兵役結束之 後,他回來美國不久,強尼卡許很快就成為專業 的歌手。他的表演場場都賣座,觀眾都為他瘋 狂。可是當他越來越有名,藥物和婚姻成為他最 大的問題。

Since the time when he was a little boy living in Arkansas, Johnny Cash wanted to be a singer. He bought his first guitar when he joined the U.S. Army in Germany in 1944. When he came back to America, he became a professional singer and began performances, all the performances had full audience, and people loved him. However, as he became famous, he started to have drug and marriage problems.

購物狂的異想世界 Confessions of a Shopaholic Shannon Lum 麗貝卡 購物成癮。所以她不但繳不 起電費,也繳不起水費。她該怎麼 辦呢?她的夢想是在雅麗時尚雜誌 裡寫專欄。可是,她得不到這份工 作。沒機會寫時尚專欄,她只好在 財經雜誌當記者。結果發現她是一 個有才華的作家。麗貝卡的老闆陸 克非常欣賞她的才華。在陸克的幫 助下,麗貝卡的才華開始漸漸的受讀者的肯定。

Rebecca Bloomwood loves shopping for clothes, but she can’t pay her telephone or house bills. What should she do? She wants to write about fashion for the fashion magazine “Allet,” but she cannot get the job, so she starts off working for a financial magazine called Successful Savings. It turns out that she is a very talented journalist. Her boss Luke helps her to become successful and, eventually, many people admire her.


私の家族 -­ My Family

At Ghana Layla Fidel 高文中二十六歲。他的太太是白英愛。他們有兩 個孩子。高文中在大學校認識了白英愛。他們住 在美國。高文中學政 治學,可是他的工作 是工程師。現在,他 在迦納幫助不幸的 人。高文中跟迦納人 學了很多迦納的歌。 他真的喜歡迦納。他 很高興。可是他很想 他的太太和兩個孩 子。他領養了一個從 迦納 來的男孩‧.那 個孩子的名字叫 Adofo。Adofo 六歲。 Adofo和高文中二零一 二年才回美國。他告訴Adofo,“你在美國很快 樂。你和你的新哥哥和姐姐可以一起去看很多電 影。“Adofo 很快樂。高文中的家人在美國也很 快樂。他們真想認識Adofo。Adofo很想教他的哥 哥、姐姐和新媽媽唱很多迦納的歌。高文中很想 要回家。Adofo 也很想要回他的新家,還想要認 識他的家人。

Gao Wen Zhong is 26 years old. His wife is Bai Ying Ai. They have 2 children. Gao Wen Zhong met Bai Ying Ai in college. They live in America. Gao Wen Zhong studies Political Science, but he is an engineer. Right now he is helping unfortunate people. He is in Ghana. Gao Wen Zhong and the people of Ghana sing many Ghana songs together. He really likes Ghana. He is happy. He really misses his wife and two children. He is adopting one Ghana boy. That child’s name is Adofo. Adofo is 6 years old. Adofo and Gao Wen Zhong won’t return to America until 2012. He told Adofo, “In America you will have fun. You, your older brother, and older sister will watch movies together.” Adofo is very happy. Gao Wen Zhong’s family in America is also very happy. They really want to meet Adofo. Adofo wants to teach them to sing many Ghana songs. Gao Wen Zhong really wants to return home, and Adofo really wants to go to his new home and also wants to meet his new family.


Adofo returns to Ghana. He wants to see his Ghanese family. He has a lover. Her name is Ci Mei. They are students. They go to Ghana together. They get married. Ci Mei and Adofo will teach many students in Ghana how to speak English. Adofo and Ci Mei love Ghana. They want to live there. They want to begin a new life in Ghana.

20 Years Later…

Adofo回迦納。他想要看他的家人。他有一個愛 人。 她叫慈玫。他們是同學。他們一起去 迦 納。他們結婚了。他跟慈玫在迦納教很多迦納的 學生說英文。Adofo和慈玫愛上了迦納。他們想住 那兒,所以他們在迦納要開始新生活。


流行樂之王!!-­ The King of Pop!!

流行樂之王!! The King of Pop!! Kadie Kaukumitsu and Tasi Reid 麥可傑克森的生日是一九五八年八月二十九。

Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958.

他死在二零零九年六月二十五 號。他五十歲。

He died on June 29, 2009. He was 50 years old. Michael Jackson was American.


Brooke Shields and Elizabeth Taylor were Michael Jackson’s good friends.

布魯克雪德絲和伊莉沙伯· 泰萊都是麥可傑克森的好朋 友。

He had two older sisters and one younger sister. Their names are Rebbie, La Toya, and Janet. Michael Jackson also had five older brothers and one younger brother. Their names are Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, Brandon, and Randy.

他有兩個姐姐和一個妹妹。 她們名字叫瑞比,拉托亞,和珍妮。 麥可傑克森有一個弟弟還有五個哥 哥。他們名字叫杰基,特利亞諾,傑 曼,馬龍,蘭道爾,和蘭迪。

His children’s names are Prince Michael Jackson, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, and Prince Michael Jackson II (Blanket).

他的孩子名字叫王子,芭莉絲傑克 森,和王子二世,又叫毯子。 麥可傑克森又高又瘦。 他會説英文和法文。 and skinny. 他喜歡唱歌和跳舞。

Michael Jackson was tall

He could speak English and French.

他有一隻猴叫 巴伯斯。他有長頸鹿,兩隻虎還 有一條蛇。他的老虎一隻叫顫慄,另一隻叫沙比.

He liked singing and dancing.


Michael Jackson had a monkey named Bubbles. He also had giraffes, two tigers, and one snake. His tiger’s names were Thriller and Saby.


He wore one white glove. Michael Jackson was the King of Pop!


再見! -­ Goodbye Now!

再見! Goodbye Now! Hannah Apa 美友老師:喂! 龍法: 喂,這是龍法。請問美友老師在嗎? 美友老師:我就是,有什麼事? 龍法:這是你的學生,你現在可以幫我一點忙 嗎? 美友老師:行,可是我得晚上十一點去睡覺。你 的中文說得很好。 龍法 : 我覺得中文說得不錯。 可是,我覺得語法有一點兒 難。 美友老師:是嗎,你在上什麼 課? 龍法 : 我是中文三的學生。 美友老師:你需要幫忙嗎? 龍 法 : 我不知道今天的功課 是什麼? 美友老師:你的功課是第讀六 課 、 還 有 你 得 書 , 讀 了 以 後 要寫一份有關你家人的報告。 龍法 : 為什麼!!太多了﹐我 沒有空兒。 美 友 老 師 : 對 不 起 。 因 為 你 問我﹐所以才我告訴你。我現在要去睡覺很我很 累了。我們明天見吧!!再見! 龍法 : 等一下,我很忙,所以我想請問您,我可 以大後天再交作業嗎? 美友老師:你不可以大後天給我你的功課。這樣 對大家不公平! 去做功課吧! 龍 法 : 謝謝,老師。明天見!

(On the phone) Mei You (teacher) : Hello? Long Fa: Hello. This is Long Fa. Is Mei You there? Mei You: This is he, what is the matter? Long Fa: This is your student; can you help me right now? Mei You: Okay, but I must go to bed at 11 p.m. You speak Chinese pretty well! Long Fa: I think I speak Chinese pretty well, but I have a little trouble with grammar. Mei You: Really. You’re in what class of mine? Long Fa: I am a Chinese 3 student. Mei You: Do you need some help? Long Fa: I don’t know today’s homework. Mei You: The homework is lesson six. In addition, read your family book. After you have read it, write about it. Long Fa: What! Too much, I don’t have time. Mei You: Sorry, you asked me, so I told you. I’m tired, so I’m going to go to bed right now. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye, bye. See you tomorrow (trying to hang up). Long Fa: Wait, I’m so busy, so can I please turn it into you 3 days from now? Mei You: You can’t turn it in your homework 3 days from now. It’s not fair to everyone else in class. Go and do your homework! (hanging up the phone in frustration.) Long Fa: Thanks; see you tomorrow (in a sassy tone).


十二生肖的故事 -­ The Story of Zodiac Animals | 我的朋友 -­‐ My Friend

十二生肖 The Zodiac Animals Jill Tomasa 老鼠又小又聰明,可是牠很難看。 水牛很有用。很多人要買牠。 老虎可以叫,跑得很快,老虎也很聰明。所以牠 可以吃很多動物。 兔子很可愛,所以很多小孩子愛 牠。 兔子也可以跑得很快。 龍是王。牠可以飛得很高。 有隻蛇叫小王。蛇很有用。當你 不舒服,你可以吃牠。 馬跑得很快,所以牠很有用。 羊很幸運,所以很多人要牠。 猴子很聰明,因為他會爬樹。 雞愛牠的孩子們。 狗沒用。牠們不可愛。 豬很胖,跑得好慢。

The mouse is smart and small, but not very good looking. The water buffalo is very useful. Many people want to buy it. He is capable of eating a lot of animals. Rabbits are very cute, so many children love them. Rabbits also run really fast. The dragon is a king; therefore, it can fly really high. There is a snake called Little King. Snakes are really helpful. When you don’t feel comfortable, eating them will make you feel better. Horses are fast runners; therefore, they are very helpful. Goats are lucky animals, so everyone wants goats. Monkeys are very smart because they can climb trees. Chickens love their children. Dogs are useless. They are not cute at all. Pigs are really fat. They run slowly.

十二隻動物中,我最愛我的狗。她的名字叫 Penny。她是咖啡的色。她很聰明。Penny很老了, 她今年十三歲。可是,我愛Penny!

Among all the twelve animals, I love my dog the most. Her name is Penny. She is brown and very smart. Penny is an old dog. This year, she is thirteen years old. However, I love Penny!

我的朋友 My Friend Natasha Staman and Ariana Ebesu 我的中文名字叫小小。我的電話號嗎是 四三三二一三一。我有一個弟弟。我沒 有姐姐。我爸爸是教授。我媽媽是護 士。我天天都吃早飯。我的早飯有火 腿、蛋和果汁。這是我的同學伊麗莎 白。她 是中國人。伊麗莎白六歲。我五

My Chinese name is Xiao Xiao. My home phone number is 433-2131. I have one younger brother. I don’t have an older sister. My father is a professor. My mother is a nurse. I eat breakfast everyday. I eat ham and eggs and fruit juice. This is my


回家中... -­ On the Way Home...

classmate Elizabeth. She is a Chinese person. Elizabeth is 6 years old. I am 5 years old. We like to play together. I want to go to Elizabeth’s house tomorrow. Elizabeth is very good at speaking and writing French. I would like Elizabeth to teach me to speak and write French. Elizabeth is a very good teacher and friend. I practice French five days a week. We have classes two times a week. One day, Elizabeth and I are going to become French teachers.

歲。我 們喜歡一起玩。我明天要去伊麗 莎白的 家。伊麗莎白說法文說文很好和 寫法文也寫得很好。我想要伊麗莎白教 我說也教寫法文。伊麗莎白是很好的老 師和朋友。我一個星期練法文五次。我 們一個星期有兩天法文課。一天,伊麗 莎白和我想要成為法文 老師。


“On the Way Home...”

Marina Sewell

Brittany Lieu

Li You, Wang Peng, Bai Ying Ai: See you tomorrow! Li You, Wang Peng, and Bai Ying Ai leave. Gao Xiao Ying: Older brother, I want to go home. Gao Wen Zhong: Ok, Little sister, let’s go home. Gao Xiao Ying: Older brother, do you like to eat Japanese food? Gao Wen Zhong: Why? Gao Xiao Ying: Because I like to eat Japanese food. Gao Wen Zhong: I eat Japanese food, Korean food, Spanish food… Gao Xiao Ying: You like to eat a lot of things! Gao Wen Zhong: Right! I eat anything. Gao Xiao Ying: You eat anything, but you’re not fat. Why? Gao Wen Zhong: I play basketball with Wang Peng every day. Do you want to play basketball with us tomorrow? Gao Xiao Ying: I don’t want to because I don’t play basketball very well. Gao Wen Zhong: No problem! We’ll teach you! Gao Xiao Ying: Really!? Thank you, older brother! I’ll play basketball with you guys tomorrow!

李友,王朋,白英愛: 明天見! 高小英:哥哥,我要回家。 高文中: 好妹妹,我們回家。 高小英:哥哥,你喜歡吃日本菜 嗎? 高文中: 為什麼? 高小英: 因為我喜歡吃日本 菜。 高文中: 我不知道。因為我吃 日本菜法國菜韓國菜也吃西班 牙菜 高小英: 你喜歡吃得東西很 多! 高文中: 對!我什麼都喜歡 吃。 高小英: 你什麼都吃,可是你不 是很胖。為什麼? 高文中: 每天我跟王朋打籃球。你明天要不要跟 我們去打籃球? 高小英: 我不要。因為我打籃球打得不好。 高文中: 沒問題!我們能教你! 高小英: 真的!?謝謝哥哥!那明天我跟你們一 起去打籃球吧!


美月要搬家了 -­ Mei Yue is Moving In

Twelve years later


Bai Ying Ai returns to Korea. She becomes a famous doctor. Sometimes, she teaches Chinese at an orphanage. When she started, she didn’t want to teach the orphans because they were mean. However, her mom and her dad wanted her to teach because Bai Ying Ai speaks Chinese very well, studies a lot of Chinese books, and also can write Chinese very well.

白英愛搬回韓國。她成為一位有名的醫生。有的 時候她在孤兒院教中文。一開始她不想教,因為 他們很壞。可是,她的媽媽和爸爸要她那些孤兒 繼續教,因為白英愛說中文說得很好、讀了很多 中文 書、還有寫漢字也寫得很好。

美月要搬家了 Mei Yue is Moving In Maryna Feldberg (美月搬來的時候,她遇見小王。。。)

(When Mei Yue moved in, she met Xiao Wang...)

美月:你好! 小王:你好,你是誰? 美月:我叫美月,你的名字叫什麼? 小王:我叫小王。你是什麼 時候搬來的? 美月:我上個月簽了兩年的 約,可是我今天就搬來了。 小王:噢,你住在幾號公 寓? 美月:十六號公寓, 你 呢? 小王:十號公寓。我家到你 家很近。 你今天晚上來我 家吃飯吧! 美月:好啊!對不起, 我 現在就要去上課了。你給我 打電話。留話給我,我再回 電。 小王:好, 再見。 美月:再見!

Mei Yue: Hello! Xiao Wang: Hello, who are you? Mei Yue: I am called Mei Yue. What is your name? Xiao Wang: I am Xiao Wang. When did you move in? Mei Yue: I signed a contract for two years last month, but I only just moved in today. Xiao Wang: Oh, What number apartment do you live in? Mei Yue: Number 16. What about you? Xiao Wang: Number 10. My house is very close to your house. Do you want to come to my house to eat dinner tonight? Mei Yue: Yes! Sorry, I have to go to class now. You call me, leave a message, and I’ll return the call. Xiao Wang: Okay, bye, bye. Mei Yue: Bye, bye.


to eat dinner... )


Xiao Wang: How long have you lived in America? Mei Yue: I have been living here for 4 years, but my mom, dad and I all came from Shang Hai.

(Mei Yue and Xiao Wang go out


我的同學們 -­ My Classmates

Xiao Wang: Why did you come to America? Mei Yue: My dad works at a computer company. Where do you work? Xiao Wang: I am in college, what about you? Mei Yue: I am also in college. I really like studying. Xiao Wang: You are certainly very smart. Mei Yue: Just a little smart. How old are you this year? Xiao Wang: I am 37 years old. Mei Yue: My older brother is also 37 years old. I am 35 years old. Xiao Wang: Oh, our food is ready. Mei Yue: In that case, we should eat now.

美月:我已經住在這裡四年了,可是我爸媽跟我 都是從上海來的。 小王:你們為什麼來美國? 美月:我爸爸在美國的電腦公司工作。你在哪裡 工作? 小王:我在大學念書,你呢? 美月:我也在大學念書,我真喜歡念書。 小王:你一定很聰明。 美月:有點聰明。你今年多大了? 小王:我三十七歲。 美月:我哥哥也三十七歲,我三十五歲。 小王:噢,我們的菜來了。 美月:那,我們來吃飯吧!

我的同學們 My Classmates

Jaclyn Lee, Brittany Lieu, Michelle Pang, Shelby Say, Kristy Springman 愛蓮:你好!真兒。 真兒:你好! 愛蓮:我是你弟弟的朋友 。 真兒:真的。請問您叫什麼名字? 愛蓮:我叫愛蓮。 開始上課 美嫻老師:歡迎 ! 愛蓮、真兒 :你好,美嫻老師! 美嫻老師:我們有一個新學生。她叫真兒. 你 好!真兒 。 下課後 愛蓮 : 你來我家嗎? 真兒:好,我去你家。 愛蓮 : 你的電話號碼幾號? 真兒:五三七九二六八。 在一個派對 愛蓮 :你好!美裕,珍美,真兒。 美裕、珍美、 真兒 :新 年 快 樂! 愛蓮 : 歡迎! 我的派對在這兒。 真兒: 好久不見 。 珍美:這是我的朋友,她叫美裕 。 美裕:你們好! 珍美和我是同學。 愛蓮 , 真兒:很高興認識你! 愛蓮 , 真兒: 美嫻老師也在這裡。您好,美嫻 老師。 美嫻老師:你們好!

Michelle: Hello! Brittany. Brittany: Hello! Michelle: I am your little brother’s friend. Brittany: Really? What is your name? Michelle: My name is Michelle。 ~Class Starts~ Shelby Teacher: Welcome! Michelle: Kristy, Brittany! Shelby Teacher:We have a new student. Her name is Brittany.          ~School Ends~ Michelle: Do you want to come over to my house? Brittany: Okay. I will go to your house. Michelle: What is your telephone number? Brittany: 537-9268. ~Party Starts~ Michelle: Hello! Kristy, Jackie, Brittany. Kristy, Jackie, Brittany: Happy New Year! Michelle: Welcome! My party is here. Brittany: Long time no see! Jackie: This is my friend. Her name is Kristy. Kristy: Hello everyone! Jackie and I are classmates. Michelle and Brittany: Nice to meet you! Michelle and Brittany: Our teacher Shelby is also here! Hello! Teacher. Shelby: Hello!


字卡 -­ Flashcards

Brittany Lieu

Natasha Staman

Michelle Peng

完 39

Tasi Reid


Si j’étais Jeanne d’Arc aujourd’hui -­ If I Was Joan of Arc Today Les Vacances de Mes Rêves -­‐ The Vacation of My Dreams

Si j’étais Jeanne d’Arc Aujourd’hui If I Were Joan of Arc Today Kiana Hieda Un jour, Madeleine se réveille parce qu’elle entend des voix qui lui disent d’aider les gens sur la Terre. Ils disent: «La température du noyau de la Terre s’élève à cause de l’extrême réchauffement de l’atmosphère. La croûte de la Terre brisera bientôt et tous les humains mourront, et les survivants mourront sans aucun doute dans les tsunamis immenses qui suivent.» Bien sûr, Madeleine est effrayée et elle ignore les voix, mais les voix continuent. Le lendemain, elle voit une grande fissure sur son chemin privé.« Oh mon dieu ! », elle dit, « Les voix sont correctes! Le monde s’achève ! » Ainsi, elle bâtit une arche… oui, elle a parlé aux animaux au cours d’une journée et quelques animaux ne l'ont pas cru. Elle prépare l'arche avec un assortiment de nourriture et de vêtements, et finalement, la Terre se secoue avec fureur. « Oh non! » Madeleine s'exclame, «J’ai oublié de construire un toit! »

One day, Madeleine wakes up because she hears voices telling her to help the people on Earth. T h e y s a y, " T h e temperature of the Earth's core is increasing due to the extreme warming of the atmosphere. The Earth's crust will soon break, all humans will die, and the survivors will undoubtedly die in the following immense tsunamis." Of course Madeleine is afraid, and she ignores the voices, but the voices continue. The next day, she sees a big fissure in her driveway. "Oh my god!" she said, "The voices are right! The world is ending!" Therefore, she builds an ark for all animals and all people who believe her... yes, she talked to all the animals in one day and some of them didn't believe her. She prepares the ark with an assortment of food and clothes, and finally, the Earth shakes with fury. "Oh no!" Madeleine cries, "I forgot to build a roof!"


The End

Les Vacances de Mes Rêves The Vacation of My Dreams Dominique Bittner In my dreams, I travel over many oceans and see many lands. I go by train, boat, and plane. In the tropical rainforest of Chile, I see monkeys swinging on trees. I sit in a forest of mushrooms and eat pie with zebras. After saying farewell to the forest that I love, I’m going to a

Dans mes rêves, je voyage au-dessus de beaucoup d’océans et je vois beaucoup de terres. Je vais en chemin de fer, en bateau et en avion. Dans la forêt tropicale de Chile, je vois des singes qui se balancent dans les arbres. Je m’assieds dans une forêt de champignons et je


Le Canada -­ Canada

land with no borders. I travel by boat for many days and nights, while writing this poem by candlelight. When I reach the land of the unknown, I walk the long, warm sanded island, until I come across a party, where the music is never turned down. It is a tiring week that cannot be beaten, but now it is time to awaken from my deep, deep sleep.

mange de la tarte avec des zèbres. Après que je dise adieu à mes amis de la forêt , je pars vers une terre sans frontières. Je voyage en bateau sur les mers, jour et nuit, tandis que j’écris ce poème illuminé par une bougie. Quand j’arrive à la terre de l’inconnu, je marche le long du sable humide et chaud et j’atteins une fête de l’île. On n’y baisse jamais la musique. C’est une semaine fatigante, sans pareil. Mais maintenant, il est temps que je me réveille de mon profond, profond sommeil.

Le Canada Canada

Alexandra Hastings J'aime beaucoup être dans les montagnes et dans la forêt, donc je voudrais aller au Canada. Je voudrais aussi visiter mes grands-parents pendant mon sejour là-bas. Que faire d’autre au Canada ? Les lundis, ma soeur dit, elle va faire de la planche à voile; peutêtre je peux aussi faire de la planche à voile. Mon papa me demande toujours pourquoi je veux tellement aller au Canada. Je veux y aller parce que tous mes amis me disent combien c’est génial là-bas et je suis la seule qui n'a jamais été au Canada.

I like to be in the mountains and in the forest a lot, therefore I would like to go to Canada. I would also like to visit my grandparents while I am there. What else can I do in Canada? On Mondays, my sister says, she goes windsurfing; maybe I can go windsurfing too. My dad always asks me why I want to go to Canada so badly. I want to go there because all my friends tell me how great it is, and I am the only one who has not yet gone to Canada.


La Planète de Comédie -­ The Laughing Planet | Un Mauvais Rêve -­‐ A Bad Dream

La Planète de Comédie The Laughing Planet Shayla Hixson Comme planète suivante, le Petit Prince se trouve sur la planète de comédie. C’est une très petite planète. Tout le temps et à toutes heures, un homme marche partout sur cette planète. Quand le Petit Prince arrive, l’homme le regarde en riant. Le Petit Prince ne comprend pas du tout. Il demande: “Pourquoi est-ce que tu ris tout le temps?” L’homme répond que rire est bon pour la santé. Il dit, “Pourquoi veuxtu être heureux?” Le Petit Prince comprend bien cet homme. Il ne veut plus quitter la planète, mais le rire de l’homme devient très ennuyeux pour le Petit Prince. Il lui dit au revoir et saute jusqu’à la planète suivante.

Traveling around the planets, the little Prince finds the laughing planet. It is a very small planet. Every hour, a man walks everywhere on the planet. When the little Prince arrives, the man sees him and starts laughing. The little Prince does not understand why. He asks, “Why do you laugh all the time?” The man responds that laughing is good for your heart. He asks, “Why would you be sad if you could be happy?” The little Prince understands what the man says. He does not want to leave the planet, but the man’s laugh is very irritating to the little Prince. He says goodbye and jumps to the next planet.

Un Mauvais Rêve A Bad Dream Allia Alliata Une nuit de vent, vendredi soir, c’était la pleine lune lorsque Bianca est rentrée de son cours de tennis. Elle était épuisée et est allée directement au lit. Soudainement, elle a entendu un grand bruit devant sa fenêtre. Elle s’est réveillée et a regardé dehors, mais rien n'était là. Alors, elle s’est recouchée, mais du coin de son œil, elle a vu quelqu'un à l'extérieur. Elle a eu très peur, elle a attrapé sa raquette de tennis et a couru vers l'extérieur pour voir qui

On a late windy Friday night, there was a full moon when Bianca came home from tennis practice. She was exhausted and went straight to bed. Suddenly she heard a loud bang from her window. She woke up and looked out, but nothing was there, so she went back to bed, but from the corner of her eye she saw someone outside. She was so scared she grabbed her tennis racket and ran outside to see who was there. When she got to the window, there was nothing there but plants.


Julie et Christophe -­ Julie and Christopher

Bianca realized that the shadow she thought was a person was actually a plant, and the noise was the plant hitting the window. Bianca was so relieved she went back to bed. Then she saw the shadow again, but this one was different from the first one - it looked like a big moving ball. The door then slammed and Bianca started to feel something cold in her bed. Suddenly, her legs got numb and she could not move. She lifted her covers to see what it was. It was thousands of ants crawling up her legs. In a matter of seconds, they were covering her whole body. Just as they were about to go into her mouth, she woke up screaming and her bed sheets were soaked with sweat. It was just a bad dream.

était là. Quand elle est arrivée à la fenêtre, il n'y avait rien, seulement les plantes. Bianca s'est rendue compte que l'ombre qu'elle croyait être une personne était une plante, et le bruit était qu’elle frappait contre la fenêtre. Bianca était tellement soulagée qu’elle est retournée se coucher. Puis elle a vu l'ombre à nouveau, mais elleci était différente de la première fois, elle ressemblait à une grosse boule en mouvement. Alors la porte a claqué et Bianca a commencé à sentir quelque chose de froid dans son lit. Tout à coup, ses jambes se sont engourdies et elle ne pouvait pas bouger. Elle a levé les draps pour voir ce que c'était, et c’était des milliers de fourmis grimpant ses jambes. En quelques secondes, elles couvraient tout son corps. Lorsqu’elles elles étaient sur le point de rentrer dans sa bouche, elle s'est réveillée en hurlant et elle était trempée de sueur. C'était juste un mauvais rêve.

Julie et Christophe Julie and Christophe Sarah Aref Julie: I must tell you about the guy I love. His name is Christophe. He is very, very, very cute. I cannot describe to you how fantastic he is. I go with him everywhere: to the beach, to the movies, and to the mall. We are going to get married soon. I love him a lot. I can hear his words now: “I love you. I love you.” Ah… Julie and Christophe. Together for eternity. Christophe? Wait! Wait!!!

Julie: Je dois vous parler de l’homme que j’adore. Il s’appelle Christophe. Il est très, très, très mignon. Je ne peux pas décrire combien il est fantastique. Je vais partout avec lui . À la plage, au cinéma, et au centre commercial. Nous allons bientôt nous marier. Je l’aime beaucoup. Je peux entendre ses mots maintenant : « Je t’aime. Je t’aime. » Ah… Julie et Christophe. Ensemble pour l’éternité. Christophe ? Attends ! Attends !!!

At the same time…

En même temps…


Nicolas et Le Poisson -­ Nicolas and the Fish

Christophe: Help me! HELP ME!!! There is a crazy girl. I think her name is Julie. She follows me. When I am at the beach, she is at the beach. When I am at the movies, she is at the movies. And when I am at the mall, she is at the mall. She loves me, I think, but I don’t know why. We have never met. I said, “I love you. I love you,” when I was speaking to my fiancée, Lucy, but I think that Julie thinks that I said, “I love you. I love you,” to her. Help me! What am I going to do now? Oh my God, it’s Julie! AHH!!!

Christophe: Aidez-moi! AIDEZ-MOI! Il y a une fille qui est folle. Je pense qu’elle s’appelle Julie. Elle me suit. Quand je suis à la plage, elle est à la plage. Quand je suis au cinéma, elle est au cinéma. Et quand je suis au centre commercial, elle est aussi au centre commercial. Elle m’aime, je pense, mais je ne sais pas pourquoi. Nous ne nous sommes jamais rencontrés. J’ai dit, « Je l’aime. Je l’aime” quand je parlais de ma fiancée, Lucy. Mais je pense que Julie pense que j’ai dit, « Je t’aime. Je t’aime. » Aidez-moi ! Qu’est-ce que je fais maintenant ? Oh mon Dieu, c’est Julie ! AHH!!!

Nicolas et Le Poisson Nicolas and the Fish Shayla Hixson Nicolas est allé à la plage avec sa classe. Il aimait beaucoup la plage. Il aimait nager dans l’eau et il aimait regarder les poissons. Nicolas a trouvé un poisson qui allait mourir. Il a demandé à des garcons et des filles de l’aider, mais personne n’a voulu l’aider. Il a essayé d’attraper le poisson, mais le poisson s’echappait toujours. Il a trouvé un seau et il a mis le seau sur le poisson. Il a attrapé le poisson et l’a remis dans l’eau. Nicolas a sauvé le poisson!

Nicolas went to the beach with his class. He really liked the beach. He liked to swim in the water and he liked to look at the fishes. N i c o l a s found a fish on the sand, but he wanted to put it back into the water. If he did not put the fish back into the water, the fish would die. He asked the boys and the girls in his class to help him, but no one wanted to help. He tried to catch the fish but the f i s h w o u l d a l w a y s escape. He then found a bucket so he put the bucket on the fish. He caught the fish and put it back into the water. Nicolas saved the fish after all!


Nous Nous Reverrons Mon Amour -­ We’ll Meet Again My Love La Déesse Dorée -­‐ The Golden Goddess

Nous Nous Reverrons Mon Amour We’ll Meet Again My Love Keili Trahan souhaites-tu être couché à côté de moi? cet arbre de guimauve nous donne de l’ombre à nous deux, ce soir, nous allons regarder le soleil caramel fondre dans le ciel d'écume verte les nuages pastel au-dessus,

would you lie next to me? this marshmallow tree can shade us both, tonight, we’ll watch the caramel sun fade into the sky of sea-foam green pastel clouds up above,

j'ouvre mes yeux, tu disparais à nouveau un autre jour est arrivé, je ne renonce pas, ceci prendra fin, demain soir nous nous reverrons mon amour,

as i open my eyes you vanish once again, another day has come, i wont give up this soon will end tomorrow night we'll meet again my love,

souhaites-tu partager, partager avec moi? dans l’étang framboise froid près du barrage, viens jouer à cache-cache, dans la forêt de sucettes, le goût des arbres comme de la vanille

would you wade, wade with me? in the ice cold raspberry pond by the dam, come and play hide and seek, in the forest of lollipops, the trees taste like vanilla

j'ouvre mes yeux, tu disparais à nouveau, un autre jour est arrivé, je ne renonce pas, ceci prendra fin, demain soir nous nous reverrons mon amour,

as i open my eyes you vanish once again, another day has come, i wont give up this soon will end tomorrow night we'll meet again my love,

donc, à côté de moi, aussi longtemps que je m'endors avec toi,je serai bien.

so would you lie next to me? as long as i fall asleep with you i’ll be okay.

La Déesse Dorée The Golden Goddess Sonyah Seiden Je me penche sur tous Donnant de la chaleur. Donnant de la lumière. Donnant de l’amour. Du rouge au vert à indigo au violet Je les ai tous. Le monde m’aime. Moi, le soleil. La Déesse Dorée.

I stand over all Giving warmth. Giving light. Giving love. From red to green to indigo and violet, I have them all. The world loves me. Me, the sun. The Golden Goddess.

Fin 48

“Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about.� --Benjamin Lee Whorf

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