Telecommunication Becoming a Part of Disability Services The purpose of this thesis was to gain new information when starting a new service in disability services. Main aims in this research were to find, how is costumer involment taken in to account starting a new digital service. The other research questions were how to involve directors and employees and which would be the best way to get feedback and how to analyze it. In this study were used service design and qualitative research. Research material was collected in workshops for clients and employees of disability services. Inquiries to the employees were sent by email. Analysis methods after workshops were value proposition canvas and customer segmentation table. The answers to inquiries were categorized in chosen themes. As a conclusion earlier research support the new results. New services need powerful change management and making all sectors of services exposed to employees. Skills to use the new service need to be shared between employees. Employees had an outlook that the service is very good for their clients, but they do not see it becoming a part of a futures services. Keywords: disability services, telecommunication, digitalisation, change management