La Pulga Classifieds Bilingual Aug,2014

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Cover Story Pagina

Hispanos Divididos Entre Deportar o Acoger a Niños Migrantes


Hispanics Divided on How to Deal with Surge in Central American Children

Ferguson Is Everytown, U.S.A.



Cover Story Pagina 11

AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8


La Pulga Classifieds. La Pulga Classifieds: “La Pulga ”, is a local bilingual monthly publication by Babylon MediaWorks, created to help Business people to promote their business in an economical way in harsh times, while actively supporting NPO’s that advocate, inform and educate the Hispanic / Latino Community about issues of interest and concern among them, and the community at large in the Northern California region. Thrift Premium Display Advertisements, Political Campaign Ads, Social Articles, Advertorials, Inserts and Classifieds. Affordable to Everyone. Covered California is the new online “marketplace” that will make it simple

Publisher & Editor Edgar Calderón (916) 627-8701

assistance to help pay for insurance.

Art Director Orlando Ramos (916) 548-0889 Photographer Tia Gemmell (916) 838-5506 Jaime Tosch (916) 812-7394

Covered California es el Nuevo Programa de Salud Para Todos Los Californianos • Para Usted y su Familia • Para El Empleador y sus Empleados INSCRIPCION ABIERTA DURANTE EL AÑO Para Pequeños Negocios con 50 o Menos Empleados (SHOP) *Tax Credits Para Empleados Elegibles Individuos Que Cumplan Los Requisitos Bajo “Circunstancias Especiales” 4 401k Rollovers-Transfers 4 Cuentas de Retiro Libre de Impuestos 4 Fixed Annuities 4 Cuentas de Ahorros sin Riesgos de Pérdidas

4 Disability Income 4 Seguro de Ingresos Mensuales en Caso de Incapacidad 4 Education Planning – 4 Planes de Ahorro para la Educación 4 Retirement Planning


Llámenos Para Más Información:

Tel: (916) 585-4525

Fax: (916) 484-3701 | 6616 Laguna Blvd. Suite 124 | Elk Grove, CA 95758 AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8

Enrique Olmos (916) 459-8333 Contribuiting Writers Prof. Jorge A. Santana (916) 736-2499 Financial Office Ruth Montalban Editorial Policy:

La Pulga Classifieds is owned by La Pulga Marketing LLC, and published by Babylon MediaWorks. Any article and/or opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of La Pulga Classifieds, La Pulga Marketing LLC, or Babylon MediaWorks but remain solely those of the author(s). La Pulga Classifieds is delivered for free in Sacramento to more than 10.000 readers in the Sacramento region. Printing and distribution costs are paid entirely by advertising revenue. While we spotlight selected advertisers, all other stories are selected by the relevant content to our reader’s community. La Pulga Classifieds is copyrighted and its contents may not be copied or used without prior written consent by La Pulga Marketing LLC. Copyright 2003. La Pulga Classifieds is published monthly.

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ue el extracto en su más alta Concentración pueden ser una opción novedosa, para evitar y detener el crecimiento de las células cancerosas en los seres humanos. *CONCLUSIÓN DE LOS ESTUDIOS por: Wake Forest University School of Medicine, North Caroline Células cancerosas de: % de reducción del crecimiento Pulmones 81.8% Colon 80.5% Próstata 80.4% Senos(estado negativo triple) 92.6% Cerebro 90.2% Piel 60.9% Leucemia 74.2%

Conoce Ud. Gente o Familiares que Sufren De Los Siguientes Males? • Presión Alta •Colesterol •Cáncer •Diabetes •Artritis •Depresión •Falta de Energía •Problemas Sexuales etc. Ayúdenos y sea parte de esta campaña para promover este nuevo descubrimiento. 100% Libre de Tóxicos – Certified Toxics Free. Aumenta el Nivel de Energía y Apoya: • Salud Cardiovascular • Cerebro • Sistema Inmunológico • Articulaciones • Promueve la Salud Sexuall Más de 100 antioxidantes. Sin Gluten o Azúcar. Llame al 916-209-0108 -para una cita y recibir un corto seminario de nutrición sin costo y ser parte de la Campaña de Salud, Aumente sus ingresos familiares mientras ayuda y educa a la comunidad.

Bilinguals encouraged to apply. Orientation en Ingles y Español. Ver reportaje de FOX news:

AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8


Do I need a Mobile website or Social Media presence?


- By Mike Alvarez

I’m still a little surprised when experienced, successful business owners ask me these 2 questions. Do they “really need a mobile website?” Google reports over 46% of all searches are done from mobile devices and 61% of online research starts on a Smartphone ( DO YOU THINK YOU NEED A MOBILE WEBSITE? DO YOUR COMPETITORS HAVE A MOBILE WEBSITE? You tell me. “FaceBook’s for teenagers & college kids”...REALLY? With over 67% of internet users 18-44 on Facebook, it’s the most powerful Social Media Marketing Platform. (Source:Businessinsider. com). If Coca-Cola®, Starbucks®, Sony Playstation® are any indication of Global companies opinion of FaceBook marketing, maybe you should think about if for you business. Do your competitors have a branded, FaceBook Business Page?

DO YOU WANT TO BE ELECTED? La Pulga Classifieds is Your Bridge to The Latin Community

Your Choice for Digital & Internet Marketing, Mobile & Standard Websites YOU CONTROL HD Web Video and Search Engine Marketing & Optimizing

Engage Your Constituency Clearly & Make An Impact-


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Problemas legales para la arena deportiva de Los Kings


Cover Story | See page 10

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| See


e 11

El Puente A La Comunidad Latina Lost City Revealed As Folsom Lake Levels Drop | See page 14

La revista mensual de los compradores inteligentes. LosVote mejores precios Is the Latino Important? y las verdaderas rebajas se encuentran el La Pulga Classified. IS | GRAT FREE

California Supreme Court Rules An Illegal Immigrant Can Get His Law License

Enhance your image and increase your exposure- Get More Votes!!!

Cover Story | See page 8

The Bridge to TheLatin Community Sergio Garcia Hopes Law License Ruling Is A ‘Beacon Of Hope’ For Immigrants

New Portal Focused on Providing An Optimized Level Of Access to Voters And Top Leaders In The Latino Community.

Abogados Sin Papeles Podrían Ejercer En California

La Pulga Classified is a premier direct mail bilingual business resource directory for ourcommunity.Weworktoincreaseyourcustomerbaseandprofitmargin.Enhance your image and increase your exposure and revenues with La Pulga Classified.

Available in both Spanish and English.

For More Information and How to Participate Call Us Today!

Muertos y Heridos En Protesta En Venezuela | Pagina 9

Legal challenge facing King’s Sports Complex at the Downtown Plaza


Cover Story Pagina 11

Rechazo federal al diseño de DMV para licencias de indocumentados en California

México anuncia sus 23 futbolistas para el Mundial de Brasil

Pagina 16

• Eventos Recursos • Informacion El Puente A •La Comunidad Latina The Bridge to The Latin Community Info : Tel. (916) 627-8701 Info : Tel. (916) 627-8701

(916) 627-8701


Orlando Ramos | | 916.548.0889 AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8


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AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8


La Chingada y Salsipuedes, ¿nombres de pueblos mexicanos? por alguna disposición legal o la costumbre”. Así, muchos de los pueblos existentes en México obtienen sus nombres de las costumbres de sus habitantes, de las características del terreno o, por supuesto, del humor de sus fundadores.

Female Kurdish Fighters Are A Big Problem For ISIS Extremists

Por ejemplo, hay varios nombres que contienen palabras en inglés como The Flower Game y Rancho Little Joe, o de lugares exóticos como Nuevo Hawai o Nueva Grecia, un fenómeno que, según el Inegi, se debe a la migración de los ciudadanos. Foto Por: Redacción

La Chingada está en Guanajuato y Salsipuedes en Tamaulipas

Varias regiones en México tienen nombre curiosos como Nuevo Hawai, The Flower Game o Nueva Grecia. También hay nombres malsontantes como Chingadazo, La Chingada y Está Cabrón. Las expresiones mexicanas de “La Chingada” o “Está Cabrón” son más que palabras malsonantes, también son nombres oficalmente registrados como localidades, lugares donde sus habiantes viven con la burla constante de su lugar de residencia. Dulce María Garcia vive en Salsipuedes, una tranquila comunidad de 300 habitantes en el estado de Guerrero. El nombre de su comunidad no es una advertencia para los que intenten salir del municipio de Acapulco de Juarez. Amplía al respecto la agencia EFE: “No sé por qué lo llamarían así, pero así se ha llamado desde que nació el pueblo”, cuenta por teléfono y añade que los vecinos de otros lugares siempre se están riendo de tan peculiar nombre. Los ya mencionados La Chingada, Está Cabrón y otros del estilo como Chingadazo o más sugerentes como Las Tetillas también forman parte de los nombres curiosos destacados por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (Inegi) en un estudio de toponimia difundido esta semana. Las Tetillas pertenece al municipio de Peribán en el estado de Michoacán y en realidad no llega a ser un pueblo como tal, según explicaron fuentes del mencionado municipio, sino que es un rancho. Y es que el Inegi cuenta como unidad poblacional al “lugar ocupado con una o más edificaciones utilizadas como viviendas, las cuales pueden estar habitadas o no”, y “reconocido por un nombre dado

“Cuando los migrantes regresan a sus lugares de origen traen consigo términos procedentes del país al cual viajaron y los utilizan para nominar a nuevas localidades o bien para renombrar algunas que anteriormente tenían topónimos indígenas”, apunta el estudio. Pese a esto, continúan predominando en México los nombres prehispanicos, creados por los antecesores para nombrar sus asentamientos haciendo referencia a la descripción de las propiedades y configuración del terreno, a las características de tipo climático del ambiente, así como a la flora y fauna del lugar. Sin embargo, el Inegi alerta que con el paso del tiempo y de los distintos periodos históricos estos nombres han ido desapareciendo. Periodos como la conquista española hicieron muchos de estos nombres se perdieran o se modificaran, bien por adaptaciones fonéticas o por la llegada de la religión católica que hizo que los nombres indígenas se cambiaran por los de santos. “Además, en etapas posteriores vendrían los nativos del país a asignar nombres relacionados con los sucesos históricos de México, como La Independencia, La Reforma y La Revolución Mexicana, todos ellos, eventos que fueron semilleros de grandes héroes y prohombres locales y nacionales”, apunta el estudio del Inegi. Según destaca el organismo, resulta “contundente” que el paso de los años ha mermado mucho el uso de los nombres indígenas y, de continuar con esta tendencia, “en poco tiempo se estará hablando de ellos como algo que se extinguió”.¬¬ que se implementen acciones para evitar su pérdida ya que estos nombres “representan la personalidad de los antepasados indígenas” y “forman parte de la esencia del país”. |

AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8

A Kurdish fighter checks her weapon

Kurds Push To Drive ISIS From Mosul Dam As US Air Support Pounds Militants

A consortium of Iraqi and Kurdish forces, backed by American airstrikes, captured the Mosul Dam back from ISIS on Monday, delivering the biggest blow to the radical Sunni group yet. From the AP: The U.S. military said U.S. forces conducted nine strikes on Saturday and another 16 on Sunday in efforts to help the Iraqis retake the dam. As we noted earlier, a pitched campaign delivered control of part of the dam to Kurdish forces earlier this weekend before the entirety of Women Power MT: what has been called “the ISIS hate fighting most dangerous dam in female PKK because the world” was seized on if a woman kills you, Monday. As Daniel Pipes no heaven. told CNN after the structure was initially seized by the marauding group just two weeks ago: If you control the Mosul damn, you can threaten just about everybody — a very substantial part of Iraq — with flooding, with lack of electricity, with lack of water. Last week, we mentioned the growing role of the PKK, the Kurdish Workers’ Party, in the fighting. Despite being designated a terrorist group by the United States for waging a decades-long battle against Turkey, the group has become a formidable opponent in the battle against ISIS. Helping to lead the way have been female guerrillas who enlisted in the battle to fighting alongside the Kurdish Peshmerga. As Joe Parkinson reported: Syrian commanders say the security and quality of life is improving as their guerrilla forces expand rapidly, propelled by thousands of young volunteers. Recruitment is boosted by the deployment of women soldiers on the front line, often in all-female units. |


Hamas’s War for Cash

Impress In Less Than 2 Minutes By James Caan - Serial Entrepreneur and Investor in People with Passion

by Elliott Abrams - August , 2014

Nowadays most of the press takes for granted the demands for a “Marshall Plan” for Gaza, rehabilitation of Gaza, and payment of salaries for civil servants. The humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza are very great, but take another look: it seems this war was started by Hamas because it was short of cash. It’s well known that Iran’s payments to Hamas were diminished or eliminated when Hamas -which is Sunni- sided with the Sunni rebels in Syria against Iran’s ally, the Assad regime, It is also clear that the Egyptian army has taken serious actions to close down the vast network of smuggling tunnels from Gaza into Sinai, which Hamas taxed to produce much of its income. The result was a fiscal disaster for Hamas, visible in the fact that it has been unable to pay salaries to its people. There are a remarkable 43,000 people on the Hamas payroll in Gaza, of whom about 13,000 are men under arms. So what did Hamas do to change this situation? First it tried to get the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah to pay the salaries, by entering into a sort of non-party or “technocratic” government with the Fatah party in the PA. This failed: the PA, which is paying its own civil servants in Gaza, refused to take on the additional burden. So Hamas turned to war. That such a war would be a disaster for the people of Gaza, would surely result in hundreds of dead and thousands of wounded, would destroy many homes and public facilities, must have been clear to the Hamas leadership. They had spent years planting their rockets and tunnels in and under hospitals, schools, and homes, which predictably would be hit during the war. No matter. That was a price the people of Gaza would have to pay. And then would come the payments to Hamas. The goal of the war was to shake things up, to get Hamas out of its fiscal crisis, by getting the world, the “international community,” to get money moving. Perhaps Qatar would agree to pay those salaries. Perhaps the

United States would pressure Egypt and Israel to open more passages more hours, and without undue inspections of what was going through. Perhaps the Americans and the EU and the wealthy Arab oil producers would go for as “Marshall Plan” for Gaza, sending hundreds of millions of dollars. And all the while, Hamas would remain in charge. As Guy Bechor pointed out in Gplanet, it’s as if all the Marshall Plan funding directed at Germany had been sent with the Nazi Party still in charge in Berlin rather than after the destruction of the Nazi regime and while American troops were stationed in Germany. It remains to be seen, of course, how well Hamas’s bet will pay off for Hamas. The price paid by the people of Gaza is enormous, but that was part of Hamas’s goal: no destruction, no reconstruction money to skim. The basic situation remains: every citizen of Gaza is a Hamas hostage. That is not an argument against reconstruction, but it is a reminder that the rules we and other donors set will determine whether most of the money assists people in need, or assists Hamas. One has to doubt, if experience is a guide, that there will be much stomach among donors to set up stiffer procedures so that UNRWA schools do not again become rocket depots; so that the Hamas command center under the Shifa Hospital is destroyed; so that the dual use items that may enter Gaza are tracked from entry to use and diversion of goods like cement is prevented. But given the Egyptian, Saudi, and Emirati attitude toward Hamas, maybe this time it could be different; maybe tough American leadership could with Arab support demand that Hamas lose its bet. Maybe, that is, it is possible to help the people of Gaza without enriching the terrorists who use them as cannon fodder. That should certainly be a key goal of the United States when the “reconstruction of Gaza” hits the international agenda. |

AUGUST 2014 |

Famously, the elevator pitch is that big chance you get to sell your company, product, service or even yourself in just one or two minutes. This kind of opportunity won’t always arise - the biggest organizations in particular tend to use strict selection processes and procedures to choose their clients. But that does not mean that the principle of the elevator pitch should be completely ignored or discarded. Thinking about how to deliver your message in an effective way that goes straight to the heart of the matter can be a very useful and rewarding exercise. Whether you’re going for a job interview or a client pitch, this can be of great value to you. Here are a few principles to keep in mind. SIMPLICITY In my experience too many pitches – whether they are ‘elevator’ style or presentations - get bogged down in overly complicated language or rely far too heavily on eye-catching graphics. There have been times when entrepreneurs pitched to me for investment and I had to stop them after a while because what they were saying wasn’t making any real sense. Some investors may let them continue in this manner and then turn them down, but I always believe in giving entrepreneurs a chance to show what they can do. Therefore I tell them to cut out the unnecessary jargon and tell me things in a business-like yet simple way. You want to sound professional but there are ways to do this without boring people.


| Vol. 2 No. 8

DO YOUR RESEARCH Keeping it simple should not be an excuse for not doing your research. Even if your elevator pitch is supposed to be short and snappy, you don’t want to get caught out afterwards with a question you don’t know the answer to. Be prepared and know who you are pitching to. As well as ensuring you are ready for any questions you may be asked afterwards, this means you can tailor your pitch to suit the audience. SELL WITH SUBTLETY Remember that whilst an elevator pitch is a tool to sell the best aspects of you or your business, it doesn’t need to be aggressive or over the top. All you want to do is generate enough interest to pique their interest. Explain the essence of what you are pitching and then clearly demonstrate the differentiator. There should always be a unique selling point, or if you are going for a job interview, a clear value-add. This is basically your hook which will make or break the success of your elevator pitch. Some people don’t really think about the concept of an elevator pitch until the opportunity comes along. But if you can set aside half an hour at some point and just think about what you would include in your elevator pitch, it can have huge benefits. If nothing else, it will allow you to take a step away and think about what sets you apart from the competition and what sort of image you want to project. |


Loan Modification? Short Sale? Refinance? Foreclosure? Bankruptcy? Which one is right for you? Maybe NONE of them! Real Estate Rescue reveals…

“What The Banks Don’t Want Homeowners To Know.” It happens every day. Hundreds of California homeowners lose their homes to fraudulent banks and trustee companies while the government, the courts, and its judges just watch.

Half a mile long mysterious crack splits the ground in Northern Mexico – scientists puzzled over possible cause

Fortunately, Real Estate Rescue is different. Located in Sacramento, Real Estate Rescue cares whether or not you lose your home to foreclosure (or short sale). They use state-of-the-art software and technology to monitor your trustee sale for you, absolutely free.

It’s Not Over - California Could Get Rocked By A Destructive Aftershock Within A Week Northern California may not be out of the woods yet.

They were slammed with a 6.0 magnitude earthquake 51 miles southwest of Sacramento. But the fear has only begun, as a significant aftershock could follow Sunday’s shaker, and it might be really big. According to the USGS the chance that an aftershock will hit the Napa Valley area in the next week is about 54%. That’s a dauntingly large number for people who are already trying to pick up the pieces from Sunday’s earthquake.

Real Estate Rescue can effectively educate you in legal methods that give you a fighting chance to keep your home. Referred to as the Anti-Realtor or Anti-Foreclosure professionals, Real Estate Rescue can put a stop to your foreclosure (or short sale). Why? Because what you don’t know about loan modification, short sale, refinance, foreclosure, and bankruptcy could cause you to lose your home!

There are actually most likely going to be 30 to 70 small aftershocks during this time along with that 54% chance of a big one (magnitude 5 or larger). So no matter what, this is the beginning of an event, not an end. The USGS’ “rule of thumb” is that anything over a magnitude of 5 has the potential to cause damage.

“It seems criminal how realtors ‘forget’ to remind homeowners that a short sale leaves the homeowner with NO home and relatively little cash.”

Occasionally aftershocks do end up being bigger than the initial shock but in this specific case the USGS says there is only a 5-10% chance that will happen.

Allowing a realtor to convince you that the best way to avoid a foreclosure is to conduct a short sale is like them selling your car (for no profit) instead of letting the bank repossess it. The outcome is the same. You lose your car. It seems criminal how realtors ‘forget’ to remind homeowners that a short sale leaves a homeowner with NO home and relatively little cash. Real Estate Rescue was created because homeowners don’t know that they do not have to give-up on their home. Furthermore, if you’re eligible, Real Estate Rescue may be able to continue its proven process long enough for you to learn ways keep your home for yourselves. Real Estate Rescue also offers free solutions for you to get paid if you have already “lost” your home to foreclosure or short sale. If you qualify, Real Estate Rescue will find ways for you to get paid. Best part, it’s absolutely free! Real Estate Rescue! The Alternative Worth Checking Out! Facing losing your home(s)? for more information. Reference code 8701. Sacramento área en español: Llame al 916-209-0108 deje mensaje para una cita.

August 2014 – MEXICO – Incredible footage has emerged showing a 26ft (8m) deep crack in the in the farmland of northwest Mexico, which stretches for over a kilometer. The crevice which appeared last week, has disconnected Highway 26 between Hermosillo and the coast, Sky News reported. Drivers, including farm workers, have been forced to navigate around the colossal trench. The video showcasing the crack that in some parts is 16ft (5m) wide, was shot using a camera attached to a drone device. It shows vehicles stopped beside the crack, while a green tractor drives away from the scene. People below the drone appear to be discussing the situation. Geological investigators are now assessing what caused the crack, according to El Imparcial newspaper. The civil protection unit believes the fissure may have been caused by an earthquake which hit last Sunday. But another investigation by geologists at the University of Sonora found that farmers in the area had built up a levee stream to contain rainwater which had begun to leak. Experts believe that this may have caused an underground stream to develop, which soften the earth above it until it collapsed. | AUGUST 2014 |


USGS In basic terms, earthquakes happen when two pieces of the earth suddenly slip by one another at a fault or fault plane. There are actually three different categories of shocks within an event. The foreshocks, main shocks, and aftershocks. California’s 6.0 quake was the main shock. As for this specific earthquake, the USGS tells us this: Aftershocks tend to occur near the mainshock, but the exact geographic pattern of the aftershocks varies from earthquake to earthquake and is not predictable. The larger the mainshock, the larger the area of aftershocks. While there is no “hard” cutoff distance beyond which an earthquake is totally incapable of triggering an aftershock, the vast majority of aftershocks are located close to the mainshock. As a rule of thumb, a magnitude 6 mainshock may have aftershocks up to 10 to 20 miles away, while a magnitude 7 mainshock may have aftershocks as far as 30 to 50 miles away. Aftershocks happen very close to the epicenter of the main shock. The power of earthquakes is associated with a release of energy and stress. In most basic terms, it is this release that causes aftershocks to happen in rocks near the epicenter or fault where the original earthquake happened. |

| Vol. 2 No. 8


State Senator from San Diego Ben Hueso Arrested, Accused of DUI By Wendy Fry and R. Stickney

corrective actions to ensure this kind of personal conduct is never repeated.” CHP Officer Julie Powell told City News Service that officers spotted a motorist driving the wrong direction on a one-way street in Sacramento at 2:24 a.m. and saw the driver make a U-turn. She said the officers pulled over a Ford Fusion registered to the state in a nearby parking lot. “He showed signs and symptoms of intoxication,” Powell said of the driver, which turned out to be Hueso.

SACRAMENTO — State Sen. Ben Hueso of San Diego was arrested early Friday morning by the California Highway Patrol in Sacramento on suspicion of driving under the influence.

She said the officers asked Hueso questions and conducted a field sobriety test, after which the legislator was arrested. Hueso, who represents southern San Diego County, Imperial County and part of Riverside County, was taken into custody without incident, Powell said.

Hueso, a Democrat, was arrested at 2:39 a.m. at 15th and X streets and was booked into the Sacramento County jail at 3:54 a.m., sheriff’s Sgt. Lisa Bowman said. Hueso, 44, faces misdemeanor charges for driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent or more, according to the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department jail website. His bail was set at $1,482, and he was out of jail by 11:30 a.m.

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The Sacramento Bee reported that Hueso was arrested after attending a Latino Caucus dinner Thursday night to honor Latino lawmakers leaving office. A tweet from Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, which has since been deleted, showed a photo of Hueso and several other lawmakers drinking on a balcony just off the Assembly chambers at 11:19 p.m. Thursday.

KPBS media partner 10News reports Hueso issued the following statement regarding his arrest:

Mantenimiento y Servicio Disponible

American Standard Payne G.M.C. Todas Las Marcas y Modelos

“I am truly and profoundly sorry for the unacceptably poor personal judgment He is serving his first term in the Senate which I demonstrated last night. As after winning a special election in March someone who cares deeply about the public 2013 and chairs the Senate Veterans safety, I sincerely apologize to my family, my Affairs Committee. Before that, he was constituents and my colleagues in the Senate assemblyman and chaired the Assembly for breaching the trust they’ve all placed in Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee. me. I accept complete personal responsibility Hueso served on the San Diego City for my actions and any punishments that Council from 2006 to 2010 and was ultimately come my way as a result of this council president from 2008 to 2010. He incident. I will also engage in immediate, was elected toWATER! the Assembly in 2010. | SPARE SACRAMENTO

“Nadie Nos Gana en Precios Bajos” Presente cualquier cotización escrita y le daremos ese precio o mas bajo!


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Sirviendo Toda el Area de Sacramento y Placerville!

The City of Sacramento has adopted a Stage 2 Water Shortage “I think I have the right to pursue my innocence andPlan. that’s what I’m going to do,” Hueso said. Contingency For more information on drought and water conservation, please read our Frequently Asked Questions.

La Pulga Classifieds is Your

As part of the Stage 2 Water Shortage Contingency, the City has reduced watering days to 2 days per week, based on address. WATERING REDUCED TO 2 DAYS PER WEEK

SPARE SACRAMENTO WATER! The City of Sacramento has adopted a Stage 2 Water Shortage Contingency Plan. For more information on drought and water conservation, please read our Frequently Asked Questions.

ODD numbered addresses (street numbers ending in 1,3,5,7, or 9) are permitted to water only on Tuesdays and/or Saturdays.

EVEN numbered addresses (street numbers ending in 0,2,4,6, or 8) are permitted to water only on Wednesdays and/or Sundays.

NO watering is allowed on Mondays, Thursdays or Fridays.

Watering must occur before 10 a.m. or after 7 p.m.

No overwatering is permitted.

Bridge to The Latin Community For More Information Call Us Today!

(916) 627-8701

As part of the Stage 2 Water Shortage Contingency, the City has reduced watering days to 2 days per week, based on address. WATERING REDUCED TO 2 DAYS PER WEEK •

ODD numbered addresses (street numbers ending in 1,3,5,7, or 9) are permitted to water only on Tuesdays and/or Saturdays.

EVEN numbered addresses (street numbers ending in 0,2,4,6, or 8) are permitted to water only on Wednesdays and/or Sundays.

NO watering is allowed on Mondays, Thursdays or Fridays.

Watering must occur before 10 a.m. or after 7 p.m.

AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8


Cover Story

Hispanos divididos entre deportar o acoger a niños migrantes

Hispanics Divided on How to Deal with Surge in Central American Children Hispanics in the U.S. are divided on how to deal with the thousands of Central American children illegally arriving in the country, according to a Pew Research survey conducted earlier this month. About as many Hispanics support the current system for deciding immigration cases as do those expediting the process (49% – 47%), which would have the effect of speeding up deportations.

Reporte especial Niños migrantes: Una encuesta revela que entre los hispanos no hay acuerdo sobre qué decisión tomar con los miles de niños inmigrantes indocumentados Los hispanos en Estados Unidos están divididos sobre cómo lidiar con los miles de niños centroamericanos que están llegando ilegalmente al país, de acuerdo a una encuestra de Pew Research realizada a principio de este mes. Casi el mismo porcentaje que dice que hay que respetar el sistema actual para procesar sus casos de inmigración (49%), sostiene que hay que se debe acelerar el proceso para deportarlos (47%). La división entre los hispanos contrasta con la opinión general que respalda el acelerar el proceso de deportación (53%) comparado con el 39% que pide considerar sus casos de asilo.

Bajo el proceso actual, puede tomar meses o años antes de que los niños sean procesados a través del sistema de Inmigración ya sea para darles asilo (u otro estatus legal) o deportarlos.

Menos niños solos cruzan la frontera

El presidente Obama ha pedido $3,700 millones en fondos de emergencia, y una parte de estos serúan utilizados para proveer mas jueces de inmigración con el fin de acelerar el precesamiento caso por caso de los niños. Mientras tanto, el Senado y la Camara de Representantes están consdierando proyectos de ley por su cuenta para afrontar la situación.

Entre octubre de 2013 y junio de este año se han detenido en la frontera con México a unos 57,525 menores e 18 años de edad que intentaron cruzar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos sin la companía de un adulto, de acuerdo a cifras oficiales. Mejor informados La encuesta muestra también que los hispanos tienden más que los estadounidenses a enterarse sobre la crisis humanitaria causada por la inmigración de menores centroamericanos, particularmente de Honduras, Guatemala y El Salvador. Un 94% de los adultos hispanos están atentos al desarrollo de esta situación, comparado con el 84% de los adultos anglosajones y, al igual que el resto de la población, los hispanos, desaprueban la forma como el Presidente Obama ha respondido a esta crisis (46%). Obama y algunos miembros del Congreso han dicho que la “crisis humanitaria” es otra razón para aprobar una reforma migratoria integral, una acción que se encuentra paralizada en la Cámara de Representantes luego de que hace más de un año que el Senado aprobara un proyecto de ley para este fin. En esta encuesta de Pew, los hispanos sostienen que es “extremadamente’ o “muy importante” que se apruebe una reforma migratoria y tienen más fe en que los demócratas que en los republicanos para que aborden el tema. |

The split among Hispanics is in contrast to views of the overall public, which backs a faster process over the current policy by 53% to 39%. Under current practice, it can take months or even years before the children are processed through the U.S. immigration system and either given asylum (or other legal status) or ordered deported. President Obama has asked for $3.7 billion in emergency funds, in part to help shorten the legal process by providing more judges. Meanwhile, the Senate and House are considering legislation of their own to deal with the issue. A record number of unaccompanied children have been arrested at the U.S.-Mexico border within the past fiscal year. Between Oct. 1, 2013, and June 30 of this year, 57,525 unaccompanied children under 18 (those traveling without a parent or guardian), were taken into custody, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. In June alone, about 10,508 were apprehended by Border Patrol compared with the 27,884 children who were apprehended The new survey also shows that Hispanics are more likely than U.S. adults overall to have heard about the influx of children from Central America. Some 94% of Hispanics said they had heard “a lot” or “a little” about the issue, compared with 89% of U.S. adults. Like the general public, Hispanics — a diverse group that includes people with roots in more than 20 countries — give the president low marks on his handling of the surge of children. ...continues on page 15

AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8


Cover Story

FERGUSON The Protests May Be Winding Down, But Ferguson’s Fight Is Not Over

there’s no going “back to normal” for the neighborhood that in two weeks has become the flashpoint for the country’s most deeply rooted tensions. And what was normal in Ferguson needs to change. “We are still gonna be out, because we want justice,” Desmond Harry, from Saint Louis, told VICE News on Wednesday night, while trying to light a candle in the middle of a huge storm that kept many, but not all, protesters off the streets for a couple hours. “Once they see you buckle, that’s when they’re gonna feel like they won. But ain’t nobody buckling right now.” “Once people have seen St. Louis coming together taking a stand, everyone around the country will take a stand,” he added. “They’re tired of it going on too. It’s not just what’s going on in Ferguson, it’s what’s going on everywhere.”

“No Justice, No Peace”

PLEASE. DON’T SHOOT !!! An out-of-towner driving through Ferguson, Missouri on West Florissant Avenue on Friday morning might easily have missed the signs of the protests and clashes that have dominated this stretch of suburbs for the past two weeks.

and not just yelling at them through loudspeakers, and some are even playing basketball with local kids — though after days of tear gas, stun grenades, and detentions, many residents are more than a bit skeptical about the change in tone.

In fact, the signs are there: most stores are boarded up, with “open” signs sprayed over the wooden panels that used to be glass windows. The burnt down shell of the Quiktrip gas station — which is at once Ferguson’s “Ground Zero” and its “Maidan” — is still there, surrounded by a metal fence that was not there a few days ago.

No tear gas has been fired in Ferguson for the last three nights, and Missouri’s Governor Jay Nixon announced on Thursday that he would pull out the National Guard — yet another sign of the “occupation” of Ferguson, in locals’ eyes, though the troops remained stationed in a local strip mall’s parking lot for much of their deployment.

The area got brand new “I heart Ferguson” signs, planted in every courtyard and hanging from every pole, and messages of hope and love are all over town — on colored signs drawn by children, or on the boards covering up the Ferguson Market and Liquor store, the site of looting last week. More visibly, police cars are parked at every intersection — though the SWAT teams in riot gear, shields, and camos of the last two weeks are mostly gone. Officers are now talking to people,

The media circus, too, has mostly moved its tents elsewhere. Sure, schools are still closed, and both daily protests and arrests are yet to stop, but Ferguson is very slowly going back, at least on the surface, to its normal appearance: a predominantly black suburb, like thousands of others across the country. But as his family prepares to bury Michael Brown on Monday, one thing is clear:

Ferguson’s protesters have said it over and over again — in interviews, in slogans, and in presence, as they took to the streets day after day and night after night, tirelessly, for two weeks. What it could take for this to stop, residents of Ferguson feel, is simple enough: justice. For the 18-year-old boy shot and killed by police on August 9, but also for the countless victims of police racism and brutality — and nearly everyone VICE News spoke to in Ferguson has a personal story to share in regards to this topic. “St. Lousians are very resilient,” Miranda Jones, a social worker with the group Better Family Life told VICE News, while standing by Brown’s memorial in the residential street where he was killed, which is now an improvised community center with food, water, chess boards, and mental health services. “Until there’s an indictment or something happens to that police officer, people are gonna be doing what they feel they need to do.” Many protesters have promised “a war” should Darren Wilson — the officer involved in the shooting — get off. “It’s gonna be interesting,” Jones added more diplomatically. “And that’s what so many people have been afraid of, because ...continues on page 14

AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8


La tragedia de Ferguson

Los desarrollos en Ferguson, Missouri, han hecho recordar a los estadounidenses que la lucha por los derechos civiles sigue tan viva como la discriminación institucional en contra de los afroamericanos. La muerte del afroamericano Mike Brown a manos de un policía blanco elevó la tensión y las protestas de una comunidad que se siente impotente ante lo que le rodea, siendo este incidente un catalizador de esta frustración. Basta con ver la demografía de la pequeña ciudad de poco mas de 20 mil habitantes para comprender las circunstancias que rodea este hecho. Hasta el 2000 la ciudad mantenía un equilibrio entre la población negra y blanca, hoy esa composición es 64% afroamericana, mientras que la anglo alcanza el 29%. Este significativo giro demográfico todavía no se ha hecho sentir en sus instituciones. De los siete integrantes del gobierno municipal, solo una es afroamericano, de igual manera hay una solo afroamericana de los siete integrantes de la Junta Escolar y solo tres policías negros de un total de 50. Precisamente, el accionar represivo de la policía con los gases lacrimógenos, los ataques a la prensa y los perros amenazantes recuerdan la represión de las marchas en el Sur de la nación de la década de los cincuentas. A esto hay que agregarle un equipamiento militar desmedido e innecesario para una actividad policial en una ciudad como Ferguson. El incidente policial fue el detonante de una situación social y política insostenible. Es necesaria una exhaustiva investigación sobre la muerte de Brown, pero este es solo el comienzo. Es necesario ver de cerca el sistema electoral y como incrementar la participación de los afroamericanos en la vida cívica. Por otra parte, sería inocente pensar que no hay otras ciudades que tengan una estructura de poder tan poco representativa como Ferguson. Lamentablemente todavía perduran los rastros de una larga historia de racismo. El gran desafío es lograr los cambios necesarios en las instituciones locales que reflejen la demografía, sin la necesidad de pasar por la trágica experiencia que viven en Ferguson. |


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AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8


AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8

.. ANUNCIOS CLASIFICADOS BILINGUES | BILINGUAL COMMUNITY CLASSIFIED | (916) 627-8701 Ferguson...continued from page 11

we have been here so many times before. That’s our biggest fear: that justice will not be served.” There will be no healing without justice. Ferguson also needs to deal with trauma, Jones added, and the shock of seeing its mourning and anger criminalized, and its community turned into a militarized zone. “We’re here during the day trying to keep people’s spirits up and lift them up, but at night they still can’t sleep,” she said. “We have reports of some children who are peeing in their bed because they are so scared, sleeping with their mothers. The real work is not what you see with us here, giving out food. It’s us going into homes and sitting down and talking with parents and doing therapy with kids to try keep them stable.” But there will be no healing without justice, virtually everyone in Ferguson seems to agree. The wheels of justice have started to move, authorities promised. A grand jury was tasked with deciding whether to charge Wilson with Brown’s death, and the Department of Justice has started its own investigation into the killing, sending the FBI to canvas the neighborhood for witnesses. “My hope also is that through the trip that I’m making out here today and by expressing the importance of the way in which this investigation is going, that hopefully will have a calming influence on the area, if people know that a federal, thorough investigation is being done — is being manned by these very capable people,” Attorney General Eric Holder said while in town earlier this week. “My hope is that that will give people some degree of confidence that the appropriate things are being done by their federal government.” As the protests grew smaller on Thursday and Friday, people seemed to have taken a step back to see whether to trust the system to work — but they kept watching it closely. “I don’t think the need for change and the protest for change is dying down just because people are not out here,” Missouri Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson, the face of the effort to reconcile police and protesters, told VICE News on

Wednesday. “Whenever you walk in any store or restaurant, it’s the conversation. But I think people are realizing, ‘Our voice is getting heard.’ Holder came in today and the case is being given to the grand jury today. So I think people are saying, ‘You know what? That’s what we were asking for, we were asking for our voices to be heard, we were asking for transparence.’ We’ll still have protesters out, we’ll still have signs. We may have signs for weeks to come and months to come, but I do think that we’re moving towards peace.” “When this is over I’m sure there will be a lot of conversations here and across this nation,” Johnson added. “After this, we need to sit law enforcement down with people that are out here and let them tell us their stories and their experiences so we can learn from it, know how to address it, make it better.”

“We Are Mike Brown” One of the favorite slogans among Ferguson protesters has been “I am Mike Brown; We are Mike Brown.” Burying Brown, everyone here realizes, won’t put to rest the pain and anger that has allowed so many to identify with the slain teenager. “This is deep within, this is deeper than Mike Brown’s killing, there have been many a killing of black young men in this vicinity,” Netti Easley, who lost both a son and a grandson to police violence, told VICE News. “They harass these young black males for no reason and it’s just been going on a long, long time, we’re just tired of it. We want something done, we want them to leave them alone. We want our kids to live too, freely. It’s supposed to be a free country, but I don’t know about that. And I’m 67.” “It’s very hard to raise African American males in this community,” Easley added. “Because it makes them feel like they are nothing, that’s the way they want them to feel, so we have to build their self-esteem that you’re as good as the next person, so that’s what we try to teach them.” The tragedy of Brown’s death, many Ferguson residents told VICE News, should result not only in justice for him, AUGUST 2014 |

but in important conversations about policing, diversity, and racism in Ferguson. Much has been said of Ferguson’s nearly all-white police force — now, they say, is the time to change that. “Diversity is the greatest thing in our country: it makes us all wiser, it makes us all humble, it makes us all more tolerant,” Johnson said. “I think it is important to have law enforcement that’s reflective of the community we serve and that’s why I’m saddened that the local schools haven’t been able to open, because if we’re gonna have growth within the profession of law enforcement, it’s going to be because of kids who go to school. And with that education become policemen and firemen and attorneys and judges.” Johnson, who is black, was put in charge of policing Ferguson — at the helm of an overwhelmingly white multi-department force. “Change is always a challenge,” he said, when asked by a reporter how that was received by his officers. ‘Ferguson is just a metaphor for urban America.’ “I have a problem with the police chief saying that this department is not racist. If you have to declare you’re not racist…” Ferguson resident Pamela Merri-Weather told VICE News, referring to the Ferguson police department. “I watch it every day, I see it all the time,” she added. “They do more traffic stops than they do walking the beat. They can pull you up for a traffic stop, but you need to be in the neighborhood with people, walking about. People are more afraid to drive down the street than to walk down the street.” But changing Ferguson will take more than injecting some diversity in its police force, said Merri-Weather, who had taken her 6-year-old grandson George to a recent rally so he could look back at this historic moment, “twenty-five years from now, and say, ‘I was there with my grandmother,’” she said. The protests over Brown’s death, she said, will serve Brown’s community if they translate the anger into action — and as voter registration booths have started popping up at rallies, that push for change seems to be gradually underway.


| Vol. 2 No. 8

“A lot of young people just don’t think their vote matters,” Merri-Weather said. “They just don’t understand because they’re so busy dealing with day-to-day issues, they think their vote is so far off they don’t bother to do it. They live in the here and now, they’re suffering now they want jobs now. They’re not gonna vote because in their minds that’s just not gonna change anything right now.” During the last election, Ferguson’s voter turnout was around 12 percent, she said. “That is ridiculous. Use this event to catapult a huge voter turnout. Take this momentum and push it down the road, it needs to go further than that,” she said.

A Thousand Fergusons Then of course there are all the other Fergusons across the country — towns, and suburbs, and city neighborhoods that have watched this Missouri uprising and wondered whether it could have taken place at home, too. There are the communities that with Ferguson share the experiences of segregation and brutality, but also economic isolation, institutional failure, and abandoned schools. “Ferguson is just a metaphor for urban America,” Rev. Jesse Jackson told VICE News earlier this week. “The infant mortality rate is high, life expectancy is short, unemployment three or four times the national average, kids dropping out of school — they’ve lost their sense of hope and vitality.” “There’s a lot of anger, but it must be directed,” he added. “The sense of disgust, the sense of disappointment, is very prevalent.” And so is the collective awakening of a community that has had enough. There was a lot more to the Ferguson protests than their anger and the forcefulness with which authorities attempted — and failed — to shut them down. The spirit they harnessed inspired people across the country and will stay with the defiant residents of this suburb long after the last protesters have left West Florissant. For Ferguson, as so many protesters and residents told VICE News in the last days, there’s no going back. |

.. ANUNCIOS CLASIFICADOS BILINGUES | BILINGUAL COMMUNITY CLASSIFIED | (916) 627-8701 Hispanics divided...continued from page 10

Some 46% of Hispanics disapprove and 34% approve of the president’s handling of the issue, while Americans overall disapprove of the president’s performance by a 56% to 28% margin.

Miles de jóvenes por fin califican para DACA

Más de medio millón de niños que eran muy jóvenes para pedir el beneficio comienzan a cumplir la edad requerida para el programa Por: Pilar Marrero

(A Obama and some members of Congress have said the “humanitarian crisis” is yet another reason to pass a broad immigration bill – action that has been stalled by partisan disagreements since the Senate passed a bill one year ago but the House did not take up the measure.

A unos días del segundo aniversario de DACA, puesta en marcha el 15 de agosto de 2012, los activistas piden implementar medidas similares para favorecer al resto de los inmigrantes sin papeles, pero el programa enfrenta también en estos momentos los ataques más fuertes por parte de los republicanos que recientemente votaron una medida en la Cámara de Representantes una medida para eliminarlo.

Hispanics are more likely than the general public to say it’s important for Congress to act on immigration. Three-quarters (75%) of Hispanics say it’s “extremely” or “very important” to pass significant new immigration legislation this year, compared with 61% of the general U.S. public (respondents were not asked whether they favored expanding or restricting legal immigration). Hispanics also put more faith in the Democrats than the Republicans on the immigration issue, with 54% saying the Democrats would do a better job compared with 40% of the overall public. While about two-thirds (68%) of the overall public support allowing undocumented immigrants to stay in the country if they meet certain requirements, a significantly larger share (85%) of Indeed, Hispanics put a premium on changes in deportation policy. By a 55% to 35% margin, Hispanics said it is more important for undocumented immigrants to get relief from deportation than it is to have a pathway to citizenship, according to a 2013 survey of Hispanic adults by the Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project. |

Aunque esa medida no irá a ningún lado porque no cuenta con el apoyo del Senado, dominado por los demócratas, ni por la Casa Blanca, sí envía el mensaje claro que el programa no es bien visto por los más conservadores.

Casi medio millón de niños inmigrantes esperan a cumplir los 15 años para ser elegibles para DACA.

Katy, una niña mexicana que vive con su familia en la ciudad de San José, California espera ilusionada cumplir sus quince años, pero no solo por la quinceañera que le celebrarán sus padres, sino porque tendrá algo que hace tiempo espera: la posibilidad de estar legal en el país a través del programa federal de Acción Diferida (DACA). Su hermano mayor, Jose Luis, de 18 años, ya tiene DACA desde hace más de un año y ahora no sólo se siente más seguro viviendo en este país, sino que puede manejar y hasta viajar. Hace poco el muchacho fue a México por primera vez a visitar a sus abuelos en Guadalajara. “Yo también quiero ir a México”, dice Katy. “Quiero conocer a mis abuelos y quiero montarme en un avión”. Katy calificaba para obtener DACA o “Acción Diferida para Inmigrantes Menores” en todo, menos en edad: hay que tener más de 15 años para solicitar, además de estar en la escuela y haber vivido continuamente en Estados Unidos desde antes del 15 de Junio de 2012.

AUGUST 2014 |

La acción diferida otorga un permiso de trabajo por dos años a todos los jóvenes que puedan demostrar haber llegado antes de 2011, sin haber cumplido los 16 años, y que sean menores de 30 años. Según estimados del Migration Policy Institute (MPI), hay casi medio millón de niños inmigrantes que, como Katy, solamente esperan a cumplir los 15 años para ser elegibles para DACA. MPI estima que hay 473 mil jovencitos en esta situación y que de aquí al próximo año, unos 90 mil cumplirán esa edad y podrán optar por el beneficio. DACA ofrece un estatus legal temporal y renovable y puede ser un camino a mayores oportunidades de estudio y trabajo, además de libertad de movimiento para jóvenes que llegaron aquí indocumentados desde pequeños y aún continúan sin un camino a la residencia legal.

cuenta Katy. “Pero este verano yo estuve haciendo trabajitos en la casa y para mis vecinos, cuidando niños y ahorrando para ayudar”. Beneficios de DACA Diversos estudios de los jóvenes con DACA han encontrado grandes beneficios personales para ellos al lograr su documentación para trabajar, optar por una diversidad de becas y viajar por primera vez en su vida fuera de los Estados Unidos. Más de medio millón de jóvenes (587 mil) que llegaron a este país cuando eran niños, sin documentos, han recibido DACA. Aunque el estatus es temporal ofrece a jóvenes que han estado indocumentados casi toda su vida una semblanza de normalidad. El estatus legal temporal que proporciona DACA ha ayudado a muchos jóvenes, previamente indocumentados, a dar un gran salto hacia trabajos, carreras y una vida más normal en Estados Unidos, pero el programa no es una panacea y estos jóvenes están aún conectados a “familias y comunidades” que siguen teniendo graves problemas. Esta es la conclusión del profesor Roberto G. Gonzales, de la Universidad de Harvard, quien está realizando un estudio de cinco años sobre las vidas de los jóvenes indocumentados, particularmente los beneficiarios de DACA.

No obstante, el alto costo de la solicitud de DACA ($465) puede ser una limitación para algunas familias con más de un hijo elegible y los más jóvenes a menudo deben esperar un poco, ya que los hermanos mayores tienen prioridad.

“Hemos visto grandes éxitos en estos dos años desde que se inició el programa. Casi el 60% de los jóvenes que hemos entrevistado tienen nuevos trabajos, y eso es algo muy bueno, 45% ha aumentado sus ingresos, una mayoría reporta menos temor a la deportación y a la policía”, dijo Gonzáles. “Pero también es claro que DACA es sólo una solución parcial a la problemática”.

“Mi mamá dijo que mi hermano necesitaba DACA más que yo, porque ya tenía edad de ir a la universidad y quería que fuera a México solo este verano”,

Una versión de este artículo se publicó en la edición impresa de La Opinión del día 8/11/2014 con el título “Para miles por fin llega DACA.” |


| Vol. 2 No. 8


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| Vol. 2 No. 8



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AUGUST 2014 |


| Vol. 2 No. 8



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AUGUST 2014 | MARCH 2014 |

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