California to Ease Water Restrictions in Move to Help Farmers California Cede en las Restricciones de Agua Para Ayudar A Los Agricultores
Cover Story | See page 11 1 | Vol. 2 No. 3
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Do I need a Mobile website or Social Media presence? I’m still a little surprised when experienced, successful business owners ask me these 2 questions.
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Casi 130,000 indocumentados fueron deportados en los primeros 159 días del año fiscal 2014 Por Jorge Cancino
Esta cifra aparece justo cuando se revisan las políticas de deportaciones, solicitada por el presidente Obama. Cada día 813 inmigrantes sin papeles de estadía legal son expulsados de Estados Unidos.
“En los primeros cuatro años fiscales Obama rompió cuatro récords sucesivos.” La oficina de Aduanas y Control Fronterizo (ICE) deportó a 129,361 indocumentados entre el 1 de octubre de 2013 y el 8 de marzo de 2014, confirmó la agencia federal a una pregunta hecha por La cifra se conoce en momentos que el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) revisa la política de deportaciones por una orden del presidente Barack Obama. El jueves de la semana pasada, la Casa Blanca anunció que el mandatario le pidió al secretario del DHS, Jeh Johnson, “que le presente un inventario de nuestras prácticas actuales para ver cómo podemos realizar la aplicación de la ley de una forma más humana dentro de los límites de la ley”. El anuncio fue hecho al término de una reunión entre el mandatario y tres congresistas demócratas del Caucus Hispano, los representantes Luis Gutiérrez (Illinois), Xavier Becerra (California) y Rubén Hinojosa (Texas), para hablar de inmigración, el drama de las deportaciones y la reforma migratoria. Obama “expresó a los congresistas su fuerte deseo de poder trabajar juntos para presionar a los republicanos en el Congreso para que aprueben una reforma migratoria tan pronto como sea posible”, agregó la nota de prensa. La cifra de deportados durante el gobierno de Barack Obama supera ya los dos millones de indocumentados. Aplausos con reservas Activistas por los derechos de los inmigrantes le agradecieron al presidente la orden dada a Johnson, pero indicaron que querían ver acciones concretas de inmediato. “Un anuncio es una cosa y la acción es otra”, dijo a UnivisionNoicias. com el sindicalista Eliseo Medina, uno de los principales líderes del movimiento Fast for Families que batalla para que el Congreso apruebe una reforma migratoria en el 2014. “Esperamos ver qué va hacer el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS)”.
y continúen sus procesos civiles”, dijo Maru Mora Villapando, vocero de la organización Latino Adocacy en Seattle, Washington, un grupo que apoya una huelga de hambre en una cárcel de ICE que ya dura 15 días y donde los internos piden un alto a las deportaciones, que mejoren las condiciones de encierro y que sean puestos en libertad. “Y tiene que extender la Acción Diferida a todos los indocumentados del país”, dijo, refiriéndose a los 11 millones de extranjeros sin papeles de estadía legal en Estados Unidos. La Casa Blanca revisará sus políticas de deportación, pero organizaciones de inmigrantes quieren un alto. El problema en cifras De acuerdo con los datos enviados por ICE, en los primeros 159 días del año fiscal 2014 fueron deportados 129,361 inmigrantes indocumentados, un promedio diario de 813. La proyección del número total de deportados al 30 de septiembre, basado en el promedio diario, bordea los 296,927 en el curso de un año o 365 días. El año fiscal estadounidense arranca el 1 de octubre y comienza el 30 de septiembre del año entrante. El número de deportados durante el año fiscal 2009, el primero del mandato de Obama, alcanzó los 389,834; en 2010 se registraron 392,862; en 2011 se contaron 396,906; en 2012 la cifra subió a 409,849; y en 2013 bajó ligeramente a 368,644. El total de deportados en los primeros cinco años fiscales (20092013) suman 2,087,456 deportados. En los primeros cuatro años fiscales Obama rompió cuatro récords sucesivos. El DHS señala que el 60 por ciento de los deportados tenía antecedentes criminales y el 40 por ciento no tenía faltas, excepto no tener permiso de estadía legal en e país. Activistas e inmigrantes señalan que ya no creen en palabras y el presidente Barack Obama debe actuar ahora. Abogados consultados por indicaron que la permanencia indocumentada en Estados Unidos sigue siendo una falta de carácter civil no criminal.
Organizaciones que defienden los derechos de los inmigrantes aseguran que entre seis a siete de cada 10 deportados por el gobierno de Obama no representaban una amenaza seria para la seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos y calificaban para una 1“El presidente tiene que parar las deportaciones, dejar salir a las perreforma migratoria como la aprobada por el Senado el 27 de junio sonas de los centros de detención de ICE para que estén con sus familias del año pasado. | MARCH/APRIL 2014 |
| Vol. 2 No. 3
BUSCA COOPERACIÓN CIENTÍFICA Canciller mexicano viaja a Oriente Medio para estrechar relaciones económicas con la región
El canciller mexicano, José Antonio Meade, iniciará este domingo una visita a varios países de Oriente Medio con el objetivo de fortalecer los nexos y los contactos políticos con esa región, informó este sábado el Ministerio de Exteriores. La Secretaría de Relaciones Foto de Twitter/@JoseAMeadeK Exteriores (SRE) señaló en un comunicado que Meade encabezará una delegación de funcionarios del Gobierno de México que visitará Arabia Saudí, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Kuwait y Qatar. La visita del jefe de la diplomacia mexicana a esos países tiene como objetivo fortalecer la comunicación y los contactos políticos, así como con el Consejo de Cooperación para los Estados Árabes del Golfo, detalló la SRE. También se busca fomentar la cooperación técnica y científica, además de explorar oportunidades de inversión y de atracción de flujos financieros y comerciales a México, indicó la Cancillería. El canciller Meade se reunirá con jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, autoridades de los ministerios de Asuntos Exteriores, responsables de la inversión y presidentes de las cámaras de comercio, según la fuente. Meade estará acompañado de funcionarios del Banco de Comercio Exterior (BANCOMEXT), ProMéxico, el Consejo Nacional para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (CONACYT) y el Fondo Nacional de Infraestructura (FONADIN), entre otras instituciones. El canciller visitará además la sede del Consejo de Cooperación para los Estados Árabes del Golfo (CCG), en donde suscribirá un memorándum de entendimiento para el establecimiento de un mecanismo de consultas políticas con México. La SRE recordó que México estableció relaciones diplomáticas con Arabia Saudí en 1952 y con Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Kuwait y Qatar en 1975. |
Hitler se llamó Kirchner en Argentina Un libro revela su exilio en Sudamérica
Hitler no se suicidó cuando la guerra estaba perdida, sino que escapó a Argentina y visitó países de Sudamérica con identidades falsas. Uno de sus nombres fue Kurt Bruno Kirchner, que utilizó durante su estadía en Paraguay, según el libro del periodista argentino Abel Basti. Tras los pasos de Hitler es la investigación sobre el exilio post mórtem del líder nazi en Argentina y otros países de la región. Basti publicó el texto en la editorial Planeta y resume 20 años de arduo trabajo. El Führer, que, según la historia oficial, se quitó la vida con un disparo en la sien, en realidad huyó del Ejército Rojo y arribó, en submarino, a la Patagonia argentina. Allí vivió en un campo próximo a Bariloche bajo el nombre de Adolf Schötelmayor, afirma el escritor en su último libro. Basti, que escuchó por primera vez en 1994 que Hitler había llegado a Argentina semanas después de que finalizara la Segunda Guerra Mundial, contó que al principio no lo creyó porque tenía en la cabeza la verdad oficial. “En la medida
que me movía en círculos alemanes del sur, y otras partes del país, comencé a ver esa posibilidad. La terminé creyendo cuando entrevisté a testigos que habían estado con Hitler en Argentina”.
El periodista asegura en su libro que Hitler no vivió enclaustrado y que se trasladaba con total libertad por Argentina, Brasil, Colombia y Paraguay. La fuga del jerarca alemán no habría sido posible sin un acuerdo militar entre los nazis y los estadounidenses, que consistía en la salida de Alemania de personas, divisas y tecnología militar para reutilizar todo esto contra el comunismo, a cambio de inmunidad para los nazis. (EFE)[1699] |
En Centroamérica la ciudad más barata es Tegucigalpa Una investigación propia elaborada por El Economista reveló que San José resalta como la ciudad más cara de todo el istmo en la medición Centroamérica en Precios 2013. En el otro extremo, Tegucigalpa se establece como la más barata, en una cerrada competencia con Managua. Un comensal de alta capacidad adquisitiva en San José puede que sienta familiaridad al abrir la carta del restaurante L’ile de France, en Escazú, y encuentre platillos que van desde $36 hasta $108.4. Si, en cambio, se trata de un ejecutivo hondureño de visita por negocios en la capital costarricense, su sorpresa podría ser mayúscula, ya que en su país, los precios, aun en algunos de los restaurantes más caros, rondan apenas los $22. Ese es un caso extremo, pero ilustra las diferencias en el costo de vida existentes entre la ciudad más cara de Centroamérica, San José, y la más barata, Tegucigalpa. Dichos resultados son parte de nuestro II Ranking Centroamérica en Precios 2013. En él, la capital costarricense se entrona como la más costosa del istmo logrando 139 puntos de 162 posibles. De esa forma, desbanca del primer lugar a Guatemala, que en un estudio similar hecho por El Economista en 2007 había ocupado dicha posición. En ese entonces, la diferencia en el costo de vida de ambas había sido mínima y la capital guatemalteca había aventajado a la metrópolis tica por solo un punto. A lo largo de esos seis años, sin embargo, otra ciudad se ha encarecido lo suficiente como para relegar a Guatemala, incluso, a la tercera casilla. Panamá, que en la edición 2007 se ubicó como la tercera urbe más cara, es hoy la segunda. El fondo de la tabla, donde se dirimen las capitales menos costosas, también presenta modificaciones. Mientras que hace más de un lustro, Managua figuraba como el lugar con el costo de vida menos caro, en la presente edición es Tegucigalpa, con 69 puntos, la que ocupa ese puesto. La distancia entre ambas, eso sí, es de apenas un punto. Solo San Salvador sigue ocupando el mismo cuarto puesto en ambos rankings. “Se consideró que estas áreas son las más importantes por el significativo importe económico que representan”, explica Edwin Segura, jefe de LPG Datos. El método Los resultados contenidos en el presente estudio responden a una metodología específica que ha elaborado El Economista en asociación con la unidad de investigación social de Grupo Dutriz, LPG Datos. El puntaje final obtenido por cada ciudad es el reflejo de un proceso bastante sencillo sustentado en unos cuantos pasos. El primero de estos consistió en una recopilación de precios de productos y servicios, agrupados alrededor de siete indicadores previamente seleccionados:
| Vol. 2 No. 3
educación, transporte, vivienda, salud, alimentación fuera de casa, vestimenta y ocio; segregados todos ellos (excepto el último) en función de los tres grandes estratos sociales existentes: alto, medio y bajo. Asimismo, las áreas de educación, transporte y vivienda recibieron una ponderación mayor, multiplicando el puntaje obtenido en cada una de ellas, por dos. Dicha decisión respondió al mayor peso relativo que esos indicadores tienen mes a mes en el presupuesto de las familias. Una vez reunida esa información por todos los corresponsales de El Economista, se dio paso, finalmente, a la suma de puntos, que en definitiva permitió tener una fotografía de los precios en Centroamérica en un momento determinado, que en este caso correspondió a la segunda semana de agosto. Al comparar los resultados de esta edición con los de 2007, resalta el paulatino encarecimiento de las urbes del istmo. En general, Centroamérica es hoy una región más cara para vivir que hace seis años. Si uno toma, por ejemplo, el precio promedio de un mismo producto (para el caso, un menú Big Mac) en 2007 y lo compara con el obtenido en 2013, se puede notar esa tendencia al alza. Mientras que en el primero de los años el costo promedio de uno de estos menús en la región rondaba los $3.96, en el segundo este llegaba a los $5.16. El fenómeno, sin embargo, no ha marchado a velocidades iguales en todas las metrópolis. Las que han visto un alza más acentuada del costo de la vida han sido las del sur: San José, Panamá y Managua. En el denominado triángulo norte, por el contrario, el encarecimiento, aunque siempre presente, ha sido más moderado. La capital tica, por ejemplo, exhibe en varios indicadores si no el puntaje más alto posible, el segundo más elevado de toda la región. El caso más paradigmático es el de la alimentación. Independientemente del segmento social, San José es la ciudad más cara para comer fuera. Para los josefinos, la presión del costo de la vida es también sensible en otras áreas como el transporte (el más caro en todos los segmentos, excepto en el bajo, donde cae al segundo) y la vivienda. En el campo de la educación es también, y sin distinción alguna entre clases sociales, la segunda metrópolis más cara del istmo. Sus vecinos del sur comparten sus preocupaciones en cuanto al alto costo del transporte, la vivienda y la educación. Si cabe, eso sí, queda como consuelo para costarricenses y panameños el hecho de que ambos detentan los ingresos per cápita más altos de Centroamérica. Según datos del Banco Mundial, en 2012, estos fueron de $9,391 para los primeros, y de $9,910 para los segundos. De la misma forma, ambos países poseen los salarios mínimos más altos del istmo. En el caso panameño este oscila entre $432 y $490, y en Costa Rica llega a $325. |
LATINAS WHO BROKE BARRIERS! It’s no secret that Latinas are a force to be reckoned with. We’re strong, independent, fierce, and proud of our culture and heritage. So, it comes as no surprise to us that they’re are
many famous Latinas who have spent their career overcoming obstacles and outshining their male counterparts. Here’s a list of Latinas who have broken barriers in their careers:
Rita Moreno
Gisele Bündchen
Sofia Vergara
Soledad O’Brien
Carolina Herrera
Puerto Rican performer Rita Moreno is the only Latino (and only one of 12 people total!) with an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony. The iconic actress, who played Anita in West Side Story, has also won a Golden Globe, The Sarah Siddons Award, a Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award for her incredible career. Moreno has broken countless barriers in her incredible career, and she continues to be an inspiration to all Latinas!
Since 2004, supermodel Gisele Bündchen has held the title of highest-paid model in the world. The wildly successful model and businesswomen has graced the cover of Vogue over 120 times, and is the face of countless fashion and beauty lines, including Pantene, Chanel, and Marc Jacobs. Oh, and did we mention how much she gets paid? The Brazilian beauty can sell a product like no one else...and she earns a lot of money doing it! Bündchen makes an estimated $42 million a year. That’s one impressive Latina!
Although she’s never won a Golden Globe for her role on Modern Family, Sofia Vergara is undoubtedly one of the most powerful women in television. The Colombiana is the top-earning actress on US television, and she’s been nominated for four Golden Globe Awards, four Primetime Emmy Awards, and seven Screen Actors Guild Awards. She’s also the face of wildly successful products like COVERGIRL and Diet Pepsi, and is the brains behind a successful clothing line with KMart. Love her or hate her, Sofia Vergara is one of the most powerful and successful Latinas in Hollywood.
Soledad O’Brien is the voice to the voiceless, making the world a better place through her role as a producer, journalist, and philanthropist. O’Brien currently serves as the chairman of Starfish Media Group, and has lent her face to NBC, CNN, HBO, and Al Jazeera America. The Emmy-award winning television host is fearless, reporting bravely and scrupulously on some of the world’s most fearsome crises. Best of all, the incredible journalist has always represented her Latina roots, and she continues to be an inspiration to all aspiring journalists and philanthropists.
Venezuelan fashion designer Carolina Herrera brought Latina fashion into the spotlight. Since the early 70s, Herrera has been creating the timeless, classy looks she’s become renowned for. Now, the brand Carolina Herrera is synonymous with taste, elegance, and feminine charm. Her illustrious career has stretched beyond the runway -- Herrera has graced the cover of Vogue seven times, and in 2008, she was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America. The fabulous Venezuelan is a style icon, a designing legend, and an inspiration to all Latinas in fashion.
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El Abogado Anthony Palik Respondera A Sus Preguntas Domingo, Abril 27, 2014 @ la 1pm | St. Rose Catholic Church | 5961 Franklin Blvd, Sacramento, CA
La revista mensual de los compradores inteligentes. Los mejores precios y las verdaderas rebajas se encuentran el La Pulga Classified.
The Bridge to The Latin Community La Pulga Classified is a premier direct mail bilingual business resource directory for our community. We work to increase your customer base and profit margin. Enhance your image and increase your exposure and revenues with La Pulga Classified.
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| Vol. 2 No. 3
Los demócratas presionan un voto por la reforma y los republicanos se resisten Por Jorge Cancino
You’re Invited to:
Business & Friends Night Hosted by Enrique Olmos & Edgar Calderon
La reforma migratoria tiene al congreso de en el país. Estados Unidos enfrascado en un debate Agregó que la minoría demócrata debió unirse que hasta ahora no muestra soluciones. a los republicanos para aprobar soluciones La legalización de los 11 millones de indocumentados vuelve a poner en el tapete la guerra entre ambos partidos. “No confían en que Obama cumpla con la ley y que por ese motivo no debatirán la reforma migratoria.” Los demócratas de la Cámara de Representantes presentaron el miércoles una petición de descarga (discharge petition) para forzar a que el presidente del Congreso, el republicano John Boehner (Ohio), someta a voto un proyecto de reforma migratoria este año.
reales “en lugar de presionar por una ley con el estilo del ObamaCare”, se lee en un comunicado entregado por la oficina de Boehner. Los republicanos dicen que no confían en que Obama cumpla con la ley y que por ese motivo no debatirán la reforma migratoria. A principios de febrero Boehner dijo, una semana después de haber entregado una lista de principios de la reforma migratoria, que “hay muchas dudas sobre si se puede confiar en esa administración para hacer cumplir nuestras leyes y va a ser difícil mover cualquier legislación de inmigración hasta que eso cambia”.
El liderazgo republicano rechazó la estrategia Las declaraciones dieron una estocada mortal a demócrata y la consideró un paso “apresurado” y “poco inteligente” para solucionar el problema los esfuerzos por aprobar una reforma migratoria de los 11 millones de indocumentados que viven este año. |
When: TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 Time: 5:30pm -7:30pm
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tax professionals found that about 1 in 5 taxpayers was entitled to a larger refund or owed less money. OBTP# B13696 ©2013 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
| Vol. 2 No. 3
What You Gather Can Be Yours, But It Can Never Be You! By Mariscela Alvarez, Free Your Spirit
Procurement Fair Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
“The mind operates with an identity. Without an identity, the mind cannot function,” Sadhguru, a yogi and a profound mystic commented during an interview. The fundamental human identification, he said, is with the body and the mind, which generates the way we think and feel. Every thought we have comes from the data we gather from outside. The moment we believe we are what we gather, our life perspective is distorted. We are experiencing challenging times with the declining of the economy, consequently loosing the sense of security and identity that we thought our jobs, homes and bank accounts provide us. The pain and suffering of these loses are separating families, increasing unemployment, manifesting depression, anxiety and even suicidal tendencies. The mind makes us believe the more we have, the more secure we are. This belief keeps us trapped in the fear of losing what we thought will makes us happy and worthy. We have come to believe that the “I am” is impermanent and subject to the conditions of the world around us. Identifying with what we have gathered applies also to our emotional co-dependent behaviors. When we believe that love is found outside of us and that our partner has the power to makes us feel happy, safe, miserable or insecure, we believe we are what we receive from others. This belief keeps us emotionally immature because we rely on someone else to determine how we think and feel. Emotional maturity comes with the knowing that we are responsible of our happiness and that love is found within the self to be shared with others, not the other way around. Think about the beliefs and conditions you base your relationships on. Do you expect others to make you happy? Do you love someone to get something in return? Would you rather be right or happy? If you base your relationships on what you expect to receive, realize that your happiness is temporary and subject to conditions, since you don’t have control over the feelings and thoughts of others.
| Vol. 2 No. 3
Many times, we believe we’re our story, the opinion of others or the consequences of our traumas. This belief is not only an illusion but also keeps us forgetting who we truly are. Ultimately, identifying with our pains and faults, takes us deeper and deeper into a spiral of insanity that can force us to lose our minds. It is time to simplify life, to let go of “things” that posses us including the limiting beliefs and unhealthy identifications. After all, what we gather throughout the years come and go and can be replaced with what satisfies our needs in that moment. What is permanent and truly ours, is the wisdom we gather through our experiences. If you are going through a difficult time having to let go of what you perceived as your source of security and stability, have the open mind and heart to understand that right now you are simply cleaning your “house” of the old staff that keeps you immobilized to explore higher awareness of existence. It is time to remember that joy, peace, security and any possible pleasant feeling can be found inside the self. Bring your attention inwards to reach that sacred place that cannot be affected and limited by time and space. Here you will remember that everything you seek outside of you is simply a distraction of the mind to keep you searching and never be satisfied. Here you will realize that there is no need to gather what is already yours, your free spirit. Combining her expertise in Shamanic Healing, Hypnosis and Reiki, Mariscela Alvarez can help you transcend the pain and confusion your mind has made you believe is yours. | Mariscela is also offering her next “Spiritual Journeys” to Perú and Bolivia from September 23 through October 7, 2014. To learn more visit: Call her for a free consultation at 530-8630003. Get your gift at
Cover Story
California to Ease Water Restrictions in Move to Help Farmers California Cede en las Restricciones de Agua Para Ayudar A Los Agricultores (Reuters) - Drought-plagued California will ease some protection for fish in the fragile San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta, officials said Tuesday, a move expected to make more water available for farming and ease political tensions in an election year. The move marks a retreat from restrictions imposed earlier in the year which had widely been expected to be tightened further, rather than eased, and was welcomed in the agricultural community. “California’s agriculture is critical to the world’s food supply,” said assemblywoman Kristin Olsen, who represents part of the San Joaquin Valley, who had lobbied hard against the restrictions. “An inability to produce that food would clearly be devastating to health and human safety not only in California but around the globe.” Citing recent rains, regulators said Tuesday there was enough water in the state’s reservoirs now to partially ease restrictions. “We were quite concerned at that time about the issue of public health and safety,”Tom Howard, executive director of the state Water Resources Control Board, said in a conference call with reporters on Wednesday. “This really had the markings of a historic drought.” The move comes after weeks of intensive lobbying from growers, lawmakers from agricultural regions and the state’s two U.S. Senators, who said the
restrictions, along with the possible curtailment of water rights for some agricultural and municipal customers, would harm the state’s economy. The most populous U.S. state is in its third year of a drought that may still turn out to be one of the worst in its history despite storms that brought rain and snow last week, leaving some small communities at risk of running out of drinking water and possibly forcing farmers to leave fallow a half-million acres of land. Recent storms dropped nearly a foot of rain in some areas, boosting reservoir levels and the
spurring intensive pushback and a series of tense meetings with water regulators in the administration of Democratic Governor Jerry Brown. “We are very concerned that if the current proposal as reported to us is enacted, it will have significant near- and long-term effects on the California economy and, more importantly, will not achieve the desired water supply security intended,” U.S. Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein and Congressmen Jim Costa and John Garamendi, all Democrats, wrote in a letter to the water board.
snowpack that the state relies on for drinking water in the spring, but still leaving supplies way below normal for this time of year. Earlier this month, concern that the state was about to restrict water supplies to farmers even further swept through the agricultural community,
CUTBACKS STILL POSSIBLE Under the new rules announced Tuesday, which Howard said may be modified again next month, the two massive public water projects responsible for pumping in the delta will be able to deliver it to farmers and others, once the state determines that
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there is enough flowing to meet the health and sanitation needs of residents. Scott Shapiro, an attorney specializing in water issues for the Sacramento firm Downey Brand, said expanding the allowable uses of tight water supplies was not just important for farmers. “It’s not just for agriculture, because there are other needs that may be contracted for that go beyond health and safety,” Shapiro said. “It could include other municipal, industrial and agricultural needs. In addition to allowing more of the water pumped from the delta to be used for purposes other than meeting health and safety needs, the state planned to reduce by about a third the amount of water that the projects were required to leave in the delta as a way of protecting fish, Howard said during the press briefing. But he cautioned that the state could still implement severe cutbacks to the water rights of many users if dry conditions continue. Environmental groups, long critical of what they say is over-use of the state’s limited water resources for farming in dry areas, did not immediately respond to the rules change. Mark Cowin, director water resources for the state, said that fish and wildlife experts consulted by his department said that endangered species in the delta would not be harmed by the looser rules. | (Editing by Eric Walsh)
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| Vol. 2 No. 3
Malaysia Says Missing Plane Crashed in Indian Ocean BY NILUKSI KOSWANAGE AND SIVA GOVINDASAMY | KUALA LUMPUR Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:06pm EDT
New objects spotted in Malaysia jet search: Australia PM
Malaysian PM says “with deep sadness” flight MH370 ended in Indian Ocean (Reuters) - Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which disappeared over two weeks ago en route to Beijing, crashed thousands of miles away in the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Monday, citing new satellite data. All 239 people on board were presumed dead, airline officials said. Analysis of satellite information from British company Inmarsat had shown that the Boeing 777’s last position was in the Indian Ocean west of Perth, Australia, Najib said in a statement. “This is a remote location, far from any possible landing sites,” he said. “It is therefore, with deep sadness and regret, that I must inform you that, according to this new data, Flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.” He added that the families of the passengers and crew had been informed. “For them, the past few weeks have been heart-breaking. I know this news must be harder still,” he said. Relatives of those on board received the news in a Malaysia Airlines SMS message which said: “We have to assume beyond all reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and none of those on board survived.” After the message, there were hysterical scenes at the Beijing hotel where many of the relatives of those on board are staying. More than 150 of the passengers were Chinese.
People wailed, cried and dropped to the floor. One woman shouted out: “It’s not possible, it’s not possible.” A Reuters reporter on the scene saw at least four people being carried away on stretchers. China’s government immediately demanded that Malaysia share all information and evidence which showed the plane went down in the Indian Ocean. Najib’s comments came as an Australian navy ship was close to finding possible debris from the jetliner after a mounting number of sightings of floating objects that are believed to parts of the plane. The search site is about 2,500 km (1,550 miles) southwest of Perth, in icy sub-Arctic seas that are in one of the most remote parts of the globe. The objects, described as a “grey or green circular object” and an “orange rectangular object”, were spotted on Monday afternoon, said Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, adding that three planes were also en route to the area. Flight MH370 vanished from civilian radar screens less than an hour after taking off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing on March 8. No confirmed sighting of the plane has been made since and there is no clue what went wrong. Attention and resources in the search for the plane had shifted from an MARCH/APRIL 2014 |
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initial focus north of the Equator to an increasingly narrowed stretch of rough sea in the southern Indian Ocean, thousands of miles from the original flight path. FLOATING OBJECTS Earlier on Monday, Xinhua news agency said a Chinese Ilyushin IL-76 aircraft spotted two “relatively big” floating objects and several smaller white ones dispersed over several kilometers. In a further sign the search was bearing fruit, the U.S. Navy was flying in its high-tech black box detector to the area. The so-called black boxes - the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder - record what happens on board planes in flight. At crash sites, finding the black boxes soon is crucial because the locator beacons they carry fade out after 30 days. Investigators believe someone on the flight shut off the plane’s communications systems. Partial military radar tracking showed it turning west and re-crossing the Malay Peninsula, apparently under the control of a skilled pilot. That has led them to focus on hijacking or sabotage, but investigators have not ruled out technical problems. Faint electronic “pings” also detected by Inmarsat suggested it flew for another six hours or so, but the initial analysis could do no better than place its final signal on one of two vast arcs, the north and south corridors. Najib said Inmarsat had been performing further calculations on the data. “Using a type of analysis never before used in an investigation of this sort, they have been able to shed more light on MH370’s flight path,” he said. “Based on their new analysis, Inmarsat and the U.K. Air Accidents Investigation Branch have concluded that MH370 flew along the southern corridor, and that its last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth.” Asked how Inmarsat experts had made the breakthrough, Chris McLaughlin, senior vice president for external affairs, said: “They tested (the earlier findings) against a number of known flights of other aircraft and came to the conclusion that only the southern route was possible.” The new method “gives the approximate direction of travel, plus or minus about 100 miles, to a track line,” he told Britain’s Sky News. “Unfortunately this is a 1990s satellite over the Indian Ocean that is not GPS-equipped. All we believe we can do is to say that we believe it is in this general location, but we cannot give you the final few feet and inches where it landed. It’s not that sort of system.” | (Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard, Megha Rajagopalan and Joseph Campbell in Beijing, Stuart Grudgings, Michael Martina and A.Ananthalakshmi in Kuala Lumpur; Jane Wardell and Lincoln Feast in Sydney; Matt Siegel in Perth; Writing by Raju Gopalakrishnan; Editing by Nick Macfie)
RESUMEN-Malasia dice avión desaparecido se estrelló en el Océano Indico. Por Niluski Koswanage y Siva Govindasamy KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - El avión de Malaysia Airlines que desapareció hace más de dos semanas se estrelló en el sur del Océano Indico, dijo el lunes el primer ministro malasio, Najib Razak, citando nuevos datos satelitales. Se presume que las 239 personas que iban a bordo están muertas, dijeron funcionarios de la aerolínea. Nuevos análisis satelitales desde Gran Bretaña señalaron que el vuelo MH370 fue visto por última vez en medio del Océano Indico al oeste de Perth, en Australia, indicó el líder malasio en un comunicado. “Esta es una locación remota, lejos de cualquier posible lugar de aterrizaje”, dijo Najib. “Por lo tanto, tengo que informar con profunda tristeza y dolor que, según estos nuevos datos, el vuelo MH370 terminó en el sur del Océano Indico”, añadió. Najib manifestó además que las familias de las personas a bordo de la aeronave habían sido informadas de los acontecimientos. “Para ellos, las últimas semanas deben haber sido descorazonadoras. Sé que ahora debe ser todavía más difícil”, agregó. Los familiares de quienes iban en el avión recibieron la noticia en un mensaje de texto de Malaysia Airlines que decía: “Debemos asumir que el MH370 se ha perdido y que ninguna de las personas que estaba a bordo sobrevivió”. Tras el mensaje se vivieron escenas de histeria en el hotel donde se hospedan varios de los familiares de quienes iban en el vuelo. Más de 150 pasajeros eran chinos. En el lugar, algunas personas lloraban y se tiraban al piso. Una mujer gritaba: “No es posible, no es posible”. Un periodista de Reuters en el lugar reportó que al menos cuatro personas fueron trasladadas en camillas. El Gobierno chino inmediatamente demandó que Malasia comparta toda la información y la evidencia que muestra que el avión se estrelló en el Océano Indico. Los dichos de Najib se produjeron mientras un barco de la marina australiana se encaminaba hacia posibles restos del avión, luego de una serie de avistamientos de objetos flotantes que se cree que podrían ser partes de la aeronave desaparecida. Los rastros divisados, descritos como un “objeto circular gris o verde” y un “objeto rectangular naranja”, fueron vistos unos 2.500 kilómetros al oeste de Perth en la tarde del lunes, dijo el primer ministro australiano, Tony Abbott, quien agregó que tres aviones también estaban camino a la zona. El vuelo MH370 desapareció de las pantallas de los radares civiles
el 8 de marzo, menos de una hora después de despegar de Kuala Lumpur en dirección a Pekín. No se ha confirmado un avistamiento del avión desde entonces y no hay ninguna pista de lo que salió mal. La atención y los recursos en la búsqueda del Boeing 777 se han desplazado desde un foco inicial al norte de la línea del Ecuador a una franja en el sur del Océano Indico, a miles de kilómetros de la ruta original de vuelo del avión. Previamente el lunes, la agencia de noticias Xinhua dijo que una aeronave militar china divisó dos objetos flotantes “relativamente grandes” y varios más pequeños de color blanco dispersos varios kilómetros a lo largo del mar. Más de 150 de los pasajeros a bordo del avión desaparecido eran chinos. DETECTOR DE CAJAS NEGRAS En una señal adicional de que la búsqueda daba frutos, la Armada de Estados Unidos trasladaba un detector de alta tecnología de cajas negras hacia la zona. Las llamadas “cajas negras” -la grabadora de voz de la cabina y la grabadora de datos de vuelo- registran lo que sucede a bordo de los aviones en vuelo. En los sitios de choque, encontrar rápido las cajas negras es crucial porque las radiobalizas de localización a bordo se apagan después de 30 días. “Si encontramos restos vamos a ser capaces de responder lo más rápido posible ya que la vida de la batería del emisor de ultrasonidos de la caja negra es limitada”, dijo el comandante Chris Budde,
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Oficial de Operaciones de la Séptima Flota de Estados Unidos, en un comunicado enviado por correo electrónico. Los investigadores creen que alguien en el avión desconectó los sistemas de comunicación. Radares militares lo mostraron girando al oeste, volviendo a cruzar la península de Malaca, al parecer bajo el control de un piloto experimentado. Eso ha llevado a que se evalúe la posibilidad de un secuestro o sabotaje, pero tampoco se ha descartado un problema técnico. Débiles señales electrónicas detectadas por un satélite comercial sugirieron que el avión voló por otras seis horas aproximadamente, pero no pudo ubicar esos indicios con más precisión que en uno o dos amplios arcos al norte y al sur. | (Reportes adicionales de Megha Rajagopalan, Ben Blanchard, Joseph Campbell, Michael Martina, A.Ananthalakshmi, Siva Govindasamy, Jane Wardell, Lincoln Feast y Matt Siegel. Escrito por Raju Gopalakrishnan. Editado en español por Ana Laura Mitidieri y Javier Leira) © Thomson Reuters 2014 All rights reserved.
Love Knows No Borders –
The LGBT Battle for Immigration Reform New America Media, Op-ed, John A. Nechman. If American laws had been fair, I could have sponsored Richi for residence when we met in 1996, and he would have become a citizen before the millennium’s end. He embodies the character that Americans honor and value, but the unfairness of our laws let us and thousands like us down.
Every year on Dr. Seuss’ birthday, my partner Richi dons an impeccable Cat in the Hat outfit he made himself and drives 40 miles to work, the same drive he makes every school day. He could work closer to home, but the kids in the impoverished Hispanic neighborhoods where he has taught for 10 years need him, and their responses to his innovative teaching prove that. He spends extra hours tutoring those most in need, and he sheds happy tears when his students excel on exams. More than just a school hero, he’s also a community hero. When Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana and Mississippi, he purchased groceries with his own money and delivered them to families arriving at lonely Houston motels, and he was a regular Astrodome volunteer. Richi’s heart is as big as any American’s, but he’s Colombian, and his path to American legal permanent resident was interminable. He complied with all laws and always maintained legal status, but he endured more than 15 years of waiting, thousands of dollars in legal and filing fees and out-of-state tuition, and intimidating encounters with U.S. Customs and Immigration officers, consulates, and police. Yet he was lucky; he received his green card. Many like him, and their life partners, were not so fortunate. Richi and I are a same-sex binational couple, one of more than 36,000, according to the 2000 Census. Though the historic basis of U.S. immigration laws is family unification, U.S. citizens could not sponsor foreign same-sex partners for green cards, regardless of how long we had been together or if we were legally married.
Our relationship drew me to immigration law and activism. I’m also biracial and binational, born in Seoul to a Korean mother who was born in China and a European American father who grew up in Mexico. I’m also gay and have worked most of my career as a lawyer, adjunct law professor, and activist on LGBT and HIV issues. The immigration connection came naturally. I co-chaired the board of America’s preeminent LGBT/HIV immigration law organization, the Lesbian and Gay Immigration Rights Task Force, and we changed the name to Immigration Equality, because those two words perfectly stated what we were fighting to achieve. For much of my career, I have assisted binational same-sex couples who sought alternative and legal ways to remain together, often through a temporary status that required the holder to return to his or her home country. Those who could not qualify or pay for lawyers often felt compelled to “go illegal” or leave the U.S. for countries that recognized their relationship. Many couples could not survive the immense pressures. Forced exiles and breakups have had huge subsidiary effects, since many couples raised children and maintained close relationships to other relatives left behind. Despite efforts to pass legislation that would partly correct the injustice and end the suffering of many couples, and the recognition of marriage in a growing number of states, the constitutionally offensive Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defined marriage for federal law purposes as “only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife,” stood ominously in the way. Of all the 1000+ federal benefits withheld from same-sex couples because of DOMA, none hit more personally than the inability of MARCH/APRIL 2014 |
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U.S. citizens to confer immigration benefits on those they love. But on June 26, 2013, the monumental decision Windsor vs. U.S. sent the most vile section of DOMA into history’s cesspool, with Jim Crow Laws, poll taxes, miscegenation laws, and other shameful remnants of discrimination we now wish never existed. The decision did not move me as much as did Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s words a few days later: “Effective immediately, I have directed U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to review immigration visa petitions filed on behalf of a same-sex spouse in the same manner as those filed on behalf of an opposite-sex spouse.” Immigration equality at last! Yet crucial battles remain. Hundreds of thousands of LGBT individuals and families are part of the millions negatively impacted by America’s lack of common-sense immigration reform. Many must battle from both the immigrants-without-rights and LGBT closets. The battle for comprehensive immigration reform must be part of the LGBT agenda; countless undocumented or out-of-status LGBT people are part of a larger group that continues to be treated as subhuman. Those who call human beings “illegal” should remember that at one time, that dehumanizing word described escaped slaves, women voters, biracial couples, gays and lesbians. But when we realized how wrong we were, the laws changed, and what was once illegal became legal. The same will happen in the way we treat our immigrants. Laws can’t temper and borders can’t restrain true love. Americans should be appalled that we did not allow all our citizens to sponsor law-abiding life partners for residence. Despite my many imperfections, I was blessed to find someone who makes me perfectly happy, and I resent that my country made us fear that Richi might not be allowed to stay with me. I am angry that so many other couples were not able to leave the hellish maze we should never have had to enter. But I am confident that the huge recent victory for same-sex binational couples will move us farther towards comprehensive, compassionate, and respectful changes in our nation’s immigration laws. John Nechman practices immigration law and is a partner in the law firm Katine & Nechman L.L.P. and is an adjunct professor at South Texas College of Law in Houston. This column is part of New America Media’s series “Coming Out for Immigration Reform,” written by LGBT rights activists and sponsored by the Four Freedoms Fund.|
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| Vol. 2 No. 3
Se Habla Español
Eight Lesser-Known Benefits of U.S. Citizenship New America Media, Op-ed, Susan E. Reed
If you asked someone to explain the benefits of becoming a U.S. citizen, the likely response would be that it affords people the right to vote. And while that is true, voting is certainly not the only benefit of naturalization. In fact, there are many other benefits that, although they are often overlooked, are just as important.
1. Access to public benefits You might be thinking to yourself, “I don’t need access to public benefits, because I’m healthy and I work.” However, good health is never guaranteed and everyone is getting older. And certain public benefits and programs – some of which are critically important for elderly and disabled people – are often unobtainable for non-citizens, including Lawful Permanent Residents (green card holders). For example, Medicare, the federal health care program for people ages 65 and older, requires certain Lawful Permanent Residents to pay an expensive premium, depending on their work history and length of residence. Naturalization ensures access to Medicare on the same basis as all other Americans. The same is true of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), a public program that pays benefits to disabled adults and low-income children. Lawful Permanent Residents who came to the United States in refugee status may receive SSI regardless of work history or length of residence, but generally only for seven years. After that, someone who came to the United States as a refugee generally must naturalize in order to continue receiving SSI benefits. So, naturalization can provide the most vulnerable populations with access to critical safety net programs as well as reduce financial strain on their families. 2. Ability to petition for family members Adult U.S. citizens can file immigration petitions for additional categories of family members: their parents, siblings, and married adult sons and daughters. Lawful Permanent Residents can only file petitions for their spouses, minor children, and unmarried adult sons and daughters. Many people delay or avoid filing petitions for family members because of the costs and the very long waiting lists for certain categories. However, now is a critical time to file such petitions, because if federal immigration reform happens in the next few years, it will probably include changes to the current family-based immigration system.
No one knows exactly what a new immigration law would look like, but most bills that have been introduced recently include special consideration for those already on waiting lists. So, waiting periods could get much shorter for those who apply before a new law is passed. In addition, some of the proposed immigration laws would eliminate certain eligibility categories completely. For example, the category for siblings has often been discussed as a possible category to eliminate. If that were to happen, it’s likely that those siblings already on waiting lists would still be able to immigrate based on their pending petition, but no one new would be able to apply. 3. Ability to travel and seek protection of the U.S. government abroad If you are a Lawful Permanent Resident, it might be more difficult for you to travel internationally depending on your country of citizenship. Naturalization could mean much less expense and hassle. In addition, in the event of a personal crisis or civic unrest abroad, as a U.S. citizen, you could seek help and protection from the U.S. embassy or consulate abroad. If you are from a small country or a country that does not have a robust diplomatic presence, being a U.S. citizen could be very helpful in an emergency abroad. 4. Automatic citizenship for your Lawful Permanent Resident children under 18 When you naturalize, your children under 18 who are Lawful Permanent Residents automatically become U.S. citizens, too. (Note: this is not the case for undocumented children or children with temporary legal status.) Individuals cannot apply to naturalize on their own until they turn 18. What a gift to give your children! 5. Protection from deportation for yourself and your children Like most immigrants, you probably follow the law very carefully, so the fact that certain criminal convictions could make you deportable might not be a great concern to you. But what about your teenage sons and daughters? Kids make mistakes, but immigrant kids are especially at risk for permanent consequences. Almost any conviction related to the use of illegal drugs can result in deportation of a Lawful Permanent Resident. So can a conviction related to sexual conduct by a young adult with a person who is a minor. Many who have lived in the U.S. with their families as Lawful Permanent Residents since they were very young children have been deported after being convicted of crimes they committed as youth or young adults. Becoming a U.S. citizen protects you and your children from deportation. 6. Possible dual citizenship Some individuals are hesitant to become U.S. citizens because they fear losing their other national citizenship. It is true that some countries do not allow individuals who naturalize in other countries to remain their citizens. But, many countries do allow dual citizenship. Some, like India, MARCH/APRIL 2014 |
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allow a modified form of continued citizenship. Swearing allegiance to the United States in the Oath of Citizenship does not automatically mean that a person cannot be a dual citizen. So, people who are interested in retaining their citizenship from their country of origin should contact that consulate or embassy to find out that country’s law. 7. Retention of retirement income and ability to travel to the U.S. Some people are planning to retire in their home country or another country. So, they feel like it isn’t necessary or appropriate to become a U.S. citizen. However, if you retire abroad as a Lawful Permanent Resident, you might face several practical problems. In some countries that don’t have special agreements with the United States, Lawful Permanent Residents who live abroad may not be able to collect their Social Security retirement payments that they earned by paying in to the system. Also, Lawful Permanent Residents who actually reside outside the United States might be considered to have “abandoned” their residence and they can lose their Lawful Permanent Resident status and ability to enter the United States without a visitor visa. There is no requirement that U.S. citizens spend any particular amount of time in the United States. If you want to retire abroad but still be sure you can collect your retirement check and visit your grandchildren, you should consider naturalization. 8. Ability to hold certain government jobs Some government jobs can only be held by U.S. citizens. Generally, that includes naturalized citizens, not just people who were citizens at birth. Maybe you have given up on the dream of U.S. citizenship because you struggle with English or have other challenges relating to learning and preparing for the civics test. You should know that some people are eligible to take the test with an interpreter. People who have been Lawful Permanent Residents for at least 15 years and are at least 55 years old or people who have been Lawful Permanent Residents for at least 20 years and are at least 50 years are older may use an interpreter. There is also a simpler version of the test for people who have been Lawful Permanent Residents for 20 years and are 65 or older. Finally, a waiver of the English language and civics test requirements is available for people who are unable to fulfill them because of physical or developmental disability or mental impairment. Your regular doctor can complete the waiver form (Form N-648) -- it does not have to be completed by someone with any special authorization from immigration authorities. | Susan E. Reed is supervising attorney of Michigan Immigrant Rights Center, which is part of the Detroit New Americans Campaign, a group of organizations that provides free workshops to help eligible Legal Permanent Residents apply for U.S. citizenship. For information about free citizenship workshops in other cities, go to:
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