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Homeless Person's Memorial & Candlelight Vigil
In recognition of National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day, a Homeless Person's Memorial & Candlelight Vigil will be held on December 21, 2020, at 6 p.m., at Dave Freriks Park, located at 16th and Avenue K. The event is held for the city's homeless citizens and affords them the chance to pay their respects to those who have lost their life and to be recognized on the longest night of the year. More so, the event is organized to bring awareness to the plight of the homeless in the city. Each year since 1990 on, or near December 21- not coincidentally, the first day of winter and the longest night of the year - homeless service providers, in more than 150 communities across the country, conduct similar services to recognize the need for political advocacy and efforts to end homelessness. Organizers of the Lubbock event include the South Plains Homeless Consortium, CHCL, and the Salvation Army, in partnership with the National Coalition for the Homeless. Collectively, they invite the public to join them in remembering the homeless in 2020. For more information, contact (806) 319-5140.
Benitez Retires from LEARN Inc. After 29 Years
Executive Director Esmeralda dent School Trevino Benitez will cele- District brate her retirement after 29 years Partners in of service with the federal TRIO Education, programs operated by LEARN LULAC, Inc. in Lubbock. She has worked Lubbock diligently throughout her entire Hispanic career to help disadvantaged fam- Chamber, ilies establish goals for success in and South life and create pathways to ensure Plains P20 that these goals became reality. Council, Her personal journey started in and numerthe fields of West Texas. She cred- ous adviits her parents for teaching her to sory boards extend a helping hand to those and committees that promote in need and understanding that education. Esmeralda was named every person is worthy of value Hispanic Woman of the Year in and respect, regardless of circum- 2000 by Hispanic Association of stances. These life lessons helped Women in the area of Education. to shape her lifelong career path. LEARN Inc. programs have Esmerelda’s journey is one that been a beacon of light in the many of the students that she community since 1969, helpserved could relate to. She re- ing disadvantaged students and ceived her GED in 1984, an As- adults accomplish their dreams sociate Degree in Social Work in of improving their lives through 1990, and her Bachelor of Science higher education. A product of Degree from Texas Tech Uni- LEARN Talent Search herself, versity in 1989. Prior to her em- Benitez knew that she had found ployment at LEARN Inc., Mrs. her service calling, but she also Benitez worked for the Lubbock discovered that this journey was Housing Authority as a Social to lead her toward opportunities Worker. and lessons that she, too, would She began her tenure with learn. “I am sincerely grateful that LEARN Inc. in 1991 when she my journey has provided me the was hired to coordinate LEARN’s opportunity to grow professionmiddle school component “LETS ally and personally. I still stand Go-Advance,” part of the Talent proudly and smile every time I Search program where she later am approached by a family who served as Assistant Director for either they, their children, or their seventeen years. She was selected grandchildren have been assisted in 2010 as the LEARN Inc. Ex- by our programs!” Esmeralda ecutive Director to oversee both credits and thanks the LEARN federal programs that comprise Inc. Board of Directors for their LEARN Inc.—Talent Search and commitment in hosting the TRIO Educational Opportunity Center. programs through their non-profit She has been actively involved at organization. the state level with Texas TRIO, at She thanks her family for their the regional level with Southwest patience and encouragement Association of Student Assistance throughout her career, and she Programs, civic organizations, now looks forward to being a fullincluding Lubbock Indepen- time grandmother!


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Professional Development
CLASSES. Need to study to pass the GED? Literacy Lubbock offers free, flexible, and casual prep classes at various times to fit in with your busy schedule. Call us at 806-7753636 for more information or register for Free classes at www.literacylubbock.org.
for Lubbock and the surrounding area offered by Adult Education Center. We accept new students on a bimonthly basis. You must be at least 17 years old and not enrolled in public school to be eligible for the classes. For more info call 806-2815750. Open Mon. thru Fri. from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. BASIC ENGLISH CLASS – Clase de Inglés – aprender Inglés básico, 3211 58th Street, (east of Indiana) Lubbock. Horas: Cada Miércoles a las 7:30-8:30 de la noche. 806-239-5352 GRATIS!!
Families who are income eligible may receive fee assistance to attend one of the Early Learning Center’s five centers for child care. Parents or caretakers must be employed or in school. The program is open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call (806) 765-9981 for more information.
GUNDA IDIOMA La Literacia de Lubbock (Literacy Lubbock) ofrecen clases gratis de inglés como segundo idioma (English as Second Language) para la comunidad. Todos los adultos están bienvenido en estas clases. Para más información, llame a (806) 775-3636.
ATTORNEY: The Caprock Regional Public Defender Office offers free legal representation to 13 surrounding West Texas Counties. The office handles Felony, Misdemeanor and Juvenile cases for citizens that cannot afford to hire a criminal defense lawyer. Call (806) 742-4312 to see if your county qualifies for this service. IMMIGRATION SERVICES If you need help with immigration issues call 806-741-0409.
Si necesitan ayuda con asuntos de inmigración llame a este numero (806) 7410409.
CHILD CARE in Lubbock by the South Plains Day Home Association helps parents with free referrals to licensed or registered day care facilities that are routinely monitored by the Texas Department and Protective Services. Call 796-0606 or 792-1847 for more information.