21 minute read
Pilgrimage to the Virgen de Guadalupe
A Pilgrimage In Honor of La Virgen de Guadalupe
BY CHRISTY MARTINEZ-GARCIA hill. At this sighting (there have been many FOR LATINO LUBBOCK MAGAZINE throughout the world) the young woman
Ispoke to Juan Diego in his native tongue n 2018, I took a trip to Mexico City to and she was dark-skinned. This added to visit the Basilica de Guadalupe, built her allure for the local Aztecs and many in honor of La Virgen de Guadalupe, were baptized Catholic as a result of her which has become one of the most visited appearance which reflected them.religious sites in the world. A second structure remained the home of My dad’s father Don Juan Martinez, Juan Diego’s famous tilma until the 1970s emphasized the love and understanding of when after centuries of remodeling, and the Virgen de Guadalupe, who we prayed to extensive damage caused by the sinking daily, and praised annually by participating ground beneath the basilica, a new basilica in an annual pilgrimage on December 12th. was built to one side of the same plaza.I still recall as a child that we departed The New Basilica, as it is called, was built from my church at Our Lady of Grace, I was between 1974-1976 by Pedro Ramírez sitting in the back of a trailer decorated by Vásquez. The building has a 1970s look that my family. My cousin Viola was standing looks like an old-fashioned revival tent from dressed like the Virgen. the American south, with seven entryways It was evening and although there was much that represent the seven gates of Celestial pageantry and music, I recall hearing bells Jerusalem referred to in the Bible. On the that lulled me to sleep with their consistency grounds surrounding this church are also and rhythm. It was a short nap, but when I the remaining buildings of the ex-convent awoke, I caught a glimpse of my cousin and of the Capuchina nuns, as well as a museum remember thinking one day I will do that, about the basilica and various other small knowing it was an honor worth striving for. chapels, including one dedicated to Juan As I continued my religious education, I Diego. The entire complex is referred to as learned of the legend of a baptized Aztec La Villa Basilica. indio named Juan Diego who was walking Non-Catholic visitors to Mexico City on the hill of Tepeyac in the dead of winter, might not have the basilica very high on when he saw the apparition of young caramel their list, but the basilica and its story are skinned young woman. She asked him to an important part of Mexico’s history and visit the local bishop and tell him that the continue to be integral to the daily lives of Virgin Mary wanted a church built in her local citizens and visiting pilgrims. Each honor on the hill. Faithfully, Juan Diego year it is believed that 20 million people did what he was told, visiting the local visit the basilica, and 9 million of those archbishop several times, but each time the come for the Virgin of Guadalupe’s feast bishop rejected his story. day on December 12. Oftentimes you will Upon Juan Diego’s last visit to the hill, see dedicated pilgrims crawl from the door Mary told him to go gather roses in a different to the front altar on their knees. People come part of the hill – roses that could not possibly from all over the world to see it. be growing at that time of the year. To his Up to 30 masses a day can be held at the surprise, the roses where exactly where she basilica, and pilgrims stand in long lines said, and he gathered them up in his tilma to join the procession of three moving (a cloak-like poncho) and carried them to sidewalks that pass in front of Juan Diego’s the bishop. When he laid the flowers at the tilma, now protected by bulletproof glass. feet of the bishop, the front of his tilma Devotees offer up prayers, bless babies and was adorned by the image of the Virgin de light candles in honor of the blessed Virgin. Guadalupe, and the bishop was immediately They often bring items and trinkets that they convinced of the miracle of her sighting. then have blessed by a local priest. Outside So, during my visit, I had the opportunity the basilica is a separate stand, a kind of to climb the hill of Tepeyac, which was no drive-through blessing, for those short on easy feat but something I knew I had to time or who aren’t able to go inside.experience. In 1660 the first chapel-shrine It is not uncommon for masses to be to the Virgin of Guadalupe was built on the held. During my visit I had a chance to higher reaches of the Tepeyac hill. This small attend a mass and do a reading. It was a chapel, which can still be visited today, is surreal experience as when I looked back, known as the Capilla del Cerrito, and marked it was beautiful thing to see the Virgen de the miracle until the first basilica was built Guadalupe. in the Virgin’s honor in 1695. At the top was After the service we had a chance to walk a chapel in the Virgen’s honor, with many to the area under where her image hangs on visitors fulfilling obligations they had made the wall. The picture is one that I took and to her or praying or delivering flowers to her. an image that I will never forget. I could The area where the basilica is built had long feel her awesomeness and her presence and been a sacred place in for the Mexica peoples her brilliancy.of Mexico. When the Spanish conquered If given the chance I urge you to make the Mexico, local people were forbidden to pilgrimage and visit our beautiful Virgen visit a pagan shrine that sat atop the Tepeyac de Guadalupe.
Copyright 2020 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved.
Anniversary/Wedding/Quinceañera/Birthday Announcements
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder 20% may experience mild SAD. tendency to oversleep; difficulty (also called SAD) is a type SAD is more common in wom- concentrating; irritability and of depression that is triggered en than in men. Although some anxiety; increased sensitivity to by the seasons. The most children and teenagers get social rejection; and avoidance common type of SAD SAD, it usually doesn't of social situations and a loss of is called winter- start in people younger interest in the activities you used onset depression. than 20 years of age. to enjoy Symptoms usu- For adults, the risk SAD may also include some of ally begin in of SAD decreases the symptoms that are present in late fall or early as they get older. other forms of depression. These winter and go Winter-onset SAD symptoms include feelings of away by sum- is more common guilt, ongoing feelings of hopemer. A much in northern re- lessness and physical problems less common gions, where (such as headaches). type of SAD, the winter sea- Is there a treatment for SAD? known as sum- son is typically lon- Yes, treatment is available for mer-onset depres- ger and more harsh. SAD. Winter-onset SAD is most sion, usually begins What are the likely caused by your body's rein the late spring or symptoms of SAD? action to the lack of sunlight. early summer and Although your symp- Light therapy is one option for goes away by winter. toms are clues to the di- treating this type of SAD because SAD may be related agnosis, not everyone who increased sunlight can improve to changes in the amount of day- has SAD experiences the same symptoms. light during different times of the symptoms. Common symptoms Your doctor may also want you year. of winter-onset SAD include the to try medicine or behavior theraHow common is SAD? As many following: a change in appetite, py to treat your SAD. as half a million people in the especially a craving for sweet United States may have winter- or starchy foods; weight gain; a (En español, p. 19) onset depression. Another 10% to drop in energy level; fatigue; a

Anniversary Luis & Victoria Salas, 60th as of December 24th

Christy Martinez-Garcia December 2nd! You are loved! May God continue to bless and guide you daily, in all you do, and strive for! Happy birthday! From Frank & Amaris
Rosa & Joe Davila, 58th as of December 9, 1961

¡Felicidades! Congratulations!
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mitted online by the
18th of each month, along with payment at www.latinolubbock.net/ specialtyads. THE FEE IS $25. Please submit photo, name, number of years, and wedding date. Call (806)7921212 for more info. PLEASE, NO CELL PHONE PHOTOS.
TxDOT Launches Digital Highway Sign Contest

La Asistencia Está Disponible By now most Texans have seen the informative — and often clever — messages above Texas highways on digital message boards that encourage safer driving.
Eléctrico – Gas - Propano Well now it’s your time to shine. TxDOT is launching a statewide Digital Highway Sign Contest to find the best and most creative safedriving message that is related to impaired driving (drunk or drugged driving,) distracted driving (texting while driving,) not wearing seatbelts and/or speeding – the deadliest
Para obtener información o mistakes drivers make on Texas roadways. Since the majority of crashes are preventable, TxDOT uses these creative messages, which para aplicar, llame al: often are related to current events and pop culture, as part of an effort to encourage drivers
Neighborhood House to improve their behavior behind the wheel. Starting Nov. 24 and ending Dec. 8, Texas (806) 589-1907, o visitar: Vive en el condado de Lubbock drivers will be able to submit their entries and there is no limit to the number of entries a contestant can submit. The top 10 entries will Cumplir con los criterios de ingresos be posted on social media and voted on by the mylubbock.us/communitydevelopment Ser ciudadano de los Estados Unidos public. A “like” or “share” equals one point. The top three winners will see their message in bright lights over highways across the state. The contest, which runs simultaneously with #EndTheStreakTX, is another way in which the agency is trying to get more drivers * Se requiere prueba de ciudadanía para todos los miembros del hogar. estadounidense educated about the state’s steady death rate and committed to improving their driving habits. Please visit TxDOT.gov to submit an entry and use the following guidelines when creating Page 16 Read us online at www.latinolubbock.net your message: • The message must bring awareness to the dangers of common driver mistakes such as distracted driving, impaired driving, not using seat belts, speeding, etc. We also will accept other rules of the road, such as “no tailgating” and “left lane for passing only.” • #Hashtags, phone numbers and website addresses are not allowed. No offensive language. • Signs accommodate 2 slides, each with 3 lines and up to 15 characters per line. Feel free to use both slides (6 lines) or just one slide (3 lines).
December Prayer
A PRAYER FOR TODAY Heavenly Father, we want our lives to be influential for the good of the Gospel and the growth of your Kingdom. We offer ourselves to you as a living sacrifice, asking that you conform us to the nature of your Son Jesus and bring forth in us the fruit of your Spirit. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. "He [Barnabas] was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord." ~ Acts 11:24
Sabor Hispano
John Leguizamo Expresses Frustration A Lubbock Christmas at the Lack of Latino Representation Despite COVID, Area Events Planned BY CHRISTY MARTINEZ-GARCIA Cesar E. Chavez Drive will be a BY CYNTHIA SILVA he was baffled by his own lack of for him. To that, the playwright LATINO LUBBOCK MAGAZINE one-way road only. The actor, comedian and playwright John Leguizamo expressed his frustration at the lack of Latino representation in the entertainment industry and the failure of the education system to cover the contributions that Latinos have made throughout American history. Sitting in an office, desk piled up with papers and Latin American history books filling the bookshelf behind him, Leguizamo shared how he had difficulty in understanding why his Latino-based movies weren’t getting greenlighted by networks. “They didn’t want to do Latin stories. I didn’t know that. I thought it was a fair playing field. I didn’t realize it was so stacked against me,” he said. “The racism is so much more deeply woven into the corporate world.” In researching for “Latin History for Morons,” a one-man Broadway crash course on the history of Latinos in the U.S., Leguizamo said knowledge of the contributions Latinos have made to the United States. “It was such a betrayal of my education. I felt so betrayed that I had to feel so less than for so long and unnecessarily so,” he said. “The wall isn’t on the border. The wall is in American culture.“ He went on to list iconic activists like Jovita Idar (1885-1946), who pushed for women's suffrage and the civil rights of Mexican Americans. Latinos have fought in every single war the country has ever had, Leguizamo said. Leguizamo brings up the story of Marcelino Serna, who fought in World War I as a private in the U.S. Army. A Mexican immigrant and noncitizen, Serna has been called the most decorated WWI soldier from Texas but has not been awarded the Medal of Honor, a decision Latino advocates, legislators and historians argue is because of racism. Scholars have pointed out we may not know many of the Hispanic soldiers who served in wars like World War I, given the "white" status accorded to soldiers of Mexican descent. Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote a Vanity Fair piece in 2017 on how Leguizamo was an inspiration responded saying Miranda is an inspiration to him. After the enormous success of “Hamilton” on Broadway with a majority Latino and Black cast, Leguizamo was able to see there was an interest in the stories they were creating. Leguizamo’s movie “Critical Thinking,” which premiered Sept. 4, is based on the true story of five high school students in 1998 who shocked the country by becoming the first inner-city team to win the U.S. National Chess Championship. For him, the film shows how “there’s a lot of these super gifted, talented genius kids in our communities that are not getting the love, the nurturing that they deserve.” Leguizamo said the solution for schools is providing more funding, stressing the difficulty of making it without a quality education. The pandemic has given the country time to reflect, he says, and the Black Lives Matter movement has shown how we still exclude and mistreat people. In the entertainment industry, when it comes to the pipeline of talent, Leguizamo said that “there’s millions of Lins and there are a million of me. ... It’s just we don’t get the access.” Despite COVID-19, some Lubbock traditions have figured out ways to offer holiday events safely to the local community. Ballet Lubbock has partnered with local drive-in, Stars & Stripes Drive-In Theatre, for a one-night screening event on Friday, December 18 at 7:30 p.m. Due to social distancing requirements, seating is limited. Tickets can be purchased at balletlubbock.org. In addition, they will also be streaming on the Ballet Lubbock website beginning Monday, December 7 through the end of the year. Bring your family to the Santa Land drive-thru event at Mackenzie Park and enjoy a 64-year-old Lubbock tradition! The drive thru will be open every evening Dec.10-23, 2020, till 10 p.m. Admission is free. See the festive holiday village with its huge lighted Christmas tree, animated displays, traditional holiday scenes, and Santa and Mrs. Claus. Tune into Christmas music at 1370 AM while you drive through. Enter the park off East Broadway at the Bayer Museum of Agriculture and proceed northwest toward Joyland. While Red Raiders may not be able to gather on campus, this year's Carol of Lights will be virtual. The broadcast will be available on www. ttu.edu/livestream/ and will be aired on KTTZ beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 1. You can also drive thru by entering at the Broadway entrance and the campus lights will still be turned on from dusk to midnight every night from Dec. 1 until Jan. 3. The National Ranching Heritage Center and Texas Tech Public Media will explore frontier holiday traditions in a televised 42nd Annual Candlelight at the Ranch that will air at 7 p.m. on December 12, on PBS station KTTZ-TV. The broadcast will feature video of past Candlelight events but primarily use the help of 48 Ranch Host volunteers dressed in period clothing to recreate a frontier Christmas in 10 historic ranching structures. It will also be available online at KTTZ.org and nrhc.ttu.edu. Also, drive by to see the “Cow Trail Christmas” lit up at the NRHC entrance at 3121 4th St. For additional events visit www. latinolubbock.net/events ‘Wonder Girl’ TV Series in the Works BUEN PROVECHO! BUEN PROVECHO!
Greg Berlanti and the CW are Schechter and David Madden. USA’s Queen of the South breaking more ground in su- Berlanti Productions pro- for the past two seasons as perhero representation with their duces in association with part of an overall deal with latest DC series project. Warner Bros. Television. series producer Touchstone The network is developing Won- The series tells the TV. While her studio pact der Girl, a drama series based backstory/origin story ended last month, she has on the DC characters created by of the DC Comics character made a new deal to conJoëlle Jones. It hails from Queen of Yara Flor, who was recently tinue co-running the of the South executive producer/ revealed as a new Wonder show — whose producco-showrunner Dailyn Rodriguez Woman. Yara will make her tion was disrupted by and Berlanti Productions. comic book appearance this the coronavirus panWritten by Rodriguez, Wonder January in Future State: demic — through the end of Girl centers on Yara Flor, a Latina Wonder Woman, part of Season 5. Filming on the fifth Dreamer who was born of an Amazonian Warrior and a Brazilian River God, learns that she is Wonder Girl. With her newfound power must fight the evil forces that would seek to destroy the world. This would mark the first Latina superhero title character of a DC TV series. Rodriguez, who is the daughter of Cuban immigrants, is executive producing with Berlanti Prods.’ Greg Berlanti, Sarah DC’s Future State event written and drawn by Jones. At the CW, Wonder Girl will be looking to join Berlanti Prods’ existing DC Universe, which includes Batwoman, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, the upcoming Superman and Lois, Supergirl — which will be wrapping its run with the upcoming sixth season — and Black Lightning. Rodriguez has been co-running season recently resumed in New Orleans. Wonder Girl is the alias of multiple DC Comics superheroes. The original Wonder Girl, Donna Troy, was created by Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani and first appeared in The Brave and the Bold #60 in 1965. The alias has also been used in reference to a younger version of Wonder Woman as a teenager. 24th & Ave. Q Near Downtown 747-5998 70th & Indiana S Loop 289 & Indiana 797-8646 orlandos.com 24th & Ave. Q Near Downtown 747-5998 70th & Indiana S Loop 289 & Indiana 797-8646 caprockcafe.com 34th & Indiana Near Texas Tech 784-0300 82nd & Slide Southwest Lubbock 771-2233 34th & Indiana Near Texas Tech 784-0300 82nd & Slide Southwest Lubbock 771-2233 Copyright 2020 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. December/diciembre 2020, Vol. 14, Issue 12 Page 17
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ALL SOULS DAY BLESSING AT CEMETERY: Christians have always kept the custom of visiting the graves of the faithful departed on this day to pray for them so they may rest in peace in God’s loving embrace in heaven. Father Jacob Puthuparambil OF Our Lady of Guadalupe in Slaton blessed the graves of many particpating family members. Also present were Deacon Phillip Maldonado who helped Father Jacob. (Photo by Margie Aguilar)

Latino Lubbock Magazine's
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Wear Your Mask! ¡Usa tu máscara!
Catholic Church Cancels
Guadalupe Pilgrimage
Over Pandemic
MEXICO CITY (AP) — miraculously imprinted itself on a Mexico’s Roman cloak belonging to the Indigenous Catholic Church announced peasant Juan Diego in 1531. the cancellation Monday The church recognized that of what’s considered the 2020 has been a trying world’s largest Catholic year and that many of pilgrimage, for the Virgin the faithful want to seek of Guadalupe, due to the consolation at basilica, COVID-19 pandemic. but said that conditions Mexico’s Episcopal don’t permit a pilgrimage Conference said in that brings so many into a statement that the close contact. basilica will be closed At the basilica, church from December 10-13. authorities said they The Virgin is celebrated couldn’t remember its on Dec. 12 and for weeks doors being closed for in advance, pilgrims another Dec. 12. But travel from across Mexico newspaper reports from to gather by the millions in nearly a century ago show Mexico City. that the church formally The church recommended closed the basilica and with that “the Guadalupe celebrations withdrew priests from 1926 to 1929 be held in churches or at home, in protest of anti-religious laws, but avoiding gatherings and with the accounts from the time described appropriate health measures.” thousands sometimes flocking to the Bishop Salvador Martínez, rector basilica despite the lack of a Mass. at the basilica, said recently in a Mexico has reported more than video circulated on social media 1 million infections with the that as many as 15 million pilgrims new coronavirus and 101,676 visit during the first two weeks of COVID-19 deaths. December. Mexico City has been tightening Many of the pilgrims arrive on foot, health measures as the number of some carrying large representations infections and hospital occupancy of the Virgin. begin to creep up again. The basilica holds an image of the Virgin that is said to have

Forward in Chris
Virtue… Listen to what St. Peter says about virtue. For this very reason make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these things are yours and abound, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 1:5-8) Moral truth and moral goodness are rooted in God, who is the source of all that is good and true. If we want to bear fruit (that glorifies God) in our lives and live effectively as God intended, then we must root our minds and hearts in his word of truth. Why should we “make every effort to complement our faith with virtue?” Peter explains the consequences for choosing virtue: “They keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ,” and without them we become “blind and short-sighted.” We want our children and we want ourselves to be effective and fruitful in Christ, and we want to be clearsighted, not blind or short-sighted. Note also that acquiring virtue requires effort. Peter says, “Make every effort…” May your actions today show high moral standards. You got this, in Jesus name!
Joshua Ramirez is the Campus Pastor of the Lubbock Dream Center and has been in ministry for 30 years.
Church Bulletins
ASSISTANCE TO THE NEEDY: Catholic Charities is able to help families who have been directly impacted by COVID-19. If you have families who need assistance, please refer them to www. cclubbock.org to fill out an intake form at cclubbock.org/assistance. A case manager will call you to get additional information over the phone and via email. Out of safety for both staff and clients, no walk-ins are accepted. Families can also call (806)7658475 for assistance.
Catholic Charities Youth and Family department is still here to help families’ mental and emotional health. Case managers can help with family conflict, stress, anxiety and more. To be contacted by a case manager, fill out a form at cclubbock.org/ youth-and-families.
Slaton, Texas. Drawing on Dec. 12, 2020. $10 per ticket. Need not be present to win.
LIC CHURCH Stamford, Texas. Saturday, October 10, 2020 @ 6:30 p.m. $5 per Ticket or a book of 3 for $10. Need not be present to win. Contact Sally Moreno @ (325) 725-2520. Or by email at stannschurch1@gmail.com
GUADALUPE CHURCH PLAINVIEW, November 6th. Tamales by the dozen, all day. Cash and carry, drive-thru, or call for delivery.
RAFFLE St. Isidore Church. Tickets on sale through November 22, $10. Contact: Andrew Cortez 559-8132 or Brad Yates: 254-733-2104 ONLINE MASS – Check www.catholiclubbock.org/Covid-19 for a listing. COUNSELING: Affordable marriage and family counseling offered by Marriage & Family Life Office, in collaboration with TTU Marriage & Family Clinic. For appointment, call Dr. Nicole Springer at 806-7423074. DIVINE MERCY Chaplet online at https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/ devotions/novena
at https://www.cathedralofmary.org/faithformation/resources/pray-the-rosary-online
The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) has resources against racism, including a free webinar series on how to apply the USCCB's pastoral letter, "Open Wide Our Hearts" in a ministry context. Details: www.nfcym.org/open-wide-our-hearts