13 minute read
Flu or Cold?
Judging by all the people sneez- recommend eating yogurt with ac- becoming ill. So do your friends ing and coughing, and the ubiq- tive cultures or taking pro biotic and colleagues a favor — stay home uitous “Get your flu shot” signs at supplements. Supplements con- and don’t infect them. Another reaevery pharmacy, it’s obvious we’ve taining lactobacillus should have at son to avoid the office: Side effects begun the dreaded cold and flu sea- least 5 billion colony-forming units from cold or flu medication can son. per daily serving. make you too groggy to work.So how can you tell if your aches Get my flu shot now, or wait? Get To prevent flu: Drink green tea, and scratchy throat are a typical cold it as early as possible — it not only wash hands, wear a mask - Green or a more serious bout of the flu? protects you against the flu, recent tea has catechins, a type of antioxiA quick rule of thumb is that cold studies show it can cut your risk of dant, that can help protect against symptoms generally occur from heart attacks and stroke by 36 per- the flu, recent studies suggest. Even the neck up, whereas flu symptoms cent. Plus, a flu shot protects both more dramatic: A 2012 study found take over your whole body. children and adults against pneu- that wearing a surgical mask and How to prevent getting a cold: monia. regularly washing your hands during Once the cold season starts, gargle When to go to work, when to the flu season resulted in a whopping daily and take probiotics. Gargling stay home: You’re contagious even 75 percent reduction in flu risk. Need can lower your risk of getting sick, before your symptoms start getting another reason to wash your hands? research shows, and probiotics may bad, say infectious disease experts, Viruses survive on surfaces between also help prevent colds and boost so if you wake up feeling under the two and eight hours, so people touchyour immune system, a 2011 Co- weather, the virus is already multi- ing those surfaces who then touch chrane review of research found. plying. In addition, you remain con- their mouth or nose can get sick as the Preventive medicine experts also tagious for five to seven days after virus enters the respiratory tract. La gripe o resfriado? The Doc or Is In
Advice from our Doctors... Consejos de nuestros médicos Aids Awareness Month
AIDS stands for acquired im- childbirth. munodeficiency syndrome. The first signs of HIV infection It is the most advanced stages of may be swollen glands and flu-like infection with the human immu- symptoms. These may come and nodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is a go a month or two after infection. virus that kills or damages cells of Severe symptoms may not appear the body's immune system. until months or years later. HIV most often spreads through A blood test can tell if you have unprotected sex with an infected HIV infection. Your health care person. AIDS may also spread by provider can perform the test, or sharing drug needles or through call the national referral hotline at contact with the blood of an in- 1-800-CDC-INFO (24 hours a day, fected person. Women can give it 1-800-232-4636 in English and en to their babies during pregnancy or español; 1-888-232-6348 - TTY). Mes nacional de la prevención del SIDA
SIDA es la sigla del síndrome Los primeros signos de infección de inmunodeficiencia ad- con VIH pueden ser inflamación quirida. Es el estadio más avan- de los ganglios y síntomas grizado de infección por el virus de pales. Los mismos pueden preseninmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). tarse y desaparecer un mes o dos El VIH es un virus que mata o después de la infección. Los síndaña las células del sistema inmu- tomas graves pueden no aparecer nológico del organismo. hasta pasados meses o años. El VIH suele contagiarse a través Con un análisis de sangre se pude las relaciones sexuales sin pro- ede saber si una persona tiene una tección con una persona infectada. infección por VIH. El profesional El SIDA también puede conta- de la salud puede realizar la pruegiarse por compartir agujas con ba o llamar para una derivación drogas o mediante el contacto con a la línea nacional 1-800-CDCla sangre de una persona infectada. INFO (en español y en inglés, las Las mujeres pueden transmitírselo 24 horas del día, 1-800-232-4636; a sus bebés durante el embarazo o 1-888-232-6348 - TTY). el parto.

Ajuzgar por todas las personas estornudos y tos, y los "Obtenga su vacuna contra la gripe" señales omnipresentes en todas las farmacias, es obvio que hemos comenzado la temporada de resfriados y gripe temida. Entonces, ¿cómo puede saber si sus dolores y picazón en la garganta son una típica pelea más grave resfriado o una de la gripe? Una regla rápida es que los síntomas del resfriado generalmente ocurren desde el cuello hacia arriba, mientras que los síntomas de la gripe se apoderan de todo tu cuerpo .. Cómo evitar contraer un resfriado: Una vez que la temporada de frío se inicia, haga gárgaras diaria y tomar probióticos. Hacer gárgaras puede disminuir su riesgo de contraer, según muestra una investigación enfermos, y los probióticos también puede ayudar a prevenir los resfriados y estimular su sistema inmunológico, una revisión Cochrane de la investigación 2.011 encontrado. Expertos de medicina preventiva también recomiendan comer yogur con cultivos activos o tomando suplementos probióticos. Los suplementos que contienen lactobacillus deben tener al menos 5 mil millones de unidades formadoras de colonias por porción diaria. Obtener mi vacuna contra la gripe ahora, o esperar? Get it lo más pronto posible - no sólo le protege contra la gripe, estudios recientes demuestran que puede reducir el riesgo de ataques cardíacos y accidentes cerebrovasculares en un 36 por ciento. Además, una vacuna contra la gripe protege a niños y adultos contra la neumonía, un nuevo estudio de la Universidad de Vanderbilt encontró. Cuándo ir al trabajo, al quedarse en casa: Usted es contagiosa, incluso antes de que sus síntomas comienzan a conseguir malo, dicen los expertos en enfermedades infecciosas, así que si te levantas sintiendo bajo tiempo, el virus ya se está multiplicando. Además, usted sigue siendo contagiosa durante cinco a siete días después de enfermarse. Lo mismo ocurre con sus amigos y colegas un favor - quedarse en casa y no infectarlos. Otra razón para evitar la oficina: Los efectos secundarios de la medicación resfriado o gripe puede hacerle demasiado aturdido para trabajar. Para prevenir la gripe: Beber té verde, lavarse las manos, usar una máscara - El té verde tiene catequinas, un tipo de antioxidante, que puede ayudar a proteger contra la gripe, estudios recientes sugieren. Aún más dramática: Un estudio de 2012 encontró que el uso de una máscara quirúrgica y lavarse las manos con regularidad durante la temporada de gripe se tradujo en una reducción de la friolera de 75 por ciento en el riesgo de la gripe. ¿Necesitas otra razón para lavarse las manos? Los virus sobreviven en superficies de entre dos y ocho horas, por lo que las personas que tocan esas superficies que luego se tocan la boca o la nariz pueden enfermarse ya que el virus entra en el tracto respiratorio. Free Secure Confidential Electronic Doctor Accessible For Adults & Children STOP hunting down shot records... immtracforeveryone.com Vaccines are for ALL AGES! Children need immunizations at Birth, 2, 4, 6, 12, & 18 months 4-6 years & 11-12 years Adults need a Flu vaccine every year and other vaccines as recommended by a physician. 806 18th Street 806.775.2933 Copyright 2020 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. December/diciembre 2020, Vol. 14, Issue 12 Page 11

Wayland LBK Goes Virtual Education & Scholarship Updates
Iwill never take ning for internships next summer because my goal to pursue a career Time to Smell the Roses Classes at Wayland Baptist University’s Lubbock camRemainder of Semester dents in preparing for the spring sessions. Registration for spring UNDERGRADUATE INTERNSHIP Maternal Child Health Careers/Research Initiatives for Stufor granted in medicine has not changed. I am pus are moving online for the re- classes opens at 2 p.m. on Nov. dent Enhancement the gifts of smell and taste after my experience with COVID. It does even looking to do research in Japan! It’s important to keep hope and not neglect the potential that the future contains. It has become more necessary to learn how to move forward despite overwhelming presmainder of the Fall 2 session that concludes on Dec. 18. Dr. Elyn Palmer, executive director and dean of the Lubbock campus, 30 with classes beginning in January. Palmer said the university plans for classes to return to flexible, in-person instruction in Program (MCHC/ RISE-UP) provides opportunities for enhanced public health leadership training in the area of maternal and child health focusing on social determinants of health, elimination of health disparities, and develnot matter sure. I hope to continue leaning on informed students, faculty and the spring. opmental disabilities. Grant funding for this that news of those that I love for support and staff of the transition, saying the Wayland Lubbock moved to an program was awarded to Kennedy Krieger the virus is not new anymore; the devastation and close encounter with its affects continue to resonate for many families, including mine. Through this storm, I am learning to recognize giving thanks for every little detail of my life— the smell of morning coffee, the long walks to class, the taste of sweet fruit, and the shivers brought by winter air. Each new day that I find myself alive and well is a decision was made based on the escalating cases of COVID-19 in Lubbock. “This will allow us a good opportunity for in-depth sanitization of the campus facilities, as well as 8-week session format this fall to better accommodate students and expedite the degree completion process. The new schedule coincides with traditional, 16-week college semesters. Students can Institute by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Application Deadline: Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM EST. Program Dates: May 31, 2021 to July 28, 2021. Apply online at: kennedykrieger.org/RISE-UP the importance in adapting to my gift that is too priceless to forget. an opportunity for students, fac- take classes in 8-week sessions GRADUATE INTERNSHIP Dr. situations, accepting harsh realities, calling relatives out of the blue, and saying more ‘I love you’s.’ I am still carrying on and planBailee Alonzo - is a sophomore at Texas Tech, majoring in Biology Pre-Med. She aspires to become a dermatologist. Research Study Needs Input ulty and staff to self-quarantine,” Palmer said. The classrooms will be closed to faculty and students. Coursework instruction will be delivered through Blackboard and other online means. Wayland offices will and complete a greater number of courses in a shorter time frame. The new schedule also allows for a summer session, meaning students can take courses in five sessions per year as opposed to the four-term method that was being James A. Ferguson Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Initiatives for Student Enhancement (RISE) Fellowship supports public health research and professional development in the areas of infectious diseases and health disparities, with a special focus on increasing knowledge and interest in public health research careers ATexas Tech doctoral candidate is conducting a research study on the experiences of Latino/Latina/ Latinx adults aged 60 and older to gain a better understanding of the successes of questionnaires to complete. Your participation is completely voluntary, and you can stop at any point in the study. You will be eligible for a $25 gift card. If you feel that you could remain open with limited staffing, and computer stations will be available to students who do not otherwise have access to computers. Staff will also assist stuused. For more information about available courses and degree options, contact the Lubbock campus at 806-785-9285. among students from underrepresented populations. Application Deadline: Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM EST. Program Dates: May 31, 2021 to July 28, 2021. Closing activity for the Ferguson RISE fellowship is planned for Thursday, and difficulties of aging. For this study, they need Latino/Latina/Latinx adults aged 60 and older who speak English who will participate in a phone call with the researcher and emailed a set participate in this study or know someone who may be interested, please contact victoria.beach@ttu.edu or call 806-834-8815. Un candidato a doctorado de Texas Tech está llevando a cabo un estudio de investigación sobre las experiencias de adultos latinos de 60 años o más para obtener una mejor comprensión de los éxitos y dificultades del envejecimiento. Para este estudio, necesitan adultos latinos de 60 años o más que hablen inglés que participen en una llamada telefónica con el investigador y envíen por correo electrónico una serie de cuestionarios para completar. Su participación es completamente voluntaria y puede detenerse en cualquier momento del estudio. Será elegible para una tarjeta de regalo de $ 25. Si cree que puede participar en este estudio o conoce a alguien que pueda estar interesado, envíe un correo electrónico a victoria. beach@ttu.edu o llame al 806-8348815. Estudio necesita aportaciones South Plains College will begin its Spring 2021 semester on Jan. 19, 2021 across all campuses. SPC staff will report to work on Jan. 4, 2021. Faculty will report on Jan. 11, 2021. According to Dr. Robin Satterwhite, president of South Plains College, the primary adjustment to the calendar will be to compress the Spring Interim semester into a shorter time frame as well as week of Jan. 4, 2021 through Jan. 8, 2021. Students are encouraged to contact the college by telephone, email, virtual appointments or online chat. All offices will be available in-person on Jan. 11, 2021. The Spring 2021 Semester will run from Jan. 19 to May 13. Graduation is set for May 14. Dr. Satterwhite said the college will address the potential for a graduation ceremony SPC Announces Delayed Start For Spring 2021 August 5th. Apply online at: kennedykrieger.org/Ferguson 2021–22 FAFSA FORM AVAILABLE The new 2021–22 FAFSA form is here! Some states and schools have limited funds, so don’t delay! For priority consideration, submit your application by Jan. 15, 2021. Additional forms might be required. Private and two-year institutions may have different deadlines. Check with your financial aid administrator. To begin your application, go to https://studentaid. gov/. "HACER® MORE SCHOLARSHIP" Se invita a los estudiantes hispanos del último año de la escuela secundaria que tengan deseos de ir a la universidad, y a sus padres, a que visiten mcdonalds.com/hacer para obtener recursos universitarios adicionales en inglés y
YOUR LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED MOVIE EXPERT IN TOWN TEXAS TECH CORPORATE SPONSOR preventing any overlapping semesters which create financial aid issues. “We will have a safer start to our semester by adding a week between the holidays and the time students arrive on campus,” he said. based on the community status in the spring. For more information, contact Dane Dewbre, associate dean of marketing and recruitment, at (806) 716-2210 or email ddewbre@southplainscollege. en español y para conocer todos los detalles sobre cómo solicitar la Beca Nacional HACER® de McDonald's. El período para solicitar la beca para el próximo año académico comienza el 5 de octubre de 2020 y finaliza el 3 de febrero de 2021. All SPC campuses will be closed edu. COLGATE-PALMOLIVE is now to student and community traffic the accepting applications for its annual Haz la U™ ("Make the U") educational grant program for the 2021-2022 academic year Wear Your Mask! in partnership with the Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF). To be awarded to students who have demonstrated academic excellence, volunteerism and leadership www.pccmovies.com facebook.com/LubbockPremiereCinema16Imax 806-791-7643 6002 Slide Rd.-Unit Q ¡Usa tu máscara! within their communities. Applications close on December 6, 2020. Apply at Colgate.com/HazLaU or HHFYouthAwards. com Page 12 Latino Lubbock Magazine Proudly Advocates for Education/La revista latina Lubbock aboga por la educación