33 minute read
Christi Hartin 12/21 Demetrio Orta 12/22 Faith & Religion

Neighborhood News & Resources Trastorno Afectivo 2-1-1 NON-EMERGENCY QUESTIONS 2-1-1 is a free Estacional help line answered 24
hours a day, 7 days a El trastorno afectivo perimentar TAE leve. El week, which will link you estacional, TAE TAE es más común to health and community services. (también conocido en las mujeres que UTILITY ASSISTANCE- For Lubbock County residents. Help with energy bills or repairs to existing heating/AC units is available! Contact Neighborhood House at (806) 589-1907. La asistencia está disponible por su sigla en inglés SAD) es un tipo de depresión que se desencadena con las estacioen los hombres. A pesar de que a algunos niños y adolescentes les dé TAE, éste ahora para fracturas de energía y repara- nes. El tipo más usualmente no ciones a calentadores o aires acondicio- común de TAE comienza en nados. Llama Neighborhood House en español a (806) 775-2706. Debes vivir en el Condado de Lubbock. es la llamada depresión que comienza en el personas menores de 20 años de edad. Para los NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood at https://nextdoor.com/ news_feed/ invierno. Los síntomas usualmente, comienzan al final adultos, el riesgo de TAE disminuye a medida que ellos endel otoño o al co- vejecen. La depresión 3-1-1 CITIZENS CALL CENTER provides citizens with direct access to Non-Emergency City Services. Call takers are available 8 to 5 pm daily. HEART OF LUBBOCK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Heat Your Home Tips for a Safe, Warm Winter mienzo del invierno y desaparecen en el verano. Un tipo mucho menos común de TAE que se conoce como depresión que comienza en el verano usualmente comienza al final de la primavera o al comienzo que comienza en el invierno TAE es más común en las regiones del norte en las cuales la estación de invierno típicamente es más larga y más fuerte. ¿Cómo puede saber mi médico MEETING meeting is the fourth Monday del verano y desaparece con el que tengo TAE? a pesar de que of each month, 7 pm, at the Volunteer Center of Lubbock, 1706 23rd. Wear Your Mask! ¡Usa tu máscara! Most injuries from fires involving heating equipment occurred when the user was asleep or when a child under 10 was left unsupervised with the equipment, according to data released in September 2009, from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Portable electric heatals, such as paint, gas cans and matches, away from the heater. 7. Unless the heater is designed for outdoor use or in bathrooms, do not use in damp or wet areas. Parts in the heater may be damaged by moisture. 8. Check periodically for a secure plug/outlet fit. If the plug does not fit snugly into the invierno. El TAE puede estar relacionado con cambios en la cantidad de luz solar durante las distintas épocas del año. ¿Qué tan común es el TAE? Tantas como medio millón de personas en los Estados Unidos de América pueden tener depresión que comienza en el invierno. Otro 10 a 20 % pueden exsus síntomas son claves para el diagnóstico, no todo el mundo con tae tiene los mismos síntomas. los síntomas comunes de depresión en el invierno incluyen lo siguiente: un cambio en el apetito, especialmente antojarse de dulces o comidas con almidón. (In English, p. 16) ers should be used according to the manufacturers' instructions so that injuries can be avoided. Follow these simple and imoutlet or if the plug becomes very hot, the outlet may need to be replaced. Check with a qualified electrician to replace En Aquellos Días…
Teléfonos de interés para la tercera edad AARP: 888-687-2277 Social Security: 800-772-1213 Medicare: 800-633-4227 TX Area Agency on Aging: 800-252-9240 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia 3-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia Latino Lubbock Magazine 792-1212 latinolubbock@suddenlink.net www.latinolubbock.net Important Numbers for Senior Citizens portant safety tips when using portable electric heaters: 1. Read the manufacturer's instructions and warning labels before using your portable electric heater. 2. Do not leave an operating heaterunattended and always unplug heater when not in use. 3. Do not use your heater with a power strip or extension cord. Overheating of a power strip or extension cord could result in a fire. 4. String out cords on top of area rugs or carpeting. Placing anything, including furniture, on top of the cord may damage it. 5. Keep combustible materials, such as furniture, pillows, bedding, papers, clothes and curtains at least three feet from the front of the heater and away from the sides and rear. Do not block heater's air intake or outlet. 6. Keep flammable materithe outlet. 9. Unplug the heater when not in use by pulling the plug straight out from the outlet. Inspect the heater's cord periodically. Do not use a heater with a damaged cord. 10. Do not plug any other electrical device into the same outlet as your heater. This could result in overheating. 11. Heaters should be kept away from children and not be placed in a child's room without supervision. 12. Place heater on a level, flat surface. Only use heater on table tops when specified by the manufacturer. Do not place your heater on furniture. It could fall, dislodging or breaking parts in the heater. For more information or to order a free portable heater safety brochures in English and Spanish online at www. heatersafety.org or by calling (888) 785-SAFE. Siendo que yo soy la segunda de quince de familia, yo y mi hermana cuidamos a todos los otros. Estábamos viviendo en un rancho en Waxahachie Tejas (un pueblito al sur de Dallas). Mi papa era buen carpintero y nos hacia juguetitos de pedazos de tablitas que recogía. Cuando una de mis hermanas tenia 6 o 7 meses, mi papa le hizo una cunita de tablas y la aforró con lonas. Le amarro mecates en cada esquina y la colgó del cielo del cuarto. El arreglo para que se podía subir o bajar con otro mecate. Cuando la niña estaba necia, mi mama la acostaba en la cunita y nos ponía a arrollarla hasta que se dormía. Después nos podíamos poner a jugar. Un día se nos ocurrió bajar la cunita, sacar la niña y uno de nosotros nos subimos en la cuna y nos paseamos nosotros en la cuna. Un día entro mama durante el tiempo que estábamos jugando nosotros y soltó un grito. Ella creía que la niña estaba en la cuna también y pensó que se iba a romper el mecate y la niña se iba a golpear. Naturalmente, nosotros nos asombramos al oír el grito de ella y soltamos el mecate. Mi hermano callo sentado en el piso. Cuando mama vio que la niña estaba dormida en el piso buenísima, nos dio una buena reganada a todos. Nos toco suerte que no le dijo a mi papa. En aquellos dias, no nos faltaban ideas para entretenernos y lo mas del tiempo recibíamos una regañada. Editor's Note: Rosario Montez Smith grew up en un rancho in Levelland, and enjoys sharing her memories of living in rural West Texas. Copyright 2020 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. December/diciembre 2020, Vol. 14, Issue 12 Page 19
COMING TOGETHER FOR LBK: When a charge Nurse at UMC in the medical ICU for COVID-19 patients, posted a request on social media asking the community to help in the donation of supplies to help patients feel more at home, Deputy Hernandez partnered up with Tammy Smith, LCDC Education Coordinator, and soon they had bookmarks, get well cards and over 70 pillows for these COVID patients, made by the inmates at the Lubbock County Detention Center, and then these items were delivered to University Medical Center. Thank you and great job from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

Find Updates & Resources •In English & Spanish •Factual •Easy to Navigate •Local to National Resources •Info for all

T Mobile Makes 988 Emergency Lifeline Available
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety or depression because of stressful holiday season and COVID-19. National Veterans and Military T-Mobile moved quickly to Families Month, T-Mobile take necessary measures needed announced that it is the first major to activate this service for its wireless provider to make the 988 customers far ahead of the July 2022 emergency lifeline immediately deadline established by the Federal available to its customers. Starting Communications Commission today, customers who dial 988 earlier this year. T-Mobile modified on the T-Mobile network will its nationwide network to translate have free access to approximately and route 988 calls to the existing 180 crisis centers that offer real- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline time, lifesaving mental health number, updated its billing system to services from professionally trained ensure no customer will be charged counselors. for using the service and created a Suicide is a national health crisis bounce-back message so anyone that leads to one death every 11 texting 988 on the T-Mobile network minutes. An average of 17.6 of will get an immediate response America’s military veterans die by advising them to place a voice call suicide each day and a larger number to 988. of people than ever are showing signs “T-Mobile knows how much our of clinical anxiety or depression amid customers depend on us for reliable the COVID-19 pandemic. The three- connectivity and when someone digit 988 dial-out makes it easier for needs access to mental health Americans in crisis to access the help support, seconds truly matter. Giving they need, and experts believe it will our customers a quick connection decrease the stigma surrounding via 988 to trained mental health care mental health issues longer term. professionals was a priority for us Those who recognize that rapid because it could save lives,” said access to suicide prevention and T-Mobile’s Executive Vice President mental health counseling is critical, and Chief Technology Officer Abdul especially now. Saad. "Making 988 available to T-Mobile has once again our customers was a matter of demonstrated its commitment to urgency for us, particularly as the getting customers the essential COVID-19 pandemic continues connectivity they need at the most and the holiday season approaches. important times. The Un-carrier And it's particularly meaningful to announced today that it is the first launch this during November as major wireless provider to activate we recognize the contributions and the new nationwide 988-emergency acknowledge the sacrifices of our lifeline for customers on the T-Mobile military veterans. I'm proud that network. Those in need of free T-Mobile is doing our part to help mental health support can now get get this lifesaving tool in the hands it immediately by dialing 988 to be of those who will benefit from it." connected directly to the National Anyone who needs help can Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a find it by calling the National network of approximately 180 local- Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800and state-funded crisis centers. 273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK) and As mental health issues rise and through online chats. Veterans and suicide rates climb, this critical service members may reach the service couldn’t come quick enough. Veterans Crisis Line by pressing 1 According to the most recent annual after dialing, as well as by chatting data from the Centers for Disease online at www.veteranscrisisline.net Control and Prevention, 15.4 million or texting 838255. American adults seriously thought about, made a plan for, or attempted suicide, and suicide claims the lives of over 48,000 annually—one death every 11 minutes. Veterans are hit particularly hard; on average, 17.6 veterans take their own lives every day. And this year the U.S. enters the holiday season with the added stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, recent research found that one third of Americans – more than ever before - are showing signs of clinical
Veteran & Military Connection

SERVICES program allows area military veterans to take advantage of a scholarship opportunity to attend Texas State Technical College, visit https://www.tstc.edu/ veterans
MEETINGS 3rd Saturday at 110 a.m., at American Legion, 6628 66th St, in Lubbock. For more info call Steve Oien at (707) 592-4598. VETERAN SUICIDE HOTLINE If you know someone is actively considering suicide, call the veterans' suicide hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255. It's a service rendered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. DISABILITY.GOV This U.S. federal government website gives information on disability programs and services. It helps find information on how to apply for disability benefits, find a job, get health care or pay for accessible housing. www.disability.gov
is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the military wounded with fully equipped handicapped vehicles. www. helpourmilitaryheroes.org WOUNDED WEAR Provide free fashionable clothing kits and modifications to wounded warriors that empower them to rediscover the hero within. (757) 773-8079 http://www.woundedwear.org/ CANINE COMPANIONS for Independence Assistance dogs for veterans with disabilities (800) 572-2275 www.cci. org
Important Numbers Teléfonos de interés para los veteranos

CRISIS LINE 1-800-273-TALK(8255) "Press 1 for Veterans" U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs 806-472-3420 Lubbock Vet Center 806-792-9782 or 877-927-8387 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia Latino Lubbock Magazine 806-792-1212

Pic Meet Pico the bilingual gallo (rooster). He loves school, he likes to read, play outside and discover ways to have fun and make friends. Now it is time for Pico to enjoy the Christmas holiday with familia (family). His prima (cousin) is visiting from South Texas. Her name is ¡Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad! Jita la Gallita (little hen). Together they will enjoy being with family, making tamales, signing Christmas Carols, and listening to cuentos (stories) about past Christmas memories.The Gallo

Jita likes singing
Christmas Carols & to the
Virgen de Guadalupe on Dec. 12th
There is always a piñata for the children filled with fruits, nuts, candies and small toys. One after another, blindfolded stick wielders swing wildly until one finally succeeds in breaking it. This custom originated in China, but Christianity added its own meanings. Although they now come in every form imaginable, the traditional piñata was spherical with seven conical protrusions trailing paper streamers which represented the Seven Deadly Sins. Its destruction symbolizes the defeat of Satan himself and the treats are the rewards of that moral victory.
Jita is ready to continue the family tradition at her their tamalada! Do you help make tamales with your family? Send pictures to news@latinolubbock.net
is ready to deliver gifts to boys and girls.

2021 Adelante Awards Wear Your Mask! Calling for Nominations¡Usa tu máscara! Los Hermanos Familia of Lubbock is now accepting Achievement Award honors an individual who has continuRecognition Banquet was can celled. However, LHF is work weather. The event will be co-chaired nominations for the 6th Annual ously paved the trail for oth- ing to showcase and honor by Christy Martinez-Garcia & “Adelante Awards,” a recogni- ers. LHF is proud to an- the recipients in 2021. Frank Garcia. tion program that will showcase nounce that Art Cuevas, The Adelante Award pro- "By promoting Hispanic male and honor Hispanic men in the a local builder and gram is an initiative of leadership in the Lubbock comLubbock and surrounding com- entrepreneur will be Los Hermanos Familia munity, Los Hermanos Familia munity, who excel in their ca- the 2021 Lifetime a local nonprofit es- believes it will help strengthen reers and volunteer efforts. Achievement tablished in 2008. The families. More so, as a commuAdelante, a Spanish word that Award recipient organization began nity it is important to recognize means onward, describes His- at the 6th An- with the annual, “Va- these men who are blazing the panic men who work tenacious- nual Adelante mos a Pescar, Let’s trails for others," said Martinezly for the greater good of their Awards. Go Fishing” event, Garcia. community that has made, or Members of which uses fishing They invite the public to conare making an impact on past, the commu- as a hook to bring sider nominating individuals current, and future generations. nity can sub- families together. from their organization, busiThirteen individuals will be se- mit a nomi- The event was ness, workplace, or church comlected in the following catego- nation for an inspired when munities whom they believe ries: Education, Medical, Busi- individual in a last request deserve such recognition. ness Owner, Professional, First the respective to go fish- Online nominations can be Responder, Military/Veteran, category, and an in- de- ing with the entire family was made at www.loshermanosfaChurch, Civic/Volunteer, Me- pendent, anonymous panel of filled by Frank Garcia, whose milia.org. dia, Arts & Entertainment, Ath- judges will determine the re- father, the late Gonzalo Garcia To be a sponsor or for ticket inlete/ Athletics Supporter, Col- cipients. Sr., made a day before his death. formation, please contact (806) lege Young Adult, and Youth. Because of COVID-19, the In 2019, it drew almost 4,000 792-1212, or visit www.losherIn addition, a Lifetime 6th Annual Adelante Awards & participants despite inclement manosfamilia.org. Copyright 2020 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. December/diciembre 2020, Vol. 14, Issue 12 Page 21

Sirena Mari
Adame, 29, of Lubbock passed away on November 2, 2020. She was born April 17, 1991 in Lubbock to Cesar and Maria (Robles) Adame. Sirena was a happy child that loved to laugh, loved music - especially to Spanish lyrics, and was beloved by her family. Those left to cherish her memory are her parents, Cesar and Maria; brothers, Cevastian and Giovanni Adame, both of Lubbock; grandparents, Efren Adame and Virginia Robles; as well as many aunts, uncles and cousins. Sirena was preceded in death by her grandparents, Elvia Adame and David Robles and uncle, Rudy Robles.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ~ Psalm 23:4
Juan C. Aguilar
Jr., 72, beloved husband and father, was called to his eternal resting place on November 14, 2020. He entered this world on November 17, 1947 in Loraine, TX, born to Juan and Isabel Aguilar. He was the husband of Alicia Aguilar. They married December 27, 1963 in Lamesa, TX and shared 57 years together. Juan was employed by Eagle Picher for over 30 years and worked as a Master A-Welder. In retirement he was able to tend to his lifelong passion, working at his auto body shop, of 40 plus years. Juan was a devout Catholic. He was a member of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church for 53 years. He enjoyed metal fabricating, lowriding, customizing classic cars, and most of all spending time with his family. He will be remembered for being the rock of his family and Lubbock's Godfather of Lowriding. He is survived by his wife, Alicia Aguilar, children, Sylvia (David), Ricky (Lisa), Roy, Joseph (Sandra), Laura (Abel), Chris (Lena), Tommy (Maria), Eric (Amy), 36 grandchildren, 44 great grandchildren, 4 sisters and 5 brothers. He is preceded in death by his sons, Juan III, Jesse, and Martin, his parents Juan and Isabel Aguilar, 3 grandbabies and 2 great grandbabies, 6 brothers and 2 sisters.
In Loving Memory on Your Birthday
Julia Garcia
12/28/34 to 7/9/14 Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near, so loved, so missed, so very dear. I miss you mom. Love, Frank Garcia - your son Raul Rocha, 61, of Lubbock, passed away October 23rd peacefully at his home. He was born July 6, 1959 in Alice, Tx. to Raul and Angelina Rocha. He graduated from high school in 1977 and joined the Marines in 1980. Raul served in the U.S. Marine Corp. until 1986. After his return back to Lubbock, he was involved in residential and commercial construction. He was a loving father and a great friend to everyone he knew. He loved the outdoors, fishing, camping, and cooking out. He was also a very talented carpenter and great at building things with his hands. Loved ones include daughter, Detra Griego and husband Andre of Amarillo; sister Zelda Cuevas (Art) of Lubbock; and grandchildren, Adeline and Jett Griego Preceded in death by his parents, Raul and Angelina Rocha and his brother, Robert Rocha. Hinojosa, 86 Yrs. of L. Adrian Rey died away November 5, 2020. He was born on August 6, 1990, Adrian was born to Benjamin and Anna (Najera) Rey in San Angelo, TX. He attended schools in Big Lake and Lubbock, TX. He graduated from Lubbock HS in 2008. Adrian spent each morning reading a daily devotional and journaling. He loved Texas Tech sports and spending time with his family, especially his son, Benji. Survivors include his parents, Benjamin and Anna Rey; son, Benji Rey; siblings, Beto Rodarte, Miguel Najera and wife Natalie, and sister Yasmin Rey, along with an adopted brother, Gabriel Perez, and several nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his grandparents, Raul and Lucia Rey and Librado and Micaela Najera, and his uncle, Jose Luis Najera.
Gloria Rodri-
guez, 63, of Lubbock passed away on November 14, 2020. She was born on October 3, 1957 in Harlingen, Texas to Daniel and Enriqueta (Hernandez) Landeros. She married Fabian Rodriguez, Sr. on October 28, 1987 in Lubbock, Texas and they began their lives together. Those left to cherish her memory are her husband: Fabian Rodriguez, Sr., children: Esperanza Rodriguez and husband Ramon Ramos, Fabian Rodriguez, Jr. and wife Katie, and Samantha Reyes and husband Brandon, siblings: Miguel Landeros, Antonia Landeros Araujo, Yolanda L. Vela, Margarita L. Lemus, Vicente Paul Landeros, Daniel Landeros, Jr., Jose Angel Landeros, and Leonel Landeros, and eight grandchildren. Gloria was preceded in death by her parents and three siblings: Camerino, Pedro
Pablo Olivarez Josephine C.
Jr. died on October 24, 2020. He was born on April 19, 1961, to the late Pablo, Sr. and Natividad Olivarez in Lubbock, Texas. He graduated from Lubbock-Cooper High School in 1980. He was a die-hard Texas Tech and Dallas Cowboy fan. He was a man of few words and showed his love through actions. He was incredibly loyal and loved his family deeply. Survivors include his siblings, Jose Olivarez and wife Dolores, Concepcion Holdridge, Maryann Olivarez, and husband Phillip Munoz; Johnny Olivarez and wife Angelina; 11 nieces and nephews; and 24 great-nieces and nephews. Ramiro Zapata Sanchez, 74, of Lubbock, died peacefully on October 26, 2020. She was born on June 20, 1946 in Amherst, TX, to Victor and Dionisia (Navarro) Castiilleja. She married Jessie Sanchez, Sr. November 20, 1963 in Crosbyton, TX. She loved spending time with her family, watching her Dallas Cowboys play, Josie also enjoyed reading the bible. Loved ones include her sons Jessie (Priscilla) Sanchez, Jr., and Michael (Delores) Sanchez Sr. Daughters Include Nancy Ariaz, Linda Sanchez, Mary Helen Sanchez, and Angel (Fernando) Falcon, 21 grandchildren and 32 great grandchildren. Preceded in death by her parents, Victor and Doinisia Castilleja and son David Sanchez. John Charles Reynolds of Slaton passed away on November 16, 2020. He was born in Lubbock to John Melton and Valerie (Marquez) Reynolds. He was an over the road truck driver for over 29 years. He was also a biker, a musician and a tattoo artist. He is survived by his children, Nina Rodriguez Silva, Jeanette Villafranco, Cody Reynolds and Tiffany Marie Sillero; his mother, Valerie Alva; sister, Leda Ann Gutierrez; brother, Robert Reynolds and 10 grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his father, John Melton Reynolds and grandson, Kellan Silva. and Martin Landeros. Levelland formally of Alice, Tx, passed away on Nov. 12th, 2020 in Lubbock. He was born on March 11,1934 in Alice, TX. Robert "Tiny" Glenn Piseno, 56, of Abernathy, died November 9, 2020 in Lubbock. He was born Evangelina “Eva” (Contreras) Herrera, 65, of Lubbock passed away on November 17, 2020. She was born May 13, on May 3, 1964 in Lub- 1955 in Olton, Texas to bock to Guadalupe Theodore V. and Maria Ildifonso (Poncho) Barajas, 80, beloved husband and father, was called to his eternal resting place on November 18, 2020. He entered this world on June 24, 1940 in Crystal City, TX, born to Jose Antonio and Francisca Barajas. He is survived by his wife, Margarita Ramon Barajas. Sister, Herminia Guerrero. Four sons - Alfonso (Noemi) Barajas; Jose Antonio (Irma) Barajas; Arturo Barajas, Alberto (Deborah) Barajas. Three daughters, Edna (Jesse) Dominguez; Annette Barajas, and Azalia Barajas. He raised grandson, Jose Antonio Barajas, Jr. and Alfredo Barajas. Ten grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. Ildifonso owned a successful construction business he started from the ground up. & Josie (Hernandez) Piseno. From 1998 until 2003, "Tiny" served as a volunteer firefighter with the Idalou Fire Department. He moved to Abernathy in 2003, transferring his service to the Abernathy Fire Department. He married Lucinda Ann Garza on February 5, 2005 in Abernathy. He was a member of both St. Philip Catholic Church of Idalou and St. Isidore Catholic Church of Abernathy. He worked as a CNA at a nursing home. He is survived by wife Lucinda and daughter Annika Piseno, both of Abernathy, 5 brothers, Father and Mother-in-law, Arnulfo and Lucy Garza of Abernathy and his beloved dog Simba and many nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his parents, a nephew, Dorian Puente, Grandparents, Paublino and Christina Piseno and Francisca and Natalio Hernandez. (Rangel) Contreras. She grew up in Lubbock and worked for many years as a file clerk for Parkhill. She loved the outdoors and gardening. She married Daniel Herrera on October 17, 2004. Eva was a member of St. John Neumann Catholic Church. Those left to cherish her memory are her husband, Daniel; sons, Jose (Joe) Camacho, Jr. and wife, Elizabeth and Adrian Gabriel Camacho and his wife, Lori; step daughter, Gloria Camacho; siblings, Eleanor Sanchez, Elisa Lomas, Estella Escamilla, Edelmira DeLeon, Teodoro Contreras, Jr., Rick Contreras, Edward Contreras, and Anna Gonzales; mother, Maria Contreras and four grandchildren, Alexandra Camacho, Samantha Camacho, Cassandra Camacho and Zoe Camacho.Eva was preceded in death by her father, Theodore Contreras, her sister, Rosalinda Contreras, and her daughter, Joann Camacho.
Submit Memorials online at www.latinolubbock.net/specialtyads
Juan G. Diaz,70, of Midland, passed away on November 2, 2020. He was born on December 19, 1949 in Riceland, Minnesota to Carlos V. and Guadalupe B (Gonzalez) Diaz. He served in the Unites States Air Force for over 20 years before working as a civilian in car sales with Roger Ford in Midland, Texas. He married Katie Garza on February 14, 1990 in Lubbock and they began their lives together. He loved to travel and the outdoors. He and his family loved to take large family vacations, where he would always take the time to talk about the history of the area. Those left to cherish his memory are his wife: Katie Diaz, five children; Jonathon Diaz, Kevin Diaz, Chris Portillo, Becky Herrera and Kevin Portillo, seven siblings: Carlos Diaz, Jr. Carman Medrano, Maria Williamson, Beatrice Enevoldsen, Petra Sims, Maria Ford and Jesus Everardo Diaz, 18 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Juan was preceded in death by his parents, and four siblings: Alma Rosa Diaz, Dora Maria Salcido, Alma Rosa “Goofy” Mills and Josie Diaz, and one granddaughter Heather Ann Diaz.
Antonio Marti-
nez, 85 of Lubbock passed away on November 9, 2020. He was born on January 2, 1935 in Lockhart, Texas to Antonio and Ascencion (Alonzo) Martinez. He enjoyed hanging out with his brothers, they would take road trips to visit their sisters. He was a proud father, and grandfather, he enjoyed spending time with his family especially with his great grandchildren and his great-great grandchildren. Those left to cherish his memory are his Children; Luis Martinez, Elsa Hinojosa and husband Rick, Gloria Martinez, Christina Cruz and husband Delfino and Manuel Castro, his siblings; Jesse Martinez, Arthur Martinez, Olivia Olguin, and Anita Mendez, 15 Grandchildren and several great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. Antonio was preceded in death by his parents.
In Loving Memory
Fidencia "Frances" Castro
Dec. 27, 1928 to Jan 21, 2014 I miss you. I dream of you. I long for the day we reunite. Happy Birthday my darling grandmother! Love Always, Christy MartinezGarcia
Memorials & Memoriams ARE PAID ADVERTISING, and can include photo message. Different sizes, prices are available for memoriams and memorials. For more info, call (806) 792-1212, or ask your funeral provider. Memorials provide by a funeral home can be submitted up to the 27th to appear in the preceding month.
Gonzalo Garcia,
Jr., 67, of Hale Center, died October 29, 2020, in Lubbock. He was born July 23, 1953, in Rosebud, Texas, to Gonzalo Sr. and Julia (Chavez) Garcia. On November 1, 1975, he married Shirley Ann Johnson in Abernathy. Moving to Hale Center in 1962, Junior was a farmer. He thoroughly enjoyed being outdoors and loved being on the tractor. He also enjoyed fishing. Most of all, Junior loved his family, especially his grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Shirley Ann, in 2006 and a brother, Philip Garcia. Survivors include his daughter, Julie Marie Garcia of Lubbock, two brothers, Vern Garcia of Cotton Center and Frank Garcia of Lubbock, and two sisters, Nina Castilleja of Wolfforth and Susie Segura of Hale Center. He was blessed with six grandchildren: Shiann De Los Santos, Royce De Los Santos, Alianna Juarez, Erin Rodriguez, Xavier Rodriguez, and Anthony Rodriguez and three great-grandchildren:
“They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies.” ~ Williams Penn
Jose V Beltran, 90, was born August 11, 1930 in Lockhart, TX to Victor & Matilde Beltran. He married Benita Reyes on March 26, 1949 in Brownfield and worked at Archer Daniels Mills for many years. Jose believed in keeping in shape and was often found exercising whenever he could, walking for many miles and always working. On the evening of October 9, 2020, Jose V Beltran was called from this earth into the arms of his loving father. Those left to cherish his memory are his sons & daughter-in-law, Rudolph & Teresa Beltran, Joe L Beltran, both of Lubbock, Raul Beltran of Kansas; his daughters & sons-in-law, Josie & Joe Salinas of Lubbock, Elvira & Martin Herrera of Brownfield, Olga & Arturo Almaraz, Mary Ann Moreno & David Pena, Marina “Cindy” & Hector Jimenez, Isabel Martinez all of Lubbock, Matilda & Michael Ruelas of Ft. Worth; 33 grandchildren; 70 great grandchildren; 27 great-great grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his wife, Benita Beltran; two daughters, Estellla Yolanda Garcia, Delia B Pardo; a grandchild, Jacob Beltran; two brothers, Luis Beltran, Benito Beltran; one sister, Angela Trujillo, a great grandson, Jose G Salinas IV
NOTE: American Flag displays that the individual was a veteran. Felipe Garcia, died October 30, 2020. He was born July 31, 1958 in Rosebud, Texas. He graduated from Cotton Center High School in 1979. He served in the U.S. Marine Corp from 1979 to 1992. He was a Gunnery Sergeant and completed machine gunner at Infantry Training School at Camp Pendleton, California. He had a significant military history. He later worked at Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) where he enjoyed helping people. He also worked at Travis County as a Juvenile Probation Officer and at Williamson County Academy where he was a Drill Instructor. He was a past member of the American GI Forum in Lubbock; and a past member of the American Legion in Austin. He is preceded in death by his parents, Gonzalo Garcia Sr. and Julia Chavez Garcia; brothers Emilio, and Gonzalo Garcia Jr. He is survived by his loving wife of 25 years, Yolanda; children, Brittany Chyanne Chambers (Johnathan Hinojosa) of Killeen, Dylan and Chastity Garcia of Austin and Brianna Ramirez (Justin) of Plains; and 4 grandchildren. He is also survived by his sisters, Nina Castilleja, Susie Segura; and twobrothers, Verndalino Garcia and Frank Garcia.
Rev. Danny Da-
vila, went to be with His Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ On October 28, 2020. He was born October 25, 1964, to his parents Cosme and Matilda Davila. He married Lorie Scott Idom on May 14, 1983. They were married 37 years. He had a son, Brandon Davila (Dana), and a daughter, Brandi Martinez. He had four grandchildren. Three brothers, Jesse, and Jimmy Davila, and Ezekiel Rubalcada; five sisters, Edwina Rodriguez, Sandra Tijerina, Debbie Gutierrez, Daisy Frizzell, and Diana Flanagan. Pastor Danny was an evangelist for a few years prior to being called to be a pastor. He was a pastor for over 28 years. His passion for sharing the Word of God has had a tremendous effect on many, many people. And his words of hope, encouragement, and salvation through Jesus Christ, will live on in the hearts of many, for generations to come. He has finished the race, and is now in presence of Almighty God, for all eternity.
Roberto Donato, 62 of Lubbock passed away on October 31, 2020. Roberto was born on December 11, 1957, to Pedro and Estella Donato. May he rest in eternal peace.
Adan G Gutierrez
passed on his birthday, October 29, 2020. He will be lovingly remembered by his devoted wife of 39 years, Isabel, and his children, David (Fran), Adam Jr. (Meiko), Nehemiah, Jeremiah (Seaneila), and Melodía. Adan is survived by his brothers and sisters, Alicia, Irma (Manuel), Phil (Sheree), Ray (Beth) and Lydia (David). Adan will also be fondly remembered by his seven grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by his sisters Maria (Alfredo), Juanita (Gonzalo), and Frances (Pete). Following his Savior’s call, in 1962, Adan began his career as a minister as ordained by the First Mexican Baptist Church at Beeville, Texas. Adan was a renowned preacher and missionary, often traveling internationally to spread the message of Christ’s love. Following his retirement as a minister, he worked in various capacities, including as an Officer of the Court for Lubbock County. His passion was leading others to Christ and service to his community. His final act of service was working at a Lubbock County voting site in Abernathy.
To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under the sun… ECCL 3:18.
Lydia Monte-
longo Lara, 82, of Lubbock died November 1, 2020. She was born on August 3, 1938 to Victor and Jesusa (Garcia) Montelongo in Calvert, Texas. Lydia married Frank E. Lara, Sr. in Franklin, Texas on August 22, 1954. She had a strong faith in God and taught her children to put Him and family first and that love, and charity begins at home. She was a fulltime homemaker. She is survived by her husband, Frank E. Lara, Sr.; her children, Frank Lara, Jr., Connie Leal, Lucille L. Whitfield, Diane M. Lara, Victor M. Lara, Sandra L. Sauceda and Gracie L. Garcia; her brothers, Joe Montelongo and Victor Montelongo; sisters, Sadie Hernandez, Lola Sustaita, Beatrice Lopez, Mary Trevino and Virginia Hernandez; 18 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren and 13 greatgreat grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her parents, Victor and Jesusa Montelongo and her brother, Peter Montelongo.
Johnny Joe Martinez,
Feb. 17, 1962 to Dec. 22, 2011 We continue to miss you and think of you. We love you and you are forever, in our hearts. Always on our minds and in our hearts. Love Your Family & Friends
Timoteo Luera
died on October 31, 2020. He was born January 27, 1930 in Geronimo, Texas to the late Luis and Maria Luera. He married Rosa Emma Salinas on September 10, 1955 in Lubbock,
Texas. Those left to cherish his memories are his daughter, Sylvia (Bruce); sons Tim (Anna), Jaime (Rosalinda), Felix and Chris; brothers, Jesus, Luis, Carlos, Ezequiel, Abel, Ramiro, and also Juan and Isidro Puente; sisters, Alicia Hernandez, Natividad Garza, Maria Elena Ruiz, Anita Alvarado and Angie A. Gonzalez; eight grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife, his mother who raised him, Petra Alvarado; sisters, Guadalupe Villarreal and Evangelina Carrillo, Carolyn Trumble, Carmen Alvarado, Connie Trevino; brothers, Richard Alvarado and Ramon Alvarado Jr. and
David Brent Ad-
kins, 50, of Lubbock passed away on October 31, 2020. He was born March 18, 1970 in Lubbock to David Clark and Delva (Branch) Adkins. The moment he picked up his first guitar, it became his life. A gifted and talented musician, he played in various churches and was in the praise and worship team at Rock City Church. On April 1, 2000 he married Dolly Hernandez. The two of them became inseparable and shared a wonderful life together. Those left to cherish his memory are his wife, Dalia; mother, Delva Robb of Lubbock; children, Felicia Palacio and husband Gabriel of Denton, Alfredo Gonzales, Dominique Gonzales, Rex Gonzales and wife Erica, Frankie Hernandez, and Jade Melton and husband Jason, all of Lubbock; brothers, Brandon Adkins and Matthew Robb; and 12 grandchildren. Brent was preceded in death by his father.
Anna Mota, 67 of Woodrow was called to be with the Lord, November 3, 2020. She was born on February 9, 1953, to the late Dominga Barraza. In October of 1977, she married Roberto Mota in Oklahoma. Anna worked 30 years for Masters Cleaners as a clothing presser. She enjoyed cooking especially for her family, they will always cherish and remember the love she had for them. Survivors include her husband Roberto Mota of Woodrow; three daughters Dolores Mota of Lubbock, Roberta Perez of Lubbock and Amelia Morales of Woodrow; a brother Juan Barraza of Lubbock; two sisters Janie Barrientos of Floydada and Beatrice Hernandez of Woodrow; ten grandchildren and one great grandchild. She is preceded in death by a grandson Tomas Mota and a granddaughter Sophia Morales. Frank Moreno, 87, died on October 27, 2020. He was born on September 13, 1933 in Lubbock, Texas to Hijinio and Leonor Moreno. He was in the U.S. Army and was a Korean War Veteran. He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and was a member of Divine Mercy. He loved spending time with family and reading books by Louis L'Amour. He is survived by brothers Ramon Moreno, Gregorio Moreno, Jesus Moreno, Hijinio Moreno, and sisters Carmen Camacho, Petra Teran, Rosa Chavez, San Juana Gomez, Margarita Moreno, and Rosario Granado. He had many nieces and nephews who knew him as "Papa". He is preceded in death by parents and brother, Larry Moreno.
God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. ~ Matthew 5:4
Guadalupe (Lupe) Alonzo
Covarrubio,73, died on November 11, 2020. She was born January 10, 1947 in Sonora, Texas to the late Raymundo & Maria Alonzo. On September 14th, 1968 she married the love of her life, John Covarrubio in Lubbock, TX. They shared 33 wonderful years of marriage, before his passing in 2001. They had a love for helping others and being involved in the church they attended for many years, Centro De Alabanza, where they helped with the bus ministry and Lupe taught in the nursery. Those left to cherish her memories are her four children Juanita Lucio & husband Chris, John Covarrubio Jr, Antonio Covarrubio & wife Geniva- all of Lubbock & Melissa Ramos & husband David- from Slaton; 13 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. She is also preceded in death by three sisters, Esther Aguirre, Hope Flores, Edna Lucio and two brothers Jesse Alonzo, and Raymundo (Tio Beco) Alonzo Jr. all of Lubbock.
In Memory of Monsignor Curtis T. Halfmann May 27, 1934 - December 2, 2012
There once was a flock that was lost and afraid It wandered around without direction for days. But the Lord looked down with compassion from above and sent a good shepherd to lead them with love. He taught them about the blood of the Lamb and about the creator, the great I AM. Thank you for leading the flock Safely into God's Promised Land. Another year, still a tear, remaining in our hearts near and dear. We miss you.