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Business & Opportunity Updates
LOANS The Small Business Association (SBA) has designated COVID-19 as a qualifying event for the provision of Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) for businesses and private nonprofits in affected communities. Texas is currently working with SBA to qualify for this declaration. Additional information about Economic Injury Disaster Loans can be found here, https:// disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/Information/EIDLLoans Please submit your Economic Injury Worksheet to: TDEMPARecovery@ tdem.texas.gov Se habla español TELEPHONE: 806.548-2100 EMAIL: frank.garcia@alsco.com

Call me about products available to help you navigate through COVID-19.
BUSINESS COUNSELING Small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs can discuss their business ventures and get expert advice from the SBDC staff. All information will be held in strict confidence. For a counseling sessions call (806) 745-1637. FREE PRACTICE EXAMS Study guides for tests Learna-Test, a database of practice examinations, is available at the Lubbock Public Library, 1306 9th St. Hundreds of practice examinations, including SAT, ACT and elementary, middle school and high school skills improvement tests, plus graduate entrance exams, are available.
IC The TTU School of Law operates a “FREE” Low Income Taxpayer Clinic year around to provide assistance relating to issues involving controversies with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The LITC does not assist in any criminal tax matters, or prepare tax returns. For more info call (806) 834-7972 or toll free (800) 420-8037. Loan Recipients Take Note IRS Changes on Paycheck Protection Program
Amonth after Congress created disagreements on major issues — the Paycheck Protection albeit not on this one. Program (PPP) last spring and Roll forward six months to this expressly provided that forgiveness past week. After receiving much of loans under the PPP should criticism, the IRS national office not result in taxable cancellation has decided to double down on of indebtedness income for the its misguided position. It issued recipients, the Internal Revenue Revenue Ruling 2020-27 saying Service (IRS) ignored the clear that even if a taxpayer’s PPP loan congressional intent by issuing a has not yet been forgiven by the notice saying that the expenses end of the taxable year, the taxpayer funded by each such loan should nonetheless loses any deductions for become nondeductible the moment expenses funded by the loan during the loan is forgiven — thereby the year if the taxpayer reasonably resulting in exactly the same net tax expects to receive forgiveness of the costs for loan recipients as would loan in the following year. have been the case if Congress had The latest IRS salvo has deservedly not exempted the forgiveness of the drawn an immediate rebuke from loans from tax. In response, leaders the ranking Republican and on both sides of the aisle and in both Democratic members of the Senate houses of Congress declared that Finance Committee. One hopes that the IRS’s interpretation of the law ultimately the IRS’s position will be was erroneous, and they inserted expressly overridden by Congress. clarifying provisions into the next In the absence of such a legislative round of stimulus legislation to fix, however, a taxpayer receiving overturn the IRS’s wrongheaded a PPP loan will be left with the ruling. Unfortunately, that badly choice of complying with the IRS’s needed further stimulus legislation mistaken view of the law or taking has been stalled by massive partisan the IRS to court.
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Job statistics released by the Texas Workforce Commisvilian labor force was estimated at 162,400. sion showed a drop in Lubbock’s Lubbock’s unemployment rate unemployment rate during the one year ago (October 2019) was month of October. measured at 2.7 percent. The local unemployment rate was reported at 5.1 percent, The state’s unemployment rate fell to 6.9 percent in October. OUR OBJECTIVE down from the reported 6.0 percent in September. To view the full October unemployment and jobs report “Strengthening Families, Building Community” An estimated 154,100 residents in the Lubbock metropolitan from the Texas Workforce Commission visit www.twc.texas. Join our efforts and become a member today. statistical area (MSA) were em- gov/texas-unemployment-rateployed during the month. The ci- 69-percent-october. Copyright 2020 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. December/diciembre 2020, Vol. 14, Issue 12 Page 9

Wellness/ bienestar
You Have a Choice

In 2004, driving under the influence of alcohol caused nearly munity awareness about the tragic consequences of driving under the 17,000 fatal accidents, accounting influence. for 39 percent of all traffic deaths, Drugged driving has only recentaccording to the National High- ly been recognized as posing the way Traffic Safety Admin- same kind of danger as drivWinter Workout Options istration. An alcoholrelated motor vehicle crash kills someing under the influence of alcohol. While there are no statistics As we move into the winter months, cold weather and less daylight may impact your COVID outdoor workout routine. A sports medicine expert at Baylor College of Medicine offers tips on staying safe while being active both indoors and outdoors. “It’s important to find ways to stay active right now, but be sure to do so safely,” said Dr. Theodore Shybut, associate professor in the Joseph Barnhart Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Baylor. “A lot of people have gained the dreaded ‘COVID 19’ and with the holidays right around the corner, I encourage everyone to make a plan to stay active and to make it fun.” properly to prevent injuries – this includes doing a dynamic warmup. He also suggests making sure that somebody knows where you are going and keeping your phone with you during your run. Hydrate ahead of the run or enlist friends who can meet you at set locations along your route so you can hydrate with water or a sports drink. Other tips - If you decide to start going to gyms as they reopen, try to go first thing in the morning when all of the equipment is clean. Make sure that your gym is enforcing appropriate mask and hygiene policies and consider switching gyms if you have any one in the United States every 31 minutes and injures someone every two minutes. During the holiday season, the roads become even more dangerous. Parties and festivities make the period between Christmas and New Year's Day the most deadly season when it comes to alcohol-related crashes. All of these deaths and injuries can be prevented. This holiday season and throughout the year, make a commitment to avoid driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs and stop others from doing the same. Get involved in the campaign to increase comyet as to the number of accidents or fatalities caused by drug-impaired driving, many believe the numbers are just as high. In the past few years, many states have adopted laws against drug-impaired driving. The National Safety Council has launched a campaign to educate the public on the dangers of driving while impaired by many common prescription and overthe-counter drugs, such as antihistamines and anti-anxiety medications. If you take prescription or other drugs, check with your doctor or pharmacist and learn about the laws in your state. Cold weather workouts - There are many considerations to make when exercising outdoors in cold weather, including wearing layers doubts. Be sure that you have the right shoes for your workout and consider buying a new pair if your shoes Tienes una opción and even remembering to wear sunscreen. Shybut said that oftentimes during colder months, athletes anticipate sweating less and do not hydrate as well as they would in warmer months, which can result in dehydration and cramping. He says to be sure to hydrate properly before any workouts. See more tips about cold weather workouts. At-home workouts - If you are moving toward at-home workouts this winter, it’s important to introduce new workouts properly to avoid injury. He encourages doing some research online and finding virtual classes for beginners. Don’t forget that even though you are at home, you still need to warm up are worn out. If you know your shoe size and style preference, buying them online is an option, but those starting new workout routines may want to visit a specialty shoe store to find just the right shoe. Consider splitting up your workout routine during the day. Shybut suggests two walks during the day or doing short body weight workouts between meetings. Find ways to make physical activity fun for the whole family, like a friendly competition between family or friends where you can virtually track your workouts. (En español _ www.latinolubbock.net/news-1) Según la Administración nacional para la seguridad del tránsito en las carreteras, en el año 2004, el manejo bajo la influencia de alcohol fue la causa de casi 17.000 accidentes fatales, responsable del 39 por ciento de todas las muertes de tráfico. En Estados Unidos, cada 31 minutos muere una persona y cada 2 minutos se lesiona una persona por accidentes automovilísticos asociados al alcohol. Durante las temporadas de fiestas, las pistas se tornan aún más peligrosas. Las fiestas y las secuencias de manejar bajo la influencia del alcohol. Sólo recientemente se ha reconocido que el manejo bajo los efectos de drogas representa el mismo peligro que manejar bajo la influencia de alcohol. Si bien todavía no hay estadísticas en lo que se refiere al número de accidentes o fatalidades causadas por el manejo vulnerado por las drogas, muchos piensan que los números son igualmente elevados. En los últimos años, muchos estados han adoptado leyes contra el manejo festividades hacen del periodo bajo la influencia de drogas. El COVID-19 CONTACT INFO If you need information OBOUT COVID-19, please email: publichealth@mylubbock.us , or call Phone Number: (806) 775-2933. Visit www.latinolubbock. net for more COVID - 19 details. entre Navidad y Año Nuevo la temporada de mayor mortandad en lo que se refiere a accidentes asociados al alcohol. Todas estas muertes y daños podrían ser evitados. Haga para estas fiestas National Safety Council ha lanzado una campaña para educar al público sobre los peligros de manejar bajo la influencia de cualquiera de las muchas drogas recetadas y drogas sin receta, Datos de contacto por COVID-19 y para todo el resto del año, la promesa de evitar manejar bajo tales como antihistamínicos y medicamentos contra la ansieSi necesita información, envíe un correo la influencia de alcohol o de dro- dad. Si está tomando alguna electrónico a publichealth@mylubbock.us gas y evite que otros lo hagan. droga recetada o cualquier otra o llame al número de teléfono: (806) 775- Involúcrese en la campaña para droga, consulte a su médico o 2933. Visite www.latinolubbock.net para aumentar la conciencia de la co- farmacéutico y conozca las leyes obtener más detalles de COVID-19. munidad sobre las trágicas con- de su estado. Page 10 Vive tu vida, Get Up Get Moving!
Noticias de salud/ Health News

ING at Rodgers Park Gymnasium has started operating five days a week. This testing site, located at 3300 Auburn, will be open Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. No appointment is necessary for this location. Appointments are not required for this location. For more info call the Health Department at 775.2933 and selecting option three. FREE COVID-19 TESTING at Larry Combest Clinic. This testing site, located at 301 40th Street, will be open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. No appointment is necessary. FREE COVID-19 testing site located at the Museum of Texas Tech University, 3301 4th Street. Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. No appointment is necessary.
TIONS 2-1-1 is a free help line answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which will link you to health and community services. HEALTHBEAT EQUIPMENT brings the best of the gym to the great outdoors at Buddy Holly Lake of Cesar Chavez Drive, for ages 13 to 100. The outdoor fitness equipment is available to the public and has 10 pieces of fitness equipment. This is a project of Los Hermanos Familia. FREE. FREE CLINIC at Lubbock Impact The Free Clinic holds a free doctors clinic every Wednesday at 34th Street and Boston Avenue. Registration begins at 4 PM. Patients must be 18 and older and medically uninsured to receive free medications and doctors visits. For more information, please call (806) 799-4320.
DREN'S CLINIC is a free, all-volunteer clinic that treats sick children up to age 15 at 10th Street and Avenue A. Prescriptions at the on-site pharmacy are free. Call 762-1805 for more info. FAITH BASED AA for Lubbock and the surrounding area, Thurs. from 6:30-8:00 P.M. and Sundays from 7-8 P.M. For more info call 806-793.3336.
Family Guidance & Outreach Center provides free anger management classes and parenting classes. For more information or to register for a class, call 747-5577. Visit us online: www.familyguidancecenterlubbock. org.