Happy Fourth of July!
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Celebrating the Fourth of July dependence IlynDay, com monk now n as the
ummertime is the time to embrace the outdoors. As a child we were outside every lit moment of the day. During COVID my husband and I made even more time to create a safe place in our backyard, growing a garden, working on projects and making changes to make things easier into the future. We always look forward to the Fourth of July to light fireworks, watch the light show, and gather with family and friends. My husband also loves popping fireworks. Me, not so much - you see while firework safety is important, growing up, somehow that message did not quite make it down to us as children in those days. My two sisters and I had an uncle and two aunts who paralleled our age. As such, they were
our playmates. As can be imagined, my uncle was a terror. He talked us into holding fireworks in our hand after we lit them. On one particular occasion he bent a Black Cat firework in half to expose the powder, lit it, and held it up. Then he urged us to do the same. I was the only one to fall for his pestering after he called us "fraidy cats". I still recall holding the firework, lighting it up, then feeling the burn as the powder had spilled over onto my hand, and caught on fire! This was an example for us all. After that, I never held, or cut into a firework again. As for my uncle, he then urged me to hold a lit Roman Candle firework. And despite his taunting, the mark and memory from the first burn was reason enough to think twice about that decision. Nevertheless, summertime with my familia, was always the best, especially on the Fourth of July. Someone from my family would go to the lake to reserve the "family spot" annually, and a day or so before. They would make sure that we were under many trees and central to the lake. Each of my tias, as well as my mother, would prepare fabulous side dishes like potato salad, beans, rice, chilé, and salad. The men would prepare grilled meat including brisket, hamburgers, hotdogs, tripas, and so much more. Lots of tea and giant jugs of Kool-Aid, which formed rings around our mouths from drinking so much of it, topped the tasty Latino-style barbecue. There was always plenty of food for those who didn't have family to spend with, or the extra friends that always managed to tag along, or stop by our spot. The evening was topped with fireworks. As we drove away from the lake, we would watch the last minute fireworks burst in the sky; but soon the evening breeze and the soothing of the motor would lull us to sleep. Being with my family made me proud and brought such contentment. We are an All-American familia proud to live in the land of the free. The last two years, many families were forced to stay together because of the pandemic. But something happened - many reconnected and enjoyed the time at home and with each other. My little familia and I hung out in our little pool, we started having coffee outside, as well as cooking and eating at our picnic table. We cherish the memories and still continue to make more. On that note, we urge you to join us August 6, 2022, for our 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" FREE event. Our objective is strengthening families, and building community. We use fishing as a hook to bring families together, and experience fishing in a relaxing and safe environment with family and friends. It's free and its safe. You can pre-register at www.letsgofishinglubbock.com Y como siempre, Latino Lubbock is committed to highlighting the numerous contributions of our Latino community. Thank you to those who support our publication. We are grateful to have 100,000 readers monthly. Please continue to support our advertisers who help make it possible to keep our publication free. Thank you for your support and May God bless you! ¡Gracias por su apoyo! Que dios los bendiga. PEACE and random acts of kindness. Que las bendiciones de dios estén contigo en abril y siempre! Happy 4th of July! Be safe! Sinceramente,
Christy Martinez-Garcia,
Publisher/Owner & Latino Market Specialist “Lubbock News from a Latino Perspective” Celebrating 16 Years of Commitment to our Community
Fou r th of July, is a federal holiday i n the United
States commemo-
r a t i ng
the adopt ion of the Declarat ion of I ndependence on July 4, 1776, declari ng i ndependence f rom the K i ngdom of G reat Br it ai n. I ndependence Day is com monly associated with f i re works, parades, barbecues, car n ivals, fai rs, picn ics, concer ts, base ball games, fam ily reu n ions, and polit ical speeches and ceremon ies, i n addit ion to var ious other public and pr ivate events celebrat i ng the histor y, gover n ment, and t radit ions of the Un ited St ates. I ndependence Day is the nat ional d ay of the Un ited St ates.
Celebración del Cuatro de Julio
l Día de la Independencia de los EstaE dos Unidos (Independence Day o The Fourth of July en inglés) es el día de fiesta
nacional que se celebra el 4 de julio en los Estados Unidos. Este día marca la firma de la Declaración de Independencia en 1776
en la cual el país proclamó su separación formal del Imperio británico. Usualmente se celebra con muchas actividades al aire libre como desfiles, juegos de béisbol y espectáculos de fuegos artificiales.
Info About Firework Safety
ireworks and celebrations go together, F especially during the Fourth o f July and year end celebrations. Remember, fireworks can be dangerous, causing serious burn and eye injuries. You can help us prevent fireworksrelated injuries and deaths. How? By working with a national, state or local organization where you live to promote fireworks safety in your community. Here are some ideas on what you can do. Fireworks Safety Tips:
• Never allow children to play with or ign i t e fireworks • Read and follow all warnings and instructions • Be sure other people are out of range before lighting fireworks. • Only light fireworks on a smooth, flat surface away from the house, dry leaves, and flammable materials. •Never try to relight fireworks that have not fully functioned. • Keep a bucket of water in case of a malfunction or fire.
Consejos de seguridad sobre fuegos artificiales
os fuegos artificiales y las celebraL ciones van de la mano. Pero los fuegos artificiales pueden ser peligrosos
y ocasionar graves quemaduras y lesiones en los ojos. Si fuegos artificiales son legales donde usted vive y decide usarlos asegúrese de seguir estos importantes consejos de seguridad: Consejos de seguridad para los fuegos artificiales: • Nunca deje a los niños jugar o encender fuegos artificiales. • Lea y siga todas las advertencias e instrucciones. • Asegúrese de que otras personas se encuentren fuera del alcance (los fuegos
Lubbock News from a Latino Perspective
artificiales antes de encender). • Nunca trate de volver a encender fuegos artificiales que n o han funcionado completamente al primer intento. • Nunca trate de volver a encender fuegos artificiales que no han funcionado completamente al primer intento. • Mantenga un cubo o balde de agua junto a usted en caso de que se produzca un mal funcionamiento o incendio.