FREEGRATIS Monthly Magazine Volume 16, Issue 9, September 2022

Sept. 15 to Oct. 15
September 1968, Congress autho rized
Wednesday, October 5 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Lubbock Memorial Civic Center Service and Leadership Symposium Resources and inspiration to get you or your organization more involved. Featuring keynote speaker, Jason Roberts, Build A Better Block Join us for community building, hands on service projects, and collaboration with local agencies and businesses 26th Annual Cornucopia Luncheon
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! ¡Feliz mes de la Herencia Hispana!
of those who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Span ish-speaking nations of Central America, South America, and an. Sept. 15 was chosen as the
The Volunteer Center of Lubbock gathers people for good! Our two upcoming events are designed to create a culture of service and leadership in you or your organization. Come experience these moments with us this fall. We can't wait for you to join us!
Tuesday, November 1 | 11:30 AM 1:00 PM Lubbock Memorial Civic Center Join us to celebrate the 2022 Get Involved Award nominees! See our full listing of honorees at volunteerlubbock org/corncuopia luncheon THESE UPCOMING EVENTS!
(En espa ñ ol, p. 13)
Register today at or 806.747.0551 For more information, contact Aly at SERVE AND LEAD YOUR COMMUNITY
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month starting point for the celebra tion because it is the anniver sary of the independence of five Latin American coun tries: Costa Rica, El Salva dor, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on Sept. 16 and Sept. 18, re spectively.TheU.S. Government, in wanting to recognize the ac complishments of HispanicAmerican citizens created by Public Law 90-498 National Hispanic Heritage Week on September 17, 1968. The law was later amended by Public Law 100-402 expanding the event to National Hispanic Heritage Month on August 17, 1988.What is a Hispanic? Let's start by saying what it is not. It is not a racial identification. Hispanic is more of a region al identification like saying "North American." What is a Hispanic? Hispanics come in all sizes and shapes. There are Jewish, Arab, Asian, Indian, Black and White Hispanics as well as brown. What most Americans perceive as brown is actually a mix of Indian and White. When Spanish e xplorers settled the Americas, they did not bring families with them like the English settlers did when they arrived in the U.S. The Spanish explorers were mostly soldiers and priests, etc. As a result, the soldiers inter married with the Indian women they found in the countries they explored. The result was a new racial identity known as mesti zos. In time, mestizos became the middle class and the largest population.TheU.S. Census Bureau de fines Hispanic Origin as per sons of Hispanic origin were identified by a question that asked for self-identification of the person's origin or descent. Respondents were asked to se lect their origin (and the origin of other household members) from a "flash card" listing ethnic origins. Persons of Hispanic origin, in particular, were those who indi cated that their origin was Mexi can, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Cen tral or South American, or some other Hispanic origin. It should be noted that persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.

¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy Birthday! September/septiembreSeptember/septiembre Jose Mora 9/1 Bradon Soto 9/1 Margaret Vidales 9/1 Mary Cardenas 9/1 Fabian Contreras 9/1 Norma Cavazos Tagle 9/1 Allen Awall Wallace 9/2 Mary Palacio 9/2 Ernest Macias, Jr. 9/2 Teresa Pena 9/4 Juanita Benita Herrera 9/4 Rosa Cox 9/4 Lucinda Olivarez 9/4 Patty Hartin 9/4 Ethan Elizondo 9/5 Abby Garcia 9/6 Mario Olivarez 9/6 Felipe Ramirez 9/6 Raul Martinez 9/6 Angelica Madrid Tijerina 9/6 Jennifer Pauda 9/6 Heather Garcia 9/6 Avian Marae Sulaica 9/7 Zephaniah Deleon 9/7 Minerva Hernandez 9/7 Avian Sulaica 9/7 Aurora Rodriguez 9/8 Santana Montemayor 9/8 Sinforoso Guevara Sánchez 9/8 Melynda Roxanne Trevino 9/8 Mary Quirino 9/9 Jasmine Hernandez 9/9 Joe Armenta 9/9 Jacob Guzman 9/10 Demetrio V. Pena 9/10 Sonia Hernandez 9/10 Nicolasa Martinez 9/10 Adam Guzman 9/10 Elijah Guzman 9/10 Breana Danielle Flores 9/10 Rosa Hinojosa 9/10 David Rivera, Jr. 9/10 Cierra Galindo 9/11 Eva Santiago 9/11 Isaiah Saldivar 9/11 Anthony Mejorado 9/12 Raul Quevedo Sr. 9/12 Armandina V. Guzman 9/12 Leonel Camacho 9/12 Freddy Martinez 9/13 Sandra Saiz 9/13 Isabell Gonzales 9/13 Gloria Torrez 9/14 Sidney Tan 9/14 Bernice Lucero 9/14 Zepherias Santiago 9/14 Jonathan Ray Sedillo 9/14 Laura Bojorquez 9/14 Malaki Rey Jimenez 9/14 Jazlyn Rivera Caballero 9/14 Ricardo Santiago Jr. 9/15 Jerris Ridge 9/15 Jose Salinas III 9/15 Andrew M. Soto Jr. 9/16 Stevie Ortiz 9/16 Juanita Reyna 9/16 Raquel Quevedo 9/16 Sapphire Salas 9/16 Mark Garcia 9/16 Ava Garcia 9/17 Soila Olivarez 9/17 Sara Armenta 9/17 Louisa Pena 9/17 Teresa D Martinez 9/18 Sam Montez 9/18 Rita Moralez 9/18 Rejino Madrid Sr 9/19 Israel Beltran 9/19 Meme Pauda 9/19 Estevan Salinas 9/20 Juanita Sanchez 9/20 Loretta DeLeon 9/20 Henry Ramirez 9/20 Delores DeLeon 9/20 Juan Prado Sr. 9/20 Susie Ann Valerio 9/20 Leandra Sarah Armenta 9/20 Natalia Enes Salinas 9/20 Roman Rivera 9/21 Sandy Reyna 9/21 Josie Salinas 9/21 Elizabeth Bengoa 9/21 Idalis Garcia 9/21 Jasiah Garcia 9/21 Wendi Solis 9/21 Sylvia Leos 9/22 Norma Ramos 9/22 Jessie Salinas, Jr. 9/22 Estevan Salinas Jr 9/22 Christina Alaquinez 9/22 Alonzo Mendoza, Jr. 9/23 Riley Siders 9/23 Rosa Trevino 9/23 Denise Saenz 9/23 Boni Vasquez 9/23 Monica Montelongo 9/23 Aryana Torres 9/24 Frank Garcia 9/24 Pema Anaya 9/24 Andy Garcia 9/25 Jericho Julian Peña 9/25 Darrian Leigh Deanda 9/25 Jessica Caballero 9/26 Kathy Aguirre 9/26 Ernest Hernandez 9/26 Lori V. Torres 9/28 Kyra Garcia 9/28 Kristal Santiao 9/28 Nirel Bustillos 9/28 Anthony Albus 9/28 Anabella Castillo 9/28 Sabrina Salinas 9/29 Karol Albus 9/29 Ryan Ramirez 9/29 Lydia Guerra 9/30 Mary Ester Valdarez 9/30 Rebecca De Los Santos 9/30 Sonia Garcia 9/30 Dorothy Mercado 9/30
To add names, and to keep us updated
Coach Edward Hernandez Manuel
“They (Hispanics) want to help out in their community, and this is a more direct way of affecting their community than voting." ~ Mark Hugo Lopez is director of race and ethnicity research at Pew Research Center, where he leads planning of the Center’s research agenda focused on chronicling the diverse, ever-changing racial and ethnic landscape of the United States. He is an expert on is sues of racial and ethnic identity, Latino politics and culture. He is the director of Global Migration and Demography, and of Hispanic research.
Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. September/septiembre 2022, Vol. 16, Issue 9 Page 3 NEWS & 792-1212INFO (By appointment ADVERTISINGonly)544-6526MONTHLYDEADLINE News & Info - 18th Ad Submissions - 21st - 23rd To submit news and Or, email: Website: Social Media Write us at: Latino Lubbock Magazine P. O. Box 6473 Lubbock, TX 79493 Online Calendar STAFF Publisher/Owner Christy Martinez-Garcia Sales Consultants Bridge Communications Distribution Frank Garcia, Rosario Smith, Luis & AmandaPeralez, Nohemi Aradillas, Kevin Gonzalez EnCONTRIBUTORSAquellosDías Rosario Smith Forward in Christ Pastor Josh Ramirez My College ExperienceBailee Alonzo A Teen's View Blaise Martinez Opinion Pieces Individuals interested in writing an Opinion piece* may contact Please include your name, contact number, and subject. *NOTE: Op-ed pieces are scheduled one to two months ahead, and are at the discretion of the publisher. Latino Lubbock Magazine is published monthly, 12 months per year, and distributed usually the first and second day of each month. With 100,000 readers per month. Over 300 distributions points in LBK, and in out of town delivery in Plainview, Hale Center, Cotton Center, Abernathy, New Deal, Idalou, Wolfforth, Morton, Ralls, Crosbyton, Lame sa, Slaton, Littlefield, Brownfield, Shallowater, O'Donnell, Tahoka, Anton, Lorenzo, and Levelland. Now in Midland and Odessa. Bilingual (English 60%/Spanish 40%). This publication is Hispanic, woman-owned and locally oper ated. Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Absolutely no part of this periodical may be reproduced without the consent of Latino Lubbock Magazine. This periodical’s name and logo, and the various concepts, titles and headings therein, are trademarks of Latino Lubbock Magazine.
On the Cover "Mi Familia" Design By Christy Martinez-Garcia Quote (806)(806) Word from the Publisher Page 4 Political Page 7 Opportunity/Business Page 8-9 Health/Salud Page 10-11 Hispanic Heritage Month Page 12-13 Education/Youth Page 14-15 Faith & Religion Page 18 Memorials Page 22 Contents Latino Lubbock Magazine's Mission Statement: "Provide Lubbock news from a Latino perspective for the emerging
Editor’s Note: The terms “Latino” and “Hispanic” are usedinterchangeably by the U.S. Census Bureau and by Latino Lubbock throughout this publication to identify persons of Mexican,Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central and South American, Dominican, and Spanish descent; they may be of any race. voice of Lubbock with objectivity, professional ism, cultural competency and understanding, and accu racy; give Latinos a publication by, about, and for them that they can take pride in; as well as the community a tool for better understanding and creating dialogue." on the of those listed in the Well are with you
List please call (806)792-1212. Alíviate pronto... Get well soon Our Prayers
This month's cover reflects tile-like family unity as we embark on Hispanic Heritage Month. Ask any Latino/Hispanic what's important to them and they will tell you faith, family , and community! Hispanics are about protecting the sanctity of family - and that's why take issue being left off the radar, the media, etc. We are a community of 62.1 million strong, so don't leave us out. In Lubbock county Hispanics make up 67% of the population; in the city 36% of the population; 62% of Lubbock ISD enrollment - the implication is don't overlook, exclude, or forget us! Collectively, Hispanics are stronger - especially during elections and when facing issues. That's why every voice matters, and every vote matters. We must band together to achieve our dreams and our future. With that, let the celebration begin! Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!
Latino Lubbock Magazine is owned/founded by Christy Martinez-Garcia Certified Dicho "A la ocasion la pintan calva." have to strike while the iron is hot." you have to make the most of the chances that come your way.
Eloisa Abeyta Janie Castañeda Beto ReneGuadalupeCastañedaReynaM.Dominguez, Sr. Jose J. Martinez Evie Williams
Feliz mes de la Herencia Hispana!

When I created Latino Lubbock Magazine I committed that I'd use this platform as a tool for dialogue not just for Hispanics, but the com munity at large. We share content in a respectful and unifying manner to foster relations in our commu nity for all Latinos, allies, support ers, activists, concerned citizens, and the public to analyze, review, understand and present solutions related to Latinos and those of our community.Idomybest to be objective. Sad ly, however, the past few months have been trying for many Hispan ics Americans because it seems that we can't come out of this night mare. Like many, we have been conflicted and what we know as Americans and have been pushed beyond understanding. Many who have become victims of this hate and regression believe that the di versity of our country is a backbone for our strength. We must take a stand when it comes to racism, discrimination, corruption, exclusion, misinfor mation, dictatorship, and human rights.Standing up for our community is not a partisan activity. We can all advocate for better health care, bet ter education, better housing, and civil rights. Defending the power less against the powerful is not so much a statement of our politics as it is a statement of our humanity. It is also, at its core, our job or charge asThisAmericans.isanexistential moment. If we do not act to end the assault, if our community does not rise to challenge it, if we do not inspire our allies to join us and galvanize the public to act, this affects the very core of who we are as a nation and what we stand for.
Word from the Publisher/mensaje de nuestra fundadora I Month.HeritageHispanicNational15OctoberthroughberSeptemthorizedgressCon1988,nau15as
CHRISTY MARTINEZ-GARCIA is the publisher/owner of Latino Lubbock Magazine. She created the publication to provide a Latino perspective and to assure coverage of Hispanic-led events. Today, Latino Lubbock Maga zine is a centralized source of informa tion with 100,000 readers monthly. She can be reached at (806)792-1212, or by email at
While some recognize that we continue to become this nation’s largest and fastest-growing ethnic group, we continue to be big busi ness, potential voters, and vital to leadership and decision-making roles... and yet, our contributions are often disregarded because they have not yet felt our power or con sider our contributions. The Latino population growth has been dispersing across the country. About half of the Hispanic population is in California and Texas alone, so about half of that 62 million live in just those two states. And if you include Florida, New York State, New Jersey, Illinois, you’ll start to get up to three-quarters of the Hispanic population in just a handful of states, which has implications for the distribution of potential voters from this group. Political season or not, we must not allow ourselves to ever be come a political piñata, hitting us with what they think they want us to hear, but often they end up in sulting our intelligence and never genuinely listening or validating who we are and our needs. Needs that include equity in purchasing homes, health care, good schools, safety, and jobs. We must claim and become own ers of our future because many still see Hispanics only as supplicants and not as decision-makers, as con sumers and not as producers, as law breakers and not as law enforcers, and as tax expenditures and not as tax contributors. And while stereo types about the Hispanic communi ty abound, invisibility is even more pervasive.Thefact is that Hispanics are not only about demanding our rights but also about fully preparing to shoulder responsibility. Latinos want to build a nation where people are judged by their actions and not by their accents. The growth is there.... and yet, generation after generation, our growth, and our contributions, re main disregarded because our share of voters doesn't quite match our share in the general population. Will you stand up, or sit on the sidelines? Or will you disregard who you are and allow the abuse to our community to fit in and be ac cepted?Nowis the time for the Latinos to be politically engaged, and our votes could not be more decisive. A critical part of our civic engage ment work is to ensure that citizens know their rights and get involved in the political process at all lev els—local, regional, state, and na tional.Andwhen faced with an injustice, we must stand up to it. We must double down. We must go back to our communities, back to the town halls and back to the polls when elections come. We cannot sit on theStillside.-in observance of this month dedicated to us, Latinos should be admired for believing in the sanc tity of the heritage of language and culture and how we treasure these gifts, and for our continuous, and often overlooked contributions to society.Above all, Hispanics must be viewed not as the problem but as part of the solution. And, with God's favor, as the best days of this community are to come, and as Hispanics ascend, I commit there will be a direct link between these realities. ¡Ánimo!
Page 4 crimes in El Paso where Hispanics were targeted should make us all cringe.Asthe Publisher of Latino Lub bock Magazine (LLM), it is my personal mission to deliver to my readers a publication that is objec tive and informative with a level of passion and soul equal to the Latino spirit. Yet, when we witness these tragedies once again it is troubling.
Coretta Scott King once said, “Struggle is a never-ending pro cess. Freedom is never really won; you earn it and win it in every gen Lubbock News from a Latino Perspective
Hispanic Heritage Month Include Us, Don't Exclude Us
Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, Raul Yzaguirre, also the past CEO of NCLR, now Unidos US, forewarned, "we will not be inspired by message alone. A few phrases in Spanish won't work anymore. Promises can be broken in Spanish as well as in English. Like other Americans, Latinos will vote on issues, for candidates who deliver. And, like other Americans, we will hold elected officials and all political parties accountable for ac tions, not just words," he expressed confidently that Hispanic Ameri cans believe and will continue to strive for the American dream. Yzaguirre's words were a call to action, and they are just as relevant today as we continue to fight to make the promises of democracy real for all Americans. It is why generation after generation, our forefathers have worked so tena ciously to make sure all of us have a voice and that all of us exercise our right to vote.
Latinos support a smart govern ment that invests wisely in its young people today to ensure our country's economic prosperity to morrow by making preschool uni versal so all kids start school ready to learn ... so all students, rich or poor, get the same opportunities, by supporting community-based education programs, to prevent dropouts and help those who do fall through the cracks.
During this month, America cel ebrates the culture and traditions of U.S. residents who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanishspeaking nations of Central Amer ica, South America, and the Carib bean.The 2020 Census in the United States revealed that there were 62.1 million people who said that they’re Latino and are currently living in the country. And as you can see, that population number has grown rapidly.So,as we talk about Latino population growth. Latinos are one of the fastest growing groups, racial and ethnic groups, in the United States today. And what I think is important to note is that they have accounted for about half of the nation’s population growth since 2010, and even before that, into the 1990s, about half of U.S. population growth since then has come from growth in the U.S. Hispanic population. So you can just see here how big the Hispanic population is compared to other groups of Americans. Particularly, Hispanics make up almost one in five Americans today, and that’s up from less than 5 percent back in 1970. With this type of growth include us, don't exclude us. And, as we embark upon this na tional observance, what we contin ue to witness is the lack of valida tion of Hispanics that continues to regress. It is a true disappointment and not where we ever imagined. The tragedy in Uvalde still seems surreal, especially because Lub bock families have connections to Uvalde families. My husband's cousin's daughter was among the victims who died at what is a mindboggling situation. And, the fact that more than a year ago we were talking about the hate eration.”We'veseen some progress among some groups, however, Hispanics have been wiped off of mainstream media. Somehow ad agencies to media to the entertainment world need to know not to exclude but to include Hispanics in messages, as well as balance in their representa tion. Remember diversity does not just mean the representation of one group, but rather many so that we don't divide, but rather coexist and coincide.Annually, I share this message with you...and will continue be cause it is important for us to be re minded of the legacy left by those who struggled first, and those who persevere.Despite our diversity, Latinos have a shared public policy agen da. Like all Americans, we desire a government that stays off our backs but stands by our side. Hispanics believe in a fair government that guarantees equal opportunity for all by reducing discrimination in employment, housing, health care, and education by ending racial pro filing -- by making sure working families, and not just the wealthy, get a tax cut. Latinos want a hu mane government that maintains our traditions as a nation of immi grants by acting to not stand on the side and watch the dehumanization of immigrant children. Hispanics need a compassion ate government that helps people in difficult circumstances get back on their feet by providing job train ing to those who need it, by work ing toward a health care system that works for everybody, and by increasing support for home-own ership programs, and other assetbuilding strategies.

ters will not be published. Letters
2-1-1 NON-EMERGENCY QUES TIONS 2-1-1 is a free help line answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which will link you to health and community services. HAVE NEWS? Submit your business news online at have-a-story. Also submit to our online calendar letters to Latino Lubbock “Letters to the Editor,” Box 6473 Lubbock, TX 79493, email to name, address, and contact phone number. note that let are lim ited to 100 words, depending on availability, some longer will be included. Writers are limited to one letter per month. Submissions may be edited for clarity or space consideration. Letters are not ac knowledged. Opinions expressed in letters and Op-Ed articles do not nec essarily represent the views of Latino Lubbock Magazine.
Dunbar College Preparatory Academy has increased their rating from a F in 2019 to a C in 2022, releasing the campus from a decade’s worth of state sanctions. Wester Elementary School showed the most growth since 2019, jumping from F to A in just three years. These campuses are two of the seven that grew by at least two letter grades: Brown, Centennial, McWhorter, Overton, and Stewart elementary schools grew from a D to B rating. In 2019, 19 campuses were rated as an A or B; in 2022, there are 31. The number of D and F campuses has been reduced from 11 in 2019 to 7 in 2022. 30 campuses earned 104 distinctions, which are awarded for outstanding performance in closing student achievement gaps. Honey Elementary School and Lubbock High School earned all but one distinction; Roberts, Smith, Whiteside, Wolffarth, and Talkington earned all eligible distinctions.Mostnotably, the Lubbock ISD Board of Trustees student outcome goals include a North Star goal of at least 80% of Lubbock ISD students served in A or B campuses by 2026. This year’s ratings reflect the work of staff and students through the challenges of the last two years, with 75% of students being served in A or B campuses in 2022 compared to 42% in 2019. The past few years have been challenging, and we know we still have work to do to reach our goals. This year’s ratings are proof of the commitmentunwaveringfromour Lubbock ISD teachers and staff to continue gaining ground, moving forward, and empowering our students to achieve their best. The learning that happens every day on our campuses and in our classrooms is truly at the heart of everything we do as a district, and ensuring a safe learning environment for students and staff is critical to our mission. School safety is at the top of mind after this spring’s tragedy in Uvalde, and Lubbock ISD is more vigilant than ever when it comes to our safety and security standards. Protecting the 26,000 students we have the privilege to serve, as well as more than 3,000 employees, is our highest priority.Ourincreased safety and security measures were accelerated by the 2018 Bond, which included $50 million for facility upgrades and security enhancements. Lubbock ISD has been ahead of the curve on school safety and security since the 2018 Bond and has gone above and beyond the requirements from Senate Bill 11 passed in the 2019 legislative session. As a result, we were already in close compliance with the most recent governor’s order, with the one change of scheduling required drills before the beginning of the school year. With the new school year underway, we want to reassure our families and the larger community that Lubbock ISD campuses are a safe place to learn and grow. Your partnership and support is important to us, and we encourage you to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Each and every one of you are integral to our mission of nurturing, developing, and inspiring every child, every day in Lubbock ISD.
El día nacional de registro de votantes, el cuarto martes, en septiembre, insta a los ciudadanos a registrarse para votar. Haz que tu votoQuedancuente!13días para registrarse para votar. 21 días antes de que comience la votación anticipada, y 42 días antes del día de las elecciones. Si necesitas ayuda para registrarte o tienes preguntas puedes llamar al 775-1339.También puedes encontrar más información sobre el registro de votantes en línea Latinolasobreregister-to-vote/ás,encuentramásdetalleslainformacióndelvotanteenedicióndeseptiembredelarevistaLubbock.
El último día para registrarse para votar es el 11 de octubre de 2022. FROM AZ y gracias! We appreciate La tino Lubbock Magazine all the way in Tuc son, AZ. We read it online and look forward to seeing tradition and Hispanic success. Our family used to send it to us but now we just enjoy reading it on your website. We wish you all the best and remind Lubbock their lucky to have such dedication from Christy the publisher. Keep up the great Thework!Orta Family NEED MORE THAN ONE POOL I don't mind the splash pads, but I don't like that we would only have one pool in Lub bock. If we're growing don't we need more than one? But having 70 year old pools also don't make sense. Larry Garcia
Mailed letters must be signed. Please
MarySincerely,Garcia COVID CONCERNS
Anew school year brings great joy to the Lubbock ISD family and 2022-2023 is no exception. An incredible convocation ceremony featuring Monterey High School alumnus and Broadway sensation David Gaschen and the public announcement of the most recent Texas Education Agency accountability ratings made the first week of this year one to remember.
Please include your
Dr. Kathy Rollo, is the Superintendent of Lubbock ISD.
FIESTAS PATRIAS 2022 at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Lubbock, September 11, 2022, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.
HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH OUTDOOR CONCERT presented by Los Hermanos Familia Oct. 8, 4 to 9 p.m. at 511 Ave K, LHUCA Plaza. FREE. For more info visit www.loshermanosfa LUBBOCK MEALS ON WHEELS needs more delivery volunteers! Delivery is between 10:45 am & 12:30 pm on weekdays and takes an aver age of one hour. Sign-up is easy, just go to 806-792-7971.Forunteer/
I know that we're all dismissing covid but I got it for the second time and although it wasn't as bad as the first time it was worse than the flu. Please encourage your read ers to get their vaccines and follow the proper protocol of washing your hands, and cleaning things off. Mask up if you haven't gotten your vaccines.
Dr. Kathy Rollo
National Voter Registration Day is September 20, 2022. It falls on the Fourth Tuesday in September and urges citizens to register to vote. Make your vote count! There are 13 days left to register to vote. 21 days before early voting begins, and 42 DAYS before Election Day.Ifyou need help getting registered or have questions you can call (806)775-1339.Youcanalso find more voter registration info online at: register-to-vote/
¿Que Piensas?
Día nacional de inscripción de votantes 20 de septiembre 2022 YOUR VOTE IS YOUR VOICE! Last day to register to vote is Oct. 11, 2022. ¡TU VOTO CUENTA!
In the first scores to be released since 2019, Lubbock ISD earned a B in the Texas Education Agency’s Accountability Rating System. The overall district rating improved from an 86 in 2019 to an 87 in 2022, with campuses around the district showing significant improvement. For the first time since the implementation of the A-F rating system, all four of Lubbock ISD’s comprehensive high schools earned a B rating: Coronado, Estacado, Lubbock High, and Monterey. Talkington School for Young Women Leaders earned an A, or 99, the highest score earned by any Lubbock ISD campus.
Lubbock ISD is Off to a Great Start
Opinion/opinión Community & Event Brieflies Carta Abierta We know our readers have a lot to say! Mail
Just wanted to let you know that I like splash pads over pools. We hung out in Amarillo and there were all ages having fun, it was free, and there were other activities going on around. We set up a picnic and it was fun. I say to folks don't knock it till you try it. They're way more modern and more sani tary than Lubbock's 70 year old pools.
Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. September/septiembre 2022, Vol. 16, Issue 9 Page 5
FREE PRACTICE EXAMS Study guides for tests Learn-a-Test, a database of practice examinations, is available at the Lubbock Public Library, 1306 9th St. Hun dreds of practice examinations, including SAT, ACT and elementary, middle school and high school skills improvement tests, plus graduate entrance exams, available.
FREE LEGAL AID FOR THOSE WHO QUALIFY Legal Aid of North west Texas provides free legal services to eligible low-income residents in such areas as public assistance denials, divorce and child support, evictions, foreclosures, domestic violence and consumer fraud. Call 763-4557 or (800) 933-4557 or visit for more info.
CLOSED FOR LABOR DAY Sep tember 5. Lubbock County Offices, City of Lubbock facilities, Latino Lub bock Magazine will be closed for the holiday HAW MEMBER SHIP MEETING, September 13th at 5:30 pm, at City Bank (5219 City Bank Pkwy).
National Voter Registration Day
NATIONAL LIBRARY CARD SIGN-UP MONTH AMNESTY DAYS To kick off National Library Card Sign-Up Month the Lubbock Public Librar ies will host Amnesty Days from Septem ber 6-10, 2022. During these Amnesty Days (formerly Food For Fines), any Lub bock Public Library cardholder can return overdue or lost library materials and have the fines and fees forgiven for those items. All material types will be accepted includ ing books, audiobooks, magazines, DVDs. For more info visit com/about-us/amnesty-days-faqwww.lubbocklibrary.

As a young boy, Robert Santos would snatch bits of his mom's tortilla masa (dough) and use it instead of worms to fish at Woodlawn Lake, near his family's home here.
Politics/ política
With wire-frame glasses, silver-andblack hair pulled into a pony tail and an often gleeful smile, Santos looks more like a poet or a Chicano studies professor than a nationally renowned statistician who is setting up the bureau for the next decennial census, in 2030.
Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago; and working as a senior study director at Temple University’s Institute for Survey Research.Before he became president of the American Statistical Association in 2021, Santos was also president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research in 201314.He had to give up the photography side gig with SXSW when he joined the administration, he said. For just about all of his career, Santos has been marrying his statistical and data knowledge with helping underrepresented communities.Hisapproach to steering the census post-Trump is to cultivate relationships and do as much outreach to communities and different people as possible to move beyond the upheaval of the 2020 census.
Robert Santos is the First Latino to Lead the Census Bureau
City Prepares for Street Bond Election
"And it so happened that the career staff … actually did what they needed to do to make sure that the scientific integrity of the census was preserved," he said. In the 2020 census, 4.99 of every 100 Hispanics were not counted, the bureau has said. There were high undercount rates for Native Americans (5.64%) and Blacks (3.3%), too. Even putting aside those not counted, Latinos are considered to have driven about 51 percent of the nation's growth in the pastSantos’decade.40-year career has included forming his own social science firm, NuStats, in Austin, Texas; serving as a vice president of the National
Page 6
The bureau is currently working on an economic census it plans to launch in January with all sorts of data on about 4 million businesses, from revenue to output issues, to help with supply chain assessments, he said.
The administration tried to add a citizenship question to the census, which was seen as an attempt to suppress Latino and other votes by making people afraid to respond and prevent noncitizens from being counted in redrawing of voting maps. The Supreme Court kept the citizenship question off the census, but Trump tried other ways for the bureau to get citizenship information. He also stopped the census headcount early. Those efforts left a number of Latinos and others nervous about filling out the census and skeptical of its Whenresults.the Trump interference was happening, Santos was chief methodologist at the Urban Institute and president-elect of the American Statistical Association. He publicly said that he expected the 2020 census to be “one of the most flawed censuses in history” and that it was being “sabotaged.” Santos said his criticism was rooted in his own respect for the census and for numbers. Throughout much of his lifetime, he has worked with census data and its people. “It’s an issue of scientific integrity, transparency and independence," heHesaid.also credited the Census Bureau for doing its job during that time.
City of Lubbock resi dents will see a city streets bond package on the No vember ballot. The Lubbock City Coun cil approved to put a $200 million road improvement bond proposal to Lubbock voters in November.
The $200 million would address various streets across the city. The plan is expected to cost the average home owner an extra $12 to $15 a year. Council members held a first reading to call for the election August 16, 2022 during a spe Nearly 1.8 Million Texas La tino Voters are expected to cast ballots in Election 2022 this November.Morethan one of every five Texas voters are expected to be Latino in Election 2022. Latino Lubbock Magazine wants to remind you that Elec tion Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2022, and now more than ever you should consider using your voting power. Here are important dates to mark on your calendars: Last Day to Register to Vote Monday, October 11, 2022
UnidosUS President and CEO Janet Murguía released the following statement regarding President Joe Biden’s signing of the Presidentlaw:ReductionInflationActinto“WecongratulateJoeBiden, Senate Majority Leader Schumer and House Speaker Pelosi for enacting the Inflation Reduction Act into law.”“A recent poll conducted by UnidosUS and Mi Familia Vota revealed that inflation and jobs are the number one and number three priorities of Hispanic voters. Health care is the fourth priority. This bill will help ease long-standing Latino concerns about the economy and health care by helping millions of Americans pay for health familiesInandprescriptioncoverage,drugs,theirenergybills.additiontohelpingwhoare struggling financially due to inflation and the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, this bill takes unprecedented action to protect our planet and tackle climate change.”
‘Inflation Reduction Act’
Now Santos is the first Latino — he identifies as a Chicano and writes in mestizo on census forms — to head the U.S. Census Bureau. Having just passed the halfway point in the first year of his five-year appointment, he has set about introducing himself to America as the "face of the census."
Later on, when he saw photographers shooting photos of bands at an Austin City Limits Festival concert, he found a way to get closer to the music as a part-time South by Southwest photographer.
Early Voting by Personal Ap pearance Monday, October 24 through Friday, November 4, 2022.Last Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail (Received, not Postmarked) Friday, October 28, 2022. Last Day to Apply for Bal lot by Mail (Received, not Post marked): Friday, October 28, 2022. Election Day: Tuesday, No vember 8, 2022. All early polling locations on the dates, times and locations can be found at www.votelubbock. org Se espera que casi 1,8 mil lones de votantes latinos de Texas voten en las elecciones de 2022 este noviembre. Se espera que más de uno de cada cinco votantes de Texas sea latino en las elecciones de 2022. Latino Lubbock Magazine quiere recordarte que el día de las elecciones es el martes 8 de noviembre de 2022, y ahora más que nunca debes considerar usar tu poder de voto. Aquí hay fechas importantes para marcar en sus calendarios:Último día para registrarse para votar Lunes, 11 de octubre de 2022Votación anticipada en persona del lunes 24 de octubre al viernes 4 de noviembre de 2022. Último día para solicitar la bo leta por correo (recibida, sin ma tasellos) viernes, 28 de octubre deÚltimo2022. día para solicitar la bo leta por correo (recibida, sin ma tasellos): viernes 28 de octubre de 2022. Día de las elecciones: martes 8 de noviembre de 2022. Todos los lugares de votación temprana en las fechas, horas y lugares se pueden encontrar en Fechas y plazos de elección de Texas
Signed by President
cial meeting. The bond would be used to get roads paved and expand lanes, including those in school districts for safety. It would be the first street bond passed in the city of Lubbock sinceImprovements2009. to Broadway will not be included in the pro posal. The election is Tuesday, Nov. 8.
Email your news and information to
“This bill is a historic step towards a healthier, fairer, and more sustainable America and we look forward to seeing the positive change it will have on Latino communities throughout the United States.”
“I know the Census Bureau, I know the culture and I know how things work," Santos said. "I also know it would be a waste of time to go in as a bull in a china shop."
“I made a deliberate decision not to go out and get sort of the New York business suit and cut-my-hair type of thing. It was critical for me to be who I am and present myself as pure as I am,” Santos told NBC News in an interview at Diana’s Burgers, not far from where he’d use the masa to fish for catfish and perch. His everyman persona and Latino background may be what is needed after the Trump administration was accused of trying to use the 2020 census for political gain.
Santos said he doesn't want to put a personal stamp on the bureau, but rather to be a catalyst for excellence from a staff of varying races, ethnicities and backgrounds. He wants to see them collect data and return to communities with relevant information so they can use it for their benefit.
Texas Election Dates & Deadlines

Brady points out Lubbock ISD has the low est tax rate of the major districts in Lubbock County and believes property owners are getting the best out of their money.courtthat has been hostile toward publicly supported immigration policies in the past, could end DACA and devastate millions of families across the nation. That decision will also impact the 80,000 first-time DACA applicants who are in limbo as a result of Judge Hanen’s decision inDACA2021. has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals who were able to finish school, apply for work permits, live, thrive - and dream - without fear of deportation or family separation. The future of these undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children should not be tossed from one court battle to another. They deserve better. The Biden administration and Congress must pass bold and meaningful permanent protections for all undocumented immigrants without further delay,” said Frankie Miranda, President and CEO of Hispanic Federation.
New 988 Mental Health Crisis Lifeline Available
Lubbock County Commissioners Adopt Proposed Tax Rate
The new 988 lifeline that went live about a month ago is aimed at making it easier for people to get help for mental health issues, but advocates and lawmakers say it needs more resources. On July 16, 988 became the new number for the alreadyexisting National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Within days, the amount of calls and texts to the number jumped.
• Volunteers work
LISD Trustees
The federal government put hundreds of millions of dollars into the transition. Rep. Tony Cardenas, D-Calif., now says there’s more to“Todo.make sure that we build that system like the system that has been going on for over 50 years which is now 911,” Cardenas. He’s introduced legislation to boost funding for 988 crisis response and build out mental health services on three different levels. “Where you have somewhere to call –someone will come and somewhere to go,” CardenasAdvocatessaid.say that means making sure 988 call centers have the staff they need, communities have mobile crisis teams to respond and people have facilities where they can get longer term mental healthGettingsupport.lawmakers to approve more spending can be an uphill battle. But Rep. Cardenas says mental health is a topic where they can find common ground. “Mental health is something that affects way too many families and every community equally and I’m seeing more and more of a bipartisan effort,” Cardenas said.
E: Use your
Lubbock RSVP IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO SERVE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: • Age 55 or older • You choose how you want to
Event T:
undocumented youth graduated without DACA protections, without fundamental tools like work permits and protection from removal - all things that would raise their chances for success in our communities.
Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. September/septiembre 2022, Vol. 16, Issue 9 Page 7
H administrationcallwe2012.thememoSecurity’softhewhich(DACA)ChildhoodDeferrednewadministration’swelcomesFederationispanictheBidenrulefortheActionforArrivalsprogram,codifiesDepartmentHomeland(DHS)thatcreatedprograminHowever,continuetoontheBidenand Congress to deliver meaningful, permanent protections for all undocumented immigrants.“Thisisa positive step toward protecting hundreds of thousands of Dreamers who are vital for our communities, our economy, and the future of our country. However, it is not enough. This regulation does not make any almostarbitraryprogramqualifyingpreventedimmigrantsundocumentedprotectionsorexpandthechangesmeaningfultoupdateprogram,eligibility,provideforfromfortheduetocriteria.Thisyearalone,100,000
Moreover, the upcoming opinion from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, a conservative majority DACA Regulation Awaiting Permanent Protections
he average property owner will pay more to Lubbock County this upcom ing year under the budget and tax rate being considered.Whilethe proposed property tax rate is lower than last year, property appraisals are up an average 16 percent according to the Lubbock Central Appraisal District. A property tax rate of 32.4780 cents per $100 valuation would generate the same rev enue on existing properties. In other words, this “no new revenue rate” would leave the average taxpayer’s bill roughly flat from last year. This year’s proposal is 34.7720 cents per $100 valuation, which is also the maxi mum rate that does not force an election. The County reports an average home stead’s tax bill to the county would increase from $570 to $656 annually. The budget being considered includes a five-percent pay raise for county employees. Inflation is leading to greater costs for local governments. This tax rate would generate roughly $93.6 million in property tax rev enue from the county, up from $85.1 million last year. Local governments across Texas are also seeing a significant increase in sales tax revenue, both factors of strong business activity as well as the cost of nearly every thing going up. give back as much or as little as they desire Annual Recognition 806.743.7787 (RSVP) special skills talent in the Lubbock community. Serving the Lubbock community since 1979 Set Property Tax Rate
The vote on a resolution to adopt the property tax rate was on last month's Lubbock ISD's agenda. The board voted unanimously to reduce the rate to $1.13550 per $100 valuation from $1.1514. With an increase in property values, deter mined by the Lubbock County Central Ap praisal District, property owners should still expect to pay more. According to the district resolution, a $100,000 home will pay $48.70 more next year. “That is going to yield more revenue from local taxes, but the district won’t get any more total revenue,” said Board President Zach Brady. “Simply, we’ll get less money from the state, because we’re going to get the same amount of money per student.” He said that the state funding contribution will be reduced as more tax revenue is col lected. He also takes issue with how state legislation requires the district to call this a raise of the tax rate. “We did not increase the tax rate,” Brady said. “Also, we didn’t adopt the law that re quires us to use that language.”

CHILD CARE AVAILABLE FOR INCOME-ELIGIBLE FAMILIES Families who are income eligible may re ceive fee assistance to attend one of the Early Learning Center’s five centers for child care. Parents or caretakers must be employed or in school. The program is open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call (806) 765-9981 for more information.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, "Identity theft is the country's fastest growing crime." Identity theft is using someone else's name or social security number without permission. Here are some things that someone can do if they pretend to be you: They can take money out of your bank or investment accounts, they can also take out debt in your name; file tax returns in your name to get a refund, a stimulus payment, or both; and if your passwords are changed or your accounts are closed, you could lose access to your accounts and services. I suggest that you follow these steps to lower the risk of identity theft: Protect your information; shred documents; check your accounts often; get off of marketing lists; don't give out your Social Security number; change your online banking passwords frequently, and check your credit score often. If you are a victim of identity theft, report it to the Federal Trade Commission at (En español, p. 16)
The Lubbock Public Library is excited to announce the launch of a new computer class available to Lubbock Area citizens called the Digital Navigators Certification Series. In this eight- week series, a new topic will be taught by our Digital Navigators each week that will focus on free Google productivity tools, such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Drive and more. The series will also include classes on social media, tablet & phone apps, and creating promotional materials in Canva for free. After attending all eight classes, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion that will help boost resumes, enhance job skills, and improve the application pool for the city of Lubbock. These free classes will be every Thursday from September 15 – November 3 from 5:00 – 6:00 PM located at Groves Branch Library, 5520 19th Street. Space in this series is limited, so please register navigators-certification-series or call 806-775-2835 to secure your place in this class. If you cannot make all eight classes, make-up classes will be available on an asneeded basis, but participants are strongly encouraged to attend all eight scheduled classes. This program is made possible by a $70,000 Texas Digital Navigators Grant the Lubbock Public Library recently received from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Lubbock was one of 10 cities in Texas that received this incredible grant opportunity. This grant will be used to help bridge the digital divide for the citizens of Lubbock through a variety of programs and services- a goal that the Lubbock Public Library has pursued in many different ways over the past several years. It will also be used to bring information about free and no-cost internet services to members of our community in need. In addition to the Digital Navigators Certification Series, the Lubbock Public Library will be loaning Google Chromebook Laptops out to two community partners. South Plains College- Downtown Lubbock Campus and Literacy Lubbock will each be receiving 10Thelaptops.Lubbock Public Library will also continue to offer a separate set of weekly computer classes that rotate throughout the other library locations each month. In September these classes will be at Mahon Library followed by Groves Branch Library in October and Godeke Branch Library in November. Times and dates of these classes can be found on our website at www. Though no certificate is offered for attending these computer classes, they are an excellent opportunity to learn how to use a computer as well as ask your own technology-related questions. The libraries will also be offering on-site computer classes to area businesses who would like to elevate the level of computer literacy for their employees. If you are interested in your business receiving these computer classes, please contact Stacy McKenzie at smckenzie@ mylubbock.usFormoreinformation about these programs, please navigators-certification-series
Page 8 Opportunity/Oportunidad
IMMIGRATION SERVICES If you need help with immigration issues call 806-741-0409.
BASIC ENGLISH CLASS – Clase de Inglés – aprender Inglés básico, 3211 58th Street, (east of Indiana) Lubbock. Horas: Cada Miércoles a las 7:30-8:30 de la noche. 806-239-5352 GRATIS!!
REFERRAL FOR QUALITY CHILD CARE in Lubbock by the South Plains Day Home Association helps parents with free referrals to li censed or registered day care facilities that are routinely monitored by the Texas Department and Protective Services. Call 796-0606 or 792-1847 for more in formation.
New Digital Navigators Certification Series Open
Latino Lubbock Magazine is Hispanic Owned & Operated
FREE GED AND ESL CLASSES for Lubbock and the surrounding area of fered by Adult Education Center. We ac cept new students on a bimonthly basis. You must be at least 17 years old and not enrolled in public school to be eligible for the classes. For more info call 806-2815750. Open Mon. thru Fri. from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.
CONGRATULATIONS TO ANTONIO CAMPOS ON HIS RETIREMENT: Antonio served The City of Lubbock for 28 years; his last position was being a cemetery leader at the Lubbock Cemetery. The City of Lubbock Parks and Recreation held a reception in his honor and wished Antonio the best in his next chapter. Antonio is looking forward to fishing in his free time and traveling to see his grandkids! Congratu lations from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
CLASES DE IN GLÉS COMO SEGUNDA IDIOMA La Literacia de Lubbock (Literacy Lubbock) ofrecen clases gratis de inglés como segundo idioma (English as Second Language) para la comunidad. Todos los adultos están bienvenido en estas clases. Para más información, llame a (806) 775-3636.
SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACIÓN Si necesitan ayuda con asuntos de inmi gración llame a este numero (806) 7410409.
FREE CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: The Caprock Regional Public Defender Office offers free legal representation to 13 surrounding West Texas Counties. The office handles Felony, Misdemeanor and Juvenile cas es for citizens that cannot afford to hire a criminal defense lawyer. Call (806) 742-4312 to see if your county qualifies for this service.
Reducing the Risk of Identity Theft
. Need to study to pass the GED? Literacy Lubbock offers free, flexible, and casual prep classes at various times to fit in with your busy schedule. Call us at 806-7753636 for more information or register for Free classes at

Labor Day - Sept. 5, 2022 and the Hispanic workforce
Policecall(Non-Emergency)763-5333 Fire Program/ServiceEmergenciescall(Non-Emergency)765-5757call9-1-1info,call2-1-1Cityservices,call3-1-1Suicide& Latino Lubbock 792-1212Magazine Important Numbers
The application will be available before the student loan repayment pause ends on December 31. You can register to be notified when the application is available through the Department of Educa tion at
Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. September/septiembre 2022, Vol. 16, Issue 9 Page 9 Get all the Discounts you deserve. FREE Discount Double Check. It’s a quick and easy way to make sure you’re saving all you can. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY. Hablo Español Ana Borrego, Agent 8001 Quaker Ave Ste. G Lubbock, TX 79424 (806)745 www.anaborrego.com2555 Business/negocío Business Opportunity& Updates Linen and Uniform Rental Service All Fresh Products QUICKBOOKS ONLINE VER SION FOR BUSINESSES Learn about Accounting/Budget, COVID-19 General Support. 9/15/22. Time: 1 PM - 4 PM (CDT). Call Becky Castilleja (806) 745-1637 to register. STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS PART 1 & 2 Learn about a Business Plan, Business Start-up/ Preplanning, Marketing/Sales. SYOB part 1, 9/20/22 6 PM - 8 PM (CDT); SYOB part 2, 9/22/22 - 6 PM - 8 PM (CDT) Call Becky Castilleja (806) 745-1637 to regis ter. TAX FORMS AT LIBRARIES they have forms 1040 and 1040-SR in English and Spanish available at all locations. You can also access all available forms and in structions from home at
BUSINESS COUNSELING Small business owners and aspiring entrepre neurs can discuss their business ventures and get expert advice from the SBDC staff. All information will be held in strict confidence. For a counseling sessions call (806) 745-1637.
LOW INCOME TAXPAYER CLIN IC The TTU School of Law operates a “FREE” Low Income Taxpayer Clinic year around to provide assistance relating to issues involving controversies with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). For more info call (806) 834-7972 or toll free (800) 420-8037.
Labor Day, Sept. 5, 2022, is the first Monday in September, and is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of Ameri can workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. A significant portion of the Hispan ic population participates in the labor force. In 2013, 66% of the Hispanic population age 16 and older were in the labor force, which was slightly higher than the level of participation for the total U.S. population. Despite comparable rates of labor force par ticipation, Hispanics experienced an unemployment rate in 2013 (9%) which was higher than that of the to tal U.S. population (7.5 %). The His panic population is represented in a wide variety of occupations.
Update on Student Loan Forgiveness illions of federal student loan borrowers will soon receive thousands in debt relief under a new plan revealed by the Biden administration on Wednes day.While many aspects about the plan remain unclear, there are a few questions we can answer. One of those is whether forgiveness will be considered taxable income. It’s a reasonable concern – the maximum relief available of $10,000 or $20,000 (depending on if you received a Pell Grant while in college) could be enough to move some borrowers into a dif ferent tax bracket if it’s considered the White House, any relief you receive won’t be treated as taxable income for fed eral income tax purposes. This is due to the American Res cueWhenPlan. Congress passed the American Rescue Plan shortly af ter President Biden took office in 2021, it eliminated taxes on loan forgiveness through 2025. Here are three other things you should know about Biden’s plan to forgive millions of dollars in stu dent loan debt. If your entire loan balance won’t be erased – which is likely for some 23 million borrowers – President Biden has extended the payment pause through the end of the year. But, come January 1, 2023, in terest will begin accruing again, and regular pay ments will resume. He has indicated the pause will not be extended again.Ifyou’ve voluntarily made payments since March 2020, when payments were paused, you can request a refund for those payments, according to the Federal Office of Student Aid. Contact your loan servicer to re quest a refund. When and how student loan for giveness will be distributed hasn’t yet been made clear. According to the U.S. Depart ment of Education, nearly 8 million borrowers may qualify for relief automatically based on the income data the department already has. If the Education Department doesn’t have your income data, or you’re unsure if the agency has it, there isn’t much to do right now. Instead, you’ll need to wait for the Biden administration to launch an application process, which will be available “in the coming weeks.”

Page 10
FREE SICK CHILDREN'S CLINIC is a free, all-volunteer clinic that treats sickchildren up to age 15 at 10th Street andAvenue A. Prescriptions at the on-site pharmacy are free. Call 762-1805 for more info.
AMIGO'S GROCERY STORE HEALTH & RESOUCE FAIR Sep tember 10th from 10 am - 3 pm, at 112 N. University. The health fair will provide in formation about resources available in our community. FREE. COVID FUNERAL ASSISTANCE If you experience the loss of a family member due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you could be eligible to apply for funeral assistance through Federal Emergency Management Agency. To see if you qualify for assistance and to begin your application with FEMA, call 844-684-6333.
También es impor tante que hable con su hijo acerca de lo peligroso que estos medica mentos son, incluso si se venden sin receta médica. Explique a los niños que a pesar de los medicamentos pueden hacer que un niño se sienta mejor, pueden hacer otro niño muy enfermo, por lo que los medica mentos nunca se deben compartir con los amigos. Volver a consejos de seguridad de medicamentos escolares también incluyen:•Siempre
mentos en su envase original y no mezcle diferentes medicamentos en un solo contenedor. • Estar familiarizado con la política de medicamentos de la escuela. La mayoría de los distritos requieren que todos los medicamentos sean distribuidos por el personal autor izado de la escuela. La mayoría de las políticas se van a tener que traer los medicamentos a la enfermera de la escuela y dejar que ellos dis tribuyen los medicamentos. Envío de la medicina en la mochila de su hijo no es una buena idea. Bolsas de deporte podrán contener inhala dores para el asma, que nunca debe compartirse con otras personas. Para obtener más información, vis ite la enfermera de la escuela.
The City of Lubbock Public Health Department is offering booster shots for all available COVID-19 vaccines will be by appointment only at the health department. They’ll be offering FREE COVID-19 vaccines (ages 5+), boosters, flu shot and regular immu nizations. Please call the City of Lubbock Public Health Department at 806-775-2933.
FAITH BASED AA for Lubbock and the surrounding area, Thurs. from 6:30-8:00P.M. and Sundays from 7-8 P.M. For more info call 806-793.3336.
Noticias de Healthsalud/News
Parents, During School Specialists with the Texas Poison Center Network, say "Parents need to make sure they're follow ing school district pol i cies before sending their kids off to class carrying any type of withtantalsotion."medicaItisimportotalkyourchild about how dangerous these medications are, even if they are sold over the counter. Explain to children that even though medica tions may make one child feel bet ter, they can make another child very ill, so medications should nev er be shared with friends. Back to school medication safety tips also include: • Always keep medications in their original container and don't mix several different medications into one container.•Be familiar with the school's medication policy. Most districts require all medications to be distributed by au thorized school personnel. Most policies are going to have you bring the medications to the school nurse and let them distribute the medications. Sending the medi cation in your child's backpack is not a good idea. Sports bags may contain asthma inhalers, which should never be shared with other people.Formore information visit your school nurse.
Lubbock residents of all ages are en couraged to lace up their walking shoes and join doctors on the third Sat urday of every month at Tech Terrace Park – 3107 23rd St., Lubbock Walking is one of the simplest, best things people can do to live a long, high-quality life. Walk With a Doc makes it easy by providing the time, place, motivation (a brief health infor mation talk), and fellow participants for a fun walking experience.
HEALTHBEAT EQUIPMENT brings the best of the gym to the great outdoors at Buddy Holly Lake of Cesar Chavez Drive The outdoor fitness equipment is available to the public and has 10 pieces of fitness equipment. This is a project of Los Herma nos Familia. FREE.
SOUTH PLAINS FOOD BANK To receive a food box from SPFB, you still need to qualify through one of our part nering agencies and receive a voucher. You can call 2-1-1 or visit www.211texas. org to find a local agency that is giving our vouchers. Citizens are still required to bring all documentation needed to see if you qualify.
The Walk With a Doc concept is sim ple: Physicians organize walks in their communities and invite their patients, their patient’s families, and community members to join them. Walkers will en joy a refreshing and invigorating walk with health care professionals, who will provide support to participants and an swer questions during the walk. Walk With a Doc Texas is overseen by a na tional nonprofit organization to get peo ple active and healthy, and is backed by the Texas Medical Association (TMA) in ThisTexas.isa FREE program, and preregis tration is not required.
Kid Medication Tips For
Vive tu vida, Get Up Get Moving!
Especialistas con el Texas Poi son Center Network, dicen que "Los padres deben asegurarse de que están siguiendo las políticas del distrito escolar antes de enviar a sus hijos a clase llevando ningún tipo de medicación."
Wellness/ bienestar
Hace once años mi primo John ny ne Según la American Can cer Society, se estima que en el pre sente año más de 230.000 hombres serán diagnosticados con cáncer a la próstata. El cáncer a la próstata es el más común entre los varones hispanos y es la tercera causa de muerte por cáncer, después del cáncer al pulmón y el cáncer colorectal. La prognosis para el cáncer a la próstata ha mejorado sustantivamente en los últimos 20 años. Según el National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, la tasa de super vivencia se ha elevado de 67 por ciento a 97 por ciento. Obteniendo un diagnóstico y un tratamiento oportuno, la mayoría de los hom bres continuarán llevando una vida saludable luego de haber sido diag nosticados con cáncer a la próstata. Sométase a un chequeo y anime a sus seres queridos, conocidos, es posos, padres, hermanos, amigos, a que se sometan a un chequeo este mismo mes, especialmente si son mayores de 45 años. El riesgo de desarrollar cáncer a la próstata se eleva con la edad y la mayoría de hombres son diagnosticados cu ando son mayores de 65. Debido a que los síntomas son muy pocos hasta que la enfermedad está bien avanzada, es importante someterse a chequeos anuales como parte del plan de cuidado de salud. Si desea mayor información so bre cáncer a la próstata, visite la American Cancer Society o llame al 800-227-2345 (inglés y español). Para obtener información sobre los lugares donde puede someterse a chequeos de cáncer a la próstata, contacte a Su Familia: Línea de Emergencia Nacional para la Salud de la Familia Hispana, 866-SUFAMILIA (866-783-2645).
Get yourself tested and encour age the men you love—husbands, fathers, brothers, friends—to get screened this month, especially if they’re over 45. The risk of getting prostate cancer increases with age and the majority of men are diag nosed after age 65. Because there are few symptoms until very late in the disease, it is important to make yearly screenings part of your health care plan. To learn more about prostate can cer, visit the American Cancer So ciety or call 800-227-2345 (Eng lish & Spanish).
Walk with A Doc
mantenga los medica ¡Celebrate, celebra!Hispanic Heritage Month,mes de la Herencia HispanaSept. 15 to Oct. 15
FREE CLINIC at Lubbock Impact The Free Clinic holds a free doctors clinic every Wednesday at 34th Street and Boston Av enue. Registration begins at 4 PM. Patients must be 18 and older and medically unin sured to receive free medications and doc tors visits. For more info call (806) 799-4320.
This year, more than 230,000 men are expected to be diag nosed with prostate cancer, ac cording to the American Cancer Society. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Hispanic men, and the third leading cause of cancer death, following lung cancer and colorectal cancer. Prognosis for prostate cancer has improved great ly in the past 20 years. The survival rate has increased from 67 percent to 97 percent, according to the Na tional Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. With early diagnosis and treatment, most men will continue to live healthy lives after prostate cancer.
Mes sobre el cáncer a la próstata

La primera medida y la más importante en la prevención contra la influenza es vacunarse todos los años. Se ha demostra do que la vacuna contra la in fluenza reduce la aparición de enfermedades relacionadas con la influenza y el riesgo de sufrir complicaciones graves a causa de esta enfermedad que pueden dar lugar a hospitalizaciones o incluso la muerte. Los CDC tam bién recomiendan tomar medidas preventivas diarias (como man tenerse alejado de las personas que están enfermas, cubrirse la boca y nariz al toser y estornu dar y lavarse las manos con fre cuencia) para ayudar a disminuir la propagación de microbios que causan enfermedades respirato rias (nariz, garganta y pulmones), como lo es la influenza.
La vacuna contra la gripe - Programarla
Lo que debe saber El colesterol es malo para usted ¿estamos de acuer do? En realidad no es tan simple. El colesterol es parte de cada una de las células del cuerpo y juega un papel sumamente importante para mantenerlo a usted saludable. Los dos tipos de colesterol que se requieren controlar más son el HDL, o lipoproteína de alta densi dad y el LDL, o lipoproteína de baja densidad, ambos juegan un papel importante en su bienestar general. El colesterol LDL se puede tornar malo para uno cuando se acumula en las paredes de las arterias impidiendo el flujo de la sangre e incrementando el riesgo de una enfermedad coronaria, la causa número uno de muerte entre personas, incluyendo hispanos, según la Ameri can Heart Association. Por otro lado, se cree que el HDL se lleva el colesterol de las arterias y lo devuelve al hígado donde puede ser eliminado del cuerpo. Al gunos expertos afirman que el HDL retira el exceso de colesterol y retrasa la acumulación en las paredes arteriales. Entonces, reducir el riego de enfermedades coronarias no es tan simple como bajar los niveles de colesterol o inclusive, bajar el nivel de LDL, más con ocido como el “colesterol malo”. De hecho, algunos expertos afirman que no son real mente los niveles de colesterol los que contribuyen a los bloqueos sino el tamaño de las partículas de coles terol y los patrones de transporte de colesterol. (¡Esto no significa que usted deba continuar comiendo pa pas fritas y hojuelas de papa!) Todo el mundo está de acuerdo en que una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y colesterol y ejercicio regular son buenos para uno y para el corazón. Sin embargo, antes de que se apresure a tomar cualquier medicamento para bajar sus niveles de colesterol, edúquese respecto de la manera en que el colesterol trabaja en su cuerpo, lea las últimas inves tigaciones y consulte a su médico. it’s not actually the levels of cho lesterol that contribute to blockages but the size of cholesterol particles and cholesterol transport patterns. (This doesn’t mean you should keep eating French fries and potato chips!) Everyone agrees that a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol and regular exercise are good for you and your heart. But before you rush to take medication to lower your cholesterol levels, educate yourself about how cholesterol actually works in your body, read the latest research, and talk to your doctor.
Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. September/septiembre 2022, Vol. 16, Issue 9 Page 11 Health/ salud 6506 82nd 8002 University 6212 19th 3011 50th 7811 Quaker 4444 S. Loop 289 Become a grime fighter today! It’s Easy! 321... free might y wash any wash anytime free mighy wash No sign up cost and your first wash is on us. As part of FREE program you will save $2.00 on... get another after 10 washes of any kind FREE MIGHTY wash The Doc or Is In Advice from our Doctors...Consejos de nuestros médicos Flu Shot - Schedule It
LDL, more commonly known as “bad cholesterol,” can become bad for you when it builds up on artery walls, impeding the flow of blood and increasing your risk of heart disease—the number one cause of death among Americans, including Hispanics, according to the Ameri can Heart Association. HDL, on the other hand, is believed to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it can be eliminated from the body. Some experts believe that HDL removes excess cholesterol and slows buildup on artery walls. So reducing your risk of heart disease is not as simple as lowering cholesterol lev els, or even lowering the level of LDL.Infact, some experts believe that
he first and most important step in preventing flu is to get a flu vaccine each year. Flu vaccine has been shown to re duce flu related illnesses and the risk of serious flu complications that can result in hospitalization or even death. CDC also recom mends everyday preventive ac tions (like staying away from people who are sick, covering coughs and sneezes and frequent handwashing) to help slow the spread of germs that cause respi ratory (nose, throat, and lungs) illnesses, like flu. The time from when a person is exposed and infected with flu to when symptoms begin is about 2 days, but can range from about 1 to 4 days.
El tiempo desde la exposición de una persona al virus de la in fluenza hasta el comienzo de los síntomas es de aproximadamente 2 días, pero puede oscilar entre 1 a 4 días.
Cholesterol is bad for you, right? It’s actually a bit more complicated than that. Cholesterol is a part of every cell in your body and plays an important role in keeping you healthy. The two most important kinds of cholesterol to monitor are HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, and LDL, or low-den sity lipoprotein, both of which play a part in your overall well-being.

El Grito honra el legado de la Declaración de Independencia de México de España mientras comparte la historia de la independencia de otros 19 países latinoamericanos. Habrá música, comida, estacionamiento gratuito, junto con ‘El Grito’ para terminar la noche. For more information/Para obtener más información:
El 15 September 1810 is the day of the "Grito de Dolores" or Miguel Hidalgo's call to take up arms against Spanish colo nial government. The movement that led to Mexico's independence began on September 16,Miguel1810.Hidalgo is regarded as the "Father of Independence". Hidalgo, a criollo Catho lic priest, called his parishioners to arms with his now-famous Grito ("Shout") de Dolores, in the small town of Dolores (now Dolores Hidalgo) to Chihuahua. He marched to Guanajuato, where the Span ish barricaded themselves in a grain ware house. El Pípila, a miner who burned down the doors, gave Hidalgo the first victory of the independence movement. With Ignacio Allende, he defeated Spanish forces at the battle of Monte de las Cruces, just outside Mexico City. But rath er than pressing to the cap ital, he retreated to Guanajuato and spent the rest of the war fleeing from a bol stered royalist army. His forces
Start Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month with El Grito!
Mexican Independence Day
Page 12 Visit us online at ¡Feliz Fiestas Patrias!
El Grito de la Independencia
Fiestas del Llano, Inc. (FDLI) will be hold ing a parade on Sept. 17th, at 10 am, with the traditional route from Broadway to the Civic Center East Parking Lot. All are encouraged toFollowing,participate.they will hold an event at Buddy Holly Park on N. University & Cesar Chavez Drive from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. with entertain ment and food vendors. Their Grito de Dolores ceremony will take place at 4:45 p.m. This ceremony is the re enactment of Father Hidalgo's declaration of Independence from Spain. For more info, visit www.latinolubbock. net/events
Three Fiestas Patrias activities will be held this year to accommodate the public. On September 11, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. a Fiestas Patrias celebration will be held on the outdoor stage east of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church (OLG) at 1120 52nd with local bands including traditional Mariachi groups and Folk lorico dancers. Their headliner, "La Fiebre" will begin at 7 p.m. There will also be food from OLG church groups, lots of games and activities and will also be raffling a 2022 Ford Maverick, $20 tickets. The general event is free.
El Grito honors the legacy of Mexico’s declaration of independence from Spain while sharing the history of independence from 19 other Latin American countries. There will be music and food, along with ‘El Grito’ to end the evening. ¡Comience el Mes de la Herencia Hispana\Latinx con El Grito!
Fiestas Patrias Events to be held Sept. 11th, 15th, & 17th
Thehopedborder,wardwereGuadalajaraoccupiedbutthenpushednorthtowardtheU.S.wheretheytofindrefuge.Spanisharmycaught up with Hidalgo in the state of Jalisco and con victed him of treason. He was executed by firing squad in Chihuahua in 1811, and his head was put on public display in Guanajuato for 10 years.
La noche del 15 de septiembre del 1810 pasó a la historia como uno de los acontec imientos más signifi cativos para el país de Mexico, ya que en esa fecha tuvo lugar el “Grito de In dependencia”, hecho protagonizado por el Padre de la Patria, don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla en la po blación de Dolores, Guanajuato. Hidalgo, como muchos otros mexicanos, adoptó los ideales independentistas que des de 1809 se extendían por el país a través de grupos liberales. Uno de éstos, el de Queré taro, encabezado por el corregidor Miguel Domínguez y su esposa, Josefa Ortiz, contaba a Hidalgo entre sus integrantes desde el año de 1810. Varios oficiales del Regimiento de Dragones de la Reina, entre ellos Ignacio Al lende, Ignacio Aldama y Mariano Abasolo se unirían algún tiempo después a los conspira dores de Querétaro. Hidalgo se dedicó entonces a reclutar parti darios y a comprar o construir armamento. Sin embargo, a principios de septiembre de 1810, la conspiración de Querétaro fue descubierta por el Gobierno Virreinal. Allende había llegado a Dolores la noche del 14 de septiembre, pero tanto él como Hidalgo ignoraban las consecuencias de haber sido descubiertos. Para entonces, varios de los conspiradores habían sido aprehendidos, pero dona Josefa Ortiz, durante la noche del 15 en vió un mensaje al pueblo de Dolores, avisando a Hidalgo y los demás libertadores sobre el in minente peligro que corrían. Sin esperas más tiempo, Hidalgo marchó a la cárcel de Dolores y puso en libertad a los presos, a quienes dotó con armas de la policía y el Regimiento de la Reina. Durante la madru gada, Hidalgo tocó la campana de la iglesia para convocar al pueblo y al reunirse la mul titud en el atrio de la parroquia, pronunció la histórica arenga y al grito de “Viva la América y mueran los gachupines”, se lanzó a la lucha en pos de la independencia de México.
Texas Tech will hold their annual El Grito event Thursday, Sept. 15, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at Ur banovsky Park on the Texas Tech campus.

E n septiembre de 1968, el congreso autorizó al presidente Lyndon B. Johnson para proclamar la semana na cional del patrimonio hispano, que se observó durante la semana que incluía el 15 de septiembre y el 15 de septiembre. 16.
La observancia fue ampliada en 1988 por el congreso a una celebración de un mes de ribe.AméricadedecoenrastronesyebraAméricaañoefectivo15-Oct.(Septiembre.duración15),alsiguiente.cellaculturalastradiciodelosquesusraícesEspaña,MéxiylasnacioneshablahispanaAméricacentral,delsuryelcaSeptiembre.15fue elegido como punto de partida para la cel ebración, ya que es el aniversario de la independencia de cinco países latino americanos: Costa Rica, el Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua. Además, México y chile celebran sus días de independencia el 16 de septiem bre y el 16 de septiembre. 18, respectiva mente.ElGobierno de los Estados Unidos, al querer reconocer los logros de los ciu dadanos hispano-Americanos creados por el derecho público 90-498 la semana nacional de la herencia hispana el 17 de septiembre de 1968., la ley fue modi ficada posteriormente por la ley pública 100-402 ampliando el evento a Mes Na cional de la herencia hispana el 17 de agosto de 1988. Qué es un hispano? Vamos a empezar diciendo lo que no es. No es una identi ficación racial. El Hispano es más bien una identificación regional como decir " América del norte." qué es un hispano? Los hispanos vienen en todos los tama ños y formas. Hay Hispanos, árabes, asiáticos, indios, negros y blancos, así como brown. Lo que la mayoría de los estadounidenses perciben como brown es en reali dad una mezcla de in dio y blanco. Cuando los diasconlosespañolesexploradoresselasAméricas,nofamiliasconelloscomoloscolonosinglesescuandollegaronalosEstadosUnidos,losexploradoresespañoleseranensumayoríasoldadosysacerdotes,etc.Comoresultado,soldadosselasmujeresinqueencontraron en los países que que. El resultado fue una nueva identidad racial conocida como mestizos. Con el tiempo, los mestizos se se en la clase media y la población más grande.Laoficina del censo de los estados uni dos define el origen hispano como perso nas de origen hispano fueron identifica das por una pregunta que pidió que se auto el origen o la ascendencia de la per sona. Se pidió a los encuestados que se leccionar su origen (y el origen de otros miembros del hogar) de una "tarjeta flash" en la que se lista orígenes étnicos.
Celebra el mes de la herencia hispana
Las personas de origen hispano, en par ticular, eran aquellas que indicaron que su origen era mexicano, puertorriqueño, cubano, central o sudamericano, o algún otro origen hispano. Cabe señalar que las personas de origen hispano pueden ser de cualquier raza. (In English, p. 2)
Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. September/septiembre 2022, Vol. 16, Issue 9 Page 13 Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! ¡Feliz mes de la Herencia Hispana! YOUR VOTE IS YOUR VOICE! Last day to register to vote is Oct. 11, 2022. ¡TU VOTO CUENTA!
El último día para registrarse para votar es el 11 de octubre de 2022.

TERIA: First-generation students. CON TACT: Scholarship & Financial Aid Office, TTU, Box 45011, Lubbock, TX 79409 or TTU Health Sciences Center 3601 4th Street MS8310, Lubbock, TX 79409
L ubbock ISD’s Board of Trustees appointed Kristopher Zepeda to serve as the District 5 representative at this morning’s meeting. This is the first time in the history of Lubbock ISD to have two Hispanics serving on the board of
Break through To Nursing Scholarships For Ethnic Apply online at Education & Scholarship Updates Latino Lubbock Magazine Proudly Advocates for Education/La revista latina Lubbock aboga por la educación YOUR LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED MOVIE EXPERT IN TOWN TEXAS TECH CORPORATE SPONSOR 806-791-7643 6002 Slide Rd.-Unit Q Lubbock ISD announced its policy for providing free and reduced-
Congratulations from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
FALLEN HEROES FUND Scholar ship to assist with educational expenses of dependent survivors of service men and women and first responders who have died on active duty since September 11, 2001. Dependent survivors would include spouse, sons, and daughters (biological, adopted or step children). The scholarships are available as supplements to financial aid and survivor educational benefits. The applicant may be registered as a full or parttime student. Use the following link to SID_6007?SA=SNA& JOHN T. MONTFORD SCHOL ARSHIP This scholarship fund was es tablished through contributions to the 2001 Hero’s Luncheon honoring former State Senator and Texas Tech University Chan cellor John Montford. ELIGIBILITY: Stu dents at Texas Tech University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (one award per school) SELECTION CRI
CHARLES A. & GRACE GUY SCHOLARSHIP for Students majoring in Journalism Office of the Dean, School of Mass Communications P.O. Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409-3082
LOS HERMANOS FAMILIA LOCAL UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP is now open for 14 scholarships. The application will close on Friday, Sep tember 30, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. These scholarships are designed to assist young men currently attending Wayland Baptist University, Lubbock Christian University, or South Plains College and to encourage retention. For more details and to apply go to:
SCHOLARSHIP INFO ONLINE - This website claims to be the most complete source of local, na tional, and college-specific scholarships on the net. It lists thousands of scholarships. When you sign up, you can get email up dates when new scholarships become available. Good and free resource.
• Get them the resources they need. You don't have to be an ex pert in all subjects to help your kids with homework. However, you need to make sure they have the tools they need to succeed. If you need expert help, you can al ways take them to the library or help them with their search online.
COLLEGENET A convenient, speedy site which searches scholarships from categories such as ACT and SAT scores, GPA, etc. Apply online at: www.collegenet. com
COLLEGE BOARD Fund Finder is an online tool to help you locate scholar ships, internships, grants, and loans that match your education level, talents, and background. Apply online at:
4 digits of the Social Security number of the adult household member who signs the application or, if the adult does not have a social security number, they check a another box for. The signature attest ing that the information provided is 0717.pleasewouldstudent’sChavezableApplicationscorrect.areavailat2010CesarE.Drive,oryourcampus.Ifyoulikemoreinfocall(806)219-Applicationsmay also be verified by the school officials at any time during the school year. For more info visit MealInfo
How to Help Your Kids with their Homework
There are many things you can do to help your kids start the school year on the right track, like replacing an old backpack or get ting them the school supplies they need. But there's something more meaningful you can do that may not cost money: help them with their Studentshomework.whodo their homework consistently tend to have better grades. It's not always easy to get them to do their homework, espe cially after a busy day, but these tips can help: • Talk to your children about their homework. It's important that your kids understand why it's important to do their homework and the positive impact it has on grades. Homework helps them practice what they've learned as well as prepare them for upcom ing classes. Plus, by doing their homework they develop the dis cipline and skills they need to be successful throughout their school •years.Talk to the teachers. Different teachers might expect different things from parents, so be sure to talk to them to figure out your •role.Select a fixed time to do home work. The best time to do home work is the one that works best for your child and you. It can be before or after playing, watching television or dinner time. What's important is that homework time is consistent. Avoid leaving it for the end of the day, when your child is tired and sleepy.
Page 14
• Pick a quiet area and eliminate distractions. To help your children focus on homework, pick a place in the house where there's plenty of light and no distractions. Make sure the TV is off and put away electronic devices, unless they're essential to doing homework.
summer.2024.unexpiredremainderpopulationChavez,thesimultaneouslytrusteeswithotherbeingLalaDistrict1representative.LISDoverallHispanicstudentisabout62%.ZepedawillservetheofScotMayfield’stermthroughMayMayfieldresignedthis Education/ Educación
LISD Offering Free and Reduced Price Meal Info
(En español
Zepeda to Fill LISD Dist. 5 Board Trustee Vacancy ¡Celebrate, celebra!Hispanic Heritage Month,mes de la Herencia HispanaSept. 15 to Oct. 15 OUR OBJECTIVE “Strengthening Families, Building Community” Join our efforts and become a member today. ScholarshipsNowOpen!
NATIONAL STUDENT NURSES' ASSOCIATION, Inc. (NSNA) price meals for children served under the attached current income eligibil ity guidelines. Each school/site or the cen tral office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by anyone onAnrequest.application must be completed to deter mine the eligibility. An adult in the household must fill out free and re duced-price meal application that will need the following information: Names of all household members. Amount, frequency, and source of current in come for each household member. Last
In addition to more than 15 years of experience as a pharmacist in differing areas, Zepeda has been involved in a variety of professional and civic organizations. He also served on the Lubbock ISD Foundation for Excellence board for nine years, including two years as president. Zepeda’s wife Ivy is employed by Lubbock ISD and they have three children: Lubbock ISD students Sawyer and John Beck, and future Lubbock ISD student Grace.

CELEBRANDO LATINX HERITAGE MONTH: MEXICAN FOLK ART MIRRORS FAMILY CRAFT Celebrando Hispanic Heritage Month at Lubbock Pub lic Library! Lubbock Public Library honors the rich heritage and immense contributions the Latin Community has made to U.S. cul ture and society. During this art workshop, receive step-by-step instructions art, dis cuss the brief history of the importance of the mirror within Mesoamerican cultures. Free kits will be available while supplies last. This is an all ages event. FREE. 09/15/2022 4 to 5:30 p.m. at Mahon Library, 1306 9th St. NUTRITION FOR SUPER HERO HEALTH Learn to eat healthy like a su perhero with Natural Grocers Nutritional Health Coach Lauriena Cruz! This even is for children of all ages! FREE. Sept. 17, 2022 1 to 2 p.m. at Godeke Branch Library, 5034 Frankford Ave.
LABOR DAY HOLIDAY no classes for Lubbock ISD, Cooper ISD, Frenship ISD on Monday, Sept., 5, 2022 in observance of Labor Day.
Blaise Martinez - is the new youth Writer for a Teen's View. She is a 10th grader at Lubbock High School. She aspires to attend Stanford University, major in computer sci ence, and pursue a career in computer sci ence and app development. Welcome from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
FRANKIE THE FISH: Los Hermanos Familia celebrated Frankie the Fish's 5th Birthday at the 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event. A Foam Finale was held that included a visit from the Bigfoot Foam Parties mascot! Families took time to pose with the two an play in the foam. The mascot is playfully named after Frank Garcia, co-chair, whose father inspired the annual fishing event. To learn more about him or the origination of the story visit (Photo by Amaris Garcia/LLM)
· Review your fall courses and get to know your class syllabus.
Although Baltimore may be more humid and populous than Lub bock, I look forward to making many contributions to science and taking the next steps to becoming a doctor!
It is holdportunityhaveprivilegekins.JohnsscholaradatingandexcitingbothintimitoberesearchatHopItisatotheoptointer views with doctors in medicine, biomedical engineering, and on cology, however, I am fearful that I may not exceed expectations. Nevertheless, I will not allow fear to paralyze me; I will continue do ing my best each day, remembering that hard work largely involves pa tience and consistency. During my undergraduate years, I became fascinated with neurologi cal disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease. It’s intriguing to study how the vast array of connections in the brain allows for memory, personality, behavior, movement, and other aspects that define hu manity. I hope to find a research project that allows me to find so lutions for diseases that affect the brain. Interestingly, I interviewed a doctor who studies blood vessels in the back of the eye and their link to dementia - this really is the place for pioneering research!
LUBBOCK ISD COMMUNITY SAFETY MEETING School safety is on everyone’s mind after this spring’s trage dy in Uvalde, and Lubbock ISD is more vigi lant than ever when it comes to our safety and security standards. Please attend the Lubbock ISD Community Safety Meeting on Thursday, September 1 at 6 p.m. in the Estacado High School cafeteria. All parents, guardians and community members are in vited to attend. They'll provide more oppor tunities for parents and guardians to not only learn about school safety practices, but also be equipped with information about keeping your children safe inside and outside of the school building.
GOLF FORE EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP RECEPTION: The KOC Council 11807 members took time to pose with their scholarship recipients. The scholar ships were raised during their annual golf tournament. Congratulations!
· Keep seeking and applying for scholarships.
LATINO MEDICAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION: To help address issues of diabetes, skin cancer, general health issues, student members of the Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) answered questions and myths about these issues impact ing the Hispanic community at the 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event. The students are bilingual and are able to communicate in Spanish and English. Great job LMSA from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
Bailee Alonzo - is a graduate from Texas Tech, aspiring to become a doctor. She shares her journey as she continue her col lege journey.
STUDENT HOLIDAY - Lubbock Inde pendent School District Professional Devel opment Day is Sept. 26, 2022. OPEN FITNESS Avoid the unpredict able weather of high winds and too hot temperatures. Use our fitness equipment to get fit! Treadmill, bikes and more! Ages 13+ (13-16 yrs. needs guardian) 3 p.m., M-F at the Trejo Center. Free. Youth Opportunities
about getting ready for the stress of homework, athletics, and much more, which can get overwhelming quickly. To keep my head straight, I must remember to focus on my mental health. Participating in something healthy and something I enjoy helps me to refocus. For ex ample, last year, during one partic ular week, when I had tests lined up every day, I was literally stressed out. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t smile, and all I could think about was my testing outcome. Break time, it is! I decided to take a break every day after school and go on a walk with my dog, Andi, which always cheers me up. This walk helped to counteract those feelings of stress and anxiety for me. Before you start to get sweaty palms and nervous thoughts, remember to take time for yourself and your pet if applicable.
BILINGUAL STORYTIME at Mahon Library will include stories, songs, rhymes and fun for children of all ages and their parents or caregivers. Storytime will be presented in Spanish and English. Cuentos, canciones, rimas y diversión para niños de todas las edades y sus padres o sus cuida dores. Este programa se presenta en espa ñol e inglés. FREE/gratis. Ages 0-7. Sept. 10, 2022, 11 am – 11:30 am.
· Set some goals for the new school year.
W scurryingmysession,alreadyWithanxiousnervousschool,returnexcitedI’mhiletotoIamandtoo.schoolinmindis
Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. September/septiembre 2022, Vol. 16, Issue 9 Page 15 Youth/Juventud
· Remember, the early bird gets the worm.

Anniversary Chris & Dee Mungia, 27th as of Sept. 2 Anniversary Ezequiel Sr. & Lori Savedra, 30th as of Sept. 26, 1992
Blessings on your birthday! September 24th! We love you!
De acuerdo con la Comisión Federal de Comercio, “El robo de identidad es uno de los crímenes con mayor crecimiento en el país.” El robo de identidad es usar el nombre o el número de seguridad social de alguien sin su permiso. Si alguien roba su identidad, estos pueden ser algunos de los delitos que pueden cometer: robar el dinero de su cuenta de banco, sacar créditos a su nombre, presentar declaraciones de impuestos y reclamar el reembolso de las mismas, además de poder cobrar los estímulos fiscales a su nombre. También pueden utilizar sus servicios financieros en línea y cambiar los accesos. Le sugiero que siga los siguientes pasos para minimizar el riesgo de robo de identidad: proteja su información, destruya los documentos que contengan su número de seguridad social o número de cuenta de banco, no comparta su número de seguridad social con familiares o amigos, cambie frecuentemente las contraseñas de sus cuentas bancarias en línea y por último revise su puntaje de crédito regularmente. Si ha sido una víctima de robo de identidad, repórtelo a la Comisión Federal de Comercio en (En español, p. 8)
Reducing Stress in Family Members of Individuals with Dementia Texas Tech University Psychological Science faculty member, Jonathan Singer, PhD, and TTUHSC Garrison Institute on Aging invite you to take part in a research study aiming to improve quality of life for family members of individuals with dementia.
Reduzca el Riesgo de Robo de Identidad
Garrison Institute on Aging
COUNCIL OF THE YEAR - POWER OF 3: A local League of United Lat in American Citizens council, Council #22423 – Power of 3- Unity, Community & Equality, was awarded National Council of the Year by the national president, Do mingo Garcia, at the organization’s national convention hosted in Puerto Rico this year. Council #22423 was established Aug. 4, 2021, and after one year of serving the Lubbock Latinx, Hispanic community, was recognized at the 2022 Texas LULAC state convention as State of Texas LULAC Council of the Year, prior to it receiving national recognition. Council #22423 is also a Rainbow Council which means that it also focuses efforts into progressing the civil rights and voices of the LGBTQIA+ community in Lubbock through means of support and fundraising for the commu nity.
Frank Garcia
Eligibility criteria: Family members of individuals with Dementia in Lubbock County. Contact: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Garrison Institute on Aging at 806.743.7821 or email Dr. Jonathan Singer at for additional information.
Editor's Note: Rosario Montez Smith grew up en un rancho in Levelland, and enjoys sharing her memories of living in rural West Texas.
En Aquellos Días… Cuando empezábamos la escuela, llevábamos un cuaderno de papel, un lápiz y una pluma. Mis papaces gastaban menos de $10 para los de la escuela secundaria y menos para los de primaria escuela. Mis ami gas me dicen que gastaron $150 o más porque le dieron una lista de todo lo que tenia que llevar su hijo. ¿Porque será eso? Nosotros teníamos que sumar cuentas a mano usando un lápiz y papel y con la ca beza. Ahora ponen todo en la computa dora. Los niños empiezan la escuela a los 4 años de edad en Pre-K, luego Kindergarten y se siguen llendo otros doce años. Muchos escuelantes empiezan a tomar clases de colegio cuando entran a la escuela se cundaria. De modo que cuando salen de la escuela secundaria, ya tienen suficientes horas que pueden con tar y pueden acabar el colegio en unos 2 meses. Tengo un sobrinito que si marco mal el numero de mi teléfono, luego se lo presto a él y le sabe como prenderlo y mirar sus cortunes. A veces las otras sobrini tas me ordenan cosas. Estos niños son el futuro.
Anniversary Raymond & Mary Ann Rodriguez, 53rd as of Sept. 6, 1969 Anniversary Gregorio & Louisa Arriaga, 50th as of Sept. 29, 1972
Anniversary, birthday, or spe cial occasion photos may be submitted online by the 18th of each month, along with payment at www.lati nolubbock. net/specialtyads. THE FEE IS $25. Please submit photo, name, number of years, and wedding date. Call (806)792-1212 for more info, or email us at
Page 16 Read us online at Anniversary/Wedding/Quinceañera/Birthday Announcements ¡Felicidades! Congratulations!

L os Hermanos Familia will hold the 2nd Annual Hispanic Heri tage Month Concert on Saturday, October 8, 2022, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. The outdoor concert will take place at the LHUCA Plaza located at 511 Ave K. The public is urged to bring their chairs. The event will showcase area musi cians and performers; food vendors including a brewery; have a mercado where artists and vendors will sell products; showcase the flags from various Latino American countries as well as offer cultural understand ing, celebrate Hispanic culture, and more!The event is sponsored by Reliant NRG, Magic 106.5, and Latino Lub bock Magazine. If you are interested in becoming a vendor, performing, volunteering, or showcasing your car – please contact us immediately as limited space will beForavailable.more info visit,www.losheror(806)792-1212.
Hispanic Heritage Month Concert
Free Outdoor Event For the Community - Oct. 8th
“Moonchildremixesyoungfanselenaandoldbecameexcitedwhenherfamilyannouncedanewupcomingalbumti Mixes” and dropped a new track as part of the an nouncement.Thenewsingle was remixed using old vinyl records and modern technology. The track ‘Como Te Quiero Yo A Ti’ was Hispano written by an original member of the Selena y Los Dinos band. Moonchild Mixes will include this track and 12 others that have been remixed and remastered. The album was released on Au gust 26th, 2022. While some expected an en tirely new song, it is a well-done remix.Since Selena’s tragic murder 27 years ago her family has been hard at work keeping the late Queen of Tejano music’s legacy alive and thriving. In 1997 a bi opic movie titled “Selena” was released which helped catapult the career of Jennifer Lopez to superstardom. In 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pan demic the show “Selena: The Series” became the #1 show on streaming service Netflix. Moonchild Mixes is not the first Selena music released by her family since the singer’s passing. When the album drops next month it will be the 24th posthumous music release by her family and estate. The estate has released boxed sets, compilation and greatest hits collections, live albums, remixes, and soundtrack albums of her music averaging about one release every 13.5 months.Many Selena fans believe the world was robbed of a great mu sical talent when the singer was murdered by her deranged exmanager at only the age of 23. And, while it has been 27 years since her passing, much like de voted Elvis fans, Selena fans get incredibly excited when some thing new or related to the artist gets released.
New Selena Music Released
LOS HERMANOS FAMILIA COMPLETES FISHING EVENT: Some of the members and volunteers of Los Hermanos Familia (LHF) took the time to pose after the 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event. LHF is committed to strengthening families, and building community and uses the event to build awareness about their organization. The 15th Annual event will be held on Saturday, August 5, 2023. Make sure to save the date, or join as a volunteer. For more information about LHF, visit or call (806)792-1212.
BEAM SIGNING: UMC Health System hosted a Sign the Beam event in honor of the new UMC Health & Wellness Hospital located at 11109 Slide Road. The event included speakers sharing about the future of healthcare at this location, followed by UMC Staff and Lubbock officials signing one of the beams that was added to the building structure.
Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. September/septiembre 2022, Vol. 16, Issue 9 Page 17 S
86thhonor7,SeptemberSaturday,BashBirthdayBuddy’stheirterHollyBuddyheCenwillhostannualon2022,inofhisbirth day. The Center will be open free of charge, with events scheduled throughout the day. Since opening in 1999, the Buddy Holly Center has worked to preserve the legacy of Buddy BHC to Host Buddy’s Birthday Bash Holly’s very short, but impactful musical career. In just 18 months, Buddy’s new and unique style of music helped define rock-and-roll and influ enced artists such as Bob Dylan, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton and Elton John. In 1986, Rolling Stone Maga zine ranked him as number 13 on its list of “100 Greatest Artists.” On his 75th birthday, Buddy was honored with a star on the Hol lywood Walk of Fame. Today, the Buddy Holly Cen ter receives visitors from all 50 states and 33 foreign countries. The celebration will include: September 7th at 180 Cricket's Ave., Open 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Free Admission All Day. The Allison House will be open 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. Screenings of The Real Buddy Holly Story throughout the day. A Curator Tour of the Gallery at 2 p.m. Children’s activities will take place from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Buddy's Birthday Bash Recep tion will include birthday cup cakes & punch till it lasts. Fol lowed by a concert showcasing Eddy Weir and Company in the Meadows Courtyard from 3 to 4:30Therep.m.will be food trucks, a cash bar. The event is free admission.

me - I get it! But we must practice honoring all. 3. We've been hurt by some in authority - An impor tant part of building a culture of honor is choos ing not to hold things against people or think condemning thoughts toward them. Instead, we genuinely care. We are called to submit to one another in honor. Here is what Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.” (Philippi ans 2:3) Honor can be hard but it’s right. Joshua Ramirez is the Campus Pastor of the Lubbock Dream Cen ter and has been in ministry for 32 years.
BIBLE STUDY AT OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH Father Piña’s Bible Study in Eng lish will be held on Wednesdays, at 7 pm. at 1120 52nd St. - as long as covid numbers are down. El Estudio Bíblico en Español con Emilio Abeyta estará los Miércoles, a las 7pm. YOUTH BIBLE STUDY at Our Lady of Grace, every Wednesday and Friday, 5:30 pm - 7 pm, at Buxkemper Hall, 3111 Erskine St.
Hispana Baptist Church
JAMAICA EVENTS: September 4 - Sacred Heart Church, Little field, 12 - 6 pm, 1309 W 8th St September 10 - Brownfield, Saint Anthony Church, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. September 11 - Lubbock, Our Lady of Gua dalupe Church, 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. PCLS RETREATCATECHISTAND on October 1, 2022, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mercy Center Slaton. More information to come.
Forward in Chris Ephesians 6:1-9, the Bible teaches us that honoring each other or giving honor should be a high priority in our lives. It’s not always easy to honor those whom we deem not worthy of honor. Let me give you three reasons why I be lieve honoring others can be a challenge. 1. It's engraved in us – It’s in our human nature. We have this innate ability to look past others to see ourselves. Me first! I deserve to be noticed, honored, or respected. As children, we just knew this. (MINE)! 2. We have our preferences - People who look like us, talk like us, act like us, or same age as us. We are just more com fortable with the people we connect with. It makes sense and believe
ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL YEAR: Members of the Knights of Columbus of St. Elizabeth's Church took time to pose at the 10th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event. They are a member association of Los Hermanos Familia and are valued volunteers. Get¡Vacunarse!vaccinated!
“For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give youWevictory.”areinthe process of redefining our min istry, focusing on com municating to our com munity that Jesus is the answer. We also decid ed to invest money that only God can provide. We’ve launched an ag gressive and expensive remolding of our church sanctuary. Don’t think you have scarcely any money knowing we have a “RICH FATHER”!Trialsinlife will be better be cause they give us the opportunity to refocus, regroup and reestab lish.Psalm 65:5 “You answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness, O God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthestAdelante!seas.”
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER FOR JANIE: Catholic Charities congratulated their 2022 Night to Remember-Casino Royale Gala raffle winner - Janie Martinez. She bought ONE ticket - but it was the WINNING ticket!
THE BIG 90: Happy Birthday Father Bob of St. Elizabeth's Church! May God bless you always! Thank you for all you do for all the families at St. Elizabeth (Photo by Margie Aguirre Aguilar)
Page 18 Latino Lubbock Magazine is a Christian owned business Church Bulletins
: Pastor Ed Sena and volunteers from Grace Church were handing out free snow cones on a very hot evening for FREE at 4302 34th St! They be lieve that kindness matters - it truly does! THANK YOU from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Octo ber 7th-9th, at Mercy Retreat Center605 S 19th St, Slaton, TX. This re treat is for Engaged Couples that are planning to get married in 2022, 2023 or 2024. Deadline to register is Sept 22nd. For information: 792-3943 ext 221 or RETREAT “SINNERS, SAINTS, MYSTICS & PROPHETS” Join us as we learn how the lives of Sinners, Saints, Mystics and Prophets teach us how God intervened in their lives and how it changed them. Encounter God and be transformed. Only in God will you !nd the truth and happiness your searching for. October 27th-30th at Mercy Retreat Center in Slaton. For more information call 806 828-6428 or orwww.MercyRC.comgetaregistration form from the church office.
Refocusing & Regrouping Pastor Joe Lopez, of Hispana Baptist Church, 111 E. 82nd Street in Lubbock shares his vision to refocus, then move Godward.Inthelast couple of years COVID, followed by inflation, has made life difficult. Families and churches have suf fered a great financial loss, which has impacted their ways of life. It’s demoralizing and people felt a sense of hopeless ness. But never forget that we have a God who loves us, sustains us, and knows our situation. Knowing Him and knowing His Word is our hope! He guarantees us that “all will be well with our soul”. Psalm 119:116 “Sustain me ac cording to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed”.Asachurch, we seized the op portunity to make a statement to our adversary; Deuteronomy 20:4
DIVINE MERCY Chaplet online PRAY THE ROSARY ONLINE at https://www. cathe tion/resources/ UNDERSTANDING THE SCRIPTURES online at https:// THE BIBLE ONLINE www.catho EWTN https://www.ewtn LATINO LUBBOCK MAGAZINE ON STANDS ON LINE
Faith & Religion - Fe y religion

Convertirse en padres es el acon tecimiento principal que impulsa a las personas a obtener una cobe rtura de seguro (37 %); sin em bargo, solo el 51 % de los padres tienen pólizas de seguro de vida individual fuera del trabajo.
UMC VOLUNTEERS: This was the first year for the UMC Volunteers to participate in the 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event and they had a blast!
Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. September/septiembre 2022, Vol. 16, Issue 9 Page 19
Es un excelente momento para conversar sobre este aspecto importante del plan financiero general de la familia. Asegúrese de que el establecimiento de obje tivos y la idea de un futuro finan ciero sólido sean parte de la charla. Un seguro de vida puede ayudarle a usted y su familia a alcanzar los sueños y objetivos de su lista de deseos familiares, incluso cuando se enfrentan situaciones difíciles.
• Curva de conocimiento - El 78 % de los estadounidenses consid eran que, al menos, tienen algo de conocimiento sobre seguros de vida. Sin embargo, uno de cada cinco (22 %) siente que no tiene conocimiento sobre seguros de vida•Más que beneficios por falleci miento - El 44 % de los estadoun idenses creen que "solo se puede acceder a los beneficios del seguro de vida cuando muere la persona asegurada". Sin embargo, muchas pólizas ofrecen beneficios mien tras el titular de la póliza se en cuentra con vida. Se puede acceder a estos "beneficios en vida" para pagar gastos de la universidad, la jubilación o gastos de emergen cia elegibles (esto puede reducir el beneficio por fallecimiento o el valor en efectivo).
Los padres cuentan - El 45 % de los estadounidenses supo del se guro de vida gracias a un familiar.
Las mujeres mencionaron como su fuente principal de información con más frecuencia a sus madres (21 %), mientras que los hombres mencionaron a sus padres (22 %).
THE BAIT SHOP: Los Hermanos Familia takes pride in caring for its participants. One way is by offering bait at the annual fishing event for those who forget their special bait.
GUADALUPANOS OF OUR LADY OF GRACE: The men's club from Our Lady of Grace prepared the beverages for the annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fish ing" event as they have since its' inception. They strive to make sure everyone stays hydrated. Thanks, dear friends!
KOC VOLUNTEERS: Members of the Knights of Columbus of San Jose Council #11807 prepared the fishing poles equipment for the 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event. During the event, KOC councils are urged to bring their families to join the event and observe Knights of Columbus Family Week. Register online at www.
This is a great time to have conversations about this important aspect of a family's overall finan cial plan. Life insurance can help you and your family realize the dreams and goals on your bucket list even when faced with challenging cir cumstances. Did you know?
• Life insurance conversation uncom fortable - When it comes to life's most important topics, higher percentages of parents feel comfortable talking with their children about drugs and alcohol (55 percent), religion (53 percent) and poli tics (44 percent) than discussing life insur ance (38 percent), family finances (36 percent) or sex/pu berty (30 percent).
Parents count - 45 percent of Ameri learned about life insurance from a fam ily member. Daughters were most likely to name their moms (21 percent) as their top source for first learning about life insurance, while sons are most likely to list their dads (22 percent). Becoming a par ent is the number one life event that prompts indi viduals to obtain life insurance coverage (37 percent), however just 51 percent of parents have individual life insurance policies outside of work.
• More than death benefits - Forty-four percent of Americans believe that "life insurance benefits are only accessible when an insured family member passes away." However, many policies offer benefits while a policyholder is still alive. These "liv ing benefits" can be accessed for qualified college, retirement and emergency expenses (this may reduce the death benefit and cash value).
• La conversación sobre el seguro de vida es incómoda - Cuando se trata de los temas más importantes de la vida, es mayor el porcentaje de padres que se sienten cómodos hablando con sus hijos sobre dro gas y alcohol (55 %), religión (53 %) y política (44 %) que el porcen taje relacionado con charlas sobre seguros de vida (38 %), finanzas familiares (36 %) o sexo/pubertad (30 %).
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month
Knowledge Curve - Seventy-eight percent of Americans consider them selves at least somewhat knowledge able about life insurance. However, one in five (22 percent) feel they are not at all knowledgeable about life in surance.
El mes de la concienciación del seguro de vida es septiembre
• Most families budget for vacations/cell phones be fore life insurance - More than 7 in 10 parents con sider life insurance to be im portant (71 percent) and over three-fourths say it plays a role financial plan (78 cent), yet only 59 percent of parents would be likely to adjust their bud get to purchase life insurance. A greater percentage of parents would be willing to ad just their budget to afford cable TV (76 percent), a family vacation (69 percent), or a cell phone and service for each family member (62 per cent), compared to life insurance.
¿Sabía usted?
La mayoría de las familias crean presupuestos para vacaciones/telé fonos celulares antes que para el seguro de vida - Más de 7 de cada 10 padres consideran que el se guro de vida es importante (71 %) y más de tres cuartos afirman que cumple un papel importante en sus planes financieros generales (78 %); sin embargo, solo el 59 % de los padres modificarían sus pre supuestos para adquirir un seguro de vida. Un porcentaje mayor de padres estarían dispuestos a modi ficar sus presupuestos para poder pagar televisión por cable (76 %),
vacaciones familiares (69 %) o planes y teléfonos celulares para cada miembro de la familia (62 %), comparado con el seguro de vida.

On September 11, 2001, ter rorists attacked the Unites States. They hijacked four air planes in mid-flight. The terrorists flew two of the planes into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact caused the buildings to catch fire and collapse. Another plane de stroyed part of the Pentagon (the U.S. military headquar ters) in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Penn sylvania. Officials believe that the ter rorists on that plane intended to destroy either the White House or the U.S. Capitol. Passengers on the plane fought the terrorists and prevented them from reaching their goal. In all, nearly 3,000 peo ple were killed in the 9/11 attacks. A total of 19 terrorists hijacked the four planes on 9/11. All of the men were from nations in the Middle East. They belonged to a terrorist group called Al Qaeda (ahl KAYdah), led by Osama bin Laden. Al Qaeda practices an extreme ver sion of the religion of Islam. The group is intensely opposed to the United States and other Western, democratic nations. They are espe cially against the military presence of these countries in Arab nations.
Thank Police Officer Day
September 17, 2022 ational Thank a Police Officer Day is Sept. 17, 2022. This day was started as a way for the country to to take a moment on Sept. 16th to show appreciation through small acts of gratitude. If you are a teacher or parent, have the children write a short note thanking the police or in vite one of them to speak to your class sometime. If you have a business display sign, honor them with a “Thank You.” On any given day, the smallest ges ture of a “thank you” is what any police officer appreciates the most.
Page 20 Email your news and info to by the 18th before the preceding month DATES TO REMEMBER · Sept. is National Suicide Pre vention Month · National Service Dog Month · Air Force (USAF) Birthday - Sept. 18 · Air National Guard Birthday - Sept. 18 · National POW/MIA Recognition Day3rd Friday in Sept. · Gold Star Mother’s Day - Last Sunday in VFWSept.Day - Sept. 29 AMERICAN VETERAN TRAVELING TRIBUTE TRAVELING VIETNAM MEMORIAL at Texas Tech University Memorial Circle, Sept. 21 at 1 pm – Sept. 25 at 4 pm. PURPLE HEART SOUTH PLAINS OF TEXAS CHAPTER MEETINGS 3rd Saturday at 110 a.m., at American Legion, 6628 66th St, in Lubbock. For more info call Steve Oien at (707) 592-4598. VETERAN SUICIDE HOTLINE If you know someone is actively considering suicide, call the veterans' suicide hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255. It's a service rendered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. DISABILITY.GOV This U.S. federal government website gives information on disability programs and services. Veteran & ConnectionMilitary Teléfonos de interés para los veteranos SUICIDE & CRISIS LINE 9-8-8 U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs 806-792-9782Lubbock806-472-3420VetCenteror877-927-83872-1-1InformationandReferralInformaciónyreferenciaLatinoLubbockMagazine806-792-1212 Important Numbers Veteran & First Responder Affairs 806-762-2121 Mitch Wright auto sales Bad Credit? No Credit? No Problem! • On the Spot Financing • Buy Here Pay Here • Pro Credit Financial Services • Low Down PaymentEasy Terms • Warranties Available • CARS • TRUCKS • SUVs Great Selection of Late Model Quality Vehicles 323-B N. University Ave.,Lubbock, (806)762-2121Texas
where he was hiding in Pakistan. The U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003. Then President George W. Bush and other U.S. leaders believed that the country’s dictator, Sad dam Hussein, was hiding terrible weapons that could be given to ter rorists. Hussein was captured and later put to death by an Iraqi court. No weapons of mass destruction wereFollowingfound. 9/11, the U.S. gov ernment took many steps to try to make the country safer. Let us not forget.
9/11: Let Us Not Forget
Join the 2nd Annual 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride
The stunning aftermath of September 11, 2001, was heartbreaking. A stifling, toxic cloud hung over the collapsed twin towers of the World Trade Center for days, as well as the world. Brave first responders searched vigilantly for any sign of life. Now, 21 years later, Lubbock, TX is once again joining the nation to remember the victims of that dark day. Hundreds of people will be memorializing 9/11 in a special way with the Second Annual 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride. A memorial service will be held Sunday, September 11 at the Lubbock Regional Public Safety Memorial, 6601 Quaker Ave. Various agencies will be setting up tables with resources and a display of the Twin Towers made by Ruben Hernandez will be on site. A prayer service will be held at 9:28 a.m., when the last tower fell, with the official ceremony starting at 1 p.m., and 2 p.m. kick stands up. The riders will pass in front of 12 fire stations through out Lubbock as a reminder of the heroism and dedication of those who sacrificed their lives. The ride will end at about 3:20 p.m., with a BBQ and fellowship. Among those riding are various members of the Lubbock Patriot Guard Riders, Veterans of Wars Motorcycle Club, United Valor Motorcycle Club, Zephyr Riders, Christian Motorcycle Associa tion, La Placa Motorcycle Club, and various veteran organiza tions will be on-site to answer questions.Theride is free to all who wish to participate, and donations are being accepted. All funds raised will benefit local volunteer first responders who are injured or killed in the line of duty. For more information, please contact Leighton Lowell at llow or call (432) 258-2891.
Since the group’s creation by bin Laden in the late 1980s, Al Qaeda has helped coordinate and fund numerous bombings worldwide. In October 2001, the U.S. and its allies invaded Afghanistan, where Al Qaeda was based. The extreme Islamic group that ran
FAMILIA IS EVERYTHING: Los Carnales La Familia members took time to pose at the 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event. They served snow cones to kids, and are a member association of Los Hermanos Familia and are valued vol unteers.

Al tomar algunas acciones sim ples, puedes hacer que tu familia sea más segura.
C HCL proudis to welcome Dr. Beatriz G. Ortega, DDS to its dental team at DentalDoctorreceivedfromoriginallyDr.CHCL.Ortega,Peru,herofSci ence (DDS) degree from The University of Texas Health Sci ence Center at San Antonio in San Antonio, Texas. She cur rently holds an undergraduate degree in Biology from Prai rie View A&M University. Dr. Ortega is a proud member of the American Dental Association and The Texas Academy of Gen eralSheDentistry.isdedicated to providing quality dental care to every pa tient. Although Dr. Ortega loves many facets of dentistry, she most enjoys getting to know her patients. To her, personalized patient care is essential as she provides them with the indi vidualized care they need. Dr. Ortega has been bilingual her entire life and has treated many Spanish-speaking pa tients. All of them were very grateful to have a provider with whom they could com municate freely about their dental health.
El mes de la concienciación del seguro de vida September is National Pre paredness Month (NPM). It is a time to prepare yourself and those in your care for emergen cies and disasters. Police, fire and rescue may not always be able to reach you quickly in an emergency or disaster. As such, the most im portant step you can take in help ing your local responders is being able to take care of yourself and those in your care. Be prepared and plan in the event you must go for three days without electricity, water service, access to a supermarket, or local services for several days. Follow these four steps:Stay Informed: Information is available from federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial resources. Access to learn what to do before, during, and after an emergency.MakeaPlan: Discuss, agree on, and document an emergency plan with those in your care. For sample plans, see Work to gether with neighbors, colleagues, and others to build community re silience.Builda Kit: Keep enough emer gency supplies - water, nonperish able food, first aid, prescriptions, flashlight, and battery-powered radio on hand - for you and those in your care. Get Involved: There are many ways to get involved especially be fore a disaster occurs. The whole community can participate in pro grams and activities to make their families, homes and places of wor ship safer from risks and threats. Community leaders agree that the formula for ensuring a safer homeland consists of volunteers, a trained and informed public, and increased support of emergency response agencies during disasters. By taking a few simple actions, you can make your family safer. Septiembre es el mes de pre paración nacional (Preven ción). Es un momento para pre pararse a ti mismo y a los que están en tu cuidado para emergencias y desastres. La Policía, el fuego y el rescate pueden no ser siempre ca paces de llegar rápidamente en una emergencia o desastre. Como tal, el paso más importante que puedes tomar para ayudar a tus agentes locales es ser capaz de cuidar de ti mismo y de los que están a tu cui dado.Estar preparado y planificar en caso de que usted debe ir durante tres días sin electricidad, servicio de agua, acceso a un supermercado, o servicios locales durante varios días. Siga estos cuatro pasos: Mantente informado: se dispone de información de los recursos federales, estatales, locales, tribales yAccesoterritoriales.listo. Gov para aprender qué hacer antes, durante, y después de una Haceremergencia.unplan:discutir, acordar y documentar un plan de emergen cia con los que estén a su cuidado.
Participa: hay muchas formas de participar especialmente antes de que ocurra un desastre. Toda la co munidad puede participar en pro gramas y actividades para que sus familias, hogares y lugares de culto sean más seguros frente a los ries gos y las amenazas. Los dirigentes de la comunidad están de acuerdo en que la fórmula para garantizar una seguridad interior más segura consiste en voluntarios, un público formado e informado, y un mayor apoyo de los organismos de respu esta ante situaciones de emergencia durante los desastres.
CHCL is also excited to welcome Shawn Walker, MD a new Pedia trician to their team. Dr. Walker graduated from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galves ton, Texas in 2018 and completed his residency training in pediat rics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkan sas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas in 2022. Dr. Walker discovered his pas sion helpinghopescinesuewouldvicemilitaryafterdecidedCorps.MarineingwhilemedicineforservintheHehisserthathepurmediintheofthepeople of West Texas. While doing missionary work in Peru he discovered that he en joyed helping children with their healthcare needs. Dr. Walker was born and raised in Amarillo, Texas and is excited to start his practice as a pediatri cian at the Community Health Center of Lubbock and to serve the communities in West Texas. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Ortega for dental care, or Dr. Walker at the Main Clinic for pe diatric medical care by phone or online.
September is Call for an appointment (806) 765-2611 Or Register online
Para los planes de muestra, ver lista. Gobernador. Trabajar junto con vecinos, colegas y otros para aumentar la capacidad de recuper ación de la comunidad. Construir un kit: mantener sufici entes suministros de emergenciaagua, comida no, primeros auxilios, recetas, linterna, y una radio ali mentada con batería a mano - para usted y los que están en su cuidado.
CHCL Welcomes Doctors Ortega and Walker
Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine All Rights reserved. September/septiembre 2022, Vol. 16, Issue 9 Page 21 Home/casa Neighborhood News & ResourcesNORTHSOCIATIONNEIGHBORHOODLUBBOCKASNorth Lubbock Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting Thursday Sept. 15th, 5:30 p.m. at Maggie Trejo Su percenter. Presentation by Elections Office on Voting Machines and Paper Ballots NLNA Elections of officers HEART OF LUBBOCK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION MEETING meeting are the 2nd Monday of each month, 7 pm, at the Hope Shalom, 2005 Ave. T. 2-1-1 NON-EMERGENCY QUESTIONS 2-1-1 is a free help line answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which will link you to health and community services. NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood at news_feed/ 3-1-1 CITIZENS CALL CENTER provides citizens with direct access to Non-Emergency City Services. NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood DO YOU HAVE A STORY? NEWS? Submit your story online at www.latinolubbock. net/have-a-story For more info call (806)7921212.Teléfonos de interés para la tercera edad AARP: 888-687-2277 Social Security: 800-772-1213 Medicare: 800-633-4227 TX Area Agency on LatinoInformationInformation800-252-9240Aging:2-1-1andReferralInformaciónyreferencia3-1-1andReferralInformaciónyreferencia4-1-1VotingInformationInformacióndevotaciónLubbockMagazine(806) Important Numbers for Senior Citizens

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Janie Hernandez Davila entered into eternal rest on August 18, 2022. She was born June 20, 1935 to Frank and Mary (Benavidez) Hernandez in Cuero, TX. She married Frank Davila on Decem ber 25, 1954, in San Ygnacio, Texas. Janie enjoyed life to the fullest. She enjoyed exercising, traveling, and spending time with her family. Janie, a homemaker, made sure that their home was always well kept and ready to welcome anyone that entered. Survivors include her husband, Frank Davila; their sons, Gilbert Davila, and Daniel (Irene) Davila; grand children, Dawn Helphand, Kevin Herrera, Jesse Davila, Isamari Davila, Ron Koneski, Rhonda Koneski, Rose Koneski; greatgrandchildren, Abigail Koneski, and Em alynn Koneski; brother, Frank Hernandez; and sisters, Solia Robles, Gloria DeLeon, Delores Lara, Amelia Cantu. She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers, Manuel, Henry, and Tom Hernan dez; and a sister, Francis Ruiz.
Joel Apollo Narbaez, Jr. "Narby", 34, of Lub bock, passed away August 6, 2022. He was born February 28, 1988 in Lubbock , TX to Joel Apollo Nar baez, Sr. and Jeanie Arredondo. He gradu ated from Lubbock High School in 2006; Joel then enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 2008, serving until 2014 with the rank of MASN; he received his Bachelors Degree from Texas Tech Uni versity. His last career was as a Forensic Screening Specialist for Star Care; he was also an entrepreneur establishing the company Fun and Done with his son, Noah, which he will continue to operate.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ~ Psalm 23:4 NOTE: American Flag displays that the individ ual was a veteran.
Our beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and great grandmoth er was like that spring garden. We miss you! Te amamos, Tu familia y amigos
Submit Memorials online at
In Memory ofAngelita Martinez 8/2/38-9/25/19
Joe Rangel Marin was born February 2, 1947 in Seguin, TX to Manuel and Maria Marin and passed from this life on August 20, 2022 at the age of 75 in Lubbock, TX. He is survived by his sons Jaime Marin and Dean Marin (Robin); his daughter Anna Marin; his brothers Manuel Marin, Jr. (Becky), Ricky Marin (Rosa), Lorenzo Marin (Cruz), and Tony Marin (Georgia); his sisters Gloria Gatica (Paul), Olga Martinez (Arturo), and Veronica Rodriguez (Tim); 32 grandchil dren and 24 great-grandchildren.
Erinda Garnica ,75, passed from this life on August 17, 2022. She was born May 15, 1947 in Mathis, TX to Francisco and Guadalupe Gutierrez. She shared 30 years with her spouse Noe Hernandez. She was employed at Lubbock ISD Food Services and was a member of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church. Linda is survived by her spouse Noe Her nandez; her children Ruben and Elena Cavazos, Jeanette Trevino, Joe Garnica, JoAnn Garnica and Mike Tole, Jennifer G. and Martin Diaz; her 9 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her parents, her brothers Joe Gutierrez, David Gutierrez, Luis Gutierrez, her sister Ramona Romo and her grand son Joe Garnica, Jr.
~ Matthew 5:4 Ernesto Mon talvo Cantu was born October 12, 1934 in San Antonio, Texas and passed from this life August 12, 2022 at the age of 87. He was born into a migrant farm working fam ily where his parents Sotero and Ysabel Cantu taught their chil dren the value of hard work and determina tion. Ernesto worked 35 years for the City of Lubbock until he retired in 1996. He then began a second career at Wayland Baptist University where he worked 19 years until retirement. Ernesto also owned and oper ated Cantu's Grill alongside his beloved wife and family. He was a patient man with a gentle spirit. He will be remembered as a wonderful father, grandfather and survived by his loving wife Reyes B. Cantu; his daughter Rebecca Cantu and her children Manuel Gutierrez (Amber) and Gabrielle Tobin (Manuel); his daughter Rosanna Cantu Rodgers (Bruce) and their children Joseph Rosales (Sade) and Celeste Bowman (Nick); his daughter Rachel's children Ricky Mojica (April), Ray Mojica (Evie), and Becky Martinez (Rex); his son Ernest Cantu and his children Issac Cantu, Ernie Cantu, Katie Cantu (Ricardo), and Aaron Cantu (Jeremy); and countless other family members and friends. Ernesto was a twin and was the last surviving mem ber of his family. He is preceded in death by his parents, brothers, sisters, and his daughter Rachel. Ernestina Car rera Armenta, 87, passed peacefully surrounded by family to be with our Lord on August 5, 2022. She was born on October 9, 1934 to Herculano Carrera and Josefa Melendez. She mar ried Ignacio Armenta Sr. on January 28, 1954. She was the heart and soul of not only her family but the Guadalupe "El Bar rio" neighborhood. She was an active pa rishioner of St. Joseph's Catholic Church where she served as a Guadalupana for over 60 years. She spent countless hours cooking meals after masses and for wed dings and funerals. She ran the kitchen and fajita booth for Jamaicas and was involved with helping the Guadalupe Neighborhood ThoseAssociation.leftto cherish her memory are her daughters: Irma, Margaret, Mary and Sara. Her sons: Ignacio Jr., Raymond (Gloria), Joe and Lupe. Her siblings: Elva Carrera, Adan Carrera and Pedro Carrera. She was also blessed with 28 grandchildren, 42 great grandchildren and 4 great great Shegrandchildren.waspreceded in death by her husband Ignacio Sr. and her daughters Yolanda Tor rez and Martha Lucero.
Joel Apollo married Yessica Hernandez on December 18, 2019.
Maria EscobedoRaquel , 90, lovingly called “Tita” walked through the gates of heaven into the loving arms of her Savior on Tuesday, August 16, 2022. She was born in Olmito, Texas on June 9, 1932 to Virginia and Jose Gonzalez. She mar ried Leoncio Quintero Escobedo on Octo ber Raquel3,1948.was a loving mother. She was an active member of Pathway Assembly of God Church for over 60 years. Having a servant’s heart, Raquel was always ready to help as needed and wherever needed. Her doors were always open to anyone in search of a word of encouragement and prayer. As a self-made seamstress, there wasn’t a sewing project she wouldn’t tackle and complete, bringing joy to those who admired and trusted her talent. Those left to cherish her memory are her children; Raquel Velasquez (David), Juan Escobedo (Gloria), Irasema Velasquez (Andy), Leticia Cuellar, Sara -Charlie Campbell (Darrin), Sandra Turner (Roy), Esther Pena (Moses), her siblings; Andres Gonzalez and Raul Gonzalez; and 22 grandchildren, 60 great grandchildren, and 3 great great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, Virginia and Jose, her husband, Leoncio, her sister, Concepcion Olvera, and her brothers, Abel and Ruben Gonzalez.
God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Antonia dezVelasquezHerreraVal, 80, passed from this life on August 18, 2022. She was born May 10, 1942 in Ben Arnold, TX to Antonio and Ignacia Herrera Velasquez. She mar ried Victor Garza Val dez on August 22, 1964 at St. Joseph's Catholic Church and they shared 57 years together. She dedicated her days to her family. She was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. Elizabeth Catho lic Church. She loved watching EWTN, praying the rosary, reciting Divine Mercy Chaplet and Mother Angelica. Antonia is survived by her husband Victor Garza Valdez, her daughter Vickie V. Narbaez (Ramiro Trevino), her only grandson Nick Narbaez, her brothers Leon H. Velasquez (Sylvia), Paul H. Velasquez (Norma), her sisters Angelina V. Torres, Augie V. Martin (Jim), Judy Garza (Bob), Rebecca V. Sera, and several nieces, nephews and cousins. She is preceded in death by her parents, a son Rene V. Valdez, her brothers Mike H. Velasquez, Louis H. Velasquez, and Ernest H. Velasquez, and a nephew Michael An gelo Sera.
Loved ones include wife, Yessica Nar baez; parents, Joel Apollo Narbaez, Sr. and Jeanie Arredondo; son, Noah Tristan Narbaez; daughter, December Roan Nar baez and brother Noel Apollo Narbaez, and nieces Tytiana, Nomi, Aria, and Tailynn.
In Loving Memory of Genoveva “Beva” Castro Perez Sept. 17, 2004 YouBeva,are still thought of, missed and remembered. Seeing your smile even in photos brings us joy.
John 6:66
Timoteo Lara, 86, of Lubbock, passed away on August 24th after a courageous battle with cancer. He was born on April 12, 1936 in Falfurrias, Texas. He was the son of Gua dalupe and Margarita Lara. He was the hus band of Paula Arocha Lara. They were married on April 25, 1955 in Wharton, Tex as and shared 67 years together. Timoteo enjoyed the company of friends and family and his outgoing personality allowed many to share in his laughter and community. He retired from Lamar Advertising of Lubbock as a construction billboard installer. He was a long time member of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church. He is survived by his wife Paula; children Rosey Lara, Jane Cruz, Steve Lara and daughter-in-law Olga Lara; seven grandchildren; and 14 greatgrandchildren. He was the beloved brother of siblings Aurora DeAses, Estella Gonza lez, Guadalupe Lara, Jr., Maria Mora, and Anita Morin. He was preceded in death by sons Jose Luis Lara, David Lara, and Rojelio Lara, Sr.; parents Guadalupe and Margarita Lara; siblings Noe Lara, Raquel Moreno, Ruben Lara; sons-in-law Guada lupe Cruz and Edward Gonzales.
Mary Irene Men doza, 70, of Lubbock, passed away August 2, 2022. She was born April 8, 1952 in Slaton, TX to Juan DeLeon and Rafelea DeLeon. Irene married the love of her life Theodore Mendoza in 2000. Irene worked at Frito Lay in Lubbock in the mid-1980s in quality control department. She was known for her cooking especially making and selling her tamales. She was her happiest when she was able to host and cook for her family. She leaves behind one daughter Veronica Robles (Troy) of Lubbock, TX; 2 grand daughters Jade Meza (John Paul Sanchez) of Lubbock, TX and Tsai Robles of Lub bock, TX; sisters Lousia Luna of Wichita Falls, TX, Julia Cristain of Lubbock, TX, Lydia Garcia of Phoenix, AZ and Sue Her nandez (Albert) of Lubbock, TX; brothers John De Leon (Jane) of Lubbock, TX, Sam De Leon of Lubbock, TX, and Domingo De Leon of Lubbock, TX; and a host of many nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by husband The odore Mendoza of Lubbock, father Juan DeLeon, mother Rafelea DeLeon; brothers Blas De Leon of Lubbock, TX, Guadalupe De Leon of Albuquerque, NM; sister Mary Martinez of Floydada, TX; and Nephew Ja cob De Leon of Houston, TX.
September Prayer
Awesome God, I confess openly that I cannot begin to understand all the complexities of your will and the way you work in our world. But Father, when I'm confused, please bring peo ple into my life who will help me hang on to my faith until the confusion passes. Never let me give up on oth ers. And today, dear Father, please use me to help bless someone who is struggling with his or her faith. In Je sus' name, I ask it. Amen. "From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him." ~

parade? Fill in the blanks. _ r _ e _, wh _ _ _ and r_ _
ThePicGalloLet'sGetReady for
Meet Pico the bilingual gallo (rooster). loves school, he likes to read, play outside and discover ways to have fun and make friends. Pico is getting ready forHispanic Heritage Month September 15th to October 15th! is learning about culture, and preparing for a fiesta!
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Read a book titled In My Family by Carmen Lomas Garza Hispanic Heritage Month! prepare for the Grito, go to a fiesta, read a book, and learn about culture! in the middle of the in the Mexican flag the one’s Pico is carrying in the Can you shout a Grito like Pico?
flag? Circle one of the following answers. What colors are
“Grito de Dolores” (“Cry of Dolores”) was the battle cry of the Mexican War of In dependence, uttered on September 15, 1810 by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a Roman Catho lic priest from the small town of Dolores, near Guanajuato. On the eve of September 16th.
Color the Mexican flag Do you know what kind of bird is