Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2017 M2 JOURNAL - FLATNESS vs PROJECTION Jade Lavana Hsu
(Student number: 916583) Emmaneul Alexander Cohen (Studio 1)
Question 1: What is Pictorial Space according to Le Corbusier?
According to Le Corbusier’s words, ‘ Pictorial space is that which cannot be entered or circulated through. It is irremediably space viewed from a distance, and is therefore eternally resigned to frontality.’ Pictorial space is about viewing flat pictures that cannot be entered which can only be seen from the front. Also, the distance gives the illusion of the depth from the viewing point.
Question 2: The Flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attributable to two properties. What are they? And what are these pitted against? The flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attibuted to the two properties which are the extention and mariage de contour. They are pitted against to represent texture and contrast by using black and white. Pure extension focuses on shape and line with the creation of the frontality and flatness. The second property, mariage de contour, creates a coherent sense of fluidity between the depicted objects.
The back and the front Mario world draft
The outline was drawed by 0.2 fineliner at 45 degree angle with the cut edge with 0.4 fineliner.
READING: AXONOMETRIC PROJECTION: NEW GEOMETRIES AND OLD ORIGINS Question 1: Explain the difference between Pictoral (in this case perspectival) space and Projection? Pictoral space records what currently exists and it is a single point of view while the projection is the process or technique of relicating an object on a plane or curved surface or a line by projecting its points. Perspective space creates a closed, limited area with the appearence of a vanishing point. It is created by how we visualise the image from a certain point. On the other hand, projection has parallel lines so the vanishing point is positioned at infinity, which render space more extensive and open. Therefore, it makes the image look different from what we would see with our naked eyes.
Question 2: Where did Axonometric projection first arise, and why? Axonometric projection first arose in the ancient visual practices and under this condition, the earliest systemetic description of axonometric projection occured in military context, where they were used to describe “three-dimentional trajectories of artillery projectiles�. Artists of the 20th century desired to experiment with the capacity of the traditional rt of deprecationg the world and re-imagine art as a way to portray new worlds.The Its relatively new concopt of mapping real measurements of what was to come, instead of perspective drawing, boosted the rise of popularity of the axonometric projection.
From the flatness to the projection, I added the top surface of the water and the base with the texture of the sand. I combined the two Mario world by drawing a wooden bridge and added some characters with interaction. The highlight and the shadow were drawed for the sense of three dimension. The gradient in the Illustrator was very useful for me to render the colour of the water and the base. I adjusted the lighter colour of the objects from the origional Mario world because the origional images were too dark.
The tools for drawing the Mario world including T-square, masking tape, set square(45 degree), pencils and fineliners.
Combined the first and the second Mario world with adding some characters.
The drawing process 9