Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Jade Lavana Hsu
916583 Siavash Malek | Studio 18
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)
The three fundamental types of fabrication techniques that Kolerevic described are subtractive, additive and formative. The subtractive fabrication involves the removal of certain volume of material from solid object using multi-axis miling process. fabrication involves incremental forming of the object by adding material in a layer by layer fashion, using machines such as 3D printers. Finally, formative fabrication applies mechanical forces, restricting forms, heat or steam to reshape materials into desired forms. Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) fabrication has a great potential with parametric modeling to create a variety of iterations, which data can be computerized and transferred directly into machine’s computer to produce the end product. As the model is able to be manipulated easily by editing the script, this allows for a faster production and prototyping before the final model finishes.
Week Three
Surface Creation
Within a fixed 150*150mm bounding box, the formation of the surface was created by using Grasshopper to customise and refine designs through finding a variety of edges in the box and changing the components and vectors. As seen in the four images above, the idea is to explore a continuous, organic and dynamic form by creating ruled surfaces which enable to develop a series of curved surfaces, and also consider the connection and the in-between space of the two surfaces. I found that there was a number of limitatio n by only selecting the outline edges of the box as the base. Therefore, I tried to twist the surface (second image) and play with different curved surfaces (3rd & 4th images). The final dicision is the last one as it comes out with a sense of streamline and interesting openings in both sides, which I think it has the potential to de-
Week Four Panels & Waffle
3D panels were choosed for both sides of the surfaces by using tilted pyramid and hexagon pattern. By adding Weaverbird picture frame, there are openings in every sides of the pyramid panels that gives a tranparancy to look through. Also, the point attractor allows me to play with the direction of the panels, which make the panels could follow the flow of the structure surfaces.
Whist creating the waffle structure, a fish-like boundary surface surprisingly came out, which indicates a presentaiton of fish movement that gives a of dynamic. Within the waffle, I desided to have a hexagon tunnal with spiral strip cutting through the structure panels which create a tilted second waffle by looking inside from horizontal line.
Whist hexagonal pattern gives a total different experience from the pyramid panel side, it has the flexibility to reflect ligh t into a variety of angles and create interesting shadow.
Week Four
Laser Cutting 1
Objects share the same line to avoid laser cut for twice for saving time and money
Image beside shows the unroll template for waffle structure and panels to laser cut after finishing the modelling in Rhino and Grasshopper. Need to be careful of the layers in the laser cut file which seperate the cut lines and etch lines otherwise the tabs may be cut out.
1 3
1 4
Number is labelled for all the objects to assmeble the physical modell easier later on.
1 6
1 7
Waffle structure cut on 1mm Mountboard 10
Unrolled panels cut on 290GSM Ivory card
Week Five
Through trying a variety of booleam pattern, I found that the deformed hexagonal cone, which is the most simplest pattern that I have, workes the best to define porosity and also had the interesting intersection cut between the objects. By exploring different attractors including curve and point, I stick to the point attractor which could adjust the distribution of the pattern in the scale and form that I am satisfied with. To achieve 25% of the cube volume, I cut the booleamed box into a triangular prism, which is 1/8 of the box, that not obtained the origin form of the box but also introduce varied spaces in other sides.
Week Five
In the selection of which pattern to explore, the spatial qualities and structure intersection are the points to focus on. The aim for this shape is to highlight the perforations to create spaces and thresholds. The varied sizes of the booleaned pattern highlights the concept of private and public spaces that people may use, such as the wrapped areas that may indicates a message of individual space while the larger area could be seen as a gathering space. From the other side, a total different substraction relates to the control of light which refers to the porosity and permeability in this task. The light illuminates the internal spaces which exploring interaction between the internal and external. It also postulates the flexibilities and possibilities of circulation and transitions through space that define threshold or in-between spaces.
Week Six Task 01
1.4 (79,-181,150)
(119,-84,150) (141,75,150)
(0,0,0) (27,75,150)
(119,-84,0) (0,-150,0)
(0,0,0) {Index Selection}
(0,0,0) {Index Selection}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Index Selection}
(150,28,0) (0,0,0)
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
Task 01 Matrix Considering the ideas of task one, I started with the surface iterations to explore the concept of internal and external spaces. Regarding my decision of the surface, I choosed curve to develop my key concept of my design, which aim to achieve a dynamic and streamline formation. By adding pyramid and hexagonal panels on the surfaces with sprial structure inside the waffle, the light and shadow can be generated into interesting effects which also intriguing relationships in panels’ display of openings in geometry. Moreover, the threshold is defined by the internal spaces and the perforations of panels that how they correlate to the function of the pavilion.
Week Six Task 02
Grid ManipulationO
(77,136,0) (92,132,39)
(39,2,100) {Curve Attractor}
{Curve Attractor}
{Curve Attractor}
{Cruve Attractor}
bject DistributionS
(44,154,170) (92,54,123) (-138,22,-5)
(114,131,135) (-17,82,0) (131,30,40)
{Curve Attractor}
{Panel experimentation}
{Panel experimentation}
{Curve Attractor}
{Point Attractor}
hape Transformation
{Attractor Point Location}
{Scale experimentation}
{Final Boolean Result }
Task 02 Matrix The idea of task 2 is to try different attractors to varied grid manipulation for distributing the centroid of the shape to boolean with. The shape transformation varied from the attractors that can be scaled from small to big from one corner to another.
Week Six
Final Isometric Views
Task 1 Process
Five surface iterations by using Grasshopper exploring twisted, intersected and curved surfaces.
Five pairs of panel iterations including 2D and 3D panelling.
Preview of assembling panels with the waffle structure and creating the spiral tunnal.
Appendix Task 2 Process
Trying different scale and distribution . Creating own breps to use as the boolean objects.
Cutting in a variety of agles and section.
Photos of the hexagonal panels to show the reflection of light and shadow.
Photo of the waffle structure
Photos of the top view. Looking the spiral structure within the hexagon tunnal which stands as the pavilion focal point.
Appendix Process
Light and Shadow of the physical model
View from the horizontal.
Playing with the light inside the waffle structure by puting an electrical candle that generate a tender light from the centre of the spiral structure.
Different panels from two sides give a variation of effect which convey different experience from each side.
Photo of 3D model in task 2. Captured from the external of the model, shows the welcoming entrances.
Photo of 3D model in task 2. View from the internal side of the model, demonstrates varied sizes of the spaces and the intersections between the trim objects.