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The World's Premier Legal Job Aggregation Service Job opening research, job opening reporting, technological innovation Headquartered in Pasadena, California, with offices throughout the world, LawCrossing locates and classifies jobs on every source it can find and provides its highly specialized research to job seekers, recruiters and other job sites throughout North America. LawCrossing is the world leader in "pure" monitoring and reporting of legal jobs, through its active and growing research into all legal employers throughout the world. We take no money from employers or advertisers so our research results remain "pure" and uninfluenced by employers and advertisers.
John Moxey
Srujan Manyam
Kelly Johnson
Shaun Bernard
Murray Simon
Roksolana Ivakhiv
Mario Alberto Gómez V
Melissa Sherbinow
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Alexander Rekeda
Priya Bhambi
Aziel Nunez
Gerry Falletta
Patrick Walsh CEO
Larry T Brakefield
David Bovino
Angela Killian
Omar Diaz Newark
Corey Alldredge
Aaron Khieu