Things Cooks Know ST R AT E G I E S, T E C H N I Q U E S, A N D T I P S O N S P R I N G T I M E C O O K I N G & C L E A N I N G — F RO M T H E R E A L S I M P L E T E ST K I TC H E N TO YO U R S By Grace Elkus
Clean, Then Cook Empty your fridge, freezer, and pantry. Toss anything moldy or freezer-burned. Start cooking with nearly empty packaged goods and perishable items on their last legs. A few ideas:
The Best Tools for Spring Veggies
PANTRY-PURGE PUPPY CHOW: Place 8 cups rice cereal or corn cereal in a large bowl. Melt 1 cups chocolate chips with cup nut butter and 1 Tbsp. butter. Pour over cereal and toss to coat. Add powdered sugar, toss, and let cool. Mix with nuts, pretzels, and mini marshmallows.
FINE-MESH STRAINER Briefly cook peas, fava beans, and snap peas in boiling salted water, then transfer to a fine-mesh strainer set inside a bowl of ice water. You’ll lift out the blanched veggies with ease (no fishing them out from the cold water). You can also use the strainer to wash uncooked grains: A rinse can help prevent quinoa from tasting bitter and remove residue from grains like farro.
FRIDGE-CLEAN QUESADILL A : Top a flour tortilla with cheese, leftover cooked veggies, lastday lunch meat, and the like. Cover with a second tortilla. Cook in oil in a large skillet, flipping once, until golden and crispy on both sides. Serve with sour cream, salsa, hot sauce, or other condiments. FREEZER-FINDS SHRIMP STIR-FRY: Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high. Add frozen shrimp; cook until opaque, then remove. Add ginger, garlic, and frozen veggies to skillet; cook until tender. Add shrimp and soy sauce; toss. Serve over rice with sriracha.
How to Deep-Clean Your Dish Towels Towels, like sponges, often harbor microorganisms. To avoid cross-contamination and help keep bacteria at bay, reserve one towel for wiping the counter and one for drying your hands—and wash your hands often. Dry towels completely between uses. Wash towels every two or three days in hot water and avoid fabric softener, which reduces absorbency. Soak extra-stinky towels in equal parts distilled white vinegar and water before washing.
SAL AD SPINNER This is the most effective tool for washing and drying spring greens, herbs, and sandy leeks. Dressing clings better to drier leaves.
For more ways to use up bits and pieces, go to
Photograph by Caitlin Bensel
F O O D S T Y L I N G B Y A N N A H A M P T O N ; P R O P S T Y L I N G B Y K AY C L A R K E
Y-SHAPED PEELER Great for peeling asparagus stems and broccoli stalks, transforming carrots into ribbons, shaving hunks of Parmesan, and creating strips of lemon zest for cocktails or garnishes.