Rethinking Ohrid. Urban renewal of a shrinking city

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Rethinking Ohrid

Author Ivo Lazaroski 10659190

Supervisor Prof. Christian Martin Gänshirt

A.A. 2022/2023

Laurea Magistrale in Architecture and Urban Design - AUD Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni - AUIC Politecnico di Milano

Milan-Ohrid 2022-2024





01.1 Historical unfolding of the built realm: Timeline of urban references, stories, planning and cadastral maps

01.1.1 Birth & life on the hill : Antiquity to Ottoman Via Egnatia: The road introducing Lychnidos on the European map since antiquity Short overview on Roman, Byzantine & Middle ages

01.1.2 Birth of life outside the hill: Ottoman times XIV-XX c. Urban expansion & initial settlements on the field Description of the city by Evliya Çelebi as visited in 1670 Urosevic’s proposal of historical urban development: fortification - hill - field expansions The Chinar Square on a historical crossroad & chinar trees as urban references

01.1.3 Initial planning trials: Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1912-1945 Cadastral map from 1936: Organic & spontaneous rays expanding around the old hill Ohrid’s frst Urban plan from 1937: Georgi Kovaljevski and his pre-modern language of planning

01.1.4 Rough cuts through organic tissue: Socialist Yugoslavia 1945-1991 Regulatory plan from 1948 by Vlado Antolic: A Harbinger for later years’ planning Cadastral map 1976: Housing boom, industry, tourism & new aesthetics General Plan 1976: New network on top of the historical urban structure

01.1.5 Filling the gaps & densifying: Contemporary Macedonia 1991-2024 Cadastral map 2022: Densifying within the blocks & Planned (non) realisations General plan 2002-2012: Border expansion, street network remnants & no reusage Transport center shifts through the years

01.2 Comparative overview & interpretation: Historical & contemporary morphology

01.2.1 Cadastral maps overview: 1936, 1976, 2020. Historical morphology In-between cadastral maps

01.2.2 In between Plans & Cadastres: 1936; 1948; 1976; 2002, 2022

01.2.3 Contemporary urban elements Structural street network Urban blocks typologies Block typologies in areas of interest

22 24 44 78 96 132 162 164 188 198 28 38 46 50 60 70 84 92 100 112 120 138 144 150 166 178 200 202 204 10 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS

02.1 Problem Setting: Shrinkage & seasonal fuctuation

02.1.1 Diagram of problem setting: questions, aim and proposal

02.1.2 Urban Shrinkage From urbanisation to decline Industry: promise and leftovers (North edge) From tourism to seasonal fuctuation (East shore)

02.2 General urban design approach references Plecnikova Ljubljana: Urbanity in cities Luigi Snozzi in Monte Carasso: In search of centrality References on the concept of temporary use


03.1 Ohrid Backstage: A secondary center for the city

03.1.1 The new pole within the city Mixed-use, developing fragments on a crossroad

03.1.2 ‘RASADNIK Free Zone’ Identity & properties Proposal Concept of Temporary Reuse: Landuse possibilities References on Glass-house structures reuse

03.1.3 ZELEZNIČKA Commercial District Identity & properties Proposal Reference on “Central Business Districts” Reference on Space branding in ex-industrial blocks

03.1.4 KASARNA Campus & Park Identity & properties Proposal Reference on the European tradition of small university cities

03.1.5 OHRID BACKSTAGE The masterplan Connections within fragments: a pedestrian-centric approach

03.2 Promenade 7th of November: In-between centers

03.2.1 Street experience Historical meaning and the neighbourhood community Contemporary meaning, students and tourist experience

03.2.2 Street interventions Trafc plan: new regime Fragments & tresholds between centers: street & experience design To the front stage



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List of illustrations

La tesi esamina lo sviluppo urbano della città lacustre di Ohrid. Inizia dalla morfogenesi storica di quest’ultima, che è stata abitata da varie civiltà nel corso della storia (illirica, ellenica, romana, bizantina ed altre) prima di diventare parte della Jugoslavia socialista, a seguito della Seconda guerra mondiale. Durante quest’ultimo periodo è stata caratterizzata da una signifcativa crescita industriale e demografca, nonché dal riconoscimento del suo patrimonio naturale e culturale da parte dell’UNESCO, diventando di interesse turistico. A partire dall’indipendenza del paese nel 1991, processi come la deindustrializzazione, la privatizzazione e la centralizzazione hanno portato alla contrazione demografca e alla futtuazione stagionale.

Lo studio ofre politiche, linee guida e progetti volti a migliorare le condizioni urbane e ad invertirne il declino. La proposta sta nella creazione di un centro urbano secondario, “Ohrid Backstage”, che ripropone strutture abbandonate (spazi industriali, militari, verdi), in contrasto con il centro storico ed interessate dai processi di trasformazione sopra menzionati; introduce inoltre nuove attività per diversi gruppi di utenti, ofrendo opportunità di sperimentazione, impresa e tempo libero. L’idea è quella di afrontare il vuoto stagionale durante l’inverno proponendo al contempo un’immagine urbana più rappresentativa anche attraverso il collegamento tra i due centri, l’antica via 7 Novembre è ridisegnata a tale scopo e con l’obiettivo di migliorare la sicurezza dei pedoni e dei ciclisti. L’esperienza turistica risulta inoltre più ricca per mezzo di un piacevole percorso all’interno di una rete di spazi pubblici che si svelano alla narrazione, conducendo verso il centro storico.

Parole chiave: contrazione urbana; eredità postindustriale; turismo; fluttuazione stagionale; riuso temporaneo e adattivo.

The thesis examines the urban development of the city of Ohrid, situated beside a lake of the same name. It initially explores the historical morphogenesis of the city, which has been inhabited by various civilisations throughout history, including Illyrian, Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine, and others, before becoming part of socialist Yugoslavia post-World War II. This era was characterized by signifcant industrial and population growth, as well as recognition of its natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO leading to interest in tourism. Following the country’s independence in 1991, processes such as deindustrialization, privatization, and centralization led to urban shrinkage and seasonal fuctuation.

The thesis proposes policies, guidelines, and urban designs aimed at improving urban conditions and reversing the decline. It suggests establishing a secondary urban center, “Ohrid Backstage,” in contrast to the historical center, by repurposing abandoned structures (industrial, military, green spaces) afected by the aforementioned transformational processes. The proposal introduces new activities for diverse user groups, ofering opportunities for experimentation, business, and leisure. It seeks to address the seasonal emptiness during the winter while proposing a more representative urban image. The connection between the two centres via the ancient “7 November Street” is redesigned aiming to enhance pedestrian and cyclist safety and enrich the tourist experience by ofering a pleasant walk through a network of public spaces, presenting an unfolding narrative leading to the historic center.

Keywords: urban shrinkage; seasonal fuctuation; tourism; post-socialist inheritance; adaptive & temporary reuse.

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The work for this thesis starts with the interest to understand the urbanity and how things came out the way they are in Ohrid, my hometown. In the third semester of my studies in Architecture and Urban Design at Politecnico di Milano, winter semester 2021/2022, a course called “Research Thematic Seminar” was part of the curriculum, and my seminar section had the topic “The Global Architect”.

When presented with the task, I got the initial idea of trying to put Ohrid in a global framework, as a personal curiosity in order to understand it better and be able to observe it in a larger international context, and see where it leads me without any prejudices.

There I met prof. Christian Gänshirt to whom I am very grateful for later leading me through the full process. When I introduced him to the city and some initial parameters, one of his frst leads was to go into the concept of shrinking cities, recommending Phillip Oswalt’s works as initial research material, which later became the basic theory for the problem setting.

At the end of the seminar we were asked to propose a possible thesis topic. At the back of my mind I had Kasarna, a recently-opened ex-military barracks as a possible space of intervention, a space that awaits on some kind of spatial articulation, but also carries a large reusage potential.

Later, when synthesizing my research on the context, (historical & morphological unwinding, populational and economic indicators, tourism and seasonal fuctuation) all together with the theoretical framework (shrinking cities) I understood that the thesis is about strategies of coping with these trends, through the spatial inheritance left from the factors leading to shrinkage and fuctuation in the frst place. Part of that spatial inheritance is Kasarna, as well as an industrial block,transportation center, and a plant nursery area, all of which were active in the past century, and now are partly or fully idle or in a process of transformation. All together they form a conglomeration with distinct spatial features at the periphery of the city.

This thesis, aside from its theoretical dimension in a global architectual and urban domain, in a large part is an efort for historical documentation of the city on a local scale, which I found missing in the frst place. It was a process of personal learning about the city and the framework similar cities fnd themselves in. A lot of the ideas came in intuitively as a local, which I hope at the end made a logical whole.

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fg. 001 South-Eastern Europe, Macedonia & Ohrid Lake. Google earth 2022 fg. 002 Ohrid Lake region, Google earth 2022

Ohrid is a multi-layered city. A place where life from diferent epochs has been plastering over one another. Each epoch leaves its own traces, some of them respecting and some discarding its predecessors. In any case, the urban realm of the city was never isolated but with continious life for centuries.

The old city core on a hill, historically has been the place where life was happening and layering up. Ever since early antiquity, when Lychnidos found itself on the Roman road of Via Egnatia, connecting Rome to Byzantium; through the Byzantine and Middle ages as a center of Christianity and Slavic culture; all the way to the Ottoman period and its implications on the urbanity of the city, spreading the tissue to the feld; this has been a place that was always inhabited. To this day, Ohrid is still a living city, continuing to introduce new layers on top of the centuries old ones.

In that sense, the old hill is without a doubt the most important cultural and historical ensemble, a sum of plural human realisations of profane and sacred nature. Protected as an urban fragment of cultural and building world heritage in its entirety (by Unesco), it has been the topic of many works, looked at and researched, it is left as “the image of the city” in the eyes of everyone.

But what is the going on with the rest? Quantitatively speaking, the area of the hill represents around 8% of the urban fabric of the contemporary city. The contemporary life of the city in its entirety today is one of the interests for this work. It will try to elaborate the unfolding of the urban situation of Ohrid to contemporary times, along with the trends and problems.

Life on the feld, has been also known to exist in earlier eras even before its initial expansion from the early Ottoman period and extending ever since. For example, in calm times with no ongoing wars, the Romans are known to have taken the freedom and go out of the fortifed walls, as it can be testifed with the Roman Tomb found about 2 kilometers north of the hill, possibly along the route of Via Egnatia (fg. 016).

Nevertheless, the Ottoman era (1408-1912) is the frst period where we can fnd tangible and preserved architectural production on the feld fabric today. Mainly, the way of building in this period happened in a manner that the Macedonian/Christian houses would stay on the hill - densifed and mostly fortifed, whereas the Turkish houses would freely expand on the felds with larger plots and yards. Initially, this expansion happened in a manner

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fg. 003 Struga, Ohrid, mt Galicica and the East shore, Google earth 2022

of bordering the hill with rows of buildings forming the “charshiya” - typical Turkish commercial streets/ bazaar. These streets are touching the old hill from the east and north and act as mediators between the hill and the feld.

The frst conglomerations on the feld would initially emerge as a continuation down the directions of the charshiya streets (west-”Voska”, north-”Hadji-Durgut”) with dedicated mosques for each one accordingly, as well as along the lake shore, as the primary timeless attractor. (fg. 030) These 3 directions - the charshiya street (southnorth) ; the charshiya street (west-east) & the lake shore would intersect in what is today known as the main city square, as well as the chinar square, both hot-points to this day. From later years, in the late 18th century, and further away detached from the old hill, emerging as communal neighbourhoods are the Vlach Neighbouhoods. (fg. 031) We could also witness the further extension of multiple ray-like streets with their center in the hill.

If we take a look at the frst ofcil Cadastral Map from 1936(fg. 043), we can fnd the urban fabric with the above explained interventions. The rest of the feld city image was mainly formed with the introduction of urban planning and regulations in the second quarter of the 20th century, putting in perspective large urban cuts and strong axes, preparing for the upcoming urbanization. The city started to fll out with people with the migration from the villages to the city due to its industrialization. The population increase meant an increase of housing need, when the urban grain densely flled up the now predefned, already cut-out urban blocks and fragments.

Today, the question on a city scale is how will it develop. Will it continue densifying? Will it stop its urban expansion? If not, where will it grow? Does it utilize the two legs on the east shore as well as the leg west of the city, and have contacts with the lake? What about its northern periphery and the developing fragments of interest? The question is whether the introduction of a bus station on the north, as well as the reuse of ex-socialist blocks with industrial and military functions, mean a shift from the historical centers to a new contemporary center?

The shrinking & fuctuation trends the city is facing at the moment (fg. 149)(fg. 142) are problems that can be adressed through urbanism. The fragments on the north edge seen as a secondary city center, and the connection between the two centers is the proposal of this thesis. It unfolded as an open-eneded project, a general proposal on meta level for further designs to be developed in smaller scales. It tried to establish policies for possible development, giving concise action references for each fragment

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fg. 004 Ohrid, the northern valley & settlements, 2022 by author

fg. 005 Ohrid, Northern Valley, and Eastern Shore of the lake. (c) SSArch UACS 2018

intervention separately. It does not propose one single strict layout but rather presenting principles as guidelines.

The research methodology consisted of various procedures. A large part of it was archival research including consultation of all documents, cadastral maps and regulatory plans I was able to consult. Systemization in a timeline of the phases of urban development, vectorization (retracing), unifcation to allow for appropriate comparisons & their interpretative description. Historical photography collection from other studies or online. An addition to this was the further research for certain specifc urban elements that seemed important in the larger picture. Comparative studies in between cadastral maps, interpolations with each respective urban plan as well as with maps from diferent periods in order to understand the genesis of the urban form. Field research including daily observations of the activities going on the streets and areas of interest. Talking to people about their experiences. Photographic, human perspective, sateline and drone documentation and photo manipulation. Theoretical research regarding shrinking cities, contraction/fuctuation cities, turistic cities, their characteristics & strategies of coping with them. General design references for urban design approach mainly looking at Luigi Snozzi & Joze Plecnik. Specifc strategy references for the approach of each fragment separately, like the temporary reuse method; meaning of central business districts in cities; the european tradition of small university cities & their impact on the economy and life in cities. In addition to this, during my initial period we organized a communal research of local architects for the Kasarna area with a public presentation & exibition of the fndings at the end. (Arhrid 2021)

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Plan Built
fg. 131 Cadastral map 1936 superimposed on Plan 1936, by author
Plan Built
fg. 132 Cadastral map 1936 supoerimposed on Plan 1948, by author
Plan Built
fg. 133 Cadastral map 1976 superimposed on Plan 1976, by author
Plan Built
fg. 134 Cadastral map 2022 superimposed on GUP 2002, by author


The process of shrinkage of the city continues, who knows for how long. Struggles are present just like every other city. But Ohrid is an attractive city, and because of its properties it is here to stay and not to die. Its historical weight makes it defnetly worth to plan for prosperity. For the will of truth, youth barely sees any future here, in a peripheral and provinential environment with around 40k citizens and counting down. According to the current trend of populational and cultural shrinkage, it seems like tourism will soon be the only thing left for the city.

Going forward in the future the question whether we learn from the past or not seems to be crucial. Whether we continue to plan for growth or start taking shrinkage in consideration? Whether we are so rigid in planning approaches to be left with under-used areas for 20+ years? For how long a could a city cope with its harsh seasonal contractions? Could we then combat the its provinential look?

A starting point could be the acknowledgement of all these indicators and planning accordingly. But how can we know how will a city actually develop? How can we know the needs of people put in concise buildings? Can we dirigate their lives? Urban design in that sense is very rigid. Starting from there, the thesis is an unfnished “project for projects”, suggesting general guidelines on how to go on. The approach therefore tries not to be restrictive or limiting to a certain landuse, but rather informing the character of spaces and enabling the people to take fnal decisions for articulation in smaller scales.In the case of Ohrid, a backstage project is a team-player, a support to the frontstage as the real star of the show. It is an idea of exploatation of under-used spaces for the hopeful spring of a shrinking city.

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Домување како урбан фрагмент на примерот на Скопје
во раниот среден век
Фотографијата како историско сведоштво за градот Охрид во периодот 1913
1991 година
Архитектонско репроектирање на поранешната касарна “Mихаило Апостолски” во Охрид


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List of fgures

fg. 001 South-Eastern Europe, Macedonia & Ohrid Lake. Google earth 2022 fg. 002 Ohrid Lake region, Google earth 2022

fg. 003 Struga, Ohrid, mt Galicica and the East shore, Google earth 2022 fg. 004 Ohrid, the northern valley & settlements, 2022 by author fg. 005 Ohrid, Northern Valley, and Eastern Shore of the lake. (c) SSArch UACS 2018 fg. 006 Via Egnatia & Via Appia, an ancient road networkconnecting the world’s centres at the time. By author fg. 007 Historical correspondence: Bronze age with the valley underwater and the hill as an island. (c) Pero Ardjanliev

fg. 008 Tabula Peutingeriana - Zoom on the fragment of Macedonia, showing Lychnid fg. 009 Tabula Peutingeriana - an itinerarium showing the cursus publicus of the Roman Empire. IV century, fg. 010 A proposal for the fragment of Via Egnatia north of Lake Ohrid by Michele Fasolo, 2005 fg. 011 One of the two identical Roman Milliaria found in Struga, by prof. Viktor Lilcic, 2020 fg. 012 Possible traces of via Egnatia proposed by prof. Viktor Lilcic, 2020 fg. 013 Natural incision at “Skala Peak” , Bojan Taneski, 2022 fg. 014 Locations of the 1)Roman Tomb and 2) Statue of Isis discovered, and 3) A chinar tree: Vidobishta, Karabegomala, Marko Nestoroski, 2023 by author fg. 015 Statue of “Ohrids Isis”

II B.C. (c) Robevci Museum

fg. 016 Model of the Roman tomb III-IV A.C. (c) Robevci museum fg. 017 Proposal: contemporary roads possibly correspoding to the ancient Via Egnatia through Lychnidos, by author

fg. 018 Boris Chipan’s hypothetical reconstruction of Roman Lychnidos II-IVc. fg. 019 Boris Chipan’s hypothetical reconstruction of Lychnidos in XI-XII c. fg. 020 City panoramas overlooking the feld east of the hill 1913. Photos: Ohrid sliki od minatoto. Images colorized later fg. 021 A view towards “Voska” settlement in 1918, Ohrid sliki od minatoto fg. 022 A view on the fortress 1915, (c) Urai Deszo fg. 023 A view from “Bitola Road” i.e. “7th of November” to the fortress cca 20s. Ohrid sliki vo minatoto fg. 024 View at St. Sophia Church 1913, as a Mosque at that time. Photo: Auguste Léon fg. 025 A photograph on the old hill from late 1800s, Ohrid sliki od minatoto fg. 026 A street scene near the Church of Saint Sophia in Ohrid 1913, photo by Auguste Léon fg. 027 View of Ohrid hill and lake in late September 1863, photo by Josef Székely fg. 028 Interpretative, analytic map of Ohrid’s urban development, 1957, Atanasije Urosevic/ Iliev fg. 029 Ohrid in the Middle Ages, Urosevic 1957, edited by author fg. 030 Ohrid growth during XIV-XVIIIc., Urosevic 1957, edited by author fg. 031 Ohrid growth during XVIIIc. - 1957, Urosevic 1957, edited by author fg. 032 Postcard: city panorama overlooking the feld east of the hill 1914. Ohrid sliki od minatoto fg. 033 Chinar square, a mosque on the lef, a church on the right. Photo by author 2023 fg. 034 1954 - A view from Chinar Square to the Clock Tower, built in 1726 (c)Halpern, Joel Martin ,

fg. 036 Te two main historical streets, Bitola & Struga roads, intersecting in chinar square. 1936 cadastral map edited y author

fg. 035 Proposals for Chinar Square plan(above) & perspective(below). Hand-sketch by Antolic, 1948 fg. 038 Horse cars at Chinar, a trading hot-spot. year unknown, Ohrid sliki od minatoto

fg. 037 1917 - A Gate - entrance to the city, built on Chinar Square during WW1. Ohrid sliki od minatoto

fg. 039 Street movement of Market days around Chinar Square 1954. Possible streets shown: 7th of November, Charshija. (c) Halpern, Joel Martin ,

fg. 040 Scenes of Market days at Chinar Square 1954-1962. Oferings include: Blacksmith goods, Livestock, Vegetables, Cooking utensils. (c) Halpern, Joel Martin,

fg. 041 Mapping Chinar trees in Ohrid on 2022 map, by author

fg. 042 City panorama looking the old hill, 1930. Ohrid sliki od minatoto

fg. 043 First cadastral map of Ohrid 1936: Scan

fg. 044 First cadastral map of Ohrid 1936 Retraced, by author

fg. 045 A view to the city from east with the gymnasium (1908) as a visible reference. Photo: Peco Bojcevski

fg. 046 “Ohrid Gymnasium(high school), Kralja Aleksandra I” built in 1908, photographed in the time of Kingdom Yugoslavia. On the sign it is written: “Healthcare station”. Ohrid sliki od minatoto

fg. 047 Larger scale map by the Yugoslav General Staf, zoom on Ohrid, 1940

fg. 048 1923 sketch by Naum Srmobonsic.

fg. 049 A view on the lakeshore, 1933, Ohrid sliki od minatoto

fg. 050 fg.XX Protected buildings from the period afer WW1 2023 by author.

Reference: HERMeS: Heritage Management System.

fg. 051 Te frst General Plan of Ohrid by Georgi Kovaljevski 1936

fg. 052 First General Urban Plan for Belgrade, 1923 by Georgi Kovaljevski

fg. 053 Large staircase at Kalemegdan, Belgrade, 1928 by Georgi Kovaljevski

fg. 054 Students dormitory with a park, Belgrade, 1930 by Georgi Kovaljevski

fg. 055 1936 General plan 1:5000, an elaboration, a formal result of Kovaljevski’s plan.

fg. 056 “Modern behind traditional” Panorama 1987, Ohrid sliki od minatoto

fg. 057 Regulatory plan by Vlado Antolic, 1948

fg. 058 Cover of magazine “Arhitektura” nr. 25-27 from 1949. Full magazine available at: arhitekti.

fg. 059 Regional plan for Lake Ohrid, Vlado Antolic 1948, Full magazine available at:

fg. 060 Implications this plan lef on the built environment, annotated by author

fg. 061 Detailed fragment of the coast stripe, part of the regulatory plan by Antolic, 1948

fg. 062 Plan of hotel“Palace” by Edo Mihevc in 1957, (c) Jane Stojanoski

fg. 063 A comparison of Baden-Baden’s promenade from transport station to thermal baths and Ohrid’s never-fnished promenade from the historical city to the transport station. Google maps

fg. 064 Te proposed lakefront with large hotels and port. Hand-sketch by Vlado Antolic, 1940

fg. 065 Panorama 1957, (c) Klime Belkoski

fg. 066 1976 cadastral map retraced, by author

fg. 067 Scanned portion of the original 1976 cadastral map

fg. 068 Electrical plan of 1976 interpolated on top of the 1976 cadastral map

fg. 069 Interpretative handsketches of the development 1936-1976, by author

fg. 070 “New building boom”, 1962 by Halpern Joel Martin,

fg. 073 “ Te new housing buildings in Ohrid”. Probably the frst building for collective housing in the city. (arh. Sotir Tomovski 1948) Excerpt from a newspaper

fg. 071 Department store, 1962 by Halpern Joel Martin,

fg. 074 Apartment building, 1962 by Halpern Joel Martin,

fg. 072 Historical street “Dimitar Vlahov” with an updated aesthetic on its front. A scene of Tito visiting Ohrid. 1967, (c) Aleksandar Krstic.

fg. 075 Larger scale map by the Yugoslav General Staf, zoom on Ohrid region, cca late 1970s

fg. 077 Satelite image 1965,

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fg. 076 Satelite image 1970,

fg. 078 General Plan of Ohrid 1976: Scan. Originally drafed on top of the cadastral map. fg. 079 Planners cut & newly built environment: a city yet to be flled out, 1984, ©TVS - Ljubomir Vaglenarov

fg. 080 Boulevard “Turisticka”: Te strongest newly introduced axial in the city. 1984, ©TVSLjubomir Vaglenarov

fg. 081 General Plan of Ohrid 1976, annotated by author. fg. 082 A gallery of historical, organic streets. 1954-1973, (c) Halpern Joel Martin,

fg. 084 Historical streets annotated on 2022 blocks map, by author fg. 083 Gallery of historical streets (and Partizanska), photos 2024 by author fg. 085 Interpretative diagram, hand: Radial ray orientation toward a center fg. 086 Fragments of “Struga Road”, historical main street in SW-NE direction. By author, photos 2022

fg. 087 Fragments of “Bitola Road” historical main street S-N direction. By author, photos 2022 fg. 088 Panorama 2021. (c) Zarko Mitic fg. 089 Cadastral map 2022: full administrative urban border fg. 090 Cadastral map 2022: urban scale fg. 091 Contrast in the built realm, 2022 by author fg. 092 Building with insensibility to the neighbours, 2022 by author fg. 094 Contemporary environments: flling the gaps, 2022 by author fg. 093 Cadastral map 2022 with annotations by author fg. 095 Aggressively conquering public space, 2022 by author fg. 096 General urban plan 2002-2012,“Urban doo” + simplifed & translated legend by author fg. 097 Satelite image of the city 2002, Google Earth fg. 098 General urban plan 2002-2012, by “Urban doo” , annotated by author fg. 099 Growth directions, sketch by author fg. 100 Satelite image of the city 2022, Google Earth fg. 101 GUP 2002-2012: Zoom on the areas of interest on the north border, translated & simplifed legend of functions edited by author fg. 104 Chinar Bus Stop in 1936, Ohrid sliki od minatoto fg. 103 Main city square Bus Stop, cca 1950s, Ohrid sliki od minatoto fg. 102 Transport stations until WW2, annotated by author on 1936 cadastral map fg. 107 Scan: Timetable of the railway in 1961, Ohrid sliki od minatoto fg. 105 Te railway station, year unkonwn, Ohrid sliki od minatoto fg. 106 Railway station 1919-1966, annotated by author on 1936 cadastral map fg. 108 Te slow train “Cajnice” commuting, year unknown, Ohrid sliki od minatoto fg. 109 Two photos of the bus station in 2005, fg. 110 Te bus station 1966-2010, annotated by author on 1976 cadastral map fg. 111 Te bus station in 1970s, Ohrid sliki od minatoto fg. 114 Te bus station in 2015 before it got the new building, fg. 112 Current state of the bus station, within a larger context as a part of a shopping mall, 2023 by author

fg. 113 Te current bus station since 2010, annotated by author on 2022 cadastral map

fg. 115 Te interior yard of the bus station. 2023 by author fg. 116 City transportation (bus) system in 2023, annotated by author


117 Bus stop near the industrial block, on st. “7th of November”. 2022 by author

fg. 118 Historical shifing of centers: Transport, Trade & Misc., by author 2023

fg. 119 Branching: interpretative sketch, 2023 by author

fg. 120 Mophological studies(6) of 1936, by author fg.

121 Rough planning cut: interpretative sketch, 2023 by author fg.

122 Mophological studies(6) of 1976, by author fg. 123 Filling the gaps: interpretative sketch, 2023 by author fg.

124 Mophological studies(6) of 2020, by author fg.

125 Interpolations of 1976 & 1936 cadastral maps, by author fg.

126 Interpolations of 2020 & 1976 cadastral maps, by author fg.

127 Interpolations of 1936 & 2020 cadastral maps, by author fg.

128 Tree comparisons of cadastral maps 1936, 1976, 2020 fg. 129 A synthetic visualisation of growth, 1936, 1976, 2020 by author fg. 130 Chronology of satelite images

fg. 131 Cadastral map 1936 superimposed on Plan 1936, by author fg. 132 Cadastral map 1936 supoerimposed on Plan 1948, by author fg. 133 Cadastral map 1976 superimposed on Plan 1976, by author fg. 134 Cadastral map 2022 superimposed on GUP 2002, by author fg. 135 Street network of Ohrid urban area & valley, 2022 traced by author fg. 136 Primary structural street network on 2020 cadastral map, by author fg. 137 Primary & secondary structural street network on 2020 cadastral map, by author fg. 138 Diagram of primary & secondary street network fg. 139 Block typologies interpretation, 2023 by author fg. 140 Blocks interpretation in the areas of interest, 2023 by author fg.

141 Collage of seasonal contrast, 2021 by author

fg. 142 Population development 1948-2021, and economic development 2008-2019 of Ohrid www.

fg. 143 Ohrid’s factories. Screenshots from 1984 video showcasing Ohrid. ( watch?v=EpVj5xp7N_w&ab)

fg. 144 Work in progress - street “Jane Sandanski”. Ohrid sliki od minatoto

fg. 145 Te industrial lefovers, photo 2024 by author

fg. 147 Hotel “PTT” 1962, Klime Belkoski

fg. 146 “Hello from Ohrid” Postcard from the 70s showing a hotel, a restaurant and the airport. Ohrid sliki od minatoto

fg. 149 Seasonal fuctuation: monthly tourist visits in Ohrid, 2011-2023,

fg. 148 Interpretative diagram of populational fuctuation during the year, by author fg. 150 (1) Hotel “Metropol”; (2)Hotel “Sindikalni - Zastava”, 1965. Ohrid sliki od minatoto

fg. 151 Tree photos of Hotel “Palace” (1)1957 & 2(1958) Ohrid sliki od minatoto; (3)1962 by Joeln Halpern Martin

fg. 152 A gallery of Plečnik’s intervention along Vegova Ulica, 2023 by author

fg. 153 Axonometric of Vegova Ulica, Seminar in Laibach , 1978 Munchen

fg. 154 Situation of the urban center of Monte Carasso in 1979 (lef), and Snozzi’s project(right), consolidating the monastery

fg. 155 A sketch and a model for Monte Carasso’s new center by Luigi Snozzi

fg. 156 6 strategies as a manual for action, excerpt from “Urban catalyst: the power of temporary use” by Oswalt, Overmeyer, Misselwitz 2013


157 Excerpts from “Urban catalyst: strategies for temporary use” Berlin 2004, Oswalt, Overmeyer, Misselwitz

fg. 158 Areas of interest - Synthetic map of key structural elements.

fg. 159 Te fragments of interest on an intersection point within the city, map & diagram, 2022 by author

fg. 161 Inside the industrial block in the process of reusage, 2023 by author

fg. 162 Te idle plant nursery, 2023 by author

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fg. 160 Te now-opened ex-military barracks & polygon, 2022 by author fg. 163 Current landuses in the areas of interest, 2022 by author fg. 165 Te proposed masterplan “Buy house for youth”, 2023 by the Spatial Planning Agency fg. 164 Street 7th of November, fragment 1, in renovation. 2024 by author fg. 166 Satelite image on the three fragments, Google Earth 2024, annotated by author fg. 168 Satelite image on the plant nursery, Google Earth 2024 fg. 167 Rasadnik, vista outwards a glass house, photo by author 2023 fg. 170 Fragment plan on Rasadnik Plant Nursery, 2022 by author fg. 169 Rasadnik, vista inwards a glass house, photo by author 2023 fg. 171 2024 Cadastral map of the plant nursery, Land ownership of the glass houses annotated by author: green= state; red=private fg. 172 Zoom in on the plant nursery, from 2002 General Urban Plan by ZUAS fg. 173 Rasadnik, a glass house in the landscape, photo by author 2023 fg. 174 Rasadnik, interior structure of a glass house, photo by author 2023 fg. 175 Rasadnik, vista towards a glass house, photo by author 2023 fg. 176 Rasadnik, vista from a glass house to Vidobishta neighbourhood, photo by author 2023 fg. 177 1:2000 Fragment plan on RASADNIK Free Zone fg. 178 RASADNIK Free Zone axonometry

fg. 179 Reference for social housing in an transformed glasshouse structures: Lacaton & Vassal, Coutras, France, 2000:

fg. 180 Joolz Headquarters, Amsterdam - Reference of glasshouse transformation into ofce space, studio Space Encounters, 2016

fg. 181 Floriade exhibition space project, v8 architects, 2020 fg. 182 Industrial block, Google Earth 2024 fg. 183 Inside the industrial block, 2023 by author fg. 184 Industrial & bus station block, Google Earth 2009 fg. 185 Inside the industrial block, 2023 by author fg. 186 Fragment plan on Industrial block with annotations, 2023 by author fg. 187 Functions Plan - Industrial block, 2023 by author fg. 188 2024 Cadastral map of the industrial block, Land ownership annotated by author: green= state; red=private fg. 189 Zoom in on the industrial block from 2002 General Urban Plan by ZUAS fg. 190 Small shops/sheds in front of the large shopping mall in building phase, 2023 by author fg. 191 Neglected environment with the newly built mall + bus station building behind, 2023 by author

fg. 192 A view on an immediate street facade coming from the historical center, 2023 by author fg. 193 A fence dividing the industrial block and public realm, 2023 by author fg. 194 1:2000 Fragment plan on ZELEZNIČKA Commercial District fg. 195 ZELEZNIČKA Commercial District axonometry fg. 196 Panorama on BTC City Ljubljana, 2013, fg. 197 Te disposition of BTC within the city of Ljubljana, 2012, fg. 198 Public space within BTC City, 2016, fg. 199 New image of old environment: Public space in Tortona, Milano, “Breathe” a project by studio SO-IL

fg. 200 Millitary barracks, Google Earth 2024

fg. 201 Parade polygon behind the butterfy buildings, 2022 by author fg. 203 Fragment plan on Millitary barracks block, 2023 by author fg. 202 Kicevo barracks & Skopje barracks with the same typology of buildings, Google Earth 2024

fg. 204 Scan: a document order to initiate the establishment of the barracks, 1953 fg. 205 Te Park and some of the buildings within military barracks, 2022 photos by author

fg. 206 Borders within the millitary barracks, 2022 photos by author

fg. 208 2024 Cadastral map of the ex-millitary barracks block, Land ownership annotated by author: green= state; red=private

fg. 207 Te 2011 DUP shown with volumes & built environment, 2022 by author

fg. 209 Western edge of the millitary barracks block, 2022 by author

fg. 210 Unarticulated western edge of the millitary barracks block, 2022 by author

fg. 211 Lefovers of a small stone theater structure within the block, 2022 by author

fg. 212 Te deteriorated administrative building within the block, 2022 by author

fg. 213 1:2500 Fragment plan on KASARNA Campus & Park

fg. 214 KASARNA Campus & Park axonometry

fg. 215 A diagram-concept of the intervention

fg. 216 Six design layers

fg. 217 Te three fragments’ masterplan: Ohrid Backstage 1:5000

fg. 218 Axonometry of the three areas

fg. 219 A section through the bridge connecting the central plaza and Kasarna campus

fg. 221 Te cross on top of the minaret, 2014,

fg. 220 Krst-Dzamija, a point-vista of the street.

(1) 1940s, Klime Belko

(2) 1930s

(3) 1848 (c) Edward Lear

(4) 1975

fg. 222 Strongest historical city corridors on 1936 cadastral map: “Struga road” and “Bitola road” (7th of November), by author

fg. 223 Crafs and trades from the 20th century in the neighbourhood:

fg. 224 “KRST DZAMIJA - Our Neighbourhood”, a screenshot from a Facebook page.

fg. 225 Two photos with the old street pavment (Kaldrma), year unknown. Ohrid Sliki od minatoto

fg. 226 Te house of Pauncevci, eclecticism, on street 7th of november, Ohrid sliki od minatoto

fg. 228 View from street 7th of November towards the hill and fortress, colorized later. Ohrid sliki od minatoto


227 Look from the hill towards north, Auguste Leon 1913

fg. 229 A view of the street with Samuil’s fortress behind. Year unknown, Gjoko Zoroski

fg. 230 Elementary students going home from school, photo 2023 by author

fg. 231 A visitor on his way to the bus station, photo 2023 by author

fg. 232 Keyplan of the tourist route, fragmentation of street, 2023 by author

fg. 233 Screenshots from “the tourist experience” video at bus station, 2023, by author

fg. 234 Fragmented nature of the street: Nodes, squares & connections along street “7th of November”.

Drone images collage

fg. 236 Te street within the surrounding area, Drone photos on Google maps, 2023

fg. 235 Proposal for new trafc regime: circular, one lane vehicle regulation

fg. 237 Street “7th of November”, bike riding on vehicle street, 2023 by author

fg. 238 Conceptual procedure for new trafc regime: 1/2 of vehicle to pedestrian space, street “7th of November”

fg. 240 Street “Marko Nestoroski”, tourist walking on vehicle line. 2023 by author

fg. 239 Conceptual procedure for new trafc regime: 1/2 of vehicle to pedestrian space, street “Marko Nestoroski”

fg. 241 Fragmented nature of the street: landmarks, tresholds & reference points . Drone images, Google maps collage

fg. 242 Present paving treatment along the street, 2024 by author

fg. 243 Proposed interventions along the street: trafc regime, pedestrian safety, tourist experience,

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network of public spaces.

fg. 244 A look on the environment in front of the bus station/city mall building in construction. 2023 by author

fg. 245 Top view of the bus station/city mall building in construction. 2023 by author fg.

246 Perspective view of the front facade of bus station/city mall building in construction. 2023 by author


247 Immediate view when exiting the bus station: central plaza. Collage fg.

248 Te central plaza in front of bus station & mall, connecting the 3 blocks, plan 1-500 fg. 249 Fragment 1 profle section & plan, actual situation

fg. 250 A wide industrial street, 2023 by author fg. 251 Fragment 1, collage of drone photographs, 2023 by author fg.

252 Proposed fragment 1 street design: Designing the transit side with street pockets: tourists, students & shoppers. Section profle, plan & materiality 1:100 fg. 253 Street “7th November” Fragment 1: Framed vista on Samuil’s Fortress, collage fg. 254 Fragment 1, street pockets towards the commercial district, plan 1-500 fg. 256 Diference in urban grain, perspective 2023

fg. 255 Top view on the mediation square, top view drone image 2023 fg. 257 Proposal: a bufer, in-between square introducing the new scale. Plan 1-500 fg. 258 “ Te tourist experience along 7th of November”, 2023 by author fg. 259 Fragment 2 profle section & plan, actual situation fg. 260 Fragment 2, collage of drone photographs, 2023 by author


261 Proposed fragment 2 street design: towards a pedestrian friendly transit. Section profle, plan & materiality 1:100

fg. 263 Visualisation on street & framing on Cross-Mosque, a symbol of Ohrid. Collage


262 Fragment 2 proposed street design & frame 1:500

fg. 264 “Krst-Dzamija” Mosque as a branching point, perspective 2023

fg. 265 “Krst-Dzamija” Mosque as a branching point, top view 2023

fg. 266 Clearing space in front of the mosque, plan 1:500

fg. 268 Aggressive extensions upfront, fragment 3, 2023 by author fg. 267 Fragment 3 profle section & plan, actual situation

fg. 269 Fragment 3, collage of drone photographs, 2023 by author

fg. 270 Proposed fragment 3 street design: articulation of bicycle infratructure. Section profle, plan & materiality 1:100


272 Visualisation: Celebration of Turbe, public space & XIXc. house framing, collage fg. 271 Fragment 3 proposed street design, Turbe piazzetta & house frame, 1:500 fg. 273 Te lost connection to the hill, perspective 2023 fg. 274 Strong infrastructural cut, 2020 Google Images fg. 275 Te roundabout between street 7th of November and the bazaar, top view 2023 fg. 277 Re-connection to the magic hill - a welcoming door, collage fg. 276 Via Egnatia tribute on the way north, collage fg. 278 Re-connecting the lost connection the old hill, plan 1:500 fg. 279 Fragment 4: “Charshiya” bazaar to Chinar Square, section & perspective fg. 280 Fragment 4: “Charshiya” bazaar - established pedestrian promenade, perspective & top view fg. 281 Treshold 4 Chinar square: A historical & contemporary crossroad, perspective & top view fg. 282 Fragment 5 Charshiya bazaar and city square as a last trashold to the lake 2023 by author fg. 283 Te frontstage: lake promenade, old city. 2024 by author fg. 284 Te frontstage: Ohrid lake promenade, 2024 by author fg. 285 Ohrid lake, hill & city panorama. 2024 by author fg. 286 Te intervention within the city



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