MavLife - March Issue

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MavLife News r La Costa Canyon High School


Senior Speed Dating


1 Maverick Way, Carlsbad, California 92009

Girls Deserve an Audience Volume 5 - Issue 6

March 2011

03WASC Visits

08 Jackie Mills Shines

Parking Lot Solar Panels Go Live School “Flips the Switch” in public ceremony

Kiely Doherty Staff Writer

Construction in the parking lot has officially finished but the architec-

tural project has just begun. These new solar panels will prove utility far beyond structural design by providing the school with clean energy. On February 11, the district inaugurated the 2-megawatt, 806 panel solar energy project. At the “Flip the Switch” event, students, district representatives, government and business officials were present. The ribbon cutting ceremony included a performance by the Maverick Brigade Band and speeches from two AP Environmental Science students, Alyssa Chan and Miad Hadaegh. Other notable speakers included Dave Stone, Senior Vice President of Chevron Energy Solutions, Peter Hamilton of California Center for Sustainable Energy, and Beth Hergesheimer, SDUHSD Board President. The event concluded with the symbolic cutting of the ribbon around one of the panels, thus finalizing the inauguration. A ceremony was held earlier in the year at Canyon Crest Academy, whose campus holds the other location of the solar energy project. The panels are now in use at both schools, leaving the district less reliant on nonrenewable sources while setting an example in the field of clean energy for other schools and communities. To read more about Flip the Switch turn to page 4.

08 College Bound

15 Student Fashion



MavLife Co-Editors In Chief: J.P. Horrigan and Hunter Vurbeff Managing Editor: Sean Bentley News Editors: Cara Connor and Alex Ham Sports Editors: Sean Bentley and Andrew Murray Entertainment Editor: Ally Allen Opinion Editor: Liliana Alaniz Staff Writers: Kristen Adams, Jake Barnes, Jordan Bernard, Kenya Caines, Kiely Doherty, Trace Dimeff, Steven Fahy, Cassidy Feeney, Jordon Freiler, Maggie Hammock, Rachel Hutchison, Will Jones, Demi Kellenberger, Brenna Lyles, Breonna Mabry, Lisa Mazzone, Tara McQueen, Alex Meeks, Lauren Sonken, Jessica Stevenson, Rebecca Sykes, Tanner Taguchi, Nick Theriault

Adviser: Suzi Van Steenbergen Front cover photo by J.P. Horrigan

1 Maverick Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 436-6136 ext. 6020 email:

The opinion of the editorial team

High Gas Prices Cause Concern The few glorious moments that follow the receipt of a paycheck vanish as students roll up to their local gas stations and glance at the mocking price signs advertising $3.92 just for regular fuel. For those of us using premium fuel, we have the luxury of paying $4.12. Since the uprising against Muammar Gaddafi’s government, there has been a distinct reduction in the amount of oil that Libya has been able to export. Previously Libya exported about 1.5 million barrels daily; the projected output is now only 880,000. Although it is tempting to blame the hike of gas prices entirely on the unrest in the Middle East, specifically the riots in Tunisia and Libya, other factors contribute to this issue At this moment, the amount of oil that the United States obtains has not yet been compromised. However, about 80 percent of the nation’s oil production lies in rebel-held territory. Experts express uneasiness at the possibility that the rebellion that started in Tunisia and Libya will expand to the OPEC nations, and this is what worries oil merchants and consumers. A struggle that stemmed from a rebellion against autocracy threatens to amplify the global oil conflict exponentially. Arguably the most frustrating aspect of this situation is that there is no shortage of gas that warrants this drastic price increase. If the tumult reaches OPEC nations such as Saudi Arabia, the United States will be in more trouble than it is in now. This fear is the underlying motivation for oil companies and retailers to increase their prices. If this occurs, gas prices will likely rise even higher, which would drill a devastating hole into the economy. Not only are automobile owners affected, but business owners and consumers are beginning to worry. Many small business owners will have to increase prices of their products because higher transportation costs affects profits. If small business owners are beginning to react to this turmoil, it won’t be long before larger companies will have to increase prices as well. There has been speculation that oil barrel prices will con-

Mav Life is the student newspaper of La Costa Canyon High School. La Costa Canyon High School student media products are public forums for student expression. Students are responsible for their work in print publications, online content and video broadcasts, as well as in other products, none of which are subject to administrative approval. Students make all final content decisions. Media programs follow educational best practices as defined by the National Scholastic Press Association, Journalism Education Association, and Student Press Law Center. In addition, student media programs work to follow all copyright laws and avoid libel, slander, and infringing upon the rights of others. Unsigned editorials represent the opinions of the newspaper staff, while opinion columns represent the writer’s perspective. Advertisements do not necessarily represent the newspaper’s viewpoint. MavLife, an open forum, welcomes signed letters on pertinent issues from the community, which may be submitted to room 804, via e-mail or to Suzi Van Steenbergen’s mailbox in the administrative building. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

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tinue to surge. It is possible that crude oil will reach prices such as $150 per barrel, which would mean that gas prices could climb to $5 a gallon by June. None of this is helpful to our recovering economy. Since the recession officially ended, the economy has improved greatly and has not required as much government help. Increased fuel prices will surely affect all areas of the economy, which could also lead to loss of income but also more government intervention. This is a reminder of the necessity that the US must not rely so heavily on foreign oil. We, as a nation, need to search for other ways to anticipate future oil scarcityf oil and the increasing pump prices. Some people have erroneously blamed the Obama administration for intentionally hiking up fuel prices to encourage consumers to use less gas and to invest in alternative energy techniques. While we know that this is not true, it does remind us of our other options. We are only students and cannot immediately buy a hybrid car, but we can apply methods of energy saving to everyday life and influence others to take necessary measures. We are extremely vulnerable to unstable foreign oil suppliers. As a result, we must cut off our reliance on these countries. But the question is: how do we do it? Do we search for new areas to drill in our own territories? Do we raise federal taxes on fuel? Do we start using alternative energy methods? Do we stop using oil in general? Although we cannot control the fate of fuel prices, our school does contribute to the progressive environmental movement. David Emmerson and club O2 for Life have created composting bins to encourage students to dispose of trash in environmentally safe ways. We also have the cow stationed in the Student Center for recycling, and the AP Environmental Science classes participate in an annual Earth Day celebration. As Earth Day approaces, MavLife would like to encourage students to be more enviromentally conscience.


WASC Visitation Coming Soon An important step in accredation is near completion Kiely Doherty Staff Writer

Beginning March 21 until March 23, a visiting

team from WASC will be overviewing our school. WASC, or Western Association of Schools and Colleges, is the organization that accredits schools who clearly demonstrate “high-quality learning opportunities and continual self-improvement,” according to the standards set by WASC. Accreditation is crucial for any school because it enables the institution to issue official grades and diplomas. The process for accreditation begins with a self-evaluation. For our school, this evaluation took over a year, and included focus groups, meetings, and statistical analysis. The results and conclusions have been comprised into a 100 page document. Kevin Fairchild was the self-study coordinator for the focus groups, which included district and faculty members, teachers, and students. The areas focused on were Vision and Leadership, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Accountability, and Support and Culture. “This is the only method for evaluating our school that doesn’t end with a number stamped on our forehead,” Fairchild said. He explained the reference to our school’s API score. Our score had been comparatively low and because it is such a publicized mark of proficiency, our school faced criticism. Though the API is the only score so widely reported, Fairchild pointed out that the self-study revealed top scores from the school in other standardized testing. The self-study revealed particular successes that

could have otherwise been ignored. This discovery emphasizes the importance of a wide-ranging reflection rather than a singular number value to measure achievement. The self-study includes several graphs, statistics, overall observations, and reflections on the school. At the end of the reflection, goals and respective action plans were created to acheive in the future. Some of those goals include increasing proficiency in math, English, and science, developing ways to maximize student achievement and connectedness, and providing opportunities for students to learn non-academic skills, including practical and vocational skills. “This process gives us a chance to reflect and help us improve,” Dr. Ruggles, principal, said. The reflection process evolves into setting up an action plan. The visiting team will then use the action plan as a basis for their visit. This self-study provides concrete evidence and initiative for the WASC to assess. “This document puts a sharper, laser-like focus to point the staff in the same direction for the unified purpose of the improvement of learning,” Ruggles said. Its utility goes beyond accreditation because it serves as a reference for all staff in order to make the learning process efficient and focused for each student. The self-study consolidates several factors that contribute to our school’s performance. This holistic document will serve as an outline for the visiting team, whose visit will also include designated meet-

WASC is the organization that allows schools to issue grades, transcripts, and diplomas. Image courtesy of Lee Duncan. ings for students to attend, staff discussions and observations around campus. Overall, this process has promoted wide spread reflection and should produce a more unified campus aside from the goal of accreditation by the state.

New School Resource Officer Rick Riggin temporarily fills in for Officer Cobain Tanner Taguchi Staff Writer


Riggin helps to direct traffic flow in the parking lot, something many students appreciate. Photo by Tanner Taguchi.

here’s a new sheriff in town. This saying will take on a more literal meaning for any student thinking of engaging in any illegal activity. Officer Rick Riggin is currently taking the place of School Resouce Officer Melissa Cobian while she is out on maternity leave. Out of the 2,400 students who attend LCC, undoubtedly some are involved in illegal activities in one form or other. Fortunately, officers of the Carlsbad Police Department are always ready to “protect and serve” the students. He keeps the peace in school by distributing traffic tickets and dealing with any drug related crimes that occur on campus. “When I heard about the open position I thought that it would be interesting to work here at the school,” said Riggin. Officer Riggin is originally from Indianapolis, Indiana. He joined the Marine Corps straight out of high school to serve his country

in any way it needed him. After leaving the military, Officer Riggin decided to become a police officer because it appeared to be a good career choice as well as providing a variety of experiences and meeting great people. Riggin then decided to come to San Diego and attended Palomar College. Soon after, He earned an Associates Degree in criminal justice. He entered the San Diego Police Academy and went through the rigorous training they had in store for him. “They sprayed me in the face with the pepper spray, and they also attached the tazer to me and gave me a feel of what the tazer is like,” said Riggin. After the Academy he joined the Carlsbad Police Department. Continuing to his 17-year career on the force, today officer Riggin carrries out his duties at our school, preventing crimes and delivering justice to those who commit them.

March 2011 | MavLife | 3


Parking Lot Solar Panels Go Live School “Flips the Switch” in public ceremony Kiely Doherty Staff Writer

Construction in the parking lot has

officially finished but the architectural project has just begun. These new solar panels will prove utility far beyond structural design by providing the school with clean energy. On February 11, the district inaugurated the 2-megawatt, 806 panel solar energy project. At the “Flip the Switch” event, students, district representatives, government and business officials were present. The ribbon cutting ceremony included a performance by the Maverick Brigade Band and speeches from two AP Environmental Science students, Alyssa Chan and Miad Hadaegh. Other notable speakers included Dave Stone, Senior Vice President of Chevron Energy Solutions, Peter Hamilton of California Center for Sustainable Energy, and Beth Hergesheimer, SDUHSD Board President. The event concluded with the symbolic cutting of the ribbon around one of the panels, thus finalizing the inauguration. A ceremony was held earlier in the year at Canyon Crest Academy, whose campus holds the other location of the solar energy project. The panels are now in use at both schools, leaving the district less reliant on nonrenewable sources while setting an example in the field of clean energy for other schools and communities. The project was facilitated by a

Ken Noah, superintendent, spoke at the “Flip the Switch” dedication of the completed solar panels. Photo by J.P. Horrigan. partnership with Chevron to design, construct, and maintain the panels and was funded with a rebate of 4.7 million dollars from the California Solar Initiative. The district received financial help

from The California Center for Sustainable Energy and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as well. “The project is expected to save the district more than $10 million in energy

savings over the life of the project,” states a Chevron News Release. The solar panels will produce about 70 percent of the electricity for the school and reduce carbon emissions by an estimated 2,200 metric tons, equivalent to removing more than 400 cars from the road. “It demonstrates to the community that we are taking environmental responsibility seriously,” Dr. Ruggles, principal, said. In additon to benefitting financially from the solar project project, the district hopes to set an example for students to be enviornmentally conscious. The school is involved in other environmentally-friendly projects as well. From the school-wide recycling and O2 for Life composting programs to the drought-resistant landscape around campus maintained by Ms. Honsberger and her Earth and Space students, environmentalism is an important part of the school. Student and club initiatives as well as school-wide policies are now complemented by the solar panel project. “We can’t continue the way we have for the past 100 years. This project shows wise stewardship of resources and fiscal responsibility,” Ken Noah, Disrict Superintendent, said. The solar panels clearly exemplify the dedication to making changes for the better.

Upcoming Events - March 14: Senior Burger Day - March 15/16: Late Start Days - March 16: ASL Showcase - March 17: MECHA Event at 7 p.m. - March 18: VPA Assembly - March 20-22: WASC visit - March 23: MavFest - March 21-25: ASB Arts Week - March 28: Safety Drill

4 | MavLife | March 2011


New Parking Permit Rules to Take Effect Class aims to create safer driving enviornment Lisa Mazzone Staff Writer

Initially created as an optional

phone use),” Logan said. Not only is the class teaching the class for community members to learn dangers of driving among teens but as about safe driving, Start Smart will well as the other citizens that share become mandatory next year for stuthe road and their risky maneuvers. A dents to obtain parking permits in the benefit from this program also includes parking lot. the variety of speakers attend“The class is a districting to reveal their experiences. wide policy within the San The class is taught by either a Dieguito Union High School The next Start Smart classes are on April California Highway Patrol officer District. It became mandatory 5th and June 6th. or a San Diego Country sheriff. this year with a vote from the You can get more information or register Parents who have experienced SDUHSD board of trustees. online at in this area speak on The class has already been nity/startsmart.html. behalf of safe driving. taught to several hundred Parents and students have people with positive feedback seemed very receptive to the from all the parents and stuDieguito Union High School ideas of the classes, and many dents,” Nancy Logan, an advocate from more community members continue to District, San Diego County Sheriff’s the San Dieguito Alliance, said. participate. Administrators hope that Department and California Highway The San Dieguito Alliance is a this program will prove to be a positive Patrol are all hoping students will learn group of community members that aspect for the future. safe driving skills and make wise decidedicates themselves to promoting sions when driving automobiles. The healthy lifestyle choices. It was initially class also emphasizes the dangers of created in hopes of encouraging drug distracted driving (ie: texting and cell free choices amoung teens. Now it has



stretched to other realms of the community. The Smart Start class helps promote communication between parents and teens. It encourages the importance of deep discussion between both parties. “San Dieguito Alliance, San

Classes become mandatory next year. Photo courtesy of Nancy Logan.

March 2011 | MavLife | 5


Nate Zieg: Man of Many Talents Lauren Sonken Staff Writer

For most students, transferring schools to an

entirely different state their junior year of high school would be something similar to a nightmare. However, for senior Nathan Zieg, the experience was something he thoroughly enjoyed. Zieg is confident in himself, and it is evident in his attitude. “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you,” Zieg states as his motto. “I transferred to La Costa Canyon at the beginning of last year from a school in Las Vegas. It was awesome for me because I met so many new people. I was quickly surrounded by friendly faces, people I will have in college and beyond,” Zieg said. Zieg is a member in the school band and is capable of playing seven instruments: the frech horn, trumpet, tuba, euphonium, bassoon, guitar, digerry do, and is currently learning how to play the piano. He is also a participant in Comedy Sportz, which he joined at the end of his junior year. “I started with encouragement from my great friend Alex Felder. It’s never scary for me, because I have fun being crazy. I’m basically just being myself on a stage! It’s a fun time,” Zieg said. Additionally, Zieg competes in Speech and

Debate. He started learning about the program in seventh grade, and officially began last year. Zieg has found great success due to his possession of the “golden voice.” “My voice has really pulled me along because it’s very resonant and deep. My voice is so loud that often times, when speaking to girls, they tell me to stop yelling at them,” Zieg said. He is enthusiastic about Speech and Debate, and enjoys the activity in a way that outshines the hurt of a loss. In his spare time, Zieg enjoys toying with various elements of graphic design. “Well actually, I wouldn’t call it graphic design. My friends and I like making wallpapers for our computers. Sometimes they’re comics, and they’re never really too serious. I am interested in looking as space and cosmos and stars, and turning galaxies into collages. I explore colors and take contrasting themes and put them into nature,” Zieg said. Next year, Zieg hopes to attend the University of Michigan. No matter where he ends up going, Zieg will study pharmacology, emulating his father. Due to his interest in cooking and aiding people, a career as a pharmacist perfectly suits Zieg.

Zieg projects his enthusiasm and confidence in all areas of life. Photo by Lauren Sonken.

Mr. Vice: Coach On and Off the Field Maggie Hammock Staff Writer

Vice makes a point of always being there to support students, whether in class or during cross country practice. Photo courtesy of


ince it first opened in 1996, our school has seen its fair share of teachers. Many have come and gone, but Room 350 has been home to only one. Bill Vice has been teaching for 25 years total, and has spent fifteen of those years teaching United States history in the same room here on campus. “A lot has happened. These walls have seen a lot,” said Vice. He described the Harmony Grove fire that roared over campus in October of 1996, and

the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, two events that occurred on days he was here teaching, and two days that he remembers vividly. Since the beginning of his teaching career here, Vice has certainly seen a lot--and he has accomplished a lot, too. He has become an integral part of the school community, taking on other positions like Cross Country head coach and Freshman Academic Team coach. While he loves coaching both, his first love is US History. “I’ve always loved history. I love the stories,” Vice said. Vice frequently throws out random historical anecdotes off the top of his head. He can elaborate on nearly every aspect of United States history, which is what keeps his U.S. History students engaged. He keeps his Cross Country runners focused in other ways, and has helped them become equally as successful as students. Vice exercises with his runners, logging mile after mile right along with them, something that many coaches don’t do. He helps his runners study for history while they run, and keeps them motivated as they rack up the miles. He has led the Cross Country team to numerous victories over the years, most recently to a C.I.F. win and second place at state for the girls’ team this season. Vice instructs his students to “study like a champion today,” and tries to apply this advice to his own life, as well. Whether it is U.S. history, Cross Country, or Academic Team, he puts great effort into everything he does.

6 | MavLife | March 2011


Foundation Director to Step Down John Wadas retires after 44 years of fundraising work Jordan Bernard Staff Writer

Walk into any public high school classroom and

the effects of California budget cuts are blatantly obvious. Fifty students to one teacher, not enough desks to seat everyone, and textbooks falling apart are all evidence to these cuts. However, our school is fortunate enough to have a media center stocked with new computers, a turf football field, and other luxuries that some public schools can only dream about. Contrary to popular belief, the California government does not favor funding athletics over academics. Instead, our school has a foundation that has been able to raise money for these projects. John Wadas, the foundation Executive Director, has been the man behind all of the fundraising and the creation of a foundation system that rivals private schools. After five years as the Executive Director for the foundation and 44 years overall in the fundraising department, Wadas will be retiring this year. Wadas has had an impressive career. Before attending Arizona State University where he wrestled and played baseball and soccer, he served four years in the Navy. He

spent 24 years in the athletic departments of Arizona State University, University of South Florida, and San Diego State. At these schools his positions varied from head coach for wrestling, Associate Athletic Director, to Senior Executive Director. Before coming to our school, he was the Executive Director of the Historical Society at Balboa Park, where he worked on fundraising for ten years. Clearly, Wadas does not experience too much downtime. “I might take on another job if I find something I’m passionate enough about,” said Wadas. In the meantime though, with his new found freedom, he will visit Texas where two of his sons live. Wadas also intends on spending some time on the back nine. “It’s been a wonderful ride. It’s not an easy job but I have enjoyed it. The best part has been all the successes. Walking into the stadium is always fun, knowing I was such a major part of making it happen,” said Wadas.

Wadas helped to secure the funds neccesary for the turf field. Photo courtesy of John Wadas.

Egyptians Overthrow Hosni Mubarak Students react to the inauguration of new government Breonna Mabry Staff Writer

Inspired by the recent protests that

led to the fall of the Tunisian government and the ousting of longtime Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Egyptians have joined other protesters across the Arab world (in Algeria, notably) in protesting their autocratic governments, high levels of corruption, and grinding poverty. In Egypt, tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets. This particular round of protests started with the protests in Tunisia. But like their Tunisian counterparts, Egyptian protesters have pointed to a specific incident as inspiration for the unrest. Many have cited the June 2010 beating death of young protester Khaled Said, allegedly at the hands of police, as motivation for their rage. But it’s also clear that the issues here are larger. The citizen’s of Egypt targeted their bitter anger towards their leader at the time, President Hosni Mubarak, demanding his immediate resignation. “Mubarak has been in power since as long as my parents can remember. It was really sad to see Egypt so impoverished, and to see the people so oppressed by high taxes that did nothing for them,” Michael Tiab, senior and student of Egyptian descent, said.

Demonstrators in Egypt have had their free speech surpressed by government, through the use of the military. Photo courtesy of globalrumblings. Despite what was expected, the people of Egypt pursued their desired freedom from tyranny without projected violence. Only self-defense tactics were present as citizens demanded to have

peace and to be taken seriously. As weeks passed, and Mubarak and his government agents became more and more distressed and overwhelmed with the swarm of negative media attention the nation was receiving, the

people of Egypt, specifically the youth protesters of Tahrir Square, found their demands met and celebrated the resignation of Mubarak’s cabinet on Feburary 11th, 2011. Many were unsure of the aftermath that this event would hold, but as Mubarak states, the demonstration was a “symbol for a new generation for Egypt who are calling for change for the better, and are adamant to achieve this change for a better future.” “It’s pretty significant that such a generally peaceful protest was so successful. It just doesn’t usually work. Egypt did in days what took America years. Their civil disobedience promotes the peaceful conflict in other nations,” Krutik Patel, senior said. This event has become more than just an isolated victory; the social justice movement is spreading all over the world. With protest movements arising in Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Jordan, Iran and various other regions, it is clear that the people of this world have decided government injustice is no longer a matter to be left by the wayside. “The struggle in Egypt is the best thing that could’ve happened to the civil rights movement,” Casey Kraft, senior, said. “This uprising, this event, is the Berlin Wall of our time.”

March 2011 | MavLife | 7

Taking It To The Next Level


Three star girls soccer players will compete on scholarship in college Tara Mcqueen Staff Writer

Graduating seniors Allyssa Kenney,

Brianna Martinez, and Mariah Butera, all received college scholarships for excelling in soccer. Kenney plans on attending the Air Force Academy next fall, Martinez at University of New Mexico, and Butera at the University of San Diego. Brianna Martinez started soccer at age five. She grew up watching her dad play and was surrounded with the love of the sport. When Martinez was faced with choosing between softball and soccer, she knew she had to choose the sport where she could always stay active. “It was a part of me I just couldn’t lose. Softball was too boring for me,” Martinez said. Martinez stands out from her competitors by having the successful ability of being able to use both feet well. She has the capability to read the game and play different positions too. Her speed and agility along with her well rounded skills make her a standout player. “Getting a full ride scholarship to New Mexico, while getting to play the sport that I love, proved to me that all my hard work finally paid off.” Martinez said. Martinez hides her nerves for the upcoming year, but knows she has to start working on time management so she can be the best player and student possible. College sports always bring challenges with tougher work outs and weight training will be required on a regular basis. Martinez is confident that all of her coaches prepared her for the next level of play and is grate-

ful that her club team, Slammers FC, coached by George Larson, seems to be taking the same tough approach towards fitness. Martinez says she is grateful that soccer helped her get into a college where she can eventually become a pediatrician and enter the costly life of medical school without any debts. She officially committed to New Mexico on February 2nd, signing her national letter of intent at the Hall of Champions. Butera’s passion for the sport began with the fun brought to her on her first recreational team at age four. When she turned seven, soccer became a lifestyle introducing her to her first real friends on her club team. The competitive league not only gave Butera her real friends still to this day, but also privileged her with the ability to change her life. “It taught me skills not only in the sport but also in life, like social skills and leadership, and it helped shape my personality,” Butera said. Butera is different from the average player because she becomes creative when she has the ball at her feet. She can see the game differently from other teammates and opponents. Butera looks forward to creating new friendships and working hard for her team at USD. Butera is uneasy that she may not be able to work hard enough, or that it will be too difficult to also pursue her dream of becoming a nurse. With the knowledge that the level of play will be extremely higher, with it being quicker and having every player be better, she calms her nerves by being one step

Allyssa Kenney blocks an Esperanza player. Photo courtesy of Pam Kenney. ahead of the game. Butera plans on preparing for the future by working out over summer and taking summer classes that will help her to stay ahead for her major. Although Butera exceeds in her soccer career, wishes of wanting to go professional for soccer are shot down by her dream of becoming a nurse. Kenney’s passion for soccer started at age three. Her parents always encouraged her to succeed in her sport. Motivating her to do well comes with the factor of her father being a college athlete playing soccer as well. Kenney has the same passion and competitive spirit to follow her goals, along with a

great love for the sport. Coaches know Kenney has the ability to control the field not only with her ball skills, but especially her vocal leadership. Her competitive energy helps her to dominate the game and lead her team to victory. Kenney worries that she has given herself up fully to the government by joining the Air Force, but knowing she will be playing on a team with girls who share the same enthusiasm for soccer conquers her fears. Kenney hopes attending the Air Force Academy will benefit her later in life, allowing her leadership qualities and confidence to grow.

Future Aztec Leads Girls Lacrosse

Lacrosse player receives scholarship, eyes CIF title Nick Theriault Staff Writer

The varsity girls lacrosse team

will be heading into this season with expectations of winning another title and reestablishing their dominance over the league. One of the players the team will be relying on to get back to the top this year is senior Jackie Mills. In 2008 and 2009, the team won back to back CIF championships, but had their streak come to an end last year when they lost in the quarterfinals.Mills has been playing lacrosse for a total of six years and will rely on her experience to help try and lead the team to their third

title in four years. With 71 goals and 11 assists last year, Jackie Mills has been a reliable varsity attacker since she was a freshman back in 2008. For her excellent performance over her high school career, she has received a scholarship to attend San Diego State University to play on their Division I lacrosse team. She eagerly accepted the offer. “I’m really excited, but it’s going to be a huge challenge,” Mills said. Mills tried a variety of sports as a seventh grader, but decided to stick with lacrosse not only because it was her strongest sport amongst all

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of them, but also because it was the sport she enjoyed playing the most. Her love of the sport hasn’t diminished over the years, and despite the knowledge that she will be a future Aztec, she is still as focused as ever and looking forward to another promising season. “I hope that we can have a fun season,” Mills said. Despite all of her successes and accomplishments, she has managed to keep it all in perspective and still places the most importance on just enjoying the game. Jackie Mills had 71 goals and 11 assists last year. Photo courtesy of Jackie Mills.


Boys Lacrosse Preview

Tanner Taguchi Staff Writer

Team looks for back-to-back CIF titles

“little brother of war.” Anyone who has ever seen a lacrosse match being played might still notice some of the remnants of a fiercer era. “At LCC, lacrosse means tradition, family, and dedication,” lacrosse head coach Jesse Foss said. The lacrosse team gained national recognition by finishing 12th in the nation last year and going undefeated the entire season. For a team that plays in a region were lacrosse is still considered a growing sport, the team has attracted the attention of teams all over the country. This season, they will play four out of state teams, two from New York and two from Colorado, as well as a team from Canada. The team is also anxious to play the better teams from around the country. The team is so anxious that they are taking two trips to upstate New York in order to fill there need for competition. Going out of state is not for lack of a challenge here at home, however. “Our program’s ultimate goal is to win the CIF championship. Our out of state competition is just a way to test ourselves before playoffs,” said Foss. “We play Torrey Pines. That is aways a great game.”


As for the out of state competition, the coach from McQuaid Jesuit High school, in Rochester, New York, is ready and excited to play against the school. “The teams in our area our very competitive. We’ll be ready,” said coach Paul Jordan. The McQuaid team will also compete against Carlsbad High school on their trip to California. Fortunately, the players have been playing lacrosse since they were in third or fourth grade, taking that time to develop into successful players. With the leadership of players like Eric Sanschagrin, Mike Riis, Sean Hayden, and Mike Gennuso, the team hopes to triumph to an excellent season this year. “I’m so tired right now,” said senior mid-fielder Andrew Bertha. “All the lacrosse practices go so long and they’re so difficult.” Although neither the team nor any of its out of state opponents have thoroughly scouted each other, they plan to develop its defensive strength to win games this season. However, a weakness is replacing the team’s starting attack from previous seasons. The first home lacrosse game of the year will be played against Santa Magarita on March 15 at 7:30 p.m.


The Mohawk indians called it “Tewaarathon” or

“All the lacrosse practices go so long and they’re so difficult.” -Andrew Bertha 12

Sure to make a huge splash this season, the swim team contains some of the best boys and girls in the county. Look out for Stephen Knight, senior, Mickey Mackle, junior, and Jamey Lyon, junior, each of whom put up some incredible times last year and were part of last year’s San Diego Section CIF championship 400 meter freestyle relay team, along with Jasen Missailidis, junior. Kendyl Stewart, junior,the 2010 CIF champion in the 100 meter backstroke, 100 meter butterfly and multiple relay events, will be looking to defend her titles this year. However, with the arrival of the fourth new coach in four years in Kevin Craig, all eyes will be on the swim team this season to see if they have what it takes to take down Carlsbad this year and take back the CIF title.

The boys’ tennis team will enter the season ranked number five for Division I schools. However, with their improved depth and addition of Nicky Yamamoto, freshman, and Parker Wilson, sophomore, both ranked in the top fifty in Southern California, head coach Mark Sandknop feels the team has a legitimate shot at reaching a number two ranking by the season’s end. For the first time since their CIF championship in 2003, more than half their starters enter the season with a sectional ranking in a group that contains more depth and balance than standout individual talent. Among top returners hoping to lead the team this season are: Adam Espiritu, senior and team captain; Hiro Yamamoto, junior; and Ryan Ermert, junior.

With one of the biggest and strongest teams the school has seen in over a decade, this could be a big year for the gymnastics team. Coming off of a second place finish at CIF finals, where they had the most individual medal winners at CIF (twelve), and a CIF State All Academic Team honor, the gymnastics team contains a dominant class of juniors this year. Among these are Kristina Stodder (third at CIF finals on beam), Maddy Goss (third on floor and the optional all around events), and Terra Girvin, who is in the hunt for a strong all around finish at CIF this season. In addition, the team has a large returning sophomore class and will be welcoming the additions of a few other freshmen and sophomores as they go in the hunt for their first CIF title.

On the track, expect to see one of the finest distance teams our school has ever hosted on both the boys’ and girls’ sides. Both sides are coming off of superb cross country seasons, including juniors Darren Fahy and Eric Causey, sophomore Kelly Lawson and freshman Emma Abrahamson. Each hope to make a name for themselves all over again in track. Keep an eye out especially for Fahy, who ran a 4:12.08 mile and 8:59.88 two mile last season, placing 8th in the state meet. Lawson, who ran a 4:50 in the mile last May, should also be a key contributor this season. In sprints, Julian Todd-Borden, junior, will attempt to maintain his status as one of the top 110 meter and 300 meter hurdlers in the county, while trying to better his times. Art by Jessica Stevenson



Spring Sports Preview Boys Tennis


Steven Fahy Staff Writer

Intense preparation for the upcoming season has already begun. The team is focused on gaining national recognition and will be playing four out of state teams this season. Their primary goal is to win another CIF championship. Photos by Tanner Taguchi.

March 2011 | MavLife | 9


Student Spotlight

Emma Capetz will head to Pennsylvania on scholarship Maggie Hammock Staff Writer

In a time when many students

obsessively check their mailboxes anxiously awaiting college acceptance letters, senior, Emma Capetz, is already sure of her plans for the next four years. Capetz received a scholarship to Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where she will be playing for the girls’ softball team next year. Capetz, who has been playing softball virtually her entire life, got her start in kindergarten and has never looked back. Though she has played--and excelled at--other sports such as soccer, Emma was recognized by the Lehigh coach for her outstanding performance on the softball field. She was offered a scholarship to the university and eagerly accepted it. Next year Emma will be Lehigh’s second baseman, a position she is very comfortable with. She plays second base on the school softball team as well, though

she has also spent time playing center field over the course of her softball career. There is no professional softball league, but Emma is pleased that she will be playing softball in college, at the highest level possible for the sport. “I’m really excited,” said Emma, “I met my coach, who seems really nice, and so far I like all of the other recruits I have met.” Emma was drawn to Lehigh University largely because of its Division I softball program, which many colleges lack. “It will be great to play at a D1 school. I’m really looking forward to it,” Emma said. She is currently still unaware of what her college softball practice schedule will be, though she suspects practices will be every day, at least once the season begins. Emma anxiously anticipates the start of the college season and the experiences

10 | MavLife | March 2011

that will come with it. Capetz visited Lehigh University fairly recently, and really liked its beautiful campus and reputation as both a strong academic institution, and a sports powerhouse. “I like it for a lot of reasons,” said Capetz, commenting on why she chose Lehigh as her home for the next four years. “It has great academics and a solid softball program. I can’t wait to play there.” Capetz has worked hard to become an outstanding softball player, and clearly it has payed off. Sports scholarships and being part of college sports teams are both impressive feats, and Capetz has proved that with determination and perseverance, both can be achieved. Capetz will play second base for the Division I school Lehigh University. Photo by Andrew Murray.


March 2011 | MavLife | 11

Nicholas Sparks

Cassidy Feeney Staff Writer


Romantic writer on the big screen N

icholas Sparks’ books seem to be the perfect material for romance movies. His multiple love stories, which range from summer love to long distance relationships, are adored by many girls of all ages. Some of the best Sparks’ books have been transformed into movies, sparking even more popularity. such as the all time favorites, “The Notebook” and “A Walk To Remember,” the classics have set high expectations for the others. According to some, the most recent movies don’t seem to be living up to those expectations. Although they draw in viewers because of the modern settings and themes, they don’t measure up to the passion that is portrayed in the classic movies like “The Notebook.” When one compares the books to the movies, the books easily win. Even though some prefer the movies because of how much simpler it is to watch a movie than read a full novel, the content that the books contain exceeds what can be given in a hour and a half film. Also, directors tend to change the plot for entertainment purposes. They try to spice it up by adding in plot twists so that they can gain more viewers and increase the popularity, but it distracts from the meaning of the book. The recent movies tend to draw in the younger crowd because of the heart throb main characters such as Channing Tatum in “Dear John” and Liam Hemsworth in “The Last Song.” They create an idealistic romance for some, making girls dream about the romantic stories that Sparks constructs. Love with restrictions, such as a forbidden relationship, is likely to make girls feel optimistic. They be-

Collage by J.P. Horrigan.

come infatuated with the idea that since it is possible for the characters, it can happen for them. Everyone has their own reaction to Sparks’ movies and or books. Some say that they are emotional, heartfelt, and inspiring, while others believe they are dramatic, sappy, and unrealistic. These multiple opinions, whether it be positive or not, create discussion which makes Sparks and his stories so well known.

Nicholas Sparks’

From the page to the screen • “A Walk to Remember”

(January 25, 2002) • “The Notebook”

(June 25, 2004) • “Nights in Rodanthe”

(September 26, 2008) • “Dear John”

(February 5, 2010) • “The Last Song”

(March 31, 2010)

Senior Speed Dating

Students bond over candlelit conversations Jordan Freiler Staff Writer


ove is in the air! On February 10th, students bonded over candle light plastic tables at the first annual Senior Speed Dating event. The tables were romantically decorated with jolly ranchers and candles. Couples charmed each other with pick up lines and questions assigned to them on each table. Although it was a casual event, boys showed their sense of humor by dressing up in suits and bearing flowers. As for the girls, they were dressed as they usually would be while at school. How many people actually found their “true love?” Well, the sound of “speed dating” didn’t really strike many people as an exciting event - more like uncomfortable. One would expect real speed dating to be extremely awkward; however, this wasn’t meant to be serious. The point was to pump up seniors for the second semester. The outcome of attending seniors was about 40 people. Many agreed it wasn’t at all awkward like they had expected. The attending seniors had a great time meeting new people and exchanging numbers. “I didn’t think many people would show up because everyone thought this would be a stupid thing, it would be awkward and or they already have a girlfriend or boyfriend, but it’s not meant to be taken seriously. It’s really just for fun,” an ASB member said.

With four people at each table, they had three minutes to learn as much as they could about the other person. There were questions assigned on the table to ask, such as “Do you believe in love at first sight?” and “If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?” Girls said boys showed their romantic side by approaching them with corny pick up lines. After going from table to table, if a couple feels they have found their “soul mate” they test their love in a couple’s game. Each couple had to answer questions about their soul mate like “What’s your partner’s mom’s name?” and “Where was the last place your partner visited?” The couple who showed their true love, Kaitlin Connors and Michael Riis won a romantic dinner date to Buca De Bepo. Whether or not this speed dating event continues throughout future years depends on the current junior class. From the results of the first one, Dr. Ruggles agrees that it should be carried on. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. “It was good clean fun and it’s part of a high school experience. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, but it met my expectations,” Mr. Ruggles said. Those of you who are juniors, it’s up to you to carry on this event. Loosen up and have fun - it’s a great way to meet new people. Skylar Pursell, Jordan Bernard, and Andrew Bertha try to win at “The Newlywed Game.” Photo courtesy of Jordan Freiler.

12 | MavLife | March 2011


Music “...For We Are Many” All That Remains

“21” Adele

“Simon Werner a Disparu” Sonic Youth

“Kiss Each Other Clean” Iron & Wine

On the fifth album they’ve released, metalcore band All That Remains fails to make their record stand out from many similarly sleep inducing albums released in the last year. “...For We Are Many” plays the same boring riffs and belts the same mundane lyrics as many other bands in the scene today. This more than forgettable album whines lyrics similar to Creed or Shinedown with a scratchy, annoying voice. Many of the harder lyrics are drowned out by repetitive guitar riffs and simplistic drum beats. The overproduced, saturated lyrics seem to drag through the entire album, making the album sound like one painful screech. Songs like “Faithless” and “Aggressive Opposition” feel thematically worn out, as if the same song had been written for the last ten years by dozens of other bands. “...For We Are Many” is a disappointing addition to All That Remains discography. F Jake Barnes

Adele reveals her life story as it unravels through changes she has made in her way of life through her bluesy gospel music a disco twist in her new album, “21.” Adele’s album shot straight to the top on January 30th for the UK album charts recording the largest January album in five years and scoring the highest record sales year so far. Her new album shows her potential to carry her voice the way many artists cannot. Her unique voice sets a soothing, yet powerful tone throughout the variety of her songs. Adele’s contemporary eclectic arrangements appeal to multiple age groups craving easy listening. “21” has a relevant story told behind the variety of stylistic music. Adele’s jazzy, yet pop genre keeps her fans wanting more of her upbeat and edgy style. B Tara McQueen

Sonic Youth, in their soundtrack to the french film of the same name “Simon Werner a Disparu,” delve deeper into the world of experimental art rock to create a serene, yet tense piece of art. Created for the teen thriller of the same title -- though released internationally as “Lights Out”-- the album stands out on its own as a great work. The album itself is a quiet thriller, at sometimes relaxing and otherwise sending shivers up ones spine with its edgy riffs. The sound is lightweight, with layer by layer of guitars, sound effects and occasionally percussion mixing together like thin layers of paint on the sound-scape. Overall, the album goes beyond just being a soundtrack to being yet another beautiful exploration in art rock by Sonic Youth. A Will Jones

Make no mistake Iron and Wine fans, Sam Beam is no longer the voice of the music you loved fall asleep to at night. The new album, “Kiss Each Other Clean”, is leaving many listeners discontent as sounds of digitized drums, glockenspiels, and saxophones spill their way through the speakers. The voice and the meaning behind the words and the softly whispered hums have yet to flea, but something about the new music seems much unlike what many have come to love. While his progression into new styles is easily beautiful and fresh, it’s hard for the listener to not wonder why things couldn’t have just stayed the way they were. This album will surely have Iron & Wine fans pretty polarized, and for good reason. But, fortunately for us, that beard isn’t going anywhere. And along with the face fur, some of Beam’s most beloved qualities are still in tact. Perhaps just not in enough abundance. B Breonna Mabry

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March 2011 | MavLife | 13


The Origin of Hipsters You’ve probably never heard it Will Jones Staff Writer


ith a wardrobe acquired from thrift stores and the nearest Urban Outfitters, a ridiculous collection of music that you’ve never heard of and a pretentious attitude that will make most turn away in disgust, the average hipster gathers an abundance of attention. The infamous subculture that has risen in popularity has also amassed an assortment of criticism. Though hipsters are a very recent piece of our modern culture, the name finds it roots in the early twentieth century. In the jazz age of the 1930’s and 1940’s, the new name “hipster” formed to describe the young white middleclass groups of people who aspired to emulate the lifestyles of the predominately black jazz musicians they followed. This group was far from the hipster cultural movement of today, but in an essay entitled “The White Negro,” Norman Mailer painted hipsters as those who aim to “divorce themselves from society, to exist without roots, to set out on that uncharted journey into the rebellious imperatives of the self,” a description that is surprisingly close to that of today’s hipsters. Modern hipsters evolved in the 90’s as yet another group of middle-class youths who immersed themselves in alternative art and music. Most alternative groups revolt against some particular set of issues, yet hipsters are different. Lacking any real political and social scapegoats, they find their enemy in modern pop culture. Of course, they do so in a laughable fashion: pretending to reject the rampant consumerism and materialism of today’s culture while worshiping their own fashions and memes. The fashions and ideas of the hipster are often different from that of a “conformist,” but only in terms of time. It’s an embedded behavior in the hipster stereotype to claim the he or she listened to a band before they were popular, as if a mark of originality. Interestingly, hipsters will just as commonly borrow their fashions from previous decades, which seriously puts in question their idea of “originality.” Maybe their pretentious minds have them believe they are ahead of the curve, but I seriously doubt fedoras, suspenders or ironically mismatched outfits will ever become remotely popular. In the end, the hipsters are just a cultural movement going nowhere. Instead of originality, the hipsters borrow their fashion, media, and ideas from other cultures. In the mind of a hipster, it is not about the quality and content of their things, but the “authenticity”-- the sense of originality in itself as well as the consumer’s sense of originality of them using it. Soon hipsters will just be an insulting label, merely an echo of this sad ironic culture.

Hipsters are known for sitting in cafes, pondering the meaning of life and sipping coffee. Drawing by Will Jones.

14 | MavLife | March 2011

Entertainment Jessica Stevenson Staff Writer

L’Amour de la Mode Maverick


The fashion of March

hile the year2011 has taken over fast, the fashion of 2010 is still lingering. This issue, I would like to share with you a few stylish students I thought portrayed the fashions of 2010 admirably, but in a more trend-setting way, bringing out the bold side of students. Many of the trends span over multiple seasons, offsetting new anticipated styles while 2011 continues to evolve. Walking on campus each day, there were many students who were setting high-standards in their voguish ensembles. Here is a collection of looks I thought portrayed a few of the different styles mentioned in recent issues- combat boots, sequins, high socks tucked into overthe-knee boots and black leather. Photos by Jessica Stevenson.

Erin Boechler (10) is wearing a floral black and red skirt with a three quarter length sleeve white top and stylish lace-up black combat boots.

Samie Gilford (12) is wearing a vibrant pair of true blue skinny jeans, tucked into a delicate variation of the black combat boot, paired with a black cropped sequin covered top.

Ray Daily (12) is wearing a black leather jacket over a designed t-shirt, with dark grey straight leg jeans, finished with black laced tennis-shoes and a silver cross necklace.

Anna Gagliardo (12) is wearing highwaisted faded denim shorts with a loose white scoop neck tee paired with gold pointed ballet flats, finished off with a polka-dot bow in her hair.

March 2011 | MavLife | 15


Sarah Palin Sparks Debate Controversy follows former Alaska governor Breonna Mabry Staff Writer


o those who are considering voting for a woman who was unsure as to whether Africa was a country or continent into the White House, thank you for ensuring Mayans’ prediction of 2012 as the end of times correct. Although Sarah Palin is adored by many Americans for her down-to-earth, “just like me” persona, her intellectual ability must not be forgotten. Sarah Palin had to attend FIVE different community colleges before being able to receive her degree in communications, a field of which has been perceived to be, by far, the easiest of all to receive a degree in. I find it quite comical actually, that a woman who has been “educated” in communications still proclaims words such as “refudiate” as actual English vocabulary. It sickens me to think that some of my fellow Americans can look at this woman and see potential for a national leader. In all fairness, I completely understand the personal appeal Palin has to the United States population. Her reality show has proven her to be down to earth, humble, and an intellectual equal to the ordinary citizen. Republicans and Independents who vouch for Palin claim that she represents the people better than her competitors because she is “just like” the average American. This of course

Illustration by Kevin Yei makes me ROTFL, for I personally do not wish to have a national leader who is just like me. In contrast, I desire that the person who is elected and trusted to govern the entire nation, to be more competent than the average bear. I expect the best. While Sarah Palin is on CNN demanding that America “has to stand with our North Korean allies,” I cannot help but be saddened by the idea that there are people in the world who actually look to Palin as a possible candidate for a presidential election.

Brenna Lyles Staff Writer


t was a calm January morning at a Tuscon grocery store when a gunman released his rage in a violent shooting rampage, subsequently leaving many injured and 6 dead. This 22 year old gunman, Jared Loughner, was the obvious culprit and mastermind of this disturbing scheme, but some wish to point the blame at an unlikely candidate: Sarah Palin. Among those seriously injured was 40 year old Gabrielle Giffords, a recently reelected Democratic Arizona congresswoman, who Loughner obviously targeted in his shooting.

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16 | MavLife | March 2011

Palin was blamed for this event due to her Facebook post of a campaign map that plotted potentially threatening Democratic regions of the country, in preparation for her running in the 2012 election. Giffords’ district was one of those indicated on Palin’s map. Although Palin’s map may play a role in stirring up political rivalry, when further examined, Loughner proved to be a quite unstable character and was not driven by such rhetoric. Among other strange discoveries, the gunman who had attended Pima Community College, was warned, prior to the shooting, that if he wished to return to the school he must pass a mental health

inspection clearing that he would not be a danger to others on campus. Furthermore, friends, classmates, and family members claim that Loughner had showed various signs of suffering from some form of mental ailment. Loughner, who had been rejected from the Army, believed that government officials and politicians wished to brain-wash society through “mind-control methods.” He had also claimed to be “grammarobsessed” among his favorite works of literature were Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, and George Orwell’s Animal Farm. He also felt that the government performed their so called “mind-control” through manipulated grammar and diction. That’s why he targeted Giffords... because she was a politician. With that being said, blaming Sarah Palin and her Tea Party followers is simply irrelevant. If Loughner were to have shot the congresswoman because of opposing political viewpoints, perhaps this would serve as a viable argument. Palin’s Facebook post may have been controversial, but it certainly was not intended to cause such a violent incident. Rather than using Palin as a scapegoat, perhaps critics should analyze the situation a bit more carefully to decide where to point the blame. As for now, Gabrielle Giffords is recovering from being in critical condition and Jared Loughner remains in custody.


Academic Standards

Dropping hard classes shouldn’t be a crime Jordan Bernard Staff Writer

Four and a half months, a mere

20 weeks, 140 days, is the amount of time separating students from the start of second semester and summer 2011. This measly amount of time is a major cause for loss of motivation, especially for those who are four and half months away from being done with high school forever. So there is no wonder why seniors are dropping classes like last semester’s fashion trends. Personally, I believe if all the credits one needs to graduate are completed or being completed, why not extend one’s morning sleepingin-time or elongate lunch? Everyone thinks that seniors suffer terribly from “senioritis,” which holds truth, but I do not think taking a less rigorous schedule after four years of hard work should be diagnosed as a disease. However, this does not mean that it should be acceptable for “drawing and design” to be a student’s most difficult class (unless they are striving artists who takes their art work very seriously, of course!) or that previous A plus students should slip by with a C minus. Because, as much as seniors would like to ignore this, colleges really do make sure that students

are upholding the academic standards they have set for themselves. The horror stories of the straight-edge kid getting their admission revoked to their first choice because of their “party hardy” attitude and complete dropoff from school work can become too real if seniors delve to deeply into their alter egos. As college acceptances and the reality of being a senior finally set in, students need to find a happy medium between failing all of their classes and working too hard. Dropping one class, like an elective one does not enjoy or a math class when one already has all their credits, should be considered fine, and no emergency flare should be set off declaring complete lack of senior academics. Three and a half years of high school, multiple standardized tests, and the college application process is validation enough to step out of the perfect student persona, at least for the last semester. If one finds themselves blowing off one too many homework assignments or filling in random letters on more than one test, though, they need to remember that college is only a few months away and the work starts all over again!

Illustration by Kevin Yei

Rock of Love

Widely successul for small venue Lauren Sonken Staff Writer

After paying for a new hair-

style, custom makeup, the perfect dress, special shoes, and two tickets, an average girl spends roughly $400 on the annual Winter Formal. All this money would be a blatant waste if the event did not live up to all of its gossip and hype. However, this year, Associated Student Body (ASB) made sure the money would be well spent on 2011’s Rock of Love. A total of 1,126 tickets were sold after constant online advertisements and commercials played on MavTV. The dance was held at the House of Blues in downtown San Diego, an extravagant venue that appealed to most who attended. Students arrived at the House of Blues shortly after 7:00 p.m., and stayed until 11:00 p.m. Various activities besides dancing were available to attendees, such as: Guitar Hero 3 projected onto a large screen; an endless ColdStone Creamery bar; multiple candy

stands; and a photo booth. The activities provided were sufficient entertainment that left students hyper and engaged. There was a single DJ placed at the center of the main stage, who mixed various fast paced songs to keep dancers jiving. Although the music selection probably did not satisfy all audiences, many students were pleased with the song choices. A majority of the dresses worn by women were black, short, and tight. Men exhibited black and white tuxes, while a few of them added baseball caps to complete their formal ensemble. Colored shoes by ladies and ties by men were sported as well. Overall, the dance was extremely successful. There was a positive feedback from most of the students who attended. Each year ASB outdoes themselves with a new, innovate venue, and Winter Formal 2011 will definitely be hard to top.

March 2011 | MavLife | 17

Staying Current

Breonna Mabry Staff Writer


Our generation fails to keep up with current events

I can hardly remember a time

when my morning routine consisted of something other than black coffee and NPR. Even when I found the headliners dull and uneventful, the voice of my mother telling me “you can’t live well in a world you know nothing of,” always energized my will to pay attention the tales of current events and political scandal. Since before grade school, my family encouraged me grow in the knowledge of my surroundings, and take the time to think critically about how current events domestic and abroad affected my everyday life. It was preached to me that those whom are aware of their present are more likely to make good decisions in it. And although this idea was originally that of my parents, as years passed, I became more and more intellectually sound, and I grew to hold a firm belief in their premise. It boggles my mind when my teachers bring up seemingly vital headline news, like presidential nominations or the status of Prop 8, or speak of significant individuals like Hosni Mubarak, or Ben Bernanke and my peers look at them with blank stares.

I am a senior this year, and like most of my fellow classmates, I am soon to be eighteen- the legal voting age. I find it almost insulting that a majority of my peers are ignorant of the world they live in. How does one come to form a political opinion when they know nothing of the matter in which they are choosing sides? It honestly saddens my heart and fuels me with rage when I hear someone rant about how much they despise health-care reform, and then respond with a shocked facial expression when I inform them that without it more than 275,000 adults nationwide will die over the next decade because of a lack of insurance. To the peers who think the news is irrelevant to their daily lives, I question your intellectual capacity. Sure, you may pay attention in your Advanced Placement English class, and sure you may have earned a 2150 on your SAT, but in the end, you’ll come to find your achievements as simply arbitrary. You will still come to find yourself lost in a world of controversy, and unable to grasps the concepts of what your surroundings stir. Knowledge is good. But knowledge AND awareness are even better. For it is hard to live well in a

18 | MavLife | March 2011

Screenshot of Al Jazeera English front page. world you know nothing of. If teens don’t know about all the kids suffering because of war and famine, how will they ever feel compassion? How will they ever understand the importance of not wasting food, of saving money and treasuring their lives? If teens don’t know about the disasters that are taking place all over the world, how will they learn to appreciate what they already have? If

teens don’t know the first thing about politics, how they learn how to vote and whom they should vote for? We are no longer children, and as cliche as it may sound, our generation has the ability to change the world around us. But making a change is impossible if you know not what needs to change.


Girls Deserve an Audience Kenya Caines Staff Writer

Girls’ basketball games are equally exciting as boys’ the girls don’t do as well as guys or get as far in the season. This year and for many years in the past, girls varsity has remained undefeated in league ranking them first in their section division. The boys are also undefeated and ranked first in their section division. Both teams are headed to C.I.F playoffs. There is no reason to say that girls’ basketball is different then guys’ because it really isn’t. Girls practice the same fundamentals and play the same defense. In fact, girls’ games offer the true game of basketball. Girls tend to

Boys’ game against Oceanside on February 18. from students. Playing in the past, I was a basketball player in the knew my parents would always suppast, and through that I experienced port me, but it would have been nice first hand the low attendance of to have peers come and see us play. people in the stands when compared I never understood why people to the large amount of attendees at prefer boys’ basketball over girls’ basboys games. The small amount of ketball. Some people say that it is the people that did go to girls’ games were physical aspect and that boys are more parents or siblings, but few, if any, aggressive in the games than girls. were fellow students. This is not true. During a particular second half of Girls end up on the ground and a home game, some students began to get just as aggressive as guys during show up, but those students were only a basketball game. Granted, some coming to support the boys’ varsity girls may not have the same strength game, which commenced directly that guys do, but they still get pushed after ours. Although it is nice to have around just as much. parents supporting our games, the I have also heard people say that most influential support really comes

be more fundamentally sound with less hot dogging or showing off. It is the perfect game for the true and real basketball fan. I am not trying to bash boys’ basketball. I am also not trying to get people to go to girls’ games instead of guys. I love watching both girls’ and boys’ basketball games. I am just trying to suggest to people to go to the girls’ games. It is a great way to support the team and you may find that you actually like it. I must say that it really means a lot to see friends and classmates watching the games.


Girls’ game same day against Oceanside. Photos by Kenya Caines

March 2011 | MavLife | 19


Best In The West


Check out our Lacrosse coverage on page 9. Photo by Tanner Taguchi

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20 | MavLife | March 2011


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