La Costa Canyon High School
May 2016
One Maverick Way, Carlsbad, CA 92009
Volume 10 Issue 6
Outdated Parking Lot Undergoes Summer Renovations
Kalli Anderson
The intersection between Camino De Los Coches and Maverick Way will be renovated next year. Longer traffic lights will help the flow of traffic into the school and limit the risk of accidents for inexperienced drivers.
s students turn 16 and gain the privilege to have driver’s licenses, they are able to embrace a newly earned sense of adulthood. Traffic is inevitable but the difficulty it can create for inexperienced, fresh-off-thepermit drivers may be harmful. In order to strengthen overall safety for our student body, while also improving regular traffic flow, the administration has called for a parking lot and traffic light renovation. “Brand new drivers are put in stressful situations where they try to make eye contact with other drivers to decide who’s going first,” Principal Bryan Marcus said. “We’re going to talk about enhancements and we’ll make sure we address all the issues that need to be addressed.” Over the course of this upcoming summer, the parking lot will be revamped to better meet the growing student population. These renovations have been set in order to
create faster, more fluent moving traffic that promoting safe driving, softer bumps will be is equally efficient as it is safe. For instance, implemented in place of harsher ones next two jagged speed bumps in the uppermost school year. parking lot row were viewed as unnecessarily “I think we can do a much nicer job rough. The sharp up and of having the speed bumps,” down movement gradually Marcus said. “I think they wore out the material of serve a purpose, but they are some cars that traveled over currently very severe and them. unfriendly to people’s cars.” “I’m not a fan of the The parking lot will be almost triangular speed remodeled as stop signs and bumps we currently have,” signals might be used to more junior Lucy Bruemmer said. productively direct traffic. “My car is really low to the Additionally, a new topcoat will ground so I’m always afraid given to the lot and faded Zach Carter be I’m going to scrape the parking lines will be re-painted bottom of my car.” to improve the overall aesthetic. Once LCC received feedback on the Because a revamped lot is one of the first speed bumps, the school addressed the issue things prospective students see, it creates a accordingly and removed them. To reduce lasting impression on them and their families. the wear on cars while simultaneously “If families see the parking lot is outdated
Investing money in a better entrance and exit will really go a long way,”
or not well taken care of, they’re more likely to be skeptical about what the rest of the school looks like,” Marcus said. “I think these projects help provide the campus with the beautification we’re looking for.” Other projects also fall under the remodeling process. As some students and parents might already know, the intersection of Camino De Los Coches and Maverick Way is fairly troublesome. If one is coming in southbound to the intersection, one would have to yield to oncoming traffic in order to turn left onto Maverick Way. As a result, student drivers are being stalled and are required to wait until an opening is allotted.
Continued on Page 2
Kari DiGiulio Wins SD Athletic Director of the Year
Kalli Anderson
Kari DiGiulio poses in front of other CIF awards as San Diego Section Girls Athletic Director of the Year.
very year the California State Directors choose one teacher from the San Diego CIF section, and select two to represent the section as the SD Section Athletic Director of the Year for boys and girls. This year, AVID teacher and girls field hockey coach, Kari DiGiulio was chosen to receive the girls award. There are six different sections of the state of California that receive the award. La Costa Canyon High School is in the southern section. In order to win the award, DiGiulio had her nomination sent into the California
Athletic Directors conference, where the California State Directors then decided if she would be selected from the southern section to receive the award. The California State Directors take a vote, and then come to a decision as to who should be selected for the award. DiGiulio was nominated through the school and through CIF. The award itself is not associated with the school, but in order to be nominated the school must be involved. “CIF is broken into many different sections and so we are the San Diego section
and it represents all of San Diego,” Principal Bryan Marcus said. “It also represents downtown San Diego and the city schools.” Once nominated, DiGiulio waited three weeks to learn if she was the winner of the Girls SD Section Athletic Director of the Year award. “I received the award for the Athletic Director of the year in San Diego and there’s actually a huge cohort for coaches that will be receiving an award in California,” DiGiulio said. Although her coaching is what led DiGiulio to receive the award, she claims that the student athletes and other coaches were her main support. “It’s an honor and I couldn’t do it without the incredible coaches on this campus,” DiGiulio said. “None of us could be here without the student athletes on this campus. We have really good student athletes who have good focus and enjoy being both students and athletes.” The ceremony to receive the award took place on April 16 and was held in the Town and Country Hotel. DiGiulio and other winners received their awards and attended a reception. “The reception was really nice,” DiGiulio said. “That’s where I received my award from my section. I was honored as a California coach and it was fun to watch other coaches win awards for their sections.” The award is well known throughout the county because many athletic directors are nominated for it in the San Diego area each year. “This award is sort of prestigious in the county because she was one out of many
“Touch and Go”
Spring CIF
The Hungry Mav
MavLife investigates how cancer has had a considerable impact on students at LCC and their families in order to raise awareness.
Athletes participating in the spring season face stress as they begin their CIF competitions at the same time as AP testing.
people from our section that could have won the award,” Marcus said. As well as being given the title of Girls Athletic Director of the Year, DiGiulio was also given the California Coaches award for Girls Field Hockey Coach of the Year. The awards ceremony for the California Coaches award will take place on May 26. “The award is similar to CIF, because you have your league teams, CIF teams and different awards for each sport just like they have awards for each coach,” DiGiulio said. “I was recognized not only for being a field hockey coach but also for the Athletic Director award.” The award brings recognition to the coaches at LCC, and showcases the different sports available at the school. “It’s reflective of what good coaches and student athletes we have on the campus here at La Costa Canyon,” Marcus said. Sophia Gambale Staff Writer
MavLife tasted California burritos from the best local Mexican restaurants in town to determine which burrito comes out on top.
May/June 17- 18 LATE START 21 26
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