Senior Issue 2013

Page 1

Top Academic Achievers

MavLife recognizes superstars from the class of 2013. Page 2

Senior Issue 2013

College Map

See where your fellow senior classmates are headed next year. Pages 8 and 9


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MavLife La Costa Canyon High School, One Maverick Way, Carlsbad, CA 92009

While We Were Seniors

Take a look at what has happened throughout senior year. Page 15

Volume 7 Issue 8




Senior Issue 2013

Top Academic Achievers

Chase McAllister

Chase McAllister

Chase McAllister

Chase McAllister

Chase McAllister

Ellen Reidy

Chase McAllister

Chase McAllister

McKenna Stonhaus Opinion Editor


MavLife profiles some of the school’s top students

f the top academic achievers at LCC, MavLife chose eight to highlight: four boys and four girls. Even though our school does not rank students academically, we can still appreciate the accomplishments of these stellar performers.

After school activities: “I’m involved in soccer, Girl Scouts, NHS Vice President, and [I am a] spokesperson for Girl Scouts San Diego. I have been involved [with Girl Scouts] since I was five. I’m a coach of the middle school soccer team, I like to paddle board.” Favorite LCC Memory: “Winning CIF my junior year, we beat our rivals... for

soccer.” Who or what motivates you: “I mean my mom has always been a big motivation in my life just because she is so driven and focussed in everything she does, and also my competitiveness just drives me in everything I do.” Favorite teacher: “Schildhouse [is my favorite teacher]. She is just an amazing

person and she knows so much about what she teaches and cares about all of her students individually.” Favorite class: “AP Biology or Anatomy.” Future plans: “I’m majoring in Biology and going to grad school to become a marine biologist [and I am] going to Stanford University.”

After school activities: “I’m really involved in Key Club. After moving here I founded [Key Club] here. It’s a community service club and statewide program.” Favorite LCC Memory: “My first football game was a whole lot of fun. It was just fun to hear the band and see a game, and I think we won, and the energy

of the school was something I hadn’t been around before” Who or what motivates you: “My cousin motivates me. He lives in New York City and he is successful now, but he really had to work at it. He was training for the Olympics and decided to quit that and focus on his education instead.”

Favorite teacher: “I liked McCormick a lot and Ms. Schildhouse is great.” Favorite class: “Probably Gov. and Econ.” Future plans: “I am going to Georgetown and hopefully I can have a career in politics in the future in D.C.”

After school activities: “I have volunteered over 100 hours each year in National Charity League, planned three tennis tournaments to raise [$4,000] for Susan G. Komen for breast cancer, played on the JV and Varsity tennis teams, [did the] study buddy program, worked at Legoland and volunteered as a camp counselor at the Batiquitos Lagoon.” Favorite LCC memory: “I always had a fun time at the sporting events, dances and

Comedy Sportz games.” Who or what motivates you: “Most of my motivation comes from myself because I won’t allow myself to turn in work that isn’t my best.” Favorite teacher: “Mrs. Lax and Mrs. Anderson. They both are very passionate about what they teach and are excited to teach about it which makes it easy and fun to learn.” Favorite class: “AP Chemistry. It was a

tough class, but was very interesting and rewarding to learn the material. Also, we were able to spend a lot of time in the lab applying what we had learned.” Future plans: “I am going to TCU next year to study mechanical engineering and will be a member of the honors college. I may pursue a masters in engineering or go to business school.”

After school activities: “I’m a one on one mentor for a boy with special needs, and I play tennis in my free time.” Favorite LCC Memory: “My favorite LCC memory is winning Homecoming Queen.”

Who or what motivates you: “I’m mostly self motivated but my siblings inspire me a lot.” Favorite teacher: “My favorite teacher is Ms. Longiaru.” Favorite class: “AP Biology with Ms.

Schildhouse.” Future plans: “I am going to be going to Duke University this fall to study a variety of subjects and I’m not sure what my major is yet.”

After school activities: “Mainly community service. I have a community service group that I’m president of. We have this group where we teach blind people how to surf, and I do debate too.” Favorite LCC Memory: “I don’t have much school spirit so probably Mammoth

(Mammy 2013!). No, but probably spending time with people in class.” Who or what motivates you: “My friends motivate me by doing good things because when others do well I want.” Favorite teacher: “Ms. Schildhouse. She puts a lot of time in helping students and

she goes to the tutoring center every night and gives back to students a lot.” Favorite class: “AP Biology.” Future plans: “I’m going to college at Princeton, majoring in chemical and biological engineering, and working for something that makes medicine.”

After school activities: “I really like adventuring just like doing something spontaneous and exciting like going cave exploring, which is called spelunking, and going kayaking down at La Jolla Shores, swimming with the leopard sharks and on a random weekend seeing what’s going on in San Diego.” Favorite LCC Memory: “There was one day last year when all the seniors were

in the parking lot and someone brought a barbeque, so we had a barbeque in the middle of the parking lot.” Who or what motivates you: “This sounds super cliche, but leadership motivates me because there’s no feeling better in the world to me than knowing that I’m making a difference and I’m inspiring others.” Favorite teacher: “I’d have to say

Etheridge because not only is he a chiller, but he gets it.” Favorite class: “I would have to say Gov. with Jobi. That was a really interesting class.” Future plans: “I am going to UCLA. I’m majoring in Global Studies, planning to study abroad three times and hoping to expand my nonprofits.”

After school activities: “I played basketball for LCC for the past three years, I played ‘D’ and for years I played Game Point basketball. I also run a blog for electronic music called Mudstep. I also produce music hip-hop instrumentals for my friends and play the piano.” Favorite LCC Memory: “Probably the Mighty Mav competition. I had so much fun with all the guys. Learning the dance, and performing it with everyone was just so great.”

Who or what motivates you: “I feel like I’m self-motivated.You have to be kind of internally driven in order to do whatever you want. I get a lot of support from my family and friends, and that always helps.” Favorite teacher: “Probably Mrs. Anderson because she’s really nice to everyone and she always wants the best for her students.” Favorite class: “I really enjoyed AP Physics last year just particularly because

that’s what I want to do. It’s one of my favorite subjects of all time.” Future plans: “I’m going to be attending Berkeley for the next four years. I’m looking at majoring in physics and hopefully going to grad school for engineering or further into physics. It’d be cool to work with NASA to see our development of space or working for a fusion company, looking into produce clean energy from fusion reactions.”

After school activities: “Building speakers and other stuff, working with computers.” Favorite LCC Memory: “Formal senior year.” Who or what motivates me: “Looking

forwards towards the future, knowing that what I do now will determine what I will do 20 years from now.” Favorite teacher: “[Mrs.] Lax.” Favorite Class: “Senior Seminar.” Future plans: “I’m going to MIT to

study computer science. I would like to start my own company, though I wouldn’t mind working for tech startups in Silicon Valley.”

Senior Issue 2013


Taking Talents to the Next Level MavLife shines the spotlight on six top athletes, all of whom earned scholarships Cosy Burnett Staff Writer Cosy Burnett

Ellen Reidy

Chase McAllister

Ellie Abrahamson

Cosy Burnett

Shayne Davern

Ellen Reidy

Chris Indudhara

Cosy Burnett

Drew Ramsey

Cosy Burnett

Paige Soenksen

Jade Vitt

Ellie Abrahamson is going to Wake Forest for cross country. Ellie has been on varsity cross state meet, and her team qualified for country and track since freshman year. Nike Cross Nationals again. Senior year, During that first year she placed 10th she placed third at CIF finals and 24th at at CIF cross country finals and made state. While on the cross country team, it to the state meet individually. Her they won three CIF titles. sophomore year, she placed ninth at CIF Her track career has been successful, finals, qualified for the state meet, placed too. Freshman and sophomore years she 25th individually at the state meet, and made it to CIF finals in the 3200m. Junior her cross country team qualified for Nike year, her team was ranked champions Cross Nationals. Her junior year, she in the 4x1600m relay at the Arcadia placed sixth at CIF finals, made it to the Invitational and got a personal best of

10:46 in the 3200m, then placed second at the Escondido Invite in the 1600m, and placed third at the league meet in the 1600m, with a personal best of 5:00. Senior year, she competed in the Arcadia invite 3200m and recently qualified for CIF finals in the 3200m and 1600m. She has received the Most Valuable Runner award. She was also on the PATCO junior team for USA triathlon and competed in Mexico and Canada.

Shayne Davern is going to the Air Force Academy for football. Shayne had always been a baseball About six months later he was player and started playing football in 5th playing baseball and working his way grade. Freshman year he played on the back into football. The summer going Freshman football team and got pulled up into senior year, Davern attended a few for playoffs. Sophomore year he played football camps to get his name back out on varsity and started on special teams. there. Recruiting was because not many Playing Poway during the second game schools were interested since he was of the year, Davern tore his ACL and coming off of ACL injury and missed all of meniscus in two places. He had surgery his junior year. Coach Sovacool believed three weeks later. in Davern, along with all of his family and

close friends. Davern played hard during the senior season and in the end the Air Force Academy decided they wanted to offer him so he made the decision to go there. This summer he leaves for basic training on June 26. The thing he is most excited for is playing Notre Dame next year in Colorado Springs.

Chris Indudhara is going to Fordham University for swim. Chris has been a competitive on varsity swimming since freshman year. swimmer since age 10. He has been Chris has qualified for CIF four years in a swimming for North Coast Aquatics since row and has been swimming the 200 and 2007 and has practiced at the Jewish 500 yard freestyle at CIF. The LCC Swim Community Center’s Pool in La Jolla. team was runner up in 2010 and 2011 to He was on the highest level of his swim Torrey Pines both times at CIF but were team and practiced with the senior swim also All League champions both years and group, consisting of 40 of the fastest girls won leagues in 2010 and 2011. and boys from the entire swim team. Chris is a distance freestyler, by He’s been a member of Seniors since his specialty, and has qualified for the San freshman year in 2009 and has also been Diego Junior Olympics since 2010. His

best events during the high school swim season has been the 200 yard freestyle, with a time of 1:45.56, and the 500 yard freestyle with a time of 4:44.34. Next year he plans on going to Fordham University in New York City and swimming in the division one swim league with some of the fastest distance swimmers in the nation.

Drew Ramsey is going to Cal State University at Monterey Bay for soccer. Drew started playing soccer when he of the season. Junior year his team won for the southern California all star game was five in a Recreational league. When CIF. As a senior he was co-captain of the which all first and second team CIF he was 12 he started playing competitive team. players were able to attend. soccer. The club teams he has played for His team won CIF for the two peat. Next month Ramsey will be playing are Encinitas express, Carlsbad lightning, They also made it to the semifinals of in Hawaii for a regional championship San Diego Surf, and Carlsbad Elite. As a state which was the furthest any mens with his club team Carlsbad Elite. Next freshman he played on the freshman team soccer team from LCC had gone. At the year he will be playing soccer at Cal State and received the offensive player of the end of the season he was named defensive University Monterey Bay. His goal is to year award. As a sophomore he played JV MVP for the team, first team all league, make the NCAA tournament. and was given the MVP award at the end first team all CIF, and defensive MVP

Paige Soenksen is going to the University of Colorado Boulder for lacrosse. Paige started playing lacrosse when in Richmond, VA. She received All-American Honorable she was in sixth grade and has been As a high school player, she made Mention and her team’s MVP award. playing ever since. She plays club lacrosse varsity as a freshman and has been playing This past season she was a team as well as high school lacrosse. Her all throughout high school. Last year, her captain and we won CIF and league again. club team is the Pacific Falcons and she team was Avocado League Champion She made All-League First Team and Allparticipated in numerous tournaments as well as CIF Champions. She made CIF First Team and was named All-League around the country including a third Avocado League First Team and CIF First Player of the Year as well as All-CIF Player place national tournament finish in the Team, and was named Avocado League of the Year. In addition she was also named U15 National Tournament in Orlando, Player of the Year and CIF D1 Player her team’s MVP and an All-American. She FL, winning the 2011 Bay Area Bonanza of the Year. In addition she was named will be playing lacrosse at the University Tournament, and going undefeated in the North County Times Player of the Year of Colorado at Boulder. 2011 Capital Cup Showcase Tournament and Union Tribune Player of the Week. Jade Vitt is going to the University of South Carolina for beach volleyball. Freshman year Jade tried beach and two years ago they took fifth at the found it had everything she was looking volleyball out of pure curiosity and national championship. for. Vitt knew if she had the opportunity fell in love with it. She has played on University of South Carolina and an appeal for a school, her first choice the beach club for the past three years. announced they were going to be starting would be to play beach. Vitt started out playing in many CBVA a beach program for the 2014 spring She has only played in a couple youth tournaments and as she became season and contacted Vitt’s beach coach tournaments so far this year (an AAU and more comfortable, started playing in looking for players he should look into for LCC games/championship). Since indoor AAU youth tournaments as well as a their first ever beach program starting up is starting to wind down, she will be on couple of women’s tournaments just to next year. Vitt’s coach referred her and the beach a lot more and her summer will gain experience and some practice. Last another player because they were the only be dedicated to training and tournaments. year her and her partner qualified for ones graduating that weren’t signed yet. the Junior Olympics in Hermosa Beach She did some research on the school and


Senior Issue 2013


• 52 Rotating Flavors • 30 Delicious Toppings • Fresh Fruits

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NOW! 3 Locations... Del Mar: 2683 Via de la Valle, Suite E • 858.755.5564 Encinitas: 204 N. El Camino Real, Suite G • 760.479.2442 Carmel Valley: 12925 El Camino Real, Suite AA1 • 858.794.7033 (Del Mar Highlands - Below the movie theater)


Senior Issue 2013 Editor-In-Chief: Megan Mineiro Managing Editor: Rebecca Zilberman News Editors: Yasmeen Halim Rachel Hutchison

‘Started From The Bottom, Now We Here’

One senior reflects on her past four years as a La Costa Canyon Maverick

Sports Editor: Anthony Fregoso Opinion Editor: McKenna Stonhaus Entertainment Editors: Jennie Barnes Alex Visser Photography Editor: Ellen Reidy Head Photographer: Chase McAllister Web Editor: Kaylee Daly Rodriguez Copy Editor: Molly Mineiro Assistant Editors: Ana Diaz & Claudia Mathews Assistant Design Editor: Meghan Lumsden Staff Writers: L.J. Bradford, Emily Brown, Cosy Burnett, Juliette Cardinale, Belen Castillejos, Jacob Castrejon, Andrew Chan, Jackson Cowart, Cassandra Cyphers, Natalie Engel, Sydney Francis, Jayson Gacad, Cooper Gee, Kara Gibson, Kiki Gibson, Rhett Goodson, Alex Hummel, Ingrid Kim, Hunter Klawans, Meghan Lumsden, Riley Medina, Molly Mineiro, Sandy Mueller, Kota Nishiguchi, Emily Schacht, Reilly Tiglio, Dani Tomassetti, Devon Whitlam, Jessica Woods, and Allison Zimmerman


Alex Visser Entertainment Editor

have spent the last four years of our lives waiting for this moment, graduation day, 2013. The memories I have made here on this campus are the moments that I will remember and cherish for the rest of my life. Can you believe this is our last day’s of high school? After hearing our parent’s embarrassing high school stories and being exposed to the faux high school drama in movies such as “Mean Girls” and “Max Keeble’s Big Move,” we now each have our own story to tell and memories to laugh at. What do we really want out of high school? Think about it. Why do we spend hours studying each year? What drives us to attend all the “white out” games and cheer at the top of our lungs? The answer to this question changes drastically from year to year. From the first day we stepped on LCC’s campus to now, our last few hours as a La Costa Canyon Maverick…each one of us have grown exponentially. Freshman year. Talk about awkward.

Leaving our sheltered lifestyles will be good for us

Adviser: Suzi Van Steenbergen

avLife is the student newspaper of La Costa Canyon High School. LCCHS student media products are public forums for student expression. Students are responsible for their work in print publications, online content and video broadcasts, as well as in other products, none of which are subject to administrative approval. Students make all final content decisions. Media programs follow Scholastic Press Association, Journalism Education Association, and Student Press Law Center standards. In addition, student media programs work to follow all copyright laws and avoid libel, slander, and infringing upon the rights of others. Unsigned editorials represent the opinions of the editorial board, while opinion columns represent the writer’s perspective. Advertisements do not necessarily represent the newspaper’s views.

in this world. Balancing the Writer’s Notebook, rhetorical device flashcards, egg drop experiment, physics Olympics and the never ending history study guides were a challenge that I am happy to say we have overcome. During this time, the constant question of “what are you going to do when you grow up” punctures the eardrums of the entire class. All we want is 6 A+’s and a 2400 on the SAT. Finally, after all the build up and hype, senior year begins and everyone is shocked how quickly the past three years have gone by. We are now the big dogs on campus. All eyes are on us as we set a precedent for the years to come. Throughout these past 173 days as seniors, all the things we have looked forward to have finally arrived. We experienced Chalk the Lot, cheering from the senior section of football games, Mammy 2013, the boat dance, and all the other senior activities that have led us to this moment. We are graduating! Our outlook on what we want out of high school has finally come to an epic conclusion. All we desire out of our high school years is to live this moment feeling accomplished, accepted and prepared. We, the class of 2013, have left our mark on this campus. Left our mark on this community. We will continue to learn and grow, as we become the leaders of tomorrow. With this, I challenge you to take a leap of faith into the world past the “green gates.”You have the tools to succeed, the encouragement to follow your heart and the ability to make your dreams a reality.

Effort Determines Success

Business Managers: Kiki Gibson Riley Medina


Guys are still figuring out whether cooties are fact or fiction, and girls get to debut their outfit they have been planning since the last day of 8th grade. I still remember walking through the green gates for the first time in those dark wash Abercrombie shorts and brand new Hollister tee. Dressed to impress. Not only are we self conscious as the babies on campus, but we begin to learn that we are responsible for our own actions. Moms no longer do our projects for us, teachers no longer accept late work and our actions begin to shape our image. All we want is approval from our peers. Then, sophomore year rolls around. We migrate away from the snack bar area at home football games and we gain a new found freedom as sophomore hill fills up with all the new drivers. Although I was slightly more confident at 15, I still vividly remember the first football game of my sophomore year. I unfortunately found myself falling head over heels down the stadium stairs directly in front of the “cool” seniors. I’m still recovering from the embarrassment. We become more independent now that we can make our own choices and temptations begin to arise. We can drive wherever we want to, we can spend all our money on food if we choose and making the right choices is a constant battle. All we want is independence. Junior year. The stress piles on. We are constantly stuck with our heads in our books, staying up late to finish projects, and studying for AP and standardized tests that, I don’t know about you, but I was confident would “dictate” my success

Rebecca Zilberman Managing Editor


o what happens when we graduate high school and exit the bubble known as Carlsbad? Where we live is not the “real world.” When traveling to a different city or a different state, one will see that other places are very different from here. Living here, having the opportunities we do, we are privileged. In the real world not everyone has an iPhone and Mac computer. Not everyone wears True Religions and has a perfect manicure every day of the year. And I admit, I am the epitome of this image. But, I understand that I am lucky, and most people do not have these things. Carlsbad, with its year-round 72 degree weather is not the real world because it is a place where most people have it

relatively easy. The actions we take right now do have consequences, so in that sense we are living in the real world, but our lives are easier now than they will become. We are not accustomed to having an exam at 8 p.m. or living on our own, worrying about how our clothes will be washed and what we will eat for dinner. Having responsibilities, and not having everything handed to us, is what we will encounter in my definition of the real world. Whether or not a student is 18 yet, starting college makes anyone an adult because of the responsibility that comes with it. We are no longer children and we need to fend for ourselves. I don’t know about anyone else but I don’t know what to expect going into college. This tiny suburban community— where California Burritos and Acai bowls are plentiful—is our home. And we are all about to leave and take on an adventure, even those of us staying in San Diego. As this door closes, we will move on. I may not know what is in store for me in college, but you better believe I am ready to leave. I crave the new opportunities, the unfamiliar faces, and the classes I am actually interested in. I look forward to going to school with people who want to be there. People that are investing time

Raquel Zilberman

MavLife 2012-2013 Staff


and money into their future. High school is not the end. It is the very beginning. People are so consumed with the idea that high school is the “best time of your life.” But life is just beginning. There is so much that has yet to happen. I know I will be successful. I am ready for the future and I want to prove myself. I want to prove that high school is not everything. People may not end up where they want, but in the end the people that have worked hard will stampede forward. It does not entirely matter the ranking of what college you go to. It matters what you do once you get there. We will succeed if we have the drive. Students during those competitive and painful months of acceptances and denials did not see the big picture. But here is the big picture: whether we are off to college or not, what we make of our lives is up to the actions we make from here on out. We are becoming accountable to our future. Now, we must be ready. This is just the beginning, and I can’t wait.

Congratulations Class of 2013! Rachel Hutchison


Senior Issue 2013

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Del Mar: 2683 Via de la Valle, Suite E • 858.755.5564 Encinitas: 204 N. El Camino Real, Suite G • 760.479.2442 Carmel Valley: 12925 El Camino Real, Suite AA1 • 858.794.7033 (Del Mar Highlands - Below the movie theater)

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Senior Issue 2013

Most Influential Teachers


Seniors share which teachers had the greatest impact on them at LCC

Ellen Reidy

“My favorite teacher is definitely Mrs. Jobi-wan-kenobi Cooper. [She’s] always super positive in class and uplifts everybody. She has interesting ways of teaching, but good interesting ways of teaching. She gets everybody involved, super energetic, always has those great uplifting morals behind every story and her teaching methods are awesome.”

Mrs. Cooper

Brennan Caruthers “My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cooper and I think the reason I like Mrs. Cooper so much is because she genuinely enjoys what she does. I adore Miss Cooper, honestly. Government was my favorite class and it might’ve been the only class I learned from all year. There’s something about Mrs. Cooper that is so happy and upbeat.”

Abraham Hernandez

Mr. Cunningham

“Mr. Matt Cunningham helped to open me up to the world and stand for my opinions. He taught me to write better and express my imagination through words and essays, and I’ll always have him as support.”

Alex Lindsay “My favorite teacher is Mr. Cunningham because he really puts a lot of time and effort into his kids. And he made the entire class excited about the books we were reading and books that we were learning about and he is super sick.”

Maddy Fitzgerald “Mr. Giuliano is my favorite teacher because I could always see how passionate he was about history. I think the best teachers are those who know and love their subject really well. After I left each class I always felt as if I had learned a lot. [He] also related history to what was currently going on in our world which helped each student understand the lessons even better.”

Mr. Giuliano

Coral Jones “I love Mr. Giuliano. I enjoyed every single day in his class because he’s so passionate about his students and what he’s teaching. He is an incredibly positive teacher and is always available for questions or just to talk. He’s the only teacher that I just enjoy listening to his lectures- I was bummed when we would watch a video related to the material instead of having him lecture.”

Sarah Nolte

Mr. Teague

“Sr.Teague always reminded me that I was smart even when I was at low points in the year. He believes in fairness, loyalty and kindness. He sticks to what he believes in. This affected my experience during high school by reminding me that even when there are negatives during life, there’s always someone who believes in me.”

Olivia Ramzi “Not only was Mr. Teague a great Spanish teacher, I learned more about life in his classes than anywhere else. I was lucky enough to have him twice and it was great to have an adult on campus that I felt comfortable talking to and who I knew cared about more than just my performance in his class.”

Emily Burns “Mrs. Lax is extremely dedicated to her students and truly cares about each and every one of us. She makes all her students excited about literature and really appreciate our senior year at LCC. Mrs. Lax sticks up for her students and treats us all as adults. Her students have a special bond with her and everyone can trust her and know that she will always be there for you.”

Mrs. Lax

Katie Eidman “[Mrs. Lax] has helped me out so much this year. I would not have been as successful my senior year without her, and I definitely would not have been able to complete my college applications without her help. She was always there when I needed help. No matter what time it was I knew she would be there for me. ”

Eric Shain

Ms. Schildhouse

“[Ms. Schildhouse] showed her students how passionate a teacher truly can be about a class. She puts so much time and effort into her job and it clearly shows by how much her students love her class.”

Keats Ewing “She’s not just a teacher in the classroom. She’s a role model and someone to look up to in class and outside of class. She is always available to all her students at any time of the day. She genuinely cares about all her students and wants them to do well.”

Chantalle Torres “He truly cared about the success of his students. He cared so much I felt the need to try so hard in everything that I do. The effort that sprouted in his class has continued through my senior year.” Kathleen Raskin “Mr. Vice was very supportive of us at LCC and he always cared about his students. One thing I will never forget is the time that he started crying after watching a video. That really showed me that he cared about what he was teaching.” Matt Hollenbeck

Mr. Vice


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NOW! 3 Locations... Del Mar: 2683 Via de la Valle, Suite E • 858.755.5564 Encinitas: 204 N. El Camino Real, Suite G • 760.479.2442 Carmel Valley: 12925 El Camino Real, Suite AA1 • 858.794.7033 (Del Mar Highlands - Below the movie theater)



Senior Issue 2013


“One time I took some of the beans home that we used in biology for an experiment and planted it at home and it’s still in my backyard.”

confiden ti al

top sec r confi d e n t i a l

I Did Something Bad: Senior


“I’ve always wanted to get up in class and dance. Just dance.”

“Every Sunday of the school year I have hopped LCC fences and worked out on the field and track. Yikes, I’m so bad.”

“In chemistry sophomore year, we had a substitute. Me and a few lab partners melted a penny over a Bunsen burner. The penny melted and dripped to cover up the gas hole, and then resolidified making it impossible to ever use again. We threw it over the fence into the canyon, never to be seen again and never to be talked of again.”

“Junior year I would drive my car onto campus and parked in front of the theatre or the 900s for working on the drama productions. One time while trying to get out I bumped into the theatre with my car.”

“I hid fake snakes on an APES field trip.” “I accidentally broke a beaker in chem class and was too scared to tell the teacher so I threw it outside.”

“In Mr. Cassaw’s class sophomore year, I had a semester-long conversation via hidden note (under the desk) with someone in one of his other periods that sat in the same desk as me. I still have no idea who it was.” “I peed in the parking lot once.”

Will Jones

“Freshman year my friend and I partially flooded the locker room because we turned on one of the showers, thinking it didn’t work. It turned out that they never used the showers because they couldn’t turn off so the P.E. teacher had to call a plumber. I don’t think she ever found out it was us.”


Oregon State University Jaime Davis Sydney Francis Kailey Castro University of Oregon Kiki Gibson Devon Blew Eric Shain Hanna Wexhler Paul Acosta Jess Kraus Natalie Jaynes Sam Casinelli Matt Hummel Patrick Morgan Levi Michelson University of Portland Allison Zimmerman


Gonzaga University Grant Ikehara University of Washington Kelly Lawson Washingson State Callie Coleman


Boise State University Milovan Curcic Chandler Frausto Brigham Young University-Idaho Lorenzo Lingardo McKenzie Kastl Jonah Wilson


Brigham Young University-Hawaii Bryce Andrews Cole Herndon University of Hawaii Kelsi Delgado


Biola Olivia Ramzi Mariah Menard Brooks Institute Katy Miller Cal Baptist Faith Kabo Cal Lutheran University Brett Lingelbach Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Kelly Davey Gage Wilson Lyle Snowden Teresa Echols Kristen Mitchell Kendra Burning Cole Tudor Kailee Coleman

Most Popular Intended Majors


Megan Black Randy Lesinski Kevin Lyle Spencer Shobe Cameron Mehta Brendan Fraiser Tori Merder Alexandra Solomon Cal Poly Pamona Melody Leu Cal State Fullerton Max Arquilla Macy Clark Cal State Long Beach Ciana Wagner Morea Wagner Katlin Mackle Sergio Ortega Cal State Monterey Bay Drew Ramsey Adam Brabyn Cal State Northridge Michael Chemaly Cal State San Marcos Briana Kieley Owen Mitchell Jennifer Showers Chapman University Nicole Scepanovic Chico State University Kallin Rappaport Ian Cooper Kylee Force David Chisholm Taylor Fencyk Fresno State Kyleigh Westgarth Loyola Marymount University Alexa Guttroff Austin Baker Shannon Brunetti MiraCosta College Liam Schramm Rachael Hodge Harrison Arnette Thomas Miller David Sanchez Tyler Leigh Ashlea Garland Garrett Negrete-Claar Taylor Griffiths Alison Peck Sergio Hernandez Blake Burrows Libby Garland Joseph Naritelli Max Schoenberger Jagayra Balderas Palomar College Monica Eslamian Dominique Estay-foix Summer Hargraves Pepperdine Jeff Van Dyke

3 14



5 9



7 3


10 3 San Diego State Katie Eidam Victoria Ransom Jennifer Reyes Joshua Enriquez Jenny Chiu Sydney Johnson Garrett Gauthier Adam Allmaras Cynthia Martinson Ty Yates Mackenzie Gomes Alec Brown Drew Solomon Rachel Haiduck San Francisco State Maddy Fitzgerald Kaylee Daly-Rodriguez Melissa Tenenbaum San Jose State

1. Business

14% (30)

Carter Johnson Alex Madurowicz Jake Williams Robert Mora Santa Barbara City Lexi Paulson College Alex Lindsay Alex Koutroubis Kyle Morris Bridget Courtney DJ Satoda Santa Clara University Grace Paxton Lauren Rice Ben Lee Shane Stroup Sonoma State Sara Nolte University Steven Gaughen UC Davis Nicole Wilcox Sadie Olsen Kristin Gsand Riley Medina Virginia Nielsen Alexis Martinez Matt Hollenbeck Kota Nishiguchi McKenna Stonhaus Ingrid Kim Mimi Dugger Stanford University Matti Haglund Megan Good Eden Borsack UC Berkley UC Los Angeles

2. Engineering

7% (15)

3. Biology

9% (19)

Larissa Wong Kelvin Campbell Kelly O’Malley Annisa Soeboer Maria Albino Kathleen Raskin Avi Toomu Tyler Simpson Scott Quessenberry Jordan Robbins UC San Diego Rebecca Zilberman Garrick Gama UC Santa Barbara Nick Juskie Bailee Barnett Sean Harvey Chantalle Torres Quentin Boucher Julia Curtiss

4. Psychology

2% (5)

Other Student Majors Include: English (10), Architecture (1), Biochemis

Computer Science (2), Criminal Justice (1), Economics (2), International Political E Hunman and Organizational Development (1), Human Physiology (1), Kinsiology (

P E T S E N E XT 1

1 1 1 2 3

1 2 2

3 1 2 2 2

3 2 1 11 1


Colorado State Cameron McCamy Morgan Hall CU Boulder Dane Rinehart Vanessa Klosterman Gwen Herring Paige Soenksen U.S. Air Force Academy Shayne Davern


Baylor University Julia McKee Carly Bylund Texas Christian University Emily Burns Blair Middlebrook Lindsay Aston Michala Deline Nick Vreeburg Brittany Dougherty Sierra Fredricks UT Austin Alex Visser


University of Montana Andrew Cowan


Will Jones

Daniel Charette Aaron Loy Brendan Gallagher Katherine Novak Sarah Hendee UC Santa Cruz Megan Carey Shanti Matkin Austin York Coral Jones University of La Verne Jake Le Mons University of San Diego Daniella Burciaga Shireen Karimi Andrew Solomon University of Southern California Maddie Carnow

Jameson Burke Jack Wangerin Paige Hines


Brigham Young University - Provo Cosette Burnett Rebecca Goates Kristy Rader Andrew Chan Krista Ek Jake Curtis Jessica Allegretti Kara Sheffield University of Utah Kara Campbell

Northern Arizona University Makenzie Cohen University of Arizona Pier Fiedorowicz Chase McAllister Linh Truong Andrew Barr Alyssa Soland Sarah Zalud

University of Wisconsin Charlie Beck



Georgetown University Erin Hickok


Boston College Keats Ewing Massachusetts Institute of Technology Corey Walsh Northeastern Brennan Caruthers

Notre Dame Rebecca Hammock


Ohio State University Miles Johnson Lourdes University Keanu Jacinto


University of Alabama Alyssa Bergman Sammy Brown

North Carolina

Duke University Shelby Wailes Wake Forest Ellie Abrahamson

South Carolina



Pennsylvania Carnegie Mellon Gabe Renna

Rhode Island

Bryant Kyle Mummau RI School of Design Joanna Seul

Connecticut University of Connecticut Sandy Mueller

New York

Columbia Lorenzo Bradford Fordham University Chris Indudhara University of Rochester Kamalia Freyling

Vanderbilt Morgan Goddard Carl Block Aaron Smith

New Jersey

University of Mississippi Kristie Marano

Virginia Tech Bryan Cooper University of Virginia Carlise Rowlands

Universidad Regional del Sureste Flor Morales

Art Institute of Chicago Julie Van de Wille

Johns Hopkins Pete Fisher

University of Oklahoma Carly Carroll Holly Bayliffe Emily Rochelle


New Mexico Illinois New Mexico State Kyle Sachrison

Calvin College Ellen Reidy

Washington D.C.

University of South Carolina Jade Vitt Savannah Boyne

Emory Elana Cates University of Georgia Erin Boechler





Princeton University Vinny Amaral


Gap Year

Zander SanFilippo Lauren Rendler Alec Jackson

This map is not a complete list of all college-bound seniors. The map and intended majors statistics were compiled from the responses to the MavLife senior survey.

5. Chemistry

1% (2)

6. Communications

3% (6)

7. Political Science

1% (3)

stry (2), Art (1), Chemistry (2), Environmental Science (4), Economy (1), Excercise Scince (1), Fine Art (2), Physics (1), (2), Nursing (4), Preforming Arts (1), Agricultural Business (1)


45% (99)




Seniors reported what type of major they plan on persuing in the Class of 2013 senior survey.


Senior Issue 2013

Senior Survey

What was your least favorite What was your favorite high part of the college application school event? process? SAT/ACT

Sporting Events

Choosing Schools To Apply To

Comedy Sportz


Theater Productuctions

Denials & Acceptances

School Dances

Picking a college

Food Fairs



What was your favorite year of What are your summer plans? high school? Work

Freshman (19) Sophomore (21)

Junior (33) Senior (147)

Travel Go to the beach Sleep Other


Senior Issue 2013

Counting Our Blessings

High school is a rough time for everyone, except seniors

“On a ra Montan nch in and hor a with my lovin -Kendra ses and kids.” g husband Burning

Kota Nishiguchi Staff Writer


e seniors are the blessed ones. We have only days before we graduate this place, high school. We have little to do. (Although some teachers have assigned end-of-theyear projects. I am somewhat bitter about that. I am not resentful toward the teachers, though. Other than that, senior year has been a breeze.) And yet, we should always look to the less fortunate, the underclassmen, and appreciate how our lives are so much better. A moment of silence for the freshmen: They spend their whole year getting driven around by their parents, to and from school. They are small, like, really small. I honestly don’t remember being that short, but of course we were, indeed, that small. Freshmen must take P.E., the sweatiest class on campus. They have all of high school ahead of them, so young, so innocent. A moment of silence for the sophomores: Only about half of them can drive. The rest of them still get driven by their mommies and daddies. Those that do drive are placed on that hill, “sophomore hill.” Sophomores that drive have to walk across the whole campus and more to get to their cars. And, they just started taking AP classes. Boy, do they learn how hard high school can be. A moment of silence for the juniors: They are the poorest of the poor souls that walk the campus. They take the hardest classes. They take SATs and ACTs. They have the pressure of college applications lingering around the corner. They’re so close to being done, yet they have so much to do. Some juniors develop addictions to coffee by the end of the first semester. At the end of the year, that sad bunch of kids all have bags under their eyes. A few even have grown a couple of gray hairs. To the juniors, my heart goes out to you. Whenever I see you guys, I just want to say, “hang in there lil’ buddy.” Lastly, a moment of silence for those who teach seniors: They teach the laziest, most unmotivated group of students on campus. From the first day of the school year, there is already an unenthusiastic vibe coming from the senior students. Senior teachers must get very sick of hearing the phrase, “I’m so over this.” These teachers have a hard time taking attendance as well because during second semester, their students mysteriously are “sick” from school. To the senior teachers: I am sorry. I still respect you.

“I think I will be living in Lo s Angeles either as a working actress in the entertainment industr y, or owning my personal event planning co mpany. Possibly married, but I don’t know for sure.”

-Maddie Carnow

“I will be working for some major movie company and hopefully making movie trailers or something like that.” -Carly Carroll

“Hopefully as a CEO of a big business doing very well in life and being able to provide the best for my family.” -Bryan Cooper

“Living in New York City as a successful lawyer.”-Elana Cates .” “Probably in Switzerland -Brennan Caruthers

“Australia working as a marine biologist studying the Great Barrier Reef.”-Megan Carey

All photos by Chase McAllister


Senior Issue 2013

While We Were Seniors

The year in review: 2012-2013


Ellen Reidy

The iPhone 5 is released.


FIFA ‘13 comes out.

Hurricane Sandy devastates the East Coast, causing 8 million people to lose power. “Silver Linings Playbook” comes out in theaters.



Baltimore Ravens beat the San Francisco 49ers in the Superbowl.




Sydney Francis

The “Harlem Shake” goes viral.

NASA’s Curiosity Rover finds evidence that conditions on Mars were once suitable for microbial life.

Jim Teague wins LCC Teacher of the Year and Nancy Fogelstrom wins District Staff Member of the Year.


Two bombs explode at the Boston Marathon, killing 3 and injuring 264 others.


Angelina Jolie gets a double mastectomy. Benedict XVI resigns as Pope, the first to do so voluntarily since 1294.

Alex Madurowicz is crowned the “Mighty Mav.”

Photo Courtesy of Aaron Tang via Wikimedia Commons

Astronomers at the Havard-Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics report that at least 17 billion Earth-sized exoplanets are estimated to reside in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Seth MacFarlane hosts the Oscars. “Argo” wins Best Picture.


LCC Students attend the 93.3 Summer Kickoff Concert.

The “Jersey Shore” series finale airs. Calvin Johnson breaks the single season NFL receiving record.

Atmospheric entry of the most destructive meteor since 1908.

The University of Louisville beats the University of Michigan in the NCAA college basketball finals.

The iPad Mini is released. The last film in the “Twilight” series comes out in theaters.

Kim Kardashian gets pregnant with Kanye West’s baby.

The Vine app is released.

Shelby Wailes wins Homecoming Queen and Matt Hollenbeck wins Homecoming King. Taylor Swift releases a new album called “Red” with the second highest debut for a female artist.

Barack Obama wins re-election as the President of the United States. “Gangnam Style” becomes the first YouTube video to reach a billion views.

Macklemore hits the charts with his single “Thrift Shop.” Reilly Tiglio

Sprinter Usain Bolt wins the 100 meter dash in the Summer Olympics.

Meghan Lumsden Assistant Design Editor

The Challenge Day program comes to La Costa Canyon for two days and is abruptly canceled. The mother on the reality show “Honey Boo Boo” gets married.

Contestant Candice Glover wins American Idol.


DJ Satoda is crowned Prom King and Kiki Gibson is crowned Prom Queen. LCC wins 7 CIF San Diego Section championships.


There is a major expansion in the use and capabilities of 3D printing. Neil Patrick Harris hosts the 67th Annual Tony Awards.

“ I chose MiraCosta College because I get two years done with half of the price of a UC or CSU. These two years have given me time to research the perfect school and understand what I want to do. MiraCosta College gives me and other students the tools to transfer to our .�

dream schools Brittney Smith

MiraCosta College student

Cardiff / Oceanside / Online


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