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Staff Moodle Where to go Open your Internet browser and go to:

Logging into Moodle Moodle Basics

How to login 1. Click the Login button on the right hand corner of the screen.

2. Your username and password are the same as your LCISD username and passsword.

The Opening Screen

Category Marker: Most courses are placed inside a collapsable category/subcategory

Information Button: Click to get a basic summary of the course

Moodle Course: Click on the name of the course to enter

Guests Allowed: The course allows guests to enter and view

Trouble logging in? Contact any of the following Technology Staff Development members: October Smith by phone at 281.832.0207 or email Chad Jones by phone at 281.832.0208 or email Chris Nilsson by phone at 281.832.0206 or email

Moodle User Rights You will need rights to edit. If you click on Users and you get a pink error message, contact October Smith (

Adding Students Editing Students

Adding a New User After you log in, click on the Users link in the Actions block. A new screen will open that will allow you to enter a new user. The user information should be in the following format: Username: janesmith456 FirstnameLastname456 Password: 123456Student ID e-mail address:  use a made up e-mail, but no 2 can be alike, so add some number on to it. City/town: Lamar High School use the school name for the city Make sure you scroll to the bottom and click on Update profile to save the information.

Assigning Roles Go into the course where you would like to add the student. Click on Assign Roles under the Administration block. On the next screen, click on Student.

Adding Students to Class Type in the student name and select search. A list of students will pop up. Scroll down to find your student, click on the student to highlight and then click on the Add button to enter the student for your class.

Unenrolling Students Unenroll students the same way as adding them. Go to Assign Roles, click on Student, then look under the existing users. Highlight the student you want to remove from your class and click the Remove button.

Moodle Front Page Once logged in, you will only see the courses that you are enrolled in (course listing). Teachers will see any activities completed since last log in and students will see assignments that are due.


Breadcrumbs are located on the top of the page and allow you to move easily within your course without hitting the back button. By clicking on a word at the top, you will return to that section. Clicking on eStudents will take you back to the front page (course listing). Profile At any time, you can click on your name (at the top or bottom of the screen) and it will take you to your profile.

Front Page Blocks Profile Actions Teachers have rights to add new users to the system. Click on Users in the Action block. If requested, you may also have the right to create new courses which is also in the Action block.

Blocks Blocks are the boxes located in the sidebar once logged into Moodle. All students have the right to add, delete and move blocks on their front page. Click on Edit this page to arrange your blocks.

You will notice a new block appeared named Blocks. Using the dropdown arrow, you can select blocks to add. The new block will now be added to the right-hand side of the window.

Editing Blocks You will have a profile screen that lists courses you are enrolled in and your first/last access times. You also have the option of editing your profile.

You can add a picture and fill out an interest profile. Students are not able to change their passwords…only teachers can do that.

The icons located at the top of the block allow you to: • Assign roles- This gives an user the right to perform a function. Ex: you might put a student in charge of updating the calendar. • Hide- Keep users from seeing the block. • Delete- Remove the block. • Move left/right- Move the block to the left or right • Move down/up- Move the block up or down

Moodle Course You will need to be in the course where you want to import the material.

Importing from Another Course

Selecting the Content Select the course where you have the activity that you want to bring in.

Click on the Import button under the administration block.

Continue Select the items you wish to import and click continue. You will click continue 3-4 times before you get back to your course. You should see your newly imported items in your course.

Moodle Using Forums A forum is similar to a discussion board found on many other sites. Students and teachers can interact with each other by posting new discussion topics and replying to other topics. Students can also include attachments for peer review and sharing.

Adding a Forum

Add a forum Choose which topic/week you would like your forum Select Add an activity, and then select Forum.

To add a forum, click on the Turn editing on button.


General: Forum name: It is required that you give your forum a name. i.e. Ask your questions Forum type: You have 4 choices Single simple discussion- This is just one topic that is all on one page for short and simple discussions. Each person posts one discussion- Each student is allowed to post one new discussion topic. They are allowed to reply to others. This is good for reflections in which they have to post their own, but also reply to others. Q and A Forum- This requires students to respond to the post before they are allowed to see other students’ postings. Standard forum for general use (default)- This is open allowing anyone to start a new discussion topic as many times as they would like.

Forum introduction: This is required and just says what will be in your forum. Could be a question or a general statement about what should be included in discussion posts.

General Continued Force everyone to be subscribed? : If you force everyone to be subscribed, then they will receive email copies of every post. Our students do not have email addresses, so this does not affect us. Read tracking for this forum? : If you turn tracking on, then students will be able to see what discussions they have and haven’t read yet. Maximum attachment size: If you are going to allow students to upload files, you can choose a maximum size of up to 100MB. You can also turn off file attachments.


Forums Grading Groups

Grading Options

Aggregate type: If you are going to grade forum postings you have a few options. • Average: takes an average of all the ratings (good when using peer grading) • Count: the number of posts becomes part of the grade • Max: records the highest rating as the grade • Min: the smallest rating is recorded as the grade • Sum: All the ratings are added together • Grade: You will be able to choose the grade type if you choose an aggregate type. • Scale: will use the scale of separate and connected ways of knowing (see ? button for more info) • You can then choose a number grade. You will choose the highest possible grade achievable. Restrict ratings to posts with dates in this range: This allows you to specify what posts are able to be rated. Post threshold You can enable post blocking if you want to stop students from posting discussions after they post a certain number of times. You can block them for your choice of given days. Post threshold for block: This number identifies the number of posts allowed before a student is blocked. Post threshold for warning: You can warn students after a given number of posts (lower than number allowed before blocking) before they reach their blocked number of posts. Group Settings Advanced Group Settings

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Group Mode: • No groups- The forum will not have groups • Separate groups- Each group can only see their own postings • Visible groups- Groups can only post in their forums, but can see other groups Visible: you can show or hide that your students are in groups ID number: Leave blank Grade Category: Leave alone

If you turn groups to separate or visible, then you then have the option to assign a specific grouping to that forum so only they will be able to see it. See Groups and Groupings for more information about groupings. *You are now finished and can select save and display to view your forum.


Groups Groupings

Overview Forcing groups (under Settings in the Admin block) will make sure that your students only see activity under their group. Groups are good for teachers who teach one subject to different classes. • Groups- Allows a teacher to assign Groupings5th Grade teachers and students to one or more groups within a course. Students are then separated according to activities. Group AGroup BGroup C• Groupings- Are a collection of groups. Mrs. Jones Mrs. Smith Mr. Clark You can have groups without them being in a grouping.

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Groups • Step 1: select the Create groups button (If you want the program to generate random groups, click on Auto-create groups.) Step 2: You will be required to name your group Step 3 (optional): add a description and picture Step 4: Make sure you Save changes at the bottom. Step 5: You will see your new group under the Groups category

Adding Users Step 1: Click on the Add/remove users button

Step 2: Hold down the Ctrl key and select the users you want for that group. Step 3: Click on the Add button to move them to the group. (The number in parentheses next to the participants name indicates the number of groups he/she is in.)

Groupings To divide the groups into groupings: Step 1: Click on the Groupings tab at the top

Step 2: Then click on Create grouping Step 3: Name your grouping Step 4: Make sure you Save changes

Adding Groups Step 1: Click on the group icon to add the groups to your grouping

Step 2: (You will add the same way you add students to groups) Select the groups you wish to add to the grouping and click on the Add button.

Step 3: Remove users and groups the same way: select them from the left, and click on the Remove button.

Moodle Using Journals A journal is an activity where students can answer or respond to a question the teacher has posted. In this activity, communication is between the teacher and student. Students are not able to view other student work. To add a journal, click on the Turn editing on button.

Journals Add an Activity Step 1: Choose the section where you want your journal to appear. (You can always move it later.) Step 2: Click on the drop down arrow next to Add an activity… and select Journal.

General Settings Step 1: Give your journal entry a name. Stick with a general topic and label it by day NOT DATE (so you can use it again next year). Ex: Cells- Monday Step 2: Enter your journal question in the space provided. Step 3: Assign the grade value (select none if you don’t take a grade) Step 4: The default availability is always open, but you can set it for a certain number of days (which will begin once you hit save) Step 5: Select Save and display (don’t worry about the common module settings) Adding Entry Once the journal is set up, students will have the opportunity to begin adding to their journal entries. Click on the Start or edit my journal entry button.

Students will be able to add links, pictures and files to their journal entries.

Grading To view the journals, click on the journal name from the front page of the course. In the top right, click on View x journal entries. A window will open with all of the students and their entries organized from the most recently edited to ones that have not started. From here, you can assign a grade and provide feedback for each student all on the same page.

Moodle- Quiz Overview It is important to have assessments well thought out before beginning adding any quizzes or tests. Add the questions before creating a Quiz Activity. Click on Questions in the Admin block to get started.

Organization Categories

Creating Categories Click on the Categories tab at the top. Think of “categories� as the name for a group of questions on a similar topic. There will be a Default category set up for the course. Change the name for the default by clicking on it. You can add more categories by entering a new name and clicking on Add category.

As you add more categories, your list will grow. The number in parentheses indicates the number of questions in that category. Adding Questions To add a question, click on the tab at the top that says Questions. Choose the category where you want the question and pick the question type. Tip: When you add questions, use the answer as the question name. This will make it easier to pick out the question topic.

Moving Questions If you have created questions before organizing categories, it is easy to move questions around. Check the questions you want to move, and click on the down arrow next to the Move to. Select the category you want to move it to and then click on the Move to>> button.

Importing You can import questions from a variety of formats into Moodle. The program can be finicky about importing certain formats. The best solution is to click on the blue question mark for help.

Exporting Exporting files would be beneficial if you want to move questions from one class to another.

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