2023-2024 HANDBOOK https://www.lcps.org/leaf LoudounCountyPublicSchools | 21000EducationCourt | Ashburn,VA20148 Loudoun Education Alliance of Families Loudoun County Public Schools
LEAF Advisory Committee Handbook FOIA Disclosure Statement
This handbook is intended to provide a general understanding of LEAF’s mission, protocols, and procedures for the management of the committee. This handbook should not be viewed as a contract or an agreement. The information included in this handbook may be subject to change; however, all policies, rules, and resolutions from which this handbook is derived can be found on the LCPS website.
For more information about FOIA, visit the LCPS FOIA page at https://www.lcps.org/foia.
ONE LCPS: 2027 Strategic Plan for Excellence 5 I Charter & Bylaws 9 II Description of Duties for Officers and Members 15 III Meeting Material Access 23 IV Robert's Rules of Order LEAF Elevator Pitch Best Practices & Considerations FOIA Guidelines for School Board Advisory Committees Policy Review Information Policy 8070 - LCPS Comments and Complaints Communication Access Chart LEAF Logo Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions Communications Checklist LEAF School Posting/Handout Resources 27 V LEAF TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS
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2027 Strategic Plan for Excellence
OUR VISION: Every student will reach their full potential and achieve their dreams.
OUR MISSION: Empowering all students to make meaningful contributions to the world.
Empowered Students: Students will be at the center of our work – valuing all students’ hopes and dreams and preparing them to make meaningful contributions to the world.
Exemplary Staff: LCPS teachers, administrators, and staff are the most important factor in helping our students after their parents; seeing that staff are esteemed, exemplary, supported, and accountable is vital to student success.
Enriched Division: LCPS must be aligned around our core educational mission for students and strengthen trust, listen humbly, value differences, and remain steadfast in ensuring every student is prepared to make meaningful contributions to the world.
Engaged Community: Parents, families, and our community must be a support, guide, ally, and partner; there is no one more deeply invested in the success of students than their families.
Every student should have the support to feel safe, happy, and cared for in school.
All students should be challenged to reach their full potential in the classroom as part of a system that aspires to become the best performing division in the nation.
All students and staff should have access to resources, programs, and support that enable a successful future.
All unique strengths, skills, and passions should be celebrated, encouraging diverse pathways that support readiness after graduation.
All students, staff, and community members should have regular opportunities to be heard in two-way conversations across the division.
A culture of continuous improvement should drive the fulfillment of our mission.
©2023 All Rights Reserved. Loudoun County Public Schools
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BACKGROUND:AstheprimaryproviderofeducationinLoudounCounty,LCPSseekstoconnectandengagewithparentsoutsideof theirindividualstudent’sexperience.TheSchoolBoardseekstoensureparentalconcernsareheardandconsideredasaregularpart ofpolicymaking.Communityfeedbackhelpstoensuredecision-making,andactionstakenbytheBoardareinthebestinterestsofour studentsandthecommunity.
ThenameofthisbodyshallbetheLoudounEducationAllianceofFamiliesforLoudoun CountyPublicSchools(“theAlliance”or“LEAF”).
TheLoudounEducationAllianceofFamilieswillbeanadvisorygroupvoiceforparentstoelevateeducationalconcernsandprovide feedbacktotheboardoncurrentorproposedpoliciesorissuesfacingtheSchoolBoard.
●Toserveasanadvisorybody,bringingtotheSchoolBoard’sattentionexistingoremergingissuesexpressedbyparentsin theirschoolcommunity.
Parents,guardiansandprimarycaregiversofchildrenattendingLoudounCountyPublicSchoolsareinvitedtoserveontheAlliancefor LCPSforatermofoneyearinduration.LEAFwillmeetmonthlyduringtheschoolyeartoadvisetheSchoolBoardandserveas liaisonstotheircommunities.
Parentshaveauniqueunderstandingoftheirchildren’sexperiencesandcanofferinsightsaboutproposedpolicies,strategiesand educationalneeds.MembersofLEAFwillshareSchoolBoardinformationbacktotheirrespectivecommunities,becomingatwo-way conduitforinformation,helpingimprovestudentexperience.
TotalMembers: MembershipofLEAFshallbealignedtoprovideanequalvoicetoeachofthemembersoftheLoudounCountyPublic Schoolscommunity,withonemembernominatedbyeachPTA,PTO,PTSOorotherparentorganization.Nominationsforboard approvalwillcomefromthefollowingsources:
●Eachschool,ledbytheschool’sPTA/PTO/PTSAorothersuchparentorganization,shallnominateoneparentforsubmission asaprimaryAlliancememberandanothertoserveasalternate.ThenominationswillbeforwardedtotheSchoolBoardfor consideration.SchoolsrepresentedincludetheAcademies,WilliamO.RobeyHighSchool,andTheNorthStarSchool.
1.Volunteerswhowishtoservemayreachouttotheirschooltosubmittheirnameforconsideration.Theymaysubmitdirectlyto theschoolorganization.Iftheschoolorganizationdoesnotexist,thentheschoolPrincipalmayprovidenominations.
2.AllnomineeswillbeplacedonnominationlistforaGeneralSchoolBoardmeeting,firstasaninformationitem,andthenfor approvalatthenextgeneralmeeting.TheSchoolBoardmayapproveallnomineesormay,atitssolediscretion,rejecta nominee.AllSchoolBoarddiscussionofnomineesshallcomplywithopenmeetingslaws.
3.Forthefirstyear,nominationswillberequiredtobeforwardedtotheBoardChairandLiaisonpriortoApril20thforinclusionin theApril26th BoardMeetingInformationAgenda.
5.Annually,nominationsshallbesubmittedbyeachschooltotheAlliance,whichwillconsolidatethelistandsubmittothe SchoolBoardforinformationpriortothefirstGeneralSchoolBoardmeetinginMay.
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2.Term:Membersshallserveatermofoneyearandmaybereappointed.Termshallbealignedwiththeschoolyear,July1st throughJune30th ofthefollowingyear.Inthefirstyearonly,ifnomineesareappointedbeforeJuly1st,theirappointmentshall carrythroughthe2022-2023schoolyear.
3.Qualification:Membersmaybeparents,legalguardians,orotherprimarycaregiversresponsibleforastudentcurrently attendingLCPS.
4.Absences:Regularattendanceandparticipationisexpectedofallmembers.Memberswhomissthreemeetingswithout notifyingtheleadershipaheadoftimewillberemoved.
5.Vacancies:MemberswhosefinalstudentinLCPSgraduatesordiscontinuesenrollmentatLCPSduringtheirtermshallvacate theirseat.TheschoolasdetailedinArticleIIIwillnominateareplacementtofinishtheterm.Shouldavacancyoccurforany otherreason,thevacancyshallbefilledbytheschoolasdetailedinArticleIII.
○Provideconstructiveinputandfeedbackfromaparentalperspectiveonavarietyofschooldivisioninitiativesand programs.
○Helpidentifymethodstocommunicateeffectivelyandprovideoutreachtoparentsandlegalguardiansofstudentsin theirschools,includingthosewhomaynotbefluentinEnglish.
○SuggesttopicsforinformationorpresentationshelpfultoLEAFtofurtherinformparentsofprogramsand opportunitiesforstudents.Sharethisinformationbacktotheirschoolcommunities.
○ReviewupcomingpoliciesandprovidefeedbacktotheSchoolBoardorBoardCommittee.Feedbackshallbe consolidatedbytheAlliancefordistributiontoschoolboardmembers.
○TheAllianceshallserveasanadvisory,notadecision-makingbody,makingrecommendationsandencouraging brainstorming.
○Facilitatecommunicationbetweenandamongtheparentsandparentorganizationsfromdifferentschoolsacross theircluster.
○Whenpossible,serveasaconduitforsharinginnovationsandbestpracticesfromaroundtheirclusterorschoolfor thebenefitofthedivision.
○MaintaintheconfidentialityofpersonallyidentifiableinformationofstudentsinaccordancewiththeFamily EducationalRightsandPrivacyAct,20USC1232g.
○AppointaSchoolBoardmembertobealiaisontoLEAF,attendLEAFmeetingsforboardmemberfeedback,and reportbacktoLEAFonimplementationofrecommendations.
○Untilmembershiphasbeenestablished,theChairwillschedulemonthlymeetingsFebruarythroughMayandAugust throughNovember.
○Schedulea15-minutepresentation/Q&Awindowfortheorganizationtobringforwarddiscussionitemstothefull schoolboard(semi-annually).
○WorkwiththeSchoolBoardChairtoscheduleLEAFmeetingagendasforthecalendaryear,coordinatemeetings schedule,andcommunicatewithAllianceandSchoolBoardmembers.
○AssistwithanorientationtobeheldatLEAF’sfirstmeetingeachyear,toincludeVirginiaFreedomofInformationAct (“VFOIA”)informationandguidanceformembership.
○CoordinatewiththeSchoolBoardChaironissues,initiatives,orprogramsrequestedbytheAlliancetobepresented ordiscussedatmeetings.
●Duetothesizeofthegroup,andpossiblepublicattendance,roomavailabilityandschedulingmaycausethemeetingtimes anddaysoftheweektovary.Meetingswillbe(recorded)andavailabletothepublic.
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● OpenMeetings: Meetingswillbeopentothepublicwithaperiodofpubliccommentrelatedtoagendaforthatmeeting.Public commentwillbeasdirectedbytheAllianceleadership.
● Notice: Noticeofregularmeetings,alongwiththeagenda,shallbeavailabletothemembersthree(3)dayspriortothe scheduledmeetingdateexceptinunforeseencircumstancesinVFOIAcompliance.
● Schedule: Theinauguralmeetingwilloccurpriortotheconclusionofthe2022SchoolYear.MeetingDatesforthe2022-2023 SchoolYearareplannedfor:August,September,October,November,February,March,April,andMay.
● In-PersonParticipation: Subjecttothelimitationsbelow,meetingsmustbeconductedinperson.
● ElectronicParticipationinLightofDisabilityorOtherMedicalCondition: Whenparticipationbyamember(i)withadisabilityor othermedicalconditionor(ii)whoisprovidingcareforafamilymemberwithamedicalcondition:
1.Themembermustnotifythechairofthepublicbodyonorbeforethedayofthemeetingoftheinabilitytoattendduetoa temporaryorpermanentdisabilityorothermedicalconditionthatpreventsphysicalattendanceorarequiredneedtocarefora familymemberwithamedicalconditionthatpreventsphysicalattendance;and
2.Thefactofamember'sdisabilityorothermedicalconditionorafamilymember'smedicalconditionthatrequiresthemember toprovidecareforsuchfamilymembermustberecordedintheminutes,butthemember'sspecificdisabilityormedical conditionorthefamilymember'sspecificmedicalconditionwillnotberecordedintheminutes.
3.Themember'sremoteparticipationmustbeinaccordancewiththeelectronicparticipationprocessdescribedherein;and 4.Participatingremotemembers’voicesmustbeheardbyall.
Whensuchindividualparticipationisduetoapersonalmatter,suchparticipationislimitedbylawtotwomeetingseachcalendaryear or25percentofthemeetingsheldpercalendaryearroundeduptothenextwholenumber,whicheverisgreater.
Thisprocessshallbeappliedstrictlyanduniformly,withoutexception,totheentiremembershipandwithoutregardtotheidentityofthe memberrequestingremoteparticipationorthemattersthatwillbeconsideredorvotedonatthemeeting.
Greaterthanorequalto25%ofthevotingmembersshallconstituteaquorum.Eachmember,lesstheChairandtheLiaison,shallbe countedforquorumandshallhaveavote.
TheseBylawsmaybeamendedatanyregularmeetingbynotlessthantwo-thirdsofthetotalMembersoftheAlliance,providedthat advancenotificationisprovided.Acopyoftheproposedamendment(s)shallbedistributedtothemembersnolaterthantheprevious regularmeeting.
Robert’sRulesofOrder,revised,shallgoverntheconductoftheCommittee’smeetingsandotherproceduralmatters,totheextentthat suchrulesareapplicableandnotinconsistentwiththeprovisionsoftheseBylaws. Modified:4/1/22byBoard
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- CareerandTechnicalEducationAdvisoryCommittee(CTEAC)
- GiftedEducationAdvisoryCommittee(GEAC)
- LoudounEducationAllianceofFamilies(LEAF)
- MinorityStudentAcademicAchievementCommittee(MSAAC)
- SpecialEducationAdvisoryCommittee(SEAC)
UnlessotherwiserequiredbySchoolBoardpolicyorthebylawsoftherespective committee,theSchoolBoardcurrentlyallowsSchoolBoardAdvisoryCommitteesto havetheoptiontopresentanupdatetotheSchoolBoardtwiceeachschoolyear.A minimumofoneupdateeachyearisexpected.Intheeventthebylawsofanadvisory committeecallforanoralannualreport,itshallbedeliveredduringoneofthe scheduledupdates.
Staffliaisonswillcollaboratewithadvisorycommitteeleadershiptocommunicatewith schoolandparentorganizationleaderstoidentifyschool-basedmembersordelegates fortheadvisorycommittee.Thetimelineforrecruitmentforthefollowingschoolyearwill generallybeinAprilorMay,withagoalofschoolboardapprovalinJune.Followingthe initialapproval,school-basedmembersordelegateswillbeappointedinaccordance withtheirrespectivebylawsandapplicableLCPSpolicies,andapprovedbytheSchool Board.
EachLCPSAdvisoryCommitteestaffliaison,inconsultationwithadvisorycommittee leadership,shallmaintainasiteontheLCPSwebsitethatincludes
●MeetingDates Page 16
●Agendas(postedatleastoneweekpriortothescheduledmeeting)fora minimumof3years;
EachAdvisorycommitteewillbeassignedLCPSemailaddressesforusebythechair andexecutiveboardmembers.
AllAdvisoryCommitteeswithinLoudounCountyPublicSchoolsarerequiredtocomply withtheopenrecordrequirementsoftheVirginiaFreedomofInformationAct,andmust provideresponsiverecordsregardingtheAdvisoryCommitteeintheeventaFOIA requestisreceived.AllAdvisoryCommitteesthathavebeencreatedbytheSchool BoardforthepurposeofadvisingtheSchoolBoardarerequiredtocomplywiththe openmeetingrequirementsoftheVirginiaFreedomofInformationAct(e.g.,providing propernoticepriortomeetingsandmaintainingmeetingminutes).Advisorycommittees willreceiveinformationonFOIAaspartoftheirorientationororganizationalmeeting.
PursuanttoSchoolBoardPolicy2310,aquorumshallconstituteamajorityofthe membersofthecommittee,unlesstheAdvisoryCommittee’sBylaws/Charterspecifies thataquorummayconstitutelessthanamajorityofthecommittee.However,inno caseshallaquorumforAdvisoryCommitteesbelessthantwenty-five(25%)oftheir respectivemembership.
Ifaquorumisnotreachedataproperlycalledmeeting,AdvisoryCommitteesmay remainconvenedtodiscussinformationalitems.However,theymaynotproperlytakea voteonanyitemsunlessaquorumispresent.Inaccordancewith Robert’sRulesof Order,whichallAdvisoryCommitteeshaveadoptedtofollowintheirrespective Bylaws/Charter,AdvisoryCommitteesmayonlyproperlyvoteifaquorumispresent.To
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theextentanAdvisoryCommitteeseekstoholdavotewhenaquorumisnotpresent,it canotherwise:(i)fixatimetoadjourn;(ii)adjourn;(iii)recess;or(iv)takestepsto obtainaquorum.
MembersofLEAF,MSAAC,andSEACareinvitedtoprovidefeedbackonschoolboard policiesfollowingtheirpresentationasinformationitemsattherelevantschoolboard committee.
Advisorycommitteesareneitherrequiredorexpectedtoconveneabusinessmeeting (regularorotherwise)priortohavingmembersreviewpolicies,norwillsuchmeetings alwaysbepracticable.Asidefromthosepolicieswherenon-substantive, technical/conformingchanges(e.g.,correctingtypographicalerrors,updatingapplicable legalreferences,addingcross-references,renumbering,etc.)arebeingproposed, LCPS'scurrentpracticeisforeverypolicyunderreviewtobesentoutforcommunity andadvisorycommitteemembershipfeedback.Thisisnotrequiredbystatuteoutsideof specificpoliciesrelatedtotheprovisionofspecialeducationandrelatedservices requiringfeedbackfromSEAC.
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Loudoun Education Alliance of Families (LEAF) Organization Leadership
As of August 2022
Description of Duties for Offices for LEAF (Term: 1-year)
1. Serve as chair of the Alliance with the powers and duties usually belonging to such a position;
2. Call and preside at meetings of the Alliance;
3. Assure representation of the Alliance at functions as requested by the Alliance or others;
4. Participate in orientation activities for new members;
5. Appoint one of the Vice Chairs to perform their Chair duties when needed;
6. If the position becomes vacant, the officers of the Alliance may appoint a Vice Chair to the position of Chair for the remainder of the term; and,
7. Attend committee meetings held either in person or virtually.
Vice-Chair of Planning
1. Help coordinate and plan programming for general meeting presentations;
2. Consult with the Chair, Vice-chairs and staff to help direct programming to address the group’s interests, priorities and two-way communications about them;
3. Attend committee meetings held either in person or virtually; and,
4. Discharge any duties delegated to them by the Chair.
Vice-Chair of Membership
1. Help with outreach annually to school parental organizations to submit nominees to the School Board;
2. Help keep a record of member attendance in accordance with the bylaws;
3. Shall provide new member orientation;
4. Attend committee meetings held either in person or virtually; and,
5. Discharge any duties delegated to them by the Chair.
Vice-Chair of Communications
1. Following staff notice of meetings, remind members of scheduled meetings;
2. Communicate with membership about the annual nominations process;
3. Develop and maintain a contact list by Cluster of active members to help facilitate member; communications with each other as needed;
4. Attend committee meetings held either in person or virtually; and,
5. Discharge any duties delegated to them by the Chair.
* Staff will fulfill these duties until processes for the large group are established.
1. Maintains records of the Advisory Board and ensures effective management of committee records;
2. Take minutes of committee meetings and submit to committee chair and other committee members for review and approval;
3. Participate in other assignments with the committee;
4. Send out calendar reminders to the committee Chairs and representatives;
5. Attend committee meetings held either in person or virtually; and,
6. Discharge any duties delegated to them by the Chair.
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Loudoun Education Alliance of Families (LEAF)
As of August 2022
Description of Duties for LEAF members (Term: 1-year)
LEAF Representatives agree to:
● Attend LEAF meetings.
● Provide constructive input and feedback from a parental perspective on a variety of school division initiatives and programs.
● Help identify methods to communicate effectively and provide outreach to parents and legal guardians of students in their schools, including those who may not be fluent in English.
● Suggest topics for information or presentations helpful to LEAF to further inform parents of programs and opportunities for students. Share this information back to their school communities.
● Review upcoming policies and provide feedback to the School Board or Board Committee. Feedback shared are collected for distribution to school board members.
● The ability to communicate directly with board members shall be retained by Alliance members.
● The Alliance shall serve as an advisory, not a decision-making body, making recommendations and encouraging brainstorming.
● Welcome and respect the opinions and feedback of all parents involved on LEAF.
● Facilitate communication between and among the parents and parent organizations from different schools across their cluster.
● When possible, serve as a conduit for sharing innovations and best practices from around their cluster for the benefit of the division.
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2022 - 2023 Roles and Responsibilities Activity Summary
Over the course of a few meetings, LEAF Members were asked to provide insight on, and summarize the areas below. The chart that follows is a summation of Alliance member feedback on the bullets below.
● Suggest topics for information or presentations helpful to LEAF to further inform parents of programs and opportunities for students. Share this information back to their school communities.
● Welcome and respect the opinions and feedback of all parents involved on LEAF.
● Facilitate communication between and among the parents and parent organizations from different schools across their cluster.
● Serve as a conduit for sharing innovations and best practices from around their cluster or school for the benefit of the division.
Feedback Summary:
Guiding Principles
● Neutrality/Impartiality
● Consistency of communication
● Empathetic
● Student-centered
● Open Mindset
● Trust
Prioritized Tools/Resource Needs
● Centralized place for LEAF info for all to access
● Resources to share with schools
● Feedback best practices or how to's
● LEAF Email - best practices
● LEAF materials to help schools/audiences
● Establish processes
Topics of discussion Alliance members found important will be incorporated into a calendar to be added to meeting agendas over the course of the year.
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StartinginAugust2023,allLEAFmeetingmaterialswillbeaccessibleontheLEAFwebpage (www.lcps.org/leaf),includingtheagenda.
Materialsfrom2022-2023remainonBoardDocs.AdirectlinkisprovidedontheLEAFwebpage. InformationoutlininghowtoaccessBoardDocsisinthishandbook'sResourcesection.
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21000 Education Court
Ashburn, VA 20148
Loudoun Education Alliance of Families (LEAF)
Jeff Morse, Chair
1.Call to Order - LEAF Chair begins the meeting.
2.Public Comment - This time is reserved for anyone (LEAF member or visitor) who would like to make an agenda-topic specific comment, voice a concern, etc. Each speaker will be timed and limited to two (2) minutes.
3.Minutes - MOTION REQUIRED Approval of the previous month’s minutes. If anyone would like something added/changed, a motion would be needed to do so. Then a second motion would be required to approve the agenda with the revision.
4.Information Items - Presentations and Information is provided for updates and education; information items do not require immediate action
5.Action Items - Presentations and Information that will result in the board members taking action in one motion. Discussion may accompany action items.
6.New Business - Any new items to be discussed by the organization.
7.Adjournment - MOTION REQUIRED
This is a sample only.
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How I Access Board Meeting Agendas Tutorial for Accessing BoardDocs
(Text only; scroll or click here for pictured instructions)
Meeting materials for the 2023/2024 school year and beyond are found at www.lcps.org leaf. For access to the 2022-23 inaugural year, please visit Board Docs
What is BoardDocs?
BoardDocs is online software that archives, stores, and organizes all School Board meeting agendas, minutes, and policies
How do I access the School Board Meeting Agendas?
There are several options to navigate to the Meetings, Agendas, & Documents page
Option 1
1 Navigate to the division website, wwwlcps org, and click on the top header labeled “School Board.”
2 Click on “Meetings, Agendas, & Documents,” located on the left side of the main School Board page, then click Enter Public Site.
Option 2
● Navigate to the division website, www.lcps.org. Hover your mouse over the School Board. In the floating navigation bar, click “Board Meetings and Documents,” then click Enter Public Site
Once you access the LCPS Meetings page:
BoardDocs will redirect to the most updated Meetings listing featured under “Meetings” heading on the right of the page
● Click on Meetings at the top of the page Click on the year and then the month of the specific meeting you would like to view. After you click on the meeting you are seeking, you will see an overview of the meeting To view the agenda, click the button “View the Agenda ”
● The agenda will provide details of the specific meeting. By navigating on the left side, you will see the order of agenda items If you click on a specific item it will show the detailed description and any additional linked information on the right of the page.
● Once you have selected the School Board or Committee Meeting you are interested in, there is a “Watch Video” option Here you can listen to an audio recording or watch a video of the meeting depending on what type of meeting it is.
● This is the format used for all School Board meetings You can also view School Board Policies by navigating on the top of the screen to “Policies ”
How do I Access Board Meeting Agendas? Tutorial for Accessing BoardDocs (with pictures)
What is BoardDocs?
BoardDocs is online software that archives, stores, and organizes all school board meeting agendas,minutes, and policies
How do I access the School Board Meeting Agendas?
There are several options to navigate to the Meetings, Agendas, & Documents page
Option 1
1 Navigate to the division website, wwwlcps org, and click on the top header labeled “School Board ”
2. Click on “Meetings, Agendas, & Documents,” located on the left side of the main School Board page, then click Enter Public Site
Option 2
1 Navigate to the division website, wwwlcps org Hover your mouse over School Board In the floating navigation bar, click “Board Meetings and Documents”, then click Enter Public Site
Once you access the LCPS Meetings page:
BoardDocs will redirect to the most updated Meetings listing featured under “Meetings” heading on the right of the page
● Click on Meetings at the top of the page Click on the year and then the month of the specific meeting you would like to view After you click on the meeting you are seeking, you will see an overview of the meeting To view the agenda click the button “View the Agenda ”
● The agenda will provide details of the specific meeting. By navigating on the left side, you will see the order of agenda items If you click on a specific item it will show the detailed description and any additional linked information on the right of the page
● Once you have selected the School Board or Committee Meeting you are interested in, there is a “Watch Video” option. Here you can listen to an audio recording or watch a video of the meeting depending on what type of meeting it is
● This is the format used for all School Board meetings You can also view School Board Policies by navigating on the top of the screen to “Policies.”
Robert’s Rules of Order is a manual of parliamentary procedure that governs most organizations with boards of directors. In 1876, Henry Martyn Robert adapted the rules and practices of Congress to the needs of non-legislative bodies and wrote them in his book, which is still in use today.
Types of Motions
1. Main Motion: Introduce a new item.
2. Subsidiary Motion: Change or affect how to handle a main motion (vote on this before main motion). For example:
a. Tabling: Used to postpone discussion until the group decides by majority vote to resume discussion. The intent is to take up the motion later in the meeting.
b. Postponing: Similar to tabling, except that the motion directs that the matter will be taken up again at a specific date and time.
c. Postponing Indefinitely: This effectively kills a motion, because, if adopted, a two-thirds vote is subsequently required to take the matter up again.
3. Privileged Motion: Urgent or important matter unrelated to pending business.
4. Incidental Motion: Questions procedure of other motions (must be considered before the other motion).
5. Renewal Motions: Requires the group to further discuss or dispose of a motion. For example:
a.Reconsider. When the group needs to further discuss a motion that has already been defeated at the same meeting.
b. Take from the table.
c.Rescind an action.
Robert’s Rules of Order Motion Steps
1. Motion: A member rises or raises a hand to signal the chairperson.
2. Second: Another member seconds the motion.
3. Restate motion: The chairperson restates the motion.
4. Debate: The members debate the motion.
5. Vote: The chairperson restates the motion, and then first asks for affirmative votes, and then negative votes.
6. Announce the vote: The chairperson announces the result of the vote and any instructions.
TIP: If the board is in obvious agreement, the chairperson may save time by stating, “If there is no objection, we will adopt the motion to…” Then wait for any objections. Then say, “Hearing no objections, (state the motion) is adopted.” And then state any instructions. If a member objects, first ask for debate, then vote and then announce the vote.
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Requesting Points of Something
Certain situations need attention during the meeting, but they don’t require a motion, second, debate, or voting. It’s permissible to state a point during a meeting where the chairperson needs to handle a situation right away. Board members can declare a Point of Order, Point of Information, Point of Inquiry, or Point of Personal Privilege.
● Point of Order: Draws attention to a breach of rules, improper procedure, breaching of established practices, etc.
● Point of Information: A member may need to bring up an additional point or additional information (in the form of a non-debatable statement) so that the other members can make fully informed votes.
● Point of Inquiry: A member may use a point of inquiry to ask for clarification to make better voting decisions.
● Point of Personal Privilege: A member may use points of personal privilege to address the physical comfort of the setting, such as temperature or noise. Members may also use it to address the accuracy of published reports or the accuracy of a member’s conduct.
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Robert’s Rules of Order Quick-Reference Guide
Rules of Order Quick-Reference Guide (continued) Page 35
*A member who voted on the prevailing side may make a motion to reconsider something that was already disposed of; however, the reconsidered motion may not be subsequently reconsidered. A motion to reconsider must be made during the same meeting and can extend to a meeting that lasts for more than one day.
Robert’s Rules of Order Quick-Reference Guide (continued) Page 36
LEAF: The Elevator Pitch
Description from the LCPS Website: As the primary provider of education in Loudoun County, LCPS seeks to connect and engage with parents outside of their individual student’s experience. The School Board seeks to ensure parental concerns are heard and considered as a regular part of policy making. Community feedback helps to ensure decision-making, and actions taken by the Board are in the best interests of our students and the community.
LEAF is a group of deeply committed parents representing and reflecting their respective schools' unique experiences, perspectives and viewpoints. Monthly meetings provide opportunities for exchanging information, providing input and sharing information about educational policies and available resources in their communities to support learning. LEAF representatives are the liaisons between schools and support the inclusion of parent voices in shaping programs, services, strategies and policies.
Sample Elevator Pitch for LEAF Representatives
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The Elevator Pitch
What is an Elevator Pitch?
An elevator pitch sums up unique aspects of a topic and gets a conversation started. It is a brief (about 30 seconds) way of introducing a topic, getting across a key point or two, and making a connection with someone. An elevator pitch sums up unique aspects of a topic and gets a conversation started.
A short, preplanned statement, an elevator pitch is designed to promote yourself or a brand, can open the door for additional communication.
Why is it called an Elevator Pitch?
It is called an elevator pitch because it takes roughly the amount of time you would spend riding an elevator with someone.
Who is the audience for an Elevator Pitch?
You should deliver your Elevator Pitch to anyone. However, depending on your needs, the following may provide additional direction.
● Investors: Ranging from angel investors to corporate investment committees, this audience can provide the money needed to get a project off the ground, or help sustain a project.
● Supporters: Every project needs a set of supporters. Whether the audience includes team members, community, or potential sponsors, an Elevator Pitch quickly orients people with the need-to-know information about the project.
● Media: Media can help spread your message. However, it is important that elevator pitch drives the narrative. To do so, it is necessary to get the media’s attention and equip them with a concise description of your product/service they can use when sharing the information.
● Customers: One of the best places to start any sales pitch is with a statement that explains to the listener why they should pay attention to what you are going to say.
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Best Practices and Considerations for LEAF Representatives
Outreach Opportunities
● Have a LEAF update section on the PTA/PTO Website
● Provide PTA/PTO/Principal a template email to send out regarding meeting, summaries, or request for information, etc
● Email to PTA/PTO/Principal summary of the meeting
○ Use the staff summary email that will follow the meeting as a template
○ Stick to the 5 Ws and H - Who, What, Where, When, Why, How
○ End with next steps
Host a Community Conversation
Prior to the meeting
● How will we ensure that the voices of those who have been historically excluded will be represented?
● Who will reach out to invitees?
● What will be the topic(s) and outcome(s) of the community conversation?
● Where will it be held? Who will be responsible for reserving space?
● Who will facilitate?
○ What activities, presentations, or discussions will be included in the agenda?
○ If including PPT slides, check in with whoever is making them to be sure that they are on track.
■ Arrange for a projector, a screen, and speakers (if applicable).
○ Facilitators of the meeting can use the Community Conversations Debrief Protocol to discuss what went well and what could be better next time. Student facilitators can use this same protocol.
● Who will be responsible for arranging a childcare provider to be present?
● Who will arrange for translators to be present, if needed?
● Who will order the refreshments, if applicable?
● Send/post the agenda and all supporting links
● Reserve meeting space.
● Check in with the facilitator(s) to be sure they are ready. What are their objectives? Do they align with the goal of the meeting?
Day of Meeting
● Arrive early to the venue; set up outdoor signs so that people know where to go.
○ Set out sign-in, chart paper, markers, handouts, etc.
■ Assign a person to direct people to the sign-in sheet to record who attended.
○ Set up all microphones, projectors, or other equipment and check their functionality.
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Best Practices and Considerations for LEAF Representatives (continued)
Following the Meeting
● Type up the notes and share them with the community via email posting to a dedicated webpage, or other medium agreed upon by the school administrator.
● Forward sign-in sheet to school administrator(s).
● Type up the notes and share them with school and division personnel so that the community suggestions can be acted upon.
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Loudoun Education Alliance of Families (LEAF)
Creating an Alliance Member Email: Considerations and Best Practices
● Account Profile
○ Username: Be generic but informative (example SchoolNameLEAF@email.com). Use whatever gmail or other email platform you choose.
○ Password: Easy enough to remember, but not to hack. Consider using numbers and special characters as letter substitutes. (example: use zero for an O, a one or ! for an L, a 3 for an E, or a 5 for an S)
○ Contact information:
■ Name: School Name or “Leaf Representative” for the first/last name
■ Birthday: A significant date known by the school
■ Phone Number: This will have to be a cell phone number and may best be suited as the user of the account.
■ Back Up Email: Use one that is easily accessible by the account user. This email is not public and is for security purposes only.
○ Profile picture: School logo or school mascot
● Access
○ Who will have access to this account?
■ Ensure another parent or staff member is also an administrator.
● LEAF representative alternate? PTA/PTO President?
■ Keep access limited; however, it is important for the email be accessible for emergency and/or continuity purposes
● Set Up a Signature and Auto Reply
○ Signature: (Example: Include your name, “Leaf Representative”)
○ Auto Reply: Please set up this feature.
■ Example:
Thank you for reaching out! Your message is important to us. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible. This volunteer-run account is checked at least (insert time frame - Once a week? Twice a week?) We appreciate your patience.
*If you have a concern about a specific teacher, class or school-related issue, please contact the teacher or principal directly.
*If this is an emergency, please contact the [insert school name here]’s front office.
○ Include Confidentiality / Privacy Notice
CONFIDENTIALITY / PRIVACY NOTICE – This email and attachments may contain confidential and/or legally protected information. If you are not the intended recipient, or the person responsible for providing the information to the intended recipient, you are notified
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that any disclosure, copying, distribution of this information, and any other use of or reliance upon it, are strictly prohibited. If you have received this email or attachments in error, please notify the sender immediately. All correspondence with Loudoun Education Alliance of Families (LEAF) and/or Loudoun County Public Schools, including email, may be subject to disclosure in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, (VFOIA).
● Sending an Email
○ Make the subject inviting and informative so it doesn’t get lost in someone’s email box. (Example: LEAF Committee Meeting Update)
○ If there is an action step being requested, add the request (Example: Feedback Requested: LEAF Committee Meeting Update)
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FOIA Guidelines For School Board Advisory Committees
What is VFOIA?
● The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (VFOIA) is the state law governing access by citizens of Virginia, and with circulation within the Commonwealth, to public records and to meetings of public bodies. VFOIA provides that, subject to some limited exemptions, meetings of public bodies shall be open to the public and public records shall be open for public inspection. All meetings of public bodies and public records are presumed open unless an exemption has been invoked. Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) complies with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.
Three or more advisory committee members discussing committee business constitutes a “meeting”, which triggers Freedom of Information Act requirements.
● Whenever three or more advisory committee members gather (whether formally or informally, and whether in person or electronically) to decide upon or discuss the advisory committee’s work, Freedom of Information Act procedures must be observed.
Freedom of Information Act meeting requirements include the following:
● Written notice of meetings must be posted at least 3 working days before any advisory committee meeting. The notice must state the date, time and location of the meeting. Notice should be posted on a public bulletin board, in the staff liaison’s office, and on the web.
● Open to the public: All advisory committee meetings and work sessions are public. The Freedom of Information Act has limited exemptions from this requirement; the body has to formally make a motion to invoke an exception. Consult with the staff liaison should questions arise.
● Agendas & materials: At least one copy of all agenda packets and materials furnished to members of the advisory committee for a meeting will be made available for inspection by the public at the same time.
● Recording meetings: Open meetings of advisory committees may be recorded by the public, provided that it does not interfere with the conduct of the meeting.
● Public votes: All decisions made by an advisory committee should be made by recorded public vote. Secret or written ballots are not permitted.
● Minutes should be recorded at all public advisory committee meetings. Those minutes should include the meeting date, location and attendees, and a summary of matters discussed and any votes taken. The minutes must be publicly available.
• Minutes (sometimes referred to as notes) are different from Transcripts. Minutes are a concise record of events; providing issues, raises, suggestions, action points and decided outcomes. Transcripts are verbatim written accounts of the speech and discussion; this can apply to meetings, conferences, seminars, video conferences, etc.
Electronic Participation: Electronic participation in public meetings by advisory committee members is generally not allowed. Remote participation requires timely notice to the advisory committee chair and staff liaison so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
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FOIA Guidelines For School Board Advisory Committees (continued)
Written communications: All e-mail, notes, written communications or other documents concerning advisory committee business are subject to the Freedom of Information Act. This means that should a member of the public ask to review those documents and communications, advisory committee members are required to produce them for public inspection. Prior to being released, LCPS’ Custodian of Records reviews them to ensure that only those responsive to the request –with redactions should they be necessary – are released. *Some records may be withheld in the entirety under exemptions set forth by the Code of Virginia.
For more information about FOIA, visit the LCPS FOIA page at https://www.lcps.org/Page/241233.
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Policy Review Information
LEAF Member Policy Feedback
In response to LEAF discussion, staff will provide a summary of the context for the policies up for review.
● Policy review for LEAF members
○ LEAF members are provided dedicated links for providing policy feedback
○ LEAF member comments and feedback provided through these dedicated links are noted for the school board when shared back
○ LEAF members should please add context in their feedback form if they have gathered community feedback; filling out the form will be considered as sharing the information they have gathered; and,
○ LEAF members shall not share their dedicated link with the public or anyone outside of the committee.
Public/Community Policy Feedback
Should LEAF members be asked how the general public/members of their school community can provide feedback on policies, below find helpful information.
● Policy Review access is always on the LCPS homepage.
● The Policy Review process link, https://www.lcps.org/policyreview, will route users directly to the review page. The link to the comment form is included at the top of this page, under the announcement sector.
● A button shortcut to the Policy Review page will be included on individual school websites in the Fall 2022.
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Considerations for Policy and Procedure Review
The following questions can be considered by stakeholders during the review process of policies and/or procedures.
1. Does the policy and/or procedure support the learning, achievement and well-being of students and staff and align with the Board’s Mission, Vision and Values?
2. What are the strengths of the policy?
3. What do we want to improve?
4. Is the policy and/or procedure written in plain language that is clear to all staff and our parent and school communities? What changes, if any, are recommended to the wording?
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LCPS Comment and Complaints
If LEAF members receive complaints about a school-specific topic, redirect persons to the appropriate office. Complaints involving staff, instruction, discipline, or learning materials should be as follows, as applicable:
Policy 8070 provides direction on submitting a formal complaint.
LCPS Comment and Complaint Form information from https://www.lcps.org/LCPSCommentandComplaintform
Complaints receive a written response within thirty (30) calendar days.
Please review Policy 8070, Written Comments and Complaints, for full guidelines and processes regarding this LCPS Written Comment and Complaint Form.
Note: To receive the most timely response to complaints regarding Special Education concerns, Title IX complaints or transportation issues, please submit directly to that office.
● For complaints and comments based on disability and/or possible Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please submit a written grievance with the school division's Section 504 Coordinator. Please see LCPS Regulation 8030-1 for information on how to file a grievance of alleged discrimination.
● Title IX-related matters please submit to the LCPS Title IX Formal Complaint Form. Visit the Title IX page for more information.
● Transportation concerns please submit to the Transportation Concern Registry
1. Teacher (Coach/Director)
2.Principal or Designee
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A. Statement of Principle. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for Loudoun County residents, including parents and students, for offering input, comments, suggestions, and complaints to school officials.
B. Precedence This policy governs all written comments and complaints not governed by other policies. Procedures enumerated in other policies supersede those created in this policy.
C. Definitions
1.“Parents and students” include current students, parents of current students, or other persons who have enrolled a current student.
2.“Complainant” refers to a Loudoun County resident, including parents and/or students who have submitted a complaint.
3. “Response” means to provide a written assessment of the complaint. It does not connote a decision, agreement, or resolution.
4. “Business days” refers to days in which LCPS administrative offices are open.
D. Procedures for Addressing School-Based Concerns and Complaints
1. Whenever a complaint is made directly to the School Board, as a whole or to an individual Board member, the individual or group involved will be advised to take their concern to the appropriate staff member.
2.The Board believes that complaints and grievances are best handled and resolved as close to their origin as possible, and that staff should be given every opportunity to consider the issues and attempt to resolve the problem prior to involvement by the Board. Therefore, the proper channeling of complaints involving staff, instruction, discipline, or learning materials will be as follows, as applicable:
a. Teacher (Coach/Director)
b. Principal or Designee
d. Board
3.School principals shall establish appropriate procedures within their schools for encouraging, soliciting and receiving input, comments, suggestions and complaints from parents and students.
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E. Comment and Complaint Form
1.Loudoun County residents with comments or complaints will be provided comment and complaint form developed by the Superintendent.
2. The comment and complaint form shall be distributed at least once annually to all LCPS parents and students Additionally, the form shall be physically accessible to Loudoun County residents in each school’s office and electronically accessible either upon request or via LCPS’s and individual schools’ websites.
3. The comment and complaint form will record the student’s school, if applicable.
4. The form will include an optional section for the complainant to categorize the complaint. In addition to offering optional preset categories, the form will also provide space for complainants to identify a category that may not be listed.
5. The School Board shall be provided full unabridged access to comments and complaints received through the LCPS comment and complaint system. A quarterly report summarizing comments and complaints received as well as their resolution status shall be provided to the School Board. All personally identifiable information shall be redacted from reports provided to the School Board.
F. Timeline
1.Persons submitting comments and/or complaints will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of a comment and complaint form in writing within 5 business days of receipt.
2. If a complaint is filed through the Comment and Complaint form, a compliant that concerns a non-school level concern will be assigned to the appropriate department in the division and receive a response within 30 calendar days of its receipt. If the complaint cannot be resolved at the department level, it will be referred to the superintendent or superintendent’s designee. The decision of the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee is final.
3. If filed with a principal, the principal or the principal’s designee will provide a written response to complaints promptly, but no later than 30 calendar days of receipt. If the complaint cannot be resolved at the level of the principal, it is referred to the superintendent or superintendent’s designee. The decision of the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee is final.
G. Retaliation. Retaliation against parents, students or residents who file complaints or participate in related processes is strictly prohibited Any alleged retaliation shall be reviewed and addressed by the appropriate administrator(s)
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H. Multiple Complaints. Multiple complaints regarding the same substantive issue, whether submitted by one or more complainant, may be treated as a single complaint for the purposes of statistical tracking and response requirements
[Former Policy 8-10]
Adopted: 6/24/08
Revised: 1/11/11, 9/10/13
Current Revision: 05/24/22
Legal Refs: Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 22.1-87, 22.1-253.13:7
Cross Refs: Policy 1035, School Board Norms, Protocols and Violations
Policy 2010, Legal Status, Authority, Powers and Duties
Policy 2350, Appeal of Administrative Decisions
Policy 2530, Board-Staff Communications
Regulation 5045, Selection, Review And Challenge Of Instructional Resources
Policy 7014, Environments Free From Harassment, Discrimination, and Abuse
Regulation 7014, Environments Free From Harassment, Discrimination, and Abuse
Policy 7016, Employee Complaints
Policy 7018, Procedure for Adjusting Grievances
Policy 7024, Classified Employee Dismissal and Demotion Grievance Procedures
Regulation 8035, Title IX, Sex-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment
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CommunitySchool LEAF Communications Access Chart General Information only. Subject to Change
General Information only. Subject to Change
Communication Flow: LEAF Representation to their Community
When used properly, the guidelines found within will help maintain graphic and message continuity, protect use of assets, and help build powerful, relevant messaging across LCPS.
Why is this necessary? Proprietary graphics and graphics,approved typefaces, the visuals we choose and the words we use are important to every part of LEAF’s brand, and to LCPS.
Following the guidelines and expectations in this document will help LEAF members speak with a single, influential voice to generate bold, engaging communications, build strong bonds with communities, and preserve the LEAF brand for years to come.
These are the go-to graphics for all LEAF communications; it is essential that the graphic is always applied with care and respect.
LEAF also has an icon mark that can be used in situations where legibility at small screen sizes becomes challenging.
Example B
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Example B
To ensure the distinction and legibility of the graphic, the graphic should include a perimeter of clear space to prevent the image from competing graphic elements, like text or photography, that may divert attention from the graphic. Clear space is measured using the height of the leaf icon in the graphic [as shown] the graphic, emblem, or identifiable typography are only graphic elements that should appear inside LEAF clear space.
Minimum size refers to the smallest dimensions allowed for the LEAF graphic.The minimum sizes for each configuration of the graphic are listed below
For print: [100px minimum]
●Business cards: 0.75” inch
●Letterhead: Height: 120px
For print: [2 inch minimum]
Apparel (Screenprint)
●Left Chest maximum: 5in x 5in
For web: 35 pixel minimum
Social Media Profile Pictures
●Instagram: 110px
●Facebook: 170px
●Twitter: 400px
●Linkedin: 400px
●Other Merchandise/Promotional Products: Defer to vendor for maximum size constraints
The graphic can be placed on a background with one of the colors from the primary or secondary color palette, as well as white, black, or gray.The graphic can also be placed on images, but must have enough contrast between itself and other images for acceptable readability. Whenever possible, the graphic should be used in white when placed on imagery.
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The LEAF graphic should not be adjusted or edited in any way. Here are some examples of what not to do:
●Do not change the colors of the graphic.
●Do not place elements in the graphic clear space.
●Do not condense, expand, or distort the graphic in a manner to change its proportions; do not resize any individual elements of the graphic.
●Do not add a drop shadow, bevel and emboss, inner glow, or any other text effects to the graphic.
●Do not place the graphic on top of an image with poor contrast and readability.
●Do not resize any individual elements of the graphic.
●Do not rotate or crop the graphic.
The LEAF color scheme has one primary color. In order to meetADAcompliant color accessibility guidelines, the LEAF graphic does not include secondary or tertiary alternatives colors. However, white, black, and gray are also allowed to be used in lieu of the green.
RGB (0,122, 63)
CMYK (89, 27, 100, 15)
LCPS expects thoughtful consideration and restraint when using the LEAF graphic so that the committee does not lose its visual identity.
Consistent use of typography helps to make the committee’s brand identity strong and cohesive across all applications. While there is no fixedADAfont size requirement, it is widely understood that accessibleADAcompliant fonts are clear, clean, and distinguishable as opposed to cursive or handwriting styles.
Many standard and widely available fonts score highly for web accessibility, while also reflecting the preferred professional image of Loudoun County Public Schools.The preferred typefaces for LEAF are as follows:
LEAF Color Scheme Hex #007A3F
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Options when primary brand fonts are unavailable and a standard font must be used.
Options when primary brand fonts are unavailable and a standard font must be used.
Typeface should work in concert with the LCPS brand, and depict LCPS as a modern, professional, and dynamic Division.The primary and secondary fonts should be priority. If they are not available, the following is recommended:
●Clean and classic faces, with a preference for sans-serif fonts
●Other support fonts commonly used includeTiempos (serif), BentonSans, and BentonSans Condensed and Compressed (sans serif)
●Legible font sizing: 9–12 point for print body copy; 12–16 pixels for web body copy
●Use 14–16 pixels for long-form digital copy
●Avoid fonts that are overly stylized
●Avoid using type with drop shadows
●Avoid outlining type
●Avoid excessive condensing, tracking, horizontal scaling
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FrequentlyAsked Questions about LEAF
How are LEAF representatives decided upon?
Please see the information provided in the bylaws.
How do we contact the LEAF Chair and/or Officers?
LEAF Chair and/or Officers will provide a dedicated email for LEAF Communication.
Why is there such a large time gap between November and February?
There are limited school board meetings during the months of November and and December with holidays and breaks. January is dedicated to the reorganization of the Board and its new members can join LEAF thereafter.
Are translations available?
Upon request
How is the feedback provided by LEAF members passed on to the Board?
The data, via online feedback form, spreadsheet or other documentation are shared with the corresponding committees who then share with the board, accordingly.
How will the gaps in LEAF representation be addressed?
The membership chair will monitor representation and reach out to schools as appropriate.
When should representatives bring up issues/topics that may not be on the agenda?
New items that relate to the committee, as a whole, can be brought up during the New Business item on the agenda, or shared with the Chair in advance of the meeting. Individual concerns should be directed to the appropriate staff member.
How does LEAF differ from MSAAC?
LEAF representation is made up of parents, only. MSAAC includes all stakeholders (parents, community members, business partners, and staff).
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© 2023 All Rights Reserved. Loudoun County Public Schools LoudounCountyPublicSchools 21000EducationCourt Ashburn,VA20148 https://www.lcps.org/leaf CommunicationChecklistCommunicationChecklist
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To be a voice for parents from their school communities providing valuable parental perspective to the School Board.
To communicate School Board questions, recommendations, or decisions back to their communities.
To serve as an advisory body, bringing to the School Board’s attention existing or emerging issues expressed by parents in their school community.
To help develop and shape recommendations on improving experience in schools for all.
Your LEAF Representative is:
https://www.lcps.org/leaf LoudounEducationAllianceofFamilies LoudounCountyPublicSchools
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LoudounCountyPublicSchools 21000EducationCourt Ashburn,VA20148 ©2023AllRightsReserved.LoudounCountyPublicSchools LEAF Handbook Feedback Link https://bit.ly/LEAFHandbookFB