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and Theology Angels in a Modern
wizard gaining a level in fighter).A character must select the first level in a template “class” before selecting the second,and so on,just as with standard classes.A character is not required to complete all levels ofa template class in succession,and a template class never counts when determining ifa character has a multiclassing penalty.
For example,Donil,a 4th-level human fighter,completes a special quest for his church to prove his worth,and Donil’s player is given permission to advance him in the celestial template class. At the next opportunity,Donil takes a level in the celestial class. He then adventures for several months,gaining two more fighter levels in the process.Donil’s player decides he wants to finish the advancement as a celestial,and at the next opportunity finally takes the 2nd level in the celestial class.Donil is now a human Ftr6/celestial2,which is exactly the same as a celestial human 6th-level fighter.
Losing a Template Class: Template class levels can be lost due to any effect or circumstance that would cause a character to lose a level.
Level Special Attacks/Special Qualities
1 Type change (ifanimal or vermin),Intelligence increase to 3 minimum,darkvision,smite evil,energy resistance (acid,cold,and electricity) 5 2 SR equal to HD + 5,DR (5/magic ifHD 4-11 or 10/magic ifHD 12 or more),energy resistance (acid,cold,and electricity 5 ifHD 7 or less,10 ifHD 8 or more)
Chapter Three: The Campaign 49 Alternate Pantheons and Theology
Just because classical angels are derived from a monotheistic cosmology doesn’t make this the only option for angels.Celestial minions are easily adaptable to a standard fantasy campaign where many gods battle on both sides ofthe conflict between good and evil,or law and chaos,especially considering the many roles angels have been given in traditional materials.
For example,in an Olympian campaign (modeled after the gods ofGreek mythology) malakim have a more neutral (nongood) bent and serve Ares,god ofwar,or Nike,goddess ofvictory.Parasim serve these two deities as well (and Artemis and Pan),though they would not ride horses without the permission ofPoseidon. Memunim serve Morpheus and Somnos,gods ofdreams and sleep. The angels ofdeath are agents ofHades (who resides in the underworld with his minions,even though his minions are angels). Dynamis serve Athena,goddess ofwisdom,as would the principalities.Grigori are the servants ofHephaestus and the titan Prometheus.Hashmalim serve Zeus and forge his thunderbolts for him.Kalkydrim follow Apollo and pull his sun chariot.Ophanim serve Hephaestus at his forge and deliver messages for Hermes. Seraphim sing praise to lovely Aphrodite.
In an Asgardian campaign (modeled after the Norse gods ofthe Vikings),hashmalim and parasim take the place ofthe valkyries, claiming the fallen in the name ofThor the thunderer to be taken to Valhalla.Frey and Freya have hashmalim,too,tending the natural order ofseasons and looking after love between mortals.Frey is also served by kalkydrim (as he is the god ofsunshine).Other kalkydrim serve Baldur.Freya’s cherubim watch over lovers and
Level Special Attacks/Special Qualities Spell-Like Abilities*
1 Type change (outsider),darkvision,+4 racial bonus to bless, hallow13 , protection from evil 3/day, remove disease1 Fortitude saves against poison,+2 Dexterity,+2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma,natural armor improves by +1 2 +2 Strength,+2 Constitution,disease immunity,energy aid3 , detect evil3 , holy aura13 3/day, holy smite7
resistance (acid,cold,electricity) 5,SR equal to HD (maximum 25),daylight 3 +2 Strength,+2 Intelligence,smite evil,DR (5/magic if cure serious wounds5 , dispel evil9 , summon monster IX17 HD 11 or less or 10/magic ifHD 12 or more),natural (angels only), mass charm15 weapons treated as magic weapons for overcoming DR 4 +2 Constitution,+2 Wisdom,+2 Charisma,energy holy word11 , neutralize poison5 , resurrection19 resistance (acid,cold,electricity) 10,SR equal to HD + 10 (maximum 35);wings (fly speed equal to double base speed,good maneuverability)
* Spell-like abilities are only available to creatures with at least an 8 in Intelligence or Wisdom.They are usable once per day unless otherwise noted.Caster level for these abilities is equal to the character’s total Hit Dice.Ifthe spell-like ability has a superscript number after it,it is only available ifthe base creature’s total Hit Dice is at least equal to the superscripted value.For example,a human Ftr6/half-celestial4 does not gain holy word or resurrection as spell-like abilities because he only has 6 Hit Dice,which is less that the 11 Hit Dice needed for holy word and the 19 Hit Dice needed for resurrection. Hit Dice gained after the template class is started or completed count toward acquiring these spell-like abilities.For example,ifDonil the fighter (from above) gained 5 more Hit Dice,such as by taking five levels in any standard class,he would gain the ability to use holy word.