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Society of Godsblood
religion,as members consider their church a part ofany faith that names angels as servants ofgood.The group doesn’t hold any particular like or dislike for angelic offspring,and its opinion on such beings tends to be colored by the dogma ofother good churches in the area.Because many angels object to being worshipped,the Hands’ members are quick to point out that they venerate angels for their role in shaping the world.They honor angels as the agents ofdeities,rather than worshipping angels directly.
Hands members believe there are angels everywhere in the world, helping mortals with difficult tasks and protecting them from demon attacks.A person who joins the Hands chooses one or more angels as a personal patron and makes specific prayers to her patron for guidance and protection.Divine spellcasters who join the Hands do the same and receive their spells from these angels (who act as proxies for one or more good deities).Clerics ofthe Hands choose two domains as normal,though certain angels are customarily associated with some domains more than others.(A cleric who wants the War domain,for example,should pray to Michael,Angel ofWar†, rather than Zadkiel,angel ofbenevolence,mercy,and memory.)
Hands members do little active recruiting,though when serving their community they are always sure to explain the nature oftheir faith and how it is open to all like-minded folk.Only when a temple is being founded in a new city do the Hands encourage people to join,ifonly on an interim basis.
Heaven’s Hands is allied with most good temples and a few neutral ones that teach that angels are the intermediaries ofthe gods.The Society of Godsblood counts the Hands as an ally,and in most cities the feeling is mutual.The Hands consider the activities ofthe Brotherhood ofPure Spirit abhorrent,though most members ofthe Brotherhood would be happy to speak in a Hands temple about the greatness ofangels.
Heaven’s Hands dislikes evil people and organizations,particularly those that worship demons.It disagrees with the actions ofthe Brotherhood ofPure Spirit,though some sects ofthe Hands may consider angels breeding with mortals a sin.Heaven’s Hands sometimes becomes the target ofhostilities from conservative churches and those that are very territorial about their worshippers. Chapter Six: Organizations 71 Society of Godsblood
The Society ofGodsblood is an organization that tries to nurture and protect half-celestials and aasimar,as well as the rare angel who is trapped on the Material Plane.Many ofits members are themselves ofangelic descent or married to such beings.
Brief History
Samandiriel,angel offertility,saw the reaction ofsome mortals to the birth ofhalf-celestials and was surprised.While the parent knew what to expect and welcomed the child, other mortals who lived Adventure Seed:Twice the Blessing nearby often reacted The Society of Godsblood has noted an unusual number of twin aasimar being born in the past with fear,confusion, decade. Even more surprising is the number of envy,and mistrust. these aasimar who are “sports” (born of two mortal parents with an unrealized part-celestial Concerned about the heritage). Their lineage cannot be traced to any future ofthese blessed known angel who is living, dead, or fallen, though it is almost certainly the same parent. Is progeny,Samandiriel this divine intervention? The foundation for a gained permission to future army to win the War against Hell? What significance do so many twins have? Who is gather a group ofmor- the mysterious angel ancestor of these tals ofhis faith who planetouched children? would nurture and protect these part-celestials from those who might wish them ill.Among these first members were three mortal women who themselves had borne half-celestial children.This group grew into the Society ofGodsblood.
The Organization
The Society operates out ofa mansion on the outskirts ofa major city.It functions like a pantheistic religious boarding school,rearing orphaned or abandoned halfcelestials and aasimar and involving them in normal mortal society.The older members act as teachers for the students and guards for the mansion and its grounds.The leader of the Society is called the Headmaster,though it is a military position that is achieved by merit rather than tenure.The members are trained to react quickly,both to threats to their home and to the news ofan unexpected part-celestial birth. Members: 60,not including students (who number up to 10 during any particular year) Hierarchy: Militaristic Leader: Headmaster Luke Shadewing
Religion: Any nonevil,with NG and LG the most common
Alignment: NG,LG,LN
Secrecy: None.(The Society operates publicly,though remote agents may travel incognito.)
Symbol: Upright longsword with metal wings where the crossguard should be and one drop ofblood falling below the hilt.The whole sword is entirely surrounded by lightning
The Society functions like a military machine because its members are expected to defend themselves and their charges at any time.The Headmaster has two senior lieutenants who help him run the Society.
HeadmasterLuke Shadewing (LG male half-celestial [malakite] human Clr5/Pal6) was born in the mansion and raised in its teachings,coming to power at age 30 when his predecessor stepped down.Luke is a stern father figure for the students,most ofwhom hold him in utter awe.He personally has rescued 17 young aasimar or part-celestials from the murderous hands of superstitious mortals or demons wanting to make a special sacrifice to Hell.Now 60 years old (which feels like middle age to him, given his enhanced half-celestial lifespan),he is looking for a person to groom as his successor.
Lieutenant Darvi Swiftiron (NG female aasimar Brd10) decides on the curriculum taught to the students and is their teacher and the Society’s primary researcher,having spent most ofher life researching dozens ofreligions and thousands ofangels.When a “sport” aasimar (one unexpectedly born ofmortal parents due to one or more celestial ancestors in the distant past) is born,the Society turns to Darvi to find the child’s lineage.
Trisa the Left-Handed (NG female human Clr6) is the foster mother ofall young children brought to the mansion.She is the birth mother ofthree half-celestials by the late principality Dophkiel,a guardian ofher church.Having raised three special children ofher own,she is uniquely suited to parenting the many stragglers and orphans the Society finds.Now in her fifties,she is slowly positioning herselfin a grandmotherly role,letting her eldest son and daughter take over the active parenting.
Motivation and Goals
The Society’s sole purpose is to protect the offspring ofangels and mortals.While the group normally feels content to counsel parents or rescue at-risk children,they will take a more proactive role against individuals or groups who target part-celestials.The Society wants to be left alone,and it hopes that by not pressing its beliefs on others it can encourage tolerance ofits members’ children.
The Society doesn’t actively recruit anyone,though it welcomes others ofpartial angelic heritage as extended members ofits unusual family.Most ofthe new “members” are their children raised to adulthood.
The Society considers any half-celestial or aasimar a potential ally, and it is good friends with any church that supports the union of mortals and angels.In less conservative cities,Heaven’s Hands can be its closest ally,offering shelter and other aid.
The primary enemy ofthe Society is ignorance.It is ignorant folk who fear what is different and put part-angels at risk.Truly evil folk are a secondary enemy and are much easier to track and predict.Warped cults such as the Brotherhood ofPure Spirit are the Society’s most dangerous foes.Members pay close attention to all churches in their home city for signs that the Brotherhood has gained a foothold.