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Other Famous Angels
While the archangels tend to get the most attention from religious scholars,hundreds ofother named angels appear in the literature ofvarious religions.A few ofthe more interesting or unusual ones appear below.
Abdiel (LG seraph Pal15): Abdiel (“servant ofgod”) is the great angel who routed “Ariel” (but see below),Arioc,and Ramiel (angels in Samael’s host) during the war in Heaven.Abdiel is a fierce fighter,and even Samael reeled from this angel’s mighty sword stroke. He is called the unshakeable,faithful,and unseduced.
Anael (LG principality Clr15): Anael is a chiefofthe principalities and one ofthe angels who assisted in the creation ofthe world. He is a guide to kingdoms in the mortal world and has dominion over the moon.As a powerful angel concerned with the planets,he makes sure that prayers from the mortal world ascend properly through First Heaven onward to Second Heaven.
Ariel (LG malakite Clr10): Ariel (“lion ofgod”) is an Angel ofthe Earth† and the Wind†,and is often associated with birds.He also assists Raphael in the curing ofdisease.He frequently enters battle in a fierce lion-headed form,which endears him to cherubim.He sometimes assists those guarding the divine thrones in Seventh Heaven.
Ariel is not the same angel routed by Abdiel as noted above.The confusion stems from a work by a mortal scholar who named Ariel as one ofAbdiel’s three defeated foes.The defeated angel is probably a bearer ofa Nomina Barbara† easily confused with Ariel’s name.
Azrael (NG dynama Clr10/Angel ofDestruction5): Azrael (“vow ofgod”) is an Angel ofthe Earth† and the Waters†.He is sometimes called “the Ancient.” It is his job to separate a mortal’s soul from the body at the time ofdeath (an honor he earned for his role in providing the dust from which Adam was created).It is said that he writes constantly in a large book,then erases what he writes (the writing being mortal births,and the erasing mortal deaths).
Azbuga (NG hashmalite Clr20): Azbuga (“strength”) is one of the attendants to the heavenly thrones.Some say his rank is superior to Archangel Metatron,for Azbuga was once a secret divine name.His chiefduty is to take the worthiest new arrivals to Heaven and clothe them in righteousness (typically reserved for great heroes or influential clergy),so they may serve as saints. Spellcasters call upon him to heal illness and expunge demons.
Barachiel (NG seraph Ftr10/Rog10): Barachiel (“lightning of god”) is sometimes listed as an archangel.He is a prince ofthe seraphim and ofSecond Heaven.He is an Angel ofChance†, Lightning†,Pisces,and Scorpio (see Angel ofthe Zodiac†).
Bath Qol (LG hashmalite Clr20): Bath Qol (“heavenly voice”) is an Angel ofAnnouncement†.One ofthe few angels in traditional literature consistently depicted as female,she represents prophecy, especially in latter times when true prophecy has all but died out. She rarely speaks on her own behalf,preferring to let her deity speak through her as needed.It was her voice that called out to Cain after Abel’s murder,“Where is thy brother Abel?”
Camael (LG dynama Pal15/Angel ofDestruction†5): Camael (“he who sees god”) is chiefofthe dynamis and personifies divine justice.He is sometimes listed as an archangel,and he is worshipped in some cultures as a war god.He leads an army of12,000 angels,which is used to surround the deific thrones when Heaven falls under attack.
Dumah (LG malakite Pal15/Angel ofDestruction5): Dumah (“silence”) is an Angel ofSilence† and ofthe stillness ofdeath.He carries a flaming sword that can turn into a rod offire,and he is said to possess a thousand eyes.As well as leading armies ofangels ofdestruction,Dumah is also responsible for punishing the souls ofthe especially wicked in Hell.
Hashmal (LG hashmalite Clr15/Fire-Speaker5): Hashmal (“the splendor ofgod’s divine countenance”) is chiefofthe hashmalim and the first fire-speaking angel.He has transcended his original form and now always exists in a spherical fire elemental form in which are suspended the letters ofhis celestial brand (see Chapter Eight:Prestige Classes for information on fire-speaking angels).He directs the actions ofall other hashmalim.
Iofiel (LG principality Clr15): Iofiel (“beauty ofgod”) is a prince ofdivine law,a regent ofthe motion ofthe planets,and an aide to Metatron.It was Iofiel who drove Adam and Eve out of Heaven after the Original Sin.Iofiel was sent to watch over and guide the sons ofNoah after the great flood.
Israfel:(LG principality Pal5/Clr10): Israfel (“the burning one”) is an Angel ofMusic†,resurrection,and song.He began instructing Mohammed in the duties ofa prophet (a task completed by Gabriel).He has four wings,and it is said that six times a day he looks down into Hell and is so affected with griefat the sight that his tears would drown the world ifthe gods did not hold them back.
Jehoel (LG seraph Clr10/Pal10): Jehoel is an Angel ofFire† and one ofthe chiefs ofthe seraphim.His primary responsibility is to keep Leviathan (a great and ancient sea dragon that will be freed at Armageddon) in check.When the patriarch Abraham visited Heaven, it was Jehoel who related to him the course ofhuman history.
Kochbiel (NG grigori Wiz15): Kochbiel (“star ofgod”) is an angelic prince ofthe stars.Among the first grigori to come to the mortal world,he taught mortals the science ofthe constellations.In some faiths he is a fallen angel,cast out ofHeaven for fathering children with mortal women.
Lucifer (NG seraph Pal10/Clr10): Lucifer (“light giver”) is an Angel ofLight† and an angel ofthe morning star.Often confused with Samael (Satan),Lucifer is a good angel and sided with Heaven against Samael’s forces.Also known as the Morningstar or the Lightbringer,he is said to be the brightest angel.
Melchisedec (LG malakite Pal20): Melchisedec (“the god is my king”) is the “king ofrighteousness” and “most beloved ofgod.” He is an Angel ofNourishment† and Repentance†,and one ofhis roles is to redeem wayward angels.He fed and cared for the many animals in Noah’s ark so they would survive the Flood.
Raphael Remiel
Nathanael (NG ophanite Ftr10/Clr5): Nathanael (“gift of god”) is an Angel ofFire† and an angel ofvengeance.When seven devout men were to be burned alive for their refusal to make sacrifices to the demon Baal,it was Nathanael who protected the men and burned the demon worshippers instead.He is one ofthe angels whose dominion is hidden things,and he has gone to the mortal realm to help heroes overcome impossible odds.Because ofhis missions to aid mortal heroes,he is a favorite among adventurers.
Noriel (LG ophanite Ftr10/Sor6): Noriel is an unusual ophanite whose body is made ofbrass and lit with orange light. He is the guardian ofthe gates ofthe east wind.From time to time he takes a piece ofhis body and forges it into a magic item called Noriel’s armor (see Chapter Nine:Magic),which he gives to other angels.
Nuriel (LG seraph Pal5/Sor10): Nuriel (“fire”) is an Angel of Cold†,and often manifests in the form ofa great eagle.He is a spell-breaking angel,particularly good at destroying the magic of witches and heretics.He is usually perceived as much larger than his actual size,probably through an ability similar to Metatron’s.
Penemue (NE grigori Wiz10): Penemue (“the inside”) was once Penemuel,a grigori sent to the Material Plane to educate mortals.Once known for his ability to cure disorders ofthe mind as well as stupidity itself,he transgressed against Heaven by teaching mortals writing,which at the time was forbidden because it could corrupt mortal thought.Angry at this unreasonable edict,he rebelled against Heaven and is thought to still wander the mortal world to this day.
Rahab (NE [race unknown] Clr10/Ftr5): Rahab (“violence”) was a prideful and evil Angel ofthe Waters†.He was destroyed during the creation ofthe mortal world when he refused to divide the waters from the waters,though he was later revived only to be destroyed again when he tried to keep Moses from leading his people across the Red Sea.As an evil angel,Rahab may have been a construct creature rather than a true outsider (see “Evil Angels” in Chapter Two:Angels).His angelic “race” is therefore unclear.
Raziel (LG erelite Clr20): Raziel (“secret ofgod”) is the angel of secrets and the personification ofdivine wisdom.He is the author ofthe Sefer Raziel (also known as The Book ofthe Angel Raziel),a tome containing all earthly and celestial knowledge.The book was
Uriel Zerachiel
originally given to Adam,but was stolen by jealous or envious angels,cast into the sea,retrieved by Rahab (between his first and second death),given again to Adam,and eventually (through Raphael) to Noah.Raziel is sometimes classified as an archangel. He is an Angel ofHealing† and Knowledge†,as well as chiefofthe order oferelim (an ophanite variant;see “Variant Angels” in Chapter Two:Angels).
Sandalphon (LG hashmalite Pal20): Sandalphon (“cobrother”) was once the mortal prophet Elijah,but he was transformed into a powerful angel upon his death.Called the twin brother of Metatron,he has his brother’s gift for appearing strangely tall.He is the master ofheavenly song,and one ofhis duties is to gather prayers from the lower Heavens and send them upward to the gods. He has sworn the destruction ofSamael and has battled his foe to a standstill countless times in Hell.
Shamshiel (NG grigori Clr15): Shamshiel (“mighty sun of god”) is one ofthe rulers ofFourth Heaven,an angel ofthe sun, and one ofthe guardians ofEden when it was still part ofthe mortal realm.He was the angel who guided Moses through Heaven when the patriarch visited during his life.He taught mortals the knowledge ofthe zodiac (which he was not supposed to do,and was barred from Heaven for a time before atoning for this act).He and the angel Hasdiel are the chiefaides to Uriel when the archangel enters battle.
Shekinah (NG dynama Clr20): The Shekinah (“to reside”) is another rare angel always depicted as female.Her name seems to be a title,for she is always called the Shekinah.Those who believe that Metatron is an avatar ofa deity rather than an angel also believe that the Shekinah is a balancing feminine counterpart to his male presence.She has been sent to the mortal world many times to lead the faithful out ofdanger.She is a radiant being,and those who stand within her light are protected from disease,vermin,and fiends,none ofwhich may approach her or do her harm.She blesses the marital unions ofall faithful couples and brings them healthy children.
Tagas (NG seraph Brd20): Tagas is a great angelic prince and conductor ofall choirs ofangels.All angels are grateful to be learn from this Angel ofKnowledge† and Music†.Though he rarely comes to the mortal realm,his talent and power echoes in the voices ofall angelic song.He personally carries new songs of praise to the gods as an honor to their composers.
Uzziel (LN malakite Ftr15): Uzziel (“strength ofgod”) is a chief ofthe malakim.He stands before the divine thrones to await orders for all malakim.He is a guardian ofthe south and,despite his readiness for war,an angel ofmercy.He is sometimes listed as a fallen angel who fathered offspring with mortal women,but that is actually the fallen angel Usiel (who wedded mortal women and begat nephilim).Uzziel names Usiel as his eternal foe for ruining his good name.
Vretil (NG cherub Clr20): Vretil is keeper ofHeaven’s treasury ofsacred books and scribe for the good deities.Considered an archangel by some,he is an Angel ofAnnouncement† and Knowledge†,an angel ofpoetry,and is said to be more wise than even the archangels.It was Vretil who dictated 366 books to the patriarch Enoch,who recorded them in 30 days and 30 nights of constant work.
Zadkiel (LG hashmalite Pal15): Zadkiel (“righteousness of god”) is an angel ofbenevolence,mercy,and memory.He is a leader ofthe military hashmalim,and he is sometimes listed as an archangel.When Archangel Michael goes into battle,Zadkiel is one ofthe two angels who carries Michael’s battle standard.
Zagzagel (LG ophanite Rgr10/Fire-Speaker5): Zagzagel (“divine splendor”) is a prince ofthe divine presence,chiefguard of Fourth Heaven,and teacher ofangels.(He speaks 70 languages.) He is the angel ofthe burning bush and an Angel ofKnowledge† and Sanctification†.He is easily recognized for his unusual halo, which resembles two glowing horns ofdivine energy sweeping outward from him like bull’s horns.
Zophiel (LG dynama Ftr5/Rog10): Zophiel (“spy ofgod”) is a fast and stealthy angel.It was he who infiltrated Hell and discovered that Samael’s forces were planning their first attack against Heaven after the Fall.Zophiel is the second lieutenant ofMichael. He helps carry the archangel’s battle standard.Due to his frequent exposure to Hell,Zophiel for a time became an outcast angel,but he was able to throw offthe taint ofHell and was welcomed back into Heaven.He is the guide angel ofNoah.