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Class Features
All the following are class features ofthe angel ofterror prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Angels ofterror gain no proficiencies in weapons or armor ofany type.
Chant the Holy Name (Sp): Angels ofterror can use chant the holy name† at will as a spell-like ability.
Mirror Image (Sp): At 2nd level,angels ofterror gain the ability to confuse others about the number ofangels present.An angel of terror can use mirror image at will as a spell-like ability,though she can have no more than eight images present at any time.This ability does not work when eight images are already present.It is because ofthis ability that a group ofangels ofterror can look like a small army.This effect has caused many folk who see visions of Heaven to be confused into thinking that tens ofthousands of these angels guard a heavenly throne.
Lord ofDread (Su): Angels ofterror are tasked with striking fear into the hearts ofthose who visit sacred places.At 3rd level and higher,all fear effects created by an angel ofterror are one step more potent:Effects that cause a target to be shaken instead cause it to become frightened,frightened becomes panicked,panicked becomes cowering,and worse than cowering causes a –2 morale penalty to the target’s saving throw.
Confusion Aura (Su): Upon reaching 5th level,an angel ofterror radiates an aura of confusion equal to the spell ofthe same name that affects only the angel’s enemies.The Difficulty Class ofsaving throws against the aura is 15 + the angel’s Charisma modifier.A creature that saves against a particular angel’s aura remains immune to it for one day.
Fire-speaking angels are talented angels offire whose abilities make them invaluable to deities and archangels who command thousands ofangels.While many angels offire (those who gain the Angel of Fire† dominion feat described in Chapter Seven:Feats) populate Heaven,only a handful offire-speaking angels serve any particular deity.While their ability to blast enemies with fire or even turn into pure fire is significant on a battlefield,their unique ability to talk through fire makes them natural relayers ofinformation for Heaven’s hierarchies.Like ophanim,they have a gift for sending messages, and ophanim are perfectly suited for this prestige class.
Bards,clerics,paladins,and rogues most easily qualify for this class, and their class abilities complement those ofthis class nicely.Other classes have a more difficult time meeting the requirements and generally don’t have the proper mindset to be messengers,though some particularly stubborn angels persist just for the class’ battle abilities.
Fire-speakers are used to being the only one oftheir kind around,so they’re comfortable working alone,though other kinds ofangel usually surround fire-speaking messengers.As they can easily communicate with other angels oftheir type,they rarely feel alone and can coordinate attacks or meetings over long distances.Particularly influential deities or those coordinating a large number ofangels sometimes gather multiple fire-speakers together.In such situations,in between sending official messages they enjoy speaking with each other in person.
Amber angels (see “Variant Angels” in Chapter Two:Angels) are called fire-speaking angels.It is possible that they once were some other kind ofangel who completed this prestige class and advanced to a new kind ofbeing.
Hashmal,chiefofthe hashmalim,is the first fire-speaking angel. It is through his power that many ofthe commands ofHeaven reach the hashmalim (and through them,other angels).
Hit Die: d8
To qualify to become a fire-speaker,a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Race: Angel Base Attack Bonus: +4 Base Save Bonuses: Reflex +4,Will +4 Skills: Concentration 5 ranks,Diplomacy 8 ranks,Intimidate 5 ranks Feats: Iron Will,Spiritual Contact†
Patron Deity: Any Special: Fire Tolerance: The angel must have at least fire resistance 5 or fire immunity.
Class Skills
Class skills for the fire-speaker are:Bluff(Cha),Concentration (Con),Diplomacy (Cha),Intimidate (Cha),Knowledge (arcana) (Int),Knowledge (religion) (Int),Knowledge (nature) (Int),Listen (Wis),Sense Motive (Wis),Speak Language (None).For more information on these skills,see Chapter Four in the Player’s Handbook.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier
Class Features
All the following are class features ofthe fire-speaker prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Fire-speakers gain no proficiencies in weapons or armor ofany type.
Breath Weapon (Su): A fire-speaking angel has a breath weapon usable once per day:a 15-foot cone offire that deals 3d6 points of
Class Base Fortitude Reflex Will Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Chant the holy name† 2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Mirror image 3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Lord ofdread 4 +4 +4 +1 +4 — 5 +5 +4 +1 +4 Confusion aura
damage per class level (Reflex half;DC 12 + Constitution modifier).At 3rd level,the angel can use this breath weapon twice per day.
Fire-Speaking (Su): Beginning at 2nd level,a fire-speaking angel’s every word is a flame. Creatures in the angel’s space suffer 1d6 points offire damage on any round the angel speaks (including casting spells),sings,or otherwise uses his voice.The angel gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks made to influence creatures not immune to fire.This ability manifests as a constant tiny flame within the angel’s mouth.The angel may suppress this ability at will.(Doing so is not an action.)
The angel also gains the ability to speak through any fire he knows exists as long as that fire is on the same plane as he is.The angel does not need to know the fire’s exact location— within a mile is sufficient.This ability works like ventriloquism except at any distance on the same plane,and the voice is real instead ofillusory.The angel’s transported voice cannot reach a fire within an antimagic field or a place inaccessible to scrying or teleport magic.The angel’s voice is heard at his actual location as well as from the target fire.For example,an angel wandering through a valley at night who spots a campfire in the distance could announce his presence through the fire before approaching.
The angel can even talk through creatures made offire,such as ophanim and fire elementals.Because ofthis ability,angels who rely on fire-speakers often keep an ophanite as a lieutenant.The angel cannot hear through the target fire.This ability requires concentration (as ifmaintaining a 1st-level spell).It can be used at will.
Because each has a flame in his mouth,fire-speaking angels can communicate with each other just by talking through those flames.They may communicate semisecretly in this manner by whispering,though nearby creatures can overhear both sides ofthe conversation if they make a Listen check (DC 5).
Wild Shape (Su): At 4th level,a fire-speaking angel can use wild shape once per day (as a druid) to assume the form ofa Medium fire elemental.(An ophanite fire-speaking angel can wild shape into a Large fire elemental.) The angel can remain in this form for up to one hour.
Celestial Brand (Su): A fire-speaking angel that reaches 5th level gains a special link to a fundamental truth ofthe universe.This link is manifested as one or more fiery characters in the Celestial alphabet visible upon his body,whether upon the chest,back,or a limb.(An angel without a humanoid anatomy manifests the brand on some other part ofhis body.) This link gives him power.He can choose one ofthe following feats as a bonus feat:Astride the Ladder†,Detect Angels and Fiends†,Ever Vigilant†,Evilsense†,Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes,Spell Penetration,Stigmata†,or Transcend Distance†.
Greater Fire Speaking (Su): At 5th level and beyond,a fire-speaking angel can talk through a fire on another plane.The angel must still know the fire exists and have a general idea ofwhere it is located on that plane (within one mile).Ifa creature in the vicinity ofthe fire-speaker’s target fire—whether this fire is on the angel’s plane or another plane— addresses the angel by name and speaks to the fire,the angel hears the creature’s responses. For example,the angel could speak through a burning bush on the Material Plane,introduce himself,and have a conversation with a nearby holy man.This ability requires concentration (as ifmaintaining a 5th-level spell).It can be used at will.
Class Base Fortitude Reflex Will Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special
1 +1 +0 +2 +2 Breath weapon 1/day 2 +2 +0 +3 +3 Fire-speaking 3 +3 +1 +3 +3 Breath weapon 2/day 4 +4 +1 +4 +4 Wild shape 1/day 5 +5 +1 +4 +4 Celestial brand, greater fire-speaking