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Angel of Destruction

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When the time comes to punish mortals,deities call upon the angels ofdestruction,the malache habbalim. While the primary focus ofthe angels ofdeath is to punish or claim members ofthe faith,angels ofdestruction are in the unique position oftesting the faithful by aiding enemies ofthe faith as well as slaying members of opposing faiths.Though sages sometimes have difficulty grasping the difference between these angels and the angels ofdeath,the difference is a matter ofscale:While few angels ofdeath exist,tens ofthousands of malache habbalim swell Heaven’s legions,and the angels ofdeath are their generals.In monotheistic campaigns, angels ofdestruction may also serve Hell,acting as the destructive and vengeful hands oftheir deity,though they are not evil themselves.Angels ofdestruction can also be found in some parts of Hell punishing evil souls.

Like angels ofdeath,the calling ofangel ofdestruction appeals to barbarians,fighters,paladins,and rangers,though some sorcerers and wizards join the ranks,hoping to battle enemy spellcasters. The higher orders ofangels (such as cherubim,ophanim,and seraphim) make up most ofthe ranks of malache habbalim.


As they tend to gather in numbers,the angels ofdestruction serving any particular deity often form a military hierarchy,though those with a chaotic patron may resemble a horde ofbarbarians more than an orderly regiment ofsoldiers.They also operate in smaller groups or entirely alone.

Ex-Angels ofDestruction: The angels ofdestruction gain their power from the righteous vengeance ofa god.A malache habbalah who abandons his faith or turns evil loses all abilities ofthis prestige class,becoming an ex-angel ofdestruction.An ex-angel of destruction with a new patron regains his class abilities ifhe receives an atonement spell from a cleric ofhis new faith whose level is the same as or greater than his own.However,fallen angels cannot regain their malache habbalah duties,though they may exchange levels in this prestige class for levels in blackguard as a fallen paladin does,with no minimum level in the prestige class required and no conversion ofskill points.A fallen angel ofdestruction is just a particularly cruel and powerful fiend.

Famous angels ofdestruction include Af(“anger,” brother angel to Hemah,sent with him to kill Moses),Hemah,Kemuel (“assembly ofgod,” chiefofthe angels ofdestruction),Uriel (“fire ofgod,” angel ofsalvation,who stood at the gate ofEden with a fiery sword after Adam and Eve were cast out),and Zaafiel (“wrath ofgod,” angel ofhurricanes).

Hit Die: d8


To qualify to become an angel ofdestruction,a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Race: Bound angel Base Attack Bonus: +5 Base Save Bonuses: Will +4 Skills: Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks Feats: Cleave,Power Attack Patron Deity: Any Alignment: Any nonevil

Class Skills

Class skills for the angel ofdestruction are:Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),Intimidate (Cha),Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int),Listen (Wis),Profession (Wis),Search (Int),Sense Motive (Wis),and Spot (Wis).For more information on these skills,see Chapter Four in the Player’s Handbook.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier

Class Features

All the following are class features ofthe angel ofdestruction.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Angels ofdestruction gain no proficiencies in weapons or armor ofany type.

Smite Infidel (Su): Once per day an angel ofdestruction may use his ability to smite infidel.This functions like the paladin’s ability to smite evil,except that it works on creatures ofany alignment—as long as they do not worship the angel’s patron deity.Ifthe angel has a smite ability from another source,he may combine multiple smites in a single attack.At 3rd and 5th level,he gains another use ofthis ability per day.

Chain ofFire (Su): At 2nd level,an angel ofdestruction gains the ability to create a chain offire,a lashing weapon made oflinks of flame.The chain acts like a +1 silver flaming light flail. The angel always is considered proficient with this weapon,and any weapon feats (such as Improved Critical,Weapon Focus,and Weapon Specialization) with the heavy flail,light flail,spiked chain,or whip apply to using the chain offire.Creating the chain does not require an action,nor does causing it to vanish.Ifit ever leaves the angel’s grasp,it vanishes immediately.

Key to Hell (Su): Angels ofdestruction are sometimes sent to punish wicked souls in Hell.At 4th level,an angel ofdestruction may enter Hell under an ability similar to the protection ofa key to Hell† spell and seek out an evil soul.For every hour the angel spends punishing that soul with lashes from his chain offire,he gains a +1 morale bonus to attacks,weapon damage,saves,and checks (maximum +3) for the next day.Unlike the key to Hell† spell,attacking a


Class Base Fortitude Reflex Will Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special

1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Smite infidel 1/day 2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Chain offire 3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Smite infidel 2/day 4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Key to Hell† 5 +5 +4 +1 +4 Chain ofgreater fire,smite infidel 3/day

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