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Angel of Terror

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Angels ofterror guard each Heavenly throne,the seat ofa deity’s power,as well as other holy sites.Also known as the angels ofhorror,they are fanatical guardians,willing to give their lives to prevent even a single profane touch upon holy ground.Some sources speak ofthe angels ofterror ringing the holy throne numbering in the tens ofthousands,though only some deities actually employ them in this fashion.In addition to their guard duties,they extol the name of their patron,sending up choruses ofpraise and devotion.They use their power to awe and terrify visitors to their patron’s throne room.

Clerics,druids,and paladins have a devotion that makes them naturally suited to be angels ofterror.Other spellcasting angels (bards in particular) do well in this work,and monks have the discipline (ifnot the required magical ability) for it,too.Other classes lack one or more ofthe necessary abilities for this task.Cherubim are well suited for this prestige class,as they can meet its requirements by taking at most one or two levels in another class.Most angels ofterror are cherubim.


Angels ofterror are used to working in large groups,and some powerful or paranoid deities surround their thrones with a small army ofthese angels.In groups,they easily fall into a hierarchal structure,dividing themselves into wings (often arranged by compass directions),each with a wing leader and wing lieutenant. When guarding smaller or remote areas,angels ofterror are sometimes encountered singly.Though they prefer to have allies nearby, their magic usually can deal with any problem.

Ex-Angels ofTerror: An angel ofterror that becomes a free angel or changes deities loses all abilities ofthis prestige class,becoming an ex-angel ofterror.An ex-angel ofterror with a new patron regains class abilities ifshe receives an atonement spell from a cleric ofher new faith whose level equals or exceeds her own.This allows even a fallen angel ofterror to perform her duties serving an evil deity or a great fiend.

Hit Die: d8


To qualify to become an angel ofterror,a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Bound angel Base Attack Bonus: +5 Base Save Bonuses: Fortitude +4,Will +4 Skills: Intimidate 6 ranks,Listen 4 ranks, Perform (sing) 3 ranks,Spot 4 ranks Feats: Glory†,Iron Will

Patron Deity: Any Special: Captain ofFear: The angel must be able to create a fear effect (such as cause fear, frightful presence,and so on) at least daily,whether from a spell-like or supernatural ability,or a known spell.

Class Skills

Class skills for the angel ofterror are:Bluff(Cha),Climb (Str), Concentration (Con),Diplomacy (Cha),Intimidate (Cha),Jump (Str),Knowledge (religion) (Int),Listen (Wis),Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis),and Spot (Wis).For more information on these skills,see Chapter Four in the Player’s Handbook.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier

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