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Spell List
This section offers 34 spells for bards,clerics,druids,paladins,sorcerers,and wizards.An M or F at the end ofa spell’s name indicates a spell with a material or focus component not normally found in a spell component pouch.An X indicates a spell with an XP component paid by the caster.
Bard Spells
0-Level Bard Spells
Audible Whisper‡.Everyone within 100 feet can hear everything you say.
5th-Level Bard Spells
Lesser Light ofthe Sun. As daylight, plus limited sunlight effect on sun-sensitive creatures.
Cleric Spells
0-Level Cleric Spells
Audible Whisper‡.Everyone within 100 feet can hear everything you say.
Clarity ofMind‡.Grants +1 bonus to Concentration checks.
1st-Level Cleric Spells
Clarity ofthe Faith. Gives the target +5 bonus to Knowledge (religion) checks regarding your faith.
2nd-Level Cleric Spells
Chant the Holy Name. Chant the name ofyour deity to give allies a +2 sacred bonus to AC,saves,checks.
Eyes ofthe Seraph. Six disembodied eyes give the target +4 to Sense Motive and Spot.
Hell’s Hounding. As Mel’s acid arrow, but halffire and halfevil divine power like a flame strike.
3rd-Level Cleric Spells
Cloak ofAbsolute Silence. As silence, but only affecting one creature.
IntercessionX . Redirect an attack or effect upon yourselfto protect its intended target.
Lesser CommuneMX . As commune, but only one question.
Lesser HallowingM . As hallow, but one minute/level.
Lesser Manna Creation. Feed people or restore a spell or spelllike ability up to 2nd-level as ifusing a pearl ofpower.
Sacrament ofBaptismM . Target joins your faith and gains a daylong bless spell.
Summon Memunite. Summons a memunite for one minute/level.
Transin Celestia. Invoke a holy word that increases DC and spell penetration for attempts to banish or bind a fiend.
Ugbogior’s Breath.Cone offire,smoke,and blood deals 1d6 points ofdamage/2 levels plus 1 point ofConstitution damage and nausea.
4th-Level Cleric Spells
Bestow Grace ofthe Champion. Give the target the abilities of a paladin for 1 round/level
Cloak ofthe Righteous. Gain combat bonuses,Diplomacy and Intimidate bonuses,and the benefits ofa phylactery offaithfulness for one minute/level.
Fiendish Reincarnation. Bring back a slain fiend in a weaker form.
Fires ofHell. Sulfurous flames deal 1d8 points offire damage/2 levels and act as a stinking cloud.
Light ofHeaven. Burst offire deals 1d6 points offire damage/level,plus lingering daylight.
5th-Level Cleric Spells
Key to Hell. Transport target to Hell,where it is protected and may return home at will.
Lesser Light ofthe Sun. As daylight, plus limited sunlight effect on sun-sensitive creatures.
Punitive Demotion. As fiendish reincarnation†, except affecting a living fiend.
Reform Into Lesser Vessel. Revives slain angel or vessel-capable outsider in a smaller body.
Reprobation. Casts target out ofyour faith for its sins and afflicts target with a powerful curse.
6th-Level Cleric Spells
Manna Creation. As lesser manna creation†, except can restore up to a 5th-level effect.
7th-Level Cleric Spells
Imbue With Greater Spell Ability. As imbue with spell ability, except more powerful or more varied spells.
9th-Level Cleric Spells
Confutation ofthe Demon‡. Destroys evil outsider or deals 10d6 points ofdamage.
Forced Apostasy. Gives one angel the outcast angel template.
Greater Manna Creation. As lesser manna creation†, except can restore up to an 8th-level spell or spell-like ability.
Trisagion. As holy word, but more powerful.
Druid Spells
0-Level Druid Spells
Clarity ofMind‡. Grants +1 bonus to Concentration checks.
1st-Level Druid Spells
Clarity ofthe Faith. Give the target +5 bonus to Knowledge (religion) checks regarding your faith.
3rd-Level Druid Spells
Lesser HallowingM . As hallow, but one minute/level.
Sacrament ofBaptismM . Target joins your faith and gains a daylong bless spell.