Part Two: Characters of the Diamond Throne
Daelan Bitterslice People say that, for a brief time, Queen Naerath’s court flourished. But her reign was not meant to be. When Naerath established herself as queen of the faen, it flew in the face of all faen tradition since before anyone could remember. The faen were always ruled by a set of twins, alternating in a cycle of loresongs and quicklings. Naerath ignored all of that and proclaimed herself rightful ruler of her people. An extremely charismatic spryte mage blade, Naerath had a number of devoted followers. Hundreds of faen agreed to follow her and, for a few months, her bloodless usurpation looked like it might gather enough momentum to become a political force in the Harrowdeep. But it ended as suddenly as it began when Naerath was assassinated by a group of traditionalist quicklings. All of her court was likewise murdered or scattered. Only one member of her royal guard survived the attack. His name was Daelan Bitterslice, a quickling unfettered who saw the attack coming in a dream but never warned his queen, because he didn’t believe he had seen a portent of the future. He fled when it was clear Naerath was dead, and soon after he entered his chrysalis in order to transform into a spryte. According to faen tradition, if one enters a chrysalis in despair, he is doomed to a life of misery. That may very well be true in Daelan’s case, for his life is ruled by guilt and regret. After his transformation, he left the Harrowdeep and swore never to return. He hates all other faen and never willingly spends any time in their company. Instead, he wanders through the Lands of the Diamond Throne seeking meaning and purpose. Daelan wants to devote his sword to some noble pursuit to redeem the cause—and the queen—he allowed to die. He has struck up a few friendships here and there but has yet to find a home. Bad luck follows Daelan like a raincloud, and he takes it all quite personally. He has even gained a bit of reputation as “the dour spryte,” in some circles.
Combat Daelan’s main strategy in a fight is simply not to get hit. Unless he is fairly certain an opponent isn’t skilled enough to hit him, he usually fights defensively, adding another +2 dodge bonus to his Armor Class (and subtracting –4 from his attacks).
Using Daelan Daelan is a wanderer whom one might encounter almost anywhere. If the player characters undertake some noble quest, he might be interested in joining them. On the other hand, if they involve themselves in some shady dealings, they might find Daelan opposing their plans. He could work as a guard or even as a spy for a nonfaen whom he was con-
vinced was both noble and influential—someone worthy of aiding. Otherwise, the PCs might encounter him as simply a down-on-his-luck adventurer who might know some important bit of information. In the areas he frequents, Daelan is known for his distinctive red leather armor. Daelan Bitterslice, male spryte Unf3: CR 3; Tiny fey; HD 3d10–6; hp 15; Init +9; Speed 10 feet, fly 30 feet (average); AC 23 (+2 size, +5 Dex, +3 dodge, +3 armor), touch 20, flat-footed 15; BAB +3, Grapple –5; Attack +11 melee (1d4+1, critical 19–20/×2, tiny rapier) or +10 ranged (1d4, critical 20/×3, sprytebow); Full Attack +11 melee (1d3+1, critical 18–20/×2, tiny rapier) or +10 ranged (1d4, critical 20/×3, sprytebow); SQ Low-light vision, parry; Hero Points 1; SV Fort –1, Ref +8, Will +2; Str 11, Dex 21, Con 6, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13 Languages: Common, Faen Skills and Feats: Bluff +8, Craft (leather) +3, Disable Device +2, Knowledge (nobility and courtesy) +4, Listen +7, Open Lock +11, Spellcraft +2, Spot +7, Tumble +9; Defensive, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (agile), Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse Parry (Ex): Daelan may add a +1 bonus to his Armor Class against a single melee opponent in a given round. Possessions: +1 tiny Devanian rapier, masterwork studded leather, sprytebow, 10 arrows, 124 gp