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Crystal Warrior
2. Has total Hit Dice equal to or less than the beast reaver’s class level + his Charisma modifier (minimum 1 HD). 3. Is ofone ofthe following creature types:animal,magical beast,vermin.
To tame the creature,the beast reaver spends one week with it,making sure it is well cared for,then makes a Handle Animal check (DC 20 + creature’s HD,even ifthe creature is not an animal).Ifthe check succeeds,the creature becomes friendly to the beast reaver.Ifit fails,the beast reaver can try again after spending another week in the same manner.) The beast reaver can use Handle Animal to teach the creature tricks as ifit were an animal,unless he can actually communicate with the creature,in which case it does what he asks it to do,as any friendly companion would. To all others,the creature remains as hostile as ever.Ifthe beast reaver ever mistreats the creature,it leaves immediately.Ifa beast reaver is not present or is unconscious,the creature reverts to its normal nature (savage),unless the beast reaver made a Handle Animal check (DC 15 +creature’s HD) right before leaving or going unconscious.
A beast reaver can have a number oftamed beasts equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1).He can send any creature “back to the wild” in order to train a new one, but the dismissed creature returns entirely to its normal state and demeanor.
Ifthe beast reaver has the Way With Animals talent,he gains a +2 bonus to his Charisma modifier to determine the maximum Intelligence and Hit Dice ofthe creature to be tamed and the number ofcreatures he may have tamed.A beast reaver who is also a totem warrior gains an additional +1 bonus to determine maximum Hit Dice oftotem creatures.
Savage Rage (Ex): When he desires,the 2nd-level and higher beast reaver can fly into a savage frenzy.In a rage,a beast reaver gains phenomenal strength and durability but becomes reckless and less able to defend himself.He temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves,but suffers a –2 penalty to Armor Class.
While raging,a beast reaver cannot use skills or abilities that require patience and concentration,such as moving silently or casting spells.He can use any feat he might have except for Expertise,item creation feats,and any spell-like ability.A fit ofsavage rage lasts for 3 rounds + the character’s (newly improved) Constitution modifier.The beast reaver may voluntarily end the rage prematurely.At the end ofthe rage,the beast reaver is fatigued (–2 penalties to Strength and Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for 1d4+2 rounds.Entering a rage takes no time itself,but the beast reaver can do it only during his action and not while fatigued.
A beast reaver can enter savage rage once per day per class level.
Feral Bond (Ex): At 3rd level,the beast reaver and his creature companion(s) gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls,saving throws,and Armor Class whenever they are within 5 feet ofeach other.
Tame Greater Beast (Ex): Starting at 4th level,a beast reaver can tame even more powerful creatures,such as aberrations,dragons,and (ifthe DM allows),outsiders.Further,he can add his Wisdom bonus to his Charisma modifier to determine the maximum Intelligence and Hit Dice ofthe beasts he can tame (but not the number he can tame).
Greater Savage Rage (Ex): At 5th level,the beast reaver’s savage rage lasts 6 rounds + his (newly improved) Constitution modifier.He gains a +6 bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves.
Long ago,the mysterious crystal weavers spun crystal threads and wove them into amazing works ofcraftsmanship.Their secrets,for the most part,disappeared with them.However,a little-known ritual can grant those found worthy the power to create crystal threads oftheir own.Though not as stable as the crystal weavers’ creations,the threads ofthe crystal warrior grant incredible powers and have spawned many great tales.
Crystal warriors specialize in weapons and armor made with crystal threads,and even tend to take on a crystalline nature themselves.Normally,mage blades,warmains,totem warriors,champions (particularly champions ofmagic), oathsworn,and unfettered become crystal warriors.Although the oathsworn are not too interested in the ability to lace weapons and tools with crystal,the class interests them for the other abilities it grants.Although crystal warriors possess mystical powers,only the very rare akashic,witch,runethane,magister,or greenbond becomes one.Humans,sibeccai,and litorians are the most common races to become crystal warriors.
Crystal warriors do not necessarily gather in groups or form societies.Normally,they are loners.Sometimes,a crystal warrior will settle down in a community and work as an artisan making crystal-laced items and providing for their upkeep.
In the Diamond Throne setting,crystal warriors are somewhat rare.They dwell along the Devanian coast and in the Elder Mountains more than anywhere else.
Hit Die: d10
To qualify to become a crystal warrior,a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base AttackBonus: +5 Alchemy: 2 ranks Craft (Crystal): 8 ranks Feats: Power Attack,Sunder Special: The crystal warrior must undergo a ritual involving 10,000 gp worth ofcrystal,all ofwhich melds into his body at the end ofthe ceremony and is gone forever.
Class Skills
The crystal warrior’s class skills (and the key ability for each) are:Alchemy (Int),Climb (Str),Craft (Int),Gather Information (Cha),Intuit Direction (Wis),Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis),and Swim (Str).For more information on these skills,see Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed, Chapter Four.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Crystal warriors are proficient in the use ofall simple and martial weapons and all armors and shields.
Spun Crystal (Sp). Starting at 1st level,a crystal warrior can create threads ofsuper-strong crystal from his fingertips.He can weave these threads to lace an existing object with a crystalline lattice that makes it much stronger and more powerful.
Crystal-laced objects gain a +10 bonus to their hardness, although this increase never takes the total hardness over 30.Objects laced with crystal threads triple their normal number ofhit points.Armor and shields gain a +1 crystalline bonus to Armor Class when laced with crystal,and weapons gain a +1 crystalline bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Lacing an object requires one day ifthe object is Medium or smaller,three days ifLarge,a week ifHuge,two weeks ifGargantuan,and five weeks ifColossal.The crystal warrior must make a Craft (crystal) check with the Difficulty Class equal to the DC ofcreating the item with the Craft skill.
Crystal warriors are not the equal ofthe legendary crystal weavers,however.Unless a laced crystal item remains in their possession so they can keep it in good shape,the crystal disintegrates in 1d3 days.An Appraise check (DC 15) allows someone to recognize the difference between an item created by a true crystal weaver and a crystal warrior.
Crystal Shield (Sp): At 2nd level and higher,the crystal warrior can take spun crystal and make it into a shield that floats within a few feet ofhim,protecting him from blows but keeping his hands free.The shield offers a +2 shield bonus to Armor Class and lasts for one hour per class level, at which point it turns to dust.Creating the crystal shield is a full-round action and can be performed only once per day.
Crystal Nature (Su): At 3rd level,the crystal warrior begins to take on a crystalline nature.His skin hardens, giving him a +1 natural armor bonus.
At 6th level,the natural armor bonus increases to +2.At 9th level,it becomes +3.
Shattering Blow (Ex): With his growing knowledge of materials and structure,the 4th-level and higher crystal
THE CRYSTAL WARRIOR Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Spun crystal 2 +2 +3 +1 +0 Crystal shield 3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Crystal nature +1 4 +4 +4 +2 +1 Shattering blow 5 +5 +4 +2 +1 Crystal barrier 6 +6 +5 +3 +2 Crystal nature +2 7 +7 +5 +3 +2 Splinter storm 8 +8 +6 +3 +2 Crystalline encasement 9 +9 +6 +4 +3 Crystal nature +3 10 +10 +7 +4 +3 Crystal body