4 minute read
The alabast king and queen who rule from Kellest Minos are the most skilled alabast and his or her spouse.Duels and contests for rulership are not uncommon,but usually come up only when the monarch vacates the position.Alabasts are not schemers or craven powermongers.Among their own kind, they are quite polite and congenial,though unemotional.They are not artistic except for their architecture,which incorporates intricate frosted glass.Alabasts do not care for elaborate ritual, celebrations,or large gatherings.
Most ofthe alabast population can be found in and around Kellest Minos.However,small groups have spread north and east to occupy isolated areas.These explorers seek either more hospitable surroundings,freedom from the crowded city,or the possibility ofdiscovering a way home.Perhaps all three.
Alabast Characters
Alabast characters are usually unfettered,mage blades,or warmains.A select few (who have had experience with nonalabasts) are witches,particularly winter witches.
Alabast Encounter (ELVaries)
The PCs,while on an urgent mission in a remote section of woodland,accidentally wander into territory claimed by a band ofalabasts.The alabasts approach the characters and one—who can speak Common—tells them in no uncertain terms that they are trespassing and must leave.The PCs,however,must get through this territory to complete their mission.The characters can choose to sneak through the area,fight their way through, or reach an agreement with the quiet yet obstinate alabasts.
Large Giant
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp),dying/dead –3/–15 Initiative: +0 Speed: 30 feet (breastplate),base 40 feet AC: 18 (–1 size,+4 natural,+5 breastplate),touch 9 flat-footed 18 Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11 Attack: Masterwork dire giant’s sword +9 melee (2d8+12),or masterwork mighty giant’s bow +3 ranged (2d6+5) Full Attack: Masterwork dire giant’s sword +9 melee (2d8+12),or masterwork mighty giant’s bow +3 ranged (2d6+5) Face/Reach: 5 feet by 5 feet/10 feet Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 feet,+1 AC against foes with swords,natural tactician,well-trained Saves: Fort +6,Ref+1,Will +1 Abilities: Str 20,Dex 10,Con 15,Int 11,Wis 10,Cha 9 Skills: Climb +6,Ride +8*,Spot +5 Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Heavy)*,Fleet ofFoot,
Natural Swordsman,Weapon Focus (giant’s sword),
Weapon Specialization (giant’s sword)*
Environment: Any land or underground Organization: Solitary,pair,unit (2–4),squad (5–8 with one
4th-level squad leader),division (80–100 with 10 4thlevel squad leaders,five 6th-level sergeants,three 7thlevel commanders,two 9th-level captains,and one 10thlevel colonel),or army (500–1,000,with 50 4th-level squad leaders,25 6th-level sergeants,15 7th-level commanders,10 9th-level captains,five 10th-level colonels, and one 14th-level general) Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: Standard Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: +2
* Includes a racial bonus or bonus feat.
Tall and forbidding,but not necessarily hideous or monstrous,the chorrim are large,militaristic,giantlike creatures.
Chorrim stand 8 to 9 feet tall and weigh 350 to 400 lbs. Their completely hairless,smooth skin is an extremely light shade ofgreen,and their facial features look stern but not uncomely.They have large and pointed ears.
This militaristic race values skill and strength in battle. Chorrim are extremely domineering.Ifthey cannot control something,they would rather see it destroyed.For example, a chorrim who comes upon a cache ofmagical scrolls is more likely to burn them in a pyre than anything else—he cannot use them,but they could be used against him,thus they should be destroyed.
With the exception ofa few rogues or outcasts,all chorrim are united into a single military structure.There are no independent tribes or groups ofchorrim outside the standard hierarchy.Long ago,the chorrim were far more numerous.Their supreme leader,called a war marshal,was well on his way to leading his people to conquering the lands now under the dominion ofthe Diamond Throne.However,at about the same time the dramojh invaded,defeating not only the humans,the faen,and others,but the chorrim as well (in a war few nonchorrim know anything about).Only now are they recovering from their losses.In the new world order,chorrim hate the giants for conquering the lands they covet.The chorrim’s ultimate plans almost certainly involve eventually overthrowing and expelling the giants from this continent.
Chorrim speak Common,although they use a set ofidiosyncratic military commands that only they understand.
For the chorrim,fighting is life.They always equip themselves with well made and cared-for weapons and armor. They value strategy and tactics and like to fight battles on their own terms.They are not afraid to retreat or surrender if the battle goes against them
Skills and Feats (Ex): All chorrim gain a +4 racial bonus to Ride and have the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Heavy) and Weapon Specialization feats for free.
Natural Tactician (Ex): Chorrim gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all attack rolls for an entire encounter against any foes that were surprised at the beginning ofthe encounter. This benefit springs from their ability to use their own advantages and their foes’ disadvantages to maximum effect.
Well-Trained (Ex): All attempts to intimidate a chorrim suffer a +6 circumstance modifier to the check’s Difficulty Class.
Chorrim Society
Chorrim society resembles a military order more than anything else.Everyone is treated as a soldier,although some individuals (weaponsmiths,food gatherers,pregnant females,and so on) are more like “support troops.” Child rearing is handled like military training,in hidden camps separate from the rest ofthe adults.
Thanks to this military structure,chorrim society has become extremely stratified.Everyone has a rank,with privileges based on that rank.Higher-ranking chorrim get better equipment,larger shares ofplunder,better food,and mating privileges.(Chorrim even control who can mate with whom