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HalfGiant Racial Class

Favored Class: Monk.
Naturally Psionic: At 1st level, githzerai gain 2 bonus power points. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class. Power points do allow a character to make use of psionic feats and attempt to gain psionic focus.
Feat: Like every other character, a githzerai character gains one feat at 1st level and another at every Hit Die divisible by 3. These feats are in addition to any bonus feats granted as class features or any other bonus feats.
Catfall (Ps): At 1st level, a githzerai gains the use of catfall (EPH 82) as a psi-like ability three times per day (manifester level equal to 1/2 Hit Dice, minimum 1st).
Psionic Daze (Ps): At 2nd level, a githzerai gains the use of psionic daze (EPH 90) as a psi-like ability three times per day (DC 10 +1/2 HD + Cha modifier). Manifester level equal to 1/2 Hit Dice (minimum 1st). +2 Dexterity: At 2nd level, a githzerai gains a +2 increase to his Dexterity score. At 4th level, a githzerai gains an additional +2 increase to his Dexterity score. +2 Wisdom: At 2nd level, a githzerai gains a +2 increase to his Wisdom score.
Inertial Armor (Ps): At 3rd level, a githzerai gains the use of inertial armor (EPH 113) as a psi-like ability three times per day (manifester level equal to 1/2 Hit Dice, minimum 1st).
Power Resistance: At 4th level, a githzerai gains power resistance equal to his Hit Dice +5.
Concussion Blast (Ps): At 4th level, a githzerai gains the use of concussion blast (EPH 85) as a psi-like ability once per day. Manifester level equal to 1/2 Hit Dice (minimum 1st). Starting at 5th level, a githzerai can use this psi-like ability twice per day. Starting at 6th level, a githzerai can use this psi-like ability three times per day.
Ability Score Increase: Upon attaining any Hit Die divisible by 4, a githzerai character increases one of his ability scores by 1 point. The player chooses which ability score to improve. The ability improvement is permanent.
Psionic Plane Shift (Ps): At 13th level, a githzerai gains the use of psionic plane shift (EPH 124) as a psilike ability once per day (manifester level equal to 1/2 Hit Dice, minimum 1st).
Human-giant hybrids, half-giants were bred by cruel sorcerer-kings who used them as warriors and laborers in a dry land. Half-giants who survived early childhood faced a life of slavery and suffering. Some
Level Class Level Special
1st 1st Halfgiant base traits, feat 2nd 1st Powerful build, +2 Strength, psilike ability (1/day stomp), naturally psionic 3rd 2nd 4th 3rd Feat 5th 4th Ability score increase 6th 5th 7th 6th Feat 8th 7th 9th 8th Ability score increase 10th 9th Feat 11th 10th 12th 11th 13th 12th Ability score increase, feat 14th 13th 15th 14th 16th 15th Feat 17th 16th Ability score increase 18th 17th 19th 18th Feat 20th 19th
managed to tap into a spark of psionic power within themselves, however, and used that new ability to escape and find their own paths. For the most part, half-giants have human sensibilities. They are curious, interested in cooperation and communication, and have a general tendency toward kindness. They are quick to pick up the morals, customs, and habits of the areas in which they settle.
For more details on half-giants, see page 12 of Expanded Psionics Handbook.
Class Features
The following features are gained by characters who take half-giant racial levels that are integrated with a standard class. Class Level: The Class Level column of the half-giant racial class table indicates whether a half-giant gains a standard class level at any given racial level. Some racial levels provide a standard class level, some racial levels provide a half-giant-specific ability, and some grant both. Class levels grant all the benefits normally associated with a level increase. This includes granting another Hit Die, gaining other class abilities, and advancement in base attack bonus, base saves, and ability scores.
Half-Giant Base Traits: Half-giants have the following base racial traits. +2 Constitution, 2 Dexterity.
Giant: Half-giants are not subject to spells or effects that affect humanoids only, such as charm person or dominate person.