2 minute read
The Lodge Luminous
Finally, all members of the Diamond Knights gain a useful contact with in the guildhouse closest to where they are based (see below).
Associated Skills: Autohypnosis, Climb, Diplomacy, Jump, Concentration, Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Knowledge (psionics), Psicraft, Sense Motive, Use Psionic Device.
Favored in Guild Feat Benefit: Your combat tactics mesh well with those of other Diamond Knights. Whenever you are adjacent to another guild member, you both gain a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class.
Sample Contact: Jal Omari, 5th-level soulknife. As a contact within the guild, Jal Omari is friendly to you. He is willing to accompany you on one (and only one) adventure of up to one day's length. If the adventure lasts longer, he leaves after one full day.
Worldly travelers have probably heard of the Lodge Luminous, where those able to wield the unseen power of the mind congregate. This organization builds strongholds in the hearts of various large cities using distinctly urban architecture. No lodge is constructed of anything other than stone, be it marble, basalt, or other enduring earthly bone. Each lodge is distinctive in its wide, high facade, clean and windowless. Each has a single entrance, plain but for a centered symbol of the lodge a stylized sun tiled in obsidian.
Philosophy: Luminary philosophy has it that psionic power is derived from the Psychic Sun, a font of energy that exists in the heart of every living creature. According to the beliefs of the lodge, psionic energy is the most potent of all forces when properly schooled and allowed to flower. "With the mind's power alone, even a single person could revolutionize and change the face of the world."
Guild Lore: While most lodge members join merely to associate with others of like mind, the inner circle of the Lodge Luminous seeks to find the One Mind the person whose psionic power flows without distortion from the Psychic Sun. Going by vague, ancient prophecies, the circle believes that when the One Mind appears and transforms into something called the God Mind, the world also will "move on" into a new phase. The luminaries do not truly know whether this new phase is good or bad; however, they feel it is best to be prepared.
Leadership: Each individual lodge house is governed by three members, collectively called a Triad. The overall organization is in turn governed by a Grand Triad who live within the largest lodge, called the Sun Lodge.
Symbol: A black sun on a white background.
Size: Expansive. The Lodge Luminous has several guildhouses in a number of large communities where members can rest and relax. The highest-level guild member of the Lodge Luminous is purported to be 18th level.
Associated Classes: Any psionic class.
Dues: When first joining the Lodge Luminous, you must pay a one-time fee of 100 gp, followed by monthly dues of 25 gp. Failure to pay dues on time is cause for concern, but as long as you pay the 25 gp before the next dues are expected, nothing lasting comes of it. Failure to pay dues twice in a row brings instant expulsion from the lodge.
General Benefits: A member of the Lodge Luminous is guaranteed a safe place to sleep and eat while in the vicinity
Lodge Luminous