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ThriKreen Racial Class
Medium size: Half-giants have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Half-giant base land speed is 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: A half-giant can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Fire Acclimated: Half-giants have a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against all fire spells and effects. Half-giants are accustomed to enduring high temperatures.
Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Ignan.
Favored Class: Psychic warrior.
Feat: Like every other character, a half-giant character gains one feat at 1st level and another at every Hit Die divisible by 3. These feats are in addition to any bonus feats granted as class features or any other bonus feats.
Powerful Build (Ex): At 2nd level, a half-giant reaches his full growth. The physical stature of a fully grown halfgiant lets him function in many ways as if he were one size category larger. Whenever a half-giant is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the half-giant is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A half-giant is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A half-giant can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject's size category. +2 Strength: At 2nd level, half-giant characters gain a +2 increase to their Strength ability score.
Naturally Psionic: At 2nd level, half giant characters gain 2 bonus power points. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class. Power points do allow a character to make use of psionic feats and attempt to gain psionic focus.
Stomp (Ps): At 2nd level, a half-giant gains the use of Stomp (EPH 133) as a psi-like ability once per day (DC 10 +1/2 HD + Cha modifier). Manifester level equal to 1/2 Hit Dice (minimum 1st).
Ability Score Increase: Upon attaining any Hit Die divisible by 4, a half-giant character increases one of his ability scores by 1 point. The player chooses which ability score to improve. The ability improvement is permanent. THRI-KREEN RACIAL CLASS Fierce hunters and faultless trackers, the thri-kreen are a race of insectfolk sometimes known as "mantis warriors." They are inscrutable, alien creatures; those who do not know them well believe them to be bloodthirsty monsters. Nomadic folk who spend their brief lives roaming vast distances of the deserts, scrublands, and savannas of the south, thri-kreen are nearperfect hunters. Each thri-kreen forms deep attachments with a handful of other individuals, regarding them as clutchmates, companions to be defended with one's own life if need be. For more details on thri-kreen, see page 14 of Expanded Psionics Handbook. Class Features The following features are gained by characters who take thri-kreen racial levels that are integrated with a standard class. Class Level: The Class Level column of the thri-kreen racial class table indicates whether a thri-kreen gains a standard class level at any given racial level. Some racial levels provide a standard class level, some racial levels provide a thrikreen-specific ability, and some grant both. Class levels grant all the benefits normally associated with a level increase. This includes granting another Hit Die, gaining other class abilities, and advancement in base attack bonus, base saves, and ability scores. Racial Hit Dice: 1st-level and 2nd-level thri-kreen do not possess class levels. Instead, they have 2d8 racial Hit Dice, gaining one at 1st level and one at 2nd level. At 1st level, the thrikreen's first racial Hit Die grants 8 hit points, a base attack bonus of +1, and baseTo this halfgiant, survival is a game he means to win saves of Fortitude +0, Reflex +2, and Will +2. A 1st-level thri-kreen gains a number of skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1). Its racial skills are Balance, Climb, Hide, Jump. Listen, and Spot. At 2nd level, a thri-kreen gains an additional 1d8 hit points, a base attack bonus of +2, and base saves of Fortitude +0, Reflex +3, and Will +3. A 2nd-level thri-kreen gains a number of additional skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) that it can spend on racial skills. Thri-Kreen Base Traits: Thri-kreen have the following base racial traits. +2 Strength, 2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, 4 Charisma.


Level Class Level Special
1st 0 Racial Hit Die (1d8), thrikreen base traits, natural armor +1, natural attacks, feat 2nd 0 Racial Hit Die (2d8), leap, natural armor +2, Deflect Arrows 3rd 1st Naturally psionic, psilike ability (3/day know direction and location), feat 4th 1st Poison, psilike ability (3/day chameleon; 1/day metaphysical claw) 5th 2nd Ability score increase 6th 2nd +4 Dexterity, psilike ability (1/day greater concealing amorpha), natural armor +3
7th 3rd 8th 4th Feat 9th 5th 10th 6th Ability score increase 11th 7th Feat 12th 8th 13th 9th 14th 10th Ability score increase, feat 15th 11th 16th 12th 17th 13th Feat 18th 14th Ability score increase 19th 15th 20th 16th Feat
Medium size: Thri-kreen have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Thri-kreen base land speed is 40 feet.
Dark vision out to 60 feet.
A thri-kreen has a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks in sandy or arid settings.
Immunity to magic sleep effects.
Multiple Limbs: Thri-kreen have four arms and can take the Multiweapon Fighting and Multiattack feats (MM 304). These are not bonus feats.
Weapon Familiarity: The gythka and chatkcha (EPH 14) are martial weapons for thri-kreen.
Automatic Languages: Common, Thri-Kreen. Bonus Languages: Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling.
Favored Class: Ranger.
Natural Armor (Ex): A thri-kreen's exoskeleton is tough and resistant to blows. At 1st level, a thri-kreen has a +1 natural armor bonus. At 2nd level, a thri-kreen's natural armor bonus increases to +2. At 6th level, a thri-kreen's natural armor bonus increases to +3.
Natural Attacks (Ex): Thri-kreen can attack with four claws and a bite. The claws deal 1d4 points of damage, and the bite is a secondary attack that also deals 1d4 points of damage. A thri-kreen can attack with a weapon (or multiple weapons) at its normal attack bonus, and make either a bite or claw attack as a secondary attack. For example, a thri-kreen with the Multiweapon Fighting feat who is armed with three short swords could attack with all three swords at a 2 penalty (the normal penalty for fighting with multiple weapons while using light weapons in its off hands) and also make a bite attack at a5 penalty.
Feat: Like every other character, a thri-kreen character gains one fear at 1st level and another at every Hit Die divisible by 3. These feats are in addition to any bonus feats granted as class features or any other bonus feats.
Deflect Arrows: At 2nd level, thri-kreen characters gain Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat.
Leap (Ex): At 2nd level, thri-kreen characters fully master their ability to excel at jumping. They gain a +30 racial bonus on Jump checks.
Naturally Psionic: At 3rd level, a thri-kreen's latent potential for psionic power suddenly reveals itself, granting the character 1 power point. This benefit does not grant him the ability to manifest powers unless he gains that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class. Power points do allow a character to make use of psionic feats and attempt to gain psionic focus.
Know Direction and Location (Ps): At 3rd level, a thrikreen gains the use of know direction and location (EPH 114) as a psi-like ability three times per day (manifester level equal to 1/2 Hit Dice, minimum 1st).
Poison (Ex): At 4th level, thri-kreen characters learn how to muster their naturally occurring venom in a quantity sufficient to inflict one poisonous bite per day. The poison delivered by the bite has an initial damage of 1d6 Dex, but the secondary damage paralyzes victims for 2d6 minutes (DC 11 + Con modifier).
Chameleon (Ps): At 4th level, a thri-kreen gains the use of chameleon (EPH 82) as a psi-like ability three times per day (manifester level equal to 1/2 Hit Dice, minimum 1st).