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Githzerai Racial Class
Githyanki are fierce enemies

Starting at 4th level, a githyanki can use this psi-like ability twice per day. Starting at 5th level, a githyanki can use this psi-like ability three times per day.
Ability Score Increase: Upon attaining any Hit Die divisible by 4, a githyanki character increases one of his ability scores by 1 point. The player chooses which ability score to improve. The ability improvement is permanent.
Power Resistance: At 4th level, a githyanki gains power resistance equal to her Hit Dice +5.
Psionic Dimension Door (Ps): At 6th level, a githyanki gains the use of psionic dimension door (page 83) as a psi-like ability once per day (manifester level equal to 1/2 Hit Dice, minimum 1st). Starting at 7th level, a githyanki can use this psi-like ability twice per day. Starting at 8th level, a githyanki can use this psi-like ability three times per day.
Psionic Plane Shift (Ps): At 9th level, a githyanki gains the use of psionic plane shift (EPH 124) as a psi-like ability once per day (manifester level equal to 1/2 Hit Dice, minimum 1st).
Telekinetic Thrust (Ps): At 9th level, a githyanki gains the use of telekinetic thrust (EPH 135) as a psi-like ability once per day (manifester level equal to 1/2 Hit Dice, minimum 1st). Starting at 10th level, a githyanki can use this psi-like ability twice per day. Starting at 11th level, a githyanki can use this psi-like ability three times per day. GITHZERAI RACIAL CLASS
The githzerai are attuned to the mysteries of the inner self and are considered a race of ascetics who harness the power of the mind and the spirit. They travel far and wide across the planes, opposing the sinister plots of both mind flayers and their own githyanki kin.
Githzerai rarely use two words when one will do. Cynical and suspicious, githzerai don't waste time on fools, and are rarely moved to help those unprepared to help themselves. They are pragmatic to a fault, slow to give trust, and cautious in their dealings with others.
For more details on githzerai, see page 11 of Expanded Psionics Handbook.
Level Class Level Special
1st 1st Githzerai base traits, naturally psionic, psilike ability (3/day catfall), feat 2nd 1st +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, psilike ability (3/day psionic daze) 3rd 2nd Psilike ability (3/day inertial armor) 4th 2nd Power resistance, +2 Dexterity, psilike ability (1/day concussion blast) 5th 3rd Psilike ability (2/day concussion blast), feat 6th 4th Psilike ability (3/day concussion blast), ability score increase
7th 5th 8th 6th Feat 9th 7th 10th 8th Ability score increase 11th 9th Feat 12th 10th 13th 11th Psilike ability (1/day psionic plane shift) 14th 12th Ability score increase, feat 15th 13th 16th 14th 17th 15th Feat 18th 16th Ability score increase 19th 17th 20th 18th Feat
Class Features
The following features are gained by characters who take githzerai racial levels that are integrated with a standard class.
Class Level: The Class Level column of the githzerai racial class table indicates whether a githzerai gains a standard class level at any given racial level. Some racial levels provide a standard class level, some racial levels provide a githzeraispecific ability, and some grant both. Class levels grant all the benefits normally associated with a level increase. This includes granting another Hit Die, gaining other class abilities, and advancement in base attack bonus, base saves, and ability scores.
Githzerai Base Traits: Githzerai have the following base racial traits. +2 Dexterity, 2 Intelligence.
Medium size: Githzerai have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Githzerai base land speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Automatic Languages: Common, Gith. Bonus Languages:
Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Slaad, Undercommon.