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Minor Artifact

Drakestone Golem Manual: This book contains animate objects, antimagic field, flesh to stone, and geas/quest. The reader may treat her caster level as three levels higher than normal for the purpose of crafting a drakestone golem. The book supplies 6,400 XP for the creation of a drakestone golem.

Strong abjuration, enchantment, and transmutation; CL 16th; Craft Construct, creator must be caster level 16th, animate objects, antimagic field, flesh to stone, geas/quest; Price 40,000 gp; Cost 4,000 gp + 6,720 XP; Weight 5 lb.


Ironwyrm Golem Manual: This book contains animate objects, antimagic field, geas/quest, incendiary cloud, and limited wish. The reader may treat her caster level as four levels higher than normal for the purpose of crafting a ironwyrm golem. The book supplies 8,000 XP for the creation of a ironwyrm golem.

Strong abjuration, enchantment, evocation, and transmutation; CL 18th; Craft Construct, creator must be caster level 18th, animate objects, antimagic field, geas/quest, incendiary cloud, limited wish; Price 50,000 gp; Cost 5,000 gp + 8,400 XP; Weight 5 lb.

Horn of Dragons: This horn bears intricate carvings of dragons in flight. When blown (a full-round action), the horn summons an adult dragon 1 round later, to a location up to 100 feet away. The dragon remains for 1 hour and serves the user of the horn to the best of its ability. At the end of the duration, or if the dragon is slain or dispelled, the dragon disappears. The type of dragon depends on the user’s alignment (see the table below). The horn may be blown once per month.

User’s Alignment Dragon Summoned

LG, NG, or LN Bronze CG, N, or CN Copper LE or NE Green CE Black

Strong conjuration; CL: 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster IX; Price 75,000 gp.

Idol of the Dragon: Much like a figurine of wondrous power, an idol of the dragon is a miniature statuette (about 2 inches long) resembling a particular variety of dragon. The color and kind of the dragon is very apparent, even at a glance, due to the craftsmanship involved. The idol grants energy resistance (5 or 10) of the appropriate type to its owner while carried (but not while the idol is in dragon form).

Once per week, when the idol is tossed into the air and the proper command word spoken, it becomes a full-size dragon of the appropriate age (see the table below). The dragon is a living creature, not a construct, and has all the abilities and powers of an average dragon of its age. The dragon obeys and serves its owner for up to 1 hour. At the end of this duration, or if it is prematurely dismissed by its owner, the dragon returns to idol form. A targeted dispel magic on the full-size dragon can return it to idol form if successful. If the dragon is slain while at full size, the idol is destroyed.

Type Age Resistance Price White wyrmling cold 5 15,000 gp Brass wyrmling fire 5 21,000 gp Black very young acid 5 24,000 gp Copper very young acid 5 32,000 gp Green young acid 10 42,000 gp Bronze young electricity 10 56,000 gp Blue juvenile electricity 10 73,000 gp Silver juvenile cold 10 93,000 gp Red young adult fire 10 116,000 gp Gold young adult fire 10 142,000 gp

Faint to strong conjuration; CL 3rd (white), 5th (black, brass), 7th (copper, green), 9th (bronze), 11th (blue), 13th (silver), 15th (red), or 17th (gold); Craft Wondrous Item, resist energy, and either summon monster II (white), summon monster III (black, brass), summon monster IV (copper, green), summon monster V (bronze), summon monster VI (blue), summon monster VII (silver), summon monster VIII (red), or summon monster IX (gold); Price as shown on table.

Mantle of the Silver Wyrm: This impressive cloak is fashioned from the hide of a silver dragon. It grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma and resistance to cold 10. In addition, its wearer can use fly (as the spell) once per day.

Faint abjuration and transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, eagle’s splendor, fly, resist energy; Price 27,000 gp; Weight 3 lb.

Wyrmfang Amulet: This necklace of dragon teeth grants all of the wearer’s natural attacks the ability to overcome damage reduction as if they were magic weapons. (The attacks don’t actually gain an enhancement bonus, only the ability to ignore some creatures’ damage reduction.) Moderate transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang; Price 2,500 gp.


Draco Mystere: This tome, known as “Mysteries of the Dragon” in Common, is a legendary book of lore regarding dragonkind. Some claim it was written by the first high priest of the Cult of Ashardalon, but others call this assertion nothing but an idle boast, believing the book to be far older than that. Over the centuries, it has been studied, copied, lost, and found again by dozens if not hundreds of readers. Many lesser versions of this book are known to exist, but none share Draco Mystere its power.

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