THE WEARERS OF FLESH Illus. by M. Phillippi
nical terms and concepts but no syntax to speak of. It exists lore it brings, to other races and lands. All too often, this means primarily to serve as a written form of tsochar telepathy. humanoid realms in the mundane world. Tsochari priests therefore serve as emissaries or messengers from the NineTsochari rarely use the languages of other races, again relyTongued Worm to humanoids foolish or reckless enough to be ing on their telepathy. Typically, a tsochar speaks Tsochar, tempted by the power the tsochari offer. More than one human Common, and one additional language useful in its dealings cultist has gained the services of tsochari spies and assassins with specific races, such as Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Orc, or by promising to perform awful sacrifices and summonings at Undercommon. Tsochari understand these languages much the behest of tsochari priests. better than they speak them, since their vocal apparatus is nothing like a humanoid throat. When they do speak aloud in humanoid languages, their voices are tinny and high-pitched, Sample Characters: Akhando and Xhekk Thosss and buzz abominably. A tsochar inhabiting or animating the (EL 10) body of a humanoid is much more intelligible, since it can use Last of a line of minor lords notorious for trafficking with the existing vocal arrangements. sinister powers, the cleric Akhando dwells in a dilapidated tower in the dark, tangled forests of the Witchfire Hills. PassRELIGION ing himself off as a reclusive landowner who rules over a small The tsochari are one of the most religious aberration races. The fief in this desolate area, Akhando is the secret master of a cult cult of Mak Thuum Ngatha comprises an elite priestly caste devoted to Mak Thuum Ngatha. His shrines and summoning within tsochar society, even more powerful and influential stones lie scattered throughout the sinister forests of his than the noble caste. The Nine-Tongued Worm embodies home. Akhando is currently hosting the tsochar priest the opening of infinite knowledge, the destruction Xhekk Thosss, carrying the horrible creature in his own flesh so that of barriers, and the spanning of space and time, all things that the tsochari deeply revere. In turn, Mak his “guest” can study for itself the Thuum Ngatha regards the tsochari as its favored possibilities Akhando’s servants and agents (as much as it favors anyone cult offers. or anything), and entrusts tsochar priests with Akhando, Servant of tasks it deems important. the Worm: Male halfSince Mak Thuum Ngatha already holds fa r s p aw n† hu ma n sway over the tsochari, its commands cleric 7 of Mak Thuto its priests involve spreadum Ngatha; CR ing its worship, and the 9; Medium outdark and perilous sider (native); HD 7d8+35; hp 69; Akhando and Xhekk Thosss have Krusk in a difficult position