Illus. by C. Fix
Although the aboleths have existed for untold eons, the shape and function of their bodies has not evolved as much as one would suspect over time. This might be due to the fact that their racial memories somehow serve to stagnate their development by encouraging them to conform to the past. Or it might be simply that their current form represents the pinnacle of perfection for their kind, and that any further adaptation or evolution would be nothing more than regression. Yet a few alternative forms of aboleths exist, having arisen as the creatures expanded into new terrains and were forced to change as a result. For the most part, these variant aboleths are statistically quite similar to the standard aboleth presented in the Monster Manual; changes are indicated in the paragraphs that follow. Amphibious Aboleth: Aboleths spend their entire lives underwater. They have little interest in exploring the surface world to any great extent; that’s what slaves are for. Yet some aboleths,
in the high clouds alone with their unknowable thoughts, and they seldom take slaves. The creatures dwell miles above the ground, rarely at an altitude of less than 3 miles and usually at a height of 3 to 6 miles. They make their homes inside vast, perpetual clouds filled with dense moisture and maintained by their ancient magic. How the uobilyths came to dwell in the distant reaches of the skies is unknown, but it likely has something to do with their intrinsic rejection of the traditions of aboleth history and society. Stygian Aboleth: Eons ago, a large city of exceptionally gargantuan aboleths managed an amazing feat of magic and transported an entire world of slaves and minions from the Material Plane to the Nine Hells; they arrived on the layer known as Stygia and flourished. Since that time, the influence of the Nine Hells has changed these aboleths, infusing them with the frozen evil magic of Stygia and creating an entirely new species. These Stygian aboleths rule nations of aquatic baatezu and slaves culled from countless worlds and planes. In time, these aboleths might transform fully into a new kind of devil, but until then
particularly those that become stranded after Orluthian, a stygian aboleth caverns collapse bethe average Stygian hind them or that are aboleth is similar to an forced to flee their home advanced fiendish aboleth in capabilities and statistics. A city for some reason, must sample Stygian aboleth is described below. dwell in areas that aren’t ideal Orluthian, Stygian Aboleth for their physiology. Aboleths Orluthian rules a small city of fiendish skum built into the trapped in dry areas quickly succumb underside of an iceberg located in a remote corner of Stygia. to the long dreaming, but those stuck in areas with at least There, it plots the construction of specialized vortex portals some water, such as in a large swamp or fen, can adapt over time. These amphibious aboleths are identical to their aquatic that can reach across the dimensions to manifest in Material kin, except that their land speed increases to 20 feet, their Plane oceans. It is from the ships and victims pulled through swim speed decreases to 40 feet, and they gain the amphibthese vortices that Orluthian gathers the raw materials it ious special quality (meaning they can breathe air as well needs to further its experiments to learn why humanoids are as water). They can survive indefi nitely on land, and they suddenly so common among the worlds. dry out and succumb to the long dreaming only if they take Orluthian: Stygian aboleth; CR 15; Gargantuan aberration enough nonlethal damage from thirst or starvation to be (aquatic, cold); HD 24d8+168; hp 276; Init +1; Spd 10 ft., swim rendered unconscious. 60 ft.; AC 18, touch 7, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +18; Grp +42; Atk Uobilyth (Aerial Aboleth): The most exotic and unusual +26 melee (3d6+12 plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +26 melee aboleth variant is the reclusive uobilyth or “aerial aboleth,” (3d6+12 plus slime, 4 tentacles) and +22 melee (2d8+6, bite); Space/Reach 20 ft./15 ft. (20 ft. with bite); SA enslave, psionics, as they are known to the few who have encountered them. slime, smite good 1/day; SQ damage reduction 10/magic, darkAn uobilyth looks similar to an aboleth in shape except that vision 60 ft., immunity to cold, mucus cloud, spell resistance its tail has no flukes and its coloration is a deeper green-blue. 25, vulnerability to fire; AL LE; SV Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +19; Uobilyths do not have the aquatic subtype or a swim speed. Str 34, Dex 12, Con 24, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 17. They gain the air subtype and a fly speed of 60 feet (good). An Skills and Feats: Concentration +34, Knowledge (the planes) uobilyth’s ability to fly is a supernatural ability. Uobilyths are never lawfully aligned; most are neutral evil or +29, Listen +30, Spot +30, Swim +20; Ability Focus (enslave), even chaotic evil. Solitary creatures, they are content to dwell Ability Focus (slime), Combat Casting, Improved Natural