9 minute read
Crimson Ruination
This broad-bladed greatsword bears a series of wicked barbs along the lower third of its blade. The steel has been infused with a substance that gives it a reddish tinge, except for three dwarven runes inlaid in gold. Wrapped in red dragonhide, the grip ends in a pommel crafted of a 3-inch-long dragon fang.
The guard is made of a bright red metal shaped into the likeness of a pair of leathery wings.
Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 greatsword;
Cost 2,350 gp. Omen: Regardless of the ambient temperature, the blade is always warm to the touch, and it occasionally seems to reflect the image of a great conflagration on its surface, even when no fire is present. HISTORY
Crimson Ruination was the sword of the legendary dragonslayer Sir Endrik van Ibnacht. Sir Endrik received the blade as a gift from the dwarf thane Croi Machroi in thanks for slaying the great red wyrm Tarkalkatos. According to legend, the dwarven smiths quenched the blade in the great beast’s blood and built the hilt from the dragon’s bones and skin. Magic was laid into the sword to protect the wielder from the fiery breath of dragons, and Sir Endrik would later claim the only reason he lived to retire from the occupation of dragon hunting was because of the sword’s protection. (DC 15) Sir Endrik van Ibnacht makes his first notable appearance during the so-called Tarkalkatos Incident some four hundred years ago (although a study of Ibnachtian folklore reveals many tales of the legendary knight for several years before that). An ancient red dragon calling itself Tarkalkatos had laid claim to a vast mountain range as its personal territory. The dragon’s raids on shipments of ore were threatening to choke off the supply to all the lands east of the mountains, and several adventuring bands had already met gruesome fates when they attempted to slay the beast. The dragon had even routed an entire regiment of elite dwarf soldiers. The mine’s owners were beginning to consider abandoning the lucrative eastern markets when Sir Endrik rode into the mining town and
announced his intentions to slay Tarkalkatos. The dwarves were clearly skeptical of the knight’s claim, but agreed to allow him a fortnight before closing down the caravan route. Thirteen days later, Sir Endrik rode back out of the mountains, badly burned and clinging to his saddle through sheer force of will alone. Tarkalkatos was no more. After tending to the knight’s wounds, the grateful dwarves forged Crimson Ruination as a gift for Sir Endrik and constructed a monument at the spot where the dragon fell. Years later, after his death, Sir Endrik was returned to that monument and buried under it. (DC 18; Hero’s Prayer) Discovering Sir Endrik von Ibnacht’s history prior to the Tarkalkatos Incident is difficult, requiring a great deal of wading through legends and folk tales that ascribe to Sir Endrik not only martial prowess and piety, but also the ability to be in eight places at once. Most of these stories are certainly apocryphal, while others are possibly the true exploits of other knights, which have been credited to Sir Endrik. A codex in the Monastery of St. Cuthbert’s Hand, however, contains enough verifiable evidence that it is almost certainly a true account of Sir Endrik. This text tells of a fair-haired young man, newly knighted with “spurs yet untarnished,” who came to the monastery seeking a place to sleep and a warm meal. He was almost turned away, because the monks had been suffering from a strange sickness that had claimed several lives, and the abbot feared a plague had come upon them. The young knight, who called himself Sir Endrik, told the abbot that it was no plague—the gods had given him a vision of the cause of the monastery’s woes. He asked to be shown to the river from which the monks drew their water. After following the river back to its source, he revealed a nest of young black dragons whose presence had poisoned the river. Sir Endrik slew the beasts, and the monks were troubled by sickness no more. (DC 25; Purify the Draconic Taint) Only one account of Sir Endrik’s early childhood survives, in a manuscript allegedly penned by the knight himself in his twilight years. In this text, Sir Endrik reveals that he was born Red dragons fear the bite the son of a peasant farmer and would have of Crimson Ruination been destined for a life of toil and hardship like the rest of his family, if not been for an
Illus. by W. England
Table 3–11: Crimson Ruination
——— Personal Costs ———
Wielder Skill Check Hit Point
Level Penalty Loss Abilities
5th — — Protection from evil 6th — 2 Dragon armor +1, endure elements 7th –1 — Shield from fire 5 8th — 2 Tongue of dragons 9th — 2 +1 dragon bane greatsword 10th — 2 — 11th — — +2 dragon bane greatsword 12th — 2 Shield from fire 10 13th –2 — Dragon armor +2 14th — 2 Evade fiery doom 15th — — +2 frost dragon bane greatsword 16th — 2 — 17th — — +3 frost keen dragon bane greatsword 18th –3 2 Shield from fire 20 19th — 2 Ray of frozen fate 2/day 20th — 2 +4 frost keen dragon bane greatsword event when he was seven years old. While gathering firewood in the forest near his home, young Endrik heard the sounds of a fierce battle echoing from somewhere deeper in the woods. Curious, the boy followed the sound until he found its source—a knight, clad in a gleaming coat of plates, was locked in mortal combat with a great green dragon. Something sparked within the young boy. He darted into the clearing, distracting the dragon for a critical instant and giving the knight an opening to drive his sword into the beast’s throat.
The dragon fell dead. Impressed by the boy’s courage and resolve, the knight offered to take the lad as his squire, if Endrik’s father agreed. The farmer was only too happy to see his son get a chance at a better life and readily approved. Sir Endrik’s chronicle of his childhood is incomplete, ending with this story. (DC 31; Courage of the Child) LEGACY RITUALS
Three rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of Crimson Ruination.
Hero’s Prayer: You must travel to the monument that marks the site where Tarkalkatos was slain, as well as the legendary Sir Endrik’s tomb. Once there, you must spend 24 hours in prayer and meditation, requesting Sir Endrik’s approval to wield his legendary sword. Cost: 1,650 gp. Feat Granted: Least Legacy (Crimson Ruination).
Purify the Draconic Taint: You are required to uncover a source of corruption or blight caused by the presence of an evil dragon and eliminate it. This corruption might be physical, such as a green dragon’s game and livestock predations threatening a nearby village with starvation, or it might be subtler, such as a red dragon using a dominated local baron’s influence for nefarious purposes. Cost: 13,500 gp. Feat Granted:
Lesser Legacy (Crimson Ruination).
Courage of the Child: Mirroring Sir Endrik’s first act of bravery in the face of a dragon, you must confront an evil dragon while bereft of any form of magical protection or augmentation. Nonmagical armor and weapons are allowed, but you must not be under the effects of any beneficial spells. You need not vanquish the dragon or even engage it in battle, but you do have to survive the encounter. Cost: 40,000 gp.
Feat Granted: Greater Legacy (Crimson Ruination). WIELDER REQUIREMENTS
Fighters and paladins, as well as rangers who specialize in killing dragons, are the most likely to find
Crimson Ruination useful. Martial clerics willing to spend the feat to acquire proficiency with the weapon might also want to wield the greatsword.
Crimson Ruination Wielder Requirements
Base attack bonus +3 Any nonchaotic alignment
All the following are legacy item abilities of Crimson Ruination.
Protection From Evil (Su): At 5th level and higher, you constantly benefit from the effects of a protection from evil spell. Caster level 5th. Dragon Armor (Su): At 6th level, you gain a +1 deflection bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases to +2 at
13th level. At your discretion, this ability causes shimmering, translucent dragon scales to appear on top of your skin and clothing, or the effect can be invisible.
Endure Elements (Su): The red dragons Crimson
Ruination was crafted to destroy often lair in inhospitable environments, such as active volcanoes or geothermal caves. Beginning at 6th level, you act as if continually under the effects of an endure elements spell. Caster level 5th. Shield From Fire (Su): At 7th level, you gain resistance to fi re 5. This resistance increases to 10 at 12th level and to 20 at 18th level.
Tongue of Dragons (Su): Beginning at 8th level, you can speak and read Draconic.
Evade Fiery Doom (Su): At 14th level and higher, you gain the benefi t of evasion against any dragon’s breath weapon. See the monk class feature, page 41 of the Player’s Handbook.
Ray of the Frozen Fate (Sp): Starting at 19th level, two times per day on command, you can use polar ray as the spell. The ray erupts from the tip of Crimson
Ruination’s blade. Caster level 20th. ADVENTURE SEED (EL 5)
In a massive cave, high in a forbidding mountain range, the heroes come across an unusual sight—the corpse of an enormous red dragon, apparently slain by the party of adventurers whose bodies also litter the cave. Some of their numbers must have survived, for the vast majority of the dragon’s hoard is gone.
In a smaller chamber attached to the main cavern, apparently overlooked and forgotten by the looters, is a smaller hoard, consisting of Crimson Ruination and 3,000 silver pieces. Unfortunately, the owner of this small hoard—a very young red dragon—is also in this chamber. It isn’t happy to see intruders. Very Young Red Dragon: hp 95 (see page 75 of the
Monster Manual). Dragon’s Grave
Main Chamber The carcass of an adult red dragon dominates this cavern, while the corpses of humanoid adventurers also litter the scene. The stench is nauseating. Upon fi rst entering this chamber, each PC must make a DC 10 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round.
Nursery This small hollow is where both the very young dragon and Crimson Ruination are located. The sword is buried in a heap of coins and valuable objects that make up the dragon’s hoard.