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Epic Legacy Ability Menus Example Epic Legacy Weapon:
not lose 3 hp, since you have not yet gained the use of a second ability. However, if you later unlock a second epic legacy ability, you immediately pay any personal costs not already assessed against you.
Table 5–3: Designing an Epic Legacy Item
Character New Legacy Personal Level Ability Cost
21st First — 22nd — 3 hp 23rd — 3 hp 24th Second — 25th — 3 hp 26th — 3 hp 27th Third — 28th — 3 hp 29th — 3 hp 30th Fourth —
The menus of epic legacy abilities presented below provide examples of suitable abilities for epic legacy items. Follow the instructions presented earlier in this chapter to assign abilities. Unless noted otherwise, you can select a specific menu choice only once. Epic Legacy Ability Menu Y
The raw materials cost for a Menu Y legacy ritual is 150,000 gp. Menu Y abilities have a caster level of 25th. Armor or Shield Enhancement, Epic (Su): The enhancement bonus of a suit of armor or a shield increases to +6. This ability can be placed only on a suit of armor or a shield. You can select this option multiple times. Each time you do so, your armor or shield’s effective enhancement bonus to AC increases by 1. You cannot increase the armor or shield’s effective enhancement bonus beyond +20 (but see Epic Armor or Shield Enhancement in Menu Z).
Constant Companion, Epic (Su): This ability works the same as greater constant companion (see page 203), except that the creature you summon comes from the 7th-level list of the summoning spell you use.
Energy Immunity (Su): The item grants you immunity to one type of energy—acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Choose the specific type of energy when assigning this ability to the item. You can select this option multiple times. Each time you do so, it applies to a different type of energy.
Resistance, Epic (Su): The item grants you a +6 resistance bonus on all saving throws. You can select this option multiple times. Each time you do so, the resistance bonus increases by 2, to a maximum bonus of +10.
Quicken Power, Greater (Su): As the quicken power ability (page 204), except that you can manifest up to nine psionic powers per day of up to 9th level that are quickened as though using the Quicken
Power metapsionic feat.
Quicken Spell, Greater (Su): As the quicken spell ability (page 204), except that you can cast up to nine spells per day of up to 9th level that are quickened as though using the Quicken Spell metamagic feat.
Spell-Like Ability, 9th: Three times per day on command, you can create an effect that duplicates a chosen 9th-level spell. Choose the specific spell when assigning this ability to the item. The save DC (if applicable) is 23, or 19 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.
Wizardry, Epic (Su): While you are holding, wearing, or wielding the item, you can prepare or cast double your normal number of 5th-level arcane spells per day, as though wearing an epic ring of wizardry V (see page 134 of the Epic Level Handbook). You can select this option multiple times. Each time you do so, another level of spells is doubled (6th-level the second time, 7th-level the third time, and so on), up to a maximum of 9th-level spells. Epic Legacy Ability Menu Z
Unlike nonepic ability menus, a choice from this menu doesn’t cost extra ability slots from a lower menu—the associated legacy ritual simply costs more. The raw materials cost for a Menu Z legacy ritual is 500,000 gp. Menu Z abilities have a caster level of 30th.
Ability Enhancement, Epic (Su): The item grants a +8 enhancement bonus to one ability score. Choose the specific ability score when assigning this ability to the item—Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. You can select this option multiple times. Each time you do so, the enhancement bonus increases by 2. Armor or Shield Enhancement, Epic (Su): The effective enhancement bonus of a suit of armor or a shield increases by 2, with no maximum effective enhancement bonus. This ability can be placed only on a suit of armor or a shield.