9 minute read
Durindana is an austere longsword. Those familiar with the arts of the forge might recognize the craftsmanship as dwarven, but the style of the blade is distinctly human. A faint tracery of Celestial script runs the length of the blade, naming the weapon Durindana and proclaiming its role as the reliquary for the fingerbones of Saint Ardtan.
Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 longsword;
Cost 2,315 gp. Omen: The script on Durindana is intelligible to anyone, even if you are illiterate. In direct sunlight, the blade gleams with a hard, sharp edge, as though it draws the sunbeams to it. HISTORY
Durindana is a blade sacred to the faith of Pelor, forged by a dwarf weaponsmith eighty years ago to house the finger bones of the legendary undead-hunter, Saint Ardtan. Ardtan was slain defending a dwarf stronghold from a plague of vampires. In gratitude for his sacrifice, the dwarf thane presented the church of Pelor with this sword to honor the hero. When Ardtan was canonized several years later, the hilt of the sword was hollowed out to serve as a reliquary for the saint’s fingerbones. The church kept Durindana in its securest vaults, allowing it to be used only by the holiest persons and only in times of dire need. Even though many of its wielders have died in battle, Durindana always finds its way back into the hands of the church. (DC 15) Saint Ardtan was raised as a ward of the church of Pelor, after his parents died in a plague while he was still an infant. From an early age, Ardtan showed signs that Pelor’s favor was upon him. When he was eight years old, Ardtan claimed that he could speak to the ghost of a former archdeacon of the temple in which he was then living. Ardtan was able to help the archdeacon pass on a message to his surviving family, resolving the ghost’s ties to the Material Plane and allowing him to ascend to his proper rest. When Ardtan was ten, he snuck out of the temple to track down a vampire menacing the city. He cornered the monster. Then, by pinning it with his fiery gaze,
Ardtan held the vampire rooted to the spot until the sun rose and disintegrated it. Shortly thereafter, the church rewarded young Ardtan, enlisting him into the service of the order’s oldest and most experienced paladin, Tram de Carnag. (DC 18; First Station of Saint Ardtan) During his years with Tram de Carnag, Ardtan continued to demonstrate his piety and devotion. He possessed an uncanny ability to seek out and destroy evil undead, while at the same time helping more benign undead go to their afterlives. In faraway scablands, the pair disrupted a necromantic cult of Nerull and rescued many unfortunates who had been kidnapped and brainwashed by the sect. Tram was slain during that battle. It then fell to Ardtan to return the old knight’s body to Tram’s homeland for proper burial. Ironically, Tram’s ghost lingered behind, his need to complete Ardtan’s training being greater than his desire to move on to his reward. According to the lore of the church, Ardtan simply smiled at the spirit, and Tram saw the glories of Pelor reflected in the boy’s face, instantly revealing his task was long done. The old paladin let go of the concern fettering him to the physical world and rose to Pelor’s side. (DC 25; Second Station of Saint Ardtan) When he returned to his temple with Tram’s body, Ardtan was hailed as a hero and a saint in the making. The church immediately knighted him. After receiving his spurs, Ardtan was informed of a dwarf settlement in the northern mountains that was suffering a plague of mysterious deaths. The clerics of Moradin believed the killings were the work of a vampire and, having heard the tales of the renowned Ardtan of Pelor, requested the young paladin’s assistance. Ardtan waited only long enough to attend his mentor’s funeral before riding north. The dwarves greeted him with a hero’s welcome, sure he would deliver them from the evil plaguing their hold. When he finally did locate the source of the murders, Ardtan was taken by surprise. It was not one vampire, but an entire pack Durindana is the revered weapon of a legendary undead slayer of the creatures at least twenty strong, with several more vampire spawn at their command. The battle was fierce, but even Ardtan could not stand against such numbers for long. He fell, but at the instant of his death, a blinding flash
Illus. by W. England
Table 3–16: Durindana
————— Personal Costs —————
Wielder Attack Save Hit Point
Level Penalty Penalty Loss Abilities
5th — — — Saint’s grace 6th — — 4 Endure evil 7th — — — Pelor’s gaze 1/day 8th — –1 — — 9th –1 — 2 +2 longsword 10th — — — — 11th — — 2 +2 holy longsword 12th — — — — 13th –2 — — Pelor’s baleful eye 14th — — — Pelor’s protecting grasp 1/day 15th — –2 — +3 holy longsword 16th — — — — 17th — — — +3 holy undead bane longsword 18th — –3 2 Hallowed ground 19th — — 2 Pelor’s dazzling beneficence 20th — — 2 +4 holy undead bane longsword of pure sunlight filled the vampires’ lair, destroying the remaining monsters. (DC 31; Third Station of
Three rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of Durindana.
First Station of Saint Ardtan: You must travel to the temple of Pelor where Saint Ardtan was raised, and there spend 24 hours in fasting and meditation. Cost: 2,200 gp. Feat Granted: Least Legacy (Durindana).
Second Station of Saint Ardtan: You are required to make a pilgrimage to the site of the battle with the cult of Nerull that claimed the life of Saint Ardtan’s mentor, Tram de Carnag. The site is still marked with a small shrine. Braving the natural perils of the scablands is challenging enough, but you must also sacrifice something of great personal significance, mirroring Saint Ardtan’s loss. Cost: 12,500 gp. Feat
Granted: Lesser Legacy (Durindana).
Third Station of Saint Ardtan: You have to journey to the ancient dwarven citadel where Saint
Ardtan died. The stronghold has been deserted for many years, and rumors circulate about something evil dwelling in its lightless depths. Nevertheless, you must spend a full day and night in the catacombs where Saint Ardtan fell. Cost: 40,500 gp. Feat Granted:
Greater Legacy (Durindana). WIELDER REQUIREMENTS
Durindana is the weapon of paladins and militant clerics, especially those who worship Pelor. A ranger (particularly one with undead as a favored enemy)
might also find Durindana useful, as might a multiclass cleric/fighter.
Durindana Wielder Requirements
Ability to cast 1st-level divine spells Base attack bonus +2 Any nonevil alignment
All the following are legacy item abilities of Durindana.
Saint’s Grace (Su): At 5th level, you gain a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws.
Endure Evil (Su): Beginning at 6th level, you enjoy the constant effects of a protection from evil spell. Caster level 5th.
Pelor’s Gaze (Sp): At 7th level and higher, once per day on command, you can cause Durindana to shed daylight as the spell. Caster level 5th.
Pelor’s Baleful Eye (Su): Starting at 13th level, as long as you carry Durindana before you, you turn undead as though you were four levels higher in the class that grants you the ability.
Pelor’s Protecting Grasp (Sp): At 14th level and higher, once per day on command, you can use death ward as the spell. Caster level 7th. Hallowed Ground (Su): Beginning at 18th level, once per day, you can drive Durindana’s blade into the surface on which you stand, creating the effects of a hallow spell with a daylight spell tied to it. This effect lasts as long as the sword remains so positioned, though you need not continue to grasp it. Caster level 9th.
Pelor’s Dazzling Beneficence (Su): At 19th level
and higher, as a swift action, you can call down Pelor’s gaze on yourself, which manifests as a dazzling golden light. You then glow as brightly as a torch, but more importantly, your actual location is diffi cult to pin down through the radiance, granting you total concealment for up to 15 rounds per day. These rounds need not be used consecutively. ADVENTURE SEED (EL 7)
While scouting the ruins of an ancient dwarven stronghold, the heroes discover a hidden chamber behind a crumbling wall. Inside, the chamber is opulently appointed with expensive furniture and elegant tapestries. The owner of these decadent quarters is a vampire named Sivart. He has been hiding in this secret chamber for several months now, quietly feeding on the populace of a nearby town. Within a stout, iron-bound chest against the wall is
Durindana, laid to rest there decades ago when Sivart found the sword in nearby caverns. Concerned that touching it might cause him harm, Sivart dominated a dark elf ranger into carrying the weapon back to his lair and locking it in the chest. Vampire Lair
Sivart’s Coffi n
This is Sivart’s coffi n, to which he retreats when badly injured. The coffi n is hardwood reinforced with steel (hardness 10, 30 hit points). Forcing it open requires a DC 30 Strength check, but the lock can be picked with a DC 25 Open Lock check.
Sivart CR 7
Male vampire fighter 5 CE Medium undead (augmented humanoid) Init +6 Senses darkvision 60 ft., Listen +12, Spot +12 Languages Common AC 25, touch 10, flat-footed 25; Dodge hp 32 (5 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic Immune undead immunities Resist cold 10, electricity 10, +4 turn resistance Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 Weakness vampire weaknesses Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) Melee +1 bastard sword +13 (1d10+9/19–20) and slam +6 (1d6 plus energy drain) Base Atk +5; Grp +11 Atk Options energy drain (slam, 2 negative levels, Fort
DC 15 removes), Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack Special Actions alternate form (bat, dire bat, wolf, dire wolf), blood drain (pin, 1d4 Con/round, vampire gains 5 hp), dominate (look into eyes, dominate person, Will
DC 15 negates, CL 12th, 30 ft.), gaseous form Combat Gear 2 potions of inflict moderate wounds Abilities Str 22, Dex 14, Con —, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 17 SQ children of the night 1/day, create spawn, spider climb Feats AlertnessB, Cleave, Combat ReflexesB, DodgeB ,
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Great
CleaveB, Improved InitiativeB, Lightning ReflexesB ,
Power AttackB, Weapon Focus (bastard sword),
Weapon Specialization (bastard sword)B Skills Bluff +11, Climb +7, Hide +3, Intimidate +11,
Jump +1, Listen +12, Move Silently +3, Search +8,
Sense Motive +10, Spot +12 Possessions combat gear plus masterwork half-plate, masterwork heavy steel shield, +1 bastard sword Children of the Night (Su) Standard action, summon 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or 3d6 wolves; arrive 2d6 rounds, last 1 hour. Create Spawn (Su) Humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain by energy drain becomes a vampire in 1d4 days. Humanoid of monstrous humanoid slain by blood drain becomes vampire spawn if below 4 HD. Spider Climb (Ex) Can climb sheer surfaces as though with spider climb spell.
Locked Chest Within this chest, which is locked with a superior lock (Open Lock DC 40), lies Durindana, buried under tattered bits of tapestry. The chest can be broken open with a DC 23 Strength check. It has a hardness of 5 and 15 hit points.