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Amulet of Death’s Calling
These souls have no mind or will, except for an instinct to escape the sword in any way they can. Thus, at 16th level and higher, whenever you are targeted by a death effect, one of the trapped souls surges forward and takes the effect for you. The death effect frees that soul to travel to its properly appointed afterlife. Besides Eyria, twenty-five souls are trapped in Exordius. Once they have all been freed, the sword loses this ability. The only way to recharge this ability is for you to willingly let your own soul enter the weapon upon your death.
Mantle of Sacred Protection (Su): At 18th level, you gain spell resistance equal to 5 + your character level. ADVENTURE SEED (EL 5)
While exploring the crumbling ruins of an ancient temple, the party comes to a large iron door inscribed with many sigils of binding and warding. Behind this door is the crypt of Aedwar, He of the Steely Heart, which also holds Exordius. The bearded devil Charenthoth is also trapped within the mausoleum. The infernal creature came to the Material Plane under the misguided belief that Exordius was still a powerful tool of evil. Much to his surprise, he detected the faint aura of good from
Eyria’s soul. Disgusted that the weapon had been so polluted with holiness, he prepared to leave the crypt. While he was distracted by the sword, however, the clerics who built the cathedral were able to trap
Charenthoth in the tomb. If the PCs open the tomb’s magically sealed door, the devil assumes the characters are the insolent mortals who first trapped him on this plane and attacks. If reduced to less than one-quarter his hit points, Charenthoth attempts to flee and return to the Nine Hells.
Charenthoth, Bearded Devil: hp 45 (see page 52 of the Monster Manual). Aedwar’s Tomb
Sarcophagi These stone coffins are covered by heavy granite lids carved with effigies of the priests buried within them. Inside each coffin are a silver holy symbol (25 gp) and a gold-and-crystal vial of holy water (50 gp). Aedwar’s Sarcophagus This coffin is larger and more impressive than the others, set on a dais with two steps leading up to it. The lid has been broken, and half of it lies smashed on the floor nearby. Inside the coffin, resting on the breast of the skeleton within, is Exordius. With the exception of the sword, everything in this coffin has rotted into uselessness. Dark Reliquary A niche in this wall can be located with a DC 20 Search check. Inside this recess are various items the priests of old considered too dangerous or blasphemous to be allowed to remain in the wide world. Several moldering copies of the holy canons of various evil faiths rest within, as does an amulet of death’s calling. This amulet is a perfect candidate for the Sanctification of Darkness ritual (see above).

This amulet is made of pale alabaster, carved into the likeness of a small gong or bell with a skull motif sculpted on the face. It is usually worn on a fine chain of steel that has been blackened as though by a tremendous fire. Once per day on command, it allows the wearer to use death knell as the spell. Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous item, death knell; Price 2,160 gp; Weight 1 lb.