ASPIRE Nominations - Autumn 2, 2015

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ASPIRE Nominations – Autumn 2, 2015_ Nursery A is a ray of sunshine and always brings a smile to my face. I cannot emphasise enough how hard A works. She ALWAYS tries her best and tackles every challenge with a positive 'can do' attitude. A is not only academically gifted; she is also an outstanding friend to her peers in Nursery. She will always put others before herself and go the extra mile to ensure that everyone is included! Over the last term, A has blossomed into a confident, enchanting young lady and she has been an absolute dream to have in my class. Well where do I start‌O is genuinely one of the sweetest young men I have ever had the pleasure of teaching. He is consistently caring, kind and considerate. O has a heart the size of a house and is always putting himself out for others. He is an outstanding role model to him classmates and in the entire time O has been in Nursery, I have never had to speak to him about his behaviour. I cannot praise O enough for his positive and hardworking attitude towards school and I know that he will go on to achieve great things in the future. O you are awesome, keep up the fantastic work!


E is a pleasure to teach she always listens and never gives up when she is completing a task. She will do her best at all times. She encourages others to do the same. She arrives at school with a smile showing her positive attitude and she respects children and adults alike. E is enthusiastic and will always be the first one offering to help either the teachers or the children.

C has made a fantastic effort to make sure he shares all our resources with the other children. He is always ready to listen and works hard promoting positivity with an amazing I can attitude - nothing fazes him! C always has good manners and is a pleasure to teach. He encourages his friends by showing them how to sit and helps others modelling how to form letters and numbers.

Year One

L is delightful, bubbly character who has a great sense of humour. I have never known anyone so eager to please and to do her very best in all that she attempts. Her positive attitude to learning is infectious. Children that work alongside L are motivated by her and become equally determined to succeed. L has forged really strong relationships with other children and has an extremely kind and caring nature.

H is an absolute dream to teach, he’s eager, conscientious and hardworking. When H arrives in the morning he’s the first to sit on the carpet eagerly awaiting the day’s events and although he finds some tasks challenging, he always perseveres. His behaviour is exemplary and other members of staff have noticed this too. He is a positive role model for not only Year 1, but for the whole school. H’s most inspiring attribute is that he has the ability to nurture others in need and as a result has gained a lot of respect from other class members. H is indeed mature beyond his years and aspires to be the best that he can be.

Year Two H is a pleasure to have in Year Two. Not only is she kind and courteous to other pupils, but she is determined and hard working too! H is an independent pupil who takes her learning seriously. She has been known to come in at play time or lunchtime to finish pieces of work or help in the classroom. She has a very mature approach to school and this is reflected in both her behaviour and her learning. There is never a challenge too great for H and her attitude means she always has a go at any problem she is faced with. More than this, she tackles things with a smile and encourages others to join and make good choices too. Overall, H sets a brilliant example to others. Keep it up H!

B sets an incredibly high standard in all areas. He is the best role model for other pupils. He can always be relied on to show sensible, kind behaviour. He is a determined young man who always applies himself fully and encourages others to do the same. It is fair to say that B is a shy, gentle and quiet member of the class. I don’t think he realises what a super star he is! What has been lovely to see though, over the past term, is B’s ability to use Makaton. He is a fantastic signer and is always chosen to lead Makaton songs, stories and poems. This has led B to become more confident and come out of his shell in all areas of learning. B is proud of his talents and will now perform in front of an audience! I am so proud of the independent, confident young learner that he is becoming. B’s attitude sets a high standard for other Leamore pupils to follow!

Year Three A is an absolute delight and we are so pleased she is a member of Year Three. She is a very enthusiastic member of the team and is always kind and helpful. She encourages and supports her friends. Her behaviour is flawless and therefore sets a great example to her peers. A is an independent young lady, who is eager to take on tasks around the classroom. Mrs Hargreaves and I would be lost without her, that's for sure! A has pushed herself the extra mile to produce her very best work in all areas of learning. She is determined to rise to any challenges she faces, as she has a strong desire to achieve and I have no doubt that she will! C is an incredible character. He makes me smile every day! He is always keen to contribute to class discussions and has an unbelievable imagination. C is consistently eager to please and, even though he finds some work difficult, he never gives up! Since becoming a member of Year Three, C has shown tremendous progress in social aspects. He is kind, polite and respectful to others. He has recently showed confidence and joined afterschool football club. He is very enthusiastic about this! I cannot praise C enough for his efforts - not only towards his learning, but to becoming a delightful young man.

Year Four A is always a pleasure to teach in class. She is always willing to learn and be positive about her learning, even when it is tough. When she has finished a task, she is not content with just sitting down and chatting, but is always eager to help others who may be struggling at that task. A is kind and considerate to others and courteous through school. She helps her classmates in lessons and adults in the library and especially through singing tasks! A has really steppedup this half term and I can only imagine what she will be able to do with this brilliant attitude. Well done, A. Congratulations!

J doesn't get everything first time, but he always has that knack of buckling down and listening to take things in. This attitude of never giving up and really concentrating when things are getting tough is brilliant to see! The quality of work he produces is down to the way he applies himself and works with others in class. J is always kind towards people in class and loves getting involved. I cannot wait to see what J can do in the future, because it's going to be a bright one for him if he carries on like this! Brilliant, J. Well done!

Year Five

J has worked very hard in all of his lessons in the Autumn Term. Where before we had some activities that were not completed, he now understands that he has to pace his work and concentrate for the entire session so that he is able to complete the task. His improvements have meant that he has improved his scores in our recent round of testing and his work is fast becoming some of the best within the class.

T is someone who can sometimes be overlooked because she is so quiet in class, She does however produce work that is of a very high quality in every lesson. She has worked hard and has never had a problem with another child in the class. She has made great improvements this term and this has been shown with a good set of scores for all of her tests completed this term.

Year Six L is always respectful to all adults and children alike, she always tries hard at everything she does and goes out of her way to help her peers. L is a big team player and has come on leaps and bounds in Maths and English this term. This reflects her compelling work ethic and her excellent attitude towards her own learning. She continually thrives to excel herself by using her initiative to undertake extra homework. As a result of this, L has been our weekly ‘Star Speller’ many times and is always humble with her winning. L’s work is always well-presented and her attitude towards school is superb. I believe that L is a fantastic role model for Leamore Primary school and the ASPIRE vision.

J always tries his very best in lessons and is very humorous too. J is very respectful to all peers and staff alike and is a big team player that will always try to help others with work any time he can. He has a great work ethic and an excellent attitude to learning. J has improved immensely in Maths and always tries with hard in English and to join his handwriting at all times. J’s overall attitude towards school is superb and I believe that J is a fantastic role model for Leamore Primary school and the ASPIRE vision.

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