ASPIRE Nominees - Spring 2, 2016

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ASPIRE Nominations – Spring 2, 2016 Nursery Nominees C is a delightful, happy and well-mannered young man. It has been an absolute pleasure watching C flourish into the confident charismatic pupil he is today. When C first joined us in September, he was a quiet member of the class who often sat back and observed everything going on around him. However, this is no longer the case… C’s confidence has come on in leaps and bounds! Now I love nothing more than seeing C’s hand shoot up in the air during whole class carpet time, where he is eagerly bursting to share his ideas and stories with staff and his friends. C’s increased confidence has also shone through in to his learning. C will now excitedly seek out a member of staff to share his fantastic work and achievements with. Only the other day C enthusiastically asked if he could read me a story about Thomas! I eagerly listened to C create his own magical story after looking at the illustrations in his book - a real joy to hear. C has made super progress in all areas of learning and this is down to his amazing can-do attitude. I look forward to watching C move from strength-to-strength with both his academic and communication skills. C, I am so proud of you and everything you have already achieved this year in Nursery! S is an absolute pleasure to have in my class and is a little girl that can always bring a rainbow to any rainy day. Every afternoon, S arrives at nursery with a beaming, infectious smile ready for the day ahead of her. She is an enchanting young lady that is always found acting out the most vivid and imaginative role play games with her friends. If you ever happen to walk through Nursery, S is the one dressed as a princess with a magical wand in her hand! Be careful though because she may turn you in to a frog! It is for such reasons that S is an extremely popular member of the group and this is a reflection of her delightful personality. S has worked hard on improving her ‘listening skills’ over the last few weeks and I have noticed an outstanding improvement. S can now be found eagerly sitting at the front of the class ready to learn and participate in everything we throw at her. I am really proud of her committed attitude to school and her own learning. If I was asked to sum S up in three words I would say dedicated, sociable and sparkly! I know that S will continue to spread her magical sparkle throughout her journey at Leamore.


Reception Nominees Â

We have chosen D for always having an 'I can' attitude in everything she does. She never gives up and tries her hardest to complete everything she does to the best of her ability. During child-initiated times, she always chooses to practise her writing or maths. She is a fantastic friend to the other children in the class and whenever she sees another child upset, or struggling with something, she is the first person to go and help them. D always offers to help the teachers with any jobs and encourages other children to make the right choices. She is an extremely polite kind girl and a pleasure to teach. We love having D in our class!

We have chosen C because he is always so enthusiastic to learn and tell us all about the things he has made or the work he has completed. He never gives up and always has an 'I can' attitude. He shows empathy towards the other children and always comforts them if they have hurt themselves or need help with anything. He is a fantastic friend and always shows kindness and consideration for others when working with a partner or in a group. He joins in with everything we do and never complains. If another child is unhappy, you can always hear C saying, "Shall I look after them for you?" C always has a smile and brightens up our day.


Year One Nominees Â

I remember hearing about G way before she started in Year 1, as her attitude to learning is so incredible, that most staff know about it. This mature approach has resulted in G producing the most outstanding work. G not only works incredibly hard to produce a high standard of work herself but also uses her skills to encourage others to work as hard as she does. She is so supportive of others (a born nurturer) which is why it is no surprise that she has so many friends. I absolutely love teaching G; she listens and hangs on to every single word I say. She often gives up her own playtime to complete pieces of work or help others complete theirs. I know that G loves attending Leamore as, every morning, she sits attentively on the carpet waiting with anticipation for the day to begin. Whenever we have class discussions, G always listens to other opinions and treats everyone with the utmost respect. I am so incredibly proud of you G. Well done.

E has blown me away this half term with her transformed attitude to learning. Whilst still a princess by definition, she is now conscientious to the nth degree and has grown tremendously in confidence. If there was an Olympic medal for 'attention to detail', E would win the gold medal every time. She has improved immensely in reading, writing and maths and perseveres when work is challenging. E is also extremely creative. She is a performer with an incredible imagination but has particularly impressed me with her mature approach to sorting out differences between herself and her closest friends. She has become a fantastic listener and always takes others opinions into consideration. I could honestly burst with pride when I talk to anyone about E. Keep up the fantastic work E, you are an absolute star!

Year Two Nominees

During his time in Year Two, K has transformed. It makes me so proud to nominate him for our ‘ASPIRE’ award this half term. It is fair to say that, at the very beginning of the year, K could often be silly or easily distracted. Now, he is a determined and focused worker. His attitude to learning has completely shifted; he takes his learning seriously and is taking pride in every piece of work he produces. K has been ‘writer of the day’ on numerous occasions and I am so impressed with his keen attitude to do his best and improve his skills. Not only has K’s attitude to learning changed at school, but he is really trying to apply himself with his reading and home learning. K is trying hard and celebrating his homework successes as often as his school successes! A lot can be learned from K with his can-do attitude and resilience when trying new tasks and challenges. Along with his determination, K’s behaviour has also improved. He makes sensible choices and encourages those around him to make good choices and do the right thing in all situations. Overall, I am absolutely thrilled to be nominating K for his superb attitude, effort and tenacity in school.

A is an absolute delight to have in class. When I think of what a model pupil should be like, A comes to mind! Not only is he kind and courteous, but his attitude to school is admirable too. A is an independent leaner who takes care with absolutely everything that is asked of him. He has a mature attitude and is meticulous in producing work to the highest standards and best of his ability. He is a logical thinker who always finds solutions to problems and supports his friends with these good ideas! There is never a challenge too big for A and he relishes the chance to get stuck in to any task, activity or challenge! He is a kind and polite member of the class who is well liked by all that work around him. A is the sort of pupil that inspires others to do the best they can! I’m so proud to nominate A for the ‘ASPIRE’ award and just know he will keep up the fantastic attitude to school!

Year Three Nominees

K has shown real dedication and perseverance in all of her work this term. She listens, concentrates, takes advice and tries to improve everything she does. Her behaviour has been exemplary, her enthusiasm is infectious and her ability to take advice is remarkable. K is an absolute pleasure to teach, her smile brightens my day and she thoroughly deserves this award.

W exemplifies all of Leamore’s ASPIRE values. He always does the right thing. W approaches every task with enthusiasm. His behaviour is beyond reproach and he shows dedication to his work. This term he has produced a wonderful model of Willy Wonka’s factory as his homework. It shows an excellent eye for detail and a real sense of perseverance. W is a credit to himself and sets a fantastic example to the rest of the class.


Year Four Nominees Â

A is pretty new to our school, but he has settled in brilliantly. His work is of the highest standard and is presented beautifully. As well as that, there is a massive amount of thought put into each piece. A is courteous and bright around the school and I'm really proud of the way he has settled in. I hope that he settles in further and has a great time at Leamore.

C has one of the most infectious smiles in the school and it is always great to see. He's polite, funny and helpful around the class. When he does his work in class, he always tries his very best. Staff from all around the school always say how C has done something or offered to do something for them. It's great to see and I really hope he enjoys his award!

Year Five Nominees

O is not someone who finds work in Maths and English easy. He finds things quite difficult and knows that he has to be concentrating at 100% to be able to achieve his goals. He has therefore worked really hard to improve his overall behaviour in class and his concentration in lessons has increased accordingly. This has meant that the level of his writing has improved. O’s maths work also is far more accurate and he is completing far more of the tasks than before. O needs to be complimented on his efforts as he can be easily distracted, but has worked this term to apply himself and has reaped the benefits. Well done O!

G is another of my ‘unsung heroes’ in Year Five. Not only is G always hard working, she is a positive role model for the other children in her group. She always gives every activity, in every subject, 100% and can be relied upon to complete work that is neat and to a high standard. G however, has not just got this award for her efforts with her work; it is for her general calming influence on a group activity. She is a great peacemaker trying to help out the people she is working with as well as getting the best out of herself. Well done G!

Year Six Nominees

A is always respectful to all adults and children alike. She always tries extremely hard at everything she does and even when she finds things a little difficult. If asked, A will always help and at times she will go above and beyond what is asked of her. A can very be quiet in class and can go unnoticed, but not when it comes down to her work. She reminds me of the quote “Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise!” In the past, A has been very encouraging to her peers with their work and always tries to step out of her comfort zone to complete tasks. This was shown at PGL as A has a fear of heights, but she wouldn’t let that stop her from enjoying herself and learning something new. So A stepped up to the high ropes and took the challenge on, showing pure determination and that sometimes it’s a case of mind over matter. A’s work is always wellpresented and her attitude towards school is superb. I believe that A is a fantastic role model for Leamore Primary school and the ASPIRE vision.

J always tries his very best in all lessons and is always happy and smiley at all times. J is very respectful to all peers and staff alike and has even and is always willing to help out his peers with their work without prompt. J goes above and beyond what is expected of him and goes out of his way to do extra research at home to enable his learning. He also asks to take extra maths homework home during lessons. Words cannot describe Js’s level of kindness and the lengths he will go to make ensure everyone around him is happy. I am incredibly proud of J for the sheer hard work and determination he puts into every singe lesson, without fail. J’s overall attitude towards school is superb and I believe that J is a fantastic role model for Leamore Primary school and the ASPIRE vision.

Overall Winners As overall winners for each key stage, these pupils received additional prizes!


Key Stage One

Key Stage Two

A big thank you to Mr Wilson, Co-Opted Governor, for presenting certificates to all of our Early Years and Key Stage One ASPIRE nominees!

Miss Walker, Staff Governor, enjoyed presenting the Key Stage Two nominees with their certificates!

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