ASPIRE Nominations - Summer 2, 2016 Nursery Nominee If I had to describe K in three words it would be….SIMPLY THE BEST. K has continuously made me proud over this last year. He is not only a well-mannered, caring and kind young man but also has a fantastic attitude towards school and his learning. K is always willing to have a go and has a real can do attitude to every task we throw at him! In particular K has developed his communication skills above and beyond my expectations and he should be very proud of himself. I have to say that K is one of the most thoughtful pupils I have ever had the pleasure of teaching. My Nursery children will know what I mean when I say K is a fantastic bucket filler! He encourages his peers, congratulates them when they succeed and is always on hand to play with someone that is on their own. K has so many endearing qualities and it is for such reasons he is a popular member of the class. I will genuinely miss seeing K’s radiant smile each day and funky dance moves…he is one fantastic little mover! I would like to take this opportunity to wish K all the best his future at Leamore and his new teacher a very lucky lady.
Reception Nominee During the summer term, E has transformed into a confident young man. I think it is fair to say that previously E did not find work easy, so he would often lose concentration very quickly. E has turned this around with great determination and an 'I can attitude'. E now makes sensible choices and encourages them around him to do the same. He is a fantastic friend and shows kindness and sensitivity when working with others in small or large groups. E is always one of the first to volunteer to do a job or tidy the classroom. It has been a pleasure to see E Progress immensely with his speech which in turn has greatly improved his reading. We look forward to watching this continue in Y1. We are all very proud of your progress over the year E. Well done
Year One Nominee H has transformed her behaviour and attitude to learning beyond recognition. She now listens attentively, works to her very best ability and even asks if she can complete any unfinished work at lunchtime. This half term in particular, H has made considerable progress in reading, writing and maths through sheer determination to be the best that she can be. To watch H persist on a task that she finds challenging fills me with pride. We cannot however take all the credit for H’s shift in behaviour because her family have been so incredibly supportive. They have worked with us every step of the way and therefore have most definitely contributed to the delightful, confident, and well behaved H that we now see on a daily basis. What’s more, H has always been a popular member of the class but it is great to see that she has a mature, team player approach and listens intently to other children’s opinions. I could burst with pride when I talk to anyone about H and she is most definitely a sparkle I shall truly miss next year.
Year Two Nominee L is an inspiring boy who sets the highest standard for himself! He constantly strives to improve his work and his thirst for knowledge is unquenchable! This year L has made exceptional progress in all of his subjects through his ability to listen carefully in lessons, retain information and follow instructions to the letter. In addition to his excellent work in school, L works equally hard at home for his Mum and Dad (who offer support to make sure he is working to the best of his ability.) More than this, L is a kind-hearted boy and likes to make sure that all of his peers are happy. He often offers advice or help to those who are struggling. Moreover, his manners and conscientiousness extend beyond just his peers as L is the first one to hold the door for or ask adults if they need any help. For example helping Mrs Roberts run lunchtime library! Overall it has been an amazing year L. All of the staff in Year 2 are so very proud of you.
Year Three Nominee
During my time in Year 3, A has impressed me with his amazing attitude to learning. He is a fantastic member of the class and I have really enjoyed teaching him as he always tries his best in all subject areas. Although A is one of the quieter members of the group, he has a massive impact on those around him as he sets such a good example of how to be a successful learner. He listens carefully during explanations and will work independently to produce some excellent finished pieces. A has a mature attitude towards school life and is beginning to challenge himself, looking for ways that he can improve. He has not only reached his targets but has risen above them – his latest piece of writing was FABULOUS and is now on our classroom display as an example to others. As well as being an amazing learner, A is also polite, helpful, kind and caring and is a pleasure to have in the class. Well done A – You are a star! Year Four Nominee
L has always been shy and quiet in my class, but in the last term or so, she has started to come out of her shell. This has happened both in class socially and in her work. She has become much more confident with her maths and writing, even teaching a group! L has grown so much from the girl who would shy away from asking for help and shy away from showing herself off when she did something good. It's been such a great year for L overall and I'm glad I've been able to give her this award.
Year Five Nominee A embodies all of the qualities we would expect from ASPIRE. She has improved in all aspects of her learning across the year. She is a far more confident reader who can now be relied upon to read with greater fluency and can offer far more detailed and precise answers to questions. Her writing has improved in both appearance and content and she is using the examples and formats given with increasing accuracy. She has always found Maths quite difficult but has worked tirelessly to improve her work on a day to day basis. She know asks for help when required and this has helped her to complete work with far more accuracy. She encourages other and can always be relied upon to complete work of a high quality. It has been a pleasure to teach her other the last year. Well done Amy. Year Six Nominee P is always respectful to all adults and children alike, she always tries extremely hard at everything she does, even when she finds things a little difficult. P has recently really tried to overcome her fears and has refused to give up on challenges. In the past P has been easily distracted however over recent months she has really over come this to concentrate more in lessons. I have witnessed P grow into a very kind-hearted, helpful and thoughtful young person, she is always there for her friends and has recently been the sensible peer to her class. I am so incredibly proud of how far P has come and how much effort and hard work she has put into her work and to build her confidence. Most recently on a residential P tried everything and gave everything a go. I remember her saying “I’m determined to give everything a go Miss, because even if I don’t do well I have tried my best.” P’s work is always well presented and her attitude towards school is superb. I believe that P is a fantastic role model for Leamore Primary school and the ASPIRE vision.
Overall Winners As overall winners for each key stage, these pupils received additional prizes!
Key Stage One
Key Stage Two
A big thank you to Mr Peter Bruno, co-opted governor, for presenting certificates and prizes to all our EYFS and KS1 nominees!
Thanks also to Mrs Natalie Turner, Vice Chair of Governors, for presenting certificates and prizes to all our Key Stage Two nominees!