Business Presentations English as a second language
Voice Tones
Learn how to apply voice tones.
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Become familiar with different types of formats used.
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Role Play Tasks
Practice with British native business instructors.
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Editor! Sanj Saigal! Contributor ! Mandi Saigal! Produced by! one2oneacademy Ltd
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The art of
presentations For us to help you, we really need to understand your specific requirements. Every presentation is unique so please answer the following questions:!
1. Do you attend presentations? If the answer is yes please indicate what type of presentations they are and why you attend.! 2. Do you give presentations in your current position? ! 3. How often do you give a presentation?! 4. Who are your audience?! 5. If you could give a score from between 1 and 10 on how effective you are at giving a presentation, what would it be?!
This course will help you to identify with key phrases used in giving a presentation, accent reduction, grammar building and vocabulary expansion. !
Formats! In order to develop better presentation skills, the first point to note is the difference in formality and how it is effected by the topic that you are presenting.! Voice tones play a big part in this process. A good example to demonstrate this would be a presentation on new technologies. Here your voice tones should reflect excitement because you want your audience to feel the same way. This is called connecting to your audience.!
If you are presenting a topic such as climate change your voice tone will reflect the seriousness of the topic in order to relate to your audience.
Voice tones are not a new concept, we apply them to every language in one form or another. They help to demonstrate how a person feels.
To build on this skill you will require practice, we suggest using the audio recordings made throughout this course as a reference point.
Welcome Course Design
Module 2
This course has been designed by a TEFL Business Instructor. We hope that you enjoy the course and that you take time to provide us with your feedback at the end.
Module 1 Numbers A 3 day course designed to focus on pronunciation. This is an extremely interactive module and requires 3 hours of additional study. The objective of this module is to assist with presenting graphs, pie charts and data.
This is a 3 day course designed to assist with the grammar structures, set phrases and presentation formats used in presentations. You will be expected to prepare 2 presentations so you will need to study 2 additional hours outside a classroom environment. This class is balanced between teacher and student interaction. • Presentation formats • Graphs and charts • Voice tones 4 5
Formality! 08
Questions ! 12
Role Play ! 13
Comparisons ! 19
Formality “This topic effects the way in which you give a presentation�.
The level of formality depends on many factors such as location of the venue, dress code, audience profile and of course, topic.
Task Look at the following venues and indicate their formality:
Meeting room
Community hall
The next page will show you the most common form of structure used for a presentation. Remember that you can modify the structure depending on the circumstances. Please use this structure as you will be asked to present a number of different presentations in a role play environment. Your teacher will be recording your presentations so that you can practice outside of a classroom environment.
conference room
! If you gave answers that were dependent on other factors you are correct. A venue alone cannot depict a presentation style.
Presentation Format The greeting !
Good morning (part of the day) ! Good afternoon! Good evening!
I am happy that everyone could attend at such short notice! I am pleased that so many of you were able to attend! I am happy to see that everyone could attend! It’s nice to see such a good turnout for today’s presentation! Thank you for coming !
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It’s extremely important to understand how your voice initially connects with the audience. Your teacher will show you how we apply speech breaks to a sentence which will add to it’s effect.!
Find your voice……
Confidence is key, if you are confident your presentation will be more effective and it will add value to the process. Confidence comes to those who practice, use the recordings supplied by your tutor to your advantage.!
! Hint! !
Most presenters are scared to arrive early for fear of interaction with the audience. This is bad practice, be early rather than on time, you may get the opportunity to personally meet and talk to some of your audience whilst setting up or preparing. This can only be an advantage but more importantly it will calm your nerves and allow you to get familiar with the type of audience that you have.!
! Explaining the structure of a presentation to an audience will help guide them through the process, keep it short, simple and to the point. By stating a format you are setting yourself an objective, your audience expects you to follow it.!
! Structure! !
Today I will be talking about……! Today’s presentation will be all about……! Today we will be taking a look at……….! Today I am going to be talking about ……….!
If there is more than one thing that the speaker will be presenting, now would be the opportunity to add it. This can be done with the following phrases:!
I will also be demonstrating …..! In addition to this I will be explaining……! I will also be illustrating…….! I will also be showing you……….!
Questions Take control of the format from the very start, let the audience know your expectations. There is nothing worse than loosing control. There are two ways which you can approach this, the first is to tell your audience that you would like them to ask questions at the very end of the presentation. This has it’s advantages and disadvantages because on the one hand the presenter is left alone to complete the presentation without any interruptions but on the other the audience can loose interest due to a lack of interaction. Again this would depend on the topic and the type of audience that you have. It’s more common in business to adopt this form.
The second is to allow the audience to ask questions during the presentation, this interaction can often be a disadvantage as the presentation may be turned into a discussion whereby the very essence or point can be distorted. If your are very experienced with the art of giving presentations then this style will suit. Either way, these are the most common phrases used: 1.Please feel free to ask questions at the very end of this presentation. 2. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them at the end of the presentation.
3. You are welcome to ask questions during the course of this presentation. 4. Please feel free to ask any questions during this presentation. This is a request, so your voice tones would have empathetic value. You can always prompt questions to encourage interaction through the course of any presentation especially if you feel that the audience are loosing interest. Monotone voice tones usually have a negative effect on a presentation and should be avoided where possible.
- Good morning everyone and thank you for coming in today at such short notice.! - For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Richard Sturdis and I am the Director of Sales here at Global Tech. ! - Today I am going to talk to you about our latest products and services and I will also be looking at how they effect our sales strategy this year.! - The presentation should take approximately 35 minutes and I would be happy to take any questions that you have at the end.!
! Task 1! !
Using the format above, present something of your choice. Your objective is to become familiar with the format and learn how to apply target voice tones and speech gaps.
! Stages and phases! !
Every presentation contains transitions and connectors, these help us to compare, emphasise, add information and of course indicate time lines.!
Time Lines!
As a child! When I was at University! As an adult!
! Connectors:! !
! ! Addition! !
! Contrast:! !
! Emphasis! !
Thus! Therefore! Hence! Similarly!
However! Alternatively! But! Compared to! On the one hand but on the other!
! ! ! !
Firstly! Secondly! In addition ! Following this! After this!
Stress adjectives to demonstrate exactly how passionate you feel about something. !
! ! ! !
The following are examples of phrases that you can use in nearly any presentation. Your teacher will help you with speech gaps, pronunciation and speed of speech.
These phrases will help you to move to another stage or slide. This is also known as “sign posting”.
For a presentation to really be effective you need to study the elements mentioned above as they have a direct effect on the result.
3. I will now move on to ……
“You are only as good as your last presentation”
1. Jumping to slide number 2. Turning to ……
4. If you can now move to slide number ….. 5. If I could ask everyone to move to ……..
“Learn how to express and defend an opinion in English as a second language�.
“Stand out”
Examples The following phrases are used to help provide an audience with examples to support your presentation:!
! !
1. 2. 3. 4.
We can show this by…….! If you look at the graph …..! The table on page 2 supports ……! For example ……..!
It’s not good practice to provide too many examples so try and make your presentation simple and to the point.!
The End Finishing a presentation needn't be complicated, using phrases like:
To summarise
And so in conclusion
That brings us to the end of our presentation
This takes us to the end of this presentation
At this point I would like to know if you have any questions
I would be happy to take your questions now
! Graphs! ! Your teacher will now supply you with materials to explain how to present graphs and pie charts. This part of the lesson plan will require you to study at least 3 hours outside of a classroom environment. This part of the course will take two classes to complete.
Making comparisons
Stating the differences or features and benefits between products can make all the difference. A good technique is to list the advantages and disadvantages in your mother tongue on a chosen product or service that you are very familiar with and see if you can state them in English. The following role play tasks are to test your ability to apply this concept.
01. Present the differences between two mobile phones of your choice.
02. Present the differences between buying a property and renting one. 03. Present the differences between staying in a job for ten years and moving jobs every 2 years. 04. Present the differences between attending a private school and a state school.
Your teacher will assist you through your presentation to demonstrate how voice tones can influence an audience or defend your opinion.
“Work smarter not harder!” We suggest that you study comparative and superlative structures outside a class room environment to help you to understand this task.
“Increase sales, build business and give your presentations a lasting impression‌..â€?
Role play 1
Role play 2
Present a product or service that your company offers. Remember that you must indicate the features and benefits of them.
Give a presentation on your mobile phone. Convince the audience how passionate you are about it and its functions by stressing keywords in your sentences.
You will have to improvise this task by pretending that you have a projector or flip chart. Your objective is to use the format indicated within this lesson plan.
Make comparisons against other phones. You must improvise this task.
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21 !
“proud to be different!�
Feedback We hope that you found this course both informative and educational. Please share your experience with others by sending us a testimonial, thank you The one2one team
22! “Traditional values, modern methods”
“Practice makes perfect”
Support notes “Its not what a presenter says but more how they say it that counts” Practice makes perfect and preparing for a presentation is key. You can use rhetorical questions such as- “What does this mean? Let me tell you…..”. This technique is used to keep the audiences concentration level and provides a higher level of interaction between the speaker and audience.
Chunking Another technique often used is called “chunking” this is where groups of words are separated with a pause or a change of pitch. Some speakers prefer to lengthen a syllable to signal the end of a chunk. Very often a combination of stress, intonation and chunking can change the very meaning of how an audience interprets the presentation.
The fundamental principles applied to presentations can help with the following processes: meetings, job interviews and client interaction. Use the audio recordings made during this course to identify with your voice tones. Practice in front of a mirror to observe body posture and eye contact. Finally you are only as good as your last presentation, so don’t get complacent and keep trying to improve.
Pronunciation As teachers, we assist with accent reduction but only for the purposes of being understood at a high level. Can I change my accent? Yes, an accent can be changed but it involves significant practice, something most modern lifestyles does not permit. Can I practice a presentation with you? Yes, we are happy to help you to practice for a presentation and help you to identify with errors. Simply book an individual class from our website. What other courses do you do? We have a number of specialist courses to include: immigration, exam preparation, business English to name a few. We suggest that you identify with your future needs or long term goals.
The learning Curve “prepare for a presentation with one2one”
“learning is a process” We know that it’s hard to learn if you don’t have a chance to apply. Many students get little opportunity to maintain their level or practice the language. The one2one team are here for you to do just that, you can pay for individual classes whenever you need them. If you decide to book a course you can mix lessons between teachers and choose the number of weeks between classes (please refer to our Terms & Conditions). » Our flexible learning system means that you can now practice for a presentation, meeting or that all important interview. » Audio files are large and occupy considerable space on your computer. We recommend using gmail cloud storage, it’s free and allows you to access them whenever you need them on any of your devices.
“Leave your audience wanting more”
Stand out “If they remember your presentation, they will remember you!”
Confidence “Practice makes perfect”
Confidential Service Whatever level you are, we are here to help you to win.
Spotlight Realistic role plays that challenge you.
Flexibility! Take one step at a time whenever you want to. 30
Choice ! ! !
• Interview practice • Immigration • Sales training • Negotiating • HR Question formation • Telephone training • Children’s classes • Business English • Meeting structures • Grammar building • Vocabulary Development • Business introductions • Question formation - Recruitment • Email courses • Legal • Medical • Engineering • Project management
! ! ! ! 33
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